> All Day, Everyday. > by Penanka72 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue. In the shadows of war, under a sky streaked with the scars of battle, the war unfolded with a grim relentlessness. The clouds, heavy with impending doom, seemed to weep sorrow into the thick air, which clung to every soldier like a suffocating shroud. Every breath drawn by the brave souls on the battlefield was a battle in itself, as they navigated through a world where the line between life and death blurred with each passing moment. Nestled within the merciless embrace of the trenches, the earth beneath them scarred and gashed like the flesh of the world itself, soldiers of all ranks sought refuge. Here, in the mud-caked depths, stallions and mare, forever marked by the specter of conflict, found a momentary solace in their shared plight. They sat, shoulders touching, eyes vacant yet alert, waiting for the inevitable cry that would hurl them back into chaos. Among them, a solitary figure—a young mare whose vibrant spirit had been shattered by the relentless tide of war—let out a scream that pierced the heavy air. Her delicate hands trembled violently as she pressed them to her ears, trying in vain to silence the endless cacophony of war that raged around her. Her eyes, wide and unseeing, were windows to a soul irrevocably marred by the horrors she had endured. Around her, the other soldiers, each teetering on the brink of their own psychological abyss, attempted to distance themselves from her visible torment. They gripped their weapons tighter, not just as tools of war but as lifelines, anchoring them to a reality they could comprehend, away from the haunting visions that threatened to consume them. The stains of battle—mud, blood, and the unspoken terrors of war—clung to every soldier, a testament not only to their physical struggles but to the deeper scars carved into their minds. In the darkest corners of their psyche, a primal force stirred—a darkness that emerged when fear overtook reason, transforming once-ordinary individuals into instruments of war, their humanity obscured by the shadow of survival. As evening drew near, the soldiers gathered around a meager fire, its flickering light casting ghostly shadows across their drawn faces. The silence was palpable, each breath a whisper against the backdrop of distant artillery. It was then that a soft, melodious voice cut through the stillness—a voice so tender and out of place in such a harsh environment that it momentarily lifted the soldiers from their despair. The voice belonged to a light green mare, her tone imbued with a haunting familiarity. She began to sing, her voice weaving through the crisp air, a forgotten melody from a world untouched by war. As the notes floated gently around them, a flicker of recognition sparked in the weary eyes of her comrades. Some didn't recognize the song but for some, memories buried beneath layers of grief and duty began to surface with each note sung. How could they have forgotten? Tomorrow was Christmas Day, a celebration of peace and unity that had once brought them joy and light. The song, a reminder of lost innocence, stirred a deep, aching nostalgia in their hearts. For a brief, precious moment, the bleakness receded, replaced by a warmth that spread slowly among the gathered soldiers, even to those that wasn't familiar with the gentle tune. They were reminded of who they had been before the war redefined their existence. Moved by the power of the song, one by one, some soldiers found their voices, joining the mare in a chorus that swelled through the trenches. It was not a song of joy, but one of defiant hope—a promise to one another that despite the darkness surrounding them, the spirit of Chrismas could still unite them, could still remind them of the light within each soul. As the melody carried across the barren no-man’s-land, it reached the ears of those hidden in the shadows of the opposite trenches. To the astonishment of all, voices from the other side began to rise in harmony with theirs. In this moment of shared humanity, the harsh lines drawn by war began to blur, softened by the realization that music, that shared memories of peace, could bridge the deepest divides. The green mare, tears mingling with the dirt on her cheeks, stood up, her voice stronger as she sang with her supposed enemies. This unexpected choir, a blend of voices from both sides of the conflict, transformed the night into a moment of profound unity and peace. In the heart of war, they found a fleeting, precious truce, bound not by treaties or negotiations, but by the simple, profound connections of their shared morals. As the final notes of the song faded into the darkness, a solemn peace settled over the battlefield. The soldiers, whether friend or foe, were united in their weariness and their longing for peace. And in the heart of the mare, a dream took root—a dream of a world where such moments of unity would no longer be fleeting, but a lasting reality. As the first light of dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, casting a gentle glow over the ravaged battlefield, the green mare felt an unusual serenity envelop her. It seemed as though the very atmosphere had been softened by the melodic echoes of unity that had filled the night. With a resolute spark igniting her spirit, she knew the path she must take amidst the stark reality of war—a path fraught with personal peril, yet essential for peace. In the eerie silence of the early morning, where the only movement was the occasional flutter of a bird's wing, the green mare took her chance. She swiftly scaled the rough, mud-slick walls of the trench, her movements causing heads to turn. The commanding sergeant’s voice thundered across the field, ordering her to return. But she pressed forward, her resolve as firm as the earth beneath her hooves. From afar, the distant murmur of voices grew louder, and the ominous glint of rifle barrels pointed in her direction became visible. Detected by the enemy, her presence was now unmistakable. Yet, she continued, her pace steady and unwavering, one hand lofting her helmet high—the universal gesture of truce—while her other hand clutched a secret token of goodwill behind her back. With every determined step she took, the surrounding air thickened with tension, charged with the silent questions of friend and foe alike. But then, cutting through the growing din, a commanding voice from the enemy side demanded silence. The battlefield quieted, all eyes turning to see a stallion, clad in a uniform unlike hers, rising from the opposing trench. The green mare and the stallion moved toward each other, their steps measured and cautious, bridging the physical and metaphorical distance between their sides. Inspired by their leaders’ bravery, soldiers from both factions emerged, raising their hands not in defeat but in a sign of peace. What unfolded next was a scene few could have imagined—enemies extending hands not to strike, but to shake in friendship. Laughter and voices filled the air, replacing the sounds of conflict. Soldiers exchanged family photos, assisted each other in grooming, and shared stories over the scars of war, forging bonds that transcended past animosities. In the midst of this newfound fellowship, the green mare's intention remained clear and focused. Facing the stallion with a gentle smile, she opened her hand to reveal a simple ball—a symbol of playful competition and shared joy. Her eyes, alight with hopeful anticipation, conveyed the depth of her proposal, transcending the mere game it suggested. “Fancy a game of football, partner?” she asked, her voice steady yet imbued with the emotion of the moment. This question was more than an invitation to play; it was an offer to rewrite their shared destiny, to lay down arms in favor of a game where the only sides taken were in sport, not war. That day was known as the Match of Truce. > Chapter 1 - Wings… I HAVE WINGS!?!?!? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All day, every day. Playing football is indeed a fascinating experience, one that encompasses a love-and-hate relationship depending on the outcome of the game. It's a peculiar phenomenon where even scoring a remarkable hat-trick can be eclipsed by the disappointment of losing. The impact of defeat can linger, casting a shadow over the entire week as the longing for victory remains unfulfilled. Such is the nature of this fiercely competitive sport that we find ourselves addicted to, eagerly watching our favourite teams in action on television. A full 90 minutes of exhilarating entertainment that holds the power to shape our moods, either for the better or for the worse. It's a testament to the emotional investment we have in football, where the result of a single match can sway our spirits and leave a lasting impact. Two siblings understand that feeling well. Meet Jason, an 18-year-old boy hailing from Liverpool, whose heart beats for the beautiful game of football. Ever since his days in primary school, he developed a deep passion for the sport that only grew stronger with time. Standing tall at 6'1, Jason possessed short brown hair and a neatly trimmed beard that accentuated his youthful features. His striking brown eyes shimmered with excitement and determination, framed by a pale white complexion. As an avid supporter of Liverpool, Jason held a season ticket that granted him access to witness the team's thrilling matches at Anfield. Whenever his schedule allowed, he eagerly made his way to the stadium, soaking in the electrifying atmosphere and cheering on his beloved team. But Jason's connection with football didn't end with being a devoted fan. He was also a skilled player himself, honing his talents on the field. Having earned a place in the professional ranks with Stoke City, Jason had established himself as a regular starting striker. In his debut season, his impressive performances yielded 14 goals and 4 assists in just 24 appearances, a remarkable achievement for someone so young. It was clear that his star was on the rise, and the future held great promise for this talented young player from Liverpool. Introducing Amelia, the younger sister of Jason and another football enthusiast hailing from Liverpool. A self-proclaimed tomboy, Amelia found herself drawn to the sport, following in her brother's footsteps. Standing at an impressive 5'11, she possessed a striking appearance with long, dark brown hair cascading down her shoulders, complementing her captivating green eyes and fair complexion. In a delightful twist of fate, Amelia's football allegiance diverged from her brother's. While Jason supported Liverpool, Amelia's heart belonged to their rivals, Everton Football Club. It was a source of great joy for her when she received the opportunity to participate in try-outs at Everton Academy. She showcased her skills as a goalkeeper, earning a spot in Everton's U16 team. Her talent and dedication had not gone unnoticed, as she was hailed as one of the best young female keepers in Knowsley. In her debut season with Everton, Amelia demonstrated her prowess on the field. With an impressive save percentage of 78.3% and an outstanding record of 12 clean sheets in 20 appearances, she proved herself to be a formidable force between the goalposts. Her exceptional performance garnered attention and acclaim, solidifying her place within the Everton Football Club and setting the stage for a promising future in the sport. Jason and Amelia's relationship was filled with a unique blend of love and rivalry, fuelled by various factors. The Liverpool vs Everton rivalry, the striker vs goalkeeper rivalry, and even the inherent competition between a brother and sister all contributed to a mini war between the two. Their clashes on and off the field were intense, driven by a burning desire to come out on top. While their mom saw football as just fun and games, Jason and Amelia viewed it with a different lens. Winning became their sole focus, and anything short of victory brought about an instant mood swing until the next match. This fierce determination to win was instilled in them by their father, shaping their mindset and approach to the game. To Jason and Amelia, winning was everything. They poured their blood, sweat, and tears into their training, leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit of mastery in their respective roles. They honed their skills, developed a clear understanding of their responsibilities on the field, and embraced the competitive spirit that burned within them. For them, football was more than just a game; it was an arena where they could strive for greatness and assert their dominance. Amidst the rivalry and the relentless pursuit of victory, one thing remained certain: Jason and Amelia were united by their shared love for the sport. Their intense battles pushed them to improve and pushed each other to their limits. In the end, their competitive nature and unwavering dedication to winning would shape their footballing journeys and define their relationship as siblings. Nothing will stop them from fulfilling their dream. "Are ya ready, Sis? I hope ya know I'm not gonna go easy on ya, kidda.” With a mischievous grin on his face, Jason playfully taunted Amelia, dressed in an old, worn-out grey tracksuit. His football boots were laced up and ready for action, and he held a ball at his feet, a playful challenge in his eyes. It was a familiar scene, one that often marked the beginning of their football battles. The air was filled with friendly competition as Jason prepared to showcase his skills, ready to engage in another spirited match with his sister. "I hope not, I'm not a kid anymore, y'know.” Unfazed by Jason's teasing, Amelia responded with a confident and cocky grin. She adjusted her goalkeeper gloves, ensuring that everything was in place as she stood in her element — the goalposts. This was her territory, her zone of control, and she was ready to showcase her skills and prove herself as a formidable goalkeeper. The competitive fire burned within her as she prepared to face off against her brother, determined to protect her goal and showcase her shot-stopping abilities. With her focused expression and unwavering confidence, Amelia was ready to take on whatever challenges Jason would throw her way. Undeterred by the wintery weather and freezing temperatures, Amelia and Jason found themselves on an empty field. The bitter cold did little to dampen their spirits as they arrived at their training ground, a field devoid of nets, with only a goal at the far end. This was their sanctuary, where they could immerse themselves in the art of football and refine their skills. It was here that their cocky sides emerged, fueled by the knowledge that they could push each other to new heights in their pursuit of excellence. With each passing training session, Amelia and Jason's dedication to their craft grew stronger. Their competitive spirits ignited, driving them to outdo one another and push the boundaries of their abilities. The freezing temperatures were inconsequential in the face of their burning passion for the game. In this secluded field, they could fully embrace their cocky sides, testing their skills and honing their techniques with every kick, every save, and every challenge they faced. Together, they revealed in the joy of training, knowing that these moments were crucial in their development as students of the footballing craft. The empty field became a canvas for them to express themselves, to push their limits, and to showcase their talents. This was their playground, where their cockiness was embraced and nurtured, propelling them further on their journey towards greatness. Jason grinned. "Sound, let's get warmed up then, eh?" With a playful glint in his eyes, Jason took a step back and prepared to unleash a powerful strike towards Amelia. The ball left his foot, hurtling through the air with speed and precision, aimed directly at his sister. In that split second, Amelia's instincts kicked in, her trained reflexes taking over. She swiftly assessed the trajectory of the ball and reacted with lightning-fast reflexes, extending her gloved hands to make a clean catch. The impact of the ball meeting her hands reverberated through her body, a satisfying confirmation of her skill and agility. Amelia's quick thinking and precise execution showcased her goalkeeping prowess, leaving no doubt about her abilities between the posts. As she securely held the ball in her hands, she couldn't help but wear a confident smile, knowing that she had successfully thwarted Jason's attempt. "Come on, Jason. Yer gonna have to do better than that to rattle me, lad." Amelia couldn't help but chortle in amusement as she confidently tossed the ball back to Jason. Her successful catch and the display of her goalkeeping skills had given her a momentary sense of triumph. It was all part of the playful banter between the two siblings, a lighthearted exchange that fuelled their competitive spirits and kept their training sessions engaging and enjoyable. "Oh don't worry, Sis. There's more comin' at ya hard.” As the minutes turned into hours, Jason and Amelia continued to indulge in their shared love for football. They played with fervour, laughing and chatting animatedly about the latest happenings in the footballing world. Their passion for the sport was evident as they pushed themselves to the limit and beyond, relishing in the joy that came with each skilful move and well-executed play. However, just as they were fully immersed in their training, an unexpected turn of events disrupted their routine. Dark clouds rolled in, casting a shadow over the field, and the wind picked up in intensity. The once-clear sky transformed into a foreboding grey, signalling the imminent arrival of a storm. Jason, in the midst of a shot, felt the gust of wind disrupt his aim, causing the ball to veer wide of the goal. He shielded his eyes from the sudden storm, realising the need to prioritise their safety. "The weather's turned proper grim." Jason remarked, his voice filled with concern. "I reckon it's time to head back home before it starts pouring down." "Sound, let's get goin', la!" Amidst the raging storm, Amelia's voice cut through the howling wind as she shouted, urging Jason to gather their belongings and seek shelter. Both of them were taken aback by the suddenness and intensity of the storm. It seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, catching them off guard. They had checked the weather app, which had only predicted grey clouds and a slight wind. Where did this unexpected tempest come from? With a sense of urgency, they moved swiftly towards their bags, ready to make their escape. However, before they could even take their first step, a blinding white flash of light engulfed Amelia’s vision. In an instant, her bodies felt weightless, as if she were floating in a calm river, fluidly shifting and reshaping into something unfamiliar. In the midst of the transformation, Amelia’s screams and cries for help were silenced. The only sound that permeated her senses was the rush of wind, roaring in her ears. It drowned out all other noise, leaving her disoriented and bewildered. And then, without warning, darkness descended upon her. The sudden transition from blinding light to complete blackness left her in a state of uncertainty and fear. Amelia was thrust into an unknown realm, their surroundings completely obscured. As Amelia slowly regained consciousness, she felt a grogginess wash over her, accompanied by an excruciating headache that seemed to reverberate through her mind. The remnants of a dream lingered in her thoughts, a vivid vision of her lifting the Women's Champions League Cup with Everton. It was an ambitious dream, but one that had filled her with a sense of exhilaration and pride. Her eyelids fluttered open, and she was greeted by the brightness of the morning sun, its rays casting a warm glow upon her face. The air was filled with the melodic sounds of birds chirping in the distance, and she could hear the gentle rustling of leaves on nearby branches. Something soft brushed against her skin, causing her to shift her gaze. Confusion and a sense of disorientation washed over her as she took in her surroundings. The vast expanse of the ocean-blue sky stretched out before her, with the sun peeking out from behind a few scattered clouds. It was a peaceful and serene scene, contrasting with the uncertainty that Amelia felt within. Did I take a nap? Or did I get knocked out with a ball to my face? Amelia slowly sat up, her head pounding with a persistent ache. She let out a groan of discomfort, feeling the throbbing sensation intensify as she moved. Pressing her hand against her forehead, she applied firm pressure, hoping to alleviate some of the pain that pulsed through her head. I definitely got hit in the head with a ball. As Amelia stood up, her eyes widened in astonishment. The field she found herself in was unfamiliar, unlike any open field she had ever seen before. The grass beneath her feet was a vibrant shade of green, and in the distance, a row of trees stood tall, providing a picturesque backdrop. But what caught her attention the most were the flowers scattered around her. It seemed impossible – flowers in the midst of winter? Bewildered, Amelia spun around, taking in the surreal scene. The contrast between her recent training session in the cold, bleak weather and the current warm and inviting atmosphere was jarring. The air held a cozy embrace, basking in the gentle warmth of the sun's rays. It was a stark departure from the grim weather she had experienced in England. Amelia couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and intrigue. How did she end up in this enchanting place? Was it a dream, a figment of her imagination? She couldn't shake off the feeling of disbelief, yet the beauty surrounding her was undeniable. With a mixture of curiosity and caution, Amelia took a tentative step forward, ready to explore the mysteries that awaited her in this unexpected haven. The air was filled with a sense of possibility, and she couldn't resist the urge to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within this magical landscape. “Where on earth am I?” As Amelia muttered her bewildered question, her eyes scanned the surroundings with a scrutinising gaze. She couldn't help but wonder if this was some elaborate joke or prank orchestrated by her mischievous brother, Jason. However, the more she observed her surroundings, the more convinced she became that this was far from a mere prank. Feeling a bit lightheaded and disoriented, Amelia rose from her seated position, swaying slightly as she tried to regain her balance. Placing a palm against her head, she hoped to alleviate the dizziness that enveloped her. But as her hand made contact with her head, she was met with a startling realisation – her touch was met not with human skin, but with soft fur. Her eyes widened in shock and disbelief as she examined her hand, now covered in a coat of sky-blue fur. The fur extended up her arm, enveloping her shoulder and gradually spreading across her entire body. The abnormal phenomenon sent shivers down her spine, leaving her both fascinated and unnerved. “What the…” Amelia's desperation grew as she attempted to remove the fur from her arm, hoping to reveal her familiar human skin underneath. However, her efforts proved futile as the fur seemed to be firmly attached to her, as if it had become an inseparable part of her being. A sense of unease settled within her, intensifying with each passing moment she remained covered in the prickly fur. But her distress was soon eclipsed by a strange sensation at her back, as if something foreign was in motion. Confusion etched across her face, she turned her head and cast her gaze over her shoulder, only for her eyes to widen in disbelief and astonishment. What she saw defied all logic and reason. Sprouting from her back were a pair of magnificent sky blue wings, delicately flapping in the air. The sight was both awe-inspiring and surreal, causing her heart to race and her mind to whirl with a whirlwind of emotions. Wings… I HAVE WINGS!?!?!? “WHAT THE HELL IS GOIN’ ON!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!” > Chapter 2 - Just my damned luck… > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter – 2. As Amelia examined her transformed body, her anxiety continued to mount. The discovery of a blue tail with a white stripe running through the middle, along with her oddly smooth and pointy ears, only added to the bewildering changes she had undergone. The unfamiliarity of her physical form left her feeling even more vulnerable and isolated in this unknown open space. With a sense of urgency and a need for direction, Amelia made the decision to pick a random direction and start walking. The unease of being alone in an unfamiliar place gnawed at her, heightening her sense of vulnerability. The absence of familiar faces and the uncertainty of her surroundings only intensified her anxiety. Questions flooded her mind, each one demanding answers that seemed elusive at the moment. Why was she alone? Where was she? And perhaps the most pressing question of all, where had Jason gone? She struggled to recall the events that had led to her current predicament. The memories of playing football with her brother in the harsh weather came to the forefront of her mind. The worsening conditions, the unbearable cold and wind, and then everything went white. It was as if a sudden burst of bright light had enveloped her, erasing her surroundings and leaving her disoriented. Amelia couldn't help but wonder if she had been struck by lightning, if that blinding white light had been the result of a powerful electrical discharge. But the uncertainty of what had happened to her brother, Jason, weighed heavily on her mind. Did he experience the same transformation? Was he safe? As Amelia examined her transformed body, she couldn't help but notice that she was still dressed in the same muddy clothing she had worn during her training session. Her attire consisted of Everton's latest jersey, a vibrant blue garment adorned with the team's crest, paired with white Everton shorts and football socks that reached up to her knees. Her black boots, tightly laced, carried her along the grassy terrain as she ventured forward. Hanging from her shoulder was a bag filled with her belongings, the presence of her wings making it challenging to sling the bag comfortably. Despite the inconvenience, Amelia carried it with determination, knowing that her essentials were within reach. But it was the necklace around her neck that held a special significance. A miniature version of the blue Everton crest, it was a cherished gift from her father. The necklace proudly adorned her neck, serving as a reminder of her love for the sport and the support of her family. As Amelia continued to walk, her worry and anxiety deepened. She desperately searched for any sign of a landmark or a clear direction to follow, but her surroundings offered no such guidance. With each passing minute, her frustration grew, and the uncertainty of her situation weighed heavily on her mind. Her stomach let out a grumble, reminding her of her physical needs. She held her belly slightly, acknowledging the hunger that gnawed at her. The realisation that she was alone in an unfamiliar world, with no clear path or destination, only added to her discomfort. Looking up at the dusky sky, Amelia felt a sense of unease settle over her. The once vibrant orange hue of the setting sun now cast an eerie glow, as if foreshadowing the encroaching darkness. As the sun began its descent, the surrounding landscape grew dimmer, and the shadows lengthened. A feeling of vulnerability washed over Amelia as the darkness slowly enveloped her surroundings. The absence of light made her feel exposed and uncertain. Her instincts told her that she needed to find shelter and safety before the darkness fully descended. With a renewed sense of urgency, Amelia quickened her pace, her eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of refuge. She knew that she had to find a secure place to rest and gather her thoughts. The challenges that lay ahead were daunting, but she remained determined to persevere, even in the face of the encroaching darkness. As the chill in the air began to bite, Amelia reached into her backpack and pulled out her yellow Nike hoodie, quickly slipping it on to ward off the cold. The comforting warmth provided her with some respite, but her focus remained on finding a safe haven. Suddenly, in the distance, she spotted a narrow riverside pathway. A glimmer of hope sparked in Amelia's eyes as she realised that this could potentially lead her to some form of shelter or civilisation. Without hesitation, she ran towards the pathway, her footsteps quick and determined. As she approached the trail, Amelia carefully inspected it, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of guidance or direction. The conflicting thoughts raced through her mind as she weighed the options before her. Left or right? The decision held a weight of importance, as darkness loomed closer with each passing moment. In the midst of her internal struggle, Amelia made a choice. She decided to walk downstream, opting to take the path to the right. It was a decision made with a mixture of intuition and the hope for the best outcome. With a deep breath, she steeled herself for the journey ahead, her gaze filled with apprehension. Amelia continued to walk along the riverside, her steps guided by a sense of determination and the belief that she had made the right choice. The path may be uncertain, but she was committed to pushing forward, hoping that it would lead her to safety and answers. As the shadows stretched longer and the sky darkened into a pitiless, unforgiving black, Amelia felt her heart sink deeper with each crunch of gravel beneath her boots on the seemingly interminable path. Desperation clawed at her insides, a fierce and persistent beast, as the barren landscape stretched on endlessly before her, offering neither shelter nor a flicker of life—only the relentless, winding trail beneath her increasingly weary feet. Hunger gnawed at her stomach, a relentless, gnashing reminder of the many hours since her last meal. Fatigue hung heavily upon her limbs, a leaden cloak that made each step more cumbersome than the last. Her muscles, still tender and bruised from the day's rigorous training, protested each movement with aching lethargy. Her thoughts began to unravel, meandering dangerously as her concentration waned—a perilous lapse when the path demanded vigilant attention. Familiar yet treacherously deceptive under the cloak of night, the trail skirted perilously close to the river, a silent, unyielding predator lurking just at the edge of her peripheral vision. Lost in her exhausted reverie, Amelia remained oblivious to how precariously close she ventured to the abyss. Suddenly, the treacherous ground shifted beneath her, a deceptive slope concealed by the darkness. Her ankle twisted savagely, an acute lance of pain shooting through her as she lost her footing. With a startled gasp, Amelia's balance crumbled completely, plunging her down the steep embankment. She collided with the river with a resounding slap, the cold water enveloping her in an icy grasp, abruptly stealing the breath from her lungs. The river, deceptively shallow but shockingly cold, buffeted her, disorienting her as she fought to regain her bearings in the sudden, icy immersion. Amelia surged upright from the river's numbing clasp, her teeth chattering uncontrollably in the chilling silence of the night. Cold water cascaded from her drenched hair, matting it to her forehead and dripping from her eyelashes, casting a shimmering veil over her vision. Every fibre of her being was saturated; her clothes clung tightly to her shivering form, her boots squelched mournfully with each tentative step, and her duffle bag weighed her down like a stone with the cold, captured river water. She exhaled a cloud of mist into the crisp night air, her voice quivering as much as her chilled body. "Great, just great!" she exclaimed, her tone a mix of annoyance and stark resignation. With trembling legs, she trudged back to the path from which she had so clumsily descended, the slick stones of the riverbank glinting ominously beneath her uncertain steps. Amelia struggled up the steep, slippery slope, her limbs aching with each arduous movement. Mud caked her hands and knees as she dragged herself upward, the cold burrowing into her skin, relentless and unforgiving. Reaching a marginally flatter stretch, she collapsed to the side, her body curling instinctively into a tight ball to conserve warmth. The cold seemed to freeze her to the core, solidifying her muscles and chilling her bones. The sharp wind of the night cut through her soaked clothing, offering no reprieve from the icy air that wrapped around her like a suffocating blanket. Amelia cursed her own clumsiness which had led to this predicament. Now, she found herself not only exhausted and mud-smeared but also famished, hurting from the bruises patterning her body, bitterly cold, and thoroughly wet. "Just my damned luck," she muttered through chattering teeth, her voice laced with a mix of anger and resignation. Mustering a ragged breath, she steeled herself against the despair, preparing to push forward. Amelia rose unsteadily to her feet, her arms clasping tightly around her shivering form. She rubbed her arms vigorously, each stroke a desperate attempt to generate warmth against the biting cold. Her breath formed tiny puffs of mist as she exhaled into the frigid air, her gaze scanning the murky depths of the dark, foreboding forest that stretched ominously before her. She hesitated, a glimmer of hope flickering in her eyes as she searched the shadowy path for any sign of a nearby shelter or the possibility of human presence. Taking a tentative step forward, she immediately regretted it. A sharp, jarring pain shot up from her left ankle, forcing a guttural growl from her lips as she winced. The pain radiated intensely, confirming her fear—a twisted ankle, just another addition to her already substantial litany of misfortunes. "Great, now a twisted ankle. What else?" she murmured sarcastically to herself, her voice tinged with frustration and a hint of despair. Amelia shook her head in a mix of defiance and resignation, refusing to let this newest setback defeat her spirit. Squaring her shoulders against the cold, she looked determinedly back down the path. With a grimace, she took another limping step forward, each movement a testament to her resolve not to give in to the overwhelming misery that clawed at her resolve. After what felt like an endless succession of gruelling, painful limps, Amelia finally spotted a promising sign of passage through the wilderness—a cobblestone bridge arching gracefully over the river. The surrounding forest, which had cloaked her path in oppressive shadows, opened unexpectedly, allowing the full glory of the moon to illuminate the bridge. The moonlight bathed the ancient stones in a silvery glow, casting long, ethereal shadows and turning the bridge into a scene from a fairy tale. The trees that had been her relentless canopy now stood back as silent sentinels, their branches parting to let the celestial light spill onto the path ahead. It seemed as though the universe itself had momentarily paused to shine a beacon on her path, guiding her weary steps toward this semblance of civilisation. The sight of the bridge, with its sturdy, time-worn cobblestones and the gentle murmur of the river below, felt like a divine gift—a beacon of hope in her arduous journey, promising respite and possibly a path to safety. Amelia's spirits, dampened by fatigue and pain, lifted slightly at this sight, urging her forward with renewed, albeit cautious, determination. As Amelia hobbled nearer, the bridge revealed itself as a gateway to a place of gentle enchantment. Its cobblestones, kissed by the ethereal moonlight, shone softly, forming a path that seemed to be laid out with thoughtful care. Each stone, rounded and smooth from years of use, guided her toward a sanctuary nestled in the heart of nature. Beyond the bridge, the cottage stood as a quaint and inviting abode, perfectly integrated into its natural surroundings. The roof was a lush, verdant green, overgrown with a thick blanket of moss and scattered with wildflowers that rustled softly in the gentle night breeze. The cozy structure, built from timeworn wood that held the warmth of a golden hue, seemed to exude a welcoming air, as if eager to embrace a weary traveler. The walls of the cottage were adorned with climbing plants, their vines creeping up in an intricate dance, festooned with small, delicate blooms that added bursts of colour against the rustic backdrop. The windows, round and cheerful, peered out like the eyes of an old friend, their panes reflecting the moonlight with a soft, inviting glow. Crossing the bridge, Amelia stepped into a garden that was a riot of life, where wildflowers and herbs grew in cheerful disarray. The garden was tenderly cultivated, with patches of vegetables and fragrant herbs that filled the air with a mix of floral and earthy aromas. The path to the front door was a mosaic of colourful stones, each step releasing the scent of thyme and lavender, crushed gently underfoot. With each step, despite the pain in her ankle, Amelia felt a wave of hope rising. The cottage, with its aura of tranquility and the promise of comfort, seemed to call to her. It stood there, a picture of pastoral beauty and peace, offering not just shelter but a moment of respite amidst the whispers of nature. As she approached the inviting doorway, her heart lifted, sensing that this charming haven might offer her not just a night's refuge but also a soothing balm for her spirit. Amelia rapped on the door three times, her knuckles echoing against the wood, hopeful for a response. Inside, she could hear the faint sound of pitter-pattering, as if small, hurried steps scurried across the floor, and the subtle creak of furniture shifting. But then, all fell silent. “Hello?” she called out, her voice threading through the cracks of the doorway, eager for a reply. Silence hung in the air, thick and unyielding, causing Amelia's flicker of hope to waver. She knocked again, her urgency mounting. “Hello? Is anyone there? Please open up! I’m lost and cold, and I don’t know where to go. I-I need a place to stay for the night, just for tonight, please?” Her words tumbled out, each one laced with desperation. Yet, the silence persisted, each second stretching out, making her shiver uncontrollably, not just from the cold but from the growing unease. She stood there, shifting weight from her uninjured foot to her sore ankle, trying to stay warm. Maybe, she thought, the owner of the cottage was just slow to wake, perhaps disoriented by the late hour. Amelia allowed herself to imagine a friendly face eventually opening the door, greeting her with kindness and warmth. In her mind’s eye, she saw herself drying off with a fluffy towel, sitting snugly wrapped in a blanket on a cozy couch. She pictured a steaming cup of tea in her hands, the soothing aroma mingling with the rustic charm of the cottage as she settled in to watch something comforting on Netflix, the troubles of the night melting away under the warmth of hospitality. She clung to this hopeful scenario, waiting patiently at the door for her imagined haven to become reality. Amelia waited, each second dragging interminably, marked only by the rhythmic throbbing of pain in her ankle and the relentless shiver that coursed through her body. The silence that enveloped the cottage was oppressive, a tangible weight against the faint rustling of the leaves and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures. After enduring what felt like an agonising stretch of time, her patience, already frayed by discomfort and anxiety, finally snapped. Driven by a mix of desperation and the piercing cold that seemed to seep into her very bones, Amelia pounded on the door with renewed vigour. "Open the door! Please!" Her voice was sharp, a clear note of anger laced with desperation echoing into the silent night. Yet, the response was just more silence, the door standing firm and unresponsive before her. Overwhelmed and unable to bear the pain any longer, Amelia leaned her shoulder against the unyielding wood of the door and slowly slid down. The harsh, cold surface of the door pressed uncomfortably against her back as she descended to the frost-kissed ground, her movements stiff and awkward. Once seated, she extended her injured ankle, letting it rest haphazardly to one side on the cold, damp stones of the cottage's threshold. Here, on the ground, the cold was more pervasive, the earth leeching the warmth from her soaked clothing. Amelia wrapped her arms around herself, her hands tucking under each arm in a vain attempt to stave off the chill. Her breath formed small clouds of vapour that mingled with the crisp night air, each exhalation a visible testament to her plight. With her back against the door and her gaze fixed on the vague outlines of the garden bathed in moonlight, Amelia waited, the silence around her only broken by the occasional gust of wind that whispered through the trees, carrying with it the promise of a long, cold night. Mentally exhausted, physically depleted, and spiritually defeated, Amelia's last tendrils of hope disintegrated after a gruelling half-hour of braving the relentless cold and the harsh, biting winds. To worsen her plight, the skies, as if in league against her, opened up, unleashing a downpour that seemed intent on testing her limits. The rain, driven by a newfound ferocity, lashed at the landscape with a vehemence that felt personal, as though it sought to erode not just the ground but Amelia's resolve as well. Fortunately, a small mercy was afforded by the overhang of the cottage's roof, which jutted out just enough to form a narrow shield against the deluge. Amelia, seeking any reprieve from the relentless assault, scooted closer to the door, her back pressed firmly against it. She drew her legs in tight to her body, her knees pulled up to her chest in an attempt to fit entirely within the scant shelter provided. This position allowed her to shield her injured ankle from the worst of the rain, though each movement sent a sharp reminder of her vulnerability through her body. There, huddled in the meagre protection of the cottage's eaves, Amelia wrapped her arms around her legs, trying to conserve as much warmth as possible. Her clothes, damp and clinging uncomfortably to her skin, provided little insulation against the chill that the rain and wind conspired to deepen. Each drop that managed to breach her shelter seemed to sizzle against her skin, a cold so deep it bordered on pain. With her head bowed against her knees, she let the sound of the rain, now drumming a relentless rhythm on the roof above, fill her senses, resigning herself to the possibility that this doorstep might be her sanctuary for the night. After enduring another merciless half-hour by the unyielding door, the situation only worsened for Amelia. The wind, now a relentless force, conspired with the rain, driving it diagonally to invade her scant shelter. The elements seemed determined to break her spirit, the cold droplets occasionally splashing against her skin, chilling her to the core. Amelia sat with her hood pulled tightly over her head, her face buried in the sheltered space between her knees. Each shiver that racked her body felt like a testament to her vulnerability in the face of nature’s indifference. The rhythmic patting of rain on her hoodie hood was a constant reminder of her precarious situation, the sound seeming almost taunting in its steady, maddening drum. Realisation dawned bleakly on her — waiting any longer was futile. It was clear that if someone did indeed dwell within the cottage, they had no intention of offering refuge to a stranded soul. Yet, despite knowing she needed to move on to seek shelter elsewhere, Amelia found herself immobilised by a profound exhaustion. The day’s trials had sapped her strength, her hunger gnawed relentlessly at her stamina, and the throbbing pain from her ankle anchored her to the spot. Despondency enveloped her, a heavy, stifling blanket that smothered her will to move. She felt utterly drained, physically too weary to rise and mentally too defeated to muster the motivation necessary to venture back into the storm. The very thought of lifting herself and stepping back into the rain and wind was daunting. She remained huddled by the door, caught between the necessity of finding a safer place to rest and the overwhelming inertia brought on by her fatigue, injury, and the unrelenting assault of the weather. After ten gruelling minutes against the cold, unforgiving door, a subtle shift overcame Amelia. Using the sturdy door as a prop, she gingerly pushed herself upright, carefully balancing her weight on her good foot while adjusting the strap of her heavy, waterlogged duffle bag on her shoulder. Her face, once a canvas of emotions, now displayed nothing—utterly void of determination, anger, sadness, or misery. Her eyes, usually vibrant and expressive, appeared vacant, reflecting a deep emptiness within. As the rain continued to beat down relentlessly, accompanied by the howling wind, Amelia attempted a step forward. The cobblestones, slick and unforgiving beneath her feet, offered no mercy as she lost her balance and collapsed with a harsh thud, her head striking the cold, hard stone. The impact resounded with a sickening sound, yet she made no noise, no cry of pain escaped her lips. Wordlessly, she gathered her strength to rise again, feeling a warm trickle—the unmistakable sensation of blood—sliding down the left side of her face, weaving past her eye, indifferent to the pain. Amelia's next step was cautious, calculated, her movements slow but purposeful. She was no longer propelled by sheer willpower but by an instinctual, primal fear. In those ten minutes of silent reflection, the chilling realisation had dawned on her that death lingered as a tangible threat in the cold night air. The biting cold had numbed her hands to an almost painful degree, and her feet ached as if swarmed by biting ants. This was not merely discomfort but a dire warning from her body that if she remained, the frigid night might claim her. Driven by this cold fear, her survival instincts surged to the forefront, pushing her onward despite the exhaustion and pain. Each careful, limping step was a quiet testament to her desperate bid for survival in the face of an indifferent wilderness. Amelia hobbled across the bridge, the ancient stones slick and uneven under her weary feet, continuing her arduous journey down the seemingly endless path. Each step was fuelled not by strength but by sheer adrenaline—a desperate, driving force that kept her moving despite her body's protests. More than once, her knees buckled beneath her, the pain shooting through her body with such ferocity that it brought her to the ground. Yet, each time she fell, fear—a raw, visceral fear of the night and its cold embrace—propelled her back to her feet. As she trudged forward, silent tears streamed down her cheeks, mingling indistinguishably with the cold rain that lashed relentlessly at her face. With each shuddering breath, a soft sob escaped her lips, a sound almost lost to the howling wind. In her heart, a deep yearning surged—to be home, to see the familiar, loving faces of her family. She imagined her big brother standing at the end of this torturous path, his smile a beacon of hope; her mom and dad just behind him, their arms open wide, ready to engulf her in the warmest, most comforting embrace. But this vision, vivid and heartbreakingly tangible, was just a fantasy—a fragile thread of hope in the harsh reality she faced. Since awakening alone in the field, everything had changed, and such wishes seemed as distant as the stars veiled by the stormy night sky. With each painful step, Amelia clung to these fleeting images of happiness, using them as a shield against the despair that threatened to overwhelm her. The path stretched on, a relentless test of her resolve, each limping step a testament to her determination to overcome the shadows that chased her. So she limped, fell, got back up and hobbled away down the deep, dark path, frightened and alone. Amelia's mantra echoed softly in her mind, a steady refrain of "One more step, one more step," as she shuffled forward. Her gaze was fixed unwaveringly on the path just ahead, her eyes tracing the rough, uneven trail that wound through the dimly lit forest. Each step was a laborious effort, her body feeling heavier with every movement. Her injured foot dragged painfully against the cold, hard ground, its reluctance adding to the overwhelming fatigue that gripped her. The last time Amelia had lifted her eyes from the path seemed like an eternity ago. Was it five, perhaps ten minutes? Time had stretched and distorted, each minute feeling progressively longer and more taxing. The surrounding woods blurred into a shadowy backdrop, the details lost to her singular focus on placing one foot in front of the other. The rhythmic sound of her dragging foot mingled with the rustling leaves and the occasional distant call of a night creature, all contributing to the surreal, dreamlike quality of her lonely trek. Amelia's acute senses suddenly sharpened, her ears twitching beneath the shelter of her hood, catching the distant murmur of voices mingling with laughter. The unexpected sound pierced the oppressive silence of the night, pulling her attention forward. Lifting her head, her face a grim tapestry of weariness and dried blood marring her sky-blue fur, a spark of life ignited in her eyes. Through the darkness, the soft glow of light spilled from the windows of a building directly ahead. The windows, rectangular and inviting, framed silhouettes of people, their movements casting lively shadows against the light-drenched panes. Amelia's gaze widened as she realised that this building was not alone; it was part of a cluster of structures, though only the one before her buzzed with visible life and light. Relief surged through Amelia’s exhausted body, invigorated by the promise of human presence. The warmth seemed to radiate from the building, beckoning her closer. Thoughts of a welcoming fire, a hearty meal, a refreshing drink, and perhaps most crucially, assistance, filled her mind with renewed hope. Here, finally, was the potential for respite from the harsh elements and her prolonged isolation. The sounds of jovial conversation and laughter now acted as a siren call, drawing her weary, limping form towards the promise of safety and community. As Amelia approached the warmly lit building, her duffle bag slid from her shoulder, momentarily startling her but also relieving her of its cumbersome weight. Her shoulders sagged in relief, allowing her to take a slightly more vigorous step forward. Each successive stride grew faster, more desperate, as hope swelled within her. Fuelled by the rising cacophony of voices and laughter that now seemed tantalisingly close, Amelia dared to put more weight on her injured ankle. With each limping step, she drew on reserves of energy she hadn't known she possessed, her movements becoming increasingly assertive. The familiar pain shot through her ankle, but the sound of potential safety and company spurred her on, pushing her beyond her usual cautious gait. Amelia's next step was her boldest yet; she actually used her injured ankle to propel herself forward rather than merely dragging it along. She was almost at the door, the light and sounds of life just within reach, promising warmth and rest. However, this burst of progress proved too much for her strained body. The combination of her eagerness to reach safety, the awkward angle of her injured foot, and the sheer exhaustion that clouded her judgment resulted in a falter. Her body leaned too far forward, her twisted ankle unable to support the sudden shift in weight and speed, culminating in a stumble that halted her desperate rush. Amelia's body hit the mud-soaked ground with a heavy thud, the side of her hood catching the brunt of the mud, sparing her face from an additional layer of grime. Exhausted and unable to muster the strength to rise, she lay there, the cold, wet earth seeping through her clothes. Every moment of her arduous journey—the relentless elements, the prolonged exertion, and her mounting injuries—converged in a crushing wave of fatigue. Her vision began to blur, clarity giving way to the encroaching fog of exhaustion. The allure of sleep whispered seductively in her mind, promising escape from the relentless discomfort and pain. She was so very tired, and the idea of closing her eyes, even just for a moment, was overwhelmingly tempting. Sleep, that gentle, forgiving oblivion, seemed like the perfect respite. Yet, just as she was on the verge of succumbing to her weariness, a movement caught her eye. In the shadowed space between two buildings, a silhouette appeared. It was a figure, unclear and indistinct, pausing and looking back at her. This unexpected presence halted her drift toward sleep, sparking a flicker of alertness in her foggy consciousness. Who was it? A potential rescuer, or something else? The uncertainty of the figure’s intentions held her in a liminal space between wakefulness and the deep, dark pull of sleep. As Amelia lay motionless, teetering on the edge of consciousness, the door she had been so desperately trying to reach suddenly swung open. The abrupt movement cut through the night, the light from inside spilling out and briefly illuminating the muddy path. The sound of the door slamming shut quickly muffled the lively chatter from within, replacing it with a sudden, profound silence. Then, from the threshold, a soft, almost heavenly voice broke through the quiet, laden with concern. "Oh my goodness! Are you okay?" The words floated down to Amelia, a soothing balm amidst her turmoil. The voice was gentle and caring, its tone imbued with genuine worry, reaching out to her in her moment of dire need. This unexpected kindness rekindled a spark of hope within her. Blackness enveloped Amelia as her consciousness wavered, the edges of her vision fading into an inky void. The ground beneath her seemed to dissolve, and the sounds around her—the concerned voice, the distant laughter, the rain—merged into a distant, indistinct hum. Her body felt weightless, detached from the cold, wet earth that had been its harsh reality moments before. As the darkness deepened, it pulled her further from the tangible world, into a place of quiet and profound stillness. Sleep… at last… Amelia's eyes fluttered open, each blink slowly clearing the lingering fog of sleep from her vision. Above her was a ceiling she didn't recognise; it wasn't the familiar comfort of her own room but rather the sterile, white expanse typical of a hospital. She knew this all too well, an unfortunate familiarity bred from numerous past injuries. As her surroundings came into focus, Amelia noticed the stark, functional details of the room: the ceiling dotted with recessed lighting that cast a gentle, non-invasive glow, and a single large window that was currently shuttered with pale blue blinds. Propping herself up on her elbows, she surveyed the rest of her surroundings. The room was distinctly private, meant for just one patient, with its soothing beige walls adorned with minimal artwork—a generic landscape painting that seemed chosen for its calming hues rather than its subject. Beside her bed, a small, movable table held a pitcher of water and a clear plastic cup, and across the room, a flat-screen TV was mounted high on the wall, currently turned off. The room’s single armchair, upholstered in a nondescript grey fabric, sat empty, angled slightly towards her as if waiting for a visitor. Everything, from the crisp, white linens on her bed to the gleaming, sanitised surface of the nightstand, spoke of meticulous care and cleanliness, yet lacked the warmth of personal touch. It was a place designed not just to heal the body but also to isolate it from the chaotic outside world, providing a quiet refuge where recovery was paramount. As Amelia lay back against the stark white pillows, she tried to piece together the fragmented memories of the previous night. Her mind flickered through the vivid recall of rain-soaked cobblestones, the chilling wind, and the comforting sound of distant laughter that had seemed like a lifeline. She remembered the desperate push towards the warm glow of safety, the silhouette in the alley, and then the sudden collapse into darkness. While she was lost in her thoughts, a subtle shift in her position caused her to notice something unfamiliar about her attire. Glancing down, she realised that she was dressed in a hospital gown, the standard pale blue fabric feeling thin and slightly coarse against her skin. The realisation that she had been stripped of her own clothes made her feel exposed and vulnerable, a stark reminder of the seriousness of her situation. A sudden movement sent a sharp pain shooting through her left ankle, jolting her back to the harsh reality of her injuries. The pain was sharp, a clear reminder of the misstep that had likely brought her here. Amelia winced, the intensity of the discomfort grounding her thoughts firmly back to her current predicament in the hospital room. As she carefully adjusted her position to alleviate the pain, she acknowledged the long road of recovery that lay ahead and the events that had led her to this quiet, solitary room. Amelia cautiously reached down, her fingers tentatively pulling back the lightweight hospital blanket that had been draped over her. As the fabric folded away, revealing her lower body, she caught sight of her left ankle, now meticulously wrapped in a crisp, white bandage. The expertly applied dressing was snug and precise, covering her ankle and extending slightly up her calf, hinting at the care taken during its application. Despite the professional wrapping, a wave of apprehension washed over her as she studied the bandage, she could also feel a tight pressure around her head where she cut her forehead, feeling the rough material of dressing too. The stark white of the gauze contrasted sharply with her fur, drawing her full attention to the severity of her injury. Amelia cringed slightly, a mix of discomfort and worry knitting her brow. She hoped fervently that the damage was not as serious as the bandage made it appear, even as she braced herself for whatever prognosis might come. Her eyes lingered on the bandaged ankle, the visible reminder of last night’s ordeal intertwining with her growing concern for what this injury might mean for her future mobility and recovery. Startled by the gentle creak of the opening door, Amelia's eyes snapped toward the sound, her heart momentarily catching in her throat. Her gaze widened in disbelief as she absorbed the sight before her. There, framed by the doorway, stood a figure that seemed to blend the familiar with the fantastical. The visitor was distinctly anthropomorphic, with soft, yellow fur and a mane of pale pink hair that fell in gentle waves around her shoulders. Her large, expressive eyes, a striking shade of turquoise, radiated kindness and concern as they met Amelia's own. The figure was dressed in a simple, yet elegant, outfit that complemented her gentle demeanour—a soft, pastel green tunic that draped gracefully over her form, paired with cream-coloured leggings that allowed her to move with an almost ethereal grace. Over one shoulder, she carried a duffle bag, remarkably similar to Amelia’s own, which added a touch of familiarity to the surreal encounter. Amelia's heart pounded ferociously as she tried to reconcile the astonishing sight before her. Questions raced through her mind, each more bewildering than the last. Where did this creature come from? Why does it have my bag? Her thoughts spiraled, mingling with a rising tide of panic and curiosity. As the creature took a step closer, its movements gentle yet deliberate, Amelia instinctively tried to shuffle backward. Her sudden movement jarred her injured ankle, sending a sharp spike of pain shooting through her leg. She winced, a stifled gasp escaping her lips. Reacting to Amelia's evident distress, the creature hastened her approach. In a swift, fluid motion, her wings—previously folded at her back and nearly imperceptible beneath her tunic—shot open. The wings were expansive and vibrant, coloured in soft shades of yellow, mirroring the tranquil pastels of her clothing. They fluttered slightly, a reflexive gesture that seemed to underscore her urgency and concern. As she reached Amelia's bedside, the creature's eyes filled with empathy. She lowered her wings slowly, creating an aura of calmness as she knelt beside the bed. Her presence was soothing, her proximity offering reassurance rather than fear, as if she was an unexpected guardian in this sterile, unfamiliar place. With a gentle voice, she spoke, addressing Amelia's unspoken fears and offering comfort with a tenderness that belied her mysterious, otherworldly appearance. The creature's voice was soft and melodic, each word flowing with an innate gentleness that instantly soothed Amelia's frayed nerves. "It's okay, hun. You're in a safe place, there’s no need to worry now.” she reassured, her tone imbued with a maternal warmth and a serene confidence that seemed to fill the room. The familiarity of her voice resonated deeply with Amelia, confirming her suspicion that this was indeed the same voice that had pierced the cold silence of the previous night. Her intonation carried not just the timbre of kindness but also an echo of the comfort it had provided when Amelia had been most vulnerable. The creature's eyes, large and expressive, held a glimmer of recognition and concern as they met Amelia's, reinforcing the connection between them. This was no ordinary encounter; it was a continuation of a moment of rescue, now evolving into one of healing. As the creature spoke, her presence seemed to wrap around Amelia like a warm blanket, the hospital room's stark, clinical edges softened by her calming aura. The slight accent in her voice, tender and lyrical, suggested a deep, inherent wisdom, as if she was not only familiar with human ailments but also skilled in comforting the troubled soul. Amelia's voice was tinged with a mixture of curiosity and gratitude as she spoke. "It was you, wasn’t it? You found me last night?" Her eyes searched the creature's face for confirmation, seeking the link between this serene presence and the guardian angel who had appeared in her darkest hour. The creature nodded gently, her expression softening with empathy. "Yes, it was me," she confirmed, her voice a whisper of reassurance. "I found you when you needed help. I'm so glad you're safe now." Her words carried the weight of genuine concern and relief, bridging the gap between the mysterious encounter on the cold, shadowy path and this moment of quiet safety in the hospital room. Amelia nodded slightly, her movements tentative as she drew her uninjured leg to her chest, instinctively curling into herself. Her eyes, wide and reflective, darted downward, a silent struggle playing out within her as she grappled with the enormity of her situation. This was far from the norm for Amelia; the bewildering transformation she had undergone left her feeling vulnerable and utterly adrift in a reality that seemed to defy explanation. As she cast a furtive glance at the creature before her, a startling realization dawned upon her. Amelia wasn't just looking at a fantastical being; she was mirroring one. Wings—feathery and delicate—unfolded from her own back, a physical manifestation of the change that had overtaken her body. The surreal acknowledgment of her new, shared identity with the creature intensified her feelings of disorientation and fear. The room, though safe and warm, seemed to close in on her as the weight of her new reality settled heavily on her shoulders. All the change, the profound sense of alienation, and the gnawing loneliness compounded, triggering a visceral reaction. Amelia's breath hitched, a sob escaping her lips as tears welled up in her eyes. Overwhelmed and lost, she allowed herself a moment of vulnerability, her tears flowing freely in the quiet hospital room. The yellow creature, exuding a gentle aura, quickly moved to comfort Amelia, her voice a soothing balm as she reassured her. "Oh no, don’t cry, dear, it’s okay, everything is okay." She took Amelia's hand in her own, her touch soft and warm, providing a tangible sense of security and kindness. Amelia, feeling the supportive grip of the creature, squeezed her hand back, the physical connection amplifying the emotional support she so desperately needed. Overwhelmed by the surreal turn her life had taken, she released a deep, shuddering sob that seemed to carry all her confusion and fear. "I don’t know where I am, I don’t know where to go, I don’t know what to do.” she confessed through her tears, her voice cracking under the strain of her emotions. "Dear... I-I have no idea what you went through last night, but would it help if we talked about it?" the creature's voice broke through Amelia's sobs, carrying a tender, questioning note that paused Amelia's tears momentarily as she weighed her response. Inside, a storm of thoughts raged. Amelia knew she could reveal her true origin—that she was not of this place or, upon further contemplation, even of this world. Yet, fear clutched at her heart at the thought of their reaction if they discovered she was not like them—that she was, in fact, human. With this in mind, Amelia chose to feign a gentle ignorance. "I-I don't know, that's the problem, I don't remember anything that happened. My head—it hurts trying to think about it.” Amelia murmured, her hand instinctively cradling her head as if to soothe the mental strain. "Okay, alright, just try to relax. Let your mind rest, okay?" the creature responded, her smile tender and reassuring, which helped Amelia ease her guard under the creature's serene gaze. "My name is Fluttershy, what's yours, hun?" she asked gently, settling herself beside Amelia on the bed. The transformation in Fluttershy's voice was striking. The concern that had tinged her earlier words now gave way to a calm and soothing timber, pure and comforting, enveloping Amelia in a sound that felt like auditory velvet. It carried no particular accent but resonated beautifully, easing Amelia's turbulent thoughts. Amelia hesitated, her mind still trying to process the surreal experiences she'd endured. Yet, something about Fluttershy's demeanour, her softness and genuine warmth, nudged Amelia toward trust. "M-my name’s Amelia. Thank you for saving me, Fluttershy.” she replied, her own voice laced with a distinctive accent that piqued Fluttershy's curiosity, emphasising the exotic nature of her name. "Oh… That’s a lovely name, Amel-ia?" Fluttershy repeated, attempting to capture the unique pronunciation. "Yours too… Fluttershy.” Amelia responded, the name still foreign to her ears. A silence settled between them, thick with unasked questions and shared uncertainty. Amelia's mind was abuzz with inquiries yet a timid reluctance held her back, intimidated by the unusual yet gentle nature of the creature beside her. Glancing over, Amelia noticed Fluttershy also seemed caught in a similar bout of hesitation. Fluttershy fiddled with her fingers, her gaze drifting around the room as if searching for an anchor in the awkward pause. This mutual discomfort only deepened the palpable tension, marking the room with a quiet but intense anticipation of what was to come. "Hey, Amelia… if you want, I can let you stay in my cottage for the time being. I’d hate to let a confused, young filly go, knowing they were hurt and alone. It would make me feel better if I took responsibility over you until you find your way home to your family.” Fluttershy offered, her voice filled with warmth and a maternal concern that resonated deeply in the quiet hospital room. Her eyes held a soft, inviting glow, a clear display of her earnest desire to help. “You sure? I don’t want to be a bother honestly.” Amelia replied, her voice tinged with reluctance. She shifted slightly in the hospital bed, her eyes darting down as she fidgeted with the edge of her blanket, clearly uncomfortable with the idea of imposing on anyone. “You won’t be any trouble, it’ll be my pleasure.” Fluttershy reassured her, her tone soothing and unequivocal. Her smile was gentle, radiating a sense of peace and hospitality that seemed to envelop the room, easing Amelia’s apprehensions. Encouraged by Fluttershy's sincerity and moved by the genuine warmth of her offer, Amelia's face brightened into a grateful smile. With a surge of heartfelt appreciation, she reached out and pulled Fluttershy into a big, embracing hug. The contact was warm and comforting, a physical manifestation of the safe harbour Fluttershy was extending to her in this storm of confusion. Although Amelia was uncomfortable with the idea of relying so heavily on someone she had just met, she internally committed to reciprocating Fluttershy's kindness in any way she could once she regained her strength. Their embrace was not just a thank you—it was a silent promise of friendship and mutual support, a connection forged in the midst of uncertainty. In Fluttershy’s embrace, Amelia felt a renewed sense of hope and a comforting assurance that she was no longer alone in facing the unknown. “Thank you, thank you so much.” > Chapter 3 - This is absolutely boss! