• Member Since 8th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 23rd, 2017

Short Stories 2

I'm rarely on this account; go check out Short Stories if you want to talk to me! :3

My awesome tales. :3


This is the account where I put all my "bad fics", or fics I don't think are that great but wanna wright anyway. :P

If you want better fics, go to my main account, which is in my short bio. :3


Not That Anyone Cares · 7:10pm Apr 27th, 2016

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Comments ( 19 )
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2318040 Just a friendly FYI.

2318003 XD Thanks 4 telling telling me that. :D Would I like a link, or was that just an FYI? :B

I'm rarely on this account; go check out Short Stories if you want to talk to me! :3

That link just links back to this page lol.

Thanks for the watch!

1938100 Thanks for following my second account. :3

Huh, so this is Short Stories's second account. Cool, I'm following cuz awesomeness.

Thanks for the follow! :pinkiesmile:

Your welcome, thanks for the follow as well! :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the follow :pinkiehappy:

That story was kind of funny. Even though it happened at your expense. :rainbowlaugh:

  • Viewing 10 - 19 of 19
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