• Member Since 26th Mar, 2012
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Death God

More Blog Posts219

  • 238 weeks
    Happy New Year! and Merry Belated Winter Holiday You Celebrate!(Request Artwork Inside!)

    It's weird knowing this is the first year I don't have pony episodes to look forward too... but I digress.

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    2 comments · 618 views
  • 243 weeks
    S.P.I.K.E What's it Spell?

    Hip, Hip, Hoo-Ahh! is officially submitted and passed moderation. If Rarity and Gabby doing sexy Cheerleading for Spike sound like something you might want to read... Good News!

    2 comments · 311 views
  • 243 weeks
    New Story Being Posted Today/Tomorrow

    So, depending on your time zone depends on which of those is true, but in about 12-15 hours I'll be submitting my one shot.

    After this one-shot, I'll be continuing the next chapter of Hoard. I'm gonna try to push for a pre-new year update, but with both of my original editors MIA, as well as the likely size, I'm not sure how realistic that is.

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  • 244 weeks
    Writing on My New Story Done!

    So yeah, 11k words and 43 pages later! Now the editing can begin and then the posting.

    Editing has a way of adding another 1000 words at this size, should be fun.

    Anyways, prepare the tissues you'll be needing them! :raritywink:

    2 comments · 325 views
  • 245 weeks
    Update to a One-Shot

    Two weeks; I'm funny. In my defense though no one actually got the full right answer.

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Happy New Year! and Merry Belated Winter Holiday You Celebrate!(Request Artwork Inside!) · 5:08am Jan 2nd, 2020

It's weird knowing this is the first year I don't have pony episodes to look forward too... but I digress.

I got a few pages of Hoard ironed out, but with my birthday, the holidays, two managers quitting from work(and me having to fill in shifts), and not having power for almost three days I have gotten not quite as much as I was hoping done. It's been a magical time! Next month I start house searching so that'll cut into my time too.

But, there is some good news. First off I got this amazing request done by the very talented John Joseco

It's Gabby and Rarity waiting for Spike for a romantic date.

So while he was drawing it, he told those of us watching the stream his thoughts on it, and why he drew it how he drew it. I actually loved his concept quite a bit, and have decided to expand on it, in a one-shot which will be titled Acceptance. I suspect it will be the last one-shot I write for Fimfiction, at least for any foreseeable time. After this, I will be working to end my currently on-going stories. Once I have my house I should be able to dedicate a lot more time to my writing, after a few months since I need to unpack and do all the fun stuff that comes with getting a house and making it a home.

Thanks for another great year. For those of you still here, you guys are amazing.

Report Path_of_cloud · 618 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Ooh! Definitely looking forward to what happens with that story! From the looks of it, by chance is it earlier in the same timeline as "Hip, Hip, Hoo-Ahh!"?

Hope you have a great year :twilightsmile: loving the pic and can't wait to see the one-shot. To be honest although i love when you write new stories to know you are going back to finish off your other masterpieces gives me great joy :pinkiehappy:

I wish you all the best for the year and hope moving and setting up home goes without to many problems, all the best :twilightsmile:

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