• Member Since 16th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I also write stories at http://forum.spacebattles.com



This story is a sequel to Secret of Flying

Blank Page continues his life in Equestria. Everything seems to be going his way for once... hah! Like that would ever realistically happen.

Even if nopony else did anything, he could get himself into plenty of trouble all on his own. 

So, while Equestria seems peaceful for now, that may change. Or at the very least, he'll manage to make his life interesting for himself.

Whether he likes it or not.

Big massive thanks to Sipioc for the cover art!

Chapters (47)
Comments ( 1674 )

Haven't even started to read and my hype meters are close to Breaking right now.:pinkiehappy:

YESSSSS! My FAV series is back!!!!!!!!!!

I was just starting wondering when you were going to start the new story.

a part of me wants to sit this out so i can hop in and get to read a ton of chapters in one go. but on the other hand i also just want to read each chapter immediately like i just did...

Decisions decisions.

Fucking right, been waiting on you to come back!


Let us all Rejoice for our beloved hiver is back

Blank Page Lives!

I was wondering how much longer ya was gonna make us wait.

*sees new story
Was this my doing? Have I summoned Hiver from the depths with my sacrifice of pone-werdz?

Good to see something new, I'll tuck into this in the morning.

Time to toss damn near every other story in the trash.

You have my full attention.

Yay! Your back! I am excited to see what happens to Blank Page in the chapters come

Oh hey, it's that time of year again huh? Sweet, I'll just wait a few months and then read the whole series again, as I do every time.

Huzzah!!! We’re back again!!!This is the moment I’ve been waiting for! I finally have a reason to regularly come back to this site!


With Hiver's return from pure Spacebattles back to FIMFiction, I would like to take a moment to direct people to this series' TVTropes page.

Yes, this pleases me.
In the emperors name i demand more!

*squeeee* (yes my coworkers are looking at me like I’m crazy)
Won’t get to read it for a few hours but seeing this just made my workday a whole lot better 😃

Back at it again with the popcorn chapters hehe

Gasp! It’s here!!!


Welcome back Hiver! We missed yah!

Whelp, it’s that time again everyone. Settle in and prepare, this promises to be another grand adventure with our Favorite Human turned Pony.

Show your support and be sure to join the official Hiver Pageverse group

Its Princess Skitter!!!! now

Oh shit, sequel's up! Christmas came early!

I forgot how much I love these two! I demand more chapters as recompense.

Ohh, the typos in the description alone!

She will always be ‘Skitter’ to me. And that’s out of adoration not disrespect.

:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::heart: yeah more story love this group of characters!

“Told you.”

Who says this?

Otherwise, Yay it's back!!!!

*Sees new Blank Page story*

*insta track and like*

Hay yeah, bud.:moustache:

not even a 1000 words and I'm laughing at BP and Sunny's relation. This is gonna be awesome!:rainbowlaugh:

Our favorite Changeling! Whoop!

Where my tea and biscuits at??

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”

This. I truely missed this.

Where are the royal guard when you need them? Dungeons! To the dungeons with her!

One million years dungeon!

thank the stars for your awesome writing style, if this wasn't featured, I would of missed it

Oh yesssssss been waiting for this to come out. just finished rereading the other stories yesterday. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the update!

Firstly: Yay! You're back!

Secondly, typos from the story description:

Blank Page continues his life in Equestria. Everything seems to be going his way for once... hah! Like that would ever realistically happen.

Even if nopony else did something,("anything" would likely fit better) he could get himself into plenty of trouble all on his own. Sounds somewhat awkward, perhaps adding punctuation?)

So,(comma) while Equestria seems peaceful for now, that make may change. Or at the very least, he'll manage to make his life interesting for himself.

Whether he likes it or not. (period)

Now, to dive in!

Woo! New Update!
Awesome start, looking forward to see where it will go.

There is nothing like having a best friend :rainbowlaugh:

Loved the chapter, but one small thing. In your title summary you misspelled the word may and used make instead. I wouldn't normally bring it up but it's sitting directly in the middle of the cover page and I can't take my eyes off it.


It's been too long...just too long...

Awesome seeing a new entry in the series, great work. :twilightsmile:
Just a heads up, I think you made a typo in the summary:

So while Equestria seems peaceful for now, that make change. Or at the very least, he'll manage to make his life interesting for himself.

Shouldn't that be, that may change? :derpytongue2:

I see your ability to make absolutely normal situations be interesting to read about remains unaffected

Marefriend? I thought Page and Luna where going to get married. So wouldn't that make Luna Page's fiancée?

Finally all caught up in this series, and I have only one thing thing to say. I LOVE IT!:pinkiehappy:

I look forward to seeing what happens next in the life and misadventures of our hero.

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