
Viewing 1 - 20 of 1,211 results

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm Thankful For... · 8:34pm Nov 23rd, 2017

I'm thankful that I stumbled upon this show and it's fandom.

I'm thankful that FimFiction has given me the opportunity to stretch my creative writing muscles.

I'm thankful for the friends I made on this site who encouraged me to keep writing and to learn more about writing.

I'm thankful for all the people who left nice comments on my works that encouraged me to continue.

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Pretty cool · 4:37am Jan 23rd, 2020

Today has been the second busiest for The Line Between Fire and Light. :twilightsmile:
The busiest being May 25th, when I posted Chapter 19: Prank Training.
I know it's not much, but I'll take what I can get. The overall reaction to it has been far better than I ever expected, and I'm grateful for everyone whom has stuck it out with me.
Despite what it may seem (Or perfectly in line with it depending on your view) I'm not good at expressing myself. All I can really think to say is thank you.

Report Stolenalicorn · 261 views · #Thank you #Thanks

Followup · 8:18pm Jan 19th, 2016

So, I just had a sit down with my sister, and have discovered some things about myself that I now see is wrong and need to fix.

It starts with those of you who have become my friends, and who follow me. I've lied and I'm here to admit it, and I'm here to change. There were of lot of things I lied about, and yes, as anyone on the internet does, we all have our little white lies, but some of my weren't even believable, and some of them really hurt those of you who have grown to like me.

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Report Gallant Rage · 342 views · #thank #you #thank you

One whole year... · 12:48am Aug 16th, 2015


So it's been one whole year since I joined this site.

And I... would like to thank everyone. I wish to thank each and every person who has followed me over the past year, I wish to thank everyone who has commented on my stories, I wish to thank everyone who has reviewed my stories, whether in the Write-off, or the site... and last, but certainly not least, I would like to thank everyone who has helped me improve my writing over this year.

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Thank You All :) · 9:35pm Nov 29th, 2017

Everyone, I want to thank you.

You all have stayed by me in my most down of moments, my worst times, and times when I was feeling miserable. Its because of great people like you that have given me a reason to stay on this site to entertain you guys, and I love you all for staying with me. :twilightsmile:

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Report FourShadow · 443 views · #Thank you #love #thanks

i love mythrilmoth thank you · 11:10am Jun 6th, 2016

because of you i got a shiny xerneas and a manaphy thank you mythrilmoth i owe you one

Report Killer Rose · 357 views · #thanks

Big thanks · 6:30pm Jul 3rd, 2016

Specifically to everyone who's ever checked out Anypony for Doomsday?, and especially if you commented on it, favorited it, or started watching me because of it.

It's one of my best stories, I think, and definitely the one I had the most fun writing.

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Report PhycoKrusk · 454 views · #Thanks

Thank you guys, really · 8:37pm Nov 18th, 2015

I post a new chapter, and come back to the homepage literally minutes later to find my story on the featured list. Since I know a bunch of people don't like it when a story talks about featured in the description, I thought I'd share my thoughts in a blog post instead.

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Report Electrician · 330 views · #Thanks

Im Purpulwor :D (Thank you, sincerely.) · 1:24am Oct 28th, 2015

(Splutters without eloquence)
*Spits water*
I'm Popplbar.
I don't even know what to say. Except thank ALL of you wonderful people for supporting my story so strongly!
This story is exponentially more successful than either of my previous, and in a fraction of the time. Thanks, all of you. Really. The feedback helps motivate me to make more!

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Report IAmNotSmartest · 302 views · #Thanks

Speechless · 2:39pm Mar 12th, 2019

I don't still understand how this story become one of my most liked stories, just the thought of something I thought as cheesy being enjoyed by more than myself is astonishing, thabk you all


Thank You. · 2:36pm Jul 16th, 2015

Alright, so I recently hit 30 followers, and although that may be a small number in comparison for some people, it is a major milestone for me. I have never gotten much more than 10 followers anywhere.

