
Viewing 1 - 20 of 203 results

wow i never noticed i was noticed? · 3:14am Nov 2nd, 2015

hey guys I'm not much of a writer I'm mostly a reader, i have good ideas for story's but i can never portray the. Any who i Never knew that people looked at my Bio or my blog, i just checked and i have quite some views on a really crappy 3D video i made (sorry for that I'm still new to that stuff) and i know some people think "wow i just wasted some of my life". Well for those people out their, 3D animation is not hard (at least when its real and not gmod.) 3D animation takes a lot of time and

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Report Shadow Lance · 271 views · #Noticed

Huh, okay? · 11:55am Dec 27th, 2023

I have noticed, that one of the videos with sound effects for Tripods have been removed from Youtube by a original author for some reason, meaning I have to find another video with sound effect.

Trust me, finding audio for the Machines isn't easy. So until I'll find a replacement for that lost piece of detail, the "empty" video will be still there.

When I'll find one, then I'll remove this blog.

Report Exotic Butter · 52 views · #Notice

Im hoping this helps somehow · 1:26am Sep 25th, 2019

Even if it aint much I thought I'd get the word out. holy needs help and if anyone knows a way to get in contact with the police,their location, and name to be able to do something please do it as immediately

Report Black Hailstorm · 322 views · #Notice #alert

The devil is, sadly, real · 5:29am Aug 25th, 2018

We have an enemy. His name is Satan, or the devil, and he is 100% evil. There is no good in him at all. His goal is to either turn people away from God, or, failing that, to reduce or destroy the effective witness of the believer. He hates you, and wants you to be dragged down as far as he can. He can inflict disaster upon you, ruin your relationships, tempt you into addiction and adultery, and send evil thoughts to plague and tempt your mind.

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TMJ : Chapter 6 Unpublished for editing · 4:41am Sep 8th, 2016

If you've read Chapter six, you may have seen that it was of inferior quality. I've reread the chapter and have decided that it does not meet my standards. I've taken it down so that it does not give my readers a poor experience, and I will not work on the next chapter until I am satisfied with the quality of the current one.

My problems with chapter six:
1. Due to the size of the chapter, Grammarly was not as thorough in its checking.

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"The Iron Horse" Updates Tomorrow! (10/24) · 2:32am Oct 24th, 2016

Just letting you know, Chapter 48 is done, illustrated, and almost done being edited.

See you in Mustangia, folks... :ajsmug:

Report The Hat Man · 356 views · #Update Notice

Life is Getting in the Way · 4:17am Jun 6th, 2016

I'd like you all to know that "Sweetie Belle's New Ability" is NOT dead. Since the last chapter was posted, I have been bombarded with real life things and haven't really had the time to work on it. There's also the problem that I have a few different ways I'd like the story to go and am having trouble deciding the best one. I, of course, cannot say them here as it may spoil the rest of the story.

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Report Ruxify · 353 views · #notice #update

About my story · 4:38pm Jun 16th, 2023

To my very small number of readers, sorry for the long wait between updates for "An Idiot Trio vs Equestria" (A.I.T.V.E.), but rest assured it'll be sometime this month. Chapter 3 is finished, but chapter 2 (is almost done) has been a bitch to write (plus I just got deltarune so I have my fair share of distractions). Again, sorry.

P.s. spelling and gramatical errors in my currently published chapters have been corrected.

Report Beast Out · 101 views · #Update notice

Notice · 5:12pm Apr 15th, 2016

Hey guys, Haven here. Just letting you know, I'm still working on the next chapter of 'The gauntlet of justice and freedom', so the chapter is going to be posted in....say...the next week or so. Sorry for the long wait, but as I've said, I was sick, had to work on my on, so forth. :facehoof:

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Report Jack_haven · 325 views · #Notice #story

Lack of Updates Explained!! · 4:21pm Sep 16th, 2018

Hello everypony, and welcome back from a long, long, long hiatus in which I have barely been able to even look at a book, let alone do anything to write one. I'm sorry for the lack of updates on my books a of late, but between school work and my social life going through a proverbial hurricane, I haven't had the time nor the energy to make any new chapters. I know that it's not the best excuse as to why my stories are on hold, but it's the one I've got and I'm sticking to it.

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Report Shadow Quill · 368 views · #updates #notice

I'm Awestrucked... · 6:59pm Aug 21st, 2015

Wow... I have to say that I'm completely amazed at how much people have liked and shown their support for the first chapter of my story, MommAdagio. I greatly appreciate it all so much. Really, I feel like I'm going to cry. :pinkiesad2:

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MommAdagio - A Couple Of Art Sketches · 12:14am Sep 25th, 2015

Hey guys! Sorry if the next chapter is taking a long time. One of my proofreaders is under stress with personal issues and school so I hope you all understand. Until he's free up to find the time, I'll continue to write up more chapters.

Anyway, so I've done some character sketches [My first time drawing mind you] of Adagio and my OC, Clavier Melody from my story, MommAdagio. Took some time to get used to but it was worth it.

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MommAdagio Has Previously Been Featured! · 11:10pm Apr 24th, 2016

Hey guys! I'm proud to announce that 'MommAdagio' has previously been featured on the front page before! :pinkiehappy:

I'm not sure what the date was but I could only assume it happened while I was on holiday.

If you'd like to check the validity for yourself, here's the link to the 'Community Featured List'.

Link -

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Fanart Creaters Wanted!! · 10:23pm May 18th, 2017

So I've got several stories under my belt right now and I'm looking to support our favorite artists by throwing out an offer!! Anypony who wishes to do art of either the characters or scenes within my books are welcome to contact me and discuss potential options. Any art that gets created from my books will be posted within the respective stories and will have the full credit given to each potential artist. I wish to help both established artists and up and coming talent get their work out

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Imitation can only go so far before you spot the outright theft. · 2:35am Sep 7th, 2018

So I was reading a story to kill time, just enjoying myself.

Then I notice that this author was writing about runes. Cool, I thought. Someone else likes the idea.

Then I noticed the words seemed mighty familiar about how he was explaining them.

The idea of aspects? Hmmm.

Oh wait, long lost family returning to canterlot to see the princesses. Hmmmm.

Oh wait, the same fucking lines used to introduce them to the characters and story as a whole?

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I Swear Some Days... · 6:08pm Jul 7th, 2015


Clockwork Chronicles cancellation notice. · 8:49pm Mar 17th, 2018

Moved from the actual story to comply with site rules.

As anyone who follows me, or has favorited any of my other stories, already knows, this, and all of my other stories, are cancelled. And unfortunately, as this is my first story, this is both the least planned out story, and the one with the least I remember. I'm sorry.


Hi everyone. · 6:01am Sep 5th, 2015

Hi guys. I am very sorry for the very long delay in my writings. I have been suffering from major writers block and some emotional problems, on top of financially strapped. Well, I wanted to let you guys know, I'm going to be getting back onto my writings and that I have started a patreon page to help support me. Here is my page

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Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey cancellation "Chapter" · 8:47pm Mar 17th, 2018

As the mods have stated, apparently having an inline cancellation notice isn't allowed. This seems a bit illogical to me, but I can see the point of not allowing any "non-story" chapters.

So, here's what the chapter would have said.

So. This is a thing.

By now, I'm sure most of you have forgotten this story existed. I wouldn't blame you for it.

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Story idea. · 8:15pm May 14th, 2016

Hey guys, Haven here, I'm still writing on the gauntlet story, but I suddenly got an idea for another story. It's going to be a Zelda/MLP crossover of sorts, first time I'm gonna be writing this sort of thing so....bear with me.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 203 results