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 The days turned into weeks, and Amelia found herself adjusting to life in Fluttershy's household. However, the stark contrast between her previous world and the serene environment of Ponyville weighed heavily on her. The absence of the bustling streets, cars, and the vibrant energy of human society left a void in Amelia's heart. She missed her brother the most, longing for the competitive spirit and camaraderie they shared. The friendly rivalry between them had always pushed Amelia to strive for greatness, to outdo her older sibling. Here in Ponyville, there was no place for such competition, and the absence of that drive left her feeling unfulfilled. Nevertheless, Amelia found solace in the company of Fluttershy's animal friends. She recognised them as familiar beings, reminiscent of the pets she had known in her own world. Their presence brought her a sense of comfort and familiarity, providing a small sense of normalcy amidst the unfamiliar surroundings. Amelia's days were filled with spending time with the animals, and attempting to understand the intricacies of this new world. While she still yearned for the excitement and liveliness of her previous life, she tried to appreciate the simplicity and tranquillity that Fluttershy offered. As time passed, Amelia's heart began to soften, finding a newfound appreciation for the beauty of nature and the gentle companionship of Fluttershy and her animal friends. Though her journey was far from over, she was slowly discovering a sense of belonging and purpose in this enchanting, yet seemingly mundane world. Over the days that followed, the bond between Amelia and Fluttershy deepened, blossoming into a friendship built on mutual understanding and respect. Fluttershy possessed an innate patience and a gentle demeanor that Amelia found immensely comforting. She attended to Amelia’s injured ankle with the care and expertise of a seasoned physiotherapist, expertly guiding her through a regimen of recovery exercises and ensuring she never overexerted herself. The cottage became a sanctuary of healing, filled with the subtle sounds of nature and the soft, nurturing presence of Fluttershy. Day by day, Amelia felt more at ease, gradually shedding layers of her initial reserve. Their conversations started simple—discussions about the weather, the charming quirks of the cottage, and trivial curiosities about daily life in what Amelia came to know as Ponyville. However, as trust wove itself more tightly between them, their dialogues ventured into deeper, more personal terrains. Amelia found herself asking Fluttershy about her life, her past experiences, and the intricate dynamics of the village. Fluttershy, for her part, was sometimes evasive, her answers often wrapped in layers of gentle vagueness. Yet, Amelia understood this dance of disclosure. She too skirted around certain truths, holding back details of her own past and the world she came from. There was an unspoken agreement in their reticence, a mutual respect for the boundaries each set around personal histories not yet ready to be shared. Amelia appreciated Fluttershy’s tact and discretion. It allowed her to feel safe in their growing friendship, knowing she wasn’t obligated to reveal more than she was prepared to. As the days turned into weeks, their conversations became a comforting ritual, with each shared story and half-answered question knitting them closer together, creating a tapestry of companionship that was both nurturing and liberating. Amelia's ankle had healed significantly under Fluttershy's attentive care, though it still reminded her of its fragility if she ventured too far or too fast. The recovery had reached a point where the pain was no longer a constant companion, surfacing only when she overstepped her current limits. This marked improvement brought a newfound sense of freedom, allowing Amelia to explore her surroundings with increasing confidence. She relished the ability to walk around at her leisure, feeling a liberating sense of mobility that she hadn't experienced since her arrival. The lush landscapes of Ponyville, with its vibrant flora and the tranquil backdrop of the cottage, provided a perfect setting for gentle walks that aided her rehabilitation. Each step reinforced her gratitude for Fluttershy's care and the gradual return of her independence. While she remained cautious, not wanting to provoke the lingering pain, Amelia embraced her regained ability to move freely, enjoying each moment of exploration and the simple pleasure of walking without constraint. Amelia's love for football burned within her, even in this new world where the familiar game seemed out of reach. The absence of a ball and the inability to engage in her favourite sport left a void in her heart. The longing for that special bond between a player and a ball intensified with each passing day. The feeling of restlessness grew within Amelia, her desire to break free from the confines of the cottage and quench her boredom becoming overwhelming. She needed an outlet for her energy and a way to satisfy her football cravings. "Amelia!" Fluttershy's voice chimed, breaking the silence in the house. "I'm just about to head out! Um, I was wondering if you'd like to come with me to Ponyville? You know, to help me with the groceries. Of course, only if you're interested." Amelia was taken aback by the sudden call from Fluttershy. It was rare for her to extend an invitation to Ponyville, and Amelia had always declined in the past due to her ankle. But today was different. Boredom had consumed her, leaving her yearning for a change of scenery. With a flicker of excitement, Amelia placed her book about Timber Wolves on the side of the bed. Its pages were filled with captivating tales of these majestic creatures, but now they paled in comparison to the prospect of adventure. She leaped off the bed, her anticipation bouncing within her like a spring. "I'll come!" Amelia's voice rang out, filled with eagerness, as she dashed down the stairs, wearing the new clothes that Fluttershy had kindly gotten for her. A smile formed on her face, thrilled at the chance to experience something different. Fluttershy couldn't help but be taken aback by the sudden surge of energy from Amelia. She had anticipated a polite decline, which was why she had asked in the first place, so as not to appear pushy. It wasn't a bad thing, though. Amelia had always been independent, taking responsibility into her own hands. But this morning seemed to be an exception. Amelia swiftly moved around the ground floor, preparing herself for the harsh cold and wind outside. She grabbed her white hoodie from the hanger, then layered it with a black and white flannel jacket, allowing the hood of the hoodie to hang out casually. The two garments complemented each other perfectly. She already had her black baggy jeans on, and she sat on the couch to put on her black trainers, each adorned with three white stripes running horizontally on the sides. This was Amelia's usual outfit, one that she felt comfortable and confident in. The cheerful whistle pierced the quiet of the cottage, followed by Amelia's lively call, "C'mon, Pooch! Time to go!" Moments later, the rhythmic sound of tiny wooden paws tapping against the floor grew louder as a small Timber Wolf pup scampered into the room. With youthful exuberance, it bounded onto Amelia's lap, its wooden tail thumping enthusiastically, sending tiny reverberations through her. The pup's animated eyes and playful antics drew a burst of laughter from Amelia, filling the room with warmth and joy. Fluttershy watched the pair with a fond smile playing on her lips, recalling the moment they had first met. It had been mere days ago, but the connection between Amelia and the Timber Wolf pup had flourished remarkably, weaving a bond of friendship and companionship that seemed to transcend their brief acquaintance. Their instant affinity for each other had quickly evolved into an inseparable partnership, each finding solace and joy in the other's presence. As the early evening air carried a nip of chill through the slightly ajar window, Fluttershy reached for a padded coat. She slipped it on, preparing for their evening walk. “Okay, let’s go, and please take it easy on your ankle, Amelia. I thought I broke my back when I had to give you a piggyback ride last time.” she teased, her laughter light and carefree, adding a playful undertone to her reminder. Amelia, rubbing the back of her head with a sheepish yet cheeky smile, responded, “I’ll be careful.” Her tone carried a mix of appreciation and gentle self-mockery, acknowledging her past over-exuberance. As they prepared to step outside, Amelia gently set the pup down, allowing it to prance about her feet, eager for the adventure ahead. The evening promised a gentle walk filled with laughter, the soft rustling of leaves, and the joyful company of friends and their loyal, wooden-tailed companion. Ponyville was a sight that Amelia had never laid her eyes upon before. The village exuded a nostalgic charm, as if it had been plucked straight from the pages of history when wood was the primary material for constructing buildings. Cats and dogs roamed about, their noses eagerly sniffing the air, catching scents that piqued their curiosity. The buildings stood taller and more substantial than Amelia had initially anticipated. Each structure consisted of two stories, with the wooden beams proudly visible on the exteriors, adding to the overall vintage appeal. Thanks to Fluttershy, Amelia had learned that the enchanting creatures walking the streets of Ponyville were called ponies. It fascinated her to see the variety among them. Some had elegant horns adorning their heads, while others sported delicate wings, just like Fluttershy and Amelia themselves. There were also ponies without any of these distinct features. What truly caught Amelia's attention, however, was the vibrant array of colours that adorned the ponies' coats. Their hues were so vivid and lively, making them stand out even more. In contrast, Amelia couldn't help but feel a tad silly for wearing her dark-coloured clothing amidst such a vibrant crowd. Amelia's eyes scanned the vibrant streets of Ponyville, her curiosity piqued by the various signs and colorful decorations that hinted at local events. "So, after shopping, what can we do for fun around here?" she inquired, her voice laced with excitement as she imagined the possibilities this charming town could offer. Fluttershy's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she responded, her tone brimming with pride for her hometown. "Oh, of course!" she exclaimed, her voice brightening considerably. "There are plenty of fun activities to do in Ponyville. We can visit the local park and have a picnic, or perhaps go for a relaxing stroll through the beautiful meadows. There's also the annual Ponyville Carnival, where we can enjoy games, rides, and delicious treats. And if you're interested in animals, we can even spend some time at my animal sanctuary, where you can meet all sorts of adorable creatures!" Amelia’s interest was instantly captured by the mention of the carnival. "Ooo, the carnival sounds great!" she said, her eyes lighting up with the thought of the festive atmosphere, the games, and the joyous crowds. "Then we’ll go as soon as we are finished!" Fluttershy agreed, her voice as light and airy as a gentle breeze. Her agreement sealed their plans, setting the stage for a day filled with laughter, excitement, and the warm companionship that had grown between them. As they continued their stroll through the bustling market, Amelia could hardly contain her excitement, already imagining the whirl of colours, the sounds of laughter, and the sweet scents of carnival treats that awaited them. It promised to be a perfect day in the company of a new friend in a town that was quickly feeling like a new home. Amelia meandered through the bustling marketplace, each stall a new world to be explored. Her senses were bombarded with the rich, earthy aroma of fresh produce and the vibrant hues of fruits and vegetables stacked in neat piles. Craftspeople displayed their wares with pride, their stalls draped with shimmering necklaces and bracelets that sparkled under the morning sun. As she wandered, a particular stall drew her attention sharply—a display festooned with various items all bearing the same distinctive emblem. Shirts, scarves, and mugs were adorned with an image of a lime green pony, its bleach white hair styled neatly in a bun, an eye closed in a wink, and a gentle smile gracing its features. Amelia paused, her curiosity piqued. She leaned in closer, squinting slightly as she studied the emblem. The face on the crest was whimsical yet strangely familiar, tugging at the edges of her memory. It seemed to evoke a sense of déjà vu, as if she had seen this character somewhere before—perhaps in passing or in a fleeting dream. The playful wink and serene smile seemed almost alive, as if about to spring to life and trot out of the emblem itself. Amelia's reverie at the stall was abruptly interrupted by Fluttershy's cheerful call. "Amelia! It's time to go!" Her voice was light and airy, floating over the sounds of the marketplace. Turning towards the voice, Amelia saw Fluttershy standing a short distance away, her arms cradling a basket brimming with fresh, colourful produce. By her side, Pooch energetically barked, his little wooden tail wagging vigorously, echoing his owner's urgency and excitement. Amelia's face lit up with a broad smile as the prospect of the carnival re-entered her thoughts. The day was shaping up to be one filled with joy and new experiences. She quickly made her way over to Fluttershy, her steps quickening with anticipation. The marketplace with its myriad distractions faded into the background as her focus shifted to the upcoming adventure. Together, they made their way out of the bustling market, the noise and chaos giving way to the sounds of laughter and music that began to drift from the direction of the carnival. As they walked, Amelia felt a flutter of excitement in her stomach—the kind that comes from the promise of laughter, shared joy, and the kind of fun that fills you up and leaves you with lasting memories. The day ahead at the carnival promised just that, and with Fluttershy and Pooch by her side, Amelia knew it was going to be wonderful. At the carnival, Amelia's enthusiastic foray into the festivities was as humorous as it was heartwarming. Their day began with an attempt at the classic milk bottle toss where Amelia, feeling confident, hurled the ball with such force it not only missed the bottles but sailed over the booth, startling a nearby clown who, in a comedic fluster, honked his nose in surprise and tripped over his own oversized shoes. The sight of the clown juggling to regain his balance while Amelia apologized profusely left both Fluttershy and bystanders in fits of laughter. Later, while exploring the myriad of treats available, Amelia decided to try a massive, spiraled lollipop. As she zealously licked away, the lollipop stuck to her cheek. Fluttershy, ever the helpful friend, tried to assist, only to tug a little too hard, causing Amelia to spin around in a dizzy tangle. They both ended up laughing on a nearby bench, Amelia with a sticky cheek, and Fluttershy with colorful sugar on her hands. At the dunk tank, Amelia, buoyed by her earlier misadventures, volunteered to sit on the dunking seat. Fluttershy, tasked with throwing balls at the target, missed hilariously every time, instead hitting signs, bells, and once even a passing juggler who, unharmed but bewildered, added to the absurdity of the situation. Amelia heckled playfully from her precarious perch, offering running commentary that drew a crowd of chuckling onlookers. When a small child finally hit the target, sending Amelia splashing into the water, the crowd erupted into applause, and Amelia emerged from the tank, dripping but grinning broadly. As dusk settled and they enjoyed the lights of the ferris wheel, Amelia, still damp from the dunk tank, decided to buy a hot dog. No sooner had she taken a bite than a sneaky seagull swooped down, snatching the sausage right from the bun. Amelia's shocked expression turned to laughter as Fluttershy jokingly scolded the bird, which seemed to wink at them before flying off. Through all these comic mishaps, Amelia and Fluttershy found joy in the unexpected, their laughter creating a bond as strong as the memories they were making. Each moment of hilarity brought them closer, turning Amelia's visit into a delightfully funny adventure they would reminisce about for years to come. “That was great! We have to do this again!” Amelia exclaimed, her voice bubbling with energy as she bounced slightly on the balls of her feet. The sugar rush from the cotton candy and other treats had her spirits soaring, and despite the evening hour, her enthusiasm showed no signs of waning. “Definitely, Pooch had a good time too.” Fluttershy agreed, her voice filled with laughter as she gestured towards the little Timber Wolf pup. Amelia and Fluttershy watched with amusement as Pooch, too, seemed to be on a sugar high. The pup was comically attempting to reach the last bits of candy floss stuck on the end of his wooden nose. Each desperate lick just narrowly missed, causing the candy to bob amusingly each time. The sight was too much, and both burst out laughing as Pooch continued his futile yet determined efforts. Amelia kneeled down to help, gently pulling the sticky candy floss off his nose and feeding it to him, which only made his tail wag more vigorously in delight. “Look at him, he’s going to be dreaming of candy floss tonight!” Amelia chuckled, ruffling Pooch's wooden fur affectionately. Fluttershy nodded, smiling warmly at the scene. “And I think we’ll all sleep well tonight, after such a fun day.” she added, her eyes twinkling with contentment. As they made their way out of the carnival grounds, the sky deepened into a dusky purple, the lights of the carnival fading behind them. The laughter and shared joy of the day lingered, a happy echo of the fun they had enjoyed. Amelia looped her arm through Fluttershy’s as they walked, her steps light and her heart full, already looking forward to their next adventure together. Amelia's ears twitched instinctively, picking up the distant rumble of drums and a chorus of voices that seemed to chant in unison. It was a sound that stirred something deep within her, pulling at a thread of memory she couldn't quite grasp. She halted abruptly, her head turning towards the source of the noise. "Do you hear that?" she asked, her voice filled with wonder, her eyes alight with curiosity. Fluttershy paused as well, her own ears perking up as she listened. A crease of concern furrowed her brow as she caught the sounds that had so captivated Amelia. Unlike Amelia's awe, a frown formed on Fluttershy's face, her instinct perhaps sensing something amiss. "Come on, Amelia.” she urged, her tone gentle yet firm, trying to steer her friend away from the mysterious sounds. "It sounds like chanting. Let's check it out!" Amelia insisted, her enthusiasm undampened. Pooch, sensing the excitement in her voice, barked in agreement, though Fluttershy didn't share their eagerness to investigate. "It's been a long day, hun. Let's just head home and put away our groceries. I'll make some hot chocolate while we all watch a movie together. Sound good?" Fluttershy proposed, hoping the promise of a cozy evening would sway Amelia. The suggestion was tempting, laden with the comfort of warmth and relaxation. However, the distant chants tugged at Amelia more strongly than the allure of hot chocolate and a movie. They echoed with a passion that resonated within her, reminiscent of battle cries and solidarity—a call that felt too personal to ignore. It was almost as if the voices were calling out to her, beckoning her to join them, to rediscover a part of herself that was lost or perhaps waiting to be found. Without another word, Amelia turned and bolted towards the sound, driven by a mix of curiosity and an inexplicable sense of belonging. Her heart pounded with the thrill of the unknown, each beat echoing the rhythmic drums in the distance. "Amelia! Stop!" Fluttershy shouted, her voice laced with concern as she dropped the basket of groceries. Fruits and vegetables tumbled out, rolling across the ground as she hurried after Amelia, desperate to catch her before she disappeared into the night, drawn irresistibly towards the chanting that seemed to promise answers or perhaps an adventure all its own. Amelia dashed forward, propelled by an urgency that transcended her usual caution. Her feet pounded the cobblestone as she darted into the network of narrow alleyways that snaked through Ponyville. The sounds of the chanting grew louder, more compelling with each step, pulling her deeper into its mystery. Her breaths came in quick, sharp gasps as she maneuvered around corners and leaped over small obstacles, her mind singularly focused on reaching the source of the alluring noise. The alleyways were a blur, the shadows of the evening casting long, twisting patterns on the ground that flickered under the sporadic street lamps. Amelia's heart raced, not just from the run but from the anticipation of what she might discover. She felt a connection to the sound, a deep, resonant chord that seemed to echo through her very being, urging her forward, faster and more determined. Finally, Amelia burst out of the last narrow passageway and into a wide, open space. The scene before her was nothing short of mesmerising. Amelia's eyes widened in awe as she took in the sight. her eyes scanned the passing ponies as they walked. Something seeming familiar about this crowded march. Many of the ponies were wearing lime green jerseys, that lime green pony crest she saw earlier today on the shirts. Amelia couldn't help but wonder where they were all going and what was happening. Curiosity began to fill her mind as she pondered the mysterious sight. As Amelia's excitement surged at the sight and sounds before her, Fluttershy caught up, panting heavily from the chase. Pooch trotted loyally at her side, his small frame also heaving from the effort. "Fluttershy? Where are they all headed? It seems like something exciting is happening.” Amelia asked, her voice tinged with wonder as she absorbed the vibrant scene unfolding before them. Fluttershy, still trying to catch her breath, glanced nervously at the crowd. Her eyes then focused on the distinctive shirts worn by the ponies—a symbol or logo that suddenly triggered a memory. A flicker of recognition flashed across her features, followed by a visible wave of apprehension. "Amelia, let's just go, hun. It’s getting late," she said, her voice strained, the usual calm demeanor frayed by the unexpected encounter. "Let's follow! It sounds like fun! Please!" Amelia pleaded, her enthusiasm undampened by Fluttershy's evident discomfort. Her eyes sparkled with the thrill of the adventure, eager to dive into whatever celebration or event was drawing such a lively crowd. Fluttershy hesitated, torn between her protective instincts and not wanting to dampen Amelia's spirits. With a reluctant sigh and a worried glance at the throng of ponies, she conceded. "Alright." she muttered under her breath. Taking Amelia's hand more firmly and scooping Pooch into her other arm, she led them towards the throng. As they merged with the flow of the crowd, Amelia's excitement was palpable; she absorbed every cheer, every song with wide-eyed delight, her heart beating in rhythm with the drums. Meanwhile, Fluttershy's anxiety simmered just below the surface. Her eyes darted around, watchful and tense, as she navigated through the revelry. The contrast between Amelia's uninhibited joy and Fluttershy's cautious apprehension painted a stark picture of their differing reactions to the same situation. Amelia's heart raced as she moved with the flow of ponies, each step quickening with her mounting excitement. Pooch, securely cradled in Fluttershy's arms, peeked out with curious eyes, his ears twitching at the vibrant noises surrounding them. The energy in the air was electric, pulsating with the rhythms of chants and the melodic cadence of fervent fans. Amelia's mind raced through the possibilities of what the gathering could signify—a rugby match with its rough and tumble, a swift basketball game, or perhaps the dynamic thrill of a race. However, as the sounds of collective excitement swelled around her, a realization struck her with the force of revelation—it must be football! The thought alone sent a thrill through her veins. She envisioned the field, the players in motion, the ball flying from foot to foot, and the crowd reacting to every move with bated breath. The possibility of experiencing this beloved sport in a new world filled her with a childlike glee. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, and she could almost feel herself among the crowd at a stadium, cheering, clapping, and shouting encouragement. The infectious spirit of the event drew her in deeper, her steps unconsciously syncing with the rhythm of the chants, her voice ready to join the chorus of cheers. Amelia's enthusiasm for the game and her love for the sport momentarily bridged the gap between her world and this new, magical place she was beginning to embrace. Amelia's excitement was palpable as she absorbed the vibrant energy around her, the air electric with the shouts and cheers of the crowd. "This is absolutely boss! I can't believe how many ponies have gathered in one place!" she shouted, trying to make her voice heard over the cacophony. Her eyes gleamed with delight, her expression one of utter joy as she took in the sea of enthusiastic faces. Fluttershy, however, felt a stark contrast in her emotions. The dense crowd and loud noises sent a ripple of anxiety through her, but she masked her discomfort with a practiced smile, focusing on Amelia's happiness. The rhythmic chanting of the crowd, a powerful and unified chorus, swelled to a crescendo, making any attempt at conversation nearly impossible. Fluttershy could only nod in response to Amelia, her own voice lost in the collective excitement. The streets of Ponyville, usually quiet and serene, had indeed transformed into a spectacle of joyful chaos. Flags waved, feet stomped, and every face was alight with anticipation and camaraderie. The vibrant thrum of Ponyville's spirited celebration pulsed through the air, carrying the excitement to every corner of the town. Green and white flags billowed gracefully in the breeze, their colors a vivid contrast against the clear night sky. Scarves in matching hues were draped around the necks of countless ponies, fluttering like banners of team spirit as they moved through the streets. Everywhere Amelia looked, there was a tapestry of unity and enthusiasm. Ponies of all kinds—earth ponies, unicorns, and Pegasi—came together, their voices rising in a powerful chorus that echoed off the buildings and filled the open spaces with a resonant energy. Above, Pegasi added an aerial dimension to the spectacle, their wings beating in rhythm as they circled over the gathering, their joyful calls mingling with the cheers below. The atmosphere was nothing short of infectious. It seeped into Amelia, igniting a firework of excitement that coursed through her entire being. Her heart beat in sync with the rhythmic chanting, and her feet tapped unconsciously to the beat of the drums that some enthusiastic fans banged nearby. The sea of green and white washed over her, and she felt herself drawn irresistibly into its flow. Amelia's eyes sparkled with exhilaration, and a wide grin spread across her face. She could no longer hold back her desire to be a part of this vibrant community celebration. With a joyous whoop, she joined in the chanting, her voice strong and clear. "Here we go! Here we go! Here we go!" she cheered, throwing her hands in the air and swaying with the rhythm of the crowd. Amelia felt a sense of familiarity wash over her as she soaked in the electrifying atmosphere of Ponyville. It reminded her of the vibrant energy she experienced at Goodison Park, the stadium of Everton Football Club, before a match. The passionate fans, their unwavering support for the club, and their love for the sport created a unique ambiance that couldn't be replicated elsewhere. Amelia was certain that this was indeed a football game, as no other sport, not even on a different planet, could emulate the awe-inspiring atmosphere that football had. Her anticipation grew even stronger, and she could hardly wait to witness the excitement and thrill of the game unfold before her eyes. Tonight, she will watch the beautiful game of football. > Chapter 4 - What the hell is VAR doing in this world!?!?!?!? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 As Amelia and Fluttershy arrived at the location, it became undeniable that they had indeed stumbled upon a football game. Amelia clutched her ticket tightly in her hand, a symbol of the excitement that awaited her. However, she couldn't help but notice that the venue wasn't quite what she expected. It wasn't a grand stadium with towering stands, but rather a modest football pitch enclosed by railings. The small, individual stands were gradually filling up with home fans. Despite its humble appearance, the sheer number of fans present made it evident that this was a professional club—the pride of Ponyville. The realisation only fuelled Amelia's anticipation and added to the thrill of being part of this unique football experience. Above the excitement of the football pitch, the night sky stretched vast and majestic, a deep velvety blue punctuated by the glittering jewels of countless stars. The floodlights cast their beams upward, some of the light escaping into the night, where it mingled with the celestial glow. The moon, nearly full, hung prominently, bathing the scene in a soft, silvery luminescence that highlighted the gentle drift of a few wispy clouds. These clouds, thin and serene, seemed to glide peacefully across the sky, undisturbed by the energy below. The stark contrast between the vibrant, lively activity on the ground and the tranquil, timeless expanse above created a backdrop of sublime beauty, enhancing the magical feeling of the evening. Amelia and Fluttershy settled into their seats on the middle row of the side stand, eagerly observing as the remaining seats filled up around them. Bursting with anticipation, Amelia couldn't contain her excitement any longer. She turned to Fluttershy, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Fluttershy! Who's playing? Who is Ponyville going up against?" Her body practically vibrating with eagerness, she could hardly wait for the kickoff to witness the thrilling match unfold before her eyes. "From what I heard, it's The Toffees versus The Reds from Canterlot. its a derby game.” Fluttershy explained, a hint of confusion in her voice as she glanced at her ticket. Amelia's excitement momentarily wavered as she processed the information. She had a brief moment of confusion before it clicked in her mind. The Toffees and The Reds, a classic rivalry. It all made sense now. A surge of anticipation flooded back into Amelia as she realised the intensity and significance of the match she was about to witness. The atmosphere around her seemed to buzz with anticipation, matching her own excitement. “T-T-T-Toffees… Vs… The Reds!?!?!?!?!?!?” Amelia exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief and excitement. No way! It's a derby match, just like the rivalry between Everton and Liverpool! She couldn't believe her luck. The intensity and passion of a local derby added an extra layer of excitement to the already thrilling football match she was about to witness. The echoes of the historic rivalry between the Toffees and The Reds in Ponyville only deepened her anticipation for the kickoff. Amelia couldn't wait to experience the electric atmosphere and the fierce competition that awaited her . "Wow, Ponyville's hoofball club is named the Toffees, and their rivals are The Reds.” Amelia remarked, absorbing the information. She nodded, understanding the significance of the upcoming match. "Its crucial game for the Toffees. They're fighting to climb out of the relegation zone. Going up against The Reds won't be easy, though." Fluttershy said, the information only added to the anticipation and intensity of the match. Amelia couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mixed with a tinge of nervousness for the Toffees and their important battle ahead. Amelia's eyes widened in shock as she processed the news of the Toffees potentially facing relegation. The realisation hit her hard, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of concern for the team. "Wait... relegation? Where are they in the league table?" she asked, her voice filled with worry. The thought of her beloved Toffees being in danger of moving down to a lower division weighed heavily on her mind. She anxiously awaited Fluttershy's response, hoping for some reassurance amidst the uncertainty. "I'm not entirely sure, but it seems that the Toffees really need a victory today." Fluttershy responded uncertainly. Suddenly, a wave of loud cheers reverberated throughout the stadium, drawing their attention to the pitch. The Toffees, adorned in their vibrant lime green jerseys, crisp white shorts, and matching lime green football socks, emerged from the tunnel. They jogged onto the field with a sense of purpose, their heads down in deep concentration. However, the euphoria of the cheers quickly transformed into a chorus of boos and whistles as the opposing team made their entrance. These players, dressed entirely in red, were met with a barrage of disapproval from the home fans. Undeterred, the away supporters responded with their own fervent chants, creating a spirited and electric atmosphere within the stadium. The stage was set for an intense clash between the Toffees and The Reds, sparking a palpable sense of anticipation among the spectators. Amelia observed intently as the players from both teams engaged in their warm-up routines, hoping to catch a glimpse of their skills and teamwork. The Toffees started with passing drills, attempting to establish a fluid connection on the pitch. However, Amelia couldn't help but notice the lack of chemistry among the players. Their passes appeared sloppy, lacking the crispness and accuracy expected at this level of play. The team's movement seemed sluggish, lacking the sharpness and precision required to outmanoeuvre their opponents. The sight was difficult for Amelia to watch. She couldn't help but feel a pang of worry for the Toffees. It seemed that they had a long way to go in terms of developing their teamwork and honing their skills. The match ahead would undoubtedly be a challenging one, and Amelia hoped that the team could find their footing and rise to the occasion. Are these the players I’m supposed to support? Amidst the concerns surrounding the team's overall performance, Amelia's attention was captivated by a few standout individuals. One of them was a young pegasus who sat on the bench, her head lowered and her chin resting on intertwined fingers. Despite not being on the field, there was a determined look in her purple eyes, signalling her readiness to contribute whenever called upon. Amelia sensed a strong sense of focus emanating from her, as if she was prepared to give her all for the team's success. Another player who caught Amelia's eye was a white-furred unicorn with a wild, two-toned blue mane. She sported a pair of headphones, nodding along to the beat as she skilfully manipulated the ball with her feet. Amelia couldn't help but admire the fluidity and precision of her footwork. Her relaxed demeanour, complemented by her red ruby eyes, added a touch of calmness to her presence. It was evident that she possessed a natural talent and a sense of flair on the field. The final player who stood out to Amelia was a tall, red stallion donning the captain's armband. His posture exuded strength and determination, projecting the image of a true leader. He moved from player to player, commanding attention and instilling a sense of confidence within the team. Amelia was particularly impressed by his passing abilities. Whether it was long passes, quick one-touch passes, or intricate manoeuvres, the Captain of the Toffees displayed exceptional skill and precision. His versatility and mastery of the game suggested that he could excel in positions such as a central defender or a holding midfielder. Amelia couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope as she recognised these individuals who possessed unique qualities and talents. Perhaps they would be the key to unlocking the team's potential and turning the tide against formidable opponents like The Reds. Amelia's keen eyes caught a glimpse of an intriguing interaction taking place at the bottom of the stands right in front of her. Two mares, one a purple unicorn with… wings? And the other an orange earth pony, seemed engaged in a conversation. The earth pony sported a stetson hat, concealing her blond mane, while three white freckled dots adorned each of her cheeks. Her calm and steady green eyes exuded a sense of groundedness. The cowgirl vibes emanating from her attire only added to her distinctive character. On the other hand, the purple unicorn exuded an air of elegance and sophistication. She was dressed impeccably in a black suit, complemented by a white shirt with the top buttons casually undone. Her black pants and high heels added to her polished appearance. Perched on her nose were black-rimmed glasses, further enhancing her intelligent and composed demeanour. The sight of her discreet chuckle, hidden behind a slight fist, hinted at her playful nature. Amelia couldn't help but wonder if these two mares were the managers of the respective teams. The purple unicorn's refined appearance and subtle laughter suggested a level of sophistication that aligned with a managerial role. Meanwhile, the earth pony's cowgirl attire and composed demeanour hinted at her potential as a team leader. However, without further information or context, Amelia couldn't determine which manager was associated with which team. She eagerly anticipated learning more about these intriguing figures and the impact they would have on the match unfolding before her. Amelia's attention swiftly shifted as unexpected commentary reverberated throughout the area, capturing the attention of the spectators. To her surprise, a colossal magical screen materialised above the pitch out of thin air. Two ponies, dressed in sleek black suits and sporting headphones, turned their gaze towards the screen, ready to deliver their commentary. The pony on the left side of the screen spoke with enthusiasm, his voice projecting a sense of excitement. "Welcome, ladies and gentlestallions, to the Equestrian League, the finest league in the land!" His words echoed through the stadium, setting the stage for the thrilling match that was about to unfold. The mention of the Equestrian League invoked a sense of prestige and significance, further fuelling the anticipation among the spectators. Amelia couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as she realised the magnitude of the event she was about to witness. The presence of the commentators and the grandeur of the magical screen added an extra layer of spectacle to the already captivating atmosphere. She eagerly prepared herself for the action that was about to unfold, ready to immerse herself in the world of Equestrian League football. The epic declaration from the pony on the right ignited a wave of cheers from the impassioned fans, who had eagerly awaited this long-anticipated match. He declared, with a dramatic flair, "And today, we present to you one of the most intense fixtures of the season! A rivalry so sweet and bitter that it's a referee's nightmare to manage! I bring to you — The Royal Reds vs The Mighty Toffees!!!" The crowd erupted with excitement, their energy palpable in the air. Amelia was swept up in the atmosphere, her anticipation reaching new heights. The mention of the Royal Reds and the Mighty Toffees, coupled with the commentator's electrifying delivery, further fuelled her excitement. She was well aware that the Reds were considered the clear favourites, but she couldn't help but wonder if the Toffees had a surprise in store, a hidden strategy to combat their formidable adversaries. The commentator turned to his colleague, addressing him as Lynx, seeking his prediction for the match. Amelia leaned in, eager to hear what insights Lynx would offer. The Reds' dominance was widely acknowledged, but perhaps Lynx had some unique perspective to share, shedding light on the Toffees' potential to challenge and surprise their dangerous opponents. The tension and anticipation mounted as the stage was set for an enthralling clash between these two rival teams. Lynx, brimming with excitement, responded to Neo's inquiry with careful consideration. "It's a difficult one to predict, Neo! The Reds are known for their skilful play and technical prowess. Their mentality is always geared towards securing a victory. However, Everton, the Toffees, possess a certain aggressiveness and tenacity. They are unafraid to take risks, especially when high rewards are at stake. This means we can expect more tackles and a fair share of cards in this match." Lynx's words conveyed his belief that the Toffees would make it a scrappy affair, not giving the Reds any opportunity to dictate the pace of the game with their preferred style of play. The anticipation in his voice was evident, although he maintained a professional demeanour, trying to conceal his underlying smile. Amelia couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement upon hearing Lynx's analysis. The prospect of a fierce battle between the Toffees' grit and the Reds' finesse added an extra layer of intrigue to the match. She eagerly awaited the kickoff, ready to witness the clash of contrasting styles and see if the Toffees could disrupt the Reds' rhythm and secure a surprising result. "I couldn't agree more, Neo." Lynx concurred, acknowledging the Toffees' home advantage as a potential motivating factor. However, he cautioned against underestimating the Reds' ability to adapt to any situation. If the Toffees were to play hardball, the Reds had the capability to match their intensity and even raise the stakes. Amelia nodded in agreement, recognising the importance of both teams' adaptability and resilience in determining the outcome of the match. The contrasting dynamics between the Toffees' struggling form this season and the Reds' status as title contenders heightened the intrigue surrounding this fixture. As Neo shifted his attention downward, he revealed a piece of paper, signalling the upcoming presentation of statistics. Amelia leaned in, eager to absorb the valuable insights that would shed light on the teams' previous performances and potentially offer clues about their strategies for this highly anticipated match. The air was filled with anticipation as the stage was set for the unveiling of these crucial statistics. As Neo presented the staggering statistics, Amelia's heart sank. The numbers painted a bleak picture for the Toffees and their fans. Since the start of October, only The Gunners had accrued more Equestrian League points than the Canterlot Reds, amassing an impressive 18 points. The Reds had emerged victorious in six out of their eight matches during that period, showcasing their dominance on the field. Adding to the Toffees' woes, Neo revealed that they had never emerged victorious in any of their previous ten encounters against the Reds in all competitions. With a record of nine wins and one draw in their favour, the Reds held a complete stronghold over their rivals. The Toffees had only managed to secure four points out of a possible 33 in their past eleven meetings, with just a solitary win, one draw, and nine defeats. The weight of these statistics was palpable, and the Toffee fans couldn't contain their disappointment, expressing their dissatisfaction with boos echoing through the stadium. Amelia cringed, knowing that the odds were stacked against her beloved team. It was undeniably clear that the Toffees were entering this match as the underdogs, facing an uphill battle to overcome the Reds' historical dominance. Amelia's confidence wavered, but she held onto a glimmer of hope, recognising that statistics didn't always determine the outcome of a single match. She hoped that the Toffees would rise above the odds and defy expectations, ready to witness a potential upset and a thrilling display of determination on the pitch. Lynx's words brought a renewed sense of hope to Amelia and the Toffee fans. He presented a different perspective, highlighting the Toffees' impressive performances against top-four teams this season. In the past, the Toffees had struggled against such opponents, managing only three wins in their previous 33 encounters, with 26 losses and four draws. However, this season had seen a shift in their fortunes, with three victories in their last six matches against top-four sides, including notable wins against the Red Devils, the Lilywhites, and the Crows. Furthermore, Lynx emphasised the Toffees' recent resurgence. After a slow start to the season, where they had accumulated just three points from their first nine league games, the team had experienced a turnaround in form. They had garnered 13 points from their last six matches, with four wins, one draw, and one loss. This positive trend indicated that the Toffees' initial struggles might have been temporary, and they were now displaying the resilience and determination to compete at a higher level. Amelia felt the energy in the stadium shift as the Toffee fans erupted into cheers, their chants echoing throughout the stands. The newfound belief in their team's ability to fight against the odds was palpable. The injury concerns for the Reds only added to the Toffees' optimism, presenting an opportunity for a potentially promising result. Immersed in the swirling emotions of the crowd, Amelia found herself voicing her observations aloud, her words carrying an undertone of admiration and resilience. "At least the fans haven't lost their fighting spirit." she mused, her voice barely rising above the energetic buzz of the crowd. The statement was more of a personal reflection, a salute to the unwavering commitment of the Toffees' supporters, despite the daunting statistics and odds stacked against their team. In the midst of the sea of die-hard supporters, Amelia felt a sense of companionship. It was a bond forged out of shared love for the team, a camaraderie that thrived amidst the highs and lows of the game. Just like the rest of the crowd, she held onto hope, ready to cheer her team until the very end. With the anticipation building, Neo announced the lineup for the visitors in an animated tone. "Let's delve into the details of the lineup for the visiting team, shall we? Opting for a 4-3-3 formation, Beck is the obvious choice for the goalkeeper position, undeniably one of Equestria's finest!" His tone carried a sense of affirmation, reflecting the widely held respect for Beck's abilities. Neo continued to outline the team's defensive lineup, "In defence, we have Trenton at right back, the duo of Vandrick and Gnomez as centre-backs, and Braveheart securing the left-back position. A formidable defensive wall indeed, but also a force to be reckoned with in the attack!" Moving on to the midfield setup, Neo added, "In the heart of the pitch, Macca Night takes up the pivotal number 6 role, flanked by Szobosky on the right and Gravelberch on the left. A noticeable change here, with Gravelberch stepping up to make his first start, filling in for Maestro who sustained a knock in the last match." Relief coloured Neo's voice as he added, "Fortunately, Maestro's injury seems to be minor as he's on the bench, providing an experienced substitute option if needed." The forward lineup brought an element of surprise, with Neo's voice rising in excitement. "In the front three, we have a fresh face from Canterlot's academy making a surprise start! Young Redsica Miles will be joining Lucho Luck on the left wing and Pharaoh on the right. A fascinating choice indeed!" Neo turned to Lynx, seeking his opinion on the lineup. Amelia leaned in, intrigued by the unexpected change in the front three and eager to hear Lynx's analysis. The stage was set for an exciting match, the anticipation heightened by the surprise inclusion of the young Redsica Miles. Lynx responded with a confident nod, his seasoned eyes scanning the lineup. "Indeed, Neo. This is a strong team, undoubtedly formidable to face off against. The inclusion of Redsica is an unexpected move, but I have full faith in the strategic acumen of Twilight Sparkle." he asserted, his tone carrying a note of respect for the team's manager. Having witnessed Twilight Sparkle's tactical brilliance on numerous occasions, Lynx was well aware of her ability to balance risks and rewards effectively. He continued, "Twilight Sparkle has a knack for making bold decisions that often yield fruitful results. The decision to field Redsica could very well be one of those masterstrokes." His gaze turned thoughtful as he added, "It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out in the upcoming match." Neo's voice carried a tone of excitement as he started detailing the home team's lineup. "Here's what the home crowd has been eagerly waiting for! The Toffees, also lined up in a 4-3-3 formation, have chosen Caramel as their goalkeeper. He's proven himself to be a reliable last line of defence." he began, acknowledging the goalkeeper's track record. "For the back-four, we have Noteworthy at right back, with Lyra and Bon Bon forming the centre-back pair, and Comet Tail completing the defence at left back." Neo continued, outlining the team's defensive line-up. Moving on to the midfield, Neo elaborated, "We see the dynamic Minuette, the serene and tactically astute captain, Big Mac, and the energetic Thunderlane. This is a midfield that can dominate with their aggressive pressing game!" As for the attacking trio, Neo's voice held a note of anticipation. "On the wings, we have the elegant Octavia on the left and her equally talented counterpart, Vinyl, on the right. And finally, leading the charge down the centre is the tenacious Derpy! While they might not boast the League's strongest attack, they have a knack for finding a way to score." he concluded. With each name announced, the crowd roared louder, fuelling the growing anticipation in the stadium. The Toffees' lineup reflected a balance of skill, strategy, and determination. The home crowd, including Amelia, eagerly anticipated the kick-off, ready to cheer on their team with unwavering enthusiasm. The stage was set for a thrilling clash, and the excitement in the stadium was palpable. Lynx chimed in, adding depth to the discussion about the lineup. "Let's not overlook the Toffees' bench. Despite a few injury setbacks and a somewhat thin squad, they've turned to their academy to bolster their options. One standout youngster is Scootaloo, known for her lethal finishing in front of the goal." he extolled, his voice ringing with admiration. "Scootaloo has had a few impressive seasons with the U19s and U21s, making her mark as a promising talent. Her stellar performances have earned her a place on the bench alongside the senior players. That's a remarkable achievement, especially considering she's merely 16 years old. This demonstrates not only her potential but also the faith the coaching staff has in her." Lynx elaborated, his tone reflecting his appreciation for the young pegasus' talent. Amelia listened attentively, intrigued by the young player's accomplishments. The inclusion of academy players provided a glimpse into the future of the team, adding an element of excitement to the upcoming match. She couldn't wait to see how these promising young players would perform on the big stage, hoping they would seize their opportunity to shine. Neo chimed in, echoing Lynx's praise of the promising young player. "Indeed, Lynx! It's a remarkable achievement for such a young player. I can't help but hope we'll get to see Scootaloo step onto the pitch today and make a significant impact." he expressed, his voice tinged with anticipation. He continued, his tone full of admiration, "Imagine the thrill of making a debut at such a crucial match. It would indeed be a legendary start for the young pegasus with the distinct purple mane." Neo's endorsement of Scootaloo added to the growing excitement. Amelia, along with the rest of the crowd, felt a surge of anticipation. The prospect of witnessing a potential star in the making added an extra layer of intrigue to the upcoming match. The atmosphere in the stadium was electric as the fans eagerly awaited the kick-off, ready to cheer on their team and the promising young talent on the bench. With an air of anticipation lingering in his voice, Neo addressed the eager listeners. "And with that, ladies and gentlestallions, the wait is almost over. We are just moments away from the start of the match. So, sit back, get comfortable and prepare to witness what promises to be an extraordinary display of hoofball!" His words echoed through the stadium, amplifying the electric atmosphere. The excitement was palpable as the crowd, including Amelia, braced themselves for the thrilling spectacle about to unfold on the pitch. Despite Amelia's uncertainty about The Toffees' chances against The Reds, she found herself intrigued by the intricacies of the game. She wondered about the team's playing style, the strategies they adopted, and the specific roles each player was assigned. Would they stick to traditional tactics or embrace more modern approaches? Amelia realised that her knowledge of hoofball, as they called it here - a term she found more appealing than 'soccer' - was rather limited. She found herself pondering over the rules of the game. Were the players allowed to use magic or fly during the match? Could there be more than eleven players on the field at any given time? The thought intrigued her. While she didn't have all the answers yet, Amelia looked forward to learning more about this fascinating sport. With the match about to begin, she was all set to observe and understand the nuances of hoofball. Regardless of the outcome, she was sure it would be an interesting experience. Following half an hour of observing the players' warm-up routines, the shrill sound of the referee's whistle echoed throughout the stadium. The sharp note brought the players' activities to an abrupt halt. One by one, they turned and made their way towards their respective coaches. The teams gathered in tight huddles, their heads bowed and their attention focused on their managers' last-minute instructions. The anticipation in the stadium grew palpable as the crowd watched the players listen intently, absorbing the final strategic advice before the match commenced. Amelia watched the scene unfold with interest, curious about the tactical discussions taking place within those huddles. She knew that the strategies outlined in these final moments could significantly influence the game's outcome. As the anticipation built, the imminent kick-off promised an exciting foray into the world of hoofball. While Amelia may have harboured doubts about the outcome, it did nothing to dampen her excitement. Her affection for the sport ran deep, extending beyond mere club loyalties. The impending kick-off had her on the edge of her seat; she could hardly wait. She was eager for the thrill of a goal, the crowd's deafening roar, the heart-stopping moments of a fierce tackle. As the excitement surged within her, Amelia could feel her pulse quicken, her adrenaline levels rise. Her grin widened with each passing moment, a reflection of her mounting anticipation. What was this feeling coursing through her? Was it excitement or nervousness? A sense of dread or unbridled enthusiasm? Perhaps it was a mixture of all these emotions. Regardless, it ignited a fierce, emerald fire within her. Suddenly, merely spectating didn't seem enough. She yearned to be out there on the pitch, to be a part of the action, to feel the ball at her hooves. The desire to play was overwhelming. Amelia's heart echoed with the sentiment: she wasn't just a supporter, she was a player at heart. Screw sitting here, I wanna play! Fluttershy couldn't help but notice the intense passion in Amelia's eyes. They held a hunger akin to a timber wolf deprived of food for ten days. Amelia was leaning forward, her body quivering with barely contained excitement. Her smile was so wide, it could rival that of a certain pink pony. The blue pegasus seemed lost in thought, her index finger pressed against her lips, her thumb resting under her chin. Her eyes darted around the pitch, taking in every detail with an intense focus. Fluttershy knew that Amelia had some connection with hoofball, but she never expected it to be this profound. The transformation was surprising. The usually energetic filly had turned into this... this... well, Fluttershy wasn't quite sure what to call it. She had never seen anypony so consumed by a sport before. The intensity of Amelia's passion was slightly concerning for Fluttershy. She could only hope that Amelia's love for the sport would bring her joy, not trouble. Fluttershy's contemplation was cut short as the players suddenly broke from their huddles and began dispersing across the field. They took their positions, their faces reflecting a blend of determination and focus. The stadium buzzed with anticipation, the crowd's energy palpable. Amelia's eyes sparkled with excitement, her gaze fixed on the pitch. Fluttershy, although not as invested in the sport, shared in the anticipation. The long-awaited moment had finally arrived. The match was about to begin! 20:00 PM — KICKOFF! Within the opening minutes of the match, Amelia could already discern the clear difference in skill levels between the two teams. The Reds came out of the gates with a blistering intensity, instantly putting pressure on the Toffees. In contrast, the Toffees appeared somewhat disorganised in their defensive efforts, struggling to intercept or successfully tackle. The Reds maintained possession, skilfully navigating the field for the initial few minutes. Then, as Amelia had anticipated, the inevitable occurred... 5’ REDSICA!!! 1-0 The Reds FC! The stadium was silenced as the Reds FC scored the first goal! Redsica had given the visitors an early lead, leaving Ponyville and its supporters stunned. The Toffees' attempt to play out from the back had proven to be a sloppy move. Macca had intercepted the ball brilliantly, showcasing a swift turn of pace to break away from Big Mac. The midfielder then sent a threatening cross into the six-yard box. That's where Redsica appeared, steering the ball past Caramel to score on her Equestrian League debut! The Toffees had left themselves vulnerable, and the Reds had seized the opportunity. It was the perfect start for the visitors, leaving the home team and its supporters reeling from the early setback. Amelia watched, her heart sinking slightly but her fascination for the game unabated. Amelia’s hands were on her head, seeing the terrible start to the match. "Bloody 'ell! We've started off dead slow and we've been proper punished for it!” Amelia said, mimicking all the other home fans' factual features. The Toffees need to wake up. Now! 10’ CHANCE! The Reds missed a golden opportunity to extend their lead when a perfectly timed through ball from Macca found Lucho in a promising position. However, he was forced wide and his subsequent shot was lackluster. Caramel made an easy save, preventing further damage. The visitors would have to capitalise on such opportunities if they hoped to secure a win here. Amelia couldn't help but admire Macca's skill. The short, earth pony Defence Midfielder had a knack for delivering precise passes, as he had just demonstrated. The Toffees had narrowly escaped conceding another goal, and it was only ten minutes into the match. The intensity of the game spurred Amelia's excitement further. She decided to hold Pooch, her faithful companion, for comfort as she prepared herself to endure the nerve-wracking moments sure to follow in the rest of the match. 24’ OFFSIDE, NO GOAL! The visitors continued to keep the pressure on, patiently building up a play that resulted in Braveheart crossing the ball to Redsica. Her close-range header was expertly blocked by Caramel. Pharaoh attempted to nod the rebound into an empty net, but the offside flag was raised. Redsica had strayed beyond the last defender before meeting Braveheart's pass. The Reds were proving to be a formidable force, maintaining the majority of possession and consistently threatening the Toffees' goal. The home team desperately needed a wake-up call if they were to turn things around. Amelia exhaled deeply at the relentless pressure from the Reds. Their coordinated play, with each pass matched by a run behind the defensive line, was impressive. The team was showcasing their athleticism, skill, experience, and passion. All the key ingredients needed to be a world-class team were on full display. While Amelia hated to admit it, she knew that unless the Toffees stepped up their game, defeat was inevitable. Her heart pounded with a mix of trepidation and excitement as the match continued to unfold. 26’ YELLOW CARD! Pharaoh, the Reds' Right Winger, was issued a yellow card for delaying a Toffee corner kick, a clear instance of time-wasting. However, Amelia could see through the ploy. It was a tactical move, designed to agitate the Toffees, and it seemed to be working. She could see the Toffee players bristle, their teeth gritting in response to the overt disrespect. It was a dirty tactic, but the Reds were clearly aiming to undermine the Toffees psychologically. She watched with a mix of intrigue and disapproval. This was one side of the sport she didn't care for - the manipulation and mind games. But she understood that it was part of the strategy, and it only made her more determined to see how the Toffees would respond. 30’ YELLOW CARD! Following a tackle by Szobosky that brought Comet Tail to the ground, the Toffee player seemed to overreact in his protest about the challenge. His overzealous response earned him a yellow card. Amelia noted the Toffees' growing frustration. To lose their cool over a tactical foul during a counterattack was counterproductive. The players seemed to be letting their emotions get the better of them. Despite efforts from the captain and coach to calm them, the intensity of the rivalry was clearly getting to them. The game was heating up, the tension palpable. Amelia couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for the Toffees, hoping they'd regain their composure and get back into the game. 39’ OFF THE POST! The Toffees breathed a sigh of relief as the woodwork denied Redsica a goal-scoring opportunity. The young forward managed to get a shot off from a tight angle, beating Caramel, but the ball ricocheted off the left upright. The Reds were so close to taking a 2-0 lead in the match. The Toffees were forced to defend with all their might, desperately trying to hang on and wait for the right moment to turn the game in their favour. As the first half progressed, the Reds continued to dominate the game. The Toffees had little to show for their efforts, primarily focusing on defensive play. Amelia felt frustrated by the team's lack of offensive prowess, noting the absence of creativity and speed on the wings. The lack of scoring opportunities was disheartening, and she hoped to see a change in the team's approach in the second half. 45’ HALFTIME! At halftime, The Reds lead The Toffees by a single goal. The visitors secured their lead just five minutes into the match at Ponyville. Macca intercepted Minuettes' loose clearance and delivered a dangerous cross that Redsica converted into a goal. Redsica also struck the post later in the half, coming close to extending their advantage. It was a positive first half for The Reds, showcasing their dominance with more possession and quick passes that troubled The Toffees' defence. The home fans were on edge as they witnessed the intense battle between attack and defence unfold on the pitch. The Reds were clearly in control, but could The Toffees hold their ground? Would they be able to capitalise on counterattacks against the favoured league champions, The Reds, and turn the tide in their favour in the second half? As the players regrouped during halftime, hydrating with water and receiving instructions from their animated coaches, one of whom sported a frantic look under her stetson hat while the other, a composed unicorn, offered guidance. The Toffees appeared fatigued, gasping for air and drenched in sweat. Amelia acknowledged the team's defensive efforts, commending their determination to block passes and make crucial tackles near the 18-yard box. However, she couldn't ignore their struggles in transitioning the ball to their forwards. The midfielders faced relentless pressure from The Reds, leaving them little time to make decisions or control the game. The Toffees seemed overwhelmed by the opposition's intensity, struggling to find their rhythm. Watching the team's challenges unfold was tough for Amelia. She held onto hope that the second half would bring about a much-needed change in their performance. Amelia carefully analysed The Reds' gameplay, scrutinising each player's movements. She couldn't shake off her concern that these players had been holding back in the first half. Players like Lucho, Pharaoh, and Redsica displayed remarkable speed and unpredictability, posing a constant threat in their respective positions on the field. Their quick footwork and dribbling skills made them a nightmare for defenders, requiring utmost caution to contain. Amelia observed that the front three players not only excelled in attacking but also displayed strong defensive work ethic. When they or a teammate lost possession, they immediately tracked back and applied pressure, disrupting The Toffees' passing lanes and counterattacking opportunities. This relentless pressing from The Reds made it challenging for The Toffees to find openings and regain control of the game. In analysing The Reds' team dynamics, Amelia focused on the midfield trio of Gavelberch, Szobosky, and Macca. These players formed the backbone of the team, excelling in creating passes, interceptions, tackles, and scoring opportunities. Their versatility allowed them to contribute effectively to defence, pressing, and attack, showcasing their indispensable role in the team's strategy. While Amelia hadn't closely observed the defenders' performance, she recognised their readiness to thwart any Toffee attacks. Vandrink, The Red's captain, played a pivotal role in motivating and keeping the defenders alert for decisive moments. The full-backs, Trenton and Braveheart, displayed an interesting dynamic by operating almost like wing-backs in attacking scenarios, while also pressing the opposition wingers when out of possession. This dual role posed both offensive advantages and defensive risks, but their strategy seemed effective, especially given The Toffee's struggle to advance beyond their own half. As for the goalkeeper, although he had a quiet first half, commentators praised him as one of the top goalkeepers in Equestria. While Amelia hadn't witnessed his skills firsthand, she respected the commentators' insights and trusted their judgment on his capabilities. Amelia leaned back against the cool metal of the stadium bleachers, her gaze distant and troubled as she contemplated the match unfolding before her. The setting moon cast long shadows across the field, highlighting the intensity of the players as they moved. Amelia's analysis hung in the air, mingled with the cheers and groans of the crowd around them, a testament to the challenge of deciphering a way to outplay such a well-oiled machine. Amelia knew all to well about underdog comebacks in football but, with such a dominant first half from the Reds, Amelia didn’t know if that was possible now. She could only hope and was wrong. 