
Viewing 1 - 20 of 80 results

Appreciation · 3:50pm Dec 31st, 2020

Well, it looks like another year has come to an end. So much has happened. Out of all that has occurred, there's something I'd like to say. AmethystMajesty25, thank you for providing me the opportunity to work with you on Equestria Ninja Girls. Because of you, I'm living my failed goal.

Report Darth Wrex · 181 views · #Appreciation

A great and big sincere thanks to all of ya~! · 7:39am Apr 22nd, 2022

To everyone who has viewed my latest story, Asriel Dreemurr, Prince of the Night, I want to thank you. For each of you who has given it a thumbs up or added it to one of your bookshelves, you have my sincere appreciation. To those adding me to their list of folks they're following, I am flattered and a bit flustered hehe.

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Your favorites are very much appreciated · 10:09pm Jun 20th, 2017

Here I am, accidentally marking my notifications as read once again. There's only two of them there now. So, I don't really know who I have missed and who has recently favorited my story and/or added it to their library. I've already thanked many people individually but it seems now I can't for the recent people who have viewed 'Feeding off Love'. And, I suppose it's easier to have one thing for people to read if they choose to. But, I'm still going to try to thank on people's pages since it

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199 Followers. How many of you are active? :3c · 8:52am Apr 8th, 2016

Wow... I don't pay attention to my follower count so much as the Favorites (which is mostly used as a "Read It Later" over the actual Read It Later function). Often times, TQP is favorited and followed simultaneously, but I never badger to know readers' intentions.

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August 21st is the Fanfic Writers' Appreciation Day · 4:17pm Aug 21st, 2019

Hello everyone! Today, let's all celebrate fanfiction writers, and be good to them. :yay: Here are some ideas what you can do to make things nicer for your favorite authors!

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Rage series · 11:42am Aug 23rd, 2016

So 2 days ago the second installment of the Rage series, Rage Unbound, was released. I just wanted to make this post because I'm beyond happy with how the series is going, and the support I get from you the readers. Just seeing my notifications pop up saying that someone has favourited my story, or added them to a library called "stuff I read the most", "top favs", "ultra badass stories" really brings me joy. I can't express how much I appreciate you guys, and I promise to try and live up to

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Report Bazing · 583 views · #Reader appreciation

I'm Awestrucked... · 6:59pm Aug 21st, 2015

Wow... I have to say that I'm completely amazed at how much people have liked and shown their support for the first chapter of my story, MommAdagio. I greatly appreciate it all so much. Really, I feel like I'm going to cry. :pinkiesad2:

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Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day · 10:20pm Aug 21st, 2017

That's right, you read that right. I already posted this to my dA journal but I felt it was necessary to post here too!

I know right now the USA freaked out over having had a solar eclipse but you know what, today is also Fanfiction Writer Appreciation Day and I feel like layin' somethin' out there on the table for you guys.

To all my fellow fanfic writers:

((whether or not we're in the same fandoms,
no matter how often you do or don't post,

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*sigh* Apparently everyone else is doing this, so... · 8:59pm May 4th, 2015

Today, apparently, is thank your first follower day! So go and thank your first follower.

Here's mine:

Thank you, Normal, for being my first follower even though you follow pretty much everybody and will probably never see this.



The time has come again · 7:32pm Jun 27th, 2022

It is Griff Appreciation Day!!!!


Today is FIMFic Writer Appreciation Day · 5:44pm Aug 21st, 2023

Today is Fanfic FIMFic Writer Appreciation Day. You are hereby commanded to review & do one or more of the following....

Appropriated from a Live Journal post many a moon ago (2015):
(link is here:

It is not surprising news that fanfiction writers are highly underappreciated.

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Thank You All For The Support! · 7:36pm Aug 31st, 2015

Hello my fellow bronies and pegasisters. I'd like to announce that my story, MommAdagio is currently progressing well and it wouldn't be if it weren't for all of you. Because of that, I've become more inspired to continue writing and I, Lightning and Requiem shall work to deliver to the best of our abilities so you can all enjoy reading. :pinkiesmile:

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BIG changes, and a celebration · 6:17am Feb 21st, 2019

100. One hundred of you crazies are following me right now in a totally non-creepy fashion. Actually, as I write this, 112. Don't you all have anything better to do? Better stories by better authors to read?

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The Call of Music, part 1. · 5:24pm Sep 19th, 2015

In the previous blog, i briefly mentioned two big influences, that of shadowrun, and the other, music. Music, is and always will be my choice of drug. Most of the love, came well, as a measure of solace. For many folks. A songs a song, and I get it it, even if I don't. Because my senses don't work like most peoples. I've been falsely labelled, misdiagnosed, and a variety of other things on that, but its, again, another topic for another day.

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1k reads. Thank you! · 4:33pm Mar 21st, 2018

I just wanted to take a second to thank everyone who has read my story and made this possible. Even if you only got a few chapters in. Thank you. I’m not great at interacting with you all and I’m sorry about that. Life has been stupid busy. I used to be better. But I’m going to try my hand at making more blog posts and responding to comments more often. So expect some odd ramblings and strange theories! I also apologize for the slow update schedule. Like I said life has been stupid busy. Thank

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Griff Appreciation Day! · 5:25pm Jun 27th, 2021

Today is a day when we celebrate mijo! Mark your calenders, because today is all about Griff! Hooray!


69 Followers!!! · 3:11am May 29th, 2016

First of all, thanks. You are all really awesome, and I probably wouldn't be able to have adapted my writing talents as much as I have without all of your support and guidance. You guys are really awesome, and I will never be able to thank you enough!

Second.. *sneerk* 69... heh... I have 69 followers :rainbowlaugh:

Brohoof /)


Mid-Summer Follower Appreciation Story Posted · 12:55am Jul 11th, 2020

If you remember this blog (, then I have good news for you. The story for the lucky lottery winner has been posted!

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First Meal · 4:50pm Sep 9th, 2019

I remember making the first meal to myself when at the age of seven. My brother would get tired of me asking him to make me something to eat, mainly because my mom always worked second shift, and my sister wouldn't do it herself. Not saying that she had to, but he was on a lot of other things that said he couldn't do this with me.

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Done editing and looking for a reader. · 3:17pm May 27th, 2017

It took me three weeks, but I finally got done editing all my stories! At least, I've edited any and all grammatical errors I could find. Hopefully, this will attract more people to read my stories. Speaking of, I was hoping someone would like to read them on YouTube. I had someone who was before, but he stopped reading them due to YouTube drama. But when he did read them, they got fairly good feedback and most people liked them. So, I was hoping someone would like to read them on YouTube, or

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 80 results