• Member Since 6th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 27th, 2018


And now it's time for one last bow, like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now. The clock is striking twelve's.

More Blog Posts595

  • 341 weeks
    Guys...I'm gonna get real here... (IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT)

    My time is running short. No, I'm not dying.
    I mean my time here. On FiMFic.

    I've noticed recently that I've been spending less and less time here. During December I posted only one blog and it was a joke referencing Doki Doki Literature Club. I never posted a blog for Christmas or the New Year or even the 'monthly update' that I'd been doing.

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    6 comments · 607 views
  • 344 weeks
    Just Monika

    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika
    Just Monika

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    1 comments · 426 views
  • 348 weeks
    Happy Thanks...giving...uh...

    Yeah, I don't like Thanksgiving. In the slightest.

    You know what, screw Thanksgiving! I have a different holiday to celebrate!

    Happy 54th Anniversary, Doctor Who!

    1 comments · 360 views
  • 349 weeks

    2 comments · 424 views
  • 350 weeks
    My thoughts on the MLP Movie

    So I finally had the chance to see the MLP movie, and now I shall convey my thoughts on it. I'll do the basics, and then I'll do the specifics for the few none of you that care.
    Was it good?
    Was it great?
    Now for the details:

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    8 comments · 511 views

I got thinking... · 9:39pm May 31st, 2016

Due to some stories in the popular section, I got thinking....
Are Sunburst and Sunset Shimmer related? Specifically something like brother and sister?
They share similar names, color style, and potential in magic. (Sunset more so than Sunburst)
Do you think that Sunburst could be a Shimmer?
Let me know in the comments.

Report Draconaquest · 318 views · #headcanon
Comments ( 4 )

Yes, yes I do!

Make it a fanfiction! :pinkiecrazy:

It could be possible.....:pinkiegasp:

I think they are indeed related as siblings. Who knows what's gonna happen later in Season 6.

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