21:00 – Start of the second half! No changes into the second half! 51’ SUBSTITUTION! Amelia watched intently as the substitution board lit up, announcing the Toffees' tactical switch. She arched an eyebrow skeptically when Derpy, who had only registered 35 touches—the lowest among the outfield players—made way for the much-talked-about Scootaloo. At just 16, the young wonderfilly was stepping onto the pitch with the weight of expectations on her shoulders. Initially, Amelia felt a twinge of doubt about the substitution. "They’re off their heads." she muttered under her breath. "Swapping one striker for another isn’t what they need right now. They should be bringing on someone who can boss the centre of the pitch, get a hold of the game, y’know?" But as the game progressed, Amelia’s skepticism began to wane. It became clear that Scootaloo was not just any striker; she was playing as a false-9. Her role was more nuanced—dropping back, pressing aggressively when The Reds had possession, sneaking up from behind to snatch the ball away on occasions. Her movements were disruptive, pulling midfielders and defenders out of position and cleverly feeding through balls to the wingers. Amelia’s expression shifted from doubt to admiration. "Ah, now I see what they’re doing here." she exclaimed, her voice carrying a mix of surprise and approval. "This lass isn’t just here to score; she’s here to stir things up, create chaos among The Reds' lines. If they aren’t careful, this change could very well lead to a goal." The substitution, initially puzzling, was proving to be a shrewd move, showing that sometimes the most impactful players on the pitch were those who could redefine their roles dynamically, keeping the opponents guessing and on edge. 58’ SUBSTITUTION! As The Reds responded with a substitution of their own, Amelia scrutinised the new player jogging onto the pitch. Szoboszlai, who had been covering a lot of ground in midfield, was replaced by Dyson Bald, a figure whose physical presence was as notable as his name. Positioned in the middle of the park, Dyson's role as a defensive midfielder was clear from his build alone—a towering unicorn who seemed built to dominate physically. Amelia watched Dyson's first few interactions closely, noting how he positioned himself strategically in response to Scootaloo's movements. "He’s probably been brought on to shadow Scootaloo, win back the ball when she tries one of her little tricks." Amelia commented to Fluttershy, who nodded in understanding. Despite Dyson's imposing presence, Amelia remained skeptical. "Smart move, but Scootaloo is on fire today. Can he really stop her?" she mused, more to herself than to Fluttershy. "I don’t think so." Her tone was confident, almost defiant, as she observed Scootaloo continue to dart around, her youthful energy and unpredictable movements proving a challenge even for someone as prepared as Dyson. The tactical chess match unfolding on the field was a testament to the depth and strategy of the game, and Amelia's insights brought a deeper appreciation for the nuances each player and substitution brought to the match. 60’ YELLOW CARD! As the match intensity escalated, Scootaloo found herself in a promising breakaway, her legs pumping furiously towards the goal. Just as she prepared to manoeuvre past the last line of defence, Gnomez stepped in, his intentions clear and his actions deliberate, pulling her down in a tactical foul to stop the counterattack. The crowd erupted in boos as Scootaloo hit the turf, her frustration palpable. In a moment of youthful indiscretion, she sprang to her feet and waved an imaginary yellow card in the direction of the referee, signalling her belief that Gnomez deserved a booking for his actions. However, the referee, unamused by her antics, reached into his pocket and brandished a real yellow card—directed at Scootaloo herself. The stadium filled with a mix of reactions, some fans jeering the decision, others shaking their heads at the young striker's rashness. Amelia shook her head, her expression a mixture of annoyance and understanding. "It’s silly to be asking for cards like that, especially as a young'un on the pitch. But it was understandable." she admitted. "Gnomez clearly took her down on purpose to stop that counter. He should’ve seen yellow too, to be fair." The incident served as a harsh lesson for Scootaloo, a reminder of the discipline required at this level of play. Amelia sympathised with the teenager’s plight but knew that part of her growth as a player would involve navigating these frustrating moments with maturity. 67’ SIDE-NETTING! As the game wore on, the Toffees began to show glimpses of their potential. A surge down the right flank saw Noteworthy, the full-back, pushing far up into an attacking position. With the defence stretched and scrambling, he managed to carve out a sliver of space for himself, just enough to unleash a shot from a tight angle. The crowd leaned forward in anticipation, but disappointment washed over the stands as the ball whistled past the wrong side of the post. It was a solid attempt, but as Amelia watched, she couldn't help but critique the choice. "He had a good go, but there was more he could've done there." Amelia remarked, her tone a blend of encouragement and frustration. "With Scootaloo and Octavia both in prime positions inside the box, a cross might've been the smarter play. Either of them could’ve got a touch and turned it into something special." Despite the missed opportunity, the shot marked the first significant attempt on goal for the Toffees. Amelia appreciated the effort but knew that to truly capitalise on their moments, the team needed to make smarter decisions in the final third. "It’s the first proper shot we’ve had at least." she conceded, folding her arms as she leaned back. "But in spots like that, you've got to either make the keeper work or put it where your teammates can have a go. Just blasting it isn't enough." Her eyes followed Noteworthy as he jogged back into position, hopeful for more and better chances as the match progressed. 68’ DYSON!!! 2-0 THE REDS! The air around Amelia thickened with tension as the Reds executed a flawless counterattack. Redsica led the charge, swiftly transitioning the ball to Pharaoh, who arched a deep cross towards the far post. There, Dyson, the substitution made earlier to shore up defence, showcased his value in offence by heading the ball past a helpless Caramel. The Reds' fans erupted in celebration, their cheers a stark contrast to the groans from the Toffee supporters. "FUCK!" Amelia couldn't contain her frustration as she stood abruptly, her shout echoing around her. The sudden outburst mirrored the sentiments of many around her, but it starkly contrasted with the usually jovial atmosphere she maintained. "Language!" Fluttershy's voice cut through the tumult, her admonition tinged with surprise and a hint of disappointment. It wasn't often she heard such language from Amelia, typically reserved for the more rowdy or inebriated fans. Amelia turned sharply towards Fluttershy, her face flushing with embarrassment. "S-sorry... I didn't mean to say that, y'know." she stammered, rubbing the back of her head while her ears flattened in regret. Fluttershy huffed, her initial shock slowly replaced by a sympathetic understanding. She too felt a pang of frustration at the Reds' second goal. The Toffees had been gaining momentum, looking likely to score, only for the visitors to extend their lead, dashing hopes of a comeback. The jeers of the Reds' fans only added salt to the wound, stirring a mix of frustration and envy within her. “It’s okay, Amelia… Just don’t let me catch you using any curse words again.” Fluttershy said, her gentle tone carrying an uncharacteristic firmness. Silence fell between them, an awkward reminder of the tension that sometimes surfaced in moments of high emotion. Both sat back down, the sting of the goal and their brief exchange lingering in the air. Despite the setback, they shared a mutual hope, a silent wish that the Toffees would find a way to rally and give their fans something to cheer about before the final whistle. 70’ PENALTY FOR THE TOFFEES!? Is it a penalty? Dyson is caught out in possession by Scootaloo as she collects a Braveheart’s pass, and the Toffee’s striker feeds the winger (Vinyl) in the box. Vinyl looks to beat Vandrick with her quick feet but is brought down by The Red’s defender, and the referee has no hesitation in pointing straight to the spot! The referee's also reaching for a card, but the MVAR officials are asking him to double-check this... Amelia was ecstatic about the rewarded penalty, Scootaloo did so well to win the ball back in the final 3rd, shocking the defence momentarily. All The Toffee fans cheered in celebration of the chance to score a clear goal from the spot. However, the celebration stopped when an announcement came from the speakers that the MVAR were looking into the incident between Dyson and Scootaloo where Dyson fell from a Scootaloo tackle. M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-m-M-M-MVAR!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? What the hell is VAR doing in this world!?!?!?!? Even in this world, Amelia couldn’t escape VAR’s torment, and what the hell does the ‘M’ stand for? Magical Video Assistant Referee? Amelia could only hope this decision won’t be over turned. However, as a virtual, magical screen appear above the pitch, a close up of the tackle Scootaloo made was seen for all to see. The Toffee fans were protesting in disbelief, shouting some abusive words towards the referee that was being ambushed by the Toffee players while the referee had his finger in his ear, trying to listen to pony talking in his ear while trying to calm the crowd down. Amelia saw Scootaloo, Vinyl, Minuette and Big Mac surrounding the referee, trying to speak to him. After a few, seconds of Scootaloo tackling Dyson from behind on a repeat, the final choice was made as it looked like Scootaloo brought down Dyson with enough force for it to be a foul. 73’ NO PENALTY!!! As the stadium erupted in dismay over the reversed penalty decision, Amelia felt her own frustration boiling up. The shouts of corruption and anger from other fans filled the air, echoing the collective sentiment that The Reds had escaped a crucial call against them. Under normal circumstances, Amelia might have joined in, casting blame on the officials for denying the Toffees a golden opportunity. However, this time, her perspective was tempered by what she had seen on the replay. Watching the tackle up close on the magical display, it was clear to Amelia that Scootaloo's challenge was more aggressive than strategic. She saw that Scootaloo hadn’t managed to touch the ball before making contact with Dyson, which, under the rules, justified the call. This realisation brought with it a resigned sigh from Amelia; the emotional tide of the game had nearly swept her along, but the evidence was undeniable. "I know it's tough, but it was the right call." Amelia muttered to herself, her voice barely audible above the din of discontent around her. She straightened up, her expression settling into one of reluctant acceptance. "We've got to play smarter, not harder. Can't win 'em all by shouts and yells." she reasoned, turning her focus back to the game. Her mood had shifted from fiery to reflective. It was moments like these that tested not just the players on the field but also the fans in the stands. Amelia knew that the game must go on, and so must the support for her team, despite the setbacks. With a deep breath, she prepared to continue cheering on the Toffees, hoping they could find another way through The Reds' defence before the final whistle. 74’ SUBSTITUTION! As the clock wound down, the visitors decided to inject some fresh legs into their lineup. Gavelberch, who had been a pivotal figure in midfield, trotting off the pitch to a round of applause from the visiting fans, was replaced by Skipper for the final 18 minutes. As he made his way to the sidelines, Gavelberch exchanged a quick handshake with Twilight Sparkle, acknowledging the strategic shift designed to maintain their advantage and perhaps solidify their defence against any late surges from the Toffees. Vandrick, the team captain until now, approached Skipper with a nod of respect and a clear gesture, passing over the captain's armband. This exchange was more than ceremonial; it was a signal of trust and a transfer of leadership responsibilities. Skipper adjusted the armband with a sense of purpose, his expression focused and ready for the challenge ahead. Amelia watched this development closely, her analytical mind gauging what this change might mean for the dynamics on the pitch. "Bringing on Skipper this late could be a game-changer." she commented to Fluttershy, who nodded in agreement. "They’re looking to lock down the midfield, maybe slow down the pace and disrupt our rhythm." Despite the setback of the penalty reversal, Amelia's spirit was unbroken. She clapped her hands, rallying the fans around her. "C’mon, Toffees! Let’s show ‘em we’re not done yet. There’s still time to turn this around." she shouted, her voice carrying hope and defiance. As the game resumed, all eyes were on Skipper to see if he could fulfil the tactical expectations set by his coach and whether the Toffees could exploit any gaps left by the substitution. The match was far from over, and the tension only heightened as the minutes ticked away. 75’ VANDRICK!!! 3-0! THE REDS ARE IN DREAMLAND! As the match edged towards its conclusion, the Reds solidified their dominance with a defining move. Pharaoh, already pivotal throughout the match with his precise deliveries, whipped an inswinging corner into the heart of the Toffees' defence. Vandrick, seizing the moment, met the ball with a thunderous header that sailed past the goalkeeper and nestled into the bottom right corner of the net. The goal sent a wave of silence through Ponyville, the home crowd stunned into disbelief by the visitors' clinical execution. "That's it, then." Amelia murmured, her tone a mixture of resignation and insight. "No sort of comeback or hope for a draw today. That's game over for the Toffees. Miserable way to lose in our own backyard." She leaned back, her thoughts reflecting on the broader implications of the match. "They never really stood a chance, did they? Not against a side this elite." As she observed the Toffees' disheartened players regrouping to restart the game, Amelia's mind drew parallels between this match and the well-known rivalry between Everton and Liverpool. This realisation, while painful, provided Amelia with a clearer perspective on the level of improvement needed for the Toffees to compete effectively against top-tier teams like the Reds. "At least now we know how far off we are." Amelia sighed, her eyes scanning the field as the game played out its final moments. "Gives us something to work towards, doesn't it?" 79’ SUBSTITUTIONS! In response to the overwhelming performance by the Reds, Applejack, the Toffees' coach, decided it was time for some tactical adjustments—not with the hope of overturning the result but to minimize further damage and give some rest to key players who had endured a strenuous match. With the game effectively out of reach, she made a triple substitution. Braeburn came on to replace Octavia, injecting some fresh energy into the midfield. Meadow Song replaced Bon Bon in the heart of the defence, likely aiming to shore up the backline and prevent any additional goals. Lastly, Apple Cobbler took over from Vinyl, another midfield change intended to stabilise the centre of the park. Amelia watched these changes unfold, understanding the strategy behind them. "It's not about trying to change the result now." Amelia murmured. "It’s more about protecting the senior players from fatigue and avoiding a more humiliating scoreline." As the new players took to the field, Amelia continued, "This isn’t about impact on today's game—it’s about damage control and looking ahead. There’s no point in pushing the starters to exhaustion in a match that’s already decided. Better to give some minutes to the others and save the key players for battles yet to come." These changes, though unlikely to alter the outcome of the match, were practical decisions that reflected a longer-term thinking, aimed at preserving player fitness and morale as the season continued. Amelia, though disheartened by the night's performance, appreciated the foresight in these decisions, recognising the importance of managing the team's resources in the face of adversity. 84’ YELLOW CARD! As the match continued to spiral out of control for the Toffees, their frustration became increasingly evident on the pitch. Minuette, in a moment of clear irritation, committed a foul by tripping Trenton from the Reds, an action borne out of frustration rather than tactical necessity. The referee promptly recorded her name in his book, marking another low point in a game that had already seen its fair share of disappointments for the home team. Amelia, observing the scene, couldn't help but let out a chuckle despite the grim circumstances. "That Minuette midfielder has lost her head." she commented, shaking her head slightly. "Tripping a player just to make herself feel good. Reminds me a bit of Roy Keane in his heyday. Always ready to throw in a tackle when he got heated. Sometimes, you just get caught up in the moment." Amelia continued, her eyes tracking the players as they resumed play. "Not the best decision, sure, but it shows she's still fighting, still got that fire. Just needs to channel it better, that's all." The incident with Minuette was a small reflection of the team's overall performance that night—intense yet unfocused, passionate but not always in control. It was clear that beyond this game, there would be much for the Toffees to work on, both in terms of strategy and managing their emotions on the field. 88’ SUBSCRIPTIONS! In the closing stages of the match, the Reds took further steps to solidify their commanding lead by introducing fresh legs into their lineup. Pharaoh, having delivered an outstanding performance with two assists, was given a well-deserved rest. In his place, Flaco stepped onto the pitch, a defensive midfielder tasked with helping to maintain control and stifle any potential Toffees resurgence. This tactical shift from an attacker to a more defensive role clearly indicated the Reds' intent to lock down their lead and see out the game without incident. Simultaneously, Macca, another key contributor who had set up Redsica’s opener, was also substituted. With only a couple of minutes left on the clock, Maestro was brought on, likely not just for tactical reasons but also to give him some game-time experience. Although this late in the game meant his impact could be limited, it was a strategic move to keep the team fresh and engaged. Amelia watched these changes, recognising the tactical acumen behind the Reds' decisions. "They're shutting up shop now, bringing on Flaco to hold the midfield and keep things tight." she explained to herself. "It's smart, really. They've got the lead, and now they're making sure to protect it." The atmosphere in the stadium, although subdued from the perspective of the Toffees' supporters, held a tone of resignation mixed with appreciation for the soccer lesson being administered by the Reds. Amelia added, "And Maestro coming on, even just for a bit, shows they're thinking ahead, keeping everyone involved and ready." These strategic substitutions underscored the depth and tactical understanding of the Reds' coaching staff, ensuring that they remained in control until the final whistle. For Amelia and the other fans, it was a clear demonstration of the level of organisation and planning that the Toffees aspired to reach. 90+1’ REDSICA MAKES IT 4-0! As the game neared its conclusion, The Reds continued to apply relentless pressure, a strategy that had proved effective throughout the match. This time, their high press forced Big Mac to retreat deep into his own half, looking desperately for options. He passed the ball to Lyra, who, under intense scrutiny, lost possession to Meadow Song's inadvertent error, setting Redsica up for what seemed like a certain goal. Redsica, seizing the moment, deftly navigated past Caramel and appeared to score easily, sliding the ball into the unguarded net. The Toffees' fans braced for the worst, but a sudden whistle from the referee paused all action—handball! The crowd erupted in a mix of confusion and delayed relief as the officials consulted the MVAR, which hinted at having spotted an infringement unseen by most onlookers. Amelia, watching the unfolding drama, was visibly furious—not so much at the potential goal but at the familiar pattern of defensive lapses that had plagued her team all game. "Figures." she muttered, her expression darkening. "Saw that one coming a mile off. It's almost routine now." Her frustration was palpable, a reflection of a fan deeply invested yet deeply disappointed in her team's performance. As the MVAR officials continued their review, Amelia and the surrounding crowd watched the large screen, holding their breath. The initial dread of witnessing another goal was temporarily alleviated by the potential reprieve offered by the handball call. Finally, the referee made a gesture indicating the goal was disallowed, confirming the handball violation. Amelia’s scowl softened slightly, replaced by a weary nod. "Bittersweet, indeed." she conceded to Fluttershy. "Stopped the goal, but it doesn't change much, does it? Just highlights the gaps we've got to fill." 90+2’ NO GOAL! As the replay clearly showed, the ball had inadvertently struck Redsica’s arm during her move around the goalkeeper, leading to the goal being disallowed. The decision, while technically correct according to the rules, did little to lift the spirits of the Toffees' supporters or their team, who were still facing a significant deficit. Amelia, despite her frustration with the overall performance of her team, couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Redsica. "She deserved that one." Amelia said, a hint of resignation in her voice. "Would've been a nice brace for her debut. She's been outstanding, hasn't she? Probably the best out there today." The sentiment around the stands was mixed. Some fans grumbled about the call, others about the state of the match. "Might as well have let it stand, give her the moment." Amelia continued, her tone a mix of sarcasm and genuine admiration for the opposing player. "Mare of the match, for sure, if they've got that sort of thing in this league." The ruling kept the scoreline at 3-0, a small consolation for the Toffees, who were clearly outplayed. For Amelia, the game was less about the score at this point and more about recognising the qualities her team lacked and needed to develop. "It's frustrating, really.” she added, watching the players regroup and prepare to resume play. "Shows just how much work we've got to do. But you've got to give credit where it's due, and Redsica really turned up today." As play continued, Amelia remained engaged, her critical eye not just on her team but also appreciating the skill displayed by the Reds. It was a tough lesson for the Toffees, but one that Amelia knew was necessary for the team's growth and evolution. 90+5’ FULLTIME! The Toffees had never won a home game and had collected just four points from their last 11 Premier League meetings with The Reds FC, and the misery continues as the 3-0 lose give the Reds a comfortable seat at the top of the Equestrian League. Redsica opened the scoring after just five minutes when she turned in Macca’s cross, while a pair of second-half headers from Dyson and Vandrick - both from Pharaoh’s crosses - sealed the points and heaped pressure on Applejack. Now unbeaten in five, The Reds look to extend that streak when they host The Hatters next Sunday. Meanwhile, Toffees must quickly recover ahead of their must-win League clash with The Crows at Ponyville next week! That's all for today. Until next time, goodbye! > Chapter 5 - Bleedin’ ‘ell, all this fuss ova one bleedin' lettah? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 Ever since that loss a few nights ago, Amelia had to let off some steam by going for a run every morning as her ankle had fully recovered thankfully, just like she did back on her own planet. She would start off by jogging down the path to Ponyville, swing by the tree house, pass the bakery, through the market, over the bridge and stop at an open field on the outskirts of Ponyville. However, when she did her exercises, she noticed a few things about her new body. She was quicker on her feet, her senses heightened considerably and had better control of her balance, add that to the body she once had, and Amelia felt like she was at her peak fitness. Thankfully as she jogged along the street, pacing herself with each step, she had the pleasure of listening to her music through her EarPods from her old world, her steps matching with the beat. That’s how she kept her tempo, the fast flow of her music making her speed past ponies. Amelia’s style of music was aggressive, the flow fast and the beat booming in her ears. Along with the beat, the lyrics kept her drive going. The lyrics being egotistical, demonic, motivational, violent and… *cough, cough* lewd, Amelia dreads the day Fluttershy would catch her listening to such music but, it’s the type of music that puts her in the zone to excise and to block everything else out around her, the music she would listen to before a game of football. As Amelia was running by, she couldn’t help but notice that a certain mail-mare in her uniform was not looking where she was going as she was busy nosing at the letter she was holding. Her eyes were going googly once again, the blond-maned mare trying to focus on the address. Before Amelia could call out to the Toffee player, Derpy bumped into Mrs Cake who was holding a white box. The two mares fell to the floor, Mrs Cake dropping the box that had a birthday cake inside, ruining the base and mixture while the grey pegasus mare dropped all the mail. Amelia winced at the contact. That’s not good… Amelia paused her music and placed her EarPods in their case as she rushed over. "Derpy! Y'alright, love?" Amelia asked with concern, giving Derpy a helping hand up. Derpy rubbed the back of her head softly, looking up to see the sky-blue pegasus looking down at her with worry, Derpy smiled up at her cheerfully, her cheeks rose from embarrassment. “Yep! I’ll be okay!” Derpy said, getting up on her feet. “Oh no!” Said the cake baker, looking over the ruined cake splattered all over the floor. “Do I have enough to make another?” “Oh, I’m so sorry, Mrs Cake. I didn’t mean to ruin your hard work.” Derpy quickly apologised, putting her two hands together as she was hoping for forgiveness. Seeing who wasted hours of her time, Mrs Cake glared and snarled, making Derpy’s ears flatten. “Just watch where you are going!” The blue earth pony said with a side eye, picking up the remains of the cake and box before walking back to where she came from. Amelia narrowed her eyes. That wasn't nice! I better sort her out now! “Hey! She didn’t mean to bump into you, y’know!” Amelia barked, her arms wide in protest. “No, it’s okay. I should have watched where I was going.” Derpy said, placing a hand on Amelia’s shoulder. Amelia turned around to ask why but, she saw that all the mail that Derpy had was flying away. Amelia gasped. “Derpy! Your mail!” Amelia exclaimed, pointing at all the travelling letters. It took a few seconds to pick up the surrounding letters that the wind didn’t catch, and a few minutes to get the ones that had flown away, but when it came to catching the last one, the letter decided that it didn’t want to get caught. “There! The last one!” Derpy pointed, watching as the letter flopped away. "Well, come on then, let's get it!” Amelia charged away, leaving Derpy in the dust as she trailed behind. Amelia thought she had caught it when the letter flapped onto the ground, lunging forward into a dive to land on top of it, but in the last second, the wind grabbed it away in a different direction, making Amelia face-plant into the dirt and for Derpy to overtake the downed pegasus. Derpy scrambled for the letter, coming close each time but, the wind dribbled the letter left and right each time, skipping passed random ponies, going in between the legs, around the ponies and even over their heads! It was like watching an invisible Messi dribble in a crowded area with the letter! It was impossible to get! When the letter flew to an isolated area of the street, looking to land gracefully, Derpy knew for sure that she would get the runaway mail finally. However, a wagon came out of nowhere and nearly hit Derpy directly until it screeched to a stop, inches away from her, making Derpy freeze up and for her heart to stop completely. Derpy didn’t freeze for long however as she saw the wind carry the letter off once again, she started to run after it. “Hey! Watch it!” The fella riding the wagon called out, raising his fist. “Sorry!” Derpy called back, looking over her shoulder. That’s when Derpy — yet again — ran into something as it dripped all down her uniform, she had to pause and look down for a second, seeing her uniform drenched in water, a cup by her feet. She looked back and saw that she had knocked a cup of water out of somepony’s hand. “Hey!” “Sorry!” Derpy said once again, deciding to chase the letter was more important. Derpy continued to chase the letter, using her wings to go a little bit faster. When the wind decided to turn the corner, Derpy followed without hesitation. When Derpy turned the corner, she nearly got tangled with a group of dogs on leeches, being walked by Fluttershy who had a shocked look on her face. “Oh my.” Fluttershy said softly. “Sorry!” Derpy said, running passed the shocked pegasus. However, the running grey mare was enough to excite the dogs on leashes as they tugged on the leashes, trying to chase the grey pegasus. “Wait, stop it, guys! We are supposed—“ Fluttershy couldn’t finish her sentence as with one synchronised pull, Fluttershy lost her grip on the handle on the lead, making all the dogs bark and scamper after the running Derpy “Stop! Bad boys! BAD BOYS!” Fluttershy shouted, running after the dogs she was supposed to walk. Amelia turned the corner just before seeing the chase of a lifetime, her face dirtied by the soil her face met a few seconds ago. “Bleedin’ ‘ell, all this fuss ova one bleedin' lettah?" Amelia huffed, her cardio reaching her limit as she was on a run before this incident. Nevertheless, she pushed on and continued to race after the letter. She caught up to Fluttershy in a jiffy, Fluttershy huffing and puffing for air heavily. “Hi, Fluttershy! Bye, Fluttershy!” Amelia said, showing her pace to the yellow pegasus. “Wait! Stop the dogs!” Fluttershy called out, already spent from the 200-meter sprint. Amelia looked over her shoulder, seeing that Fluttershy had stopped, her hands on her knees. Amelia's world started to slow, everything going in slow motion. I could try and stop the dogs for Fluttershy considering she couldn’t catch up! Plus, I can’t leave Fluttershy to chase the dogs on her own, she couldn’t last that long. Surely Derpy could catch the last letter… Right? But… The dogs are chasing Derpy. If I help Derpy catch the letter, the dogs will stop too. That being said, I don’t know how long I can last with most of my energy spent. Could I catch the letter before my stamina depletes? You choose! Stop the dogs. None-cannon. Or… Stop the letter. Cannon. > ————————————————— > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stop the dogs! Sorry, Derpy. I trust that you can handle one, lousy letter. Amelia smiled and raised a thumb up to Fluttershy, speeding off a second later. The one good thing is that she didn’t have to chase each individual dog at once, they were all connected to one lead, making it easy for Amelia to chase all the dogs at once. The problem however was the dogs were like a trip wire to each and every pony that they stormed passed, taking out a crowd at once, barking all the while. It was like watching a lawnmower loudly cutting grass. “Watch out!!! Dogs on the loose!!!” Amelia called out to the rest of the crowd that was about to be caught. Hearing the warning most of the busy streets of Ponyville turn to see the commotion, for some, it was too late as the dogs tripped and for most, flew away or started running from the stampede of dogs. I kept running despite the prone bodies, stepping on some of the ponies by accident. Amelia sped up her pace, catching up quickly. When she was within reach of the lead, Amelia picked up the leash and pulled hard on the lead, digging her heels into the dirt. However, Amelia didn’t account for the force the dogs combined at a full sprint, adding the weight of the different breeds of dogs too. Amelia found herself being dragged by her heels, making two trails behind her. Oh, Amelia, you divvy! Why did I think I could stop these muts like this!?!?!?!? Amelia pulled, pulled and pulled, trying to get an ounce of control over the dogs but, she wasn’t strong enough, all she could do was hang on for dear life and hope that Derpy caught that letter or for the dogs to tire out. "Bladdy stop, you mungrels!" Amelia cried out, pulling desperately to no prevail, the dogs were still fixated on Derpy who was still running after the scurrying letter. It’s 9 o’clock in the morning! This is not what I had in mind this morning! Suddenly, the dogs stopped running at a crossroad, making Amelia fly over the top and slam down with an oof. “Good, doggies…” Amelia groaned, looking up at the dogs who had their snouts in the air and sniffing. Then out of nowhere, they started running in a different direction. “Bad doggies, BAD DOGGIES!!!!” Amelia now was being dragged across the ground, screaming all the while. She couldn’t get up from this wild ride, the speed the rate at which these dogs were running was too fast, their paws kicking up dirt and dust, Amelia’s eyes closed to not get any of it in her eyes. Amelia knew she had to get up somehow and stop the dogs before someone really got hurt but, how? Then, something happened. Her body felt light, the feeling of being dragged against the floor changing to being dragged in the air like a kite. Amelia peered one of her eyes open only for her eyes to shoot open in shock, her heart stopping. She was flying! “WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!” Amelia shouted out in terror, eyes watering from the wind crashing against her face. Amelia was flying! Actually flying! It would have been amazing if it wasn’t for the simple fact that she was scared of heights. Amelia hung on tightly, her fear driving her to pull herself closer to the lead, wrapping her whole body around the leather leash as she screamed her head off. When did her wings open? How is she even flying!? She didn’t know how to fly! Amelia thought you had to flap her wings to fly, but she wasn’t flapping at all, her wings were just… out. Wait, does that mean she is gliding? Oh god, how the hell am I getting down? Her answer would have to come quickly as Amelia saw what the dogs were running for, the Ponyville Market. Amelia could only close her eyes and hope for a soft landing, her heart pounding rapidly. I’m gonna crash, I’M GONNA CRASH! Amelia’s flight declined significantly when the dogs came to a halt all of a sudden, a southern “SIT!” Stopped the dogs in their tracks outside of the market, making Amelia head straight down to the floor into a nose dive. Amelia panicked as she let go of the lead, wildly swinging her arms around. She closed her eyes in terror, unable to watch the quickly closing in ground. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH—OOF!” Amelia’s screaming was cut off as that pressure of falling ended with a huff, surprisingly not face down on the ground, but instead, in the arms of a red, strong stallion, looking down at Amelia with a brow raised. Amelia blushed as she stared up at the green eye of a familiar hunk of a stallion: Big Mac, The Captain of The Toffees. “Uhhh… Are ya okay? Ya got dirt all over yer face” The massive, red, stallion said, his calm eyes putting Amelia at ease. "Eh, yeah... I'm sound.” Amelia said, watching as he tilted his head from the use of Amelia’s accent and slang. It’s something he had never heard before and that confused him greatly. "Well, alright now, I gotta ask ya, what in tarnation were ya doin' up there, partner?"Amelia's blush had gotten worse by the embarrassment, climbing out of his arms and standing on her wobbly knees, with her fear of heights being enhanced by falling to the ground at high speed, Amelia felt her stomach churn. "Y'wouldn't believe it even if I told ya.” Amelia rubbed the back of her head, feeling her cheeks heat up. Big Mac smirked. "Well, now, reckon ya wouldn't believe it, but 'round these parts in Ponyville, I'd believe just about any ol' thing that happens 'round here. This here place sure does have a knack for attractin' chaos, I tell ya what." Big Mac chuckled, making Amelia nervously laugh with him, she didn’t know what was funny about it — concerning if anything — but she felt awkward in an embarrassing situation and kinda nervous to be in front of Ponyville’s celebrity. "Hoo wee, Sugarcube! Y'all sure had yerself a handful with these here dogs.” Said another southern voice. Amelia looked behind her to see another familiar looking pony, this pony being the Manager of The Toffees! Applejack! And she had the leash for the dogs, each of the dogs having an apple in their canines. Ever since that loss a couple of days ago, Amelia looked into the players that played for her — near enough — identical club back on earth! So, to stand here, in front of Big Mac (the captain) and Applejack (the Manager) was proper boss. Before Amelia could think of a coherent sentence, a huffing and puffing Fluttershy spoke up. “Sorry… sorry for the… trouble, the dogs… are a… are a troublesome bunch.” Fluttershy tried to say in between each heavy breath. Everyone turned to see the pink-maned pegasus, exhaling deeply as Amelia noticed Fluttershy rubbing her right knee softly. "Y'alright, Fluttershy? Hurt yer knee?” Amelia said, walking over to Fluttershy. “My knee is okay, it’s just I haven’t ran like that in—forever.” Fluttershy huffed, facing Amelia with a small smile. "Well, I'll be danged, it's been a spell, Fluttershy. It's mighty fine to see y’all again!" Applejack said in surprise, walking over with the dogs in hand. "Well, now, let me take a wild guess, darlin'. Y'been keepin' yerself mighty busy with them critters, ain't ya?" Fluttershy smiled more at the comment. “Of course! My animal friends need me, especially in the winter to come.” Fluttershy replied, standing up straight to look Applejack in the eyes. "Well, now, it's right nice to lay eyes on ya again, Flutters! It's always a pleasure." Applejack wrapped Fluttershy in a one-armed hug, Fluttershy also hugging Applejack until Applejack separated. "Why don't y'all mosey on down to the Apple Orchard sometime so we can have ourselves a good ol' catch-up?" Applejack suggested, taking a step back from the rosy-tinted cheeked Fluttershy. “I think I’d like that.” Amelia needed to reboot her brain and replace a fuse in the fuse box to process what was going on right before her eyes. Applejack is talking to Fluttershy, and Fluttershy is talking back like friends!? What is going on right now? Why didn’t Fluttershy tell me that she was friends with the town’s football manager!? Before Amelia could try and make sense of this, behind Fluttershy and Applejack, a familiar looking letter flew on by, Derpy chasing it like a Scooby-do scene. She still hasn’t got it? Bloody hell! "Right! It was boss meetin' ya, Applejack, Big Mac. Fluttershy, I'll see ya back at the cottage, I gotta leg it! Catch ya later!" Amelia said quickly before dashing off, leaving the three ponies stunned by the sudden dismissal and dashing away, seeing that she was chasing a grey pegasus. "Well, now, do... do y'all know that filly, Fluttershy? Her accent is... nothin' I've ever heard before.” Applejack questioned, making Fluttershy chortle and rub the back of her head. “Sort of, yeah.” Eventually, Amelia started to catch up to Derpy, her lungs on fire and throat dry but yet, she kept running. Amelia saw Derpy was worse than herself, sweating buckets as she looked to be at her limit. When Derpy was within reaching distance, Amelia could hear how out of breath she was, her run appearing more sluggish and frantic, desperately trying to catch the letter. No matter how her body screamed at her to stop, her core in a knot, to take a breather, she kept running for that God-forsaken letter, even to the point of coming side by side with Derpy. When Amelia looked over, Amelia was surprised to see Derpy thwarted, determined and pissed off like a seagull just nicked one of her chips. Amelia’s and Derpy’s eyes met momentarily, a mutual understanding between them as Amelia eventually overtook Derpy and just like that, Derpy’s running came to a halt, her body spent. Now it was just her and the letter, the race of the century, the showdown between the wind and a pegasus, a fight that will be told for generations to come. That’s what it felt like when all eyes were on Amelia, the Ponyville’s citizens watching as Amelia sprinted along the street, confused by the chaotic scene of a letter being carried by the furious wind and the pursuer being right on its tail. In other words — a casual Thursday… Sitting on a bench outside a café, a coffee in their hands sat a cream-coloured earth pony and a lime green unicorn, sitting silently together as they just enjoyed each other’s company… well… that was until the green one started to talk. “So… humans, ay?” “Don’t you dare start.” The cream-coloured pony quickly said, her mane being split in half in a pink and blue colour. This pony being Bon Bon, the defender for the Toffees. “Come on, Bon Bon! Don’t you find humans to be the slightest bit interesting? They are the race that introduced hoofball to us, you know.” The green unicorn said, taking a sip of her hot coffee. This is Lyra, Bon Bon’s partner in the defensive line for the Toffees. “That’s just a myth, Lyra. Just a made-up story we were told when we were fillies, that’s all it is.” Bon Bon said harshly, making Lyra narrow her brows. “Sheesh, you woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” Lyra puffed her cheeks out, looking frustratingly at Bon Bon who responded with a roll of her eyes. That tension didn’t last as long however as the calm morning they were having was rudely interrupted by the feel of a gust of wind and the sound of a filly going ape-shit for the letter. “GET BACK HERE!!!” The two watch with a blank face, watching as their faces go from left to right slowly, seeing a blue pegasus sprint after a gracefully flying letter, a frustrated look on her face. As soon as the pegasus left their view, they both took a sip of their coffee, listening to the filly that cursed the letter like a drunken sailstallion. When her voice faded away, that’s when Lyra spoke up with a nonchalant tone. “So… Mrs Cake is pregnant again…” Amelia had come close a few times to the scurrying letter, her fingertips touching it a few times before the teasing wind intensified after coming close. From a left turn to a right turn, to a left, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, right, left turn, going in circles around the Ponyville’s library, confusing the Liberian that was at her desk, seeing Amelia dash by every few seconds. Amelia came the closest when she outstretched for it, diving for it in a desperate attempt to end this madness once and for all but, that wasn’t the case at all as right before she went to grab it, it escaped through one of the windows of a house, a baked pie resting on the window-sill to let it cool. Amelia felt how cool the pie was when she got a face full of it, her face purple with berries. Amelia growled as she jumped through the window, sliding off the kitchen counter, frustration reaching her tone. "All this... FOR ONE BLOODY LETTER!!!!!!" Amelia screamed through the house, seeing the letter slip through a crack of a door. With steam tooting out of her ears, Amelia marched over to the door and swung the door wide open, knowing there was no place to hide in this house. In front of her however was a family of 4 looking back at the pie-faced pegasus, a look of murder on her face. “Where is it!” Amelia hissed, breathing heavily like a lunatic. The two adults and two kids pointed up the stairs, a shocked and fearful expression on their faces. They didn’t know what the mad filly was doing in their house. Amelia looked up the stairs and sure enough, there was the letter heading up the stairs casually. Amelia gritted her teeth, her boiling point reaching her limit. "Get 'ere NOW, LA!" Amelia charged for the stairs, stomping up the stairs quickly, the family worried that the steps would break with each step, that’s how furious the maniac in the house was. Hold on… THEIR’S NO WIND IN THIS BLEEDIN’ HOUSE! Reaching the top of the stairs, Amelia just about saw the letter slip under the door at the far end of the hallway. Who does this letter think he bloody is!? Amelia had her hands in a fist, clouded by anger and hatred, so clouded that she didn’t notice the sound of water hitting a bathtub and smoke crawling out beneath the door, so clouded that she kicked the door open, expecting to see the letter flying around, looking for a way to escape once again. Although that’s exactly what she saw, it wasn’t the only thing she saw in the foggy bathroom. Amelia’s eyes shot wide, her face going red under the splatter of pie on her face. “AY! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!? HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET IN HERE!! FUCK OFF!!! FUCK OFF NOW!!!” Said the mare in the shower, her fur the colour blue with her hair being a deep purple and light grey, her eyes being purple too. It was Minuette! The midfielder for The Toffees! What are the odds?… “SORRY!!!!” Amelia exclaimed; her eyes closed as she slammed the door shut. It was to her horror that she heard wet slaps against wood behind the door, rapidly getting louder. Amelia ran for the stairs, not daring to look back as she heard the bathroom door slam open. “GET BACK HERE YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!” Never has Amelia run down the stairs so fast in her life and straight out the front door, closing the door behind her. Amelia didn’t have a clue whether Minuette was still on her tail or not, she didn’t care however as she just kept running in fear of being caught. Is this what the letter was feeling this whole time? Amelia didn’t know why but, she felt someone was chasing her. Gathering her nerves however, she took a look from over her shoulder, and she could only deadpan as the thing that was chasing her was the bloody letter itself. As soon as Amelia stopped, the letter made a complete U-turn. Cheeky fucker… However, before the letter could skedaddle away, Amelia halted her charge and was amazed as the letter stopped in mid-air, the wind blowing away furiously but, despite its attempts to fly away, it couldn’t get away from the hand that pinched it tightly, a particular coloured orange-furred hand that Amelia recognised, a dusk orange colour that Amelia has only seen on one pony before in her short time of being a pony. Amelia looked up from the hand that grasped the letter, coming face to face with a purple-eyed pegasus glaring down at her, her muzzle frowning into a sneer. Oh yeah, I remember now… this is the generational talent, The Toffee’s Assassin, the number 45! It goes without saying that Amelia was a straightforward person and was easily triggered if the wrong buttons were pushed. This was evident in the rollercoaster ride the letter took her on. Now that the letter was caught, a sigh of relief escaped Amelia’s lips. However, Amelia didn’t like how the pegasus in front of her was looking down on her. There was a look in her eyes that oozed arrogance as she held the letter at her side. Amelia knew that glare well—it was a challenging glare, the bad kind. Despite the clear dislike towards her, Amelia put on a smile and stood up straight. “Hey, thanks for catching the letter. It sure gave me a run around.” Amelia said with a smile, rubbing the back of her head softly. The purple-haired pegasus didn’t seem like she was going to answer, so Amelia took her silence as an opportunity to keep talking. “You know, I recognise you from somewhere. That orange fur you have, I only know one pegasus that has that shade of colour, and that pegasus is Scootaloo. Am I wrong?” The pegasus didn’t flinch or blink at being called out, unbothered by being recognized. Her eyes just roamed over Amelia’s body, scrutinizing her legs, body structure, and muscle development. It was like Scootaloo was analyzing a piece of art. They stood in silence for a few seconds, Amelia feeling awkward as she maintained her smile. “What’s wrong with this bird?” Amelia wondered. “Left wing.” Scootaloo suddenly said, catching Amelia’s attention. “Huh?” Amelia replied with confusion, tilting her head slightly. Wait… Is she talking about a left-sided winger? “If you played hoofball, you’d play as a left winger.” Scootaloo explained simply, making it difficult for Amelia to keep her smile up. Is this how she greets people? By telling them where they would play? Strange… “Okay, firstly, that’s wrong, and secondly, no… do I need to bring up a third reason?” Amelia responded with a hint of annoyance, trying to maintain her friendly smile, but finding it increasingly difficult with Scootaloo. What’s her problem? “You’re a pegasus, your natural strength is speed and agility, just like me.” Scootaloo muttered, narrowing her eyes. “But unlike me, you don’t have that burst of speed to play in the attacking role. However, you do have the stamina to play in the midfield. That’s common knowledge.” Amelia now understood where Scootaloo was coming from, what Scootaloo was trying to say. Earth Ponies, Pegasus, Unicorns—what do they all have in common? Magic, but that’s about it. Unicorns are the masters of spells, Pegasus are the masters of flight, and Earth Ponies are the masters of their own strength. Equestria had a diverse set of ponies, each with different roles in life. That’s no different in “Hoofball” terms. Thanks to ponies' individual gifts, different roles suited different ponies, creating an unfair dynamic in the game of hoofball. But that’s just how it is and has been for centuries. Earth Ponies were known for their strength and height, making them more useful in defense than anywhere else on the pitch. However, on rare occasions, an earth pony may be used as a holding midfielder or a goalkeeper, maybe even a striker for the aerial threat. Ultimately, earth ponies were known for their defense. Unicorns had it the hardest in Hoofball, with the rule of having absolutely zero magic involved in influencing the ball or others. If found guilty of breaking this rule, the player or manager would be handed an immediate red card, a 5-game suspension, and a hefty fine of 1,000 bits, making them a liability to the team. But that didn't take away what they could do on the pitch. As much as they didn’t have speed or strength to their advantage, they made up for it in passing, control, and skill, making them perfect in the midfield or even on the wings. Anywhere else, they would have a hard time unless there was a strategy in place. Pegasus, however, were the bread and butter of the game. Just like the unicorns and their magic, Pegasus were restricted from using their wings in any way, shape, or form. If used in any way, the player would be handed an immediate red card, a 5-match suspension, and a 1,000-bit fine. Using magic and wings in hoofball had a zero-tolerance policy. Out of the Earth Ponies and Unicorns, Pegasus were the ones that every team wanted, thanks to their speed and dribbling. They were a constant threat to the goal and defense. They were the strikers, the wingers, the center forwards and central attacking midfielders, the goal scorers of the game. Amelia couldn't help but understand how Scootaloo mistakenly assumed she was a left winger. But she had to ask, "Why do you think I'm a left winger? I could have easily been a right winger." Scootaloo simply replied, "I noticed that you push off your left foot when you run." Amelia raised an eyebrow, impressed by Scootaloo's observation. Touché... "Well, mate, you've got it all wrong. I'm not a winger at all. In fact, I'm the best goalkeeper around," Amelia boasted, crossing her arms and wearing a smug smirk. Scootaloo finally showed a hint of emotion, raising an eyebrow and clearly unimpressed by Amelia's claim. But then, out of nowhere, Scootaloo burst into laughter, a laughter so contagious that it made Amelia take a step back in shock. Where did that come from? Amelia raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, asking with a cheeky grin, "What's so funny?" Scootaloo continued to mock, "A goalkeeper... a pegasus... did you fall on your head when you were younger?" Amelia narrowed her eyes dangerously in response. "What did you just say?" Amelia growled, her temper flaring as her hands clenched into fists. "Didn't you hear me? Are you brain-dead? A pegasus can't possibly be a goalkeeper! It's been like that forever! Besides, you're smaller than me. What are you going to do in goal with your small arms and legs?" Scootaloo pushed on with her mockery, sporting a sly grin that made Amelia grit her teeth. "Take that back!" Amelia stepped forward, getting dangerously close to Scootaloo. But Scootaloo remained unfazed. "Or what? Are you going to do something, birdbrain?" Scootaloo taunted, pressing her head against Amelia's. Both of them locked eyes in a fierce glare. "I hope you like hospital food!" In a split second, both Amelia’s and Scootaloo's left hands reached out for each other's collars, and with their other hands, they pulled back their fists to strike. But before they could throw a punch, a voice rang out. "Hold your horses there, gals!" a sudden voice interrupted in an orderly tone, a familiar voice Amelia had heard not too long ago. The two turned to see Applejack walking over with a cross look. “Scootaloo! What are you doing bothering the village folk?” Applejack scolded Scootaloo, making her let go of Amelia and huff with annoyance. “Nothing, I’m just telling this filly what is and what isn’t in hoofball. She still doesn’t understand.” Scootaloo snarled, crossing her arms as she gave Amelia a side eye. Amelia’s eye twitched, the urge to show Scootaloo what a goalkeeper’s fist could really do. “Cheeky sod…” Amelia mumbled, crossing her arms too as she glared at Scootaloo. “Amelia! I hope you're not getting yourself into trouble!” Another familiar voice spoke up behind Applejack, this time being the pleasant sight of Fluttershy, her mutts on a leash seeming calmer than before. She was still angry at them for what they put her through. “She started it! All I wanted was to get that stupid letter for Derpy!” Amelia exclaimed, pointing a finger at Scootaloo with the letter in her hand. Fluttershy didn’t look amused, a brow rising slightly. Fluttershy sighed, looking towards Scootaloo and lowering her head. “I’m sorry, Scootaloo. Forgive Amelia if she caused you any trouble.” Fluttershy said sincerely, making Amelia widen her eyes in shock. “What… Don’t apologize to her! She’s unbearable-” “Amelia! Apologise” Fluttershy interrupted, raising her voice for the first time since living with Fluttershy, shocking Amelia more than it should have. She didn’t think Fluttershy had it in her. But that shock quickly turned into anger, and Amelia clenched her teeth in frustration. Fluttershy’s head shouldn’t be so low, she shouldn’t have to apologize on her behalf, she shouldn’t have to apologize at all! Not to someone as stuck up as Scootaloo! Amelia had tried to be nice, but Scootaloo spat in her face in return. This was wrong, dead wrong. “No! I don’t have to apologize to her!” Amelia said in outrage, making Fluttershy’s head rise in shock. Amelia then turned to Scootaloo, who wore a cocky smirk. “And you! I don’t want you to tell me what I can and can’t be again. I’m a goalkeeper, and a damn good one at that. I can prove it!” Amelia’s head snapped to Applejack, a determined look on her face. “Applejack! If you’ll have me, let me prove in the Toffee’s training tonight that despite who I am, I can play in goal!” “Get real, squirt. You’ll only be wasting our time. We don’t need to give you any more attention than you already have.” Scootaloo brushed off, sniggering to herself. Fluttershy was stunned and frozen, a look of awe on her face. She didn’t know whether to be worried or amazed by Amelia’s determined boldness. She didn’t know what was said, but it really did start a fire in Amelia’s eyes. An emerald flame burning brightly. Applejack, on the other hand, said nothing and didn’t even look amused by Amelia’s claim to be a goalkeeper. Amelia couldn’t tell if she was lost in thought or debating whether to acknowledge the idea of having a Pegasus playing in goal at her training quarters. Now that Amelia thought about it, she had no right to ask Applejack, the manager of a professional football club, to prove herself. That’s not how it worked, certainly not where she was from as a human. If it was as simple as asking for a chance, there would be a mile-long line, and Applejack would be harassed endlessly. That wouldn’t be fair. So… why hadn’t Applejack turned her down yet? “Applejack… don’t tell me you’re actually thinking about it.” Scootaloo said skeptically, narrowing her brows. Applejack had one hand over her mouth while the other crossed her chest, leaning to one side in thought. “As odd as it may sound, Scoots, this filly has caught my attention. I’ve never heard of a Pegasus in goal in my lifetime… it makes me think… hey! How long have you played in goal?” Applejack suddenly asked, making Amelia perk up. “Oh, as long as I can remember. Since I was five, maybe…” Amelia muttered, scratching her cheek with a finger. She watched as Applejack assessed her, capturing every minor detail, from her height to her width, from her structure to her features, eyes, and hands. Applejack considered her. Her eyes widened a little when they landed on Amelia’s hands, and she stepped forward to get a better look. “Show me your hands!” Applejack requested, kneeling down to Amelia’s height, confusing Amelia greatly. “Uh, alright…” Amelia said unsurely, showing Applejack the palm of her hands. Applejack took Amelia’s hand into hers, feeling the palm, and what she felt and saw made her eyes widen fully, her mouth slightly open. She had seen hands like these before. “I want to see what you’ve got, Amelia.” Applejack said, standing back up. “Tonight, 8 o’clock, at the Toffee’s training ground. Don’t be late.” “What!? AJ! You can’t be serious! She just can’t-” “You got it! You won’t regret this!” Amelia said with a beaming smile. “Thank you so much!” Those were the last words Amelia said before running off home to get her things ready for tonight. Fluttershy was speechless and confused. She knew for a fact that the only way to train with the senior players was to climb up the ranks from the academy. Amelia was neither a listed player nor a graduate of the Academy. Unless… Applejack saw it. “What were you thinking, Applejack? She’s just some random filly! Why does she get the chance to train with the first team!?” Scootaloo shouted, a mix of anger and confusion in her voice, her grip wrinkling the letter. “That’s enough, Scootaloo. I’ll see you tonight.” Applejack said abruptly, making Scootaloo growl. “But Applejack!” “I said that’s enough! This is none of your concern.” Applejack said more sternly, the rigor in her voice enough to make Scootaloo snarl and sulk. “Whatever... Here, this letter is for you. That birdbrain was chasing it for whatever reason.” Scootaloo muttered, turning away with her hands in her pockets. She walked off without another word, though Applejack could hear her muttering to herself. Applejack frowned, seeing that young Scootaloo's attitude hadn't changed much since her debut match. She had hoped that it would mature her, to wipe that negative competitive side from her mindset. But now it seemed to be a mistake; it only made her worse. "Applejack... You didn't have too, y’know.” Fluttershy spoke up, her voice tinged with a mix of anxiety. She stood beside Applejack, her gaze fixed on her friend. Applejack turned to face her, a knowing grin spreading across her face. "Don't you go tellin' me you ain't noticed what she's got in her hands. It only took me a few ticks to see it. Surely, y'all saw it too," Applejack exclaimed, her excitement palpable. Fluttershy, however, looked ahead, her expression guarded, as if trying to hide her thoughts. But Applejack saw right through her, as if peering through a fragile glass. The tension between them grew, hanging in the air like an unspoken secret. "You've seen it... Do you understand what that means, Fluttershy?" Fluttershy's frown deepened, her head lowering further, as if burdened by the weight of her knowledge. A heavy sigh escaped her lips, filled with a mixture of sadness and apprehension. Her voice, barely above a whisper, carried a sense of urgency. "I have seen it... And I do understand what it means," she admitted, her words laced with unspoken fear. "I noticed it the moment I met her. I've always wondered how someone like her ended up with those hands. The worst part is, I don't even think she realizes how special they truly are. She goes about her days without a clue." "I don't rightly understand, Fluttershy. This here's a good thing! As peculiar as it may sound, she's got a heap of potential to be the best darn goalkeeper of her whole dang generation! So why in tarnation do ya sound... sad?" Applejack said with a frown dawning on her features, genuine bafflement written all over her face. “Don’t you want her to see her grow up to be an amazing goalkeeper?” Silence hung in the air for a moment, the tension so thick between them that the background voices and sounds seemed to be blocked out. Applejack narrowed her eyes, wondering why this conversation had suddenly become heated. Why was Fluttershy upset? Wait... was it because of that incident? “Fluttershy... don’t tell me it’s because of what happened to you.” Fluttershy didn’t reply, nor did she look like she was going to reply, with her distant look and disdainful frown. “You can’t keep letting that one bad experience define what hoofball is.” “Amelia talked me into going to the match on Sunday, you know. She loves hoofball, and I can’t protect her from a sport that she has so much passion for. I can only hope for nothing but the best for her now.” Fluttershy shook her head slightly, a gloomy look on her face. “What are ya trying to say Flutters?... Don't you want her to play hoofball or something?” “I guess what I'm trying to say is, those hands are not a gift, but a curse on Amelia’s life.” Chapter 6. PS: Hope you liked my little experiment to let you choose the outcome of the chapter despite leading to the same thing. Let me know if I should do more of that! > ————————————————— > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stop the letter! Sorry, Fluttershy. I’ll try and end this shenanigans as fast as I can. Amelia turned on the turbo boosts as she increased in pace, her head down, blood pumping around her body more. She zoomed passed ponies, and passed buildings with intense speed, eventually overtaking the dogs that took out ponies left, right and centre with their rampaging run, going that extra bit faster to not get swiped by the ankles. Amelia didn’t realise how far Derpy was from her, the distance being quite the gap. She breathed heavily, sweat forming but she kept running, determined to catch that damn letter. Seriously, how hard is it to get one letter!? ONE!!! Email is a thing. WHY ISN’T ANYONE USING EMAIL OR WHATSAPP!!! EVEN SNAPCHAT FOR THE GEN-Z KIDS!!! BLOODY MILLENNIALS!!! Eventually, Amelia started to catch up to Derpy, her lungs on fire and throat dry but yet, she kept running. Amelia saw Derpy was worse than herself, sweating buckets as she looked to be at her limit. When Derpy was within reaching distance, Amelia could hear how out of breath she was, her run appearing more sluggish and frantic, desperately trying to catch the letter. No matter how her body screamed at her to stop, her core in a knot, to take a breather, she kept running for that God-forsaken letter, even to the point of coming side by side with Derpy. When Amelia looked over, Amelia was surprised to see Derpy thwarted, determined and pissed off like a seagull just nicked one of her chips. Amelia’s and Derpy’s eyes met momentarily, a mutual understanding between them as Amelia eventually overtook Derpy and just like that, Derpy’s running came to a halt, her body spent. Now it was just her and the letter, the race of the century, the showdown between the wind and a pegasus, a fight that will be told for generations to come. That’s what it felt like when all eyes were on Amelia, the Ponyville’s citizens watching as Amelia sprinted along the street, confused by the chaotic scene of a letter being carried by the furious wind and the pursuer being right on its tail. In other words — a casual Thursday… Sitting on a bench outside a café, a coffee in their hands sat a cream-coloured earth pony and a lime green unicorn, sitting silently together as they just enjoyed each other’s company… well… that was until the green one started to talk. “So… humans, ay?” “Don’t you dare start.” The cream-coloured pony quickly said, her mane being split in half in a pink and blue colour. This pony being Bon Bon, the defender for the Toffees. “Come on, Bon Bon! Don’t you find humans to be the slightest bit interesting? They are the race that introduced hoofball to us, you know.” The green unicorn said, taking a sip of her hot coffee. This is Lyra, Bon Bon’s partner in the defensive line for the Toffees. “That’s just a myth, Lyra. Just a made-up story we were told when we were fillies, that’s all it is.” Bon Bon said harshly, making Lyra narrow her brows. “Sheesh, you woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” Lyra puffed her cheeks out, looking frustratingly at Bon Bon who responded with a roll of her eyes. That tension didn’t last as long however as the calm morning they were having was rudely interrupted by the feel of a gust of wind and the sound of a filly going ape-shit for the letter. “GET BACK HERE!!!” The two watch with a blank face, watching as their faces go from left to right slowly, seeing a blue pegasus sprint after a gracefully flying letter, a frustrated look on her face. As soon as the pegasus left their view, they both took a sip of their coffee, listening to the filly that cursed the letter like a drunken sailstallion. When her voice faded away, that’s when Lyra spoke up with a nonchalant tone. “So… Mrs Cake is pregnant again…” Amelia had come close a few times to the scurrying letter, her fingertips touching it a few times before the teasing wind intensified after coming close. From a left turn to a right turn, to a left, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, right, left turn, going in circles around the Ponyville’s library, confusing the Liberian that was at her desk, seeing Amelia dash by every few seconds. Amelia came the closest when she outstretched for it, diving for it in a desperate attempt to end this madness once and for all but, that wasn’t the case at all as right before she went to grab it, it escaped through one of the windows of a house, a baked pie resting on the window-sill to let it cool. Amelia felt how cool the pie was when she got a face full of it, her face purple with berries. Amelia growled as she jumped through the window, sliding off the kitchen counter, frustration reaching her tone. "All this... FOR ONE BLOODY LETTER!!!!!!" Amelia screamed through the house, seeing the letter slip through a crack of a door. With steam tooting out of her ears, Amelia marched over to the door and swung the door wide open, knowing there was no place to hide in this house. In front of her however was a family of 4 looking back at the pie-faced pegasus, a look of murder on her face. “Where is it!” Amelia hissed, breathing heavily like a lunatic. The two adults and two kids pointed up the stairs, a shocked and fearful expression on their faces. They didn’t know what the mad filly was doing in their house. Amelia looked up the stairs and sure enough, there was the letter heading up the stairs casually. Amelia gritted her teeth, her boiling point reaching her limit. "Get 'ere NOW, LA!" Amelia charged for the stairs, stomping up the stairs quickly, the family worried that the steps would break with each step, that’s how furious the maniac in the house was. Hold on… THEIR’S NO WIND IN THIS BLEEDIN’ HOUSE! Reaching the top of the stairs, Amelia just about saw the letter slip under the door at the far end of the hallway. Who does this letter think he bloody is!? Amelia had her hands in a fist, clouded by anger and hatred, so clouded that she didn’t notice the sound of water hitting a bathtub and smoke crawling out beneath the door, so clouded that she kicked the door open, expecting to see the letter flying around, looking for a way to escape once again. Although that’s exactly what she saw, it wasn’t the only thing she saw in the foggy bathroom. Amelia’s eyes shot wide, her face going red under the splatter of pie on her face. “AY! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!? HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET IN HERE!! FUCK OFF!!! FUCK OFF NOW!!!” Said the mare in the shower, her fur the colour blue with her hair being a deep purple and light grey, her eyes being purple too. It was Minuette! The midfielder for The Toffees! What are the odds?