We Meet Again · 7:45pm Feb 6th, 2015
Hello everyone! This is a bit of a late notice, but anyway: After taking a year or so off, it seems I am compelled to reintegrate into the herd. My first project is to finish "How Far Away You Roam," the third in a series of short stories featuring Rarity and Applejack. After that, I plan to revisit some of my other unfinished work and generate some new content as well. I am focusing more on original work these days, but I will try to post pony as regularly as possible!
I've enjoyed coming back and catching up with my fanfic friends, and also reading all the excellent stuff everybody posted while I was away. Here's to an excellent year for unofficial magical equine stories!
"Ponies and Pasties"
Art for chapter three of "How Far Away You Roam" by dear friend and virtuoso fanartist White Diamonds, she of "Rarijack Daily"
Hey! Glad you're back, dude!
Also, I hate to be "that guy," But... any chance you may also work on The Adamant Triskelion Series?
Rarity is not impressed, though.
Huzzah! Glad you're back, and look forward to reading more excellent fic from you.
Welcome back, man! Hope everything goes well! Not sure if you're going to read Filly Fantasy or not, but we've been chipping away at it steadily, with more twists and turns than you and I had planned, but I just wanted to say thanks again for helping us get started with that fic. If you ever want to give input or suggest something, our door/ears are always open for you! X3
Welcome back Ponydora!
I'll happily be 'that guy' if it leads to us seeing the next chapter of Abyssal Forge,
Welcome Back! :)
Great to see you again, in whatever capacity.
You can never escape the web of pony intrigue.
Heh. I had been thinking about a story where Rarity did some stuff for ponies and used an elevator invention in her fashion show for about a month now, but I just couldn't remember for the life of me what it was called or who wrote it. Then I found How You Roam on the front pagem saw it was a sequel and started from the beginning (rereading even, for some reason I had read them but not tracked). So yaay, I found it. Good to see you working on stuff again. I'll be enjoying the rest of How Far Away You Roam for sure.
Can I assume that Abyssal Forge will also be resumed? I do hope so, where as Flight of the Alicorn is one of my all-time favorites.
Always good to see a familiar face!
Even better when that means good stories are coming back!
Glad to have you back and posting here.
People coming back to pony-fiction always is a good thing. Welcome back in action!
Prancypants! It's awesome to have you back in the saddle, as it were. I do hope that your time in the real world has been restful and/or productive. ^_^
I'll definitely have to read your Rarijack stories. I like Rarijack, and I suddenly feel really bad that I've neglected to read them for so long. I need to fix that, starting right now.
I won't mention the elephant in the room, as I'm sure you're getting asked about it enough already. I'm content to be patient. ^_^
Titanium Dragon hinted at your return. Applejack doesn't look impressed in that artwork. And I have no idea what elephant the above poster is referring towards.
Oi, welcome back!
Welcome back :)
Who is this mysterious writer of horse words, gallivanting in pants most pranciful? Why, it is none other than that most wonderous of mares, Ponydora, back from lawyering to grace us with her presence!
But in all honesty, welcome back.
Anyways, I know you probably have a ton of fics to catch up on, but might I suggest Hail to the King by Qwapdo? The story is only 4 chapters long, but clocks in at roughly 85,000 words, 4300+ Likes (with only 69 dislikes), and is one of the funniest dang things to come out of the fandom in a while!
Fuck yes. I have been and continue to be hype. Looking forward to this latest update of "Roam".
Did you change your avatar, too? I feel like you used to use a slightly different image of Rarity going "Wahahahaaaaaa!", but I could be mistaken.
So glad to see you back. And Roam too! I loved that one sooo much, even though you only ever posted one chapter of it.
... Although I see chapter 2 has actually been online for almost a month. I need to check my feed more often
*Sigh* I was referring to The Abyssal Forge... >_>
Huh. I don't see that as an elephant. It looks like Rarity and Blueblood 20,000 leagues under the sea.
It's also the second part of the Adamant Triskelion, the most epic story on FimFiction since Equestria: Total War. ^_^
Holy fuck you're back!
Welcome back!
Glad to have you back! Maybe soon we'll get to learn what Rarity has to do with seapony doom prophecies...
Glad to have you back on a semi regular basis. I missed your writing!
Welcome back!
Compelled, you say? By what forces? I am intrigued!
I'm also curious what other "works" you're focusing on now.