A Question for you Readers · 6:12am Oct 23rd, 2017
Hi, everyone,
If you've checked AKS lately, you'll have noticed the old chapters have all been unsubmitted.
In the spirit of the rewrite, I am contemplating clearing the comment history of the story as well in order to provide a comments section without ~250 comments that are holdovers from previous story canon. The chapters being unpublished mean they no longer appear in chapter comment sections, but, at least on my end, are still visible in the main story menu.
you get into a good college?
1501124 Oh. I'm in public high school myself. *edges away very slowly*
1500643 GaVs? I'm looking at college pamphlets.
...I'm still concerned. Do not want to chance withdrawal...
1500628 Umm... school, and... writing. Yes. And whatever game I feel like playing every now and then.
1499909 Scared. Scared that you apparently have disintegration powers. I'm not sure why you would disintegrate the suit if you were just interested in conversation... I would start running again but I don't want to be incinerated. I'm in a bit of a fix nowi0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/387/581/283.png