• Member Since 14th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


A fropessional artist. need art? I'm your guy

Blog Posts

  • 64 weeks
    I'm back! and I am OPEN FOR COMMISSIONS

    hello all :)

    just want to update ya'll that I am open for commissions again
    Though I'm only open for lineart, solid color, and cell shaded commissions atm. If you want a rendered/painted style commission, sorry to say I can't commit to them at the moment
    so if you want art for your fic or some personal art, feel free to message me!

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    3 comments · 114 views
  • 213 weeks
    My Kamvas just arrived

    I finally got my new Kamvas 13
    and it is greaaaaaat :D :D :D it feels so good to draw in and the colors look accurate
    Imma draw some more horses on this bad boi

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    2 comments · 276 views
  • 216 weeks
    The Lazy Artist's guide to windows

    I've found that drawing windows for buildings SUCK
    they're time consuming, you have to have set ups and guides to align them perfectly,
    and even if you do align them, they tend to look too clean and mechanical that it's plain...UGLY
    so here is my guide to to a rougher and faster way to draw windows

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    1 comments · 285 views
  • 216 weeks
    Commissions I've done so far

    Here's a collection of commissions I've finished

    Splintershard - TheMajorTechie

    Voices of the Father - Exhalted Aussie

    [Unreleased] - Exhalted Aussie

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    6 comments · 767 views
  • 217 weeks
    Commission rates update (starting June)

    Hey everyone,
    my first blog post :D

    I'm really happy with the frequency of commissions im getting from this site
    Thank you to everyone who commissioned me for artworks, I'm very happy to draw for your wonderful stories
    it beats the graphic design work I do for businesses and clients.
    Doing art for stories and characters is truly where I find the most satisfaction creatively
    So I would really love to do these freelance cover artist work full time

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    4 comments · 277 views

Art Commissions


I'm back! and I am OPEN FOR COMMISSIONS · 11:27am Apr 30th, 2023

hello all :)

just want to update ya'll that I am open for commissions again
Though I'm only open for lineart, solid color, and cell shaded commissions atm. If you want a rendered/painted style commission, sorry to say I can't commit to them at the moment
so if you want art for your fic or some personal art, feel free to message me!

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Report JodTheCod · 114 views ·
Comments ( 6 )
  • Viewing 1 - 6 of 6

Hey hey :D
Feel free to send me a message

Hey there! I'm interested in nabbing a commission. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the follow :)

Cool art! I'll have to keep you in mind if I ever want a commission.

  • Viewing 1 - 6 of 6
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