Welcome to the other side of the fandom. Please sit back and relax, there are cookies and punch by the door.
6 Months after the series finale was a hell of a time to start writing fanfics
I'm a comic artist and illustrator. And my fav MLP is Rarity, also love Sparity. my dA http://pia-sama.deviantart.com
If anyone recognizes me from Fanfiction.net, Hey guys! It's me.
"I haven't seen a bigger waste of talent since Dan Marino." -Lucky Seven; Want to support me?
Full time technician, small time/one-story fic writer. That's over 200,000 words in length. Fear my long windedness!
The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.
Sup fellow MLP lovers. Not much to say about myself. I'm just a brony that loves to write and would love to put up my work for others to enjoy.
Learn to love the writing, of telling a story that you want told, and not the recognition that comes with it. When skill and passion atrophy, write for yourself, and in time, you'll inspire others.
I enjoy writing, and I hope I can entertain you with my stories.
Leave comments on my stories, and I'll respond! Or check the discord chat https://discord.gg/ndDMD3Y
I write the pone, I read the pone, I love the pone. I also accept Paypal donations if you like my stories: https://paypal.me/lotusteadragon
I'm a Soldier stationed in Fort Hood. I'm an aspiring writer/artist and am currently working on a Master's in Psychology.
Writing the stories you didn't know you wanted. I think.
I mostly post mature works. There may still be some worksafe posts though. For my non-pony smut works visit my Ao3 page.
This is a site about Ponies..... Why is it so awesome?
My name is Fuliam, I like ponies and writing fanfiction, so ya. That's about it.
I'm a guy who writes about ponies. Not much else to say at the moment.Also, all my stuff is featured on Equestria Daily, so you know it's legit!
A fan-fiction author and game programmer that lives in Glendale, CA.
Pinkie Pie is best pony. (Though all my fics are about Spike and Rarity.)
My name was Razorbeam, and I am retired. (From Fanfiction)
Well, I'm a furry and a brony. Recently got into MLP fanfics, and I'm attempting to write my own at time of writing. I like gaming, bronism, and furism. Not much else to my life XD