… “SORRY!!!!” Amelia exclaimed; her eyes closed as she slammed the door shut. It was to her horror that she heard wet slaps against wood behind the door, rapidly getting louder. Amelia ran for the stairs, not daring to look back as she heard the bathroom door slam open. “GET BACK HERE YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!” Never has Amelia run down the stairs so fast in her life and straight out the front door, closing the door behind her. Amelia didn’t have a clue whether Minuette was still on her tail or not, she didn’t care however as she just kept running in fear of being caught. Is this what the letter was feeling this whole time? Amelia didn’t know why but, she felt someone was chasing her. Gathering her nerves however, she took a look from over her shoulder, and she could only deadpan as the thing that was chasing her was the bloody letter itself. As soon as Amelia stopped, the letter made a complete U-turn. Cheeky fucker… However, before the letter could skedaddle away, Amelia halted her charge and was amazed as the letter stopped in mid-air, the wind blowing away furiously but, despite its attempts to fly away, it couldn’t get away from the hand that pinched it tightly, a particular coloured orange-furred hand that Amelia recognised, a dusk orange colour that Amelia has only seen on one pony before in her short time of being a pony. Amelia looked up from the hand that grasped the letter, coming face to face with a purple-eyed pegasus glaring down at her, her muzzle frowning into a sneer. Oh yeah, I remember now… this is the generational talent, The Toffee’s Assassin, the number 45! It goes without saying that Amelia was a straightforward person and was easily triggered if the wrong buttons were pushed. That was shown evident by the letter taking her on one hell of a rollercoaster ride, but now that the letter was caught, a sigh of relief left Amelia’s lips. However, Amelia didn’t like how the pegasus in front of her was looking down on her, a look in her eyes that oozed arrogance as she held the letter at her side. Amelia knew that glare well; it was a challenging glare—the bad kind of glare. Despite the clear dislike towards her, however, Amelia put on a smile and stood straight. “Hey, thanks for catching the letter. It sure did give me the run around.” Amelia said with a smile, rubbing the back of her head softly. The purple-haired pegasus didn’t seem like she was going to answer, so she took her silence to keep talking. “You know, I recognize you from somewhere. That orange fur you have, I only know one pegasus that has that shade of color, and that pegasus is Scootaloo. Am I wrong?” The pegasus didn’t flinch or blink at being called out, unbothered by being recognized. Her eyes just roamed over Amelia’s body, scrutinizing her legs, her body structure, and her muscle development. It was like Scootaloo was analyzing a piece of art. It stayed like that for a few seconds, Amelia just standing there, feeling awkward as she smiled. What’s wrong with this bird? “Left wing.” Scootaloo said suddenly, making Amelia perk up. “Huh?” Amelia said with confusion, tilting her head slightly. Wait… Is she talking about a left-sided winger? “If you played hoofball, you’d play as a left winger.” Scootaloo said simply, making it hard for Amelia to keep her smile up. Is this how she greets people? Telling them where they would play? Strange… “Okay, firstly, that’s wrong, and secondly, no… do I need to bring up a third reason?” Amelia said with a bit of salt, trying to keep her smile up, but it won’t be easy trying to keep a friendly smile up for much longer with this pegasus. What’s her problem? “You’re a pegasus, your natural strength is speed and agility, just like me.” Scootaloo muttered, making Amelia narrow her eyes. “But unlike me, you don’t have that burst of speed to play in the attacking role, but you do have an engine to play in the midfield. That’s common knowledge.” Amelia now understood where Scootaloo was coming from, what Scootaloo was trying to say. Earth Ponies, Pegasus, Unicorns—what do they all have in common? Magic, but that’s about it. Unicorns are the masters of spells; Pegasus are the masters of flight, and Earthlings are the masters of their own strength, giving Equestria a diverse set of ponies, ponies that have different roles in life. That’s no different in “Hoofball” terms. Thanks to ponies' individually different gifts, different roles suited different ponies, giving an unfair dynamic to the game of hoofball, but that’s just how it is and how it has been for centuries. Earth ponies are known for their strength and height, finding them more useful in defense than anywhere else on the pitch. However, on the rare occasion, an earth pony may be used as a holding midfielder (like Big Mac) or a goalkeeper (like Caramel), maybe even a striker for the aerial threat in the air. Ultimately, earth ponies will be known for their defense. Unicorns have it the hardest in Hoofball with the rule of having absolutely zero magic involved to influence the ball or others. If found guilty of breaking this rule, the player or manager would be handed an immediate red card, a 5-game suspension, and a hefty fine of 1,000 bits, making them a liability to the team and themselves. But that doesn’t take away what they can do on the pitch. As much as they don’t have speed or strength to their advantage, they make up for that in passing, control, and skill, making them perfect in the midfield or even on the wings of the pitch. Anywhere else, however, they would have a hard time unless there was a strategy in place. Pegasus, however, are the bread and butter of the game. Of course, just like the unicorns and their magic, pegasus are restricted from using their wings in any way, shape, or form, rendering their wings useless in hoofball. If used in any way, the player will be handed an immediate red card, a 5-match suspension, and a 1,000 bit fine. Using magic and wings in hoofball has a zero-tolerance policy. Out of the Earth Ponies and Unicorns, Pegasus were the ones that every team wanted thanks to their speed and dribbling, making them a constant threat to the goal and defense. They are the strikers, the wingers, the center forwards and central attacking midfielders, the goal scorers of the game. Amelia couldn't help but understand how Scootaloo mistakenly assumed she was a left winger. But she had to ask, "Why do you think I'm a left winger? I could have easily been a right winger." Scootaloo simply replied, "I noticed that you push off your left foot when you run." Amelia raised an eyebrow, impressed by Scootaloo's observation. Touché... "Well, mate, you've got it all wrong. I'm not a winger at all. In fact, I'm the best goalkeeper around," Amelia boasted, crossing her arms and wearing a smug smirk. Scootaloo finally showed a hint of emotion, raising an eyebrow and clearly unimpressed by Amelia's claim. But then, out of nowhere, Scootaloo burst into laughter, a laughter so contagious that it made Amelia take a step back in shock. Where did that come from? Amelia raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, asking with a cheeky grin, "What's so funny?" Scootaloo continued to mock, "A goalkeeper... a pegasus... did you fall on your head when you were younger?" Amelia narrowed her eyes dangerously in response. "What did you just say?" Amelia growled, her temper flaring as her hands clenched into fists. "Didn't you hear me? Are you brain-dead? A pegasus can't possibly be a goalkeeper! It's been like that forever! Besides, you're smaller than me. What are you going to do in goal with your small arms and legs?" Scootaloo pushed on with her mockery, sporting a sly grin that made Amelia grit her teeth. "Take that back!" Amelia stepped forward, getting dangerously close to Scootaloo. But Scootaloo remained unfazed. "Or what? Are you going to do something, birdbrain?" Scootaloo taunted, pressing her head against Amelia's. Both of them locked eyes in a fierce glare. "I hope you like hospital food!" In a split second, both Amelia's and Scootaloo's left hands reached out for each other's collars and with their other hands, pulling back their fists to strike and before they could pull the trigger on the punch, a roar rang out. "Hold your horses there, gals!" a sudden voice rang out in an orderly tone, a tone that had a twang to the accent, almost like a cowboy from those movies. The two turned, only for Amelia's eyes to shoot wide open in astonishment. There she was in all her radiant glory, Applejack, the manager of the toffees, walking over with a cross look. "Scootaloo! What are you doing bothering the village folk, y'all?" Applejack said towards Scootaloo, begrudgingly making Scootaloo let go of Amelia and huff with annoyance. "Nothing, I'm just telling this filly what is and what isn't in hoofball. She still doesn't understand," Scootaloo snarled, crossing her arms as she gave Amelia the side eye. Amelia's eye twitched, the urge to show her what a goalkeeper's fist can really do. "Cheeky sod…" Amelia mumbled, crossing her arms too as she glared at Scootaloo. "Amelia! I hope you're not getting yourself into trouble!" a familiar voice spoke up behind Applejack, this time being the pleasant sight of Fluttershy, the mutts she had on a leash seeming calmer than before. She stood next to Applejack, who tilted her Stetson forward, to which Fluttershy replied with a warm smile. Amelia needed to reboot her brain and replace a fuse in the fuse box to process what was going on right before her eyes. Applejack is talking to Fluttershy, and Fluttershy is talking back like friends!? What is going on right now? Why didn't Fluttershy tell me that she was friends with the town's football manager!? It almost took away from the fact that she was being told off. "She started it! All I wanted was to get that stupid letter for Derpy!" Amelia exclaimed, pointing a finger at Scootaloo with the letter in her hand. Fluttershy didn't look amused, a brow rising slightly. Fluttershy sighed, looking towards Scootaloo and lowering her head down. "I'm sorry, Scootaloo. Forgive Amelia if she gave you any trouble," Fluttershy said sincerely, making Amelia widen her eyes in shock. “What… Don’t apologize to her! She’s unbearable-” “Amelia! Apologise” Fluttershy interrupted, raising her voice for the first time since living with Fluttershy, shocking Amelia more than it should have. She didn’t think Fluttershy had it in her. But that shock quickly turned into anger, and Amelia clenched her teeth in frustration. Fluttershy’s head shouldn’t be so low, she shouldn’t have to apologize on her behalf, she shouldn’t have to apologize at all! Not to someone as stuck up as Scootaloo! Amelia had tried to be nice, but Scootaloo spat in her face in return. This was wrong, dead wrong. “No! I don’t have to apologize to her!” Amelia said in outrage, making Fluttershy’s head rise in shock. Amelia then turned to Scootaloo, who wore a cocky smirk. “And you! I don’t want you to tell me what I can and can’t be again. I’m a goalkeeper, and a damn good one at that. I can prove it!” Amelia’s head snapped to Applejack, a determined look on her face. “Applejack! If you’ll have me, let me prove in the Toffee’s training tonight that despite who I am, I can play in goal!” “Get real, squirt. You’ll only be wasting our time. We don’t need to give you any more attention than you already have.” Scootaloo brushed off, sniggering to herself. Fluttershy was stunned and frozen, a look of awe on her face. She didn’t know whether to be worried or amazed by Amelia’s determined boldness. She didn’t know what was said, but it really did start a fire in Amelia’s eyes. An emerald flame burning brightly. Applejack, on the other hand, said nothing and didn’t even look amused by Amelia’s claim to be a goalkeeper. Amelia couldn’t tell if she was lost in thought or debating whether to acknowledge the idea of having a Pegasus playing in goal at her training quarters. Now that Amelia thought about it, she had no right to ask Applejack, the manager of a professional football club, to prove herself. That’s not how it worked, certainly not where she was from as a human. If it was as simple as asking for a chance, there would be a mile-long line, and Applejack would be harassed endlessly. That wouldn’t be fair. So… why hadn’t Applejack turned her down yet? “Applejack… don’t tell me you’re actually thinking about it.” Scootaloo said skeptically, narrowing her brows. Applejack had one hand over her mouth while the other crossed her chest, leaning to one side in thought. “As odd as it may sound, Scoots, this filly has caught my attention. I’ve never heard of a Pegasus in goal in my lifetime… it makes me think… hey! How long have you played in goal?” Applejack suddenly asked, making Amelia perk up. “Oh, as long as I can remember. Since I was five, maybe…” Amelia muttered, scratching her cheek with a finger. She watched as Applejack assessed her, capturing every minor detail, from her height to her width, from her structure to her features, eyes, and hands. Applejack considered her. Her eyes widened a little when they landed on Amelia’s hands, and she stepped forward to get a better look. “Show me your hands!” Applejack requested, kneeling down to Amelia’s height, confusing Amelia greatly. “Uh, alright…” Amelia said unsurely, showing Applejack the palm of her hands. Applejack took Amelia’s hand into hers, feeling the palm, and what she felt and saw made her eyes widen fully, her mouth slightly open. She had seen hands like these before. “I want to see what you’ve got, Amelia.” Applejack said, standing back up. “Tonight, 8 o’clock, at the Toffee’s training ground. Don’t be late.” “What!? AJ! You can’t be serious! She just can’t-” “You got it! You won’t regret this!” Amelia said with a beaming smile. “Thank you so much!” Those were the last words Amelia said before running off home to get her things ready for tonight. Fluttershy was speechless and confused. She knew for a fact that the only way to train with the senior players was to climb up the ranks from the academy. Amelia was neither a listed player nor a graduate of the Academy. Unless… Applejack saw it. “What were you thinking, Applejack? She’s just some random filly! Why does she get the chance to train with the first team!?” Scootaloo shouted, a mix of anger and confusion in her voice, her grip wrinkling the letter. “That’s enough, Scootaloo. I’ll see you tonight.” Applejack said abruptly, making Scootaloo growl. “But Applejack!” “I said that’s enough! This is none of your concern.” Applejack said more sternly, the rigor in her voice enough to make Scootaloo snarl and sulk. “Whatever... Here, this letter is for you. That birdbrain was chasing it for whatever reason.” Scootaloo muttered, turning away with her hands in her pockets. She walked off without another word, though Applejack could hear her muttering to herself. Applejack frowned, seeing that young Scootaloo's attitude hadn't changed much since her debut match. She had hoped that it would mature her, to wipe that negative competitive side from her mindset. But now it seemed to be a mistake; it only made her worse. "Applejack... You didn't have too, y’know.” Fluttershy spoke up, her voice tinged with a mix of anxiety. She stood beside Applejack, her gaze fixed on her friend. Applejack turned to face her, a knowing grin spreading across her face. "Don't you go tellin' me you ain't noticed what she's got in her hands. It only took me a few ticks to see it. Surely, y'all saw it too," Applejack exclaimed, her excitement palpable. Fluttershy, however, looked ahead, her expression guarded, as if trying to hide her thoughts. But Applejack saw right through her, as if peering through a fragile glass. The tension between them grew, hanging in the air like an unspoken secret. "You've seen it... Do you understand what that means, Fluttershy?" Fluttershy's frown deepened, her head lowering further, as if burdened by the weight of her knowledge. A heavy sigh escaped her lips, filled with a mixture of sadness and apprehension. Her voice, barely above a whisper, carried a sense of urgency. "I have seen it... And I do understand what it means," she admitted, her words laced with unspoken fear. "I noticed it the moment I met her. I've always wondered how somepony like her ended up with those hands. The worst part is, I don't even think she realizes how special they truly are. She goes about her days without a clue." "I don't rightly understand, Fluttershy. This here's a good thing! As peculiar as it may sound, she's got a heap of potential to be the best darn goalkeeper of her whole dang generation! So why in tarnation do ya sound... sad?" Applejack said with a frown dawning on her features, genuine bafflement written all over her face. “Don’t you want her to see her grow up to be an amazing goalkeeper?” Silence hung in the air for a moment, the tension so thick between them that the background voices and sounds seemed to be blocked out. Applejack narrowed her eyes, wondering why this conversation had suddenly become heated. Why was Fluttershy upset? Wait... was it because of that incident? “Fluttershy... don’t tell me it’s because of what happened to you.” Fluttershy didn’t reply, nor did she look like she was going to reply, with her distant look and disdainful frown. “You can’t keep letting that one bad experience define what hoofball is.” “Amelia talked me into going to the match on Sunday, you know. She loves hoofball, and I can’t protect her from a sport that she has so much passion for. I can only hope for nothing but the best for her now.” Fluttershy shook her head slightly, a gloomy look on her face. “What are ya trying to say Flutters?... Don't you want her to play hoofball or something?” “I guess what I'm trying to say is, those hands are not a gift, but a curse on Amelia’s life.” Chapter 6. PS: Hope you liked my little experiment to let you choose the outcome of the chapter despite leading to the same thing. Let me know if I should do more of that! > Chapter 6 - What a fantastic way to start… > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheap Thrills by Sia was what Amelia listened to out loud in her room, the funky and upbeat music travelling around her body like a fever gone wild. Amelia would have put something more vulgar on, but with her guardian a floor away from hearing it, she just chose something tame yet exhilarating. It was 6:00 PM, and Amelia couldn't wait another second to get started with training. It had been a while since Amelia felt a warm fire in her stomach, growing into an inferno of excitement, her blood sizzling. It was like that time she had tryouts for Everton... no, it was exactly like the first time she had tryouts for Everton. But this time, it was for the Toffees, an alternate version of Everton. Amelia was practically getting a second chance! The first day of training at Everton's facility was brilliant! Amelia was the only goalkeeper scouted from an amateur team, and it wasn't hard for her to catch the eyes of the goalkeeper coaches. It only got easier when they saw her skills, seeing her as a project for the future of the women's team. They taught Amelia things she didn't know she needed to know, shaping her body to be fit for a goalkeeper and fuelling her passion for the sport like never before. She knew this was the first step towards her dream, a big step towards her life as a professional footballer. Now things were different. She was better than she was back then, and she knew what it took to stand out from the rest. Amelia understood what it meant to be a goalkeeper. She hadn't seen much of the Toffee's first-team keeper, undoubtedly good enough to play professional football, but Amelia cheekily wondered if she was better than him. Maybe, maybe not, but it was an amusing thought. No doubt she would be an academy player for the under 16s or higher, and that's when she planned to show her talent and understanding of the game. But tonight, she would prove that she was worth having. She knew she could do it. All she needed to do was serve some scouse in a bowl. Amelia stopped what she was doing and felt the hand that Applejack had grabbed. She found it strange and wondered what the meaning behind it was. The sudden invitation from Applejack seemed too quick and Amelia couldn't help but question the connection between her hand and Applejack's decision. To Amelia, her hand was just a hand - a limb she used frequently, especially for playing football. It had been through some injuries in the past, like when she dislocated one of her fingers while trying to save a ball. Although her finger never fully recovered, it didn't affect her desire to continue playing football. Despite this, Amelia couldn't help but wonder how her hand influenced Applejack's decision. Amelia shrugged. "Dun't matter now. I've got the chance, that's all that matters!" Amelia beamed, rushing to her bed where her duffle bag from the other world sat. Next to the bag was her companion, Pooch. Amelia couldn't help but ruffle his head. "How are we, Poochie?" Amelia asked, making Pooch bark once. "Good lad!" In that duffle bag, she had the standard stuff a keeper should own, and a bit extra. The Everton jersey she wore when she first came into this world was folded and clean for tonight, along with her shorts and football socks. Her worn-out boots and gloves lay next to each other in the bag, along with shin pads and a water bottle in the outer pocket. Those were the fundamental things to have at least. She also had tape for her socks and fingers, a rolled-up glove towel, deodorant just in case, spare hair ties just in case, and she even threw in an apple just in case she got hungry. She didn't have everything with her, but it would do. She picked up her phone from the windowsill and pressed pause on her music, shoving it in her right jeans pocket. It had 92% battery left. In her left pocket were her AirPods. She was ready to go! Yet... she had two hours until it actually started, so for the third time, she put her bag back on the bed next to Pooch, whose tail was wagging. He had watched Amelia pick up and drop the bag three times, yet the pup panted softly and sat waiting. He was a happy little chap regardless of Amelia's antics. What was she doing pacing around the room like this? She needed a quick drink if anything. She wasn't just full of pent-up energy, but also nervousness. Amelia whistled for Pooch to come, opening the door to her room as she walked down the stairs. Pooch overtook Amelia with his little legs. As Amelia descended the stairs, she was greeted by a vibrant menagerie of critters, a true zootopia. Birds flitted through the air, their melodic chirps filling the cottage. Squirrels and other small creatures scurried about, their playful antics turning the furniture into a playground. But amidst the chaos, Pooch stood out, relentlessly chasing a pesky white rabbit with unwavering determination. Amelia scanned the living room, her eyes searching for Fluttershy, but she wasn't surprised to find her absent. Fluttershy was always busy tending to various tasks around the cottage. Whether it was tending to the chickens, nurturing the blooming flowers in the backyard, cooking in the kitchen, or caring for her beloved animal companions, Fluttershy seldom found time to relax. Only when nature called or the day's end drew near did she pause her ceaseless activities. "Fluttershy! Where are ya?" Amelia called out, expecting no immediate response. Fluttershy's preoccupation often rendered her oblivious to the outside world. Amelia ventured into the kitchen, where signs of Fluttershy's presence lingered. The dishes were immaculately clean, cutlery and plates neatly arranged, and the floor glistened from a recent mopping. Perched on a plate was a sandwich, accompanied by a note that piqued Amelia's curiosity. Stepping into the backyard, Amelia found it devoid of Fluttershy's presence as well. However, the evidence of her handiwork was impossible to miss. The grass had been meticulously trimmed, and fresh soil had been laid, breathing new life into the earth. Fluttershy had already begun planting a variety of crops and flowers, and despite being in its early stages, the garden exuded an undeniable beauty. The shed, adorned with intertwining flower stalks as Fluttershy had intended, stood majestically in one corner. Roses, daisies, poppies, and peonies bloomed side by side, creating a captivating tapestry of colours and scents. Pebble stones lined the garden's borders, lending an enchanting touch. The air buzzed with the presence of butterflies fluttering from one bloom to another, much like industrious bees collecting pollen. In the opposite corner, a hive hung from a tree branch, adding to the garden's magical allure. Miniature pony-shaped gnomes dotted the landscape, and one of them uncannily resembled the manager of the Reds. Though still a work in progress, Amelia couldn't help but imagine the breathtaking spectacle the garden would become once Fluttershy's vision was fully realised. Other than upstairs, where Amelia knew she wouldn't find Fluttershy, she had no idea where she might be. There was a note in the kitchen, which must have been from Fluttershy. Amelia decided to have a read while she enjoyed her cheese and hay sandwich. Yes, hay. I know, I never thought I'd try it, but here we are. I sat down at the table, my sliced sandwich in one hand while I read the note with the other. It read: "I won't be back before you leave. Good luck and be careful, Amelia." "Eh, that's sound of her, that is." Amelia said to herself, talking with her mouth full. "But I don't need luck. They just need to prepare themselves." Amelia grinned as she placed the note down. It wasn't long now until she showed the world what she had up her sleeve. Amelia's anticipation grew with each passing minute as she made her way towards the training ground. It was an unusual location, nestled within a picturesque apple orchard. The floodlights illuminated the path, guiding her towards the destination. She glanced up at the night sky, relieved to find it clear and calm. The absence of wind or rain was a goalkeeper's dream, perfect conditions for training or a match. Bringing her focus back down to earth, she marveled at the apple trees that surrounded her. These trees were renowned throughout Ponyville for producing the most delectable and nutritious apples, a fact Amelia knew from personal experience. Excitement mingled with nervousness, creating a whirlwind of emotions within the 15-year-old pegasus. Her steps towards the training ground were both exhilarating and anxiety-inducing, causing her knees to tremble and her stomach to tighten. It was astonishing how much intensity and energy could be contained within someone so young. Perhaps it was magic. As Amelia drew closer, the sight of the goalposts under the bright lights filled her with a surge of joy. The net was neatly set up, ready to receive shots. There were full-sized 11-a-side goals at each end of the pitch, as well as smaller 5-a-side goals positioned along the sides. The grass appeared unusually vibrant, almost too perfect. It could have been a trick of the light or the fact that it was artificial turf. Amelia let out a resigned sigh, knowing that while astroturf had its advantages, diving onto it often resulted in painful burns. Nevertheless, she was determined to endure the discomfort in pursuit of her passion. A smile tugged at her lips as she stood behind the wooden fence that encircled the training ground. She noticed that she wasn't the first to arrive. Applejack, with her characteristic organisation and dedication, was busy setting up cones and preparing for footy drills and warm-ups. The fact that Applejack had taken the initiative to do this in her free time showcased her commitment to the team. Amelia couldn't help but admire her as she eagerly awaited the start of the training session. Amelia stepped onto the pitch, walking towards Applejack as she focused on placing the coloured cones. Her 15-year-old mind wanted to run up and scare her, but she quickly shut down that thought. She didn't want her first impression to be childish in front of the Toffees' manager. Instead, she would be more mature. That meant not being weird, not being childish, and not being easily annoyed by a certain purple-haired pegasus. Come on, Amelia! You got this! "Applejack! Hey!" Amelia called out, raising her hand in greeting. Applejack turned just in time to see Amelia's hand raised in a wave before falling to her side. Applejack smiled, placing a hand on her hip. "Howdy, y'all. You're mighty early, aren't ya?" Applejack pointed out, a one-sided grin and a raised brow on her face. "Yeah, I couldn't wait any longer, like. I 'ad to be the first per—pony 'ere, you know." Amelia shrugged, looking all around her, envisioning herself training there more often than not. It wasn't the best training ground, small and without a gym or facilities, just the pitch. But Amelia didn't mind. A stage was all she needed. "Well, well, now ain't that a mighty fine response! I sure do fancy a good dose of enthusiasm during these trainin' sessions. But reckon, considerin' it's your first meetin' with the squad, anyone in their right mind would be mighty eager to join in. So tell me, how you feelin'? A li'l nervous, perhaps?" Applejack asked, making Amelia rub the back of her head and smile. "Yeah, summat like that. I feel ready but also a bit uneasy at the same time, you know. I'm usually not like this." Amelia responded, feeling like she was taken out of her comfort zone without a parent, guardian, or friend to watch over her. Training with strangers and having strangers watch her felt unforgiving. She became more timid and quiet, like a certain yellow pegasus. "Don't fret none, darlin'! It's mighty natural to feel a tad nervous, but rest assured, me and the squad will lend ya a hand to get settled in. It's good to have you tonight." Applejack's warm voice reassured Amelia, but her apprehension remained. As Applejack extended her hand, a sense of unease washed over Amelia, making her palms clammy and her heart race. The weight of the world seemed to rest upon her shoulders, causing her forehead to glisten with a cold sweat. It was as though an invisible force emanated from Applejack's hand, enveloping Amelia in a mysterious aura. A surge of questions flooded Amelia's mind, causing her breath to catch in her throat. What was this sudden breathlessness? Where did this inexplicable heaviness originate from? The overwhelming sensation that radiated from Applejack intensified her curiosity, leaving her desperate for answers. And then, in a moment of revelation, Amelia's gaze fixated on a breathtaking sight. A vivid, raw green aura emerged from the depths of Applejack's being, rising upwards like ethereal tendrils that intertwined with the night sky. The emerald mist swirled and danced, casting an enchanting glow upon the surroundings. Its heat seeped through Amelia's fur, mingling with the beads of perspiration that formed on her brow. Uncertainty clouded her mind, unsure if the warmth was a result of the sultry air or her own nerves. Yet, despite the mesmerising display, it was Applejack's penetrating stare that captivated Amelia. The friendly twinkle within those emerald eyes belied a hidden power, an indescribable force that seemed to emanate from the depths of her being. Amelia felt as though she stood before a titan, unable to break free from the magnetic pull of Applejack's gaze. It was an encounter that left her acutely aware of the immense power that lay dormant within those eyes, and she couldn't help but wonder what secrets they held. Scary… "Yoooo! Applejack!" a scratchy voice said from behind Amelia, an oddly calm voice that contradicted Amelia's stress levels. Finally, Applejack's eyes were torn away from Amelia as they looked over her, the luminous green aura fading. "Well, well, reckon I didn't expect to lay eyes on ya 'round these parts so dang early." Applejack's voice rang out, accompanied by a mischievous smirk. Amelia's gaze shifted, and her eyes widened in surprise at the sight before her. She had already acquainted herself with Applejack, the team's leader, and Scootaloo, the spirited one. However, the addition of another player to the Toffee's roster felt surreal. This newcomer possessed a wild and unique appearance that immediately caught Amelia's attention. Her hair, resembling a pixie cut on one side but adorned with spikes and an abundance of strands, exuded an untamed and vibrant energy. The pristine white of her fur was a sight to behold, surpassing any other pony Amelia had encountered thus far. It was a stark and striking contrast against the backdrop of the bustling environment. As for her eyes, they remained a mystery to Amelia, concealed behind a pair of purple shaded glasses that signified her identity as the Toffees' number 7. Vinyl Scratch. Clad in a simple yet effortlessly cool ensemble, Vinyl donned a blank crimson tank shirt, accentuated by a loosely hanging black jacket that seemed to defy gravity. A necklace in the shape of a musical note dangled gracefully outside of her shirt, adding a touch of whimsy to her appearance. Completing her attire were black tight sport shorts, effortlessly showcasing her athletic prowess. Wrapped around her neck, a pair of headphones emitted a faint sound, a mesmerising symphony of absolute madness that resonated with the beats of dubstep. It was an audial experience that captivated Amelia's senses, leaving her in awe. With her hands casually tucked into her pockets, Vinyl strolled over, nonchalantly blowing a bubble that emerged from her mouth. The presence of chewies, a seemingly newfound accessory, piqued Amelia's curiosity. When did she start chewing gum? It was a small detail, yet it only added to the enigmatic aura that surrounded Vinyl Scratch, leaving Amelia eager to uncover more about this intriguing member of the team. "Word around Ponyville is that you took in a young goalkeeper to train with us tonight. Sure, doesn't sound like much at first until I heard the goalkeeper was a pegasus. I just had to see what all the fuss was about, see if the rumours were true." Vinyl murmured, her hand gripping the bag strapped around her shoulder while the other was in her jacket pocket. Then she looked down at Amelia. "And I'm guessing this is her." "Hey..." Amelia said lamely, looking up at the skilful winger in awe. Vinyl's cool grin widened, making Amelia smile somewhat. "Hiya, sport. The name's Vinyl, nice to meet you. I'll look after you tonight." Vinyl ruffled Amelia's mane, making the little pegasus brighten up a bit. At least she wasn't a jerk or scary. Instead, she was pretty cool! And those glasses... Amelia wanted a pair just like them, but in blue! "You two go and get changed, warm up until the rest of the squad turns up. Only then will we get started with training. We have a lot to sort out and talk about for our next game against The Crows. That's a must-win game if we have a chance to stay away from relegation." Applejack ordered firmly, leaving no time for replies as she turned away to set up for drills once again. "Come on, sport. I'll show you around." Vinyl said before walking off in a direction. There was a small building at the far side of the pitch, made out of red-painted wooden planks and beams. It wasn't as big as the barn and house on top of a hill in the distance of the orchard, but it was a reasonable size for a small confined space. "This must be the changin' room..." "So, what's your name, kid?" Vinyl suddenly spoke, sparking up a conversation. "Oh, me name's Amelia!" "Amelia? Strange name... What does it mean?" Amelia looked up at Vinyl, tilting her head. "Meanin’?" "Yeah! You know... My name is Vinyl because I'm into music. Applejack is called Applejack because she's into... well, apples, I guess. Do you get what I'm trying to say?" Amelia was stumped by the question, even more so now that Vinyl had given an example. She had never thought about it before. Her name was just what she was called. How was she supposed to know the meaning of Amelia? It was just a name. Maybe it was different here. With the example that Vinyl had given, Amelia assumed that a pony's name was connected to the things they liked or their hobbies, or maybe even a talent they had... My head hurts… No more thinking. "I dunno, never really thought about it, like..." “Mmm, you’re a strange one alright, but that’s cool.” I’ve just been called strange, how have I messed up already!? She probably thinks I’m lame now… "Applejack is a cool gal, isn't she? A good manager but an even better player," Vinyl murmured, opening the door and walking into a bright hallway with doors on each side. Amelia followed. "Player? I didn't know Applejack played foooooooooooooohoofball!" Amelia said quickly, nearly slipping up. Vinyl did notice the slip-up as she looked over her shoulder but never said anything about it. "Yeah, a Toffee legend and one of the best players to play in the Equestrian League. You should watch some clips of her on YouTube, she was awesome! It's a shame she had to retire early." "Retire—early?" "Wait... you don't know? Have you been living under a rock for the past 5 years?" Vinyl raised a brow, stopping in a doorway which had the sign of the changing rooms. She looked befuddled. Then a grin appeared on her face. "You are not from around here, are you?" Vinyl nodded as if confirming a theory she had before walking in. Amelia followed, not sure what to think about that comment. Was that a good thing or not? As Amelia entered the room, her eyes were immediately drawn to the walls adorned with an array of lockers, each one meticulously decorated to reflect the unique personalities of the players. The vibrant and diverse displays showcased a glimpse into the individuality that resided within the team. Below the lockers, benches provided a space for players to prepare for training, whether it be pulling up their socks, lacing up their boots, or simply catching their breath after a rigorous session. The hangers at the far end of the room held neatly arranged training kits, eagerly awaiting their wearers to claim them. Yet, amidst the organised chaos, one hanger remained empty, noticeably absent from its designated spot. It didn't take long for Amelia's eyes to locate it. In the corner of the room, perched upon a bench, sat Scootaloo, already sporting her training kit. She focused intently on fastening her laces, a determined expression etched across her face. A sigh of resignation escaped Amelia's lips, knowing all too well the attitude that often accompanied Scootaloo's presence. "Yoooo! What's happening, Scoots?" Vinyl's nonchalant tone reverberated through the room, accompanied by a laid-back smile that seemed to effortlessly charm those around her. Scootaloo glanced up momentarily, acknowledging Vinyl's greeting before swiftly returning her attention to the task at hand. Without uttering a word, she rose from the bench and strode past Vinyl, not hesitating to bump her shoulder against Amelia's as she made her exit. An exasperated huff escaped Amelia's lips, her gaze fixated on the back of Scootaloo's head, frustration evident in her glare. As Scootaloo disappeared down the hallway, the echoes of her boots clanking against the floor resonated in the air, leaving Amelia to ponder the mysteries that lay behind her enigmatic teammate. "What's 'er problem, eh?" Amelia voiced her frustration, unable to comprehend Scootaloo's abrasive behaviour. "Don't worry about her." Vinyl dismissed with a casual wave of her hoof. "She doesn't exactly get along with many ponies in the squad. It took Applejack over a year to break through to her. So, I don't expect you two to hit it off right away." she explained, grabbing her training shirt from the end of the room. "Her ego is bigger than Ponyville itself, but hey, if that's what fuels her growth as a player, it's whatevs." Vinyl shrugged, taking a seat as she proceeded to remove her jacket. Amelia's eyes widened in alarm as she realised that Vinyl was also about to take off her tank top. A sudden surge of embarrassment flooded her cheeks, causing her to quickly avert her gaze, turning right around to avoid any further awkwardness. "She's a proper jerk. She laughed at me and said I couldn't be a goalie 'cos I 'ave wings, can ya believe it?" Amelia grumbled, crossing her arms tightly as frustration boiled within her. "Well... it is quite unusual to have a Pegasus in goal, but hey, to each their own." Vinyl responded, nonchalantly. "Come on, go get changed. Why do you have your back to me? Wait... are you embarrassed?" Vinyl's playful tone called Amelia's attention, causing her to stiffen in surprise at being called out. "I'm not!" Amelia retorted a little too quickly and loudly, her words laced with defensiveness. "Oh my Celestia, you totally are!" Vinyl burst into laughter, unable to contain her amusement. The sound of her laughter only served to intensify Amelia's embarrassment, causing her to clench her teeth in a mix of humiliation and anger. "I am—oh, fuckin’ ‘ell!" Amelia whirled around in frustration, only to hastily turn back around, her face burning with embarrassment. As she faced forward again, she noticed that Vinyl was indeed wearing her training kit, but to Amelia's dismay, she had yet to put on her shorts. This meant that all that was visible in Vinyl's lower region were her black panties. "PUT YER BLOODY SHORTS ON!" "Hahaha! You're so easy to tease! I knew we could have some laughs together." Vinyl chuckled, thoroughly entertained by Amelia's reaction. The heat in Amelia's face intensified, now a mixture of humiliation and anger, as she struggled to regain her composure amidst the teasing banter. Great, now I’m easy and she probably thinks that I’m a frisbee… Brilliant! "Vinyl, dear, please try to act your proper age. It's unbecoming to tease the poor filly." a sudden posh voice, laced with a British accent, resonated through the room, catching Amelia off guard. Her attention turned towards the doorway, and there stood a pony with elegant grey fur, sporting a scrutinising expression. Calm purple eyes softened the intensity of her gaze, countering the glare that was directed at Vinyl. The pony effortlessly pulled off a dark grey full-side fringe, allowing her long hair to cascade gracefully down her back. It was a stark contrast to Vinyl's untamed locks. Amelia recognised this pony immediately; she was the complete antithesis of Vinyl Scratch, yet they formed an unlikely partnership on the wings. The Toffee's number 12. Octavia Melody! Octavia's posh accent was not the sole indicator of her refined nature; her outfit paid homage to British culture in the most stylish manner. A purple woolly trench coat enveloped her figure, perfectly accentuating her eyes, while being impeccably buttoned up. A black woolly jumper peeked out from underneath, its turtleneck folded out with sophistication. Black loose pants hung elegantly beneath the trench coat, and black heeled boots completed the ensemble. If Octavia were not a footballer, she could easily pass for a model. "Octavia!!!" Vinyl suddenly exclaimed in a cheerful tone, swiftly rising from her seat and sprinting towards the deadpan earth pony. With arms wide open, Vinyl intended to engulf Octavia in a warm embrace, but Octavia, with all her grace and swiftness, effortlessly ducked and manoeuvred under Vinyl's outstretched arms. Vinyl, however, missed her target completely, landing face-first past the doorway and into the hallway, emitting a pained moan. Meanwhile, Octavia adjusted her coat with a quick pull of her collar, her expression unamused. Amelia stood there with her mouth agape, utterly amazed by the scene that had unfolded before her. As humorous as it was to witness Vinyl go flying, seeing Octavia dodge the surprise hug with such refined finesse was simply astonishing. Amelia had caught glimpses of Octavia's skill on the ball, but if she could execute spins like that flawlessly in a game, Amelia couldn't contain her excitement to witness what other remarkable feats Octavia was capable of. "Ouch—Octavia..." Vinyl whined, her glasses all crooked on her snout when she looked over her shoulder, a hurt look on her face. "What was that for? I thought we were friends." "Vinyl, we are friends, but I won't have one of your enthusiastic hugs while you are half-naked in front of this poor dear. It's not proper." Octavia said, walking and taking her own shirt from the hanger. That's when Octavia laid eyes on Amelia for the first time. A small gentle smile graced Octavia's face. "Hello, love. My name is Octavia Melody. It's nice to meet you." "Yeah... Me name's Amelia... Nice to meet ya too." Amelia said in awe, dumbstruck by her classiness. Octavia tilted her head a little. "I've never heard such a name or accent before. It's quite unusual. May I ask where you are from?" Octavia sat, leg crossed over the other, undoing her trench coat. Oh, here we go again. Amelia turned away once again. She opened her mouth to speak the truth, but didn't know if telling the truth about her origins was such a good idea when she didn't really understand why she was here in the first place. Did they know what humans are? Did they know where Merseyside is? Did they know about the accent her people have? It was very unlikely, so she didn't want to address it blindly. "I've just recently come to Ponyville, living with my big sister. Plain and simple." Amelia shrugged, making Octavia raise her eyebrows and hum. "Mmm, how peculiar. You must catch some eyes with how you speak." "You're one to talk, Octy. The way you talk has caught my eye." Vinyl spoke up from the door, leaning her arm against the door frame as she grinned. Her other hand was on her hip in a flirtatious pose. With her shorts STILL not on, Amelia quickly looked away again. Octavia, however, continued to get undressed, making Vinyl lift her eyebrows with a raised brow. Her eyes roamed all over Octavia's physique. Vinyl couldn't help but put her hands together, close her eyes, and say a few words. "Celestia, I don't know what I did to deserve this, but thank you for sharing such an angel that plays hard to get. Amen." Octavia rolled her eyes, pulling up her shorts. "Vinyl, dear, perhaps you should get dressed instead of acting a fool, please. The poor filly is beet red." Amelia had enough of feeling humiliated. She turned and headed to a private place, everything in hand to get changed. "Right then, I better get meself changed." "Uhh, Amelia, that's the toilet." "I know!" Amelia took a few moments to collect herself, allowing her emotions to cool down. Being embarrassed in front of her new teammates was not the ideal start she had envisioned for her football journey. She yearned to establish understanding and a genuine bond with her fellow players, fostering a sense of camaraderie before stepping onto the field. However, thus far, she had encountered laughter, ridicule, and humiliation from her teammates. Determined to fit in, Amelia recognized the need to delve deeper into the world of "hoofball" and the pony culture surrounding it. She realized that in order to truly connect with her teammates, she would have to learn about their history, lingo, customs, and habits. Amelia let out a sigh of contemplation. Where should she begin? How should she approach this endeavor? Should she dive into books and take diligent notes? No, she quickly dismissed the idea, knowing her tendency to lose focus after just a single page. It would be too time-consuming. Should she speak to Fluttershy, who might possess valuable insights? While Fluttershy might have an idea on a few things, Amelia hesitated, she didn't want to be a bother. Perhaps she could learn through firsthand experiences, picking up the necessary knowledge along her journey through this pony-filled land. However, that would mean initially remaining ignorant and clueless, a prospect that Amelia found unsettling. She was determined to avoid further embarrassment. With a resolute decision, Amelia changed into her Everton jersey, secured her gloves, and slung her bag over her shoulder. She was ready to embrace the cold, to stretch her limbs, and to showcase her skills to The Toffees. The thought of stepping onto the field ignited a fire within her, filling her with a potent blend of excitement and nervous energy. Regardless of the challenges she had faced thus far, Amelia was determined to give her best. As she opened the door to exit the restroom, Amelia expected to find an empty dressing room. However, to her surprise, Vinyl was seated on the bench, slouched with her headphones on, head-banging to the music. Vinyl turned her head, her purple glasses absent, revealing her crimson eyes that met Amelia's gaze with a friendly smile. “There you are, finally ready to go?” Vinyl popped up from her seat, all dressed and ready in shorts, a training weather jacket, and expensive-looking boots. Amelia could only thank god she wasn’t still in her underwear. "As ready as I'm gonna be, like." “Good, let's get you warmed up then.” As Amelia stepped outside, the coolness of the night air enveloped her, causing her fur to bristle and sending a shiver down her spine. The absence of clouds allowed the night sky to reveal its true beauty, an expanse of darkness adorned with countless twinkling stars. The larger orb, the moon, cast a gentle glow, creating a mesmerising spectacle for anyone fortunate enough to witness it. Amelia couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for being able to play beneath this celestial masterpiece. Across the field, Scootaloo and Octavia engaged in a seamless display of passing and control. The ball danced effortlessly between them, each showcasing their unique style. Octavia possessed a nimbleness and grace that Amelia found captivating. With every reception, Octavia utilised various parts of her body to bring the ball under her control. It seemed as though gravity itself bent to her will, regardless of the force with which the ball was kicked towards her. This reminded Amelia of a Bulgarian player named Dimitar Berbatov, not in his entirety, but in a particular aspect. It was Berbatov's legendary touch, an innate skill that could not be taught but was bestowed upon a select few. With a single touch, a sloppy pass could be transformed into a strategic advantage. This was the very essence that Amelia witnessed in Octavia, an extraordinary flair that set her apart on the field. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Scootaloo possessed a contrasting style compared to Octavia. While her first touch may not have been as flashy, it was solid and reliable. However, it was Scootaloo's passing that truly stood out, displaying an elite level of accuracy, skill, and precision. There was a distinct German flair in her approach to passing, utilising both the inside and outside of her foot with finesse, whether it be a one-touch or two-touch manoeuvre. Regardless of the technique employed, Scootaloo's passing was truly remarkable. It was akin to catching a glimpse of Mesut Ozil in action, witnessing the same level of precision and vision. In the team setup, Scootaloo played as a striker in a false 9 role, assuming the role of the creative force among the trio of attackers. She expertly threaded passes to create scoring opportunities or utilised her dribbling skills to carve out chances for herself. Amelia keenly observed that Scootaloo possessed a level of on-ball intelligence that only comes with experience. She had an innate ability to find and exploit spaces off the ball, showcasing impressive awareness that bordered on the telepathic. Reflecting on her past experiences on Earth, Scootaloo reminded Amelia of two high-level players who excelled in a similar position. Roberto Firmino, the Brazilian forward known for his exceptional footballing IQ, and Thomas Müller, the German attacker who possessed an innate understanding of the game, came to mind. While they may not have been the fastest or strongest players, their ability to read the game and make intelligent decisions set them apart. When combining Scootaloo's natural Pegasus speed with her footballing intellect, the potential for her to become a future star became evident. Scootaloo and Octavia showcased two distinct styles of play, yet their tactical partnership held immense potential. However, before their on-field chemistry could fully blossom, a foundation of friendship and understanding needed to be established. The true power of their partnership would only emerge when they worked together harmoniously. “Gorgeous, isn’t she?” Vinyl hummed, looking over at Scootaloo and Octavia, focusing more on Octavia. “You mean Octavia?” “Yeah, look at her go... bringing the ball to her feet so effortlessly. It’s like she has feather feet. She’s amazing.” Vinyl said with a goofy smile. Amelia raised an eyebrow, a sly grin forming on her face. "Ooooo, you fancy 'er, don't ya?" Amelia said, nudging Vinyl with her elbow. “Ha! You’d have to be soft not to. Now get in goal, I wanna see what you got.” Amelia nodded contentedly as she made her way towards what she affectionately referred to as her Zone. Her gaze settled upon the gleaming goalposts, their pristine condition eliciting her approval. Satisfied with the measurements of her designated area, she nodded once again, acknowledging their correctness. As she positioned herself between the goal sticks, her gloves securely fastened, she tested the grip by sliding the palms of her gloves against each other, a grin spreading across her face. Despite having used them for a few months, the gloves remained in excellent shape. Beneath the towering goalposts, Amelia found solace, confidence, and tranquility. This was why she dubbed it 'Her Zone' instead of simply referring to it as the penalty box. The Zone triggered something within Amelia, igniting a focused determination and fearlessness to protect the goal at all costs. It felt as though it was her very purpose to be the last line of defence. All she had to do now was patiently wait for the imminent threat of the ball. Meanwhile, Vinyl had the ball at her feet, effortlessly manoeuvring it with a series of kick-ups that seamlessly transitioned into a swift round-the-world skill using her right foot. Next, she propelled the ball upwards with just the right amount of force, delicately balancing it on her forehead for a few seconds before deftly catching it with her boot, displaying remarkable control. Raising her boot in one fluid motion, Vinyl flicked the ball over her head, allowing it to sail through the air. However, as soon as the ball bounced once behind her, she executed an audacious Thiago flick. With the precision of her laces and toes, she propelled the ball behind her back, causing it to bounce off the floor once again, this time with enough force for it to soar over her own head. It gracefully landed in front of her feet, where she deftly touched it and continued her fluid dribbling. Brazilian. That was the only word that came to Amelia's mind as she witnessed Vinyl's enchanting dance with the ball. It was as if the ball and Vinyl shared an unspoken understanding, moving in perfect harmony. Watching Vinyl freestyle with the ball evoked memories of Thiago Alcantara, Diego Maradona, and Ronaldinho—some of the greatest dribblers known on Earth. While Vinyl may not have reached their level, nor may she ever, the prospect of witnessing her growth and evolution into something truly special was undeniably exciting. The growing smile of awe vanished from Amelia's face in an instant as her peripheral vision caught sight of a ball hurtling towards her. Instinctively, her hands moved on their own, swiftly and forcefully driving the ball into the ground before securely catching the ensuing rebound, safely cradling it within the grip of her gloves. Amelia's gaze shifted upwards, fully expecting the unexpected strike to have come from Scootaloo. However, to her surprise, that assumption couldn't have been further from the truth. A wave of fear coursed through Amelia's body, leaving her momentarily paralysed as she laid eyes on the figure slowly approaching her. It was the earth pony she had recently encountered, but this encounter had not been a friendly one. The twang of dread intensified as the words escaped her trembling lips. "YOU…" Ahhh shite… Thanks to the nonexistent smoke around her, Amelia could see properly who she had bumped into a few hours ago. It was none other than Minuette, the formidable defensive midfielder of the Toffees. Known for her explosive temper and aggressive playing style, Minuette had earned the moniker of "The Blue Raging Bull." Her extensive disciplinary record, consisting of 37 yellow cards and 9 red cards during her time with the team, spoke volumes about her short fuse. Whether it was berating the referee for unfavourable decisions or delivering bone-crunching tackles on unsuspecting players, Minuette was always quick to engage in confrontation. The mere mention of her name evoked comparisons to the likes of Roy Keane or Sergio Ramos, players notorious for their fiery demeanour. Amelia didn't need to witness any actions from Minuette to understand the danger she posed. The intense glare directed at her spoke volumes, foretelling a storm of aggression. It was a look that conveyed the imminent threat of a tenth red card. Goodbye, legs. "Eh, ese, you were at my fookin' casa and now you're fookin' aquí, cabrón. Quién eres y qué quieres!?" Oh yeah... did I mention she lived a part of her life in a pony version of Mexico? Crazy, right? "Whoa, whoa, whoa, ese. Calm yourself down, no trouble here " Vinyl exclaimed, her voice filled with urgency as she intercepted Amelia's line of sight. She held her hands up in a calming gesture, trying to diffuse the tension that hung heavily in the air. "Fookin' move, Equestriano. That filly entered mi casa, ruined mi pie, and scared mi familia. I won't have it, güey!" Minuette spat, her voice filled with anger and frustration. Her eyes, like daggers, glared fiercely over Vinyl's shoulder, causing Amelia to instinctively rub her arm for comfort. The intensity in Minuette's gaze was alarming, emanating a sense of pure wrath. Vinyl attempted to reason with Minuette, her voice tinged with a hint of desperation. "Alright, just calm down. I'm sure this is all just a big misunderstanding—somehow. She's just a filly, she probably didn't know any better. Be the bigger pony here and let her off the hook, just this once. Okay? Okay! Good. Now, why don't you go get changed before Applejack comes and sees what all the fuss is about, yeah?" Minuette remained silent, her body language indicating that she was still contemplating shoving Vinyl aside and unleashing her fury on Amelia. However, she refrained from doing so. Instead, she slowly backtracked, never taking her eyes off of Amelia. With a pointed finger, Minuette silently warned her to be cautious. Amelia heeded the warning, fully aware that she needed to tread carefully. Finally, Minuette turned away and strode towards the changing rooms. Amelia released a breath she didn't realise she had been holding, her eyes following Minuette's retreating figure. Vinyl turned to face Amelia, raising an eyebrow inquisitively. "Uhhh, I see you two have met..." "I dunno wanna talk about it, mate..." Amelia muttered, her voice filled with a mixture of apprehension and defeat. "Oh, we will after training." Vinyl declared, determination evident in her tone. "It doesn't take much to piss her off, but that look in her eyes... You must have really done something bad, bad." Amelia's body sagged with the weight of those words, the thought of an enraged Mexican bearing down on her sounding truly terrifying. She silently prayed that the consequences would be nothing more than a smack on the rear with a belt. Glancing over at Scootaloo and Octavia, Amelia sought solace in their presence, only to find Scootaloo sporting a smug grin, her gaze locked onto Amelia's. The desire to wipe that smile off Scootaloo's face burned within Amelia. Applejack, witnessing the scene, made her way towards Minuette in the changing room. What a fantastic way to start... > Chapter 7 - Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “‘Ottar is driving with the ball masterfully, the game is tied 1-1 and The Seagulls look to attack in the final minutes of extra time…’” I remember that day as if it was yesterday… “‘He got passed Applejack with an outrageous faint, cutting through the midfield!…’” The day I died as a hoofball player… “‘Ottar is through on goal!…’” I didn’t mean too… “‘He goes to shoot!…’” I panicked… “‘Oh no…’” I only wanted to help the team… “‘Oh no no no no no…’” I’d sacrifice my wings to turn back time… “‘Ottar has gone down…’” … “‘He’s holding his knee…’” … “‘It looks bad, really bad ladies and gentlecolts…’” I’m so, so sorry… Ottar… Perched upon a hill, the pegasus sat beneath the sheltering branches of an apple tree, embracing her legs as if cradling her own existence. In this secluded spot, hidden within the shadowy embrace of the tree, the pegasus remained unseen by the passing eyes, her silent presence a mere observer amidst the luminous glow emanating from the pitch below. Solitude was the pegasus’s constant companion, a familiar state in this very spot where she sought solace, surrounded solely by her thoughts and memories. As the players engaged in their training, the pegasus's countenance bore a deep frown, an expression that seemed to weigh heavily upon her. In the pegasus’s grasp, she clutched a photograph, a treasured memento of a time gone by. In the image, the pegasus stood side by side with a younger Applejack, their arms draped affectionately over each other's shoulders as they posed for a team picture, captured in a moment frozen in time. Reluctantly, the pegasus admitted to herself that she missed this place, yearning for the familiar scent of apples permeating the air, the gentle caress of the wind against her fur, and the unwavering stability of the night as it watched over the depths of her soul. A solitary tear escaped the pegasus's eye, tracing a path along her cheek, leaving behind a glistening streak like the descent down a treacherous cliff into the abyss of crippling depression. The pegasus sniffled, tenderly wiping her cheek, the stain smudging beneath her touch. When was the last time the pegasus had truly felt the warmth of love for the game? The pegasus couldn't say for certain, but deep down, she knew that day marked the end of that cherished connection. Regret weighed heavily upon the pegasus, filling her heart with a profound ache. Would the pegasus turn back time if given the chance? Without hesitation, the she longed for the opportunity to rewrite her actions, to choose a different path. However, the pegasus understood that no spell or miracle could grant her such a chance; it was an impossibility she had come to accept. The pegasus's heart yearned for the possibility of forgiveness, envisioning a scenario where she could descend from the hill and offer earnest apologies to the club and the residents of Ponyville. The pegasus rose from her place beneath the tree, taking a tentative step forward. But just as her resolve began to solidify, a wave of regret washed over her, halting her progress. The weight of time-pressed upon her, whispering that it was too late, that the opportunity had slipped through her grasp. With a frown amidst the pegasus’s desolation, she whispered to herself, "Maybe another tomorrow or the next..." It was a feeble thought, tinged with a sense of resignation. The pegasus turned away, her wings spreading wide as she prepared to take flight into the embrace of the night sky. Though the pegasus’s spirit may have felt diminished, there was a glimmer of determination in her eyes as she propelled herself forward. The pegasus soared through the darkness, her wings carrying her towards an uncertain future, where the possibility of redemption awaited her, even if it felt pathetically out of reach. Amelia let out a sigh of relief as she gazed around, taking in the scene. The tension that had filled the air after the confrontation with Minuette seemed to have dissipated. She watched as Minuette, the defensive midfielder, chose to distance herself from the rest of the team, opting to stretch alone after slipping into her training gear. However, despite Minuette's attempt to appear nonchalant, Amelia couldn't help but notice the occasional snarl that escaped her lips, a silent reminder of the animosity that lingered between them. Shaking off the negative energy, Amelia focused on her warm-up routine. Vinyl, the lively and skilled winger, sent a series of balls her way, each one aimed precisely to challenge her catching ability and prompt her to dive with agility. The controlled shots provided a gradual and effective warm-up, allowing Amelia to find her rhythm and prepare herself mentally and physically for the demanding training session that awaited. As the minutes ticked by, the training ground began to fill with more and more squad members. They arrived in a myriad of ways, some in tight-knit groups, others in pairs or solitary figures making their way towards the field. Each player had their own distinct aura, a reflection of their individual personality and approach to the beautiful game. Amelia couldn't help but be captivated by the curiosity that danced in their eyes as they caught glimpses of the young filly stationed in front of the goal. Their intrigue was palpable as they bore witness to her incredible saves, her determination and skill leaving an indelible impression on even the seasoned goalkeeper of the Toffee's team. For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still as the veteran paused, momentarily mesmerised by Amelia's abilities. But it wasn't just the players who were captivated by Amelia's warm-up routine. Spectators from all walks of life gathered around the fence, snapping awe-filled pictures and jotting down notes in their flip books. The atmosphere crackled with excitement as news reporters and media personnel jostled for the best vantage point, some even daring to capture videos of the prodigious young talent. Amelia couldn't help but wonder if this was allowed, if the gathering crowd consisted of fans, the media, or a fusion of both. Regardless, their presence only added to the electric anticipation that hung in the air. As the crowd of players began to disperse to the changing room, only a few individuals remained, their curiosity piqued as they walked towards the changing room. But among the dwindling group, three figures stood out, capturing Amelia's undivided attention. It was the centre-back pairings, Lyra and Bon Bon, accompanied by the very first Toffee player she had the pleasure of meeting, Derpy. Lyra, exuding confidence with her vibrant green mane and purposeful stride, approached Amelia with a warm smile. Her eyes sparkled with genuine interest, as if she was eager to get to know the young goalkeeper and witness her skills firsthand. Bon Bon followed closely behind, her expression a captivating blend of curiosity and wonder. It was clear that she, too, held a genuine interest in Amelia's abilities and potential. Among the approaching trio, Amelia's gaze landed on Derpy, the very first Toffee player she had crossed paths with. As their eyes met, a flicker of surprise danced within Derpy's yellow eyes, clearly taken aback by Amelia's presence in this new environment. But beneath the initial shock, there was an unmistakable shimmer of kindness that radiated from Derpy's gaze. Unable to contain her excitement, Amelia eagerly waved at Derpy, momentarily forgetting about the ball that sailed past her and into the net. The joy that emanated from her was palpable as she greeted her familiar acquaintance. "Hiya, Derpy!" Amelia's voice resonated with genuine warmth and enthusiasm as she greeted her friend with a bright smile. Derpy returned the greeting with equal happiness, waving back with a smile that reached her face. "Hello!" she replied cheerfully. However, her characteristic clumsiness seemed to make an appearance as she failed to notice the ball right in front of her. In her next step, she inadvertently stepped on the ball, causing her to lose her balance and tumble forward, landing flat on her face with a thud. And there she goes… Derpy looked alright when being helped up by Bon Bon, a flushed look on her face as a few sniggers were heard from the dispersing group from a distance. Amelia walked over to the embarrassed Derpy, nudging her shoulder with a mini punch. “Watch where you step next time yeah? Can’t have you injured before training, ay?” Amelia teased, making Derpy rub the back of her head with a smile. “Ooooo, look who we have here! Are you that keeper everypony has been talking about recently? Because I heard that there was a filly, that was a pegasus, that was a goalkeeper, that Applejack took in for one night. When I heard that, I told my girl, Bon Bon the news, and then—” Lyra's voice trailed off with excitement, eager to share the latest gossip. “Yes, yes, I’m a pegasus that is a goalkeeper… Is that so hard to believe?” Amelia replied, a hint of amusement in her tone. “Yes.” “Yeah!” “Duh!” “Kinda…” Bon Bon, Lyra, Vinyl, and Derpy chimed in simultaneously, each offering their own perspective in a different way and tone. Their collective response left Amelia deadpan, her expression reflecting a mix of amusement and exasperation. “Should have expected much,” she muttered under her breath, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips at the antics of these ponies. "I must admit, keeper, you've certainly attracted quite the crowd.” Bon Bon remarked, her voice tinged with surprise. She cast a glance towards the cacophony of flashing cameras positioned behind the fence, a spectacle that made it seem as though The Daily Equestria had mistaken their gathering for a high-profile signing event. The paparazzi's relentless clicks echoed like the staccato beat of a drum, their lenses focused intently on Amelia, capturing her every move. It was as if the spotlight had been stolen from the stars above and redirected onto the young goalkeeper, casting her as the protagonist in a story that had yet to unfold. Amelia wondered what the headline would be. Amelia's eyes widened in astonishment, her voice tinged with disbelief. "Is all of this for me? I mean, I know it's not every day you see a pegasus in goal, but is this all really necessary!" Amelia like the attention for sure but, little old Amelia suddenly feeling camera shy, almost as if she were naked. Did she look like a scruff? Did she need to were make up? Does she just smile and wave like a spare one at a wedding? She didn’t know, Amelia had never been on tv or a newspaper before. "Oi! Get your head in the game, newbie!" Vinyl's voice cut through the air, laced with a playful yet competitive tone. The cameras were watching, and Vinyl was determined to showcase Amelia's abilities. With a mischievous grin, Vinyl bounced the ball off Amelia's head, causing her to turn abruptly. "Hey!" Amelia whined, instinctively rubbing the side of her head where the impact had landed. Vinyl, undeterred, continued to push Amelia. "Come on then! This is a warm-up, not a get together. Let's get to it!" Her words were punctuated with a sense of urgency and motivation, urging Amelia to focus and give her all. And give it her all, Amelia did. She stood there, completely immersed in her Zone, a realm of unwavering focus. Her face became a mask of determination, void of any distractions. With each shot launched by Vinyl, the intensity escalated, as the shots grew wider and more powerful. While a few managed to find their way past Amelia, slipping into the net, others were met with breathtaking saves, ones that demanded her to dive and stretch herself to the limit. In those moments, it was as if she could defy gravity, soaring through the air with grace, almost as if she had sprouted wings. The flashy saves, the ones that required her to go above and beyond, caught the attention of the cameras. Their shutters clicked relentlessly, capturing the extraordinary athleticism displayed by Amelia. Vinyl could see how hard Amelia was trying and decided to cheer her on. Every time Amelia made a good move, Vinyl would shout words of support. Although Amelia was grateful for the kind words, she wished Vinyl would stop talking so she could concentrate. It was irritating. Amelia already knew how great she was; she heard it every time she played football back on Earth. So, why should it be any different here? Vinyl, with her foot confidently placed on the ball, remarked, "You know... You're actually quite impressive for someone as young and small as you. Remind me, how old are you again?" Amelia, meeting Vinyl's gaze, replied with determination, "I'm 15, but I'll be turning 16 in a few months." Intrigued, Vinyl continued, "Interesting. So, who taught you the art of being a goalkeeper?" A proud smile appeared on Amelia's face as she recalled her father's guidance. "It was my dad. He used to be a goalkeeper himself, not a professional, but he taught me some valuable techniques." Vinyl's curiosity grew even stronger, and she asked. "Why did you choose to be a goalkeeper, Amelia? What made you interested in playing that position?" Amelia's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she shared her story. "It was actually my dad's dream. He always wished for two sons, one to be a striker and the other to be a goalkeeper. Unfortunately, my brother was born first and took on the role of the striker. Then, I came along, a pegasus... destined to be a goalkeeper. I didn't really have a choice, but I never minded. In fact, I find it refreshing being the only pegasus in my position." Vinyl's face twisted with concern, her brows furrowing as she spoke. Her voice held a genuine worry, evident in the way her words that left her lips. "You know, Amelia, it just doesn't seem right, Amelia. What if you wanted to be something else like a… Dancer, a writer, or a musician? Was there a part of your life where you didn’t want to play hoofball?” Amelia's expression grew pensive, her brows knitting together as she delved into profound contemplation. Her face became a canvas of intricate thoughts, mirroring the intensity of her emotions. She spoke with determination, using words that painted vivid images in the mind's eye. "Honestly, Vinyl, no… I can’t remember a time where I didn’t want to play hoofball, it’s in my blood, if you know what I mean. I can’t explain it, and I don’t know how else to say it without sounding cheesy but… I just love hoofball.” Vinyl nodded in understanding, a gentle smile blossoming on her face, as she began to grasp Amelia's perspective more fully. Suddenly, a whistle rang out, catching everyone's attention and causing them to stop their stretching and warm-ups. Over in the centre of the pitch, Applejack was standing with four others that Amelia didn't recognise. Were they staff? Assistants? Coaches? Owners? Sporting directors? Amelia could go on, but then she noticed everyone, even Vinyl, jogging over to form a circle around Applejack. Was it some sort of meeting? A drill? Or maybe they were playing duck, duck, goose? It sounded like fun! "Amelia! Come on!" Vinyl waved, snapping Amelia out of her thoughts. She realised that she wasn't just a spectator in this training session. Excited, Amelia jogged over to join the group. However, before she could make it a few feet, Applejack emerged from the circle and wagged her finger at Amelia, gesturing for her to stay by the goal. Amelia was confused. Was she supposed to come? Or was she supposed to stay? Or was she just standing there like a melon? For now, it seemed like the latter, but she would have preferred to join the circle. Amelia stayed where she was, a few meters away from the team huddle, playing around with a ball at her feet, doing twists, turns, and a few kick-ups, waiting for the conversation to finish. Little did they know, however, that Amelia was a pegasus with excellent hearing. So when Applejack raised her voice, Amelia could hear what was being said without much trouble. 