• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen April 17th


A guy from switzerland who likes cheese, mountains and horse words.... lots and lots of horse words.


Addendum: Releasing the mega cringe :) · 11:42pm Nov 10th, 2021

As a little goodbye-present, so to speak, I re-released the first story I ever wrote on here. It's terrible, terrible garbage, but well, the long description already tells you everything you need to know about it.

Read at your own risk.

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And I'm gone again... for good this time. · 10:58pm Nov 10th, 2021

The jury verdict is out: I'm done with ponies.

I did try to continue with alicorn of music, and even wrote a chapter or two of an entirely different pony story, which will never see the light of day. But it turns out that I just, can not. even.

So I've made the decision to stop writing any more pony-related stuff. I might read some of it, still. After all, I never did get done with austraeoh... But I will, or rather have, ceased any and all writing related to ponies.

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back at work · 7:51pm Apr 25th, 2021

after about 6 months of just staying at home, I'm currently back to working full time, and boy oh boy, is my body not used to that anymore. I come home everyday basically feeling ready to crash into bed lmao.

Anyway, time to write is scarce currently, but I'm still managing a few paragraphs here and there. Basically, slow going, but I'm trucking along... slowly :)

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I'm back... · 10:03pm Mar 13th, 2021

I really am ^^

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New Story, One Shot... maybe? · 11:53pm Aug 19th, 2020

I just released a new one shot, so go read it uwu.

(It took me 5 months to write because I'm a lazy piece of shit)

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The End - Part 3: I Got Reincarnated In Another World As An All-Powerful Alicorn! · 1:48am Mar 15th, 2020

So uhhh... yeah, I'm still kinda doing this ^^ Had a lot of stuff to do and sorta forgot that I was supposed to do these blog posts, so anyway, this one's gonna be a short one, so let me just get this out there.

I Got Reincarnated In Another World As An All-Powerful Alicorn!

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The End - Part 2: Tales Of The Divine · 12:50pm Oct 3rd, 2019

So the second story that was planned, would have been called "Tales Of The Divine". I had this one in the back of my head for a long time, especially since a lot of people had been asking for it, ever since Divine Entertainment was ending. Each of Atlas' old friends would have gotten a dedicated chapter, showing what they were up to after they'd moved to Equestria. As far as my stories go, this one would have been rather short in comparison, and would have had a different structure to it as

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The End - Part 1: Alicorn of Music · 12:38am Aug 20th, 2019

Welcome to the end, we'll start things off with the story that I'd already begun writing: Alicorn of Music. Originally a story by Elu, that had grown quite infamous, I decided to try my own hand at the concept. Only when I was starting to finish up Divine Intervention, did the plans to integrate this story into the Divine Universe take shape. During Intervention, I dropped hints to this happening, although nobody picked up on it, which was just as planned. More on what those hints were, later.

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The End - A series of summaries · 10:45pm Aug 19th, 2019

Hello, it's me again. I've been thinking a lot ever since I've written my last blogpost, and here's what my brain came up with. I still had plans, BIG plans, for where I could take my Divine Universe, and now I'm certain they'll never see the light of day. Thinking about it made me realize just how big of a commitment that would have been, and considering I got other stuff to do, I concluded that I'm not willing to commit to that. The size of the various stories would have been smaller overall,

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Putting Alicorn of Music on Hiatus · 10:38am Aug 6th, 2019

I just don't really feel the urge to write recently, maybe it'll pass at some point, and I'll come back to it. As it stands, I've set my eyes on several other projects which consume a lot of my time, like gaming, making a boardgame, actually switching professions, learning how to drive, and other fun things.

We'll see where this goes.

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