• Member Since 26th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Death God


Celestia invites Spike and Rarity, as well as Rarity's family, to the castle for Harvest Feast. Just like most family get togethers though, it can only end in hilarity and embarrassment. Especially when the two lovebirds have been going out for less than a year.

Thanks to Imaginary Valued for some very impressive speed editing.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle overhears Rarity at the door with Spike. She tries to comfort her sister, but, in the process, her own feelings about Spike and Rarity come to light.

Cover art by Sweetchiomlp

Chapters (1)

When her plans for the holiday hit a disappointing bump, Spike invites Rarity to spend Hearth's Warming Eve and Hearth's Warming with him and Twilight. A warm, if somewhat dysfunctional and amusing pair await her. And in the end, maybe she'll get what she needs this year.


Cover by: chelseasnow

Chapters (1)

After a prank too far last year's Nightmare Night by Rainbow Dash, Rarity, with the help of Ponyville's number one assistant, Spike, decides to get some revenge by pranking the prankster. However, things don't always work out the way they are planned.

Written for Gam3r Pon3's Nightmare Night Contest.


Cover Art by Segdavinci

Chapters (1)

A mysterious figure kidnaps Spike, but not before revealing a dangerous warning. Spike quickly learns of the dark, hidden truths of the world, and his place in the coming days. Princess Celestia and Luna prepare the Elements of Harmony against an old friend. Seven powerful and fierce beings begin to gather. The world teeters on the edge of destruction.

Other main characters: Luna and Trixie.

Beta Readers:paxtofettel, and PonIver

Chapters (8)

Sparity stories for the thirty minute pony story tumblr. Tags subject to change.

1: Prompt #59: Rarity's the hero.
2: Prompt #61: The break up.
3: Prompt #67: Spike goes on an adventure with some or all of the Mane Six.
4: Prompt #69: Rarity's day off.
5: Prompt #76: An ambassador has come to Canterlot.

Chapters (5)

Spike is helping Rarity at Carousel Boutique when disaster strikes. But love blooms in the worst of conditions, strengthened by the fire. Yet a romance between a pony and a dragon is bound to have certain... complications, that will require an epic adventure and the strongest of love to overcome.


Bonus Chapter: PM for link, NSFW.

Picture:In Matrimony by *coyoterainbow

Authors notes: The first chapter is super short (its also really awesome if I do say so myself) but the rest won't be. Promise. There will be some combat later on, but at the moment, it won't be super graphic, so again, dodging a bullet. The first 2 or 3 chapters will be a little sad/tragic, but its not the tone of the story, and its nothing to bad so they won't be tagged. The entire story will not be written like the first chapter. Lastly, as the story evolves tags are subject to change.

Chapters (13)