• Member Since 7th May, 2014
  • offline last seen May 14th

Hoodwinked MCShelster

Artsy Fartsy!!! Find me on youtube and DA @MCShelster

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Found 6 stories in 15ms

Total Words: 13,322
Estimated Reading: 53 minutes


Rainbow Dash lays down for her afternoon nap and acquires the pink party pony to guard her from any disturbances and meanie ponies. However, can Pinkie withstand the difficult job of spotting the elusive pranksters and keeping quiet herself? Takes place right before season 4

Chapters (1)

What happened when Starlight Glimmer stopped the sonic rainboom. What happened that fateful night when Twilight was suppose to stop Nightmare Moon. That night, when Celestia's defeat that lead to the rocky beginnings of the Lunar Empire that mane 6 failed to stop.

Chapters (1)

It's the dawn of Hearts and Hooves Day. Like every year, Roseluck is just going to run her shop for the poor stallions and colts that forgot to buy their marefriends a gift, all by herself since her friends even had dates. Maybe after that'd she'd watch some movies by herself like every year. However, unknown to her, plans have changed for this Hearts and Hooves day...

Chapters (1)

It's a quiet day with in the castle of the two sisters. Luna goes through the day as usual, carrying out her duty as the lone princess of Equestria after Celestia's mysterious disappearance. Her patience is tested as the castle's condition has dwindled since the vanishing of her more level headed sister. Many ponies have been thrown into the dungeons in the wake of her new found role. The princess of the night can only help but feel down about her situation and miss her elder sibling. She doesn't have time to mourn now, for she must run the kingdom even with the lack of knowledge or experience.
Not like she needs it though, for thing aren't what they really seem...

Chapters (1)

Hoodwink is on leave and stopping by her friends' house in Appleloosa. Late at night she awaken to a crash in the kitchen. When she gets down she's greeted by robbers. When one escapes, it becomes her mission to bring down justice on these criminals, but is she dealing with more than just some petty thieves?

Chapters (5)

Private Hoodwink is a petite unicorn mare working at the FOB with in the Deadhoof Badlands. She was constantly being picked on by her higher ranking enlisted and she couldn't do anything about it. Well, she finally has had enough of it. When given the chance to expose the bullies, she is outraged by the lack of punishment for such mental and physical abuse, and takes out her rage... on the heads of the FOB and in an unexpected way. Read this humorous and just plain adorable story with Hoodwink, her friend, Bubbly Turtle, and... FOALS!
Are they ready for the chaos of these military colts?
Find out.

Chapters (3)