• Member Since 26th Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen June 20th

RealDigital dynamit

Hi I'm Digital I was having my FIM name be Digital Dynamit but I put the wrong email the first time. I write stories and daydream. OC done by RealAroximy

Blog Posts

  • 154 weeks
    Starting some more writing soon upload

    Title says it all really

    0 comments · 170 views
  • 226 weeks
    Here is the newest chapter

    Sorry I am lazy here it is short though it may be I will try to write some more soon

    0 comments · 157 views
  • 250 weeks
    The human mind

    In my opinion the human brain is 75% knowledge and memeory,10% intelligence and 15% intuition and glazed with 100% emotion and humanity and since no one uses the full capacity of the mind these percentages are mixed to form different with different personalities.

    0 comments · 174 views
  • 254 weeks
    The beginning of chapter 5 to show I am doing something.

    There have been immeasurable casualties in war. And just as many travesties. From poison gas to concentration camps, from civilian bombing to balefire bombs, no one is innocent of every horrible act possible in war, no matter how they may page themselves as saints or 'the good guys' we are all monsters, and have done monstrous things, even the Ministry of Peace committed experiments on ponies and invented megaspells, delivering them to the zebra's pre-war, I found that on an old

    Read More

    0 comments · 175 views
  • 256 weeks
    Wounded is not dead

    I am simply lazy and unmotivated due to holiday and the fact I would have to write it entirely on an IPad mini but I will not abandon it, it is my most successful story ever.

    0 comments · 186 views

Starting some more writing soon upload · 9:21am Aug 8th, 2021

Title says it all really

Comments ( 20 )
  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20

No problem; a watch for a watch.

By that I mean I was happy you are watching me.

Thx for the watch

chapter four is scheduled to release in one or two weeks
#FoE: Wounded chapter 4

Chapter 3 is at 8,233 words.

To all ponies and creatures who lower their standards enough to follow me, THANK YOU!

  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20
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