1-0 to the pegasus! Applejack's voice boomed through the training ground, ensuring that everypony present could hear her words. "Good evening, y'all! I'm mighty glad to see all of y'all here on time for training." She began, her raised voice commanding attention. "Before we kick that ball around, we got a lot to discuss, starting with our match against The Reds." Applejack paced the inner circle, hands clasped behind her back, her gaze locked on the eyes of her players, assessing their focus. "We started off sloppy, givin' up an early goal within just five minutes. That ain't acceptable, especially against our biggest rivals when we needed them three points the most." Applejack's tone turned critical as she recalled each play in her mind. "Could've easily been 2-0 down in the first twenty minutes if it weren't for an offside call. We got lucky there." She raised her head, surveying her team. "But then, we started to find our rhythm, gainin' control of the game. However.” Applejack paused, her expression grave, "I could see they were gettin' under your skin. Frustration was settlin' in, and some of you ended up with yellow cards." “Well, it wouldn’t be a game if Minuette didn’t get a yellow card, that's for sure.” A male voice, unfamiliar to Amelia, interjected with a teasing remark. The players chuckled, and Minuette, evidently the target of the comment, responded with a retort in her native language, suggesting a potty mouth. "That's enough.” Applejack commanded, silencing the banter. "The point is, we allowed them to gain momentum 'cause we couldn't keep our cool. Their dirty tactics got to us, and we barely created any chances despite the time we had on the ball. Our emotions cost us the game, leadin' to not just one, but three goals against us. We need a better mindset, more disciplined, to block out the negativity on the pitch. That's the difference between us and some of them high-level teams in the Equestrian League. It's all about mentality!" Amelia observed the players surrounding Applejack with a keen eye. They leaned in, hanging on to every word, their attention unwavering. There was no sign of boredom or restlessness; instead, a deep respect for their coach was evident in their demeanour. It was a refreshing sight for Amelia, a stark contrast to the amateur team talks she had witnessed in the past. In those instances, blame was tossed around like a game of hot potato, each player deflecting responsibility onto others. It resembled a chaotic conversation between cats and dogs, lacking civility and accountability. But here, in the presence of Applejack and her professional team, a different atmosphere prevailed. Brother… is this what professional football was like? Applejack's voice carried a sense of finality as she addressed the team about the recent developments in the transfer market. "Now, let's talk about the business side of things. We received a letter today regarding our bid for Gimmick Rose, the star midfielder from The Blades. We made quite the statement by offering 100,000 bits, setting a new club record. However, I regret to inform you all that The Blades have rejected our offer, claiming that Rose is 'a key player for their project.' So, it seems we won't be seeing Rose in our squad." Applejack delivered the news with a calm and composed demeanour, seemingly unfazed by the setback. The players let out audible sighs and murmurs, their disappointment palpable. Amidst the collective reaction, Amelia's attention was drawn to Minuette, who stood with a sly grin and crossed arms. Amelia couldn't help but wonder about the connection between Minuette and Gimmick Rose. Were they similar in playing style, both occupying the role of defensive midfielder? Did the club consider bringing in Rose as a replacement for Minuette or as a means to strengthen the team's depth? Or was there something more personal at play, explaining Minuette's intriguing reaction to the failed transfer bid? “What about other targets? Do we have any news on them?” Amelia's ears perked up as another unfamiliar voice chimed in with a question about potential transfer targets. Curious to hear the response, she listened intently as Applejack provided updates. "There are indeed a few other targets we've been keeping tabs on.” Applejack responded, acknowledging the query. "However, it's important to note that the negotiations for these deals are still in the early stages. One player we've expressed interest in is Redscia, an academy talent from The Reds Hoofball Club who has been garnering attention with their impressive performances. At the moment, though, no formal talks have been initiated, so it's unlikely that we'll see Redscia wearing our green shirt anytime soon." Amelia couldn't help but admire Applejack's transparency, freely sharing this information that would typically be kept under wraps until officially announced. It was a refreshing departure from the usual secrecy surrounding transfer negotiations, allowing the players to be kept in the loop and fostering a sense of trust within the team. Honestly, managers back on earth would be reluctant to speak on business behind the scenes in football, giving only vague or no information at all. As José Mourinho once said ‘If I speak, I am in big trouble. In big trouble. And I don't want to be in big trouble.’ Amelia guessed that doesn’t apply in this world though. "On another note.” Applejack continued, "Raine Days from The Lilywhites has expressed disinterest in joining our club, so we'll be moving on from pursuing that option. However, we're closely monitoring the progress of Night Ray from The Lions, keeping a close eye on their development. And unfortunately, Double Diamond has decided to take his career from The Hammers to The Wanderers, so he won't be joining us either. The only real option we have now is to look for alternatives that meet the requirements of our system.” “What about her? What is she doing here?” A sudden voice perked up, making Amelia’s ear flicker at the question. Wait… are they talking about me?” Amelia's gaze shifted towards the group of players, only to find them all turned towards her with a curious expression. In that instant, a surge of shyness washed over her, causing her heart to race and her palms to grow clammy. The intense scrutiny of the players made her feel exposed, as if every flaw and insecurity was laid bare before them. Time to activate Fluttershy mode! Applejack wasted no time in approaching Amelia, effortlessly navigating through the circle of players with purpose. As she drew closer, a gentle smile graced Applejack's face, offering reassurance and encouragement to the overwhelmed young filly. The calming presence of Applejack eased Amelia's nerves, prompting her to take a deep breath and follow along. Feeling the comforting weight of Applejack's hand on her back, Amelia was guided towards the awaiting team. The warmth of the gesture served as a silent instruction to trust in the moment and embrace the unexpected opportunity. As they moved forward together, Applejack's words resonated through the gathering of ponies. "Everypony! This is Amelia.” Applejack announced, her voice carrying a tone of inclusion and camaraderie. "She is a filly from Ponyville just like the rest of us. Amelia will be joining us for training tonight, so let's welcome her as part of the squad. Any questions?" Amelia couldn't help but chuckle nervously at the attention, her eyes scanning the group of players towering above her. No one looked like they were going to speak up and ask a question, only murmuring with each other. This was good for Amelia; if any personal questions came her way, she knew she would have to tell a fib, which she knew would come back to bite her in the ass in the future. Amelia didn’t know if telling these ponies about her past was the best idea at the moment, especially if they found out that she was a human from another world who had no clue how she got here or how to get back. … Yeah… the more I think about it now, the more I’m convinced I’m in an isekai anime manga… Scootaloo's sudden question, "What team did you play for?" sliced through the murmuring crowd like a sharp knife, causing Amelia's heartbeat to stutter and all attention to swiveling back towards her. Scootaloo's intense scrutiny seemed to spear through Amelia, sending an icy shiver racing down her spine and a warm flush creeping up her cheeks. The collective gaze of the group bore into her, their curiosity palpable as they awaited her response. Taken by surprise, Amelia found herself stumbling over her words, her thoughts scrambling to piece together an adequate reply. She knew that divulging the complete truth of her past would only entangle her further in a web of complications. After a moment of quick deliberation, she opted to share a partial truth, a compromise she hoped would satiate their curiosity without exposing her closely guarded secret. "I... I was part of a small local team in my previous hometown," Amelia managed to utter, her voice tinged with a hint of apprehension. "It wasn't anything overly competitive, mostly friendly matches and such." Her response seemed to pacify the group somewhat, the earlier tension in the air dissipated slightly. Her words were mostly truthful. Prior to her tryouts for Everton’s youth academy, Amelia did play for an amateur team back in her hometown on Earth. That's when she was scouted and given the opportunity to try out for Everton. However, she couldn't shake off the nagging worry that this partial revelation might either quench their curiosity or fuel more questions in the future. Amelia sincerely hoped it was the former. Her momentary relief was short-lived as Scootaloo continued her relentless interrogation. "What was the team's name?" she demanded, her tone brimming with assertiveness. Amelia gritted her teeth, silently wishing Scootaloo would lay off. She could reveal the true name of her team, but in this reality, that truth would equate to a lie since it was unlikely that Amelia’s former team name existed here. She was caught in a quandary - to lie or to lie. With a deep breath to steady her nerves, Amelia stuttered out a response, "H-Halewood..." Scootaloo's eyebrows knitted together in confusion at the unfamiliar name. "Never heard of it.” she confessed, her challenging tone prodding Amelia to provide more information. Amelia's internal voice retorted defiantly; 'Ever heard of minding your own business?' Under the weight of Scootaloo's skepticism, Amelia felt a hard lump form in her throat. She scrambled for a plausible explanation, her voice betraying her nervousness with a tremor. Now Amelia had no choice but to lie. "Well... I-I don’t expect you to... it's a fairly small team, without much history." That's sort of true… Scootaloo's eyes narrowed, her penetrating gaze locked onto Amelia as she leaned in closer. "Oh yeah?" she challenged, disbelief evident in her tone. Summoning every ounce of courage she had, Amelia met Scootaloo's gaze head-on. "Yeah!" she retorted, attempting to instil as much conviction as she could into her voice. The word echoed around them, a bold counter to Scootaloo's probing questions. Amelia could only hope that her firm declaration was enough to dispel any lingering doubts. "Why do you want to be a goalkeeper?" A new voice chimed in, the question coming from Lyra. Her hand shot up to accompany her question, her body lagging behind her speedy voice. Unlike the previous inquiries, Lyra's question was not laced with skepticism. Instead, it was marked by pure curiosity and a sugary-sweet enthusiasm. Amelia felt a wave of gratitude towards Lyra for the change in direction. Rubbing the back of her head, Amelia pondered the question she knew would inevitably be asked time and time again. "My dad was a goalkeeper. I always looked up to him, and fate just took it from there.” Amelia divulged, choosing to keep her response succinct. "Oooo! Who's your dad? Is he a super famous goalkeeper? Wait! Don't tell me! Is it Flip Flop? No, no, couldn't be him... Or is it Lofty Tail? Ooo, or is it Sound Bite? It has to be Sound Bite, right?" Lyra pressed, her hyperactive energy bringing her face-to-face with Amelia, close enough to make Amelia go cross-eyed. "If not, it has to be—ouch!" "Knock it off, Lyra." Bon Bon interrupted, her voice flat as she karate-chopped Lyra on the top of her head. She then proceeded to drag the overly excited pony back to the circle. Lyra put up a futile resistance, letting out comically exaggerated cries as she lamented about just wanting to get to know the new kid. Honestly, it’s like watching a mother pulling their daughter from a candy store… As Lyra was being chastised and pulled away by Bon Bon, a deep male voice chimed in. It belonged to The Toffee's captain, Big Mac. "Say, sis. Didn't you mention Amelia was from Ponyville? I've never seen her before, and I know everypony around these parts." the red stallion asked, his lime-green eyes shifting over to Amelia. Inwardly, Amelia panicked. What could she respond to that? She could say she was new here, which wasn't entirely a lie, but then he would undoubtedly ask about her previous town. That presented a problem because she didn't know any other towns or villages in this world other than Ponyville. Unless... "Well, that's because I've recently moved in with my big sister in Ponyville, Fluttershy. I was expelled from my previous school for getting into a fight, so I've been transferred to Ponyville’s School. So yeah…” Amelia provided her carefully crafted explanation, laughing nervously in hopes that it would satisfy his curiosity. "Oh, well, it’s nice to meet you, Amelia.” Big Mac responded with a smile, prompting Amelia to breathe a sigh of relief and return the smile. "It's nice to meet you too, captain!" she replied cheerfully. "Hey! I got a question for ya, amigo!" Minuette suddenly perked up, making Amelia mentally cry on the inside. Amelia already knew what the question was. "What the hell were ya doing in my casa tonight, huh? Breaking down my bathroom door while I'm in the shower, acting all macho, huh?" And there it was, Amelia's blush was brighter than the brightest apple on the tree. How did it come to this? Applejack glanced down at her watch, realising that it was time to shift focus. She spoke with a tone that blended firmness and ease. "Alright, folks, let's wrap up the questioning for tonight.” she announced. "It's time to dive into some drills. If you could kindly follow the coaches' instructions, we'll get started with the warm-up." Applejack said dismissively, leaving no room for an answer or another question. As ordered, the players complied with Applejack's demands, following the coaches to where the cones were laid out. Amelia went to follow but once again, Applejack got in her way. “Not you, Amelia. You’ll be doing some individual training and will be assessed on your fitness and your abilities.” Typical… Two individuals approached, standing alongside Applejack in the meeting. One of them was a young pony, just about Amelia's age and matching her height. She exuded a contagious smile and her eyes shimmered with a sense of wonder and joy, piquing Amelia's curiosity. In her right hand, she held a clipboard that seemed oddly endearing. A small smile formed on Amelia's face as she saw a friendly character in her age group. She wondered if they could hit it off and become friends. The young pony sported a red flannel buttoned-up shirt, giving her a casual Texan vibe. This was complemented by her blue jeans and brown leather boots, which added a touch of elegance, almost resembling a cowgirl. If she were to don a Stetson hat and chew on a strand of wheat, she could easily be mistaken for Applejack herself. The other individual was significantly older, lacking the same level of cuteness as the younger pony. The scent of smoke lingered around him, and he coughed with the unmistakable sound of a smoker. Holding a fist to his lips, he wheezed as smoke rose from the tip of the cigarette resting between them. He resembled a grumpy arl grandad. Yet, Amelia could perceive the depth of experience in his eyes. She wasn't sure if they would get along, as she had never been particularly fond of older people, especially when they eyed her like that. This older pony sported a classic newsboy cap in grey, paired with a grey tweed suit featuring standard notch lapels. He wore a collar shirt with blue stripes beneath a waistcoat adorned with six buttons and four pockets. An oversized overcoat in navy and black, with wide peak lapels, was thrown over his attire. Classic black cap-toe shoes completed his ensemble. There was no doubt that he was an old-timer through and through. “Amelia, before we begin, I’d like you to meet a couple of ponies. This little firecracker here is my assistant and my younger sister, Applebloom. She’ll be assessing all aspects of your fitness.” Applejack introduced, playfully messing up Applebloom’s red hair, which Applebloom promptly swatted away. Following their sisterly banter, Applebloom offered Amelia a brisk wave. “Hey!” Applebloom greeted, her Western drawl echoing Applejack’s, confirming their sibling relationship. “Hey.” Amelia returned the greeting, instinctively reciprocating the wave. “My big sis has been chatting about you, and I was curious to see what the fuss was about. Is it true you’re aiming to be a goalkeeper?” Applebloom inquired, leaning in as her eyes scrutinised Amelia’s physique. Her attention primarily focused on Amelia’s arms and legs, prompting her to poke and prod various parts of Amelia’s frame. Caught off guard, Amelia stiffened in response to the sudden inspection. Applebloom doesn’t believe in personal space… Got it. Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke. “Yes, that’s why I have these gloves on.” Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke. “Interestin’, intrerstin’… say, I never seen those gloves before, they looked customised, where did you get them?” Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke. “Oh, uhhh… My—dad got me them?” Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke! Yeah, this is getting old real quick… “Alright, Applebloom. That’s enough, stop harassin’ the poor pegasus.” Applejack smirked, watching as Applebloom’s finger was about to poke an irritated Amelia’s shoulder. Applebloom stopped just in time to notice that Amelia’s eyes were shut, her eye twitching with a faint blush on her face. “Oh! I’m sorry. I must have overdone it on the assessing part. I just can’t wait to get started!” Applebloom exclaimed, stepping back to give Amelia her space which she was thankful for. Now she can actually untense her muscles. “Pfft! Remind me, AJ. Why is it that you think this filly is suited to be a goalkeeper? She is a pegasus for crying out loud. This is a waste of time…” The old man suddenly murmured, turning away and about to walk off with his hands in his coat pocket, but Applejack’s hand landed on his shoulder stopping him. Amelia could hear Applejack whispering to him about something, but Amelia couldn’t pick up what she was saying. The old fart looked surprised at what Applejack Said, turning to her then snapped her neck to Amelia, an inquisitive look in his eyes. What’s with that look all of a sudden? The staring didn’t last long however as he shook his head, taking the ciggy out from between his lips and exhaling a load of smoke, flicking the ash off the end before inserting it back between his lips. “Doesn’t matter, AJ. She is still a pegasus. The idea of having a pegasus in goal is laughable, and you have yourself to blame when it doesn’t work out.” The old man grumbled, shrugging off Applejack’s hand as he continued to walk off. “What the hell is his problem?” Amelia glared, crossing her arms. “Don’t worry about him, he’s more of a traditional kinda coach, old fancied in the system of things. A pegasus is an attacking player, you are quick, has stamina, has a sharp eye for goal and a few other things that make up a great striker or winger. For him to see you in goal, he just sees wasted potential.” Applebloom said, watching the old geezer walk off. Amelia's tolerance for the bias against her was wearing thin, causing her to scoff in frustration. Despite being a pegasus, she was steadfast in her decision to become a goalkeeper. Amelia didn't care about the skepticism of others. She was fully aware of the hard work and challenges that came with the role. Her life had been dedicated to this singular goal, pushing her body beyond its known limits and perfecting her skills to become a standout goalkeeper. Why should she give up all her progress and determination just because she had wings? Others' views didn't matter to her. Amelia was on a path to become a goalkeeper, whether others agreed with it or not. She refused to be mediocre or just another player. She was aiming to be among the best, if not the best goalkeeper there was. Her ambition was steadfast and she was prepared to face any challenges that came her way. This was her dream, her goal, and she was determined to achieve it. “Well, it looks like it’s just you two for now. Applebloom, I trust you know what you are doing, and Amelia, I want you to show your fitness levels, it’s important to know what you are capable of health-wise so don’t hold back.” Applejack encouraged, holding up a thumbs-up. “In the meantime, I’ll speak—well, argue with Grind Duster about training Amelia.” With a sigh, Applejack headed towards the grumpy old pony who had been identified as Grind Duster. "Wait, Applejack!" Amelia's voice rang out, causing Applejack to halt in her tracks and turn around with a quizzical expression. "Yes? What's the matter?" she responded, her eyes meeting Amelia's. "This isn't all I'll be doing, is it?" Amelia asked, a hint of worry seeping into her tone. She hoped this wasn't merely an individual task. Applejack, however, quickly assuaged Amelia's concerns with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, you'll have plenty of opportunities to show your capabilities.” Applejack promised, before she turned and continued on her way. Amelia huffed in relief, happy to have time to show off. Yet again, showing her fitness levels right now is equally as important as showing her skills on the pitch, can’t exactly play footy while fat, now can ya? Well—you can but… you won’t get far… cos you're fat! Suddenly, Amelia felt a tight squeeze around her middle that made her lose her breath. Her wings flared out in surprise as something pressed against her back and a weight settled on her right shoulder. It felt like someone was hugging her from behind, a notion confirmed by the sound of a giggle that reached her ears from over her shoulder. "Wow, strong core, lean body, toned muscles, you've really taken good care of yourself, Amelia.” Applebloom's voice praised. The grip around Amelia's waist loosened enough for her to glance over her shoulder, and sure enough, it was Applebloom. She was resting her chin on Amelia's shoulder, offering a sweet smile as she tilted her head slightly. CUUUUUUUUUTE!!! She had been practising. "Uhh, personal space—please…" Amelia stammered out, her face flushing a deep shade of red. The sudden physical contact had caught her off guard, making her feel exceedingly embarrassed. Applebloom turned a shade of red herself, hastily letting go and stepping back from Amelia. She rubbed the back of her head awkwardly, stammering out, “Oh, sorry again… It’s just—your body structure is—very interestin’… your legs, your arms… I can’t quite figure it out.” Applebloom muttered, taking another step back and scrutinising Amelia’s physique once more. Her finger tapped her chin thoughtfully as she added, "Are you deformed?" "Rude!" Amelia retorted, her eyebrows arching in surprise. "I'm sorry but, look at your arm!" Applebloom exclaimed, grabbing Amelia’s arm and straightening it out to illustrate her point. “See, your arm doesn’t just straighten, it bends slightly in the opposite direction like it's broken, but you don't look like you're in any pain. How does that work?" Applebloom demanded, her voice filled with confusion as she examined Amelia’s arm from all angles. Wait… Has she never seen a double-jointed arm before? Amelia couldn't contain her laughter any longer, causing Applebloom to finally tear her gaze away from Amelia's arm. "Haven't you ever seen a double-jointed pers—pony before?" "Double—jointed?" Applebloom repeated, her head tilting in obvious confusion. "Yes! Don't ask me why my arms are like this, I have no idea. But hey! Check this out!" Amelia said, a playful lightness entering her voice in response to Applebloom's innocent curiosity. She removed her right glove and proceeded to bend her middle finger all the way back. Applebloom's face, however, blanched at the sight of the finger bending more than what seemed natural. She quickly reached out and grabbed Amelia's hand to stop her. "Stop! You're going to break it! Are you trying to injure yourself?" Applebloom scolded, her eyes wide with concern. "No-no, that finger has already been broken before, I’m just showing you how flexible it is. See!" Amelia interjected, attempting to free her hand from Applebloom's grip to demonstrate again. "Don’t! I don’t like seeing stuff like that!" Applebloom protested, her face contorting in discomfort at the sight of Amelia's unusually flexible finger. Amelia, on the other hand, found Applebloom's reaction amusing and couldn't help but grin at her expense. "Don’t be silly, there’s nothing to worry about. I don’t even have any feeling in that finger anyways. Look!" "Noooooo!” > Chapter 8 - Half-Time. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8. Applejack’s journey into the world of Hoofball started amidst the sprawling orchards of her youth, where she first felt the thrill of the sport pulse through her veins. Her childhood was filled with dreams of glory on the field, dreams that she pursued with the same tenacity she brought to her work in the apple orchards. The physical strength and endurance she built from her daily chores translated seamlessly into her early athletic endeavours, setting the stage for a passion that would define much of her life. It all changed the day Applejack happened upon a group of fillies and colts improvisively playing Hoofball in the local park. The makeshift goal they had created from swing bars and seats caught her eye, but it was the sheer joy and laughter emanating from the game that truly captivated her. Watching the young players, Applejack felt a magnetic pull towards the field, an irresistible urge that saw her join the game on a whim. That day, her casual appreciation for Hoofball transformed into a profound love for the sport. With Granny Smith’s full support, Applejack joined an amateur team, initially playing as a Centre Back where her height and physicality were seen as major assets. However, her journey through various positions on the team was met with mixed results. Her stint as a goalkeeper was short-lived, and soon she was moved back to a defensive role. Yet, it wasn’t until she was placed in midfield that Applejack truly found her calling. In midfield, Applejack’s natural leadership qualities came to the forefront. Her voice, strong and clear, could be heard across the field, directing play and inspiring her teammates. Her ability to carry the ball under pressure and her knack for breaking up opposition plays made her an invaluable member of the team. Under the coach’s guidance, she honed these skills, becoming not just a participant in the game but a dominant force to be reckoned with. As Applejack’s reputation grew, scouts from cities like Canterlot and Manehattan began showing interest, offering her spots in prestigious academy-level programs. Despite the allure of playing for top-tier teams, Applejack’s deep-rooted connection to her family and her home in Ponyville held her back. She declined these offers, choosing instead to stay close to her roots. The opportunity with The Toffees, however, was different. Here was a chance to play competitive Hoofball while staying within the comforting proximity of her family and the familiar orchards of her childhood. Joining The Toffees marked a pivotal moment in Applejack’s career, propelling her into new levels of athletic achievement and personal growth. Her impact on the field was undeniable. As a leader, teammate, and formidable midfielder, Applejack helped shape the trajectory of The Toffees, leading them through countless matches with a blend of skill, courage, and unwavering determination. Her legacy as a club icon was not just in the goals scored or games won, but in the spirit she brought to the game and the inspiration she provided to those who watched her play. For Applejack, Hoofball was more than a sport—it was a journey of heart, challenge, and boundless passion. As Applejack's career with The Toffees reached a critical juncture, the retirement of Granny Smith, the cherished manager and pillar of the club, marked the beginning of a tumultuous period. Granny Smith's departure was more than a mere change in leadership; it symbolised the end of an era that had defined the club for years. Her decision to step down was influenced by a desire to infuse new energy into the team's management, but the transition was anything but smooth. The fallout from this shift in leadership was immediate and deeply personal for Applejack. One by one, her closest teammates, friends with whom she had shared both triumphs and defeats, began to transfer to other teams. These moves were driven by career ambitions and the lure of new opportunities, but they left Applejack feeling isolated and somewhat betrayed. The camaraderie that had once been the team's backbone, lending strength and unity on the field, began to dissolve. Relationships that had been built on mutual respect and shared goals turned strained, the sweetness of past victories overshadowed by current tensions. As the core group of players dispersed, the team's performance inevitably suffered. The Toffees found themselves lacking the cohesion and synergy that had once made them formidable opponents. Without key players who had not only skill but also a deep understanding of the team's dynamics, the remaining members struggled to maintain the club's competitive edge. The rhythm of play that had once been intuitive now seemed disjointed; passes went astray, strategies failed, and the once tight-knit defence became porous. The losses began to mount, each defeat chipping away at the team's morale and standings in the league. For Applejack, who had invested so much of her heart and soul into the club, this decline was especially painful. It wasn't just about the games lost or the slipping ranks; it was about watching the legacy that Granny Smith had built, and that she had helped to sustain, start to crumble around her. Caught in this whirlwind of change and challenge, Applejack faced a daunting task. As one of the senior players now bearing the brunt of leadership in a struggling team, she had to find a way to rally The Toffees. The question loomed large: Could she inspire a resurgence, or was the downfall too great to overcome? With her own passion for the game tested by these trials, Applejack's resolve was put to the ultimate test. It was a pivotal moment that would define her legacy and shape the future of the club. Applejack's transition from a seasoned player to the manager of the Toffees marked a bold new chapter in both her career and the club's history. Her decision to step into this role was met with surprise and skepticism across Equestria, as few could envision the hardworking midfielder taking on such a significant challenge. Yet, for Applejack, the move was driven by a deep-seated loyalty to the club and a determination to uphold the legacy left by Granny Smith. Embracing her new role with characteristic grit, Applejack dove headfirst into rebuilding the team. She poured over game tapes, studied different formations and strategies, and began to shape the squad according to her vision. Her approach was methodical and thoughtful, choosing players not just for their skill but for their ability to fit into the team dynamic she envisioned. She focused heavily on the defensive and offensive balance, ensuring that each player she scouted and brought in could meet the demands of her tactical setup. Applejack's commitment extended beyond the senior team. She frequently visited the academy, where she watched the young colts and fillies train, providing guidance and encouragement. Her presence there was not just about scouting the next big star but about fostering a nurturing environment that valued hard work and dedication—traits that she embodied. Despite her efforts and dedication, Applejack's tenure as manager was fraught with challenges. Just as the team would begin to find its rhythm and start climbing the standings, unforeseen circumstances would throw them off course. Injuries were an all-too-common setback, robbing the team of key players at critical moments. Transfers and departures of promising talent also disrupted the team's development, while internal frictions sometimes led to frustration both on and off the pitch. Yet, through each setback, Applejack's resolve never wavered. Her commitment to the Toffees was unwavering, driven by a desire to not only bring success to the team but also to honour the memory of Granny Smith, who had built the club from the ground up. Applejack knew that what the Toffees needed was stability and a spark of brilliance—a standout player who could change the game, somepony who could carry the team when the going got tough. Applejack's keen eye for talent had always been a defining trait of her management style, and it was this knack for spotting potential that led her to Scootaloo. Over the years, she had watched the young filly at the academy evolve into a player with exceptional qualities. Scootaloo's ability to pass the ball with rhythmic precision, combined with her acute awareness and remarkable speed, made her a standout among her peers. Applejack nurtured this talent with care, providing guidance and support that allowed Scootaloo to flourish under her tutelage. The discovery of Scootaloo’s talent was a significant boost for the team, but Applejack knew she needed more pieces to complete the puzzle. That's when Amelia came into the picture—a pegasus whose aspiration to be a goalkeeper was as unique as it was unheard of in Equestria. Initially, Applejack harboured doubts; the idea of a pegasus, typically known for their agility and speed, opting to guard the goal was unconventional, to say the least, when Applejack saw her hands however, she knew she found another spark in those hands, the hands of a true goalkeeper. Applejack had to take her in to nurture her the same way she did with Scootaloo, to make the future brighter for the club. But for that to happen, she needed to get Grind Duster on board to help Amelia develop into something more. Applejack's march up the hill was brisk and determined, bypassing rows of familiar apple trees she had cared for over the years, her boots pressing deeply into the soft earth. Today, however, her attention was not on the orchard, but on a more pressing matter. As she neared the summit, her eyes immediately locked onto the figure of Grind Duster. He sat nestled between the gnarled roots of an old apple tree, the natural seat moulded by years of use. His gaze was fixed on the sweeping view of the training grounds below, a tranquil setting that belied the tension Applejack carried with her. Grind Duster’s posture relaxed as he absorbed the peaceful scene, but he shifted slightly, sensing somepony’s approach. He looked up, his expression shifting from contemplation to a steely gaze as he recognised Applejack. Despite their recent disagreements, this was their spot—a neutral ground for airing grievances and seeking advice. Applejack paused a few feet away, catching her breath and gathering her thoughts before she spoke. "Grind Duster." she said, her voice firm yet tinged with urgency, "I need to have a word with ya. It's 'bout Amelia." Grind Duster raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the seriousness in her tone. He patted the ground next to him, a silent invitation for her to sit. Applejack took a deep breath and moved closer, sitting down beside him, her posture mirroring his as they both looked out over the fields. "It's a long shot, and I might end up the laughingstock of the league if this don't pan out, but there's a whole lot ridin' on this." Applejack continued, her hands gesturing toward the distant figures on the training field. "She's got potential—real potential. I seen what those hands can do when I looked at Amelia's—they're just like the ones you had—like what Pinkie Pie had." Applejack reminisced. Grind Duster’s response was succinct, punctuated by the deliberate action of drawing a slow puff from his cigarette. He exhaled a plume of smoke before continuing, his voice flat and resolute. “No. It won’t work.” he said, shaking his head slightly as he looked out over the field. “She’s a pegasus, and her body isn’t meant to play in goal.” Applejack maintained her composure in the face of Duster’s skepticism. His traditional approach to coaching had prepared her for his initial resistance. She leaned in slightly, her voice steady but infused with a hint of challenge, "Even with them hands? Hands of a goalkeeper, no less?" Her question hung in the air, pointed and probing, designed to make Duster reconsider the assets Amelia could bring to the team. Applejack’s eyes locked onto his, searching for a flicker of concession, her belief in Amelia’s potential unwavering. However, Grind Duster’s belief didn’t falter, he looked back at the view, sighing smoke. Duster leaned back against the sturdy trunk of the apple tree, a wry smile crossing his features as he shifted the conversation with a touch of levity. “Ever think about having a vacation? I hear Cyphorse is a nice place to visit, to relax, a place where you can stop overthinking everything, hell, maybe even hook up with a stallion that can satisfy your needs.” Applejack frowned slightly, unamused by the diversion. Her focus remained unshaken, her response sharp and immediate. "I ain't needin' no time to relax or to be foolin' around with any buck. I need to focus on the team, to get 'em out of that relegation battle." Duster sighed, picking up a fallen twig and twirling it between his fingers. “Then stop overthinking things. Sure, Amelia has an extremely rare gift but, it’s just unfortunate she has wings. You cannot keep saying ‘what if’ when it’s not even guaranteed to work.” His tone was serious now, pressing the point that while innovation was valuable, it needed to be tempered with realism. Applejack’s gaze hardened with determination. "Sometimes y'all forget that 'what if' is all we got." she countered. "It's them 'what ifs' that change the game, find us new ways to win. I ain't ready to give up on her or the idea just 'cause it's unconventional." Duster's words cut through the air with a sharpness that momentarily silenced the gentle rustle of the leaves around them. “Then you will be the first to try and fail.” he stated flatly, his tone final, as if sealing the fate of her endeavours with his. The statement hung heavy between them, the quiet suddenly more pronounced, filled only by the distant sounds of nature and the occasional creak of the tree that sheltered them. Applejack’s expression hardened, her jaw setting with the kind of resolve that had defined her both on and off the field. She met Duster's gaze steadily, unflinching in the face of his blunt prediction. After a moment, she spoke, her voice calm yet firm, laced with the undying spirit she was known for. “Maybe so…” she acknowledged, allowing the possibility but not succumbing to it. "But if I don't give it a shot, I'll never know. And that's a failure I can't abide by. We gotta innovate, adapt. If not, we're already licked." Applejack rose to her feet, standing tall in front of Duster, her sudden movement forcing him to crane his neck upward to meet her gaze. The intensity in her eyes was palpable, her voice thick with emotion as she poured out her heart. "When I played hoofball, back when I was younger, I remember feelin' free... I remember smilin', holdin' everything in my hands. All I needed was a ball at my feet." Her hands gestured expressively, emphasising the emptiness she felt now. "But... look at my hands now... they're empty... I'm startin' to lose everything I hold dear all 'cause I can't keep this club together." She paused, her voice breaking slightly as she confessed her fears and frustrations. "I admit it, okay, I'm desperate, and I'm willin' to try anything to get this club back on track." The vulnerability in her admission struck a chord in the air between them. Duster, usually so steadfast and stoic, could see the toll the situation was taking on Applejack. Her usually unshakeable demeanour was frayed by the weight of her responsibilities and the fear of losing what she cherished most. He looked up at her, his eyes softening as he absorbed the depth of her distress. In that moment, any remnants of his skepticism dissolved, replaced by a renewed sense of partnership and support. He understood now more than ever how much this meant to her and how crucial his support was. Duster’s tone shifted as he took in the gravity of Applejack’s commitment, a mix of realisation and respect colouring his voice. “You’re serious about this…” he stated, the simplicity of his words underlined by a newfound understanding of her determination. Applejack met his gaze squarely, her resolve clear. “Yes, I am,” she affirmed, her voice steady and strong. "This ain't just about winnin' games or bein' at the top. It's about savin' our club, preservin' what Granny Smith built, and provin' that we can adapt and overcome. If Amelia and her unique hands can be a part of that solution, then I owe it to the team—and to myself—to try." The silence that followed was profound, filled only by the gentle sounds of the surrounding nature—the distant calls of nocturnal creatures and the rustle of leaves stirred by a soft breeze. Applejack and Duster remained locked in a quiet contemplation, each lost in their thoughts as they weighed the conversation's gravity. Duster, his gaze lingering on Applejack, seemed to be wrestling internally, balancing his skepticism with her unwavering determination, trying to decide which deserved his faith. Finally, breaking the moment's stillness, Duster reached into his coat pocket and retrieved a pack of cigarettes. He pulled one out for himself and, holding the pack toward Applejack, offered her one as well. She accepted, a silent acknowledgment of the shared moment of reflection. Duster lit her cigarette first, shielding the flame with his hand against the gentle night wind, then lit his own. Applejack settled back down against the tree, the flickering of the cigarette end briefly illuminating her thoughtful expression. Neither felt the need to fill the silence with words. Instead, they sat together under the vast, starry sky, the quiet offering a rare peace amidst the storm of challenges they faced. The smoke from their cigarettes mingled with the cool night air, each puff seeming to carry away a bit of the tension that had built up over their discussion. The night stretched on, the timeless dance of fireflies beginning around them, adding a layer of magic to the scene. It was a moment of reprieve, a chance to just be, before the demands of the world would inevitably pull them back into the fray. For now, though, they could enjoy the simple companionship and the beauty of the night, each finding comfort in the presence of the other as they prepared for what was to come. Duster's voice broke the contemplative silence, soft and reflective. “It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it.” He exhaled a slow stream of smoke, his eyes drifting upward to admire the expansive night sky, where stars twinkled like scattered jewels against the dark canvas. Applejack followed his gaze, taking in the serene beauty above them. “It sure is,” she agreed, her voice equally hushed, infused with a sense of wonder and a brief respite from her earlier anxieties. The calmness of the evening and the gentle shimmer of starlight seemed to lend a tranquil quality to their surroundings, providing a stark contrast to the heavy discussions of earlier. She took a deep breath, the cool night air mingling with the smoky aroma of her cigarette, and felt a momentary ease settle over her. This natural backdrop, unmarred by the complexities of their daily lives, reminded her of the bigger picture, of the world's enduring beauty despite personal trials and tribulations. Duster's gaze shifted back from the stars to Applejack, his demeanour serious as he laid out his terms. "I’ll help, Applejack, but on one condition. She has one chance to show me that she is worthy to call herself a goalkeeper." he declared, the firmness in his voice underscoring the gravity of his offer. Applejack's eyes widened slightly at the condition, understanding the stakes that Duster was setting. Yet, the opportunity to prove Amelia's potential was all she needed. A mixture of relief and gratitude washed over her as she responded warmly, "Thank you, gramps." She reached out, pulling him into a closer embrace, her actions conveying the deep appreciation and respect she felt for his willingness to support her, despite his reservations. Duster responded to the embrace with a slight nod, acknowledging her thanks and the challenge ahead. Their partnership was sealed under the night sky, with both understanding the significance of the task before them. This was more than just training a player; it was about testing the limits of tradition and capability in the pursuit of something greater for their team and for Amelia. As they sat back, their shoulders touching in silent camaraderie, the weight of the decision seemed to blend into the tranquility of the night around them. There was a road ahead filled with potential and pitfalls, but for now, they had each other's support, and that was a formidable start. After the playful chase around the field, where Amelia tried to tag Applebloom with her notoriously 'dodgy' fingers, the scene shifted to a more serious tone. Applebloom, taking on a role that seemed beyond her years, had prepared a series of drills for Amelia. It was time to put the pegasus’s potential as a goalkeeper to a rigorous test. They focused on enhancing her endurance, stretching her flexibility, and sharpening her reaction time and agility. Applebloom also meticulously observed Amelia’s footwork and her diving ability, crucial for her role between the posts. With a clipboard in hand, Applebloom moved around the training area, her eyes rarely leaving Amelia. She made notes diligently, capturing every detail, every strength, and every area that might need improvement. The seriousness with which she approached this task was a reflection of the responsibility she felt, wanting to ensure Amelia was given every chance to succeed. By the end of the session, Amelia was visibly exhausted. She leaned forward, resting her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. Despite the fatigue that rippled through her body, there was a glimmer of satisfaction in her eyes. She had pushed herself to the limits, adhering to Applejack's advice to give everything she had. This wasn't just about proving her capabilities to Duster or Applejack; it was also about proving to herself that she could meet the physical demands of this new role. Amelia’s dedication and the sheer effort she displayed didn't go unnoticed. Applebloom, though still jotting down notes, looked up occasionally to offer words of encouragement or a nod of approval, reinforcing the positive atmosphere of the training session. Applebloom, clipboard still in hand, lowered it with a nod of satisfaction as she surveyed Amelia’s final efforts. “Not bad, not bad at all, Amelia. You passed the fitness program with flying colours, I’m impressed.” she announced, her tone laced with genuine admiration. Stepping closer, she extended a bottle of water toward the exhausted pegasus. Amelia, still bent over and panting heavily from the exertion, gratefully accepted the offered bottle. She unscrewed the cap with slightly trembling hands, a clear sign of how hard she had pushed herself during the drills. “Thanks.” Amelia gasped, her voice hoarse from the intense session. She lifted the bottle to her lips and drank deeply, the water clearly a welcome relief. As she paused from her gulps, wiping the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, she caught Applebloom’s expression. Applebloom’s smile broadened as she observed Amelia’s determined efforts, a clear sense of pride shining in her eyes. She was genuinely pleased with Amelia’s performance and resilience, seeing the fruits of their labour come to life in such a tangible way. Catching her breath, Amelia paused from her hurried sips of water and noticed Applebloom's persistent smile. A mix of curiosity and mild exhaustion coloured her voice as she asked, "What you smiling at?" Her gaze, though tired, held a hint of amusement and confusion, wondering what could be prompting such a pleased expression from her coach after such a gruelling session. Applebloom's smile grew wider, her eyes twinkling with a mix of admiration and excitement as she watched Amelia catch her breath. She took a step closer, her posture relaxed and open, indicating her genuine approval and enthusiasm. "I like you, Amelia." she began, her voice warm and encouraging. "Your body is in peak condition, your work ethic is admirable." With a gentle gesture, she placed a reassuring hand on Amelia's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze to emphasise her point. "Not only does that make my work easier." she continued, chuckling softly, "but it also gives me the opportunity to study you more. I’m really looking forward to working with you, you know." Amelia, catching her breath and visibly invigorated by Applebloom's praise, flashed a grateful smile and gave a nod of acknowledgment. She straightened her posture, pulling together a burst of strength, inspired by the supportive words, even as her muscles ached from the drills. The fatigue that had threatened to overwhelm her seemed to ebb away, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose. However, a shadow crossed her features, a hint of uncertainty clouding her expression. She hesitated, then spoke with a mixture of regret and realism tinting her voice. "That means a lot to hear, Applebloom, but, I don’t know if I’ll be here after this night. This could be the first and last time we’ll work together.” Amelia shifted her weight from one foot to the other, her gaze drifting off towards the field as if searching for answers in the grassy expanse. Applebloom's expression softened as she listened to Amelia's concerns. With a reassuring smile, she placed a comforting hand on Amelia's shoulder, guiding her gaze back from the distant field to meet her own. "I wouldn’t worry about that, Amelia." she said gently, her voice imbued with confidence. "Applejack speaks highly of you." Her words seemed to carry a weight of sincerity that was designed to bolster Amelia's spirits. "She sees a lot of potential in you, and so do I. We both believe you can make a big impact here." Applebloom continued, her tone encouraging. Amelia's brow furrowed in confusion at Applebloom's assurance. Although the words were meant to comfort, they stirred a wave of doubt within her. It was true that Applejack had never actually seen her in action, and Applebloom's observations were limited to her recent fitness exercises. How could they be so sure of her potential? She glanced down at her gloved hands, a thought nagging at her. She suspected that their faith in her might have something to do with these hands, often remarked upon for their unusual dexterity for a pegasus. "What makes you think I’ll be good enough to be a goalkeeper?" Amelia asked, looking back up at Applebloom with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "I hear goalkeepers and pegasus don’t go together well." Applebloom met her gaze steadily, understanding the root of Amelia's hesitation. "It's true." she acknowledged, "that it’s uncommon. But sometimes, the best opportunities lie in the unexpected. Your hands, Amelia—they’re not typical for a pegasus. They’re strong, coordinated, and you have an instinct for the ball that can’t be taught." She stepped closer, her voice dropping to a more intimate, persuasive tone. "You're right that most pegasi don't end up as goalkeepers, but you're not most pegasi. Applejack doesn’t just throw words around. She sees something in you—a knack for anticipating where the ball will be, a fearlessness in your dives, and a level of control that’s rare." Applebloom's confidence was palpable, and it was clear she believed wholeheartedly in Amelia's potential. "Give yourself a chance to prove that you can redefine what it means to be a goalkeeper. We believe in breaking moulds, not fitting into them. Let’s show everypony what you’re capable of." Redefine? My hands are not typical for a pegasus? What does that mean? Why do they have so much faith in me? Amelia's confusion grew as Applebloom gently removed one of her gloves, holding up Amelia's hand for both of them to examine. "Do you see it? Do you see what I mean?" Applebloom asked, her eyes eager and expectant. "No… All I see is my hand," Amelia responded, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she looked down at her own palm. "Okay, then look at my hand and tell me what’s different," Applebloom instructed, offering her own hand for comparison. Amelia observed closely. Applebloom's hand was pristine, unmarked by any physical trials. In contrast, Amelia's hand bore the telltale signs of a sports career filled with hard knocks—scarred, with fingers that had been broken and healed imperfectly, a palm lined with the evidence of stress. This stark difference made her pause, a realisation dawning slowly. Applebloom noticed the shift in Amelia's expression and nodded, "Yes, that's it. You’re starting to understand, aren’t you?" Amelia's mind raced. Was this rugged history of her hands what Applejack and Applebloom saw as potential? Did they view her past injuries not as drawbacks? "What does all this mean?" Amelia finally asked, her curiosity piqued but still clouded with doubt. Applebloom’s expression turned serious, almost reverent as she began to explain. "Don’t you know about The Legendary Hand of Karma? One of the best, if not the best goalkeeper in the history of hoofball?” Amelia shook her head, her ignorance in this regard evident. Applebloom sighed slightly, then continued with a hint of excitement in her voice. "Karma was an earth pony who became a legendary goalkeeper. He started playing at the age of 6 and didn’t retire until he was 45. He was known for his precision, his fearlessness, and his acrobatic saves. He led his team to a league title with an invincible season because he didn’t let a single goal pass him. But what ponies remembered most were his hands—they were deformed, broken, and scarred, just like yours." She paused to let her words sink in. "There’s a tale that during his games, Karma’s hands had a mind of their own, saving shots that seemed impossible to reach. It was like his hands developed an instinct, a kind of muscle memory, from all those years of play and injuries. His hands knew what to do even before his mind did." Amelia listened, captivated by the story, her own hands suddenly seeming not a sign of her limitations but a testament to her potential. "You see, Amelia, your hands—they tell a story of experience, of enduring in the toughest spots. That's not just experience; it's instinct. And that's what we see in you. You're not just enduring; you're adapting, learning, and possibly, you could become one of the greats, just like Karma." Amelia's reflection on the tale of Karma was abruptly cut short by the sharp blast of a whistle, slicing through the chatter and activity on the pitch. She looked up to see Applejack, standing commandingly at the centre of the field, Grind Duster by her side lending an air of seasoned experience to the scene. As the players gathered, jogging and walking from different parts of the pitch, the atmosphere shifted from casual to charged. Applebloom, breaking away from their deep discussion, gestured to Amelia encouragingly. "Come on, Amelia. It’s time to get the training match started." Feeling a surge of adrenaline, Amelia quickly followed, her thoughts transitioning from the historical greatness of Karma to the immediate challenge ahead. Her nerves tingled with anticipation and a renewed sense of purpose; this training match was an opportunity to start proving her potential. As Amelia and Applebloom reached the group, the energy was palpable. Applejack, with a firm tone that commanded attention, began to address the eager squad. "Alright, folks. It's time to get a little match started." she declared. The announcement was met with enthusiastic cheers from the players, clearly relieved to break away from the monotony of drills. "I've already organised the teams, so if I call your name, please pick up one of them blue bibs from the pile over there." Applejack continued, her hand gesturing towards a stack of brightly coloured bibs as she consulted a list she held. “Caramel, Bon Bon, Meadow Song, Cherry Fizzy, Noteworthy, Big Mac, Thunder Lane, Carrot Top, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, and Scootaloo, you’ll all be on the bibs team.” she announced, reading off the names with a steady pace. Amelia's heart sank a little as she listened to the lineup. Her team's defense was up against some of the most formidable players like Vinyl, Octavia, and particularly Scootaloo, whose skills on the field were well-known. Glancing at Applejack, she noticed a deliberate grin on her face—clear evidence that this setup was a challenge meant specifically for Amelia. Just then, a reassuring touch on her shoulder snapped Amelia out of her apprehensive thoughts. Turning, she saw Applebloom beside her, offering a warm smile and a thumbs up. "Good luck!" Applebloom said with genuine encouragement before she headed off to the sideline. As Applebloom walked away, Amelia's gaze inadvertently followed, crossing paths with Scootaloo, who was already gearing up for the game. The look Scootaloo gave her was intense, a mix of competitive zeal and what seemed like personal vendetta. It was a stare that promised a challenging match, filled with nothing less than fierce determination. Meeting Scootaloo's gaze squarely, Amelia's own eyes narrowed, a silent vow forming within her to rise to the challenge. Her stance solidified, ready and resolved; no matter the reputation or the intensity of her opponents, she was there to prove herself. Today's match wasn't just about playing—it was about asserting her worth as a goalkeeper, her resilience in the face of direct challenge, and her unyielding spirit to excel against the odds. Applejack continued with her organisational efforts, her voice carrying clearly over the murmurs of excitement from the assembled players. "As for the none-bibs team." she said, scanning her list to make sure no one was missed, "Amelia, Lyra, Daisy, Cherry Berry, Comet Tail, Dr. Hooves, Minuette, Apple Cobbler, Braeburn, Derpy, and Berry Punch." She paused to let everyone take in their assignments, her eyes briefly meeting Amelia's with a nod of encouragement. "When y'all are ready, get in shape, sort positions, do them last-minute stretches before I blow the whistle to start." she instructed, her tone shifting to that of a coach gearing up her team for a serious effort. The players dispersed to their respective teams, the air buzzing with the quick exchange of strategies and positions. Amelia felt a surge of focus as she took her place by the goal, her teammates gathering around to discuss their defensive setup. Lyra approached Amelia, offering a quick grin and a pat on the back. "We've got this, just stick to what you know and keep your eyes on the ball." she advised, her confidence reassuring. Amelia nodded, feeling the weight of the responsibility on her shoulders but also the support of her team. She bent down for a few last-minute stretches, flexing her fingers and rolling her shoulders to loosen up. The rest of her team was similarly engaged, with Dr. Hooves and Braeburn discussing midfield tactics while Cherry Berry and Derpy went over their communication on the field. As Amelia stood up, she scanned the opposition, her gaze locking once more with Scootaloo’s, who was already in a sprinter’s stance, ready to dash at the first blow of the whistle. The competitive atmosphere was palpable, each player mentally preparing for the imminent clash. Applejack walked to the centre of the pitch, whistle in hand, ready to start the match. Amelia took a deep breath, grounding herself in the moment. Her team looked to her, ready to defend their goal under her lead. As the whistle’s sharp sound pierced the air, the game kicked off with a burst of energy, and Amelia’s focus narrowed to nothing but the game at hand. Let’s see what these hands can do then… 5’ GREAT STOP! The game was off to a quick start, with Noteworthy orchestrating a smooth play from the midfield. With a keen eye and an understanding of his teammates' positioning, he fed the ball to Vinyl. Her agility shone brightly as she spun effortlessly through the middle of the pitch, dodging defenders with a grace that underscored her reputation. Vinyl, sensing the right moment, executed a precise pass through the defence, setting up Scootaloo for a potential strike. The young forward, always ready to capitalise, took the pass in stride. With one deft touch, she positioned the ball for a left-footed lob, aiming to catch Amelia off guard with a chip over her head into the net. Amelia, however, was fully alert and demonstrated her readiness and agility as the team's last line of defence. Her eyes locked onto the trajectory of the ball as Scootaloo made her move. In a fluid motion, Amelia leaped upwards, her arms extended to their fullest. With a well-timed jump and a strong hand, she managed to parry the ball, pushing it just over the crossbar and behind for a corner. As the team regrouped after the near miss, Amelia wiped the sweat from her brow, her mind racing with the play that had just unfolded. She glanced at her defenders, a mix of frustration and determination in her eyes. “That was too easy.” she called out to them, her voice firm yet encouraging. “You all know how dangerous Vinyl and Scootaloo are. We can’t let them do that again, or I’m going to have to work overtime here!” The defenders nodded, acknowledging her point. They huddled briefly, discussing how to tighten their coverage and adjust their positioning. The lapse had been a wake-up call, and they were quick to strategise a more robust defensive approach. They agreed on closer marking and better communication, recognising the need to disrupt the Bibs’ attacking flow before threats could develop. As the players dispersed back to their positions, the sense of urgency was palpable. Amelia set herself back in goal, her gaze sharp and alert, ready for the next play. Her defenders took their places with renewed focus, each one mentally preparing to step up their game. The match resumed with the corner kick. Amelia watched intently as the ball arced into the air, her body tensed for action. This time, her defenders were quicker, more aggressive in their approach. They managed to clear the ball effectively, pushing it out of the danger zone. 11’ ANOTHER GREAT STOP! The game intensified as Thunderlane found space, slicing down the left flank with remarkable speed and agility. His movement was fluid, almost ghostlike, as he effortlessly latched onto a beautifully chipped pass from Vinyl. With the defence stretched thin and scrambling to regroup, Thunderlane capitalised on the moment, sending a lofted delivery arching towards the far post. Scootaloo, anticipating the cross, positioned herself perfectly. The ball seemed destined for her, hanging in the air like a promise as she timed her jump. The crowd held its breath, and for a split second, it seemed inevitable—a goal was surely on the way. Scootaloo met the ball with a powerful header, directing it towards the target with all the confidence of a seasoned forward who believes the net is theirs. But Amelia was not to be beaten easily. Her anticipation and agility shone brightly as she made a split-second decision to launch herself across the goal. With a spectacular dive, she stretched her body to its limits, her gloved hands reaching out to meet the ball, sending it passed the goalposts, making it another corner. Scootaloo, visibly agitated, turned away from the goal, her frustration boiling over. She had been so sure of scoring, the opportunity had seemed like a sure thing, and her inability to convert it into a goal grated on her. Clenching her jaw, she kicked at the ground, her ears pinned back as she replayed the moment in her mind. It wasn't just a missed opportunity; it was a challenge to her skill and precision, both of which she prided herself on. She shook her head, trying to dispel the disappointment that threatened to affect her focus for the rest of the game. Meanwhile, back at the goal, Amelia was surrounded by her teammates, their cheers and enthusiastic pats conveying their admiration and relief. "Great save, Amelia! You really saved us there!" one exclaimed, while another added, "That was incredible, way to keep us in this!" Their voices filled the air with a mixture of relief and excitement, boosting the team's morale significantly. Amelia's heart swelled with the support and accolades from her teammates, each shout and pat reinforcing her role as a crucial player on the team. The intensity of the moment had amped up her adrenaline, and now, with the immediate pressure eased slightly, she took the time to absorb the scene around her. Off to the sidelines, Applebloom was practically vibrating with excitement, her movements animated as she chatted with Applejack, who was grinning broadly, obviously pleased with the performance of the team—and particularly with Amelia's standout save. Their expressions were a vivid contrast to Duster’s, whose stern demeanour hadn't changed. His arms remained firmly crossed, his gaze sharp and unyielding as he watched Amelia closely, assessing every nuance of her performance. Amelia caught Duster’s eye for a moment, and despite the lack of expression on his face, she felt a challenge emanating from him. It was clear that Duster was still reserving judgment, his high standards and critical eye pushing her to prove herself further. This recognition didn't deflate her; rather, it fuelled her desire to demonstrate her capability, not just as a goalkeeper but as a resilient competitor under scrutiny. 