• Member Since 11th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 9th, 2019


Second-Year University Student in Cyber Security Management

More Blog Posts25

  • 354 weeks
    MommAdagio (HIATUS)

    Hello everyone, it's been a while!

    I know it's been some time since the last I uploaded a chapter for MommAdagio, but the reason for the lack of activity is because of work, personal matters, and an ongoing project that I am working on.

    If you're curious as to what this project it is that I'm working on, it is a visual novel.

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  • 398 weeks
    MommAdagio - Story Update Log #6

    Hey guys, It's been a while since I posted a blog. I apologize if I haven't uploaded anything again in a while for 'MommAdagio'. I've got my hands full doing multiple things including work, writing [Both MommAdagio and another story that'll be posted offsite on Fanfiction.Net], and finally, a visual novel! :pinkiehappy:

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    3 comments · 522 views
  • 416 weeks
    Incoming Job Interview & Important Notice!

    Hey guys, I just want to say I've been accepted for a full-time job interview coming up soon this week and I'm really nervous despite my preparations. Hoping and praying to God for guidance to do my best.

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    13 comments · 928 views
  • 419 weeks
    MommAdagio - Mid-Story Analysis

    Hello everyone! While I was writing the other day, I curiously thought of the fair share of the story's likes and dislikes, and I think the best way to approach this is to personally ask a detailed criticism from each of my readers. If I could take a little bit of everyone's time to provide their own detailed criticism, that'd be be much appreciated.

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    27 comments · 997 views
  • 426 weeks
    MommAdagio - Story Update Log #5

    Hey guys! I've had an interesting comment from a fellow reader and I thought I'd share it with you all!

    Back then during MommAdagio's initial planning stage, I've had long-term plans to give it a sequel or prequel. The story's come a long way and seeing how much it's progressed and how readers like it, I gave the idea further thought.

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    8 comments · 585 views

MommAdagio - A Couple Of Art Sketches · 12:14am Sep 25th, 2015

Hey guys! Sorry if the next chapter is taking a long time. One of my proofreaders is under stress with personal issues and school so I hope you all understand. Until he's free up to find the time, I'll continue to write up more chapters.

Anyway, so I've done some character sketches [My first time drawing mind you] of Adagio and my OC, Clavier Melody from my story, MommAdagio. Took some time to get used to but it was worth it.

I've got people within the fandom to thank for inspiring me to write such as LightningSword and and I've got the artists to thank for inspiring me to draw. Currently, I've taken a liking to drawing and I'm hoping to be make some digital art for the fandom as well one day. :twilightsmile:

So here is my OC, Clavier Melody:

And this is what Adagio looks like in the story:

You'll have to excuse me if they're not too good. It is my first time drawing after all. :twilightsheepish:

Thank you and I hope you've all enjoyed reading it so far. :pinkiesmile:

Report EagleOfDeath15 · 711 views · Story: MommAdagio · #Art #Announcement #Notice #Sketch
Comments ( 12 )

These are pretty good, just make sure you make your eyes even.

I found it helps to draw a faint straight line where I want the eyes of my art to go so they are even.

3417571 Thanks and will do. Looking into art tutorials and more so I can improve.

What are you taking about that's great for your first time. I mean can draw but not like that. I'm actually in the middle of drawing my full name (first,second,and third) all in illuminated letters. I'be done it small scale on like 9x12 paper but this time i'm doing it on 30x47 sheet of paper.

3417576 Thank you. Must be a natural talent I've had hidden. Hopefully, I can refine these as I improve. :twilightsmile:

3417581 that how it was with me. In my eyes, two keys to being a good drawer is having a steady hand and a creative mind, as well as other things but these are what I've found to be important for me. As well as patience lots of patience

3417593 Aye. Currently researching into an investment for art and graphics software and gear as well as looking up tutorials.

3417599 nice. I actually inherited my grandfather's drafting table and all its supplies and so that what I use now. He's a retired structural engineer and didn't need it anymore


You can find his appearance in the beginning of Chapter 1 :twilightsmile:

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