• Member Since 14th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 30th, 2016

Mr Blu Shy


Hello once again. · 7:11am Aug 30th, 2014

Alright guys, I'm taking "The Bluest Fear" story down, because I've completely edited the story, grammar and everything.
Thanks for reading it if you did, the new story taking it's place will be called "Blu Macintosh & The God Creature".

Report Mr Blu Shy · 350 views · Story: The Bluest Fear ·

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Comments ( 9 )
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628704 Oh. I've been planning and preparing for a super grimdark fic that I'm planning to make eventually, and I never plan my stories, I just fix the story in my head before writing it.

410955 Or the dark things I like to write. Yes. I've reached here too.:pinkiecrazy:

409558>>409558 not so good actually, im running out of patience and ideas, i usually wait unitl i get bored then write as much as i can.

409552>>409552 right, so i wirte a whole season before i post it, so i will post it when all 12 chapters are done, currently, 4 are done and chapter 5 is in progress.

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