• Member Since 21st Jul, 2011
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  • 313 weeks
    Trotcon Trip Report, In Numbers

    Panels attended: 2

    Games of Smash Bros won: 0

    Dinosaurs busting moves: 1

    Exits missed on the drive: 3

    Admiral Biscuits met: 1

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  • 331 weeks
    Headcanon Time

    Among dragons, each of the princesses has her own badass epithet, based on her perceived embodiment of some draconic virtue.

    Celestia is She Whose Fire Burns Hottest
    Luna is She Whose Hoard Is Richest
    Twilight Sparkle is She Whose Hunger Cannot Be Sated
    Cadance is She Whose Passion Consumes All

    11 comments · 596 views
  • 499 weeks
    FimFiction Pet Peeve

    Given that:

    A) It's generally widely accepted that Equestria's cultural and technological development, relative to ours, only goes up to somewhere in the '80s at the very latest;
    B) The only video game we've seen in canon is an arcade cabinet (in 'Hearts and Hooves Day');

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  • 583 weeks
    In Which Pinkie Pie Finds Rainbow Dash's Birth Certificate

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    "Still, though! I've never heard of any pegasus Maneonites! I thought that was just an earth pony thing!"

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  • 596 weeks
    Magical Mystery Cure review

    Okay Rainbow, I think your Daring Do LARP has gone a little too far.

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Headcanon Time · 9:47pm Mar 20th, 2018

Among dragons, each of the princesses has her own badass epithet, based on her perceived embodiment of some draconic virtue.

Celestia is She Whose Fire Burns Hottest
Luna is She Whose Hoard Is Richest
Twilight Sparkle is She Whose Hunger Cannot Be Sated
Cadance is She Whose Passion Consumes All

Report nemryn · 596 views · #headcanon
Comments ( 11 )

Headcanon accepted. Flurry Heart is, of course, She Who All Fear.

I feel pretty confident that Flurry’s is the same among dragons as it is among all creatures.


I like Twilight's epithet.

Dangit, now I've got vague ideas for Dragonlord Sparkle.

That's intriguing. I'm especially intrigue to know whether Spike ever refers to Twilight like that when she's not listening!

I'll buy that. But why is Twilight the hungry one?

Nice work. Also hey I thought you were dead, so congrats on being alive.
Her hunger for knowledge knows no end.

I first read cadence as “she whore passion consumes all”

Somehow I think she’d take being called a slut as an honor.

In her case, I bet it refers to her hunger for more knowledge and more books. :twilightblush:

That is pretty damn cool, I've gotta steal BORROW that at some point myself.

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