• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen May 3rd, 2021


More Blog Posts27

  • 348 weeks
    Shifting covers for shifting sands

    Many of you may be wondering what is taking so long for the next update. Sadly, life causes all kinds of interruptions. I was recently hired to work at a location some sixty miles from where I currently reside, and thus travel and work have taken a huge bite out of the time I have available to do fun things like write and game.

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    1 comments · 501 views
  • 354 weeks
    Starlight's Shifting Sands status update

    I know this story is one that a good number of people have been enjoying so far, and I want to assuage any panic immediately due to the long break since the most recent chapter: this story will be continuing soon.

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    1 comments · 372 views
  • 393 weeks
    This is the fifth time my computer has failed to save this chapter...

    I'm getting quite sick of this happening. Sorry about the absolutely massive delay.

    3 comments · 358 views
  • 399 weeks
    New delays

    I do once again apologize for the lack of timely updates. Part of this has to do with the recent heat wave weather sapping all of my energy in my free time.

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    2 comments · 403 views
  • 400 weeks
    Future plans...

    So, in addition to my plans for each independent sapient race to have a zerg hive corruption event (ponies count as one race regardless of subtype) I have ambitious plans to introduce transformers elements as another factor of setting mythos, and I'm going to start BIG with 'Five Ancient Colossi:'

    The Iron Bulette. (Rippersnapper)
    The Bone Roc. (Cutthroat)
    The Gold Orthos. (Sinnertwin)

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    5 comments · 507 views

Starlight's Shifting Sands status update · 7:57am Apr 21st, 2018

I know this story is one that a good number of people have been enjoying so far, and I want to assuage any panic immediately due to the long break since the most recent chapter: this story will be continuing soon.

This story started out as a chat between Shagohad and I about a silly idea that he thought probably wouldn't work out, and believe me when I say that both of us are overjoyed at the reception so far. This story WILL be continuing, and likely soon, but the two of us also have other projects and real life that get in the way. This story has also helped to generally demolish the massive case of writer's block I was suffering from and allowed me to finally continue one of the other stories that has been simmering on the back burner of my mind since a series of unfortunate power failures.

I have also just recently started a new job which currently has a daily commute of over 120 total miles travelled, and am looking for a new apartment MUCH closer to work because YIKES!

tl:dr While I cannot give any solid dates, this story is so not dead because both authors are enjoying writing it! Real life issues simply take priority.

Report Voldine · 372 views · Story: Starlight's Shifting Sands · #delay
Comments ( 1 )

IRL takes priority. There aren't many exceptions to dispute this fact

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