• Member Since 3rd May, 2014
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Names R.A. Spook. Website. Patreon. Kofi.

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Probably some of the dumbest shit I have written to date. This exists solely because I was told not to make it by my Editor, who refused to have anything to do with the idea because it was so stupid.

So naturally, I did it anyway. Sorry, Kurtis. It's just way too funny to watch you squirm <3

Heavily ripped off from inspired by the Yujiro Vs. Series on the SuperXavier Youtube Channel, and driven almost entirely by spite, irony, and ill-advised quantities of weekend cannabis consumption.

If you are familiar with the series, you already know what to expect. if not well...I 'm sure it'll become apparent rather quickly. :trollestia:

Chapters (1)

Anon has roamed the earth for countless years now. All of his friends have long since moved on from this world, leaving only him to remember the way things once were.

But maybe tonight, that can change. Not all at once, but slowly, with just a gentle push, maybe things can begin to go back to the way they used to be.

Just a silly little short story that I had a sudden burst of inspiration for. Sorry if it isn't the most polished, but I had a blast writing it ^^

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Anon Buys the Everfree Forest

Anon is here and still very much on his bullshit. While he now has the run of his expansive property, not only does he have to assure his sovereign soil receives proper international recognition, he now has a flock of citizens seeking his guidance, expertise, and wisdom.

Ah well, one out of three isn't so bad, right?

Art is once again by me, lol.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Horsefeathers!: A Matter of Taste.

As exhilarating as her last experience walking in the claws and paws of a griffon was, Twilight of course decided to continue her research, this time intent on learning more about the art of Inter-species friendship. While this research may not be strictly scientific, she has fun with it nonetheless.

Another Patreon Reward ^^

Chapters (1)

Anon has had it up to his head with his dead-end job as a busboy in a shithole franchise joint. Lucky for him, he has a week of paid vacation to think it over, just enough time to dip his toes into the waters for some more...unorthodox employment opportunities.

Chapters (2)

It seems that Twilight has finally finished reverse engineering the transformation magic of the changelings! oF course, she immediately sees to sating her curiosity.

A Patreon Tier reward.

Chapters (1)

Anon doesn't dislike the ponies in his life per se. he just...doesn't think he should involve himself. They are all doing so well for themselves, and he can take care of himself.

He's always been able to take care of himself.

Chapters (2)

Anon is tired of the hectic day-to-day of living amongst the ponyfolk and decides to purchase some land in the Everfree to have some peace and quiet all by his lonesome. How much land you ask? All of it

Join me in watching as Anon sorts out the bits and bobs of his newfound assets. It is sure to be a ride, and definitely not a smooth one.

Join our Discord Server here if you want updates as soon as new chapters are posted and dank memes.

Takes place starting shortly after the conclusion of Slice of Life.

Featured for Nine Consecutive days from 6-20-21 to 6-29-21!

Check out the audiobook by Straighttothepoint!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhMoe4RfYz0

Chapters (7)

A commission for user Yakopak, wherein Rainbow Dash and the newly displaced resident human share a chill bro moment over some wholesome family-friendly hallucinogenic drugs.

Audiobook by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan can be listened to Here!

Chapters (1)

But yeah it probably is. This is going to be my take in the Generic Anon in Equestria trope, freestyled from the beginning of Bridle Gossip at the request of the purchaser. Shennanigans shall most likely ensue. Contains excessive philosophical discussion, pseudoscientific worldbuilding mumbo jumbo, and a light dash of casual humor.

Cover art by Twitter artist Andaluce!

Join our Discord Server here if you want updates as soon as new chapters are posted and dank memes.

If you would like to contribute to the continuation of this story and others like it, you can subscribe to me on Patreon!

Featured seven fucking days running since 2/13/2021 holy shit you guys this is insane :0

Check out a sweet audiobook reading of the first half of the first chapter here, by a wonderful fan ^^.

Chapters (10)