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Report ModMCdl · 286 views · #thanks

Thanks for your support! · 10:05pm Apr 1st, 2016

As you can probably tell, I'm just a normalish guy who happens to be a brony. I'm nothing special and neither are the stories I write. But you, the people, make them so. Even though there aren't many people following me right now, each and everyone of you play a very big part. You may just think I'm saying this to get more people to follow me, but no. I'm saying this because its true, and I hope you all feel the same way.


Wow · 1:26am Apr 23rd, 2017

So, it's been a long while since I said or did anything on here but today I feel like I have something to say to everyone. Thank you.

See I fell out of the fandom in general a while back and just lost all interest in these stories. I wanted to use what I honed here to work on my own stuff maybe one day inspire a new fandom. So I walked away from this place and never looked back. Along the way however more than a few terrible things have cropped up and pretty much sapped my drive.

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Report DocDelray · 489 views · #Thanks

It's over 9000! · 8:24pm Mar 14th, 2020

'Scuse the old meme, but one of my fics has passed 9000 views! Thank you to all my readers! Sorry updates have been slow, real world stuff has been getting in the way but I hope to complete Mating Season of the Witch within a week!

Report Dr Sharaz Jek · 321 views · #Thanks

I just realized something... · 6:19am Jul 23rd, 2015

I've always wanted reviews from the big guys. you know, the people with like 500 followers and up? Well I looked around and noticed they aren't the ones reviewing stories.... The people with hardly any followers are the ones that are reviewing stories. I think they all deserve a thanks. because even the best stories usually review piles are made up of pretty much these people. the bigger guys are just criticizing the shit out of it. Or having fucking conversations in the reviews with people!

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Report RaritySimper44 · 200 views · #thanks

Been a long time since I did one of these. . . · 4:59pm Aug 14th, 2015

But I am now over 40 FOLLOWERS!

And as such, I'd like to thank the recent ones:

Inkwell Prose, Tavi4, GIGA-XISBASS, The Cynical Brony, Darkhorseapples, and finally: whiteoak019.

I thank all of you for taking interest in me, and I hope that in some way, I'll make you smile.

NEXT POST: Paradox's Top. . . 7-10 WORST episodes of season three.

. . .

This is gon be bad.

Report Paradox Theory · 377 views · #thanks

Thanks Guys! · 4:29pm Nov 13th, 2017

So, I gotta pause here and give a huge thanks to all of you that bothered to check out my newest story, In Friends We Trust! I put a lot of heart into that story so it's awesome that people seem to like it. :heart:

Anyhow, just wanted to let you all know you're awesome!


Report FamousLastWords · 421 views · #thanks!

HOLY BALLS! · 1:09pm Mar 15th, 2017

*Wakes up*

*Notices pile of notifications on FIMFiction*

*Realizes that I have accomplished the "impossible"*

*Notices that the story rewrite has once again kicked Lab Horse off my popular list*

Thanks for the support! (Though, honestly, I think that The Story Writer needs it more.) :raritywink:

Report TheMajorTechie · 270 views · #thanks!

Thank You All! · 4:22am Nov 9th, 2015

For the supportive comments in the face of some kind of bizarrely aggressive downvoting! It means a lot, and mends the papercut sting of anonymous, unhelpful negativity.

There are (hopefully) two more chapters left in this one. One plot-no-actual-plot, the other plot + (hopefully) epic climactic sex.

After that, I'll probably write more. I like writing fanfic! It's like fiction legos.

Report Captain_Hairball · 261 views · #thanks

32 Likes?! · 7:50pm Jun 7th, 2015

Woke up to this and made my day, thank you so much! It's only two more likes from yesterday, but still, this is huge to me! Thanks, again, for this!

I couldn't have gotten this far without you all!
~Doctor Elite

Report Doctor Elite · 283 views · #Thanks!
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