• Member Since 26th Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen June 3rd


''A soldier can also call that a victory, if there is no blood flowing.'' -Captian Paál Farkas (80 Hussars)

Blog Posts

  • 196 weeks
    Ahhh... Just...let's get over it...

    1. What is your first name?
    I screwed it up first time, since in my language, the surname comes first, then the forename.
    My forename is László, but in offically it's László Kálmán.

    2. How old are you?

    3. What country are you from?
    Hungary, you know, that one with the very hilarious Hungry-Hungary joke

    4. What do you look like?

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    2 comments · 232 views
  • 211 weeks
    PonyLife: try not to get a seizure!

    Ladies and gentlecolts I've collected the most anoying, disgusting and toxic moments from Pony Life. These moments with the animation, sound efects and with their place in the plot, pissed me off so much I had to pause the show several times. Lets get into it!
    ATTENTION the next pictures can be disturbing.

    Also :moustache:BAD ENGLISH AND PROFANITY ALERT!:pinkiecrazy:

    10. Did you missed this?

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    5 comments · 219 views
  • 212 weeks
    About Pony Life...

    Well I've finally collected my thoughts on Pony Life. And yes, yes I know the first two episodes appeared a week ago, so Im a little bit late with this. But I just woke up from that seizure caused by them. So yeah, let's get into it.:facehoof:

    :moustache:Profanity alert!:pinkiecrazy:

    I hate Rarity, her bitchin is not funny here.
    I can't stand Pinkie Pie, and her random HAHAAAAAA screams.

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    7 comments · 183 views


Im a traditionalist. Christian. And I love goulash. I like to spend my freetime with horse riding, reading (both books and fanfics), airsoft, playing pc games, watching war movies, working out and rarely saber fencing.

Now, I could do this exaggerated self-criticism meme about how much of a bad writer I am. But Im not gonna because its 2020 and Im not a normie... I mean I am, but I'll try not to act like one.

My favorite writers are Henryk Sienkiewicz
J. R. R. Tolkien (classic heh?)
Jókai Mór

Also Im a big fan of DWK on youtube
...and that's pretty much it I guess...


Ahhh... Just...let's get over it... · 10:08pm Oct 18th, 2020

1. What is your first name?
I screwed it up first time, since in my language, the surname comes first, then the forename.
My forename is László, but in offically it's László Kálmán.

2. How old are you?

3. What country are you from?
Hungary, you know, that one with the very hilarious Hungry-Hungary joke

4. What do you look like?

Read More

Comments ( 38 )
  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38

Sup, thanks for checking out “Inspection Day”.

Tell me what you did and didn’t like about it, I love brutal honesty.

Well, I was just reading around on Fimfiction, then I decided to check on my pal MlpHero. And I saw you on his user page, then I thought I will just check out yours. I've read some of your blogs, read into some of your stories, and yeah, I kinda liked them, definitely Takeaway. Well, that's mostly it.:pinkiehappy:

Thank you for the watch. May I ask how I earned it? Also, thank you for the favorite. I'm glad you enjoyed it:heart:

Thanks for adding "Who Wants to Be A Bit-lionaire" to your favourites! It means a lot to me :)

  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38
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