• Member Since 11th May, 2015
  • offline last seen July 2nd


I'm just really into shipping ponies with each other. They/them. Call me Tik.

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Pitch Petaltrail headcanons · 5:36am Nov 23rd, 2021

Anyway in case you didn't notice (how???) I'm a huge Pipp x Hitch shipper so here's a bunch of headcanons of them being a couple:

Pipp is very clingy. She always has to have at least a little bit of physical contact whenever Hitch is around. Hugging, tucking him under her wings, hoof-holding (how does that work actually??) you name it, Pipp does it.

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Comments ( 20 )
  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20

Ahhh this was so fun to listen to! The reading was immersive and I loved the small sound effects by the end of the story. The intonation on Sprout's dialogue was perfect. I also am glad you found it relatable.
Thanks a lot for doing this, it was amazing!

Basically it's a group that either talks about what they like about the show or what they don't like and in general basically we just talk about random stuff not just only My Little Pony but also like video games movies shows or something like that Friendship is Awesome is basically people showing like their oc characters

Uh, sure, what's the group about?

  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20
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