• Member Since 12th Aug, 2013
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Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!


This story is a sequel to Ballad of Sun-raiser

What kind of mind frame must a pony have to forgo her one devotion in order to stand against litteral darkness?

A foal gets a first-hoof lesson on sacrifice and determination at the Sun Celebration fair, shattering his idealism.

This story participates in the Dialogue only writing competition.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

This reminds me about all of those destroying their bodies and minds just for making a living. At least the Sunraisers are like firefighters and soldiers, destroying their bodies for others, unlike those working in anonymous jobs like mining asbestos.

Those whom we see destroy their bodies and minds publically are athletes. The best examples of athletes doing so are boxers:

I do not get why one would want to watch people destroying their brains, but it is popular among spectators. I get why people box. …. desperation.

This story shows a naive foal believing that lifting the Sun is glamorous and Sunraiser trying to dissuade the foal. This reminds me about how many parents with dangerous jobs do not want their children entering the profession because the jobs are dangerous and crippling.

11920597 Alas, somepony has to do it. Sacrifices must be made.

With the rise of robots, perhaps humans won't be required to sacrifice themselves anymore.


> "With the rise of robots, perhaps humans won't be required to sacrifice themselves anymore."

Humans will have 1 more sacrifice to make:

We shall have to sacrifice our atoms for making paperclips.

I forgot to mention that I like the Interrobangs.


We shall have to sacrifice our atoms for making paperclips.

It's for the higher goal.


I put one there just for you.


> > " ' Interrobangs'"

> " I put one there just for you."

¡Gee! ¡Thanks!

Maybe someday, you can use the trifecta of all 3 inverted punctuations:

  • ¡Inverted ExclamationPoint!
  • ¿Inverted QuestionMark?
  • ⸘Gnaborretni‽

11920620 There's an empty space between ! and ?. A void that needs feeling. A niche that called out to be used.

‽ does the job, and for that I use it.

The others are just a vestige of a local instance of a past. Their functionality is lessened and their use is not as high.

I only steal the good stuff, the rest, I leave behind. For that reason, I probably never will use the other two, or use them in the way they were intended to be used.

Bitch needs to get the fuck over herself

11925226 Give her a break. She got heat-stroke after fucking around with the sun so much.

Imagine having a grand purpose, like writing fanfictions, for instance. And then you lose your claws. Wouldn't that piss you off?

I am a male, and am bestowed with the greatest means of hunt and peckery in all creation!

11925239 Good for you.

Me, I want to keep my claws, thank you very much.


I forgot to mention that I like the Interrobangs.

It seems that you have acquired an enemy. Its name is Claude.

The use of interrobangs ("‽") is unconventional and might be distracting to some readers.

Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/217075/ai-reviews/thread/541255/sun-raiser-by-bad-dragon-73-10


¡Thanks for the heads-up!

Given that "Horse Play" mentioned Equestria being in danger of running out of sun-raisers before Celesia showed up, I would speculate she'd have a new purpose: participating in clinical trials to restore magic to burned out unicorns. I've always imagined Equestria's medical community laser-focused on finding a cure for that, much like the COVID-19 pandemic caused a lot of non-virus-related medical research to be put on hold in favor of getting a vaccine out ASAP.

Then again, getting poked and prodded and pumped full of untested medicine would serve as yet another reason to deliver reality checks to those who exhibit a romanticized view of your situation. As well as a potentially interesting story idea.

11943496 Yes, that would be interesting to explore.

In my headcanon, she goes on a search for alicorns to solve the problem at its root. And she finds them.

Or, and follow me on this...

She's a bitch.

Granted it may be warranted, and maybe certain caveats were omitted, but from my understanding she did volunteer.

I hope she does alicklorn one day. Those wings will be handy when the whiny bitch gets the fuck over herself.

