• Member Since 27th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen July 9th

Solaris Vult

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Making a few more fics. · 5:50am May 28th, 2021

Unfortunately, I won't be continuing Fillies and Monsters, I made the story branch out too much, making way too many diverging plot lines to be able to accurately keep track of them and I had no idea how to bring the story together... I'm also pausing work on Spellscribe, but hopefully not forever, I've just lost a bit of interest in Harry Potter. But, I am working on two new fics, one is a complete standalone story, the other is a new MLP/RWBY crossover to make up for the loss of Fillies, but

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Comments ( 43 )
  • Viewing 39 - 43 of 43

Irony is that i was brought here because of your harry potter fic, reason is say irony is because one of my viewers actually pointed me to your fic after i reviewed another harry potter x fallout equestria fic on my channel AAAirsoft Media so ill let ya know when the review is uploaded by leaving you a comment with the link to the review.

Hey dude, thanks for following me, even though I haven't written anything (yet, I have a fic idea that I want to write some day). I enjoy talking with you, and you're really one of my favorite authors on the site.


Well there is no perfect stories out there, people will always read them differently than you or I do. The pleasure of being a writer is shaping your stories on the way you see them and letting everyone else see what you mean.

I guess... I keep on taking my own stories down because I'm never happy with their quality.

  • Viewing 39 - 43 of 43
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