Skypestria 15 members · 0 stories

Skypestria is a Skype group that was created for bored bronies and pegasisters so they could chat, roleplay, share their original characters, and make tons of new friends. If you want to join the Skype group, message the page your Skype name, or just post it on the page.

Comments ( 14 )
  • Viewing 1 - 14 of 14

Pls add me at : Nomomekuarimeikaji99

At the risk of exposing myself to craziness and all that comes with being on the Internet, you could reach me, here: facebook:kevinlkess

Armored.dragon132 it should come up as The Madness (Reader8363)

Check me out at john.redwoods, everypony!

Mine is BronyCooper.

Mine is theweirdpony507





Mines is dust2emperor1000 (Lone Unicorn)

my skype is mariontheninja.

Smiles was here! :rainbowkiss:

  • Viewing 1 - 14 of 14