Barring that, there's always alternatives


12080705 She's not really a bitch, but she is a glutton for sacrifice. With her horn burned out, she's useless in that regard. But by destroying her own magic, she gained renown. She can sacrifice that instead. And there's no better way to burn your renown than to act out as a basic bitch.

She saved the foal once by raising the sun. She can save him again by being a bitch.

She will never become an Alicorn, but she may find that the legends about them were true. The day she does, it will be like us finding out that AI is better than us in every regard and what we threw years of our lives away for, AI can do in a minute. When that time comes, she will sacrifice the last thing she has, her purpose. For you see, useless things don't have a purpose.

It could have been worse. She could been used as breeding stock. And less the fetishists get themselves into a lather, I mean tied down, rendered mute and and dumb, and used till the goal had been made for the cycle.

.... Oh God, that made more weirdos arrive, WHAT HAVE I DONE!:fluttershbad:


that made more weirdos arrive, WHAT HAVE I DONE!:fluttershbad:

What are you talking about, I've always been here.


But by destroying her own magic, she gained renown. She can sacrifice that instead. And there's no better way to burn your renown than to act out as a basic bitch.

I got the impression that she never wanted the renown to begin with - or at least, she never wanted to get it by permanently losing her magic so that ponykind could live one more day.

She will never become an Alicorn, but she may find that the legends about them were true. The day she does, it will be like us finding out that AI is better than us in every regard and what we threw years of our lives away for, AI can do in a minute. When that time comes, she will sacrifice the last thing she has, her purpose. For you see, useless things don't have a purpose.

As I recall, "The Journal of the Two Sisters" mentioned that the burned-out sun raisers eventually got cured. Plus "Horse Play" mentioned that the unicorns recruited for sun-duty were particularly powerful. In which case she could find work as a wizard.


It could have been worse. She could been used as breeding stock.

Well, there is the fact that Equestria was running low on unicorns qualified for sun duty. If the ponies were under the impression that a unicorn's magical potential is hereditary, and they were desperate enough...

And the matter becomes abhorrently nightmarish when magic itself is used to "help" matters and magic being hereditary enforced inbreeding.


I got the impression that she never wanted the renown to begin with - or at least, she never wanted to get it by permanently losing her magic so that ponykind could live one more day.

She's not attached to it. She was only ever attached to having a purpose. By sacrificing, she is proving to herself that she still has a purpose, for one does not sacrifice without a purpose.

As I recall, "The Journal of the Two Sisters" mentioned that the burned-out sun raisers eventually got cured.

The way I recalled, it wasn't in that book, but I might be wrong. Either way, I think that was just Hasbro trying to make things more light.

Either way, the cure does not exist yet in this story. For all she knows, it's permanent.

Plus "Horse Play" mentioned that the unicorns recruited for sun-duty were particularly powerful. In which case she could find work as a wizard.

Yes, in this story she is meant to find new sun-raisers to teach and guide.

Well, there is the fact that Equestria was running low on unicorns qualified for sun duty. If the ponies were under the impression that a unicorn's magical potential is hereditary, and they were desperate enough...


And the matter becomes abhorrently nightmarish when magic itself is used to "help" matters and magic being hereditary enforced inbreeding.

Eugenics would make sense. After all who needs useless ponies, right?
Weak must perish to make way for the strong who will lift the sun for another day.

Intelligence or actual ability would be secondary. As long as it's mana draw was sufficient, the physical or mental well being of the foal or mother and I tried to make this as dark and as bad sounding as I could but there's still people getting on this exact scenario and now I'm going to cry

12082691 ManaPool isn't enough, though. The Unicorn must also be able to learn a library's worth of knowledge.

It would have been much simpler if they used www.EugenicsCrusade.com throughout the age of chaos when there was still time. At the end of the age, they'd have a large population of smart Unicorns with vast manaPools. Getting enough sacrifices for raising the sun every day would be much simpler that way.

Perhaps in human world, a time will come when we'll need millions of rocket scientists to work 24/7. We should start working now to ensure the next generations will have enough of them.

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