• Member Since 11th Feb, 2014
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My passions consume me https://ko-fi.com/crimsonwolf360 or https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4398966 if you wish to help them consume me further. Also I have a discord now https://discord.gg/BvKqTMEnjN


We broke 1k followers! · 9:03pm April 12th

The day is finally upon us! We broke 1000 followers! Woohoo! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you to all of you for following me on here. It really does mean a lot and I can't tell you how much I appreciate you guys following my work. It's been a long road but hopefully there's many more fun stories to be had.

Thank you all for 1k and I hope to see 2k one day!

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I have made a Discord server · 3:34pm Aug 11th, 2023

Hey everyone! So as the title says, I have finally made a discord server. If you'd like to go over there and hang out with me, we're building something of a community. I'll be posting updates there on stories and writing, as well as streaming art and other shenanigans. I hope to see some of you there :D


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Tomorrow's the Big Day · 8:15pm Jun 4th, 2023

Hello everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know that All's Fair 2 will be going live tomorrow! I'm super excited to post the story and I can't wait for you all to see it. It's been a long time coming, but we're finally there. I hope to see a lot of you tomorrow when it goes live :D

Report CrimsonWolf360 · 407 views ·

It's Live! · 1:35am May 30th, 2023

Hey guys! Great news! The Patreon is officially live! If you'd like to head on over and support me, as well as get early access to the story, go check it out!


Report CrimsonWolf360 · 321 views · #Patreon

Patreon · 8:50pm May 29th, 2023

Hey all, so this is a bit of an embarrassing post to have to make but I did not realize that there is an approval process for Patreon pages lol. I have attempted to publish the page, but it is under review at the moment, so I cannot say when it will be live. I'm hoping that tonight it will go live, but since it's Memorial day, it might not. So unfortunately, the patreon rewards might be a day behind what I'm promising, but I don't want to delay another week for either the Patreon or public

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News · 3:35am May 26th, 2023

Hello everyone. So I have exciting news finally. I have returned from my trip to Europe in one piece, and actually managed to do some writing while I was there. the first 20 chapters of All's Fair 2 are finished, and ready for posting. I just need to do some minor editing to get them to flow the way I want and make them perfect.

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Exciting News · 11:12pm May 11th, 2023

Hey everyone. I know I've been shilling Patreon and Ko-fi lately, but I finally have some good news for you all. I am just about ready to start posting the sequel to All's Fair. This has been a long time coming and I am so happy to finally be able to give something to you all for your patience. I've been busting my ass these last few weeks and I'd like to think that it's really shown.

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Ko-fi · 2:03am Apr 27th, 2023

Hey guys, so as a little follow up to my last blog post, I have gone ahead and made a Patreon as well as a ko-fi account. Both are ways of supporting me if you wish, and both offer memberships if you want access to stories/chapters early. I'm not 100% sure how I'm gonna make this all work and I don't expect to have content flowing constantly 365 days a year, but if people start to support me, then I will absolutely try my hardest. I'm just not sure if I can always come up with creative ideas or

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Report CrimsonWolf360 · 208 views ·

Patreon? · 6:12am Apr 24th, 2023

Hey all. So, I really hate to be writing this, but the situation in my life has kinda made it tough. Firstly, I just want to make it clear that I'm not in danger of being homeless or anything like that, but recently I had to quit my job due to a move. I currently just have disability from the VA for my service connected injuries and such, but it's not really enough to get by on my own and whatnot.

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All's Fair in Love and War 2 · 3:33am Apr 8th, 2023

Hey everyone. I know it's been a while since I did one of these, and I'm sure many of you are wondering where the hell All's Fair 2 is. Well, as much as I'd love to tell you that it is coming next week or something, I simply can't. I've ran into a bit of a snag with the story and basically had to rewrite almost everything I'd written. So rather than being at about 15 chapters done like I planned by this point, I'm only working on chapter 11 right now. So that sucks.

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