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Death God

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  • 238 weeks
    Happy New Year! and Merry Belated Winter Holiday You Celebrate!(Request Artwork Inside!)

    It's weird knowing this is the first year I don't have pony episodes to look forward too... but I digress.

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  • 243 weeks
    S.P.I.K.E What's it Spell?

    Hip, Hip, Hoo-Ahh! is officially submitted and passed moderation. If Rarity and Gabby doing sexy Cheerleading for Spike sound like something you might want to read... Good News!

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  • 243 weeks
    New Story Being Posted Today/Tomorrow

    So, depending on your time zone depends on which of those is true, but in about 12-15 hours I'll be submitting my one shot.

    After this one-shot, I'll be continuing the next chapter of Hoard. I'm gonna try to push for a pre-new year update, but with both of my original editors MIA, as well as the likely size, I'm not sure how realistic that is.

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  • 244 weeks
    Writing on My New Story Done!

    So yeah, 11k words and 43 pages later! Now the editing can begin and then the posting.

    Editing has a way of adding another 1000 words at this size, should be fun.

    Anyways, prepare the tissues you'll be needing them! :raritywink:

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  • 245 weeks
    Update to a One-Shot

    Two weeks; I'm funny. In my defense though no one actually got the full right answer.

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New Story Being Posted Today/Tomorrow · 7:07am Nov 25th, 2019

So, depending on your time zone depends on which of those is true, but in about 12-15 hours I'll be submitting my one shot.

After this one-shot, I'll be continuing the next chapter of Hoard. I'm gonna try to push for a pre-new year update, but with both of my original editors MIA, as well as the likely size, I'm not sure how realistic that is.

But the new story, which is pretty damn hot and was proofread by my rather well known partner in crime: Flimflambros. will hopefully stop you all from murdering me for the way to long wait time on Hoard. Possibly!

On a side note: This is gonna be posted with out cover art it seems. I tried a few different people but had no luck for custom art, and unfortunately there is next to know art with Rarity and Gabby by themselves, let alone with Spike, as anthro or even pony/dragon. What there is either NSFW and not really editable to be, or is more them in semi-aggressive situations. And even then, you're talking like nothing, I have spent many hours searching across multiple well known sites and even just straight up image searches. Maybe I'll get lucky and inspire something that I'll end up using.

Side note number two: I'm calling it now, expect a boom in fanfiction involving these three. I could be wrong, but considering that I'm one of the original Spike Harem guys(certainly for clop), I'm feeling reminded of how Spike and His Six Lovely Ladies came out and things kind of exploded out into the many awesome Spike Harem fic we have now.

Report Path_of_cloud · 352 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

I'm surprised there's been so little fics and artwork of Spariby (Spike X Rarity X Gabby). Maybe this'll change all that.

Hey Path of Cloud,

As you know I'm a big fan of your work, so looking forward to this new story :pinkiehappy: Hearing theres gonna be an update to Hoard, is the icing on the cake for me. I am well aware this is bad form to ask this, but do you know when Eternal may have an update as that bit of info would be the cherry on top :rainbowlaugh: (Again sorry for asking, its just Eternal was one of, if not the first story i read of yours and i truly love it lol)

Either way keep up the great work and look forward to seeing the new story :twilightsmile:

As far as I can tell there isn't a single fic. Any with the three of them seem to be about Rarity and Gabby fighting for his attention.

I think this is a super reasonable question.

That less reasonable answer is I really don't know. I want to finish it and get some work in for sure, but with everything else it's just hard to find time. I'll have to play it by ear.

I've seen a few pics here and there of Sparibby, but nothing fiction related

Well thank you all the same for giving an honest answer. I dont mind waiting for a good story lol It just means i get to re-read it all over again :rainbowlaugh: and at least that answers the question of "has it been dropped," from other people lol So thank you

Yeah it's pretty paper thin.

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