• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


A gaming brony who love endulging in his hobies

Blog Posts

  • 154 weeks
    Current Updates

    it's been a while sense I wrote a blogpost, but I wanted to update everyone on how I'm doing.

    First off my health could be doing better. having painful back problems for a few weeks. but that finally went away. but currently my left arm is having a lot of issues. feeing like someone took a back to the bones on either side of the elbow. and numbness in my hand. I'm under doctor's care and wearing a brace to limited wrist movement. but it can make gaming or story writing difficult at times.

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    0 comments · 230 views
  • 170 weeks

    Hey everypony.

    I hope everyone is doing okay. if not I hope things get better. as for myself I'm doing a lot better. granted I still have my off days but at least I'm not trying to bash my head in.

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    0 comments · 260 views
  • 181 weeks
    Story Updates

    Hello my followers and any pony else who may watch my page. just to let you know I'm not gone, nor are my stories dead. I have been working heavy overtime these last few months and it doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon. I've also been working on a second story. all four chapters of which are written in rough draft.

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    1 comments · 268 views
  • 191 weeks
    Still Alive, or undead as the case may be

    I wanted all my followers and anyone who's been enjoying my story that I'm still around. and it isn't dead. I'm still working on the next chapter rather slowly. I've been working almost non stop lately. 6 days a week for the last few months.

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    1 comments · 223 views
  • 199 weeks
    New Chapter!!

    Hey Everypony

    The newest chapter of Fox of Everfree has now been posted. I had a lot of time on my hands this last week so I was able to get through editing a lot faster then usual. I hope you all enjoy it

    0 comments · 186 views

Current Updates · 7:36pm Aug 12th, 2021

it's been a while sense I wrote a blogpost, but I wanted to update everyone on how I'm doing.

First off my health could be doing better. having painful back problems for a few weeks. but that finally went away. but currently my left arm is having a lot of issues. feeing like someone took a back to the bones on either side of the elbow. and numbness in my hand. I'm under doctor's care and wearing a brace to limited wrist movement. but it can make gaming or story writing difficult at times.

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Comments ( 65 )
  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65

no problem. hope you enjoy the stories I have

Thanks for the Follow, my friend! I really appreciate it!

Howdy howdy, thank you for adding Neither to your bookshelves!

  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65
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