Why do I write? Because it's fun! :D
I am Pen Dragon, creator of Beyond Infinity and A New Destiny, and my goal is simply to make stories about ponies that find infinity stones that destroy the universe.
I do readings and such. If your curious check out Fire Hearth Studios on YouTube! Or just msg me via discord (name below)/ directly get in touch via email!
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes
You think my weapons make me dangerous? Good, keep thinking that.
Fanfic Reader, Voice Actor, Narrator, and Artist
I'm just really into shipping ponies with each other. They/them. Call me Tik.
I'm here to read fics and chew bubble gum... And Pinkie stole all my gum.
Artsy Fartsy!!! Find me on youtube and DA @MCShelster
"What we wish, we readily believe, and what we ourselves think, we imagine others think also." -Julius Caesar. TCP Discord is available. Please send a DM!
Just an adventure/mystery fanfiction-writing brony from the state of Vermont who hopes that you enjoy his work.
"Anything described can be described s'more." -the Lolly Family
It's never as bad as it seems. In this world there is right and there is wrong, and that distinction is not difficult to make. You're much stronger than you think you are. Trust me.