• Member Since 12th Aug, 2013
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Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!



This story is a sequel to Sweetie Belle Gains a Soul

The tyranny of Sombra leaves behind a dangerous artifact. Nopony in their right mind would even think of tampering with such a horrific legacy.

Trixie, however, is not your average pony. Where others see insanity, she sees opportunity. Assuming that Sombra’s magical charm works as intended, she’s going to get even with Twilight once and for all.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 144 )

Comment section minigames for the Prologue chapter of this story (anypony can play them in this comment section).

Does this story remind you of a song that you know? If yes, post it in the comments in the following format:
- Chapter of the story that this song is relevant to.
- A link or embedded Youtube video of it.
- Percentage of correlation (0% being an unrelated song, 100% being a song written exactly for this story).
- Reason why this song reminded you of this story or the excerpt of the lyrics.

Music for reading:
Grand Magus - Dominator — Correlation: 40% (Lyrics)
The dominator - freedom hater - I will bleed you, crush your dreams

Megadeth - Prince Of Darkness — Correlation: 40% (Lyrics)
Imprison your soul, your hopes are my games

Record yourself reading this story aloud. Upload your mp3 to MLP: Audiobooks, for instance, and paste the link to your audio or video in the comments.

Reward: A spot in the author’s note of this story.

A interesting start, that is for sure.

Pretty interesting.

I'm looking forward to where this might lead.


Why isn't there a dark tag?

10047010 10047201 I'll publish a new chapter every 2 days or so until the story is complete.

10047209 Yeah, you're right. I added a dark tag.


I'll stay for the ride.

Comment section minigame for the Who am I chapter of this story (anypony can play them in this comment section).

Does this story remind you of a song that you know? If yes, post it in the comments in the following format:
- Chapter of the story that this song is relevant to.
- A link or embedded Youtube video of it.
- Percentage of correlation (0% being an unrelated song, 100% being a song written exactly for this story).
- Reason why this song reminded you of this story or the excerpt of the lyrics.

Music for reading:
Live Not On Evil - All is Vanity — Correlation: 40%
Vanity plays a game with us all - and if it wins, it's your turn to fall

so they body swapped and twilight lost her memories

10050599 Twilight's memories aren't lost. She's just not the one who retains them. The necklace is called the interrogation charm for a reason.

interesting i look forward to seeing how this gem is defective and unstable, and im assuming since it designed for interrogation, it not intended to be used for long term use

10051248 Indeed. You're right on all accounts.

¡Yay! ¡New story! ¡I could use the distraction from my 3 broken limbs (see last blogpost)!

¡Damned magical artifacts! If one is to be stuck in somepony, it might as well be a Great & Powerful somepony.

10051849 I'm glad you're still in the world of the living. That ordeal could have ended up even more tragically. Well, at least you'll have more time to read stories now. Though, you always managed to find time for that even before.

10051867 The talisman itself isn't stuck in Trixie, but its effect sure is.


Next week, I shall have X-Rays. If they look good, I shall be allowed to walk again and have my left arm remobilized:

My left arm was so badly mangled that it required 6 hours of surgery. Much of my humerus and radius are now metalic. It has been immobilized for 2 month. After the cast will be removed, it will be nonfuctional. It will take months to recover.

Although I shall be able to walk next Wednesday, if the X-Rays look okay, my sense of balance deteriorated these last 2 months, several ligaments snapped, and and stabilizing muscles atrophied. I shall need braces for stabilizing the joints without ligaments and a walker. I shall need the braces until I can have my ligaments repaired (being disarticulated leaves one subject to dislocation). I should progress rapidly from walker to crutches to cane to unassisted walking with just the braces over a month or so.


That is why I avoid cursed artifacts.

Comment posted by Bad Dragon deleted Jan 26th, 2020

10052699 I avoid the word cursed. I prefer to use untested.

She’s confirmed to be the leader of the rebellion. If she doesn’t know the location of the last resistance terrorist cell, then nopony does!”

Hmm. what does this remind me of???

(I couldn't find an original clip.)

As for a song, The Imperial March.
Because its Sombra. Correlation 20%

10053199 Indeed, the theme does resemble somewhat.

And thanks As for the song, Though, it would need to be 20% cooler to make the cut (0 lyrics is kind of a deal-breaker).

Comment section minigame for the Destroying the Past chapter of this story (anypony can play them in this comment section).

Does this story remind you of a song that you know? If yes, post it in the comments in the following format:
- Chapter of the story that this song is relevant to.
- A link or embedded Youtube video of it.
- Percentage of correlation (0% being an unrelated song, 100% being a song written exactly for this story).
- The reason why this song reminded you of this story or the excerpt of the lyrics.

