• Member Since 16th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 18th, 2022



story · 7:07am Aug 24th, 2014

My fellow followers I was wondering if any of you know anyone would be willing to write a story for me because I absolutly freaking suck at everything I do. As you've seen profile pic that is my alicorn oc half alicorn half sayin I have had the story idea in my head for a long time but I just can't do it so if you know any anyone please get them to pm me if
there interested in the idea. By the way this is in a 777erse where there is a dormant gene in the human body and in rare

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Thank you for your support of Spirit of The Mountain! It means a lot!

lol thank you for the fave :pinkiehappy: never thought so many people would like the story ^^

1762748 your welcome dude I like it so far.

Thank you for supporting my story!

Thanks for favoriting "The Lunar Knight" :twilightsmile:

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