• Member Since 4th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 18th, 2022


Don't be afraid to PM me or leave a post. I always try to reply! I pray that my penchant for quirky action far outshines my clunky authorship. (I regularly purge personal/update blog posts.)

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What a mess of my work! · 10:37pm Dec 27th, 2019

Oh, I definitely didn't forget about anything. I still pop in and check on stuff. As usual, life comes at you fast. Distractions, depression, cosplay, my best friend's life falling apart overnight (that was nuts), holidays, yadda yadda...

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Report Aynine · 558 views · Story: The Quiet Place · #TQP #The Quiet Place
Comments ( 13 )
  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13

just hoping you are ok.

I'm one of the ones who uses the "read it later" to actually mark it to read it later. If I *really* like a story it will get a favorite too. I haven't gotten around to TQP yet, but it's on the agenda.

I just wanna say that your avy made me laugh once I looked closely at it. That is all.

595256 Thanks, and the picture is by Mirapony (aka CorruptionSolid on dA).

Here's a link to the SFW version: http://corruptionsolid.deviantart.com/art/Meet-your-new-queen-366219255

You can also find the pic on her other sites, but they're mostly NSFW, especially her tumblr which she updates often.

Hey, just wanna say that The Quiet Place is awesome and really looking forward to seeing what happens next` :twilightsmile:

Also, where did you get your profile pic? I feel like I've seen it before and it's really bothering me that I can't remember...

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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