10055179 What do you mean by 'troll'?

I've put a lot of effort in this story. It's intended to be serious. I even have a sequel in mind.

Ignore the actual troll. That, account, is nothing but unhelpful or needed comments on a lot of stories.

honestly I'm surprised spike not get more worried by "twlight" unusual behavior

10055330 Unusual behavior, you say?

That's nothing. You haven't even seen her when she's in heat.

see cover art

Is Twilight giving Trixie the feather?

Because it's not unusual. Callous and irrational is Twilight at her best.

so, it seems to me that twilight is in Trixie's body and has no memory. Trixie is in Twilight's body and has a mix of memories

reminds me of Freaky Friday eith a twist, some what

Trixie will ruin the life of Twilight by the time this is resolved. Trixie Should remember what Starlight Glimmer did when they travelled together in S08E19 "Road to Friendship" and try to not to be a Starlight Glimmer.

10055756 This freaky Friday?

10056074 So you're saying not to sell Friendship Kingdom Rainbow Castle to the higher bidder?

10055724 It's quite a pickle, isn't it?


I did not say that; just be sure not to sell it for less than it is worth. :scootangel:

i should have known with a name like Bad Dragon.

greeing that straight is gomna be quiye a nightmare.

Comment section minigames for the Settling in chapter of this story (anypony can play them in this comment section).

Does this story remind you of a song that you know? If yes, post it in the comments in the following format:
- Chapter of the story that this song is relevant to.
- A link or embedded Youtube video of it.
- Percentage of correlation (0% being an unrelated song, 100% being a song written exactly for this story).
- The reason why this song reminded you of this story or the excerpt of the lyrics.

This premise seems familiar. Is this based off of another story?

10059024 I did retitle this story. It used to be called Interrogation Charm. Maybe that's where the confusion stems from.

Ever hear of the story "Princes Trixie Sparkle?" The plot is extremely similar, with two main differences. One, Princess Twilight does not lose her memories, and two, the body-switching occurs to more than just Twilight/Trixie. Also, there are more songs in the youtube version.

If you say no to the question of if you have seen it, you might want to check it out. Maybe you should wait until this story is finished, though. I don't know. In a weird way, it might feel like spoilers or give you too many ideas? Quality starts out good and only gets better as it goes.

10059278 This is the first time I hear about it. And you're right. I'll probably finish up this story before I go hunting for my competition. Perhaps I could get some idea on how to improve the story, but that would make it even more similar. So yeah, best to wait.

Trixie trashes everything. This is not good.

I went to the surgeon today. I had X-Rays. The bones in my legs, although not totally healed, are are adequate for walking. I am slow and wobbly.

My left arm is sufficiently healed for removal of the cast (on the X-Rays, in addition to all of the metal, I still have gaps in my bones (the surgeon had to remove boneshards)). It will take 6 months to fully heal.

After being shattered, operated, and then immobilized for 2 month, it is weak and immobile, but now that it is out of the cast, I can work on regaining function. As of now, it does pretty much nothing.

Because I cannot carry anything in my left arm, and I must hold a cane in my right hand, or I will keel over, the only way I can carry things is to get back into the wheelchair and carry things in my lap.

I can finally get out of my home (the house has steps, so I could not get out the wheelchair) . I shall leave the house everyday.

10059527 I'm glad you're arranging your body back together.

Why can't you carry your things in a backpack?

Well, at least your mind is still intact, unlike with somepony in this story.

Comment section minigames for the The Former Wings of a Dragon chapter of this story (anypony can play them in this comment section).

Does this story remind you of a song that you know? If yes, post it in the comments in the following format:
- Chapter of the story that this song is relevant to.
- A link or embedded Youtube video of it.
- Percentage of correlation (0% being an unrelated song, 100% being a song written exactly for this story).
- The reason why this song reminded you of this story or the excerpt of the lyrics.

10063408 Why is telling the truth sometimes regarded as a dick move?

It's not the truth that's a dick move, it's the delivery and purpose in revealing the truth. Trix-light (That's how I'm going to refer to Trixie in Twilight as) only revealed the truth to spite Spike and cause pain. The fact that she is using the truth to hurt him, and thus indirectly try to hurt Twilight, is the dick move.

10063458 Still, she gets some bonus points for honesty, right? Is the delivery method really more important than the truth itself?

Why don't you consider past Twilight as a dick since she didn't even come clean with Spike?

I don't think anypony should be considered bad for speaking the truth. Speaking the truth is a good thing, not a bad thing.

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