So... I got a job. · 6:56pm Jun 6th, 2023
Yesterday was the first day, and it was hell... But I will get my first computer next week!
Saved the day, the night, and the girl too.
Yesterday was the first day, and it was hell... But I will get my first computer next week!
Soo... Been a while, huh? I'm not dead, but I'm taking a mental break. I still like MLP fandom, but I'm starting to run out of ideas. And the fact that my school done banned the website. So, I'll be getting a new computer. So in the meantime, this is farewell...
But I'll be back! I promise!
Now I'm in the process of working on Black Wind's next chapter. But since the black arms are going to be in the story, Who will fight/join shadow? There will be multiple endings too.
Here's who I have in mind for heroes:
Spitfire(Pure Hero Route)
Luna(Semi-Hero Route)
Rainbow Dash (Normal route/Pure Evil Route)
Applejack(Semi-Hero Route)
Eris(Normal Route/Pure Hero Route)
Pinkie (Pure Hero Route)
CMC & Fluttershy(Pure Hero Route)
Now the villains:
Vampa is a barren, yellowish-green planetoid. Its surface consists of a yellow sky and rocky wastelands as far as the eye can see. The ground is littered with massive craters, some filled with green pools of liquid that Vampa Beasts, the planet's dominant predators, can disguise themselves in. The planetoid is also home to the parasitic Vampa Beetles, which feast on the blood of the Vampa Beasts.
Yesterday was the first day, and it was hell... But I will get my first computer next week!
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Do you plan to continue your stories or not?
Seriously though.
Your pro comes from a comic I cowrite of Eevees having sex
I am best brain
Please continue the tails story 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