• Member Since 29th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 7th, 2018

Ponydora Prancypants

okay now kiss!

More Blog Posts118

  • 503 weeks
    Om Nom Nom Nom (New Story Here!)

    Hi everyone! If you're interested, check out a new, silly story I wrote, called:

    Giant Enemy Carb

    Because neither a candyfloss mane nor a candybutt are required to enjoy the sweeter things in life.

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    7 comments · 1,732 views
  • 504 weeks
    And Another Thing

    I want to thank everyone who posted those wonderful, kind welcome back messages for me. I'm glad to be back! I'm happy to be writing pony stuff again! I love you guys.

    I love everything!

    14 comments · 954 views
  • 504 weeks
    It's Toy Fair Day And I'm

    All About That Merch

    Because you know I’m all about that merch,
    ‘Bout that merch, no knock-offs
    I’m all about that merch, ‘bout that merch, no knock-offs
    I’m all about that merch, ‘bout that merch, no knock-offs
    I’m all about that merch, ‘bout that merch

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    9 comments · 1,022 views
  • 505 weeks
    We Meet Again

    Hello everyone! This is a bit of a late notice, but anyway: After taking a year or so off, it seems I am compelled to reintegrate into the herd. My first project is to finish "How Far Away You Roam," the third in a series of short stories featuring Rarity and Applejack. After that, I plan to revisit some of my other

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    28 comments · 1,322 views
  • 548 weeks
    Book Review: Rarity and the Curious Case of Charity



    by Galadriel Mariposa* Reuel** Berrow

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    17 comments · 1,473 views

Om Nom Nom Nom (New Story Here!) · 12:31am Feb 21st, 2015

Hi everyone! If you're interested, check out a new, silly story I wrote, called:

Giant Enemy Carb

Because neither a candyfloss mane nor a candybutt are required to enjoy the sweeter things in life.

And because Rarity is amusingly violent.

Thanks to the phenomnomenal Harwick for the cover art!

Report Ponydora Prancypants · 1,732 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

Dude, Abyssal Forge? ;_;

Dude. I think I just gained a few hundred calories just looking at that amazing puff. Rarity fighting carbs? God, I've missed you! So nice to have you back!

Oh no. Nononono. You are going to read this fic about Rarity eating sweets, and you are going to like it, and when Ponydora does consider getting back into Abyssal Forge sometime in 2020, they will do it because the muse sings to them and not because a bunch of fans are pestering them about it, as though such behavior was justified by our desperate, burning need for some more of that sweet sweet Triskalion AUGH I WANT IT TOOOO

But this story is very good, and "How Far Away You Roam" gets better with every update, and I would much rather hope that patience does indeed turn out to be a virtue rather than say, "but why aren't you writing me this other excellent story for free?" every time we are blessed with more Prancywords.

I'm with you. You can't rush perfection, and I'm loving the Rarijack. ^_^

Dat word count tho'.

I must need more sleep. I read that as 'crab' about seven or eight times before it hit me.... and now I need a donut. Gee, thanks.
--Wait Watcher.

Don't worry. Me too.
I was staring at the pic wondering what the hell cake had to do with anything.

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