• Member Since 12th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 13th, 2013



Updated my recommendations. · 12:29pm Aug 5th, 2012

I have no idea if people actually ever gave a shit or looked at it, but I've updated the "TheOwlWBU Recommends" section on my profile page. Now with 20% less deadfic and averageness! Seriously though if you haven't read one of the stories I have linked down there, you should definitely consider doing so.

Also it's a massive pain in the glute to add new things when you're trying to organise them alphabetically, you motherfuckers had better appreciate this. Appreciate. Appreciate!

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Comments ( 12 )
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92034 Want to check out my story Ace Combat: Divided Feelings?

I've got that planned too. I was going to write that first, but this story just happened. Just part of the weird way I write :pinkiehappy:.


If you want my advice, you should give the readers a reason to like your guy.

Right now he's just immediately shipped with Derpy with no introduction, so people will just be thinking 'man, this is just some bullshit self-insert'. A flashback sequence isn't really enough to bust through that first impression... do a prequel next, and give them a reason to love Stormbolt!

I know that feeling, I have this great conclusion in my head - I just have to get into the right head space to write it.I suppose I just have to have confidence and ignore the neighsayers.


I've been doing the same thing, I'm getting really excited about this one I'm planning out. Usually I just kind of write some shit and make it up as I go along and barely finish it (The only one I have published atm was written in about 4 hours or so on a whim, and you can really tell) but I had a good idea and I can't screw around with and spoil it, so I'm writing out a detailed plot summary in advance.

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