So sorry for delay · 9:54pm Nov 29th, 2013
My dearest friends and allies. I must express my sincerest apologies for my absence for the past year. I have been having serious issues in my personal life that have kept me quite downtrodden. I do not know when an epilogue/continuation will be but when I do, you shall be the first to know. Again, my humblest apologies.
Wonder if you would come back online?
Would love to see that Spike's journal fic continue.
You have to keep spikes journal going its not complete until he dies man HE HAS TO DIE YOU HERE ME WRITE AN EPILOUGE WERE TWILIGHT AND EVREYPONY ELSE FINDS OUT HE DIES

Thanks for the favorite
593435 Hey man, no worries, you write really well. Keep doing what you are doing!
616926 thanks for the update but just keep doing what you are doing. It's awesome