• Member Since 19th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Vic Fontaine

Author & Editor; Chief Apprentice in Loyal's House of Fanfic; Lt. in the Army of Biscuit; Does Bad Things for Bad Horse; Runs a Nightclub on Holodeck 2.

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Bringing Mom Home · 4:01pm June 6th

Plans are set and preparations are made. Next week, Dad, myself, and my wife will be traveling back to our hometown (where much of my family is from anyway) to intern mom's urn. My dad's a veteran, so he was able to reserve a spot for him and mom in a state veteran's cemetery years ago.

Best thing I can ask from anyone who reads this is: if you've been considering making even a small donation to a medical-related cause this year, please consider giving to Alzheimer's research.

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Sorry, am away from home right now.

That's kind of you! You got a deal. ;)

Limited time offer

Photons be free!

Oh, it could be. Your just one follower away from 600. I'd be happy to give you that honor if you follow me.

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