• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 24th, 2014



Hi · 2:27am Aug 1st, 2013

So, Im going to be honest right now.

Im not sure if this is really that exciting to me anymore

I mean, sure, making my own stories wrapped around this cute, whimsical universe of ours was fun during DTF and maybe a bit afterwards, but now.. I just cant really find the drive or want to write, it isnt that fun anymore for me.

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Report JustaninnocentPony · 621 views ·

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Since the layout options look like that of DeviantART's now I decided I'd bring the Webcam over here! So here we go!


Comments ( 11 )
  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11

I just finished reading 'Deeper than Friendship' and I was floored by it. I really liked the way you handled character reactions, it was a very sweet story.
Once I visited your page to see what else you got, I caught your blog post and it made me sad. I'd honestly plead with you to tell you to stay writing, but that'd be a bad idea and reduce your writing quality and that I'd like worse. So do what you feel you need to and come back if you're ever inspired to write again.

i got here from somehow stumbling upon your youtube and then read your top post about considering leaving the fandom as a writer. I'm here to offer any support i can against that decision. perhaps you should try doing recorded readings of your work to boost up a fanbase for your writing? that seems to be trending lately. anyway, now i'm off to read every story of yours.
good luck man, -buckshot

No Problem! It was a great picture :pinkiehappy:

Hello there! I'd just like to say I'm honoured you used my Jackle App Tribute picture as the clip art of choice for your story Winter. :twilightsmile:

Thank you so much!

Really? That's awesome! Thanks for the heads up :) :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11
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