• Member Since 12th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!


Kirin’s village is aflame, again. Ever since the silence was broken, Kirins turning into their Nirik form keep burning down defensless wooden buildings.

Since Autumn Blaze failed in her pursuit of a better future, Kirin’s leader Rain Shine takes matters into her own hooves. The shipment of fire-resistant furtight bodysuits she ordered has just arrived. All that’s left to do is to convince Autumn Blaze to put one on.

This story participates in the Non-Pony Writing Contest

Chapters (1)

What kind of mind frame must a pony have to forgo her one devotion in order to stand against darkness?

A foal gets a first-hoof lesson on sacrifice and determination at the Sun Celebration fair, shattering his idealism.

This story participates in the Dialogue only writing competition.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle handles her responsibilities to the best of her abilities. However, according to Future Twilight’s memories, that’s just not good enough. The future mare returns to the past to distribute some tough self-love.

This story participates in Sci-Fi writing competition.

Chapters (1)

Ponies do not serve Princesses. It is the Princesses who have to serve the populace. It is their job. It is the law!

Luna’s reservations and lack of consent is not relevant. She must perform her duty because the law must be obeyed. Refusing to please ponies with her mouth would be a criminal act punishable by another banishment to the moon.

This story is written for children between the ages of 5 and 10 who struggle with public speaking.

This story penetrated and entered Imposing Sovereigns IV, using the prompt Unorthodoxy.

Chapters (2)

Sunset Shimmer and her friends defeated the evil, memory-wiping villain Wallflower Blush. Reformation, however, takes time.

Sunset Shimmer agrees to teach her discipline with the patented fighting style.

This story participated in Sunset vs. Villain competition.

Chapters (6)

Most ponies aren’t blessed to be Alicorns. They are unfortunate to be born as Unicorns, Pegassi or, Celestia forbid, the most inferior of them all: Earth ponies.

However, Princess Celestia can reform them. She has the magic. She has the capability to turn them into Alicorns. To make them more than they were before. Better, stronger, faster, and most importantly: Immortal!

This story has Youtube Audio Drama!

Written for the 1000 Words Contest.

Chapters (1)

Sunny’s failure was even greater than Twilight’s. The world was consumed by chaos. Magic all but faded away in disharmony.

Sunny Starscout is one mare against the dystopian world. On this night, however, she bites off more than she can chew. And no, being constantly harassed by annoying Sweetie Bot doesn’t help at all!

CoverArt by SweetAI Belle

This story is among the winners of the Cyberpunk Equestria Contest

Chapters (3)

Loving somepony means making them happy. But what do you do when her happiness is tied to being a tree?

This story was featured on the front page of Fimfiction.

This story took part in arboreal-yearnings-contest.

Chapters (1)

A girl genius devoted her life to developing a teleportation machine.

But what’s the point of it working if in order to use it, one first has to measure the quantum coordinates at the destination?

The breakthrough came in a dream. Through the intertwined dream realm, Twilight Sparkle sent her coordinates to Equestria. There were no breaks anymore for this mad, but sexy, scientist.

[This story is an entry for Science Fiction Contest II.]

Chapters (2)

I’m Zipp Storm and I’ve always admired Wonderbolts; for their flying, of course. Not sure what’s up with their uniforms. Why anypony would willingly cocoon themselves is beyond me. I prefer to keep my naked freedom, thank you very much.

I'll never wear tight clothes for as long as I live!

This story was featured on the front page of Fimfiction.

Chapters (1)