• Member Since 5th Feb, 2019
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Silent Wing

A Pony that loves to read, to write, and is obsessed with video games


In chapter 32 of Responsibilities Discord turned Blank Page into a mare for a "short" time. This here is a take on how it could have turned out differently.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

This story has the feeling of the comment section we use to add content to the existing story :rainbowlaugh:
Nice possible addition :rainbowdetermined2:👍

Thanks, just a fun thing I came up with. Now I am wondering what the little one might be

"Is that all," Discord response, raising an eyebrow questioningly. As Luna doesn't respond, expect for her checks turning pink, he continues his questioning. "So you didn't turn yourself into a stallion, so that you could show him how nice being a mare can be?"


Pretty sure this might make things turn actually more comically complicated.

Comment posted by Flashgo deleted April 5th

Great story, when discord fell over I had a feeling of what happened. When he said can't, it was confirmed. These alt story line shorts are always good for a laugh.🤣

Thanks for pointing that out.

Happy to hear that you enjoyed it. Maybe there will be anlther one in the future, but for now I am out of ideas.

:rainbowlaugh: That ending...

Sgt Murphy: See!!!! This is what happens when you add Fun to some Chaos! :rainbowlaugh:

I could see in Page's mind while Fluttershy is hugging her is this *DISCORD!!!!!!! I'm gonna Fucking KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!*:flutterrage:

Nah, Fluttershy is more like "You'll help them make foals before we even get started??? I am very disapointed with you."

I said in Page's mind, not Fluttershys.

Sorry, my bad. My brain doesn't work propperly when it's so hot like now...

Highs for today is 86°F with middle levels of humidity

Sorry to hear that, though i already stop working properly by 70°F.

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