
Viewing 1 - 20 of 281 results

Headcanon: On Alicorns · 4:24am Jan 23rd, 2019

Writing up some of my personal thoughts an alicorns. This is only my own and while my own stories will hold to it, you don't have to know it to read and enjoy them.

  • Alicorns are not Immortal

    While alicorns can live longer than most ponies, they are not immortal and age just like normal. The reason why Celestia and Luna are as old as they are is their connection to the sun and moon respectively. Being connected to a celestial body does that to a pony.

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Report Winter Quill · 606 views · #headcanon

[Random Headcanon Party]: Because I'm Booooored! · 3:50am Oct 12th, 2015

I'm a bored donkey, so I'll give you a snippet of what goes on in my dorky brain while I write stories. Think I don't plan anything out? Well, I do, it's just ALL in my head. Every character I write has some sort of backstory (canon or OC), and almost all have extremely detailed backstories. What? Seriously? Yup. Here's a little of what I've got. Plus some awesome art I found too!

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Report Bluegrass Brooke · 612 views · #headcanon

My headcan(n)on is that Fluttershy and Big Macintosh would be a great couple! · 10:57am Feb 25th, 2015

Report Solid Punch · 369 views · #headcanon

Random Headcanons 2 · 9:54pm Feb 14th, 2017

1. Before he fully got into politics, Fancy Pants was a popular comedian and satirist. He, along with some of his friends, written and acted on comedy skits which were known for their random nonsense. Fancy Pants still does some comedy in special occasions to the delight of his fans.

2. The Mane 6's height after Twilight's ascension goes as follows, shortest first; Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Twilight, Fluttershy.

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Report La Vallett1 · 355 views · #headcanons

I got thinking... · 9:39pm May 31st, 2016

Due to some stories in the popular section, I got thinking....
Are Sunburst and Sunset Shimmer related? Specifically something like brother and sister?
They share similar names, color style, and potential in magic. (Sunset more so than Sunburst)
Do you think that Sunburst could be a Shimmer?
Let me know in the comments.

Report Draconaquest · 317 views · #headcanon

Changeling Biology · 11:37pm Aug 8th, 2014

Hello, and welcome to all the new people that have followed over the past week. I don't do the blog thing very often, but I have some thoughts to organize. Feedback would be appreciated.

As you can guess from the title, this will concern changelings. I'm currently planning out a multi-chapter story featuring a changeling as one of two main characters. This will probably end up as my longest story, so I want to get it right before cranking out words.

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Report Minds Eye · 2,291 views · #headcanon

What are some of your headcanons? · 9:13pm Jan 22nd, 2021

Just out of pure curiosity. This can be about anything in mlp.

My personal favorite of mine is the Royal Changeling headcannon, as well as Thorax and Pharynx being twins.

Report CitreneSkys · 216 views · #Headcanons?

20 headcanons about Blackout · 7:26am Feb 20th, 2016

(A little thing that popped into me' noggin do headcanons about your OC to get to know them better)

1: Blackout is a con-artist

2: Blackout is the type of person that always knows a guy

3: he has an artifact that can revive the dead. But only uses it when he needs info since it doesn't last long

4: he has very crude and twisted humor

5: human Blackout is a hacker

6: Blackout often thinks he's a "Fucking Jedi" as he would put it

7: his favorite food are hayburgers

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Report DATSATOILET · 470 views · #Headcanon

My little head-canon: the matters of Equestria's national security · 10:14am Aug 5th, 2014

In my previous blog post I explained my vision about some things with body transformations in the show. Now I will explain, how this thing affected Equestrian government and why it works the way it is in the show.

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Report Solid Punch · 336 views · #headcanon

Mlp Parenting Headcannons · 6:52am Jan 15th, 2021

These are just headcannons, please don’t get mad at me-


Nothing special, usually one or two ponies are involved in a foals childhood, and are responsible for taking care of them. Ponies are boring, moving on!


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Report CitreneSkys · 223 views · #headcanons

Pony nation, pony naming traditions and cutiemarks · 12:59pm Sep 22nd, 2015

Two years of observations taught me that pony names are almost always connected with their special talent and/or form of their cutiemark. Why? They have names from the beginning of their lives, and discover their special talents and gain cutiemarks later, how can their parents be so accurate with naming?

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Report Solid Punch · 361 views · #headcanon

Headcanon: Random Ponies (and Creatures) · 8:16am Feb 6th, 2019

Since the last one went reasonable well, It thought I would write up more of my headcanons, this time focusing on some of the other ponies. Not much of a theme past that.

Gallus’s father was a pony who was turned into a griffon for a one night stand. He has no idea he had a son from it. This is why his colors are more like a pony then a griffon, and also why his mother abandoned him. Yes, it sucks.

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Report Winter Quill · 482 views · #headcanon

Names for Days and Months on Equus · 10:25pm Dec 2nd, 2020

They wouldn't be exactly alike compared to Earth's calendar, they have to be different considering it's another world with its own history and lore.


Thorax: What's this flame thingy? Ooh it's pretty! · 8:37am Jan 13th, 2021


Random Headcanons 3 · 8:12pm Mar 5th, 2017

1. Luna does not wish to be associated with and denounces the extremist anti-Celestia group New Lunar Republic.

2. Flurry Heart will be tutored and trained for royal and army duties in the Crystal Empire. Two years after joining the Crystal Army as an officer, she will resign and decide to earn a living hunting and slaying monsters through contract. Cadence and Shining Armour will not be happy at their daughter's decision.

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Report La Vallett1 · 398 views · #headcanons

Random Headcanons 1 · 9:08pm Feb 7th, 2017

1. Celestia and Luna both snore loudly in their sleep. That's one of their reasons as to why their rooms are soundproofed.

2. Fluttershy and Celestia are both related as cousins from Fluttershy's Earth pony ancestor thousands of years ago.

3. Pinkie Pie once attempted to sing in Equestriavision Song Contest under Ponyville's banner. She was voted 2nd. place and was beaten by Cloudsdale with only 2 points. Many Ponyville locals weren't very happy at the result.

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Report La Vallett1 · 433 views · #headcanons

My Canon, it Survived! · 9:04pm Mar 26th, 2016

Yep, I just figured out how to reconcile what happened in today's episode with the ongoing Silver Saga. Damage: 0.

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Report David Silver · 729 views · #headcanon

Headcanon Time · 9:47pm Mar 20th, 2018

Among dragons, each of the princesses has her own badass epithet, based on her perceived embodiment of some draconic virtue.

Celestia is She Whose Fire Burns Hottest
Luna is She Whose Hoard Is Richest
Twilight Sparkle is She Whose Hunger Cannot Be Sated
Cadance is She Whose Passion Consumes All

Report nemryn · 596 views · #headcanon

Random Headcanons 4 · 9:53pm Mar 30th, 2017

1. Celestia works in the royal forge as a hobby. Forging is also her preferred means to vent her bottled up frustrations.

2. Apple Bloom's usually hidden freckles appear during warm days.

3. The heights of the CMC and other similar-aged foals shortest first: Pipsqueak, Scootaloo, Dinky, Rumble, Diamond Tiara, Button Mash, Silver Spoon, Tender Taps, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Babs Seed.

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Report La Vallett1 · 274 views · #headcanons

Random Announcement · 2:34am Jul 16th, 2017

Remember the season 5 finale of Friendship is Magic? That was chalk full of Fallout: Equestria references. It even had the Equestrian Wasteland itself! Yay! That means as of The Cutie Re-mark: Part 2, Fallout: Equestria is technically somewhat canon now!:pinkiehappy:

Viewing 1 - 20 of 281 results