23’ GOOOOOOOOOOOOALLLLLLL! The game escalated quickly as the Bibs team executed a stunning display of teamwork and precision, taking the lead in the match. The None-Bibs defence struggled to keep up with the swift movements and clever plays of their opponents. Octavia, known for her tactical awareness and precision, initiated the play with a sharp diagonal pass that cut through the midfield, finding Vinyl on the move. Vinyl, always aware and ready, deftly offloaded the ball to Thunderlane who was charging down the flank in an impressive display of speed and timing. Thunderlane, with his signature agility as a pegasus, dashed toward the byline, his eyes scanning the situation ahead. Without slowing down, he managed a skilful left-footed cross into the area, arcing the ball towards the far post where Scootaloo was perfectly positioned to meet it. Scootaloo, timing her run with precision, leapt up and met the cross with a decisive header. Amelia, the goalkeeper, who had been anticipating a different play, found herself too far from the post to intercept the ball. The header sailed past her, landing securely in the back of the empty net. The Bibs erupted into cheers as Scootaloo celebrated her goal, her teammates rushing to congratulate her on the well-executed finish. Amelia quickly set the ball back at the centre spot, her voice loud and clear, carrying across the field as she rallied her team. "Come on! Let’s get our heads up! We still have time!" Her tone was firm, imbued with the urgency and leadership needed to refocus the team. As her teammates regrouped, their faces reflecting the mix of frustration and renewed determination, Amelia continued to offer quick nods and pointed gestures, signalling tactical shifts and positioning adjustments. Her resolve was palpable, visibly infecting her team with a much-needed jolt of confidence. She paced briefly in front of her goal, her eyes scanning the field and her teammates, assessing their setup and mentally preparing for the next Bibs assault. Knowing the Bibs' capability for swift, incisive attacks, she shouted instructions to her defenders, emphasising tighter marking and better communication. "Stay tight on them! Watch the overlaps!" she instructed, pointing to areas where the Bibs had exploited their defence. Her defenders nodded, adjusting their stances and positioning, ready to intercept or challenge more effectively. As play resumed, Amelia's heightened vigilance was evident. She adjusted her stance, staying on her toes, ready to spring into action. Her eyes constantly moved, watching not only the ball but also the players' movements, predicting possible plays, and preparing herself to counter them. The game's pace intensified, with the None-Bibs pushing forward to equalise and the Bibs looking to capitalise on their momentum. Amelia's voice was a constant, guiding her team, her calls clear and commanding. Every save she made now was met with cheers from the sidelines, her earlier save not forgotten, adding to the team’s motivation. 27’ SAVE! The Bibs were relentless in their offensive strategy, and their third corner of the game came about after a slick maneuver from Vinyl. She made a smooth, gliding run along the left flank, skillfully navigating through the None-bib's defense. Her agility and control over the ball were evident, keeping the defenders at bay and eventually forcing them to block her path, resulting in the ball going out for a corner. Opting for a tactical variation, Octavia and Vinyl executed a short corner routine. Octavia tapped the ball to Vinyl, who had positioned herself cleverly just outside the box. Vinyl took the pass in stride and immediately fired a right-footed shot towards goal. Her attempt, however, took a deflection off a defender, altering its trajectory slightly. Amelia, vigilant in her goalkeeping duties, reacted swiftly to the unexpected change in the ball's path. Her anticipation and reflexes were put to the test as she dove to her right, managing to get her hands on the ball and parry it behind for another corner. Her save was not just a display of her skill but also a critical intervention that kept her team in the game, preventing the Bibs from capitalising on their strategic play. The crowd and her teammates acknowledged Amelia's prowess with shouts of encouragement and applause, recognising the pressure under which she was performing, especially given the tensions with Minuette that could potentially distract from her focus. Despite this, Amelia remained composed and ready, adjusting her stance and preparing for the next corner, her eyes scanning the field and communicating quickly with her defenders to organise them for the upcoming set piece. 31’ SAVE! As the match continued, Thunderlane showcased his agility and tactical awareness on the field. Despite being faced with three defenders from the None-bibs, he skillfully managed to maintain possession and find a sliver of space. With a deft touch, he squeezed a precise pass through to Octavia, who was positioned near the midfield, before darting forward, drawing the attention of the None-bibs defenders towards him. This strategic movement by Thunderlane effectively disrupted the defensive setup of the None-bibs, pulling players out of position and creating a valuable opening. As he drew defenders away, he opened up space for Big Mac, who had smartly positioned himself just outside the penalty area, ready to capitalise on any opportunity. Seizing the moment, Big Mac received a quick pass and took a chance with a powerful low shot aimed at the goal. His execution was clean, and the shot was well-timed, but Amelia, the None-bibs goalkeeper, was prepared. Demonstrating her keen sense of positioning and quick reflexes, Amelia got down swiftly to her right, her gloves securely wrapping around the ball to make a crucial save. Amelia’s hold on the shot prevented a rebound, ensuring that the play ended with her control. After securing the ball, she quickly rose to her feet, looking to restart play. Her save not only thwarted a scoring opportunity but also provided a momentary reprieve for the None-bibs to regroup defensively. 36’ CHANCE! As the game's intensity mounted, Big Mac seized a pivotal moment to exploit the space behind the None-bibs' defence. He noticed Scootaloo signalling for a deep pass and, with precision, sent a ball arching over the top, aimed perfectly for her well-timed run. Scootaloo, with her eyes locked on the descending ball, accelerated, her strides quick and determined, as she prepared to engage in a one-on-one showdown with Amelia, the None-bibs goalkeeper. Amelia, recognising the imminent danger, swiftly evaluated her options and decided to confront the threat head-on. She dashed out of her box, her focus razor-sharp on intercepting the ball before Scootaloo could turn it into a scoring opportunity. As the ball started to dip within reach, Amelia leaped forward, stretching her body to execute a header, since using her hands outside the penalty area would result in a foul. She connected solidly, sending the ball sideways towards the touchline, effectively thwarting the attack. However, the intensity of the moment didn't end with the clearance. Scootaloo, running at full tilt and perhaps frustrated by the missed opportunity, arrived a fraction of a second later. Instead of pulling up, she leaned into Amelia with a firm shoulder shove, an act of frustration more than aggression, which knocked Amelia off balance. The two collided heavily on the pitch, the impact echoing the competitive tension of the match. They both hit the ground, and a tense moment followed as they untangled themselves. Amelia, feeling the brunt of the shove, quickly got to her feet, confronting Scootaloo with a mix of frustration and defiance. "What was that for?" Amelia demanded, her tone sharp, her hands gesturing to emphasise her irritation. Scootaloo, still seething from the denied chance, shot back, "You gotta watch where you're going! This isn't just your pitch!" Their teammates, sensing the rising tension, quickly intervened. Some pulled Amelia back slightly, urging her to cool down, while others approached Scootaloo to do the same. 44’ CHANCE! During a critical phase of the game, Minuette found herself under intense pressure, positioned in a challenging 2v1 situation. Vinyl, with her known agility and flair, was charging down the left side with the ball at her feet, while Carrot Top lurked dangerously close, ready to exploit any opening. This setup posed a significant threat to the None-bibs’ goal, which was currently under the vigilant guard of Amelia. As Vinyl advanced with a determined run towards the goal, her intent clear, Minuette had to make a split-second decision. Calculating her position and the potential risks, Minuette opted to press Vinyl aggressively, hoping to force an error or at least disrupt her rhythm. Her approach was tactical; by closing down the space quickly, she aimed to cut off Vinyl's angle for a clean shot. Vinyl, feeling the pressure from Minuette, attempted to manoeuvre around her, looking for just enough space to unleash a shot towards the goal. With limited options due to Minuette's tight marking, Vinyl fired off a powerful strike. However, the shot, although well-intended, struck the crossbar with a resounding clang, ricocheting over the goal and out for a throw-in to the None-bibs. From her position in goal, Amelia had been tracking the play closely, ready to intervene if Vinyl's shot had been on target. Witnessing Minuette’s effective handling of such a high-pressure situation, Amelia couldn't help but shout her praise, "Well done, Minuette! Great pressure!" However, the moment of team camaraderie was short-lived. As Amelia's commendation echoed across the pitch, Minuette turned sharply towards her, her expression cold and eyes narrowed. Her glare was a clear signal of the unresolved tension between them. The silent message was unmistakable: Minuette was not there to make friends, especially not in the middle of a heated game where every play could turn the tide. The glare sent a chill through the air, momentarily silencing Amelia. Taken aback by the hostility, Amelia’s initial impulse to continue cheering faltered, and she quickly refocused on the game, her expression turning serious. The exchange, though brief, was a stark reminder of the personal issues that lingered beneath the surface, adding an extra layer of complexity to their teamwork. As play resumed with the throw-in, both Amelia and Minuette returned their attention to the game, each aware that despite personal grievances, the team’s success was the priority. However, the incident left a palpable tension, a reminder that their team dynamics were still a work in progress. Watching Minuette in action during the first half also shifted something in Amelia's perspective. Though Minuette often came across as brash and impatient, her play on the field told a different story. As a Defensive Midfielder, Minuette exhibited a patience that belied her outward demeanour, timing her tackles with a precision that was crucial for their defence. "She’s amazing too." Amelia admitted quietly to herself, recognising the skill and calm strategy Minuette brought to their game, crucial elements that often went unnoticed amidst her more visible intensity. Half Time! > Chapter 9 - Full-Time. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the half-time whistle signalling a brief reprieve, Amelia found herself gasping for breath, her heart thudding loudly against her chest. She hustled over to join the circle where her teammates were quickly gulping down water, their bodies slick with sweat and exhaustion. "We've still got loads of time to snag a goal, just need to keep pressing and wait for our moment." Lyra encouraged, her hands animated as she tried to lift the group's spirits. "Yeah, they're likely to hog the ball—credit Big Mac and Thunderlane for that—so let's not rush things. We'll hang back and pounce on their errors." Braeburn suggested cautiously, stroking his chin thoughtfully as he laid out a strategy. "That’s solid, but even playing it cool, we gotta keep tabs on Scootaloo and Vinyl. They’re just too dangerous," Cherry Berry chimed in, her tone serious, pointing towards where the two threats roamed the field. "I can handle Vinyl on my own; that unicorn won't get past me, you'll see." Minuette asserted confidently, arms crossed defiantly, her stance firm and challenging. Amelia, however, had her reservations. "Maybe you should keep an eye on Scootaloo? She's playing as a false nine, after all—she's the one who would set up the plays." Amelia interjected, her voice wavering slightly under the collective gaze of her teammates. She fidgeted with her gloves, feeling suddenly exposed. "Are you questioning me, cabrón?" Minuette’s voice was sharp, her eyebrows knitted together in a frown as she stepped closer to Amelia, her body tense with irritation. Realising the tension her comment had stirred, Amelia stepped back, raising her hands in a placating gesture. "Okay, shutting up now…" she muttered, her eyes darting away, seeking refuge in the calm before they were called back to the fray. Minuette rolled her eyes with an exasperated snarl as she stood in the huddle, the team circled around her, all of them sweating and panting from the first half. Everyone was clutching water bottles, taking greedy gulps between breaths. "Haven't you noticed, amigo? Scootaloo hasn't created a single chance this game; she's all set up as a traditional striker, going for the goals, you know?" she pointed out forcefully, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow. Her hand gestured emphatically towards an imaginary pitch as she continued, "It's Vinyl, Thunderlane, and Octavia who are pulling the strings, amigo. If we shut them down, Scootaloo will be totally useless." Amelia stood slightly apart from the rest of the group, her expression focused and introspective as she mentally replayed the first half's key moments. With a deep furrow etching her brow, she took a thoughtful sip from her water bottle, a flicker of realisation crossing her face. She had completely misjudged Scootaloo’s role; she had always seen her as a false 9, a creator rather than the finisher she had demonstrated herself to be in this friendly match. Watching Scootaloo dart and weave across the field with such rapidity and agility, Amelia felt a complicated blend of emotions swell within her. "For someone so young to adapt between roles like that." Amelia murmured to herself, the awe in her voice mingling with a hint of trepidation, "is both impressive and intimidating." Her eyes followed Scootaloo's confident, fluid movements, noting how each stride and manoeuvre spoke of a seasoned striker, not just a playmaker. "She’s definitely a bigger threat than I anticipated." Amelia conceded quietly, reassessing her strategy for the second half as she capped her water bottle, her mind racing with adjustments she’d need to make to counter such a versatile adversary. Amelia’s grin widened into a radiant smile, lighting up her face as her eyes sparkled with a mix of glee and fierce determination. She leaned in closer to the animated circle of teammates, her hands gesturing enthusiastically as she absorbed the flurry of tactical advice being volleyed back and forth. A wild surge of adrenaline pulsed through her, each beat of her heart syncing with the escalating excitement for the challenge ahead. The prospect of facing Scootaloo, a striker whose skill rivalled the familial challenges posed by her brother, brought a visceral thrill that coursed through her entire being. This game was far from just another friendly match; it was a profound test of her skills, pushing her to the limits of her capabilities as a goalkeeper. From the corner of her eye, Amelia observed Scootaloo interacting with her teammates. Scootaloo’s movements were fluid and poised, her confidence evident in every step and gesture as she laughed and strategised with her peers. The sight of her so effortlessly commanding the field stirred a whirlpool of emotions within Amelia—deep admiration tinged with a hint of envy at Scootaloo’s natural aptitude for the game. Amelia’s feelings oscillated between a slight bitterness over her rival’s innate talent and a profound respect for her prowess. This internal conflict only fuelled Amelia’s resolve to excel, to prove herself not just competent but exceptional. This was not merely a game; it was a catalyst that ignited Amelia's passion for hoofball, transforming each anticipated save and leap across the goal into pivotal moments of a thrilling battle for supremacy. "Hey—Amelia." The unexpected sound of a voice cut through the din of halftime chatter, causing Amelia to spin around, abruptly pulled from her intense thoughts. There, standing slightly behind her, was Derpy, her eyes wide and a hint of apprehension visible beneath the uncertain smile she offered. It was clear that Amelia's intense, excited grin had caught her off-guard. "Uhm, I just wanna say good job. You kept us in the game." Derpy said, her voice soft and tentative as she reached out, gently touching Amelia's arm in a comforting gesture. "Yeah, no problem, just focus on the counter-attack and I’m sure we’ll get a goal." Amelia responded with an encouraging nod and a thumbs-up, her smile warm and genuine, designed to instil confidence. Derpy returned the smile, but it didn't quite reach her eyes—it was a quick, fleeting mimicry of happiness that didn't fool Amelia. Yet before Amelia could delve deeper into what might be bothering her teammate, she turned away, striding back towards her position as the whistle beckoned them for the second half. Her mind now refocused on the game, the complexity of her teammate’s emotions had to wait as the immediate challenge of the match reclaimed her attention. As Amelia positioned herself within the frame of her goal, she methodically performed some final stretches, her hands reaching toward the crossbar as she limbered up. Her gaze occasionally drifted towards the field, particularly focusing on Octavia. Throughout the game, Octavia had seemed unusually subdued. Known for her role as the right-winger with a deadly first touch, Octavia's usual flair and threat on the ball had been conspicuously absent. She had made a few passes here and there, but none had carried her signature menace. Amelia pondered this anomaly, her mind racing through possibilities. Was it a tactical decision? Could the opposing coach be saving Octavia's energy and skills for a more aggressive push in the second half? The thought caused a ripple of concern. If Octavia were to unleash her full potential in the latter half, Amelia would need to contend with threats from all angles, a daunting prospect that could stretch her defensive capabilities to the limit. Yet, as she stretched her calves, preparing her body and mind for the onslaught, a resolute spark lit within her. Regardless of the strategy her opponents employed, Amelia resolved to be ready. She adjusted her gloves, setting her stance with determined eyes on the field, ready to face whatever challenge came her way. Over on the sidelines, Applejack and Grind Duster stood with their arms crossed, their gazes fixed on the goal where Amelia was limbering up. The atmosphere between them was charged with attentive scrutiny. "So what do you think? Not bad for a pegasus, ay?" Applejack remarked, nodding towards Amelia with a hint of pride in her voice as she watched the young pegasus goalkeeper stretch and prepare. Amelia's agility and quick reflexes, even in her warm-up, were clearly impressive. Grind Duster, however, was silent, his brow furrowed in concentration. He wasn’t just watching Amelia; he was studying her, trying to decode the patterns behind her movements. At the moment, she seemed to be everywhere—her positioning unpredictable, her decisions rapid and seemingly instinctual. Duster found himself unable to predict her next move or to gauge what might be going through her mind as she vigilantly guarded the goal. His eyes narrowed slightly as he continued to observe, the cogs in his mind turning. Duster's silence was heavy with analysis, reflecting his deep contemplation over whether to be intrigued by Amelia's unconventional style or concerned by the unpredictability it brought to the game. Either way, Amelia's performance was drawing attention, setting the stage for an intriguing second half. Applebloom's voice burst through the quiet contemplation of the sidelines, her tone filled with enthusiasm and a touch of awe. "Amelia was awesome! Even though they did manage to score past her once, but Amelia couldn’t do much about that." Her eyes sparkled with admiration as she watched Amelia manoeuvre within the goal, her energetic statement cutting through the tactical musings of Applejack and Grind Duster. Grind Duster's response was more measured, his voice a low murmur as he stroked his white beard thoughtfully. "She's fearless, that's one thing, and she has a decent understanding of the game, but she is also reckless." His eyes tracked Amelia's movements closely, reflecting on a particularly risky play. "When Scootaloo was through on goal, Amelia ran straight for the ball in mid-air, colliding with Scootaloo in the process." he continued, his tone tinged with concern. "Somepony could have been seriously hurt." "Yeah… It was odd that she decided to come out for the ball; every other keeper would have stayed in the net, protecting the goal… She must have some nerve to do that." Applejack remarked, a hint of skepticism mingling with her concern as she questioned Amelia's decision during that critical play. "Well… think about it," Applebloom interjected, her youthful voice carrying a tone of reasoned analysis as she glanced down at her clipboard, searching for the notes she had jotted down. "At the time of the ball being played over the defence’s high line, Amelia was already outside the box, positioning herself to collect through balls passed the defence. She had two options: risk backtracking to goal where it would have been a 1 on 1, or use her Pegasus speed to her advantage and get to the ball first." Applebloom looked up from her clipboard, her eyes alight with admiration for the risky manoeuvre. "Amelia was extremely brave to chase the ball the way she did, one wrong move and it would have been an open net goal for Scootaloo." she concluded, her analysis highlighting the tactical gamble involved in Amelia's decision. Duster nodded silently, making a mental note to look over Applebloom’s notes. Duster mused quietly to himself, his gaze lingering on Amelia as she prepared for the next play. "She has a lot of confidence for a young pegasus. Where does she get it from?" he wondered aloud, his voice tinged with both admiration and curiosity. "So young, yet has the hand of Karma; I didn’t have those hands until I was in my twenties." he continued, his expression thoughtful as he considered Amelia's remarkable skills in goal. His brow furrowed slightly, reflecting the depth of his pondering. "So what makes her so special? Why a pegasus?" Duster's questions hung in the air, echoing the enigma surrounding Amelia's innate talent and her unusual choice for a goalkeeper, given her species' typical attributes. "All questions with no answers, what a pain." he sighed, his words captured the intrigue and slight frustration of trying to decode the secret behind Amelia's exceptional abilities and her bold, confident approach to the game at such a young age. 45’ second half starts! As the second half commenced, Amelia instantly noticed a marked change in the game's tempo. Within the first few seconds, her team's intensity had noticeably ramped up, catching the Bibs off guard. The sudden surge of energy from the non-Bibs team as they pressed forward on the attack momentarily stunned their opponents, setting a vigorous and aggressive tone right from the restart. Amelia watched from her position in goal as her teammates hustled and harried every opposing player who touched the ball, their renewed vigour disrupting the Bibs' rhythm and forcing them into hurried decisions. The sharp escalation in her team's play brought a satisfied nod from Amelia. This was exactly the kind of aggressive start she had hoped for, and seeing it unfold so effectively bolstered her confidence. It was a good start indeed, and in Amelia's books, a sign of promising things to come in the half ahead. 47’ GREAT CHANCE! Minuette showcased her skills brilliantly, weaving her way out of the defensive zone with composure. With a swift exchange, she played a give-and-go with Apple Cobbler, smoothly moving the ball up the field with practiced ease. After linking up with Apple Cobbler, she spotted Berry Punch making a run to her left and delivered a precise pass that set her up perfectly. Berry Punch took the opportunity to cut the ball back toward the edge of the penalty box, finding Derpy in an ideal position to take a shot. Derpy received the ball well, setting herself for the finish. Despite the promising buildup, her shot was awkward, lacking the finesse needed to find the back of the net, and ultimately, it drifted wide of Caramel’s goal. The sequence, while not yielding a goal, highlighted the team's fluid teamwork and tactical execution, even if the final touch was lacking. 54’ HOW HAS HE MISSED?! The non-Bibs team earned themselves a corner on the right-hand side, setting up an opportunity to level the score. Daisy took charge of the set piece, opting for a low, driven delivery into the crowded penalty area. The ball zipped across the turf, causing a moment of chaos as the Bibs' defenders scrambled to clear their lines. However, their attempt to clear the danger only sent the ball as far as Lyra, who was positioned just outside the box. Reacting quickly, Lyra took a powerful shot, aiming to penetrate the cluster of players. Her attempt ricocheted off a green shirt, deflecting the ball into a more promising position. It fell kindly for Braeburn, who found himself unmarked just to the right of the goal. With the goal at his mercy, he quickly fired a shot, but his finish was disappointing. The ball sailed harmlessly away from the goal, failing to test Caramel, the goalkeeper. Amelia stood at the edge of her goal area, her fists clenched tightly as another attack fizzled out in front of her. Her frustration was palpable—these were opportunities that should have been converted, clear chances to put her team ahead. Although it was aggravating to watch such potential go to waste, she could not help but feel a hint of relief; the intensity her teammates exhibited was a promising sign. They were pressing hard, and with the current pace and relentless pressure, Amelia felt a goal was imminent. Amid the mounting tension, Amelia's keen awareness of the game's dynamics spurred her into action. She recognised the vulnerability that came with their aggressive play. Raising her voice, she called out to her defenders, urging them to maintain their high line but to stay vigilant. "Watch the high line! Stay sharp!" she shouted, ensuring her instructions cut through the noise of the stadium. Her directive was clear: they held the upper hand for now, but a single misstep—a careless pass or a mistimed tackle—could swing the momentum in favour of their opponents. Amelia knew all too well how quickly control of the match could slip away, and she was determined to keep her team focused and defensively sound as they hunted for that crucial goal. Suddenly, her attention snapped to a new development on the field. Octavia was subtly positioning herself among the center-backs, a strategic move that didn't escape Amelia's vigilant eyes. Just ahead, Scootaloo was poised, facing Octavia, looking ready to spring into action. The pair's positioning and focused demeanour hinted at a planned play that was about to unfold. Amelia's gut churned with a mix of anticipation and concern. What were they planning? Her instincts told her it wouldn't be good for her team. As she adjusted her stance, ready to react, her eyes darted between the players, trying to anticipate their next moves. 55’ GGGGOOOOOOOAAAALLLLLL! 2-0! In an exhilarating sequence of play, the goalkeeper launched a powerful kick deep into the midfield, directly targeting Octavia. Her robust earth pony strength proved invaluable as she fended off Meadow Song, securing the first touch on the descending ball. Octavia's flawless control allowed her to swiftly tap it off to Scootaloo, who was strategically positioned nearby. Scootaloo caught sight of Vinyl sprinting into open space and executed a masterful pass using the outside of her boot. The ball spun beautifully, curling directly into Vinyl's path, setting her up for an impressive advance. Minuette was quick on her heels, attempting to thwart Vinyl's charge. However, Vinyl's agile footwork and a series of sharp stepovers left Minuette trailing, giving Vinyl just enough time to eye her next move. Vinyl spotted Thunderlane near the edge of the penalty box and slipped him the ball. Without hesitation, Thunderlane took the shot first-time. The ball rocketed toward the goal with such force that even Lyra and Comet Tail, who threw themselves in an attempt to block it, couldn't alter its course. The shot flew towards the bottom left corner, the goalkeeper Amelia stretched to her limits, fingertips grazing the ball. Her touch redirected it slightly, causing it to ricochet off the post. Despite Amelia's desperate dive, the ball bounced into the back of the net, culminating in a spectacular goal. Frustration seethed through Amelia as she pounded her fist against the astroturf, her expression one of pure vexation. "Damn it!" she growled audibly, the anger palpable in her voice. She had been agonisingly close to stopping that shot, her fingertips barely brushing against the ball, yet not enough to divert its path decisively. Such goals were her nemesis—those that teased her grasp, leaving her with the haunting sense that she could have altered the outcome. Each time the ball found the net in this manner, it ignited a fire within her, a fervent reminder of the razor-thin line between a save and a goal. As she pushed herself up, her determination hardened; this moment of defeat would only fuel her resolve to stop the next one. All throughout the game, Amelia had been keenly observing her opponents' positioning, particularly noting Big Mac and Thunderlane's tactical play. Both players consistently positioned themselves on the edge of the box during the final third, strategically waiting for any loose balls to emerge that they could quickly turn into shooting opportunities. Although ideally, the midfielder should have been marking them, the rapid pace of the counterattacks often left little time for proper defensive alignment. Thunderlane, in particular, showcased his striking prowess with a powerful and low shot that was tremendously difficult to execute. His ability to fire such forceful long-range shots reminded Amelia of a former Liverpool legend, Steven Gerrard, known for his own spectacular strikes from distance. Thunderlane's technique and precision in those critical moments not only challenged Amelia but also elevated the threat level every time he was in possession near the goal area. As the teams regrouped to restart the match, Scootaloo couldn’t help but let a smug grin creep across her face. Walking back to her position, she glanced over her shoulder, catching Amelia’s eye. Her grin, self-satisfied and taunting, was like salt in the wound for Amelia. Amelia's face flushed with anger at the sight, her frustration from the goal compounded by Scootaloo's gloating expression. The goalkeeper’s hands clenched into fists at her sides, her breathing heavy. The sight of Scootaloo’s smirking face not only fuelled her anger but also ignited a fierce determination within her to not let any more goals slip past. As the game resumed, Amelia’s eyes narrowed, her focus sharpened—this match was far from over, and she was ready to prove her mettle. 62’ DOUBLE BLOCK! The game's intensity escalated as Octavia whipped in a dangerous cross from the flank, aiming to disrupt the defensive structure. However, Comet Tail was quick to react, leaping to intercept the ball with a critical header. Unfortunately, his attempt at clearing the ball didn't travel far enough to alleviate the danger. Instead, it fell perfectly to Big Mac, who was lurking just outside the box, ready to capitalise on such opportunities. With little time to adjust his stance, Big Mac fired a swift shot towards goal. Meadow Song, recognising the imminent threat, lunged forward in a desperate bid to block it. His effort was successful, and the ball deflected off him, only to fall into the path of Thunderlane. Without hesitation, Thunderlane unleashed a follow-up shot, trying to catch the goalkeeper off guard. Meadow Song, still recovering from his initial block, threw himself in front of the shot with remarkable bravery and determination. His body hit the ground just as Thunderlane's shot connected, significantly dampening the ball's momentum and allowing the defence a crucial moment to regroup and clear the danger. 67’ GREAT CHANCE! As the match continued, the team in bibs began to dominate, relentlessly pressing the non-bibs and dictating the pace of the game. In a particularly aggressive attack, Bon Bon leaped high, meeting a cross with a powerful header. However, her effort was deflected by a defender, arching away from the goal and out for a corner kick. Noteworthy stepped up to take the resulting corner, opting for an out-swinger that arced temptingly into the box. The ball swirled through the air, meeting a cluster of players jostling for position. Despite the promising delivery, the defence stood firm, managing to clear the ball out of the immediate danger area. The clearance, however, didn't travel far enough to relieve the pressure. It landed just outside the box where Scootaloo was perfectly positioned. Without a moment's hesitation, she took the shot on the volley, her technique flawless as she struck the ball cleanly. The shot soared powerfully towards the goal, capturing the essence of precision and timing in her strike. Unfortunately, it just missed its mark, rising slightly too high and whisking over the crossbar. 71’ PENALTY! In a tense moment deep within their own half, Apple Cobbler attempted a critical pass back toward the safety of her penalty area. Unfortunately, the pass lacked the necessary strength and precision, instead falling short and setting the stage for a dramatic shift in the game's momentum. Thunderlane, quick to exploit any mistake, pounced on the opportunity, darting forward to intercept the poorly judged pass. As Thunderlane bore down on the ball, Meadow Song found herself in a precarious position, forced to deal with the immediate threat inside her own box. The pressure from Thunderlane was intense, and in a desperate bid to contain the situation, Meadow Song reached out, grappling with Thunderlane in an attempt to halt his progress. Her actions, however, were too forceful and clear within the confines of the penalty area, pulling Thunderlane down and prompting the Applejack to point to the penalty spot. Amelia was visibly agitated as she debated the referee's call with Applejack, arguing that the foul Meadow Song committed on Thunderlane was too soft to justify a penalty. "It was a soft foul, shouldn’t have been a penalty!" Amelia insisted, her frustration evident as she gestured toward the spot where the foul occurred. Applejack, maintaining a stoic expression, disagreed but kept her true intentions to herself. Internally, she saw this as a perfect test of Amelia’s capabilities under pressure, curious to see how the goalkeeper would handle such a critical moment. However, she chose not to voice this thought. "It looked clear enough from here!" Applejack countered firmly, avoiding any indication of her underlying motive. "You just focus on the save. You've got this." Amelia, not one to shy away from mental games, decided that if a penalty was to be taken against her, she'd make every effort to disrupt the shooter's composure. Seeing Scootaloo stepping up to take the shot, she couldn't help but unleash a bit of mischief to tilt the odds in her favor. With a wicked grin, Amelia approached Scootaloo at the penalty spot. She leaned in close, her voice dripping with mock curiosity and challenge. "So, which side will you go for?" she taunted. Amelia then boldly announced her own intentions, "I'll be diving right, just so you know." She watched Scootaloo closely, gauging her reaction before pushing further. "You sure you're up for this?" Amelia prodded, her tone edging on playful arrogance. Taking her psychological game one step further, Amelia pointed decisively at Thunderlane, adding a taunt aimed to undermine Scootaloo's confidence. "Maybe Thunderlane should take it instead. I want a real challenge!" she declared, loud enough for others to hear, injecting doubt and stirring the competitive spirit. Scootaloo's frustration peaked as she responded not with words, but with a shove, pushing Amelia back with her hands—an indication that Amelia's tactics might have hit the mark. Seeing the tension escalate, Applejack hurried over to defuse the situation. She firmly separated the two, her demeanour serious and authoritative. "Enough, both of you. Let's get on with the game." Applejack insisted, ensuring that the game's integrity and flow remained intact. Her intervention was timely, preventing further conflict and setting the stage for the penalty to be taken, with all eyes now on Scootaloo and Amelia as the duel at the spot was about to unfold. Amelia's attempts to disrupt Scootaloo's focus seemed to falter against the younger player's calm demeanour. In the quiet of the training ground, surrounded by the attentive eyes of staff, coaches, and media, Scootaloo displayed a poise that belied her years. Taking a deep breath to centre herself, she methodically placed the ball on the penalty spot. This simple act seemed to fortify her resolve, grounding her in the moment despite the psychological games at play. With the ball set, Scootaloo took a few deliberate steps back, her eyes alternating between Amelia, poised and ready in goal, and the net behind her. The tension was palpable, yet her calmness infused the scene with a sense of serenity. It was clear that she was visualising the path she wanted the ball to take, mentally rehearsing the shot before physically executing it. This focus and preparation were crucial, especially in such an intimate setting where every move was closely watched and would likely be analysed later. The quiet encouragement from her coaches and the occasional click of cameras added layers to the moment, making it about more than just a training exercise. This was a test of skill, nerve, and mental strength, with Amelia ready to respond in kind from her position on the goal line. In that drawn-out moment, as Scootaloo lined up for the penalty, Amelia's world narrowed down to the stretch of turf between them. The statistics ran through her mind: a mere 33.3% chance of saving the goal if she guessed correctly, a sobering reality of her slim odds. But her earlier tactics might have paid off, planting the seed in Scootaloo's mind to attempt a panenka, a bold and somewhat mocking choice, chipping the ball right down the centre. This could be Scootaloo’s way to assert dominance, to turn the psychological warfare back on Amelia with a show of cheeky confidence. Yet, the possibility that Scootaloo would revert to a straightforward powerful strike to her right—the natural choice for a right-footed player—lingered in Amelia’s calculations. This would be the safer, more predictable shot, possibly chosen to mask any underlying nerves. Amid these tactical assessments, Vinyl’s mysterious gesture added a layer of intrigue. Her wink and the subtle point to Amelia’s left could be genuine insider information, an unexpected assist from an unlikely quarter. However, it could just as easily be a ruse, a deliberate ploy to mislead Amelia and ensure Scootaloo’s success. Why would Vinyl, not her teammate, offer any hint at all unless it was a trick? As Scootaloo took her final preparatory breaths, Amelia had to make a decision. The odds, the potential strategies, and Vinyl's confounding interference swirled in her mind. Was it a double bluff, or a straightforward hint? Amelia's response would need to be a blend of instinct, psychological insight, and bold guessing. With the pressure at its peak, she centred herself, ready to make a leap not just of physical agility but of strategic faith. Whatever her choice, it was a gamble on her ability to read the situation, the players, and perhaps most crucially, her own resolve in the face of mind games now turned against her. The whistle blew, shrinking the world to just the ball, the goal, and her decision on where to dive. So what’s its gonna be? Trust Vinyl and dive left? Choose the safest option and dive right? Or stay centre for the Penanka? You choose! > ————————————————— > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please be right Vinyl… At the sound of Applejack's whistle, the moment everyone had been anticipating finally arrived. Scootaloo took a casual yet calculated jog toward the ball, embodying confidence. Each stride seemed to communicate her intentions to execute her choice with precision. As Scootaloo approached, Amelia readied herself in the goal, her mind racing through the last-second guesswork of where the ball would be sent. All her focus narrowed to the young player's movements—her posture, her eyes, her striking foot, any tell that might give away her plan. Scootaloo's approach was marked by a calculated nonchalance, her expression unreadable as she maintained a perfect poker face. This demeanour was strategically crafted to keep Amelia on edge, second-guessing Scootaloo's next move up to the very last second. As Scootaloo's foot made contact with the ball, Amelia exploded into action, using every ounce of her leg strength to dive to the left. However, her heart sank as she realised her mistake; Scootaloo had opted for a cheeky panenka, lofting the ball elegantly down the centre of the goal, well out of Amelia's desperate reach. As the ball crossed the line, Scootaloo didn't hold back her delight, sprinting towards Amelia with a triumphant shout. She stopped short in front of the goalkeeper, her celebration overt and mocking. “Guess you picked the wrong side, huh?” she taunted, grinning broadly at Amelia's flustered reaction. The provocation was too much for Amelia, whose frustration boiled over. With a flash of anger, she grabbed Scootaloo by the collar, her voice thick with ire. “You want to mock me? Really think that’s smart?” The scene quickly attracted a crowd; teammates and bystanders alike rushed over to defuse the tension, pulling the two apart amidst shouts of restraint. “Enough, both of you!” Applejack commanded sharply, echoing above the commotion. Once the immediate chaos subsided and tempers began to cool, Amelia's gaze found Vinyl across the field. Vinyl appeared sheepishly regretful, nervously rubbing the back of her head and offering a small, anxious smile. Amelia could only manage a deadpan look in response, exhaling a deep sigh. “Really helpful, Vinyl.” she said dryly, her words dripping with sarcasm. The simplicity of Vinyl's gesture did little to mend the sting of betrayal, leaving Amelia to process the tumultuous events in quiet frustration. 72’ GGGGGGOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLLLLL! 3-0! As Scootaloo approached the penalty spot, the tension was palpable. With a composed stride, she positioned herself, eyeing the goalkeeper and the goal with equal measure. In one fluid motion, she executed a cheeky panenka, effortlessly lobbing the ball down the centre as Amelia, anticipating a powerful shot to either corner, lunged decisively to her left. The ball floated gently into the net, the very epitome of audacity and skill, as Scootaloo's teammates erupted in cheers. This bold move not only sent Amelia the wrong way but also widened the gap in the scoreline, making the Bibs team a commanding three goals clear. 81’ SAVE! In the midst of a heated and contentious phase of play, Octavia found herself in a prime position on the right side of the penalty box. With deft control and precision, she unleashed a powerful shot aimed low to the far corner, testing the goalkeeper's reflexes and resolve. Amelia, the pegasus goalkeeper, showcased her agility and sharp instincts as she dove to her right. Stretching her wings and limbs to their fullest, she managed to get a strong hand to the ball, pushing it away from the danger area. Her remarkable save not only thwarted a near-certain goal but also kept her team in the game during a crucial moment. The non-bibs team loudly protested for a foul they believed had occurred during the build-up to Octavia's shot. They argued vehemently, gesturing and pleading their case, but the referee, Applejack, was unmoved. She waved off the appeals, indicating that the play would continue without a call. Amelia's save became even more significant given the controversy, proving to be a vital stop that maintained the balance of the match. Her ability to remain focused and effective under pressure was a testament to her skills and composure as a goalkeeper, ensuring that her team stayed competitive despite the challenges. 86’ SAVE! In a thrilling moment of defensive prowess, Amelia delivered a spectacular save that had the spectators on the edge of their seats. Big Mac, known for his powerful presence in the air, connected with a corner kick and sent a thunderous header rocketing toward the goal. The ball was destined for the back of the net, but Amelia had other plans. With a burst of agility, she launched herself to the left, arms outstretched to their limits. The crowd held its breath as she made contact with the ball, her fingertips pushing it just wide of the post in a display of sheer goalkeeping brilliance. Immediately following Amelia's heroic save, Meadow Song reacted quickly to clear the lingering danger. She volleyed the ball away from the crowded penalty area, ensuring that any follow-up attempts from the opposing team were thwarted. Her prompt clearance helped stabilise the situation, allowing her team to reset and organise defensively. 90+3’ OUTSTANDING TACKLE!!! As the game approached its climax, the tension on the field was palpable. The crowd was silent, every eye fixed on the unfolding drama. Octavia, known for her precision and quick thinking, spotted Scootaloo making a daring run towards the opposition's defence. With a swift exchange of passes, they executed a seamless 1-2 play. Octavia's initial pass cut sharply through the midfield, finding Scootaloo who momentarily held the ball, drawing the defenders towards her. With a deft touch, she returned it to Octavia, who flicked it right back over the defence, exploiting the space they had created. Scootaloo, with her legendary speed, dashed past the defensive line, leaving Lyra—a typically fast defender—struggling to keep up. Her wings slightly unfurled, adding an extra burst of speed that no earth pony could match. Ahead lay only the goal, and Amelia, who had advanced slightly out of her box to narrow the angle of the shot. Amelia’s determination was fierce; she had been bested before but was resolved not to let it happen again. Her focus sharpened to a razor's edge as Scootaloo bore down on her. Everything else faded into a blur—her only reality was the ball at Scootaloo's hooves and the grass beneath their feet. As Scootaloo approached, she cleverly manoeuvred the ball to her right with the outside of her boot, a typical setup for a finishing strike. Amelia, anticipating this, shifted her stance to intercept. However, a strange, distorted voice echoed in her mind: Faint… right… Mis—direction… Confused but instinctively trusting the warning, Amelia paused, holding her ground. True to the voice's warning, Scootaloo suddenly flicked the ball to her left, attempting to bypass Amelia's anticipated dive. But Amelia, spurred by the mysterious advice, reacted swiftly. She thrust her foot out, catching the ball with the side of her foot that not only cleared it from danger but also accidentally tripped Scootaloo in the process. Scootaloo hit the turf with a mix of surprise and frustration, looking up at Amelia with wide eyes. "How did you know?" she gasped, bewildered by Amelia's uncanny anticipation. Amelia, equally stunned by her own reaction and the unexplained guidance, could only shrug as she regained her stance. "I... I just did," she muttered, unsure herself, her eyes scanning the field as her teammates swiftly transitioned into a counter-attack. Amelia stood a moment longer on the pitch, her mind racing as she processed the strange occurrence. The voice had been so clear, so distinct—it wasn't like anything she had experienced before. As the game resumed and her teammates rallied around her after the save, her thoughts lingered on the mysterious guidance. Could it have been her subconscious? Perhaps, in the heat of the moment, her mind had synthesised her knowledge of Scootaloo's tactics and her observations of the game into a voice, guiding her instincts. It's not uncommon for athletes to experience heightened intuition during critical moments, where their senses sharpen, allowing them to perceive things they might not consciously notice. Alternatively, the voice could be a manifestation of psychological stress. The pressure of the game, the fear of letting another goal slip past her—these could have conjured an auditory hallucination, a mental trick to cope with the high stakes. This phenomenon, while rare, is known to occur in situations of extreme stress or focus. Regardless of the source, the voice had undoubtedly helped her make a pivotal play. It had preempted Scootaloo's misdirection, allowing Amelia to counteract a move that would have likely resulted in a goal. This incident, while puzzling, highlighted the depth of Amelia's mental and physical game—her ability to integrate cues, whether real or imagined, and use them to her advantage. For now, Amelia decided to shelf these questions for later reflection. The immediate need was to maintain her focus on the game, keeping her goal secure. Yet, deep down, she knew this was a moment she would revisit, a curious and unexplained whisper that had made the difference between a save and a score. As she positioned herself for the next play, a part of her remained intrigued by the mystery, wondering if the voice would ever return or if it had been a fleeting gift delivered in her moment of need. The whistle of the wind and the distant cheers seemed to drown out the lingering questions about the mysterious voice. For now, Amelia's focus returned to the game, leaving the enigma unsolved as play continued, her team pushing forward, energised by her critical save. 90+4’ GGGGGGGOOOOOAAAAAALLLLL!!! 3-1! The momentum shifted dramatically following Amelia's spectacular tackle, igniting a rapid counterattack by the non-bibs. Fuelled by the adrenaline of the save, Comet Tail seized the opportunity, darting down the right side of the pitch with the ball at his hooves. His pace was unmatched as he linked up with Apple Cobbler near the halfway line, initiating a swift give-and-go. Apple Cobbler tapped the ball back into Comet Tail's path, allowing him to accelerate towards the goal. However, Thunderlane quickly positioned himself to intercept, his presence a formidable barrier. Despite this, Comet Tail skilfully managed to whip a cross into the penalty area, bending it around Thunderlane's attempted block. The ball sailed towards the goal, creating a moment of chaos in the box. Bon Bon, ever vigilant in defence, jumped high to meet the cross. With a powerful header, she redirected the ball out of the immediate danger area, but her clearance wasn't enough to send it clear of the threat. The ball landed just outside the penalty box, where Minuette was waiting, her expression one of fierce determination. As the ball descended, Minuette locked her eyes on it, her focus intense. With a look of sheer resolve, she timed her approach perfectly, lifting her leg for a thunderous volley. The shot was executed with precision and power, soaring into the top right corner of the net. Caramel, the goalkeeper, made a desperate leap but had no chance to react; the ball was past him before he could fully extend his arms. The goal, scored in the 94rd minute, was a dramatic punctuation to a tense match, bringing the score to 3-1. Minuette's late strike not only showcased her striking prowess but also capped off a swift and effective counterattack that began with Amelia's critical tackle, demonstrating the swift shifts in momentum that can define a hoofball game. 90+5’ THE FULL-TIME WHISTLE WAS BLOWN! Exhausted and emotionally spent, Amelia remained on the ground, the cool night air brushing against her flushed cheeks as she gazed at the starlit sky. The final whistle's echo lingered in her ears, a solemn reminder of the game's outcome. Losing was tough, and admitting it was even tougher. She wasn't overtaken by anger or sadness, instead, a complex feeling of acceptance settled within her. Throughout the game, Amelia had pushed herself to the limits. As a goalkeeper, she had made leaps and dives, each one a testament to her dedication and skill. Yet, despite her best efforts, it wasn't enough to secure a win. Her opponents, Vinyl, Octavia, and Thunderlane, had all performed exceptionally, their talents shining brightly on the field. And Scootaloo—undeniably the match's standout—had dazzled everyone, her prowess undeniable. It pained Amelia to admit how critical Scootaloo had been for the opposing team's success. Amelia's thoughts drifted to Applejack, wondering if her performance had caught the coach's eye. She wasn't aiming for immediate stardom or a direct leap into professional football, but perhaps a spot in the academy, a chance to grow and prove her capabilities further. The uncertainty of what Applejack might decide hung over her like the stars above—bright but distant. Would Applejack see potential in her efforts, or would she dismiss them as insufficient for advancing further? The possibility of being turned away weighed heavily on Amelia's mind. She hoped fervently that she had done enough to merit consideration, to be seen as more than just another player on the field. As she lay there, contemplating her future in the sport she loved, Amelia resolved to accept whatever came next. Whatever Applejack's decision, Amelia knew she had given her all, leaving nothing behind. “Whew! What a game, huh?” A sudden scratchy voice said, the voice belonging to Vinyl. Amelia turned her head toward the familiar voice, seeing Vinyl approach with an energetic stride, her face animated by the night's exploits. The corners of Amelia's mouth twitched upward in a faint smile, despite the ache in her chest from the loss. "Yeah, definitely intense." Amelia responded, pushing herself up to a sitting position and brushing the grass off her uniform. Vinyl plopped down beside her, both looking up at the starry sky for a moment in shared silence. "You were incredible out there." Vinyl added, nudging Amelia gently with her elbow. "Seriously, some of those saves? Out of this world." Amelia let out a small, appreciative sigh, her gaze drifting from the stars back to Vinyl. "Thanks, Vinyl. Could have done more though." she said, the weight of the defeat momentarily lifting as she acknowledged the compliment. Vinyl grinned, her eyes reflecting the night sky. "Don't sweat the scoreboard too much. You’ve shown everyone what you're capable of. Applejack would be nuts not to see that." The encouragement helped ease some of Amelia's worries about her future prospects. "I hope so. Just gotta wait and see, I guess." she mused, her voice tinged with a mix of hope and uncertainty. Lyra's voice cut through the night air, brimming with confidence and support, which brought a more genuine smile to Amelia's face. "Don't sweat it! You'll definitely join the Toffees!" she shouted, the excitement clear even as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. Vinyl laughed, and Amelia looked up to see Lyra standing beside her, her stance buoyant despite the game's intensity. "Thanks, Lyra. That means a lot." Amelia replied, her spirits lifted by the encouragement. "Hey, with those moves today? They'd be lucky to have you." Lyra added, giving Amelia a reassuring pat on the back. Octavia came over too, maintaining her composed, elegant demeanour despite the game's exertions, her voice carrying a refined British accent as she complimented the team's efforts. "Indeed, an outstanding display." she said, managing to look nearly as put-together as she did at the start of the match. However, her poised facade was playfully disrupted as Vinyl, ever the spirited contrast to Octavia's refinement, threw an arm around her neck and pulled her in close. The sudden closeness and the casual disruption of her personal space made Octavia huff in mild annoyance, her usual grace momentarily overtaken by the unexpected embrace. "Vinyl, really." Octavia chided, her tone carrying a mix of reprimand and reluctant amusement. Her attempt to straighten herself and regain her composure only added to the charm of the situation. Vinyl, with a wide grin, responded cheekily, "Lighten up, Octy! It's just a bit of fun after all that hard work!" She gave Octavia a gentle squeeze, emphasising her point. Despite her initial resistance, Octavia's features softened, and a small, reluctant smile appeared on her face as she accepted the affectionate gesture. The playful exchange drew laughs from their teammates, highlighting the strong bonds and light-hearted moments that often followed the intensity of their matches. As the laughter and playful teasing flowed between Vinyl and Octavia, Derpy hung back, her posture slightly hesitant, her eyes occasionally darting towards the lively group as she searched for an opening to join the conversation. Noticing her reticence, Amelia decided to bridge the gap. With a few strides, she closed the distance between them, enveloping Derpy in a warm, comforting embrace. As Amelia wrapped her arms snugly around Derpy's waist, she rested her head against her chest, releasing a heavy sigh filled with empathy. "You did good too, Derpy." she murmured, her voice muffled but sincere. Derpy's hands hovered awkwardly before gently returning the embrace, her voice tinged with disappointment. "I didn’t do much really, all I did was run around. I could have scored but, I fumbled it." she confessed, her gaze drifting away, unable to meet Amelia’s eyes. Before Amelia could respond, Lyra, overhearing the exchange, bounced over with her usual buoyant energy. She flashed a bright thumbs up in Derpy’s direction, her smile encouraging. "Not true! You did well drawing out defenders from their position! Creating gaps in the defensive line! You made it possible to create chances! There’s a reason you play for the Toffees, you know!" Lyra exclaimed, her enthusiasm undiminished by Derpy's visible disheartenment. Despite Lyra's spirited defence, Derpy's shoulders slumped slightly, and the frown remained etched on her face, her internal battle evident. She managed a weak smile, a fragile attempt at gratitude. "Okay… Well, I just came over to say you did a great job, Amelia. You’re a great goalkeeper." she said, her voice low and tinged with a trace of resignation. Turning away, she began walking towards the changing room, her steps slow, carrying the weight of her self-doubt. Amelia's brow furrowed with concern as she watched Derpy disappear into the changing room. She turned back to her teammates, a puzzled and worried look crossing her face. "Why is she... sad?" she asked, hoping for some insight that might help her understand Derpy's sudden drop in spirits. Vinyl shook her head, her expression softening into a frown. "She doesn’t have any confidence in herself." she said, her voice tinged with sympathy. It was clear that Vinyl cared deeply, and seeing Derpy struggle was affecting her. Octavia, who usually maintained a composed facade, also looked visibly troubled as she added, "It’s true… It looks like she isn’t interested in the sport anymore." The concern in her voice was unmistakable, hinting at the seriousness of the situation. Amelia's confusion deepened, prompting her to ask, "But why? What happened?" She hoped someone could shed light on the root of Derpy's issues, something that might help them help her. Lyra, normally the group's source of relentless positivity, seemed subdued as she responded. "No idea, she just dropped form one day and she just couldn’t find form again." Her usual bubbly demeanour was dampened by the gravity of Derpy's predicament, her bright energy dimmed by her concern for their friend. Amelia sat quietly, her mind churning with concern for her friend Derpy. As she watched her teammates laugh and chat, her thoughts were elsewhere, tangled in a web of worry. Is Derpy losing her passion for hoofball? she wondered, the question echoing in her head. Could it be that she's struggling because she's not performing as well as she used to? Or perhaps there’s something else at play here? Her gaze drifted, lost in thought. Could it be something personal? Amelia considered the possibilities: issues at home, overwhelming stress, or even deeper emotional struggles like depression. The lack of answers gnawed at her, the uncertainty unsettling. She wished she could peer inside Derpy's mind, to understand, to help. Seeing Derpy so downcast was distressing. Amelia hated to see any of her friends unhappy, and it was especially hard watching Derpy struggle without knowing how to help. What can I do to help her through this? she pondered, her heart heavy with empathy and her desire to support her friend as best as she could. As Amelia stood apart from the boisterous laughter and chatter of her teammates, she felt a familiar pull towards the necklace she always wore, a simple yet profoundly significant piece that once belonged to her father. Her fingers traced the rough edges of the pendant, worn down by years of her seeking solace in its steady presence. Each touch was a silent conversation with the past, a ritual that anchored her amidst life’s swirling uncertainties. Each time doubt crept into her heart, she clutched the necklace, searching for the wisdom her father would have imparted. How would he have navigated this challenge? Though his voice had long since faded into memory, the ritual of touching the pendant bridged the gap between then and now, infusing Amelia with a tranquil clarity. She closed her eyes, allowing the cool metal to press firmly against her palm, its familiar weight grounding her spirit. Deep, measured breaths drew in strength and expelled hesitation, her thoughts centring with each cycle of air. It was more than a meditation; it was a communion with the essence of her father’s enduring guidance. With her resolve fortified, Amelia’s eyes snapped open, a newfound determination gleaming within them. The brief retreat into her inner sanctum had sharpened her focus, steeled her resolve. She felt an invigorating rush of calm certainty, as if her father’s wisdom had suffused her very being. Stepping forward with a resolute stride, she was no longer just Amelia—she was her father’s legacy, ready to uplift and steady her friend Derpy in her moment of need. As Amelia was about to console Derpy, she suddenly found herself ensnared in a bear hug of Olympic proportions. The air whooshed out of her lungs as if she'd just been tackled by a friendly, overenthusiastic linebacker. “Can’t—breathe…” she wheezed, her voice a mere squeak against the constrictor-like embrace, while visions of needing a lung transplant flashed before her eyes. Just as she considered signalling for medical intervention using Morse code, the iron grip released her. The sound of giggling bubbled up from behind her, indicating the source of her near asphyxiation. “Oh, sorry y’all, I couldn’t help it, ya was just amazin’ out there!” Applebloom confessed, her voice sheepish but still tinged with the thrill of the hug attack as she fiddled with her red hair like a cartoon villain pondering their next caper. Amelia straightened up, patting her chest as if searching for any misplaced ribs. “It’s alright, just try not to turn my spine into a pretzel next time, okay? I’m fairly certain Karma didn’t have scoliosis.” she retorted, her voice half-muffled as she checked that all her body parts were still functioning. With a playful glare, she added, “And maybe let’s save the bear hugs for actual bears, yeah? At least they’d have the decency to growl a warning first!” Applebloom’s laughter echoed around them, infectious and bright. Amelia couldn’t help but join in, though she made a mental note to enrol in a quick course on self-defence against enthusiastic huggers—or at least start wearing a sign: ‘Fragile: Handle with Care.’ "Amelia! A minute, please!" The call from Applejack cut through the chatter and laughter like a thunderclap, turning every head. Beside Amelia, Grind Duster paused mid-sentence, his eyes following her sharp pivot towards the source of the voice. As Amelia glanced back, she caught a fleeting glimpse of Derpy disappearing into the shadows of the changing room's doorway, her silhouette a ghostly echo against the dim light. "Wish me luck, guys." Amelia murmured, her voice a mix of hope and trepidation. Her words hung in the air like a fragile promise as she turned to face Applebloom, Vinyl, Octavia, and Lyra. Their nods and smiles were like beacons in the gathering dusk, emboldening her spirit. With a deep breath that felt like drawing courage from the very earth beneath her feet, Amelia jogged over to Applejack, her heart pounding in her chest like a drum of war echoing the steps of a soldier into battle. Each stride was heavy with the gravity of what this meeting might hold, the ground beneath her a tapestry of opportunity and doubt woven tightly together. As she approached, the world seemed to narrow to a tunnel, the edges blurring into irrelevance. The only things in focus were the determined set of Applejack’s face and the grass whispering secrets beneath Amelia's feet. She could almost hear the whispers of fate, weaving through the evening air, tugging at her soul with the age-old question that haunted every aspiring athlete's dreams: Was I good enough? The distance closed, and Amelia stood before Applejack, the weight of the moment settling on her shoulders like a mantle of lead. She could feel the eyes of her teammates on her back, their hopes and fears mingling with her own in a silent chorus of anticipation. This was more than a conversation; it was a crossroads, each word a potential step towards her dreams or a retreat into the shadows of what could have been. Amelia's breath caught in her throat as Applejack opened her mouth to speak, the future hanging precariously in the balance, waiting to be tipped by the scales of Applejack’s judgment. "Amelia." Applejack began, her gaze heavy with a thoughtful intensity that seemed to weigh down the very air between them. "As a goalkeeper... what is your greatest fear?" The words hung in the air, a sudden chill that made Amelia's eyes widen in surprise. The question pierced her, unexpected and profound, something no one had dared to ask before, nor had she dared to consider herself. Why would Applejack pose such a dark inquiry? Was there an ulterior motive woven into this seemingly simple question? After a moment's hesitation, where the silence stretched taut between them like a string waiting to snap, Amelia found the courage to voice the truth that haunted the shadows of her mind. "Failure." she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper, yet carrying the weight of her deepest dread. To her, failure wasn't just losing a game; it was a visceral, consuming fear. She envisioned the goalposts expanding exponentially, mocking her with their vastness. Her hands felt like mere apparitions, incapable of stopping any shot. Each ball that passed her was a ghost through her fingers, a stark reminder of her own perceived inadequacy. This was the essence of her fear: an overwhelming sense of helplessness that threatened to swallow her whole, defining failure in the most personal, harrowing terms. That was why a surge of anger rose within Amelia each time a goal slipped past her defences, dragging her back to the harsh reality that, despite her efforts, the ball would inevitably find the back of the net. This relentless reminder fuelled a fire within her, burning away any illusion of perfection. With every shot that thundered beyond her reach, Amelia was forced to confront her own limitations, the boundaries of her capability starkly outlined against the vivid backdrop of the game. All she could do, amidst the roar of the crowd and the pounding of her heart, was to save what she could, to stretch her skills to their utmost within the confines of her human imperfections. Human… could she even call herself that anymore? Grind Duster’s question reverberated in the charged air, his imposing figure framed by the curling smoke of his cigarette, adding an ethereal quality to his already intense demeanour. Beside him, Applejack stood with equal gravity, her presence commanding and potent. As Grind Duster’s deep voice filled the space, an extraordinary phenomenon unfolded—around each of them, an aura of power began to manifest, visibly pulsating and vibrant, matching the colour of their eyes. Applejack’s aura shimmered a deep emerald green, while Grind Duster’s glowed with a fierce crimson red. The display was awe-inspiring, like witnessing ancient gods unveiling their might, their energy so palpable it almost made the air around Amelia vibrate. Stunned by the spectacle, Amelia felt a momentary awe. The sight of their power, so freely exhibited, was both intimidating and mesmerising, reflecting their strength and passion for the sport. It was a raw display of their spiritual and emotional energy, and for a moment, Amelia felt like she was standing before two colossal figures from an ancient pantheon, each challenging her to rise to their legendary status. “And what is your deepest desire, kid?” Grind Duster’s voice brought Amelia back to the moment, his question slicing through the awe like a blade. Amelia, gathering her resolve and pushing back the intimidation, steadied her voice to match the intensity of the scene before her. “To be the best.” she declared firmly, her words cutting clear and strong through the mystique that the two coaches projected. Her goal was simple yet ambitious, a reflection of her own inner fire that now seemed to kindle in response to the challenge before her. “To be the best.” she repeated, more to herself than to them, affirming her resolve. It was a declaration of her intent not just to excel within the confines of the game but to transcend them, to reach a level of skill and dedication that could one day rival the near-mythic presence of her mentors. As Applejack's smile unfolded, it brought a soft warmth to her weathered features, the corners of her eyes crinkling with genuine approval. At her side, Grind Duster's expression shifted into one of cool detachment. He closed his eyes briefly, his posture relaxing as the intensity that had previously marked his stance seemed to dissolve into the air around them. "Good answer, very good." Applejack's voice resonated with a rich note of commendation, a subtle undertone of pride threading through her words. In stark contrast, Grind Duster's response was a muted grumble; he turned away sharply, his silhouette marked by a slouch of resignation as he strolled off, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his faded jeans, his figure diminishing with each step. Turning back to Amelia, Applejack's expression grew serious, her eyes locking onto Amelia's with a piercing clarity. "Amelia." she began, her voice lowering to convey the gravity of her next words, "even before today's training, before I had fully seen what you are capable of, I had made my decision." She paused, allowing the anticipation to build, her gaze never wavering from Amelia's. "You are to be a part of my project—the future of this club." She let the words hang between them, heavy with implication and promise. After a moment's pause, Applejack continued, the finality in her voice underscoring the importance of her next question. "So, the last question I want to ask you now is this… Do you want to be a part of the Toffees?" As she spoke, Applejack extended her hand, her palm open and inviting. The gesture was more than a formality; it was a symbol of partnership and mutual commitment. Flooded with an overwhelming rush of happiness, Amelia felt as if a reservoir of joy within her was about to overflow. Her heart raced, her mind whirled with the realisation of what this moment meant for her future. All the years of hard training, the setbacks, the moments of doubt—all culminated in this single, life-changing opportunity. With a surge of emotion so powerful it nearly took her breath away, Amelia stepped forward and grasped Applejack's hand. Her grip was firm and confident, a physical manifestation of her inner excitement and resolve. "I will!" she exclaimed, her voice thick with emotion, her words echoing the boundless hope and fierce determination that filled her heart. This handshake sealed her fate, intertwining her path with the storied legacy of the Toffees. That was the moment Amelia became apart of the Toffee’s little family. Chapter 10. > ————————————————— > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best playing it safe… At the sound of Applejack's whistle, the moment everyone had been anticipating finally arrived. Scootaloo took a casual yet calculated jog toward the ball, embodying confidence. Each stride seemed to communicate her intentions to execute her choice with precision. As Scootaloo approached, Amelia readied herself in the goal, her mind racing through the last-second guesswork of where the ball would be sent. All her focus narrowed to the young player's movements—her posture, her eyes, her striking foot, any tell that might give away her plan. Scootaloo's approach was marked by a calculated nonchalance, her expression unreadable as she maintained a perfect poker face. This demeanour was strategically crafted to keep Amelia on edge, second-guessing Scootaloo's next move up to the very last second. As Scootaloo's foot made contact with the ball, Amelia exploded into action, using every ounce of her leg strength to dive to the right. However, her heart sank as she realised her mistake; Scootaloo had opted for a cheeky penanka, lofting the ball elegantly down the centre of the goal, well out of Amelia's desperate reach. As the ball crossed the line, Scootaloo didn't hold back her delight, sprinting towards Amelia with a triumphant shout. She stopped short in front of the goalkeeper, her celebration overt and mocking. “Guess you picked the wrong side, huh?” she taunted, grinning broadly at Amelia's flustered reaction. The provocation was too much for Amelia, whose frustration boiled over. With a flash of anger, she grabbed Scootaloo by the collar, her voice thick with ire. “You want to mock me? Really think that’s smart?” The scene quickly attracted a crowd; teammates and bystanders alike rushed over to defuse the tension, pulling the two apart amidst shouts of restraint. “Enough, both of you!” Applejack commanded sharply, echoing above the commotion. 72’ GGGGGGOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLLLLL! 3-0! As Scootaloo approached the penalty spot, the tension was palpable. With a composed stride, she positioned herself, eyeing the goalkeeper and the goal with equal measure. In one fluid motion, she executed a cheeky panenka, effortlessly lobbing the ball down the centre as Amelia, anticipating a powerful shot to either corner, lunged decisively to her right. The ball floated gently into the net, the very epitome of audacity and skill, as Scootaloo's teammates erupted in cheers. This bold move not only sent Amelia the wrong way but also widened the gap in the scoreline, making the Bibs team a commanding three goals clear. 81’ SAVE! In the midst of a heated and contentious phase of play, Octavia found herself in a prime position on the right side of the penalty box. With deft control and precision, she unleashed a powerful shot aimed low to the far corner, testing the goalkeeper's reflexes and resolve. Amelia, the pegasus goalkeeper, showcased her agility and sharp instincts as she dove to her right. Stretching her wings and limbs to their fullest, she managed to get a strong hand to the ball, pushing it away from the danger area. Her remarkable save not only thwarted a near-certain goal but also kept her team in the game during a crucial moment. The non-bibs team loudly protested for a foul they believed had occurred during the build-up to Octavia's shot. They argued vehemently, gesturing and pleading their case, but the referee, Applejack, was unmoved. She waved off the appeals, indicating that the play would continue without a call. Amelia's save became even more significant given the controversy, proving to be a vital stop that maintained the balance of the match. Her ability to remain focused and effective under pressure was a testament to her skills and composure as a goalkeeper, ensuring that her team stayed competitive despite the challenges. 86’ SAVE! In a thrilling moment of defensive prowess, Amelia delivered a spectacular save that had the spectators on the edge of their seats. Big Mac, known for his powerful presence in the air, connected with a corner kick and sent a thunderous header rocketing toward the goal. The ball was destined for the back of the net, but Amelia had other plans. With a burst of agility, she launched herself to the left, arms outstretched to their limits. The crowd held its breath as she made contact with the ball, her fingertips pushing it just wide of the post in a display of sheer goalkeeping brilliance. Immediately following Amelia's heroic save, Meadow Song reacted quickly to clear the lingering danger. She volleyed the ball away from the crowded penalty area, ensuring that any follow-up attempts from the opposing team were thwarted. Her prompt clearance helped stabilise the situation, allowing her team to reset and organise defensively. 90+3’ OUTSTANDING TACKLE!!! As the game approached its climax, the tension on the field was palpable. The crowd was silent, every eye fixed on the unfolding drama. Octavia, known for her precision and quick thinking, spotted Scootaloo making a daring run towards the opposition's defence. With a swift exchange of passes, they executed a seamless 1-2 play. Octavia's initial pass cut sharply through the midfield, finding Scootaloo who momentarily held the ball, drawing the defenders towards her. With a deft touch, she returned it to Octavia, who flicked it right back over the defence, exploiting the space they had created. Scootaloo, with her legendary speed, dashed past the defensive line, leaving Lyra—a typically fast defender—struggling to keep up. Her wings slightly unfurled, adding an extra burst of speed that no earth pony could match. Ahead lay only the goal, and Amelia, who had advanced slightly out of her box to narrow the angle of the shot. Amelia’s determination was fierce; she had been bested before but was resolved not to let it happen again. Her focus sharpened to a razor's edge as Scootaloo bore down on her. Everything else faded into a blur—her only reality was the ball at Scootaloo's hooves and the grass beneath their feet. As Scootaloo approached, she cleverly manoeuvred the ball to her right with the outside of her boot, a typical setup for a finishing strike. Amelia, anticipating this, shifted her stance to intercept. However, a strange, distorted voice echoed in her mind: Faint… right… Mis—direction… Confused but instinctively trusting the warning, Amelia paused, holding her ground. True to the voice's warning, Scootaloo suddenly flicked the ball to her left, attempting to bypass Amelia's anticipated dive. But Amelia, spurred by the mysterious advice, reacted swiftly. She thrust her foot out, catching the ball with a side-kick that not only cleared it from danger but also accidentally tripped Scootaloo in the process. Scootaloo hit the turf with a mix of surprise and frustration, looking up at Amelia with wide eyes. "How did you know?" she gasped, bewildered by Amelia's uncanny anticipation. Amelia, equally stunned by her own reaction and the unexplained guidance, could only shrug as she regained her stance. "I... I just did." she muttered, unsure herself, her eyes scanning the field as her teammates swiftly transitioned into a counter-attack. Amelia stood a moment longer on the pitch, her mind racing as she processed the strange occurrence. The voice had been so clear, so distinct—it wasn't like anything she had experienced before. As the game resumed and her teammates rallied around her after the save, her thoughts lingered on the mysterious guidance. Could it have been her subconscious? Perhaps, in the heat of the moment, her mind had synthesised her knowledge of Scootaloo's tactics and her observations of the game into a voice, guiding her instincts. It's not uncommon for athletes to experience heightened intuition during critical moments, where their senses sharpen, allowing them to perceive things they might not consciously notice. Alternatively, the voice could be a manifestation of psychological stress. The pressure of the game, the fear of letting another goal slip past her—these could have conjured an auditory hallucination, a mental trick to cope with the high stakes. This phenomenon, while rare, is known to occur in situations of extreme stress or focus. Regardless of the source, the voice had undoubtedly helped her make a pivotal play. It had preempted Scootaloo's misdirection, allowing Amelia to counteract a move that would have likely resulted in a goal. This incident, while puzzling, highlighted the depth of Amelia's mental and physical game—her ability to integrate cues, whether real or imagined, and use them to her advantage. For now, Amelia decided to shelf these questions for later reflection. The immediate need was to maintain her focus on the game, keeping her goal secure. Yet, deep down, she knew this was a moment she would revisit, a curious and unexplained whisper that had made the difference between a save and a score. As she positioned herself for the next play, a part of her remained intrigued by the mystery, wondering if the voice would ever return or if it had been a fleeting gift delivered in her moment of need. The whistle of the wind and the distant cheers seemed to drown out the lingering questions about the mysterious voice. For now, Amelia's focus returned to the game, leaving the enigma unsolved as play continued, her team pushing forward, energised by her critical save. 90+4’ GGGGGGGOOOOOAAAAAALLLLL!!! 3-1! The momentum shifted dramatically following Amelia's spectacular tackle, igniting a rapid counterattack by the non-bibs. Fuelled by the adrenaline of the save, Comet Tail seized the opportunity, darting down the right side of the pitch with the ball at his hooves. His pace was unmatched as he linked up with Apple Cobbler near the halfway line, initiating a swift give-and-go. Apple Cobbler tapped the ball back into Comet Tail's path, allowing him to accelerate towards the goal. However, Thunderlane quickly positioned himself to intercept, his presence a formidable barrier. Despite this, Comet Tail skilfully managed to whip a cross into the penalty area, bending it around Thunderlane's attempted block. The ball sailed towards the goal, creating a moment of chaos in the box. Bon Bon, ever vigilant in defence, jumped high to meet the cross. With a powerful header, she redirected the ball out of the immediate danger area, but her clearance wasn't enough to send it clear of the threat. The ball landed just outside the penalty box, where Minuette was waiting, her expression one of fierce determination. As the ball descended, Minuette locked her eyes on it, her focus intense. With a look of sheer resolve, she timed her approach perfectly, lifting her leg for a thunderous volley. The shot was executed with precision and power, soaring into the top right corner of the net. Caramel, the goalkeeper, made a desperate leap but had no chance to react; the ball was past him before he could fully extend his arms. The goal, scored in the 94rd minute, was a dramatic punctuation to a tense match, bringing the score to 3-1. Minuette's late strike not only showcased her striking prowess but also capped off a swift and effective counterattack that began with Amelia's critical tackle, demonstrating the swift shifts in momentum that can define a hoofball game. 90+5’ THE FULL-TIME WHISTLE WAS BLOWN! Exhausted and emotionally spent, Amelia remained on the ground, the cool night air brushing against her flushed cheeks as she gazed at the starlit sky. The final whistle's echo lingered in her ears, a solemn reminder of the game's outcome. Losing was tough, and admitting it was even tougher. She wasn't overtaken by anger or sadness, instead, a complex feeling of acceptance settled within her. Throughout the game, Amelia had pushed herself to the limits. As a goalkeeper, she had made leaps and dives, each one a testament to her dedication and skill. Yet, despite her best efforts, it wasn't enough to secure a win. Her opponents, Vinyl, Octavia, and Thunderlane, had all performed exceptionally, their talents shining brightly on the field. And Scootaloo—undeniably the match's standout—had dazzled everyone, her prowess undeniable. It pained Amelia to admit how critical Scootaloo had been for the opposing team's success. Amelia's thoughts drifted to Applejack, wondering if her performance had caught the coach's eye. She wasn't aiming for immediate stardom or a direct leap into professional football, but perhaps a spot in the academy, a chance to grow and prove her capabilities further. The uncertainty of what Applejack might decide hung over her like the stars above—bright but distant. Would Applejack see potential in her efforts, or would she dismiss them as insufficient for advancing further? The possibility of being turned away weighed heavily on Amelia's mind. She hoped fervently that she had done enough to merit consideration, to be seen as more than just another player on the field. As she lay there, contemplating her future in the sport she loved, Amelia resolved to accept whatever came next. Whatever Applejack's decision, Amelia knew she had given her all, leaving nothing behind. “Whew! What a game, huh?” A sudden scratchy voice said, the voice belonging to Vinyl. Amelia turned her head toward the familiar voice, seeing Vinyl approach with an energetic stride, her face animated by the night's exploits. The corners of Amelia's mouth twitched upward in a faint smile, despite the ache in her chest from the loss. "Yeah, definitely intense." Amelia responded, pushing herself up to a sitting position and brushing the grass off her uniform. Vinyl plopped down beside her, both looking up at the starry sky for a moment in shared silence. "You were incredible out there." Vinyl added, nudging Amelia gently with her elbow. "Seriously, some of those saves? Out of this world." Amelia let out a small, appreciative sigh, her gaze drifting from the stars back to Vinyl. "Thanks, Vinyl. Could have done more though." she said, the weight of the defeat momentarily lifting as she acknowledged the compliment. Vinyl grinned, her eyes reflecting the night sky. "Don't sweat the scoreboard too much. You’ve shown everyone what you're capable of. Applejack would be nuts not to see that." The encouragement helped ease some of Amelia's worries about her future prospects. "I hope so. Just gotta wait and see, I guess." she mused, her voice tinged with a mix of hope and uncertainty. Lyra's voice cut through the night air, brimming with confidence and support, which brought a more genuine smile to Amelia's face. "Don't sweat it! You'll definitely join the Toffees!" she shouted, the excitement clear even as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. Vinyl laughed, and Amelia looked up to see Lyra standing beside her, her stance buoyant despite the game's intensity. "Thanks, Lyra. That means a lot." Amelia replied, her spirits lifted by the encouragement. "Hey, with those moves today? They'd be lucky to have you." Lyra added, giving Amelia a reassuring pat on the back. Octavia came over too, maintaining her composed, elegant demeanour despite the game's exertions, her voice carrying a refined British accent as she complimented the team's efforts. "Indeed, an outstanding display." she said, managing to look nearly as put-together as she did at the start of the match. However, her poised facade was playfully disrupted as Vinyl, ever the spirited contrast to Octavia's refinement, threw an arm around her neck and pulled her in close. The sudden closeness and the casual disruption of her personal space made Octavia huff in mild annoyance, her usual grace momentarily overtaken by the unexpected embrace. "Vinyl, really." Octavia chided, her tone carrying a mix of reprimand and reluctant amusement. Her attempt to straighten herself and regain her composure only added to the charm of the situation. Vinyl, with a wide grin, responded cheekily, "Lighten up, Octy! It's just a bit of fun after all that hard work!" She gave Octavia a gentle squeeze, emphasising her point. Despite her initial resistance, Octavia's features softened, and a small, reluctant smile appeared on her face as she accepted the affectionate gesture. The playful exchange drew laughs from their teammates, highlighting the strong bonds and light-hearted moments that often followed the intensity of their matches. As the laughter and playful teasing flowed between Vinyl and Octavia, Derpy hung back, her posture slightly hesitant, her eyes occasionally darting towards the lively group as she searched for an opening to join the conversation. Noticing her reticence, Amelia decided to bridge the gap. With a few strides, she closed the distance between them, enveloping Derpy in a warm, comforting embrace. As Amelia wrapped her arms snugly around Derpy's waist, she rested her head against her chest, releasing a heavy sigh filled with empathy. "You did good too, Derpy." she murmured, her voice muffled but sincere. Derpy's hands hovered awkwardly before gently returning the embrace, her voice tinged with disappointment. "I didn’t do much really, all I did was run around. I could have scored but, I fumbled it." she confessed, her gaze drifting away, unable to meet Amelia’s eyes. Before Amelia could respond, Lyra, overhearing the exchange, bounced over with her usual buoyant energy. She flashed a bright thumbs up in Derpy’s direction, her smile encouraging. "Not true! You did well drawing out defenders from their position! Creating gaps in the defensive line! You made it possible to create chances! There’s a reason you play for the Toffees, you know!" Lyra exclaimed, her enthusiasm undiminished by Derpy's visible disheartenment. Despite Lyra's spirited defence, Derpy's shoulders slumped slightly, and the frown remained etched on her face, her internal battle evident. She managed a weak smile, a fragile attempt at gratitude. "Okay… Well, I just came over to say you did a great job, Amelia. You’re a great goalkeeper." she said, her voice low and tinged with a trace of resignation. Turning away, she began walking towards the changing room, her steps slow, carrying the weight of her self-doubt. Amelia's brow furrowed with concern as she watched Derpy disappear into the changing room. She turned back to her teammates, a puzzled and worried look crossing her face. "Why is she... sad?" she asked, hoping for some insight that might help her understand Derpy's sudden drop in spirits. Vinyl shook her head, her expression softening into a frown. "She doesn’t have any confidence in herself." she said, her voice tinged with sympathy. It was clear that Vinyl cared deeply, and seeing Derpy struggle was affecting her. Octavia, who usually maintained a composed facade, also looked visibly troubled as she added, "It’s true… It looks like she isn’t interested in the sport anymore." The concern in her voice was unmistakable, hinting at the seriousness of the situation. Amelia's confusion deepened, prompting her to ask, "But why? What happened?" She hoped someone could shed light on the root of Derpy's issues, something that might help them help her. Lyra, normally the group's source of relentless positivity, seemed subdued as she responded. "No idea, she just dropped form one day and she just couldn’t find form again." Her usual bubbly demeanour was dampened by the gravity of Derpy's predicament, her bright energy dimmed by her concern for their friend. Amelia sat quietly, her mind churning with concern for her friend Derpy. As she watched her teammates laugh and chat, her thoughts were elsewhere, tangled in a web of worry. Is Derpy losing her passion for hoofball? she wondered, the question echoing in her head. Could it be that she's struggling because she's not performing as well as she used to? Or perhaps there’s something else at play here? Her gaze drifted, lost in thought. Could it be something personal? Amelia considered the possibilities: issues at home, overwhelming stress, or even deeper emotional struggles like depression. The lack of answers gnawed at her, the uncertainty unsettling. She wished she could peer inside Derpy's mind, to understand, to help. Seeing Derpy so downcast was distressing. Amelia hated to see any of her friends unhappy, and it was especially hard watching Derpy struggle without knowing how to help. What can I do to help her through this? she pondered, her heart heavy with empathy and her desire to support her friend as best as she could. As Amelia stood apart from the boisterous laughter and chatter of her teammates, she felt a familiar pull towards the necklace she always wore, a simple yet profoundly significant piece that once belonged to her father. Her fingers traced the rough edges of the pendant, worn down by years of her seeking solace in its steady presence. Each touch was a silent conversation with the past, a ritual that anchored her amidst life’s swirling uncertainties. Each time doubt crept into her heart, she clutched the necklace, searching for the wisdom her father would have imparted. How would he have navigated this challenge? Though his voice had long since faded into memory, the ritual of touching the pendant bridged the gap between then and now, infusing Amelia with a tranquil clarity. She closed her eyes, allowing the cool metal to press firmly against her palm, its familiar weight grounding her spirit. Deep, measured breaths drew in strength and expelled hesitation, her thoughts centring with each cycle of air. It was more than a meditation; it was a communion with the essence of her father’s enduring guidance. With her resolve fortified, Amelia’s eyes snapped open, a newfound determination gleaming within them. The brief retreat into her inner sanctum had sharpened her focus, steeled her resolve. She felt an invigorating rush of calm certainty, as if her father’s wisdom had suffused her very being. Stepping forward with a resolute stride, she was no longer just Amelia—she was her father’s legacy, ready to uplift and steady her friend Derpy in her moment of need. As Amelia was about to console Derpy, she suddenly found herself ensnared in a bear hug of Olympic proportions. The air whooshed out of her lungs as if she'd just been tackled by a friendly, overenthusiastic linebacker. “Can’t—breathe…” she wheezed, her voice a mere squeak against the constrictor-like embrace, while visions of needing a lung transplant flashed before her eyes. Just as she considered signalling for medical intervention using Morse code, the iron grip released her. The sound of giggling bubbled up from behind her, indicating the source of her near asphyxiation. “Oh, sorry y’all, I couldn’t help it, ya was just amazin’ out there!” Applebloom confessed, her voice sheepish but still tinged with the thrill of the hug attack as she fiddled with her red hair like a cartoon villain pondering their next caper. Amelia straightened up, patting her chest as if searching for any misplaced ribs. “It’s alright, just try not to turn my spine into a pretzel next time, okay? I’m fairly certain Karma didn’t have scoliosis.” she retorted, her voice half-muffled as she checked that all her body parts were still functioning. With a playful glare, she added, “And maybe let’s save the bear hugs for actual bears, yeah? At least they’d have the decency to growl a warning first!” Applebloom’s laughter echoed around them, infectious and bright. Amelia couldn’t help but join in, though she made a mental note to enrol in a quick course on self-defence against enthusiastic huggers—or at least start wearing a sign: ‘Fragile: Handle with Care.’ "Amelia! A minute, please!" The call from Applejack cut through the chatter and laughter like a thunderclap, turning every head. Beside Amelia, Grind Duster paused mid-sentence, his eyes following her sharp pivot towards the source of the voice. As Amelia glanced back, she caught a fleeting glimpse of Derpy disappearing into the shadows of the changing room's doorway, her silhouette a ghostly echo against the dim light. "Wish me luck, guys." Amelia murmured, her voice a mix of hope and trepidation. Her words hung in the air like a fragile promise as she turned to face Applebloom, Vinyl, Octavia, and Lyra. Their nods and smiles were like beacons in the gathering dusk, emboldening her spirit. With a deep breath that felt like drawing courage from the very earth beneath her feet, Amelia jogged over to Applejack, her heart pounding in her chest like a drum of war echoing the steps of a soldier into battle. Each stride was heavy with the gravity of what this meeting might hold, the ground beneath her a tapestry of opportunity and doubt woven tightly together. As she approached, the world seemed to narrow to a tunnel, the edges blurring into irrelevance. The only things in focus were the determined set of Applejack’s face and the grass whispering secrets beneath Amelia's feet. She could almost hear the whispers of fate, weaving through the evening air, tugging at her soul with the age-old question that haunted every aspiring athlete's dreams: Was I good enough? The distance closed, and Amelia stood before Applejack, the weight of the moment settling on her shoulders like a mantle of lead. She could feel the eyes of her teammates on her back, their hopes and fears mingling with her own in a silent chorus of anticipation. This was more than a conversation; it was a crossroads, each word a potential step towards her dreams or a retreat into the shadows of what could have been. Amelia's breath caught in her throat as Applejack opened her mouth to speak, the future hanging precariously in the balance, waiting to be tipped by the scales of Applejack’s judgment. "Amelia." Applejack began, her gaze heavy with a thoughtful intensity that seemed to weigh down the very air between them. "As a goalkeeper... what is your greatest fear?" The words hung in the air, a sudden chill that made Amelia's eyes widen in surprise. The question pierced her, unexpected and profound, something no one had dared to ask before, nor had she dared to consider herself. Why would Applejack pose such a dark inquiry? Was there an ulterior motive woven into this seemingly simple question? After a moment's hesitation, where the silence stretched taut between them like a string waiting to snap, Amelia found the courage to voice the truth that haunted the shadows of her mind. "Failure." she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper, yet carrying the weight of her deepest dread. To her, failure wasn't just losing a game; it was a visceral, consuming fear. She envisioned the goalposts expanding exponentially, mocking her with their vastness. Her hands felt like mere apparitions, incapable of stopping any shot. Each ball that passed her was a ghost through her fingers, a stark reminder of her own perceived inadequacy. This was the essence of her fear: an overwhelming sense of helplessness that threatened to swallow her whole, defining failure in the most personal, harrowing terms. That was why a surge of anger rose within Amelia each time a goal slipped past her defences, dragging her back to the harsh reality that, despite her efforts, the ball would inevitably find the back of the net. This relentless reminder fuelled a fire within her, burning away any illusion of perfection. With every shot that thundered beyond her reach, Amelia was forced to confront her own limitations, the boundaries of her capability starkly outlined against the vivid backdrop of the game. All she could do, amidst the roar of the crowd and the pounding of her heart, was to save what she could, to stretch her skills to their utmost within the confines of her human imperfections. Human… could she even call herself that anymore? Grind Duster’s question reverberated in the charged air, his imposing figure framed by the curling smoke of his cigarette, adding an ethereal quality to his already intense demeanour. Beside him, Applejack stood with equal gravity, her presence commanding and potent. As Grind Duster’s deep voice filled the space, an extraordinary phenomenon unfolded—around each of them, an aura of power began to manifest, visibly pulsating and vibrant, matching the colour of their eyes. Applejack’s aura shimmered a deep emerald green, while Grind Duster’s glowed with a fierce crimson red. The display was awe-inspiring, like witnessing ancient gods unveiling their might, their energy so palpable it almost made the air around Amelia vibrate. Stunned by the spectacle, Amelia felt a momentary awe. The sight of their power, so freely exhibited, was both intimidating and mesmerising, reflecting their strength and passion for the sport. It was a raw display of their spiritual and emotional energy, and for a moment, Amelia felt like she was standing before two colossal figures from an ancient pantheon, each challenging her to rise to their legendary status. “And what is your deepest desire, kid?” Grind Duster’s voice brought Amelia back to the moment, his question slicing through the awe like a blade. Amelia, gathering her resolve and pushing back the intimidation, steadied her voice to match the intensity of the scene before her. “To be the best.” she declared firmly, her words cutting clear and strong through the mystique that the two coaches projected. Her goal was simple yet ambitious, a reflection of her own inner fire that now seemed to kindle in response to the challenge before her. “To be the best.” she repeated, more to herself than to them, affirming her resolve. It was a declaration of her intent not just to excel within the confines of the game but to transcend them, to reach a level of skill and dedication that could one day rival the near-mythic presence of her mentors. As Applejack's smile unfolded, it brought a soft warmth to her weathered features, the corners of her eyes crinkling with genuine approval. At her side, Grind Duster's expression shifted into one of cool detachment. He closed his eyes briefly, his posture relaxing as the intensity that had previously marked his stance seemed to dissolve into the air around them. "Good answer, very good." Applejack's voice resonated with a rich note of commendation, a subtle undertone of pride threading through her words. In stark contrast, Grind Duster's response was a muted grumble; he turned away sharply, his silhouette marked by a slouch of resignation as he strolled off, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his faded jeans, his figure diminishing with each step. Turning back to Amelia, Applejack's expression grew serious, her eyes locking onto Amelia's with a piercing clarity. "Amelia." she began, her voice lowering to convey the gravity of her next words, "even before today's training, before I had fully seen what you are capable of, I had made my decision." She paused, allowing the anticipation to build, her gaze never wavering from Amelia's. "You are to be a part of my project—the future of this club." She let the words hang between them, heavy with implication and promise. After a moment's pause, Applejack continued, the finality in her voice underscoring the importance of her next question. "So, the last question I want to ask you now is this… Do you want to be a part of the Toffees?" As she spoke, Applejack extended her hand, her palm open and inviting. The gesture was more than a formality; it was a symbol of partnership and mutual commitment. Flooded with an overwhelming rush of happiness, Amelia felt as if a reservoir of joy within her was about to overflow. Her heart raced, her mind whirled with the realisation of what this moment meant for her future. All the years of hard training, the setbacks, the moments of doubt—all culminated in this single, life-changing opportunity. With a surge of emotion so powerful it nearly took her breath away, Amelia stepped forward and grasped Applejack's hand. Her grip was firm and confident, a physical manifestation of her inner excitement and resolve. "I will!" she exclaimed, her voice thick with emotion, her words echoing the boundless hope and fierce determination that filled her heart. This handshake sealed her fate, intertwining her path with the storied legacy of the Toffees. That was the moment Amelia became apart of the Toffee’s little family. Chapter 10. > ————————————————— > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No chance she’s gonna humiliate me with a penanka… Scootaloo approached the penalty spot with a nonchalant swagger, her expression unreadable. She maintained this cool facade to keep Amelia on edge, guessing and preparing for any possible outcome. As Scootaloo positioned the ball and stepped back to take her shot, the tension built. Amelia, aware of Scootaloo's potential for trickery, braced herself in goal, her eyes fixed intently on the striker. As Scootaloo started her run-up, Amelia feigned a move to her left, giving the slightest hint of committing to a dive. However, it was a ruse; Amelia smartly anchored her feet, staying central as she anticipated Scootaloo's next move. True to her suspicions, Scootaloo attempted a cheeky panenka, expecting to lob Amelia who she presumed would be diving away. Amelia, having held her ground, watched the slow, arching ball come right towards her. With a calm and collected motion, she caught the ball firmly in her hands, thwarting the attempted chip with ease. A grin spread across Amelia's face as she realised her gamble had paid off perfectly. Meanwhile, Scootaloo's frustration was palpable. She gritted her teeth and shook her head in disbelief, upset that her audacious move had been so easily read and countered. Jogging back to her position to restart the play, Scootaloo's annoyance was clear, but so was her resolve to try again. The dynamics between the goalkeeper and the striker had reached a new level of rivalry, each now fully aware of the other's cunning and skill. 72’ PENALTY SAVED!!! As Scootaloo stepped up for the penalty, the tension on the field was palpable. The crowd quieted, all eyes fixed on the duel between striker and goalkeeper. Scootaloo, known for her unpredictability and flair, took a few confident steps toward the ball, aiming to execute a daring panenka. Her casual demeanour seemed to mask an underlying strategy to outwit Amelia with a soft chip down the centre, betting on the goalkeeper's premature dive to one side. However, Amelia, keenly aware of Scootaloo's penchant for such tricks, prepared herself mentally and physically for any possibility. She maintained her position in the centre of the goal, her body tensed for action but her feet firmly planted. As Scootaloo lightly tapped the ball, lofting it gently towards the goal, Amelia's decision to hold her ground paid off. With a calm and measured move, she simply reached up and caught the ball. The attempted panenka, rather than floating into the net, nestled securely in Amelia's hands. Amelia's successful read of the situation not only thwarted Scootaloo's effort to change the scoreline but also kept the match at a solid 2-0 in favour of her team. The crowd erupted into cheers, applauding Amelia's composure and skill in maintaining the shutout. 81’ SAVE! In the midst of a heated and contentious phase of play, Octavia found herself in a prime position on the right side of the penalty box. With deft control and precision, she unleashed a powerful shot aimed low to the far corner, testing the goalkeeper's reflexes and resolve. Amelia, the pegasus goalkeeper, showcased her agility and sharp instincts as she dove to her right. Stretching her wings and limbs to their fullest, she managed to get a strong hand to the ball, pushing it away from the danger area. Her remarkable save not only thwarted a near-certain goal but also kept her team in the game during a crucial moment. The non-bibs team loudly protested for a foul they believed had occurred during the build-up to Octavia's shot. They argued vehemently, gesturing and pleading their case, but the referee, Applejack, was unmoved. She waved off the appeals, indicating that the play would continue without a call. Amelia's save became even more significant given the controversy, proving to be a vital stop that maintained the balance of the match. Her ability to remain focused and effective under pressure was a testament to her skills and composure as a goalkeeper, ensuring that her team stayed competitive despite the challenges. 86’ SAVE! In a thrilling moment of defensive prowess, Amelia delivered a spectacular save that had the spectators on the edge of their seats. Big Mac, known for his powerful presence in the air, connected with a corner kick and sent a thunderous header rocketing toward the goal. The ball was destined for the back of the net, but Amelia had other plans. With a burst of agility, she launched herself to the left, arms outstretched to their limits. The crowd held its breath as she made contact with the ball, her fingertips pushing it just wide of the post in a display of sheer goalkeeping brilliance. Immediately following Amelia's heroic save, Meadow Song reacted quickly to clear the lingering danger. She volleyed the ball away from the crowded penalty area, ensuring that any follow-up attempts from the opposing team were thwarted. Her prompt clearance helped stabilise the situation, allowing her team to reset and organise defensively. 90+3’ OUTSTANDING TACKLE!! As the game approached its climax, the tension on the field was palpable. The crowd was silent, every eye fixed on the unfolding drama. Octavia, known for her precision and quick thinking, spotted Scootaloo making a daring run towards the opposition's defence. With a swift exchange of passes, they executed a seamless 1-2 play. Octavia's initial pass cut sharply through the midfield, finding Scootaloo who momentarily held the ball, drawing the defenders towards her. With a deft touch, she returned it to Octavia, who flicked it right back over the defence, exploiting the space they had created. Scootaloo, with her legendary speed, dashed past the defensive line, leaving Lyra—a typically fast defender—struggling to keep up. Her wings slightly unfurled, adding an extra burst of speed that no earth pony could match. Ahead lay only the goal, and Amelia, who had advanced slightly out of her box to narrow the angle of the shot. Amelia’s determination was fierce; she had been bested before but was resolved not to let it happen again. Her focus sharpened to a razor's edge as Scootaloo bore down on her. Everything else faded into a blur—her only reality was the ball at Scootaloo's hooves and the grass beneath their feet. As Scootaloo approached, she cleverly manoeuvred the ball to her right with the outside of her boot, a typical setup for a finishing strike. Amelia, anticipating this, shifted her stance to intercept. However, a strange, distorted voice echoed in her mind: Faint… right… Mis—direction… Confused but instinctively trusting the warning, Amelia paused, holding her ground. True to the voice's warning, Scootaloo suddenly flicked the ball to her left, attempting to bypass Amelia's anticipated dive. But Amelia, spurred by the mysterious advice, reacted swiftly. She thrust her foot out, catching the ball with a side-kick that not only cleared it from danger but also accidentally tripped Scootaloo in the process. Scootaloo hit the turf with a mix of surprise and frustration, looking up at Amelia with wide eyes. "How did you know?" she gasped, bewildered by Amelia's uncanny anticipation. Amelia, equally stunned by her own reaction and the unexplained guidance, could only shrug as she regained her stance. "I... I just did." she muttered, unsure herself, her eyes scanning the field as her teammates swiftly transitioned into a counter-attack. Amelia stood a moment longer on the pitch, her mind racing as she processed the strange occurrence. The voice had been so clear, so distinct—it wasn't like anything she had experienced before. As the game resumed and her teammates rallied around her after the save, her thoughts lingered on the mysterious guidance. Could it have been her subconscious? Perhaps, in the heat of the moment, her mind had synthesised her knowledge of Scootaloo's tactics and her observations of the game into a voice, guiding her instincts. It's not uncommon for athletes to experience heightened intuition during critical moments, where their senses sharpen, allowing them to perceive things they might not consciously notice. Alternatively, the voice could be a manifestation of psychological stress. The pressure of the game, the fear of letting another goal slip past her—these could have conjured an auditory hallucination, a mental trick to cope with the high stakes. This phenomenon, while rare, is known to occur in situations of extreme stress or focus. Regardless of the source, the voice had undoubtedly helped her make a pivotal play. It had preempted Scootaloo's misdirection, allowing Amelia to counteract a move that would have likely resulted in a goal. This incident, while puzzling, highlighted the depth of Amelia's mental and physical game—her ability to integrate cues, whether real or imagined, and use them to her advantage. For now, Amelia decided to shelf these questions for later reflection. The immediate need was to maintain her focus on the game, keeping her goal secure. Yet, deep down, she knew this was a moment she would revisit, a curious and unexplained whisper that had made the difference between a save and a score. As she positioned herself for the next play, a part of her remained intrigued by the mystery, wondering if the voice would ever return or if it had been a fleeting gift delivered in her moment of need. The whistle of the wind and the distant cheers seemed to drown out the lingering questions about the mysterious voice. For now, Amelia's focus returned to the game, leaving the enigma unsolved as play continued, her team pushing forward, energised by her critical save. 90+4’ GGGGGGGOOOOOAAAAAALLLLL!!! 2-1! The momentum shifted dramatically following Amelia's spectacular tackle, igniting a rapid counterattack by the non-bibs. Fuelled by the adrenaline of the save, Comet Tail seized the opportunity, darting down the right side of the pitch with the ball at his hooves. His pace was unmatched as he linked up with Apple Cobbler near the halfway line, initiating a swift give-and-go. Apple Cobbler tapped the ball back into Comet Tail's path, allowing him to accelerate towards the goal. However, Thunderlane quickly positioned himself to intercept, his presence a formidable barrier. Despite this, Comet Tail skilfully managed to whip a cross into the penalty area, bending it around Thunderlane's attempted block. The ball sailed towards the goal, creating a moment of chaos in the box. Bon Bon, ever vigilant in defence, jumped high to meet the cross. With a powerful header, she redirected the ball out of the immediate danger area, but her clearance wasn't enough to send it clear of the threat. The ball landed just outside the penalty box, where Minuette was waiting, her expression one of fierce determination. As the ball descended, Minuette locked her eyes on it, her focus intense. With a look of sheer resolve, she timed her approach perfectly, lifting her leg for a thunderous volley. The shot was executed with precision and power, soaring into the top right corner of the net. Caramel, the goalkeeper, made a desperate leap but had no chance to react; the ball was past him before he could fully extend his arms. The goal, scored in the 94rd minute, was a dramatic punctuation to a tense match, bringing the score to 2-1. Minuette's late strike not only showcased her striking prowess but also capped off a swift and effective counterattack that began with Amelia's critical tackle, demonstrating the swift shifts in momentum that can define a hoofball game. 90+5’ THE FULL-TIME WHISTLE WAS BLOWN! Exhausted and emotionally spent, Amelia remained on the ground, the cool night air brushing against her flushed cheeks as she gazed at the starlit sky. The final whistle's echo lingered in her ears, a solemn reminder of the game's outcome. Losing was tough, and admitting it was even tougher. She wasn't overtaken by anger or sadness, instead, a complex feeling of acceptance settled within her. Throughout the game, Amelia had pushed herself to the limits. As a goalkeeper, she had made leaps and dives, each one a testament to her dedication and skill. Yet, despite her best efforts, it wasn't enough to secure a win. Her opponents, Vinyl, Octavia, and Thunderlane, had all performed exceptionally, their talents shining brightly on the field. And Scootaloo—undeniably the match's standout—had dazzled everyone, her prowess undeniable. It pained Amelia to admit how critical Scootaloo had been for the opposing team's success. Amelia's thoughts drifted to Applejack, wondering if her performance had caught the coach's eye. She wasn't aiming for immediate stardom or a direct leap into professional football, but perhaps a spot in the academy, a chance to grow and prove her capabilities further. The uncertainty of what Applejack might decide hung over her like the stars above—bright but distant. Would Applejack see potential in her efforts, or would she dismiss them as insufficient for advancing further? The possibility of being turned away weighed heavily on Amelia's mind. She hoped fervently that she had done enough to merit consideration, to be seen as more than just another player on the field. As she lay there, contemplating her future in the sport she loved, Amelia resolved to accept whatever came next. Whatever Applejack's decision, Amelia knew she had given her all, leaving nothing behind. “Whew! What a game, huh?” A sudden scratchy voice said, the voice belonging to Vinyl. Amelia turned her head toward the familiar voice, seeing Vinyl approach with an energetic stride, her face animated by the night's exploits. The corners of Amelia's mouth twitched upward in a faint smile, despite the ache in her chest from the loss. "Yeah, definitely intense." Amelia responded, pushing herself up to a sitting position and brushing the grass off her uniform. Vinyl plopped down beside her, both looking up at the starry sky for a moment in shared silence. "You were incredible out there." Vinyl added, nudging Amelia gently with her elbow. "Seriously, some of those saves? Out of this world." Amelia let out a small, appreciative sigh, her gaze drifting from the stars back to Vinyl. "Thanks, Vinyl. Could have done more though." she said, the weight of the defeat momentarily lifting as she acknowledged the compliment. Vinyl grinned, her eyes reflecting the night sky. "Don't sweat the scoreboard too much. You’ve shown everyone what you're capable of. Applejack would be nuts not to see that." The encouragement helped ease some of Amelia's worries about her future prospects. "I hope so. Just gotta wait and see, I guess." she mused, her voice tinged with a mix of hope and uncertainty. Lyra's voice cut through the night air, brimming with confidence and support, which brought a more genuine smile to Amelia's face. "Don't sweat it! You'll definitely join the Toffees!" she shouted, the excitement clear even as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. Vinyl laughed, and Amelia looked up to see Lyra standing beside her, her stance buoyant despite the game's intensity. "Thanks, Lyra. That means a lot." Amelia replied, her spirits lifted by the encouragement. "Hey, with those moves today? They'd be lucky to have you." Lyra added, giving Amelia a reassuring pat on the back. Octavia came over too, maintaining her composed, elegant demeanour despite the game's exertions, her voice carrying a refined British accent as she complimented the team's efforts. "Indeed, an outstanding display." she said, managing to look nearly as put-together as she did at the start of the match. However, her poised facade was playfully disrupted as Vinyl, ever the spirited contrast to Octavia's refinement, threw an arm around her neck and pulled her in close. The sudden closeness and the casual disruption of her personal space made Octavia huff in mild annoyance, her usual grace momentarily overtaken by the unexpected embrace. "Vinyl, really." Octavia chided, her tone carrying a mix of reprimand and reluctant amusement. Her attempt to straighten herself and regain her composure only added to the charm of the situation. Vinyl, with a wide grin, responded cheekily, "Lighten up, Octy! It's just a bit of fun after all that hard work!" She gave Octavia a gentle squeeze, emphasising her point. Despite her initial resistance, Octavia's features softened, and a small, reluctant smile appeared on her face as she accepted the affectionate gesture. The playful exchange drew laughs from their teammates, highlighting the strong bonds and light-hearted moments that often followed the intensity of their matches. As the laughter and playful teasing flowed between Vinyl and Octavia, Derpy hung back, her posture slightly hesitant, her eyes occasionally darting towards the lively group as she searched for an opening to join the conversation. Noticing her reticence, Amelia decided to bridge the gap. With a few strides, she closed the distance between them, enveloping Derpy in a warm, comforting embrace. As Amelia wrapped her arms snugly around Derpy's waist, she rested her head against her chest, releasing a heavy sigh filled with empathy. "You did good too, Derpy." she murmured, her voice muffled but sincere. Derpy's hands hovered awkwardly before gently returning the embrace, her voice tinged with disappointment. "I didn’t do much really, all I did was run around. I could have scored but, I fumbled it." she confessed, her gaze drifting away, unable to meet Amelia’s eyes. Before Amelia could respond, Lyra, overhearing the exchange, bounced over with her usual buoyant energy. She flashed a bright thumbs up in Derpy’s direction, her smile encouraging. "Not true! You did well drawing out defenders from their position! Creating gaps in the defensive line! You made it possible to create chances! There’s a reason you play for the Toffees, you know!" Lyra exclaimed, her enthusiasm undiminished by Derpy's visible disheartenment. Despite Lyra's spirited defence, Derpy's shoulders slumped slightly, and the frown remained etched on her face, her internal battle evident. She managed a weak smile, a fragile attempt at gratitude. "Okay… Well, I just came over to say you did a great job, Amelia. You’re a great goalkeeper." she said, her voice low and tinged with a trace of resignation. Turning away, she began walking towards the changing room, her steps slow, carrying the weight of her self-doubt. Amelia's brow furrowed with concern as she watched Derpy disappear into the changing room. She turned back to her teammates, a puzzled and worried look crossing her face. "Why is she... sad?" she asked, hoping for some insight that might help her understand Derpy's sudden drop in spirits. Vinyl shook her head, her expression softening into a frown. "She doesn’t have any confidence in herself." she said, her voice tinged with sympathy. It was clear that Vinyl cared deeply, and seeing Derpy struggle was affecting her. Octavia, who usually maintained a composed facade, also looked visibly troubled as she added, "It’s true… It looks like she isn’t interested in the sport anymore." The concern in her voice was unmistakable, hinting at the seriousness of the situation. Amelia's confusion deepened, prompting her to ask, "But why? What happened?" She hoped someone could shed light on the root of Derpy's issues, something that might help them help her. Lyra, normally the group's source of relentless positivity, seemed subdued as she responded. "No idea, she just dropped form one day and she just couldn’t find form again." Her usual bubbly demeanour was dampened by the gravity of Derpy's predicament, her bright energy dimmed by her concern for their friend. Amelia sat quietly, her mind churning with concern for her friend Derpy. As she watched her teammates laugh and chat, her thoughts were elsewhere, tangled in a web of worry. Is Derpy losing her passion for hoofball? she wondered, the question echoing in her head. Could it be that she's struggling because she's not performing as well as she used to? Or perhaps there’s something else at play here? Her gaze drifted, lost in thought. Could it be something personal? Amelia considered the possibilities: issues at home, overwhelming stress, or even deeper emotional struggles like depression. The lack of answers gnawed at her, the uncertainty unsettling. She wished she could peer inside Derpy's mind, to understand, to help. Seeing Derpy so downcast was distressing. Amelia hated to see any of her friends unhappy, and it was especially hard watching Derpy struggle without knowing how to help. What can I do to help her through this? she pondered, her heart heavy with empathy and her desire to support her friend as best as she could. As Amelia stood apart from the boisterous laughter and chatter of her teammates, she felt a familiar pull towards the necklace she always wore, a simple yet profoundly significant piece that once belonged to her father. Her fingers traced the rough edges of the pendant, worn down by years of her seeking solace in its steady presence. Each touch was a silent conversation with the past, a ritual that anchored her amidst life’s swirling uncertainties. Each time doubt crept into her heart, she clutched the necklace, searching for the wisdom her father would have imparted. How would he have navigated this challenge? Though his voice had long since faded into memory, the ritual of touching the pendant bridged the gap between then and now, infusing Amelia with a tranquil clarity. She closed her eyes, allowing the cool metal to press firmly against her palm, its familiar weight grounding her spirit. Deep, measured breaths drew in strength and expelled hesitation, her thoughts centring with each cycle of air. It was more than a meditation; it was a communion with the essence of her father’s enduring guidance. With her resolve fortified, Amelia’s eyes snapped open, a newfound determination gleaming within them. The brief retreat into her inner sanctum had sharpened her focus, steeled her resolve. She felt an invigorating rush of calm certainty, as if her father’s wisdom had suffused her very being. Stepping forward with a resolute stride, she was no longer just Amelia—she was her father’s legacy, ready to uplift and steady her friend Derpy in her moment of need. As Amelia was about to console Derpy, she suddenly found herself ensnared in a bear hug of Olympic proportions. The air whooshed out of her lungs as if she'd just been tackled by a friendly, overenthusiastic linebacker. “Can’t—breathe…” she wheezed, her voice a mere squeak against the constrictor-like embrace, while visions of needing a lung transplant flashed before her eyes. Just as she considered signalling for medical intervention using Morse code, the iron grip released her. The sound of giggling bubbled up from behind her, indicating the source of her near asphyxiation. “Oh, sorry y’all, I couldn’t help it, ya was just amazin’ out there!” Applebloom confessed, her voice sheepish but still tinged with the thrill of the hug attack as she fiddled with her red hair like a cartoon villain pondering their next caper. Amelia straightened up, patting her chest as if searching for any misplaced ribs. “It’s alright, just try not to turn my spine into a pretzel next time, okay? I’m fairly certain Karma didn’t have scoliosis.” she retorted, her voice half-muffled as she checked that all her body parts were still functioning. With a playful glare, she added, “And maybe let’s save the bear hugs for actual bears, yeah? At least they’d have the decency to growl a warning first!” Applebloom’s laughter echoed around them, infectious and bright. Amelia couldn’t help but join in, though she made a mental note to enrol in a quick course on self-defence against enthusiastic huggers—or at least start wearing a sign: ‘Fragile: Handle with Care.’ "Amelia! A minute, please!" The call from Applejack cut through the chatter and laughter like a thunderclap, turning every head. Beside Amelia, Grind Duster paused mid-sentence, his eyes following her sharp pivot towards the source of the voice. As Amelia glanced back, she caught a fleeting glimpse of Derpy disappearing into the shadows of the changing room's doorway, her silhouette a ghostly echo against the dim light. "Wish me luck, guys." Amelia murmured, her voice a mix of hope and trepidation. Her words hung in the air like a fragile promise as she turned to face Applebloom, Vinyl, Octavia, and Lyra. Their nods and smiles were like beacons in the gathering dusk, emboldening her spirit. With a deep breath that felt like drawing courage from the very earth beneath her feet, Amelia jogged over to Applejack, her heart pounding in her chest like a drum of war echoing the steps of a soldier into battle. Each stride was heavy with the gravity of what this meeting might hold, the ground beneath her a tapestry of opportunity and doubt woven tightly together. As she approached, the world seemed to narrow to a tunnel, the edges blurring into irrelevance. The only things in focus were the determined set of Applejack’s face and the grass whispering secrets beneath Amelia's feet. She could almost hear the whispers of fate, weaving through the evening air, tugging at her soul with the age-old question that haunted every aspiring athlete's dreams: Was I good enough? The distance closed, and Amelia stood before Applejack, the weight of the moment settling on her shoulders like a mantle of lead. She could feel the eyes of her teammates on her back, their hopes and fears mingling with her own in a silent chorus of anticipation. This was more than a conversation; it was a crossroads, each word a potential step towards her dreams or a retreat into the shadows of what could have been. Amelia's breath caught in her throat as Applejack opened her mouth to speak, the future hanging precariously in the balance, waiting to be tipped by the scales of Applejack’s judgment. "Amelia." Applejack began, her gaze heavy with a thoughtful intensity that seemed to weigh down the very air between them. "As a goalkeeper... what is your greatest fear?" The words hung in the air, a sudden chill that made Amelia's eyes widen in surprise. The question pierced her, unexpected and profound, something no one had dared to ask before, nor had she dared to consider herself. Why would Applejack pose such a dark inquiry? Was there an ulterior motive woven into this seemingly simple question? After a moment's hesitation, where the silence stretched taut between them like a string waiting to snap, Amelia found the courage to voice the truth that haunted the shadows of her mind. "Failure." she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper, yet carrying the weight of her deepest dread. To her, failure wasn't just losing a game; it was a visceral, consuming fear. She envisioned the goalposts expanding exponentially, mocking her with their vastness. Her hands felt like mere apparitions, incapable of stopping any shot. Each ball that passed her was a ghost through her fingers, a stark reminder of her own perceived inadequacy. This was the essence of her fear: an overwhelming sense of helplessness that threatened to swallow her whole, defining failure in the most personal, harrowing terms. That was why a surge of anger rose within Amelia each time a goal slipped past her defences, dragging her back to the harsh reality that, despite her efforts, the ball would inevitably find the back of the net. This relentless reminder fuelled a fire within her, burning away any illusion of perfection. With every shot that thundered beyond her reach, Amelia was forced to confront her own limitations, the boundaries of her capability starkly outlined against the vivid backdrop of the game. All she could do, amidst the roar of the crowd and the pounding of her heart, was to save what she could, to stretch her skills to their utmost within the confines of her human imperfections. Human… could she even call herself that anymore? Grind Duster’s question reverberated in the charged air, his imposing figure framed by the curling smoke of his cigarette, adding an ethereal quality to his already intense demeanour. Beside him, Applejack stood with equal gravity, her presence commanding and potent. As Grind Duster’s deep voice filled the space, an extraordinary phenomenon unfolded—around each of them, an aura of power began to manifest, visibly pulsating and vibrant, matching the colour of their eyes. Applejack’s aura shimmered a deep emerald green, while Grind Duster’s glowed with a fierce crimson red. The display was awe-inspiring, like witnessing ancient gods unveiling their might, their energy so palpable it almost made the air around Amelia vibrate. Stunned by the spectacle, Amelia felt a momentary awe. The sight of their power, so freely exhibited, was both intimidating and mesmerising, reflecting their strength and passion for the sport. It was a raw display of their spiritual and emotional energy, and for a moment, Amelia felt like she was standing before two colossal figures from an ancient pantheon, each challenging her to rise to their legendary status. “And what is your deepest desire, kid?” Grind Duster’s voice brought Amelia back to the moment, his question slicing through the awe like a blade. Amelia, gathering her resolve and pushing back the intimidation, steadied her voice to match the intensity of the scene before her. “To be the best.” she declared firmly, her words cutting clear and strong through the mystique that the two coaches projected. Her goal was simple yet ambitious, a reflection of her own inner fire that now seemed to kindle in response to the challenge before her. “To be the best.” she repeated, more to herself than to them, affirming her resolve. It was a declaration of her intent not just to excel within the confines of the game but to transcend them, to reach a level of skill and dedication that could one day rival the near-mythic presence of her mentors. As Applejack's smile unfolded, it brought a soft warmth to her weathered features, the corners of her eyes crinkling with genuine approval. At her side, Grind Duster's expression shifted into one of cool detachment. He closed his eyes briefly, his posture relaxing as the intensity that had previously marked his stance seemed to dissolve into the air around them. "Good answer, very good." Applejack's voice resonated with a rich note of commendation, a subtle undertone of pride threading through her words. In stark contrast, Grind Duster's response was a muted grumble; he turned away sharply, his silhouette marked by a slouch of resignation as he strolled off, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his faded jeans, his figure diminishing with each step. Turning back to Amelia, Applejack's expression grew serious, her eyes locking onto Amelia's with a piercing clarity. "Amelia." she began, her voice lowering to convey the gravity of her next words, "even before today's training, before I had fully seen what you are capable of, I had made my decision." She paused, allowing the anticipation to build, her gaze never wavering from Amelia's. "You are to be a part of my project—the future of this club." She let the words hang between them, heavy with implication and promise. After a moment's pause, Applejack continued, the finality in her voice underscoring the importance of her next question. "So, the last question I want to ask you now is this… Do you want to be a part of the Toffees?" As she spoke, Applejack extended her hand, her palm open and inviting. The gesture was more than a formality; it was a symbol of partnership and mutual commitment. Flooded with an overwhelming rush of happiness, Amelia felt as if a reservoir of joy within her was about to overflow. Her heart raced, her mind whirled with the realisation of what this moment meant for her future. All the years of hard training, the setbacks, the moments of doubt—all culminated in this single, life-changing opportunity. With a surge of emotion so powerful it nearly took her breath away, Amelia stepped forward and grasped Applejack's hand. Her grip was firm and confident, a physical manifestation of her inner excitement and resolve. "I will!" she exclaimed, her voice thick with emotion, her words echoing the boundless hope and fierce determination that filled her heart. This handshake sealed her fate, intertwining her path with the storied legacy of the Toffees. That was the moment Amelia became apart of the Toffee’s little family. Chapter 10. > Chapter 10 - Amelia… I know your little secret. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 After that decisive day, a wave of elation swept through Amelia, banishing any shadows of loneliness that had lingered from her days without football. Her world was now suffused with the vibrant, exhilarating essence of 'hoofball,' a sport that breathed new life into her daily routine and filled her with an uncontainable joy. This newfound happiness resonated deeply within her, stirring the same butterflies in her stomach that had fluttered during her very first training session with Everton. Each drill, each strategy session, and each match felt like a step forward, not just in her skills but in her personal journey towards becoming an integral part of something greater than herself. She was no longer an outsider looking in but a valued member of a prestigious club known for its rich history and competitive spirit. The realisation that she was worthy of this honour—that she had truly earned her place among such talented players—ignited a fire of determination and pride within her. Every pass, every goal, and every game was a chance to prove herself, to embrace the challenges, and to revel in the growth that comes from competing at such a high level. Amelia knew she was exactly where she was meant to be, pushing her limits, achieving new heights, and contributing to the legacy of a remarkable club. Applejack had been clear that Amelia's inclusion in the team wouldn't be immediate. There were documents to sign, formalities to adhere to, and since Amelia was underage, everything hinged on a verbal agreement until the official paperwork could be processed. Crucially, Amelia needed the consent of her parents or guardians, a step that, unexpectedly, became a stumbling block. Fluttershy, Amelia's guardian, seemed hesitant about the whole situation. Each time Amelia tried to bring up joining the hoofball academy or needing a signature, Fluttershy found an excuse to be elsewhere or something urgent that needed her attention. The frown that marred Fluttershy's usually gentle expression whenever the topic arose spoke volumes, though her words on the matter were scarce. This evasion was frustrating and confusing for Amelia. She sensed there was something deeper behind Fluttershy's reluctance, a reason she wasn't ready to discuss. Amelia knew she needed to address this directly, to understand Fluttershy's concerns and hopefully alleviate them. However, she was uncertain how to approach the conversation without causing upset or pushing Fluttershy further away. Torn between her respect for Fluttershy's feelings and her own burning desire to pursue her dreams at the academy, Amelia felt stuck. She needed to find a way to gently open up a dialogue that would allow them to share their feelings and concerns openly. It was crucial not only to moving forward with her football career but also to maintaining their relationship. Amelia was determined to find a respectful and understanding approach to discuss her future, aware that the key lay in communication and empathy. The complications with Fluttershy's approval significantly delayed Amelia's ability to officially join the team and participate in the training sessions. This situation left her on the sidelines, relegated to watching the team's practices from afar, alongside the rest of the fanbase. Each practice she observed was a mix of inspiration and frustration; she could see her future teammates honing their skills, laughing, and growing stronger together, while she could only watch, her hands metaphorically tied by the absence of a simple signature. This separation from active participation gnawed at her daily. Amelia felt a deep yearning to be out there on the field, to be part of the dynamic passes and strategic plays she could only witness from the stands. Her proximity to the team — close enough to see, yet too far to touch — intensified her desire to resolve the situation with Fluttershy and join her peers. As she stood on the edges, watching each training session, Amelia's resolve solidified. She knew she had to address the situation with Fluttershy directly, to understand the root of her guardian's hesitations and hopefully find a resolution that would allow her to move forward. This idle observation wasn't enough; it fuelled her motivation to not only join the team but to become an integral part of it. The vision of herself wearing the team colours and actively contributing on the field became a beacon guiding her next steps. She was determined to turn her current passive observation into active participation and to transform her dreams into reality. As Amelia navigated the emotional turbulence caused by the uncertainty of her situation with Fluttershy, she found a kind of sanctuary in her rigorous physical training. Each day, as she laced up her running shoes to head into the White Tail Woods, a mix of determination and wistful longing filled her. The woods, with their sprawling, untamed paths, became her retreat, a place where she could channel her frustrations and hopes into each stride, pushing her body to its limits while her mind wrestled with the delays and disappointments. The rhythm of her footsteps against the soft earth became a meditative practice, each run a battle against the helplessness that threatened to overwhelm her. Amelia poured her heart into these solitary sessions, her breaths deep and ragged as she pushed up hills and sprinted through clearings, imagining herself on the field with her future teammates. The physical exertion was gruelling, but it brought a cleansing exhaustion that temporarily cleared the clutter of her worries and fears. Back at the cottage, her training continued with a relentless vigour. Each set of exercises, from lunges and squats to high-intensity interval training, was performed with a fierce intensity that left her muscles burning and her spirit somewhat lifted. The sweat that dripped off her brow and stung her eyes was a tangible representation of her inner turmoil and her fierce resolve not to be defined by the circumstances that currently held her back. This self-imposed discipline was both a salvation and a crucible, tempering her spirit and body for the challenges ahead. It was in these moments of physical challenge that Amelia found a raw emotional outlet for her frustration, her ambitions, and her deep-seated fear that her dreams might slip away. Each exhaustive workout was not just preparation for future competitions; it was a defiant assertion of her readiness, a refusal to let her dreams fade quietly into the shadows of what might have been. As Amelia continued her solitary training regimen, her path occasionally crossed with Derpy's daily routine. Derpy, always diligent in her role as Ponyville's mailmare, seemed to take extra care with every parcel and letter she delivered. However, despite her attentiveness to her duties, Derpy often wore a persistent frown—a clear indication that something troubled her deeply. Amelia couldn't help but notice the change in Derpy's demeanour. The once cheerful and somewhat clumsy mailmare now moved with a heaviness that seemed out of character. The subtle shift was enough to pique Amelia's concern, especially as she began to observe how the residents of Ponyville interacted with Derpy. It was a troubling realisation: the looks Derpy received were far from kind or appreciative. There was no admiration for her role as a player for the Toffees, no friendly waves or smiles. Instead, there was a palpable air of disdain, almost bordering on hostility, from some corners of the community. This growing awareness troubled Amelia deeply. She knew Derpy as nothing but kind-hearted and hardworking, undeserving of such cold treatment. The stark contrast between Derpy's gentle nature and the unfounded negativity she faced stirred a mix of confusion and anger in Amelia. Why would Ponyville, a place known for its friendly and accepting community, harbour such feelings towards Derpy? Driven by a growing concern for her friend, Amelia felt compelled to reach out, to understand what had caused this shift in public perception. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding that could be cleared up, or maybe Derpy needed someone to stand by her side during a challenging time. Whatever the reason, Amelia knew that ignoring the situation wasn't an option. Derpy didn’t deserve this treatment, and Amelia was determined to help change it, starting with a supportive conversation to let Derpy know she wasn't alone. Amelia's concocted story about being Fluttershy’s little sister, transferred to Ponyville’s School of Education due to behavioural issues, was beginning to crumble, just as she had feared it might. The fabric of lies she had woven was unraveling, and the impending consequences made her increasingly uneasy. The feeling of dread only intensified when Applebloom appeared at her doorstep, a letter in hand, her expression a mix of concern and urgency. "Amelia, Scootaloo talked to Applejack... she said she's never seen you at school." Applebloom relayed, her voice hesitant. The words struck Amelia like a cold splash of water. Her heart sank, weighed down by the realisation that her deception might cost her a future with the club. Expecting the worst, Amelia took the letter with trembling hands, bracing herself for the fallout. However, as she unfolded the paper, her anxiety gave way to surprise. The letter wasn't a reprimand but a solution. It explained that there had been a mix-up with the school records and, to rectify this, the Toffees had officially enrolled her in the school. It turned out this was Applebloom's idea, an initiative she thought would help smooth things over. Amelia learned something new about the values of the club through the letter; Applejack, and by extension, the Toffees, placed a high importance on education alongside athletic development. This revelation meant Amelia wouldn’t just be training as an athlete but would also be expected to keep up with her studies—a dual commitment that Applejack believed was essential for her growth. The only remaining hurdle was getting Fluttershy’s signature to finalise the school enrolment. Ironically, when Amelia approached Fluttershy with the paperwork, expecting another evasive reaction, she was met with readiness and support. Fluttershy signed without hesitation, smoothing the last wrinkle in Amelia's path. “So, it’s official then, I start school on Monday… yay…” Amelia muttered, the word laced with both sarcasm and a genuine relief. Starting school meant not only resolving the immediate issue but also embarking on a journey that would shape her into a well-rounded individual, both in sports and academics. As she reflected on this new chapter, a small smile crept onto her face, a mix of resignation and anticipation for what was to come. As Amelia stepped out of the doorway, she was dressed in casual clothes that screamed 'I woke up like this because I actually did.' Her duffle bag, slung over one shoulder, was packed to the brim, giving her the appearance of someone who might be running away to join the circus rather than heading to her first day at Ponyville’s School of Education. She adjusted the bag, which felt like it contained every textbook ever printed on the subject of hoofball, along with her bulky goalkeeper gloves which she couldn't bear to leave behind—just in case she needed to make a dramatic save in the middle of history class. With each step toward the school, Amelia rehearsed her introduction, "Hi, I’m Amelia, and I can't decide if I’m here to learn or to train, so I brought everything!" The streets of Ponyville seemed to watch her with amusement as she practiced her best 'I'm totally prepared for this' face, which looked more like a 'I might have overpacked' grimace. The school building itself seemed to smirk back at her as she approached, its doors wide and welcoming—or maybe just ready to swallow her whole into the world of academia and teenage drama. Amelia took a deep breath, half expecting to be tackled by a rogue locker or ambushed by a wild group project the moment she stepped inside. Amelia was just a few steps away from the school entrance when a familiar voice pierced the morning air, its cheery drawl instantly recognisable. "Hey! Amelia!" The call was bright and clear, instantly bringing a smile to Amelia's face. It was Applebloom, whose enthusiastic greetings were infamous for their exuberance—and their potential chiropractic hazards. Instinctively, Amelia whipped around, her movements quick and a little exaggerated, half-expecting to need evasive manoeuvres to dodge one of Applebloom's legendary bear hugs. She braced herself, not for impact, but with a grin, ready for whatever enthusiastic greeting Applebloom had in store today. "Yo, Applebloom!" Amelia called back, raising her hand in a playful wave as her friend approached. She positioned her duffle bag strategically in front of her, half-jokingly using it as a shield against any overly vigorous embraces that might come her way. Applebloom's approach was as energetic as her voice, her steps quick and her smile wide. As she drew near, Amelia noticed her friend seemed to momentarily size up the duffle bag barrier, possibly plotting a hug trajectory that could bypass it. But instead, Applebloom respected the makeshift boundary and settled for an animated, close-standing greeting that thankfully kept Amelia's spine intact. "What's all that in yer bag? Packin' for a whole month or somethin'?" Applebloom teased, nodding toward the overstuffed bag with a playful twinkle in her eye. "Just the essentials: books, boots, and my undying love for hoofball." Amelia quipped, her tone light, enjoying the easy banter that seemed to flow when she was with Applebloom. Applebloom chuckled as they approached the grand steps leading up to the school entrance, her stride confident and playful. “Bet ya got them gloves tucked in there too, huh?” she joked, glancing back at Amelia with a mischievous grin. Amelia laughed, hoisting the duffle bag a little higher on her shoulder as they ascended the stairs together. “Of course, can’t go nowhere without them!” she replied, playing along with the jest. Her goalkeeper gloves were almost a part of her identity now, a symbol of her dedication to the sport she loved. “Never know when you'll need to swoop in for a save, right? Best be ready for anything—a pop quiz or even a flyin' meatball at lunchtime.” Applebloom teased, stepping onto the top stair with an exaggerated look of caution, as if dodging imaginary obstacles. Amelia grinned, entering into the spirit of the banter. “Exactly! And hey, if history class gets too wild, I’m ready to dive into action.” Her words elicited another round of laughter from both of them as they reached the top of the stairs and walked through the large double doors of the school. The playful exchange lightened Amelia’s spirits, easing some of the nervous tension about starting at a new school and balancing her sports career. With a friend like Applebloom by her side, Amelia felt ready to tackle whatever the day might throw at her—be it textbooks or theoretical meatballs. Amelia always found herself smiling whenever she was around Applebloom. There was just something magnetic about her—maybe it was the way they instantly clicked during their first training session, as if someone had scripted their friendship from a feel-good sports movie. Applebloom's energy was like a perpetual motion machine, always one notch higher than Amelia's, even on her best days. Beyond the energy, Applebloom's expertise in fitness was something else. For someone her age, she coached with a professionalism that could make seasoned trainers take notes. She had a knack for fitness that went beyond mere enthusiasm, delving into precise, almost scientific coaching. But with great coaching skills came great... invasion of personal space. Applebloom had a quirky habit of getting a little too close for comfort. She was as hands-on as a tailor fitting a suit, frequently poking and prodding Amelia to check muscle development and form. Though Amelia understood the need for monitoring her fitness progression—it was part of making her a top athlete, after all—she couldn't help but think Applebloom sometimes forgot that she wasn't a mannequin in a shop window. Despite the occasional over-zealous physical assessments, Amelia genuinely appreciated Applebloom’s dedication. It was just part of the package deal with Applebloom, and honestly, Amelia wouldn't have it any other way—though a little heads-up before the impromptu fitness checks wouldn’t hurt! Amelia wandered into the school hallway, which felt more like the belly of a vibrant beast than any school corridor she’d ever seen. The lockers stretched endlessly down each wall, like a metallic rainbow—but without the pot of gold at the end, unless you counted old gym socks and forgotten math homework. She scanned the crowd, noticing that the students were either her height or taller, making her feel like she'd accidentally walked onto a basketball court. Each student's outfit seemed to shout their personality from the rooftops. There were goths draped in enough black to make a vampire squint, jocks wearing jerseys so bright they could cause traffic accidents, and tech geeks with T-shirts coded with more binary than a computer science exam. "This is nothing like the hallways back in England. It's all so... Americany." Amelia thought, the term summing up everything from the super-sized backpacks to the triple-decker sandwiches being passed around. It was like everyone had taken the phrase "express yourself" and cranked it up to a hundred. As she navigated through the bustling maze of students, Amelia dodged a flying frisbee (because why not have a frisbee in the hall?), sidestepped a skateboarder (indoors really?), and nearly tripped over someone’s pet ferret (was that even allowed?). "Note to self." she mused, "bring a helmet tomorrow." Chuckling to herself, Amelia decided that if high school in America was like navigating a wild, unpredictable circus every day, then she was at least going to learn how to juggle. With a shake of her head and a smile on her face, she continued down the hallway, ready for whatever else this 'Ameriany' place had to throw at her. Applebloom caught Amelia's expression as they weaved through the bustling hallway—her eyes wide, almost comically so, as she took in the riotous spectacle that was a typical morning at Ponyville’s School of Education. With a sly grin, Applebloom nudged Amelia playfully. “What's on your mind, Amelia? It's like you ain't never set foot in a schoolhouse before.” she teased, her voice rich with amusement. Amelia's response was half-drowned out by a group of drama students enthusiastically rehearsing their lines with Shakespearean flair right in the middle of the corridor. “Just… wow!” she exclaimed, her voice rising to be heard over the impromptu performance. She shook her head slightly, a bemused smile tugging at her lips as she watched a student skateboard down the hall, textbooks precariously balanced under one arm. “So this is Ponyville’s School of Education, ay?” she muttered to herself, her tone a mix of disbelief and dawning realisation. “More like Ponyville's School of Chaos, if you ask me.” Applebloom quipped right back, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She gestured broadly at the scene around them—a mix of students dressed in everything from punk rock outfits to what could only be described as experimental fashion statements involving too much neon. Amelia laughed, her initial shock fading into intrigued amusement. "I think I saw a parrot in someone’s backpack." she whispered conspiratorially to Applebloom, who only nodded as if to say that was one of the more normal sights around here. “Just you wait 'til you see them pep rallies.” Applebloom continued with a chuckle. “They sure bring a whole new meanin' to 'school spirit.' Imagine all this chaos, but tossed up with pom-poms and glitter cannons to boot.” Amelia glanced around again, this time with a grin. "I'm starting to think I should have brought a map," she joked, adjusting her bag on her shoulder as she stepped aside to avoid a flying frisbee—P.E. class had clearly just let out. With every step, the school seemed to pulse with a life of its own, and Amelia, guided by Applebloom’s cheerful commentary, began to feel less like an outsider and more like a new recruit to the most eclectic club in town. As they continued their trek through the hallway, Amelia realised that her school days here would be anything but dull. As Applebloom and Amelia strolled through the school hallway, it seemed every unicorn, earth pony, and pegasus had suddenly turned into nosy neighbours at a block party. Murmurs and whispers floated around, forming a curious bubble of gossip—all centred on Amelia, who looked as confused as a squirrel on a surfboard. “Why are they looking at me, Applebloom?” Amelia asked, nudging her friend in the hopes of some enlightenment. “Oh, I don't know, it might be 'cause you're new here, or it might be your colours, or it might just be the fact that your face has been plastered all over the media for the past four days for bein' a pegasus and a goalkeeper... take your pick!” Applebloom teased, wagging her eyebrows comically. Amelia rubbed the back of her head, her face lighting up with a sheepish grin. “Oh yeah, I am, aren’t I?” she replied, chuckling nervously. Forgetting you're a minor celebrity was easy when you spent your days dodging footballs and not paparazzi. Now, caught in the hallway spotlight, Amelia felt like she might just need to practice signing autographs along with flying saves. Applebloom dodged a rogue backpack attempting a great escape into the corridor, pulling Amelia along as they navigated the school's hallway. It was as lively as a Hollywood premiere, and they seemed to be the main stars, complete with an imaginary red carpet beneath their hooves. With a twinkle of mischief in her eyes, Applebloom couldn't resist throwing a playful tease into the mix. "Get used to it, Amelia. You're the talk of the village lately, as everypony's dyin' to know who the young pegasus is that played in goal at the Toffee's training session." she said with a laugh, nodding towards a group of students who looked as though they'd just spotted a celebrity, or perhaps a unicorn at a donkey party—their faces a mix of shock and sheer entertainment. As they pressed on, the hallway seemed to transform into their own personal parade route, bustling with the hustle of a busy market. Curious glances stuck to them like gum on a shoe, and whispers fluttered around them like a flock of gossipy pigeons. Amelia, slightly embarrassed yet secretly thrilled, sported a grin that could barely hide her bemusement. The idea that her goalkeeping antics had turned her into the village's latest phenomenon was absurd—clearly, being a pegasus with a knack for blocking footballs was the newest, quirkiest trend in town. As Amelia navigated the bustling school hallway, bathed in curious and admiring glances from her new classmates, she couldn't help but notice Scootaloo in the periphery of her vision. Scootaloo was engrossed in her locker, treating it like a DJ booth at a festival, flipping and sorting her books with the rhythmic precision of someone dropping beats rather than organising algebra textbooks. Despite the whirl of activity that seemed to orbit Amelia like moons around a planet, Scootaloo appeared completely unfazed by the surrounding hullabaloo. From a safe distance, Amelia watched her, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. Her stomach knotted up, not from the day’s excitement or a missed breakfast, but from the anxiety of potentially having to interact with Scootaloo again. The memory of their last, possibly contentious meeting hung between them like an unseen but palpably awkward cloud. Amelia's apprehension wasn’t fuelled by dislike but rather the uncertainty of how their next conversation might unfold. Would it be a casual exchange, or another chapter in what could be an ongoing saga of teenage drama? Only time would tell, and as Amelia continued down the corridor, she braced herself for whatever might come her way. Scootaloo was decked out in her signature laid-back style: a vibrant purple tank top that boldly declared 'I'm here to chill,' matched with rugged dark green cargo shorts and practical black trainers, projecting an air of cool nonchalance. Next to her, a unicorn sporting an unfortunate blond combover and light purple fur tried to lean against the lockers with what he imagined was nonchalant ease. His yellow eyes sought Scootaloo's attention, attempting to charm her with a gaze that was supposed to be captivating but instead resembled a hungry wolf stalking a particularly elusive lamb chop. Scootaloo, manifestly unimpressed, dismissed his advances with the same disdain one might reserve for persistent pop-up ads on a favourite website. Her expression, as stern and unwelcoming as a fortress wall, Scootaloo slammed her locker shut with a force that seemed to send shockwaves through the corridor, the sound reverberating like a gunshot in the quiet moments of an action movie. She secured the lock with a definitive click that echoed ominously down the hall. Then, with the stormy grace of a ship cutting through turbulent seas, she manoeuvred past Amelia and Applebloom. She offered them no acknowledgement, not even a fleeting glance, as she marched through the throng of students. Her demeanour remained impeccably cool, an undisturbed façade as she navigated the bustling corridor, leaving in her wake a trail of baffled stares and the haunting aura of teenage angst and unresolved tensions. The purple unicorn, his annoyance palpable, peeled away from the lockers with a huff. Each step he took was exaggerated, almost theatrical, as he made his grand exit in the opposite direction of Scootaloo. Muttering to himself, he resembled a disgruntled actor rehearsing lines for a play no one else would see. His eyebrows were knotted in frustration, and every few steps, he'd toss a dramatic glance over his shoulder, as if expecting the scenery—or Scootaloo's indifference—to have magically changed. As he wove through the crowd of students, his murmurs became a comical soliloquy on the injustices of unrequited social attempts. "Next time, I'll open with a joke." or "Maybe I need a more impressive mane style." he plotted aloud, oblivious to the amused glances he attracted from his peers. The unicorn's internal debate on the art of conversation was a humorous spectacle, serving as a live demonstration of how not to handle rejection. Applebloom watched Royal Rune’s flustered exit with a blend of amusement and exasperation. “When's Royal Rune gonna throw in the towel?” she mused aloud, her eyes rolling theatrically as if they were auditioning for a role in a silent film. The sight of the storming unicorn was like watching a melodrama unfold in real-time. Amelia blinked in disbelief, her eyebrow arching so high it nearly disappeared into her mane. “Wait… was he trying to… hit on her!? Someone like her?” The idea seemed as likely as a cat volunteering for a bath. Amelia couldn’t fathom why any pony would try to charm someone whose smile was as rare as a friendly troll. “Well, they were an item once, but then somethin' mega happened and BOOM!—they split.” Applebloom elaborated, gesturing dramatically as they turned down another corridor. Amelia trotted behind, her mind racing with images of what that ‘mega’ something could be. “Really… I wonder what happened?” Amelia mused, her imagination spinning wild tales. She first pictured Royal Rune cheating on Scootaloo, only to immediately conjure up an image of Scootaloo giving Royal a legendary thrashing that would discourage even the bravest stallion from crossing her path again. No way Royal would be wooing her with lovey-dovey eyes after surviving that tornado, she thought. Then her mind flipped to a potential blowout argument, maybe over something trivial like who left the cap off the toothpaste. But again, the scenario ended with Royal Rune metaphorically licking his wounds. Each scenario Amelia cooked up ended with Royal getting metaphorically—or literally—battered. As the school bells chimed with sudden urgency, marking the start of the day's lessons, the hallway quickly began to empty. Students filed out, disappearing into classrooms as methodically as ingredients vanishing into a recipe. Left behind in the rapidly clearing space, Amelia had an unsettling realisation—she had no idea where she was supposed to be. Until that moment, she had been merely following Applebloom, trusting her new friend’s lead. “Errr, Applebloom… where are we going?” Amelia asked, her voice tinged with the worry of someone who might be walking into detention instead of English class. The prospect of being late on her first day knotted her stomach. “Don't worry, just keep followin' me.” Applebloom replied with a nonchalance that seemed almost rehearsed, as if she’d skipped math more than just a few times. Amelia raised an eyebrow. Was Applebloom leading her on a detour around the school? She pondered the notion briefly, thinking, She must have math... I wouldn’t blame her for skipping that. As they continued their way down the hall, Amelia couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension about her unplanned adventure. Maybe this unexpected tour wasn't such a bad introduction to her new school after all. As Amelia ascended to the second floor, it became apparent that her first day was doubling as an unguided exploration of an architectural oddity. Following Applebloom silently through the school’s corridors, she felt a growing sense of bewilderment. Unlike the orderly, predictable hallways of her previous schools in England, this place was a maze of whimsy. Each corridor seemed to play by its own rules: some were narrow, squeezing the students through like a crowded market street, while others broadened unexpectedly into expansive spaces, as if the walls themselves were breathing in and out. The ceilings varied dramatically too—some dipped cozily close overhead, while others stretched ambitiously towards the sky, making Amelia feel as though she was wandering through different realms rather than a school. Moreover, the hallways twisted into unusual shapes that defied typical architectural logic. At one point, Amelia was almost certain she was navigating a hexagon-shaped corridor, its angles giving the impression of a kaleidoscope rather than a path to a classroom. The overall effect was disorienting—it felt as though the school was possessed by a playful spirit, intent on turning a simple walk to class into an adventure through a fantastical landscape. As Amelia navigated the ever-bizarre corridors of her new school, her initial shock morphed into a blend of amusement and mild concern. "Applebloom... did I just... walk down a hexagon-shaped hallway decked out with propaganda for chaos?" she quizzed, her eyes wide as she took in the absurdity plastered along the walls. Each poster seemed to outdo the last in its commitment to mayhem. One depicted a bespectacled cat in a lab coat mixing potions that exploded into tiny, dancing copies of itself, with the slogan "Chaos is the only constant!" Another showed a parade of frogs on unicycles, their merry hops scattering papers into the air under the banner "Leap into randomness!" Applebloom chuckled, her voice dripping with mischief as she replied, "Oh, you're about to find that out real soon. Just you wait." Her nonchalance suggested she'd seen it all before, perhaps even contributing to the pandemonium. Amelia's journey down the corridor felt like a stroll through a carnival funhouse designed by a committee of eccentric artists and mad scientists. It was clear that the school's interior decorator had taken "think outside the box" as a personal challenge. As they continued, Amelia half expected to bump into a teacher juggling textbooks or a janitor sweeping up glitter. This wasn't just a school; it was a playground for the creatively unhinged, and she was unwittingly becoming one of its main attractions. Who the hell is the head teacher of this place? Caught completely off-guard, Amelia was just piecing together the normalcy of hallway picnics and gravity-defying furniture when Applebloom threw another curveball. She stopped beside a floating coffee table, seemingly staging a picnic for scholarly tomes, and spun around with a glint of excitement. "You ready, partner?" she asked, beaming. "Ready for wh—" Amelia's response was abruptly interrupted as Applebloom tapped a deceptively plain wall, which promptly betrayed its facade by initiating an unexpected ascent. Panic flared in Amelia as the floor began to rise, her eyes darting to the ceiling in alarm, half-expecting a swift introduction to the upper floors the hard way. But instead of impending doom, the ceiling expanded upwards in sync with the floor, transforming the corridor into a vertical traveling room. Amelia's mind raced. What the hell is going on in this school? Is this whole corridor an elevator? How is that even possible? "It's a magic elevator." Applebloom said, barely containing her laughter at Amelia's wide-eyed astonishment. "Or, as I like to call it, the 'express lane.' Most students don't know about it. Keeps the stair traffic down." As they continued to ascend, the walls around them flickered subtly, revealing glimpses of mechanical gears and shimmering enchantments that blurred the lines between technology and magic. Amelia, now clinging to the rail that had conveniently appeared beside them, could only marvel at the ingenious madness of it all. "Just when you think you've got the layout figured out, the school likes to remind you that you really, really don't." Applebloom added with a wink. Amelia nodded, her initial shock giving way to a mix of thrill and curiosity. Amelia’s mind was a whirlwind of astonishment as the elevator disguised as a corridor continued its ascent. The school’s quirks were unfolding like pages in an adventure book she hadn’t realised she’d signed up to be in. Applebloom’s nonchalant demeanour only added to the surreal experience, affirming that unexpected elevations were just part of a regular day here. The thought made Amelia smirk. “So, this school’s a bit of a maze with magic elevators? What’s next? A classroom that doubles as a dragon’s den?” Applebloom laughed, a sound that seemed to echo off the walls of their rising platform. “You joke, but we do have the 'Enchanted Creatures' class on the third floor. No dragons, though—health and safety and all that.” Amelia’s eyebrows shot up. “Really now?” “Yep, but don’t worry, no pegasus-eating monsters here. The worst you’ll find is a grumpy old minotaur who teaches Algebra, and trust me, his tests are the scariest things in this school.” Amelia let out a relieved sigh, her earlier nerves easing into a tentative excitement about her new school environment. “Well, as long as it’s just Algebra monsters, I might survive this place.” The elevator ground to a halt as smoothly as a shopping cart with a wobbly wheel, and a completely superfluous "ding" echoed through the space—a sound that seemed sarcastically redundant, like clapping after a one-man show in an empty theatre. "Nice one, 'express lane...'" Amelia muttered under her breath, her tone laced with so much irony it could've rusted. The corridor ahead unrolled itself like a macabre red carpet at an award show for the most dramatically morose historical figures. The walls were adorned with portraits of past ponies, unicorns, and pegasi, each illuminated by a stark headlamp that seemed less about lighting and more about interrogation. These stoic faces had the stern look of teachers who might give you a pop quiz just for breathing too loudly. At the corridor's dramatic conclusion, a lone headlight bore down on a wooden door with all the subtlety of a spotlight at a surprise police checkpoint. The setting could easily double as the stage for a gothic novel's climax, or a low-budget horror film where the door ominously creaks open to reveal a tax auditor ready to discuss unfiled returns. “Well, good luck, Amelia! You got this!” Applebloom’s cheerfully impish voice cut through the tension, as she seemed more entertained than concerned. “Wait, wha—” Amelia’s confusion got the better of her, but before she could process the situation, Applebloom tapped the wall casually, like one might press a crosswalk button, triggering a secret descent just for herself. "Hey! Wait!" Amelia yelled, dashing toward the vanishing Applebloom. But as she neared, a lid snapped shut from above with the precision of a magician's trapdoor, sealing the opening as if it were never there. Amelia halted so abruptly she almost performed an accidental somersault. "Damn this chaotic hell hole!" she exclaimed, half expecting the walls to laugh back at her. Now truly on her own, Amelia squared her shoulders and faced the ominous door once more. With the air of a soldier marching into a peculiar battle, she approached, narrating her own steps like a tour guide on a ghost walk. She raised her hand with a theatrical flourish and knocked boldly, the sound echoing back like the ominous clap of thunder in a horror movie. Ready for anything—from a hoard of theatrical janitors armed with feather dusters to a room that might spin or sink—Amelia prepared to meet her 'final boss,' whatever guise that might take. At this school, it seemed, every door could lead to a new act in a comedy of errors. As Amelia's knock reverberated ominously through the corridor, she braced for impact, half-expecting the door to do anything but open normally. Maybe it would sprout legs and run away, or demand a password in an ancient language. Given her morning, nothing would have been too outlandish. But instead, the door swung open with the plain, untheatrical squeak of well-oiled hinges. Just a door, opening like any door in the history of doors. Amelia blinked twice, taken aback by the sheer audacity of normalcy. "Why was that the most normal thing that happened today?" Amelia whispered incredulously, her voice dripping with irony. She half-expected the door to snap back with a witty retort, but alas, it remained wonderfully, stubbornly normal. Amelia's entry into the room was a hesitant shuffle, her senses still on high alert for the unexpected—a lurking pixie, perhaps, or a spontaneously combusting bookshelf. But no, the room was disarmingly plain, furnished with the typical schoolroom staples: a chalkboard that wasn't predicting the future, desks neatly aligned like a small army of discipline, and a globe that, on inspection, didn't spin itself to reveal hidden compartments. "Really, door? No secret handshake? No three-headed guard dog?" she quipped, addressing the mundane threshold with a tone rich in mock disappointment. The door, ever the stoic guardian of normalcy, offered no reply, standing firm in its blandness. It was both a soothing balm and a bizarre anticlimax after a morning that seemed scripted by a committee of caffeinated fantasy writers. With a shrug and a smirk, Amelia ventured deeper into the room, her gaze sweeping over the painfully ordinary setting. She half-expected the chairs to start doing the can-can or the ceiling tiles to rearrange themselves into a helpful message. But nothing. The most exciting thing in the room was a slightly askew clock, and even that was just lazily ticking away, perfectly synchronised with the mundane world outside. Amelia selected a seat smack in the middle of the classroom, the strategic location offering a good vantage point for observing any potential weirdness—or escaping it. She dropped her duffle bag beside the desk with a thud that seemed to echo in the quiet room. She half-expected the bag to sprout legs and scurry away, or the desk to start floating like the furniture earlier. She waited a beat. Nothing. No magical desks, no sentient school supplies. Just the silent hum of a very ordinary classroom. "Did something happen yet? No? Huh... figures," she muttered to herself, her voice dripping with a blend of relief and a twinge of disappointment. It was almost unsettling, how normal everything seemed after her morning of absurdities. Settling into her chair, Amelia let out a small sigh and glanced around. The room remained steadfastly unremarkable, each corner obediently conforming to the laws of physics and common sense—a rarity for the day. With a wry smile, Amelia leaned back, resigning herself to the unexpected challenge of a potentially uneventful class. "Alright, normal class, do your worst." she whispered sarcastically, preparing herself for an hour of what she assumed would be the most dangerous adventure yet: predictability. As Amelia sat in the seemingly timeless void of the empty classroom, her thoughts meandered. "So, am I super early, or am I not in the right place at all?" she wondered aloud, her voice echoing slightly as she stretched languidly, unleashing a yawn so powerful it could have set off car alarms. She dug at her eyes, trying to excavate the lingering sleep, when suddenly the mundane became the absurd. The air was filled with the unmistakable sound of crashing ocean waves, as if someone had mistakenly swapped her classroom ambiance soundtrack with one from a "beach relaxation" CD. The temperature spiked so abruptly it felt like the sun had mistaken her coordinates for its midday peak, and the light—oh, the light! It blazed through her closed eyelids, prompting her to shield her eyes like a vampire at a sunrise party. And the seagulls! Their cries swooped in, each squawk a reminder of the looming threat of guano from above. "What the hell just happened!?" Amelia exclaimed, her confusion blooming into full-blown bewilderment. As she cautiously opened her eyes, the scene before her was nothing short of a holiday brochure come to life. Gone were the chalkboards and desks, replaced by an expansive beach that stretched infinitely into a horizon painted with the hues of a postcard sunset. She was suddenly lounging on a sunbed, inexplicably adorned with a straw hat, dressed in her least beach-appropriate outfit—black jeans and trainers, topped with a flannel shirt with a white hoodie underneath. Not exactly the recommended attire for sunbathing. “WHAT THE HELL!!!!!” Her shout echoed off the imaginary walls of her new sandy locale. As she sat up, taking in the bizarre situation, she couldn't help but laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of her predicament. She scanned the horizon half-expecting to see a surf instructor approaching with a board under one arm and a syllabus under the other. Amelia stood up, shaking sand from places she never thought she'd need to in a classroom setting. "Well, if I'm here, might as well look for the snack bar." she mused aloud, her voice tinged with mock seriousness as she began to trudge through the sand, her black trainers sinking slightly with each step. "Maybe there's a quiz on piña coladas or a final exam on beach volleyball strategy." With a determined nod, she set off to explore this ludicrously picturesque "classroom," ready to tackle whatever tropical challenges—or cocktails—came her way. As Amelia waded through the elaborately staged beach scene, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she had accidentally wandered onto the set of a beach party planned by someone who’d only ever read about beaches in fantasy novels. The palm trees looked like they’d been placed by a committee of enthusiastic toddlers, each one jauntily sporting a coconut dangerously poised as if waiting for the right comedic moment to drop. The beach equipment seemed to have been abandoned mid-fiesta by a crew of vanishing vacationers. Sunscreen bottles stood like lonely sentinels on the brink of a sunburn crisis, and beach balls lay deflated, looking more like colourful pancakes than instruments of fun. Each cocktail glass shimmered with a concoction so bright and inviting that Amelia half expected them to start belting out Broadway tunes. Shrugging off her flannel and slinging her hoodie like a casual cape, Amelia trudged forward, her black jeans absorbing heat like a personal sauna—because, of course, who doesn’t wear black jeans to a beach? A faint sound echoed in the distance, the sound of jaunty beach music floating towards her, improbably peppy and suspiciously familiar. “Is my life now a badly scripted sitcom with its own theme music?” she muttered, half expecting a laugh track to follow her rhetorical question. As she followed the infectious beat, Amelia envisioned what sort of absurdity might be orchestrating such a tune—perhaps a band of entrepreneurial crabs with miniature instruments, or maybe a group of seagulls DJing from atop their perch, spinning records with their beaks. The music seemed to sashay through the air, luring her onward with the promise of a punchline at its source. With every sandy step, Amelia prepared herself to stumble upon the most bizarre beach bash—maybe a mermaid’s Tupperware party or a jellyfish’s jelly tasting event. She kept her eyes peeled for the sight of octopuses serving drinks with their many arms or dolphins in bow ties performing acrobatic flips, because at this point, nothing would surprise her. Whatever awaited her at the music’s source, Amelia knew it was bound to be the cherry on top of this weirdly whimsical day. So, with a resigned chuckle and a shake of her head, she marched on, ready to dance with whatever sea creatures or sand sculptures dared to join her at this unexpected beachside soiree. As Amelia continued her march towards the source of the music, the tune became unmistakable. "Show Me Love" by Steve Angello and Laidback Luke, a clear favourite from her own Earth playlist, was blaring from a set of speakers nestled in a wildly decorated tiki hut bar. The scene was so vividly detailed it could rival any beach party back home, complete with string lights twinkling in broad daylight and bamboo accents that screamed tropical kitsch. Amelia paused, her confusion deepening. How on Equestria—or rather, in Equestria—did a pony DJ get a hold of an Earth song? The only logical explanation, she mused with a growing sense of surreal acceptance, was that she was dreaming. "Yep, must’ve nodded off in that classroom. That’s it. This is just a very, very vivid nap." she reassured herself, her mind trying to rationalise the bizarre beach escapade as nothing more than a sleep-induced fantasy. With her new theory in place—that she was merely the star of her own dream—Amelia's approach to the tiki bar changed. She sauntered up with the confidence of someone who knew they could wake up at any moment. The bartender, a surprisingly dapper-looking octopus with a flair for flair, shook up cocktails with an agility that defied his invertebrate nature. "Hit me with your best shot." Amelia called out to the octopus bartender, adopting the swagger of a dream-world adventurer. "And make it weird!" she added, fully embracing the absurdity of her supposed dream state. The octopus, undeterred by the odd request, mixed a drink that shimmered with colours that Amelia was pretty sure didn't exist in the waking world. As she took the concoction handed to her by a tentacle, she toasted to the empty air. "Here’s to the wildest dream I’ve ever had!" Amelia sipped the psychedelic beverage, the music and surreal surroundings blending into a scene so bizarrely delightful, she couldn't help but hope her real-world nap would last just a little longer. After all, who would want to wake up from a beach party thrown by an octopus DJ playing Earth hits, in a world where the sand was just the right kind of soft and the ocean always sparkled perfectly under the sun? “My, my, somepony is having a good time.” A jovial voice exclaimed next to her, making Amelia spin on the stool she sat on. Sitting there on the stool next to her was an abomination she had never seen before, a creature gone chaotic in appearance. Amelia's already quirky beach escapade took a turn for the wildly bizarre as she faced her new companion at the bar. The creature looked as if he had raided a costume shop during a power outage, assembling an outfit that was part fashion disaster, part tropical vacation brochure. He lounged on his stool with the careless ease of someone who had mastered the art of chaos. His body was a patchwork of mismatched animal features: one leg resembled a lion's, complete with fur and all, while the other looked more like it belonged to a zebra, stripes and all. His arms were equally eclectic, one scaly and reptilian, the other fluffy and distinctly more mammalian. "What, no reaction to my summer ensemble?" he quipped, adjusting his ludicrously large sunglasses as if they were the most normal accessory in the world. The straw hat was perched so precariously on his head that Amelia was convinced it was a moment away from declaring independence and flying off with the seagulls. His laughter was infectious, a sound that seemed to warp the very air around them, making the palm trees sway more enthusiastically, as if dancing to the beat of the absurdity. Amelia couldn't help but laugh, the situation too surreal to warrant anything but delight and disbelief. "You look like you've come straight out of a fashion show organised by a tornado." she remarked, her tone light and playful. "Ah, but isn’t that the best kind of fashion show?" he responded, swirling what appeared to be a cocktail made of liquid rainbow. "Where else could you see such a marvellous clash of style and confusion?" As they chatted, the creature occasionally gestured so dramatically that Amelia half-expected little storms to start brewing around his fingertips. Drinks mysteriously refilled themselves whenever he waved his hand, and Amelia was pretty sure she saw a coconut spontaneously do a backflip in the background. The beach party of her dreams—or was it a dream at all?—was turning out to be an unforgettable adventure, thanks in no small part to the flamboyant chaos master sitting beside her, whose outfit clashed so spectacularly with everything that Amelia decided he must be the unofficial king of the beach bash. Together, they raised their glasses—hers a simple fruity concoction, his a swirling nebula of colours—to the strangeness of it all, revelling in the delightful unpredictability of wherever, or whatever, this place was. The creature sipped from his wildly swirling drink, which seemed to shimmer with a kind of internal lightshow that defied the laws of physics and good taste. Amelia, somewhat more cautiously, took another gulp of her less psychedelic concoction, both of them letting out contented sighs. Amelia turned toward the creature, her curiosity piqued by his extravagant display and chaotic vibe. "So, what's your name, creature of my imagination?" she asked, her voice a mix of amusement and wonder. He placed his drink down with theatrical flair, his grin widening under the shadow of his straw hat. "Name? Oh, my dear, names are so limiting, don't you think?" he teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief behind the oversized sunglasses. "But for the sake of conversation and your mental comfort, you can call me... Discord." "Discord?" Amelia repeated, trying not to chuckle at the absurdity of it all. "That sounds like a name picked out of a hat at a particularly strange hat party." "Exactly!" Discord exclaimed, clapping his hands delightedly, causing a small burst of confetti to inexplicably pop out of thin air. "A name should be an adventure in itself, a story waiting to be told. Don't you agree?" Amelia nodded, her smile broadening. "Well, Discord, you certainly make for a memorable figure in this already bizarre beach party of my mind." Discord leaned in, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "And what if I told you, Amelia, that this isn't just the concoction of your sleepy subconscious at play? What if this is as real as the sand beneath your feet and the sun above your head?" Amelia raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the playful seriousness in his tone. "Then I'd say this is one reality I wouldn't mind sticking around for a bit longer." she replied, her gaze drifting back to the sea, wondering what other surprises lay in store for her in this dreamlike world—or was it a dream at all? Amelia's eyes widened in amazement as the glass magically returned to Discord's hand, refilled as if by an invisible bartender. "So, if I’m not dreaming at all… where am I?” she inquired, her curiosity piqued by the continuous unraveling of reality around her. “Well, this… this is my place of relaxation, which counterintuitively is also my office!” Discord said, his voice rich with amusement. He waved his hand nonchalantly, and the glass in his grasp danced with the colourful liquid, mimicking the waves of the ocean before them. "This is where I come to unwind, to stretch the limits of what can be considered 'normal.'" he continued, gesturing broadly at the surreal beachscape that surrounded them. "It's a little pocket of chaos, crafted to perfection, where the unexpected is the only expectation." Amelia took a moment to absorb his words, her gaze drifting over the picturesque scene that was his so-called office. "A beach that’s also an office? That’s... actually quite brilliant." she mused, her mind briefly wandering to her own mundane office back home, which severely lacked in sand and sea. "And how does one get invited to your office? Or did I just crash your solitary beach day?" Amelia asked with a smirk, the bizarre reality of her situation becoming more delightful by the moment. Discord chuckled, a sound that seemed to ripple through the air, causing a nearby palm tree to sway more enthusiastically than the breeze warranted. "Oh, one does not simply 'crash' here. Consider it a special invitation from the cosmos—or perhaps from chaos itself. You’re here because you’re meant to be here, at least for now." Amelia nodded, accepting the logic of her host’s chaotic domain. "Well then, Discord, since I’m here and this isn’t a dream…" she said, raising her glass to the surreal surroundings, "let’s make the most of it. What does one do for fun in a place where the rules of reality are more like... guidelines?" Discord’s eyes sparkled with delight at her question. "Oh, the possibilities are endless." he exclaimed, snapping his fingers. In response, a pair of sunglasses appeared on Amelia’s face, and a beach volleyball bounced gently next to her. "But I find that a good old-fashioned game of beach volleyball—with a twist, of course—is a good start. Are you game?" Amelia laughed, adjusting her new sunglasses and kicking off her trainers to feel the warm sand between her toes. "Lead the way, Discord. Let’s see how chaotic beach volleyball can get." Amelia's day with Discord continued to unfold like a page from a particularly zany comic book. After their volleyball game, which felt more like an audition for the most absurd sports team ever assembled, they took their escapades offshore with the jet skiing adventure. They weren't just skimming across the waves; they were performing stunts that would make a stunt double reconsider their career choices. The grand finale involved them launching through giant billboard letters, an act that would surely have insurance agents everywhere breaking out in a cold sweat. As if the billboard-busting jet ski jump wasn't ludicrous enough, the day's events took another turn for the fantastical. Climbing a stairway made of actual rainbows, they reached a celestial racecourse that seemed to defy all notions of physics and FAA regulations. Here, they found go-karts that looked like they'd been hijacked from a video game, waiting at a starting line that promised yet more chaos. And who to compete against but Lewis Hamilton himself? It was like finding out your table tennis opponent was suddenly Forrest Gump—post-Ping-Pong diplomacy. Amelia couldn't help but wonder if Discord had pulled Hamilton straight from the racetrack or if he had conjured him up from her subconscious fan club. The race was a Technicolor blur, with karts zipping along the rainbow road, dodging imaginary turtle shells and banana peels. Lewis Hamilton, professional as always, crossed the finish line with ease, but Amelia's second place felt like a victory against common sense itself. She gleefully ribbed Discord, "Bet you didn't see that coming in your crystal ball!" They parked their karts at what might as well have been the edge of reality, catching their breaths and laughing at the sheer unlikelihood of it all. Discord, ever the dramatic, pulled out a trophy from thin air—a shimmering, shifting statuette that looked as though it was still deciding what form it wanted to take. "For the most chaotically fantastic driver I've ever had the pleasure of racing!" he declared, presenting it to Amelia with a flourish. As they basked in the afterglow of their cosmic race, Amelia couldn't shake the feeling of being in a Saturday morning cartoon come to life. From spiking volleyballs with mythical creatures to racing down a rainbow beside a Formula One champion, it was a whirlwind of madness and merriment. After a whirlwind of seemingly endless and exhilarating activities, Amelia and Discord finally settled back into the comfort of the tiki hut bar. The air around them was cooler now, filled with the mellow strains of "Stolen Dance" by Milky Chance that drifted from a nearby stereo. This soothing melody formed a gentle backdrop to the vivid streaks of dusk painting the sky, creating a serene atmosphere that allowed Amelia's heart rate to return to normal. Sitting there, she felt the cool condensation of the orange juice glass against her hand, the trophy beside her reflecting the last golden rays of the day. Discord, in stark contrast, seemed perfectly at ease with his elegant glass of red wine, sipping it leisurely. Amelia stole a glance at Discord, her curiosity piqued by his enigmatic presence. Despite the day's chaos, she wondered about his actual role within this fantastical school setting. Could it really just be about stirring whimsy and mayhem among the students? "What a morning!" Discord exclaimed suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence. His voice carried a tone of exhaustion mixed with a hint of exhilaration. "You sure did work this old timer overtime." Amelia chuckled, removing the straw from her mouth. "It was fun, though, that’s all that matters." she replied, her voice echoing her genuine enjoyment of the day's adventures. "Indeed." Discord agreed, his voice deepening as he nodded in acknowledgment. But then his expression shifted, the lines of his face drawing into a more serious and contemplative look that Amelia had not seen before. "However, we do need to discuss a few things now." he added, his tone dropping to one that suggested the weight of the conversation was about to increase significantly. Amelia blinked, taken aback by the sudden change. His eyes, previously twinkling with mischief and laughter, now bore a mature, earnest seriousness that seemed almost out of place in their relaxed surroundings. "What brought this on?" she wondered silently, her curiosity spiking. She leaned in slightly, her interest clearly piqued by his cryptic introduction to what was surely a pivotal discussion. “Amelia… I know your little secret.” Discord stated with a gravity that anchored his whimsical persona to the ground. He leaned in closer, ensuring that his words were for her ears only, his gaze locking with hers in a manner that underscored the seriousness of his revelation. Amelia's eyes widened, a mix of shock and confusion passing over her face as she processed Discord's words. "What are you talking about?" she asked, her voice tinged with a sliver of concern. The relaxed atmosphere of the tiki hut suddenly felt charged with an unexpected tension. What could he possibly know about her? "I know you are a human in a pegasus’s body.” > Chapter 10.5 - You're not silly, Fluttershy. It's okay... I'm here. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10.5 Fluttershy, a resilient and self-sufficient pegasus, was highly esteemed across her community. To those familiar with her, she epitomised a figure of immense compassion and diligence, tirelessly devoted to the welfare of her beloved animal friends and the close-knit group of ponies she considered family. Although her gentle demeanour was well acknowledged by many, only a few intimate confidants truly grasped the complexity and depth of Fluttershy's character. Beneath her unassuming exterior lay a nuanced individual, whose profound inner life remained largely unrecognised by the broader populace. The vast majority of Ponyville's residents were unaware of the rich and varied life Fluttershy led—a life marked by extreme highs and profound lows. Her subdued demeanour was often misread as mere shyness or an inherent trait, with many overlooking the possibility that her quiet nature was shaped by her deep and multifaceted experiences. Rather than sparking curiosity, her reserved nature led many to mistakenly label her as just another typical pegasus, one of many with a gentle disposition and a friendly smile. This widespread misperception failed to capture the true essence of Fluttershy's journey and the profound emotional depth she possessed. Her life was anything but ordinary; it was filled with meaningful encounters and transformative experiences that significantly influenced her composed demeanour. To consider Fluttershy as merely another pegasus was a profound misunderstanding. Those who did so missed the rich tapestry of life experiences that defined her spirit, a tapestry far from ordinary and known fully only to a select few in Ponyville. In the community, Fluttershy was a beloved and familiar presence, known not just for her kind nature but also for her steadfast dedication to both the community and its animals. Her frequent trips to the White Tail Woods to care for the animals she had previously rehabilitated were well-known. She was also a constant figure at the local veterinary clinic, where she provided tender care to the pets of Ponyville, treating each with supreme empathy and dedication. Additionally, Fluttershy was often seen leading a group of dogs through the town streets, her calm and patient guidance ensuring peace and order among the animals. Her commitment to the environment was equally apparent in her efforts to clean the streets and pick up litter, diligently working to maintain the beauty and health of her beloved Ponyville. During a rare moment of solitude on her couch with a cup of tea in hand, Fluttershy found herself lost in reflection, the tea untouched and merely serving as a mirror for her contemplative gaze. These quiet moments were often filled with shadows of regret and sorrow, a stark contrast to the active care she usually provided. Her free time was consumed not with peace, but with the heavy burden of past deeds weighing on her heart. The reflection in her tea seemed to show not just her face but also the unresolved grief and longing for redemption that haunted her. As she sat immersed in her thoughts, a single tear rolled down her cheek, one of many that found their way into her cup, distorting the reflection. Despite her relentless efforts and countless acts of kindness, she felt no closer to redemption, her actions seeming increasingly futile as she battled an endless cycle of guilt and remorse. The weight of her past pressed heavily upon her, filling her quiet moments with a sense of being trapped in a hopeless pursuit of absolution. As she questioned the value of her efforts, wondering if the forgiveness she sought was merely an illusion, the presence of Pooch, the small wooden wolf pup, broke her solitude. His concerned green eyes and soft whimpers reminded her that she was not alone. Hastily wiping away her tears, she reassured both Pooch and herself with a cracked whisper, "I'm okay… I’ll be okay," clinging to this hope amidst her doubts and grief. Pooch’s silent companionship offered a solid comfort, a reminder that her struggles were witnessed and shared, not borne in isolation. As Fluttershy sat wrapped in her thoughts, the sudden sound of three sharp knocks on the door broke through the silence of the room, startling her from her reflective state. She paused, wondering who it might be at this time. It couldn't be Amelia; she had left for school an hour earlier. The mailmare was unlikely; she typically just slipped any letters through the mail slot, and besides, Fluttershy couldn't recall ordering anything recently. Curiosity mingled with mild apprehension as she pondered the unexpected visitor. Carefully, Fluttershy dabbed at her eyes one last time to ensure no traces of her earlier emotions remained visible. She placed her untouched cup of tea on the coffee table and rose from the couch. With a deep, steadying breath, she approached the door, her movements hesitant yet composed. She reached for the doorknob, her heart fluttering with a mix of nervousness and anticipation. Turning the knob, she slowly pulled open the door, and her eyes widened with surprise. Standing before her was not an everyday visitor or a mundane interruption to her solitude. Instead, she was greeted with a delightful and wholly unexpected presence, one that brought an immediate smile to her face, transforming the remnants of sorrow into a moment of joyous surprise. Standing at the door was none other than Rainbow Dash, her vibrant, rainbow-coloured mane as striking as ever in the soft light of the afternoon. The usually assertive and daring pegasus wore a small, somewhat hesitant smile, her voice carrying a scratchy tone that hinted at both tiredness and a trace of nervousness. "Hey, sis." she greeted Fluttershy softly, using the endearing term that underscored their deep familial bond. As the older sister, Fluttershy was quick to notice the unusual timidity in Rainbow Dash's demeanour—a stark contrast to her normal display of brash confidence and fearless spirit. Rainbow Dash's outfit reflected her vibrant personality and athletic achievements. She sported a striking red varsity jacket from the Gunnar’s Hoofball Club, a testament to her prowess in the sport. The jacket was customised to suit her colourful nature, with rainbow accents adorning the collar and the cuffs, adding a personal touch that sparkled with her dynamic flair. Below, she wore simple black athletic shorts that allowed her ease of movement and comfort, suitable for her active lifestyle. Her footwear was equally expressive—light blue and white trainers that were stylishly customised. The laces shimmered with rainbow colours, and several parts of the trainers themselves bore hints of the same spectrum, making the ensemble uniquely 'Rainbow'. This sporty and eye-catching attire not only highlighted Rainbow Dash's athletic identity but also served as a visual representation of her energetic and bold character, making her instantly recognisable and distinctly Rainbow Dash in every aspect. Fluttershy's eyes lit up with a blend of concern and affection at the sight of her younger sister, her own troubles momentarily set aside. "Rainbow Dash! What brings you here at this hour?" she exclaimed, her voice infused with warmth and an inviting tone. Gently, Fluttershy stepped aside to allow Rainbow Dash into the cozy confines of her home. She draped an arm around Rainbow's shoulders in a comforting embrace, guiding her towards the living room with a soothing presence. "You look like you could use some tea—or maybe something stronger." Fluttershy suggested, her nurturing instincts kicking in as she led her sister deeper into the house. The living room was bathed in the golden hues of the late afternoon sun, casting a calming glow over the familiar furnishings. Fluttershy motioned for Rainbow Dash to take a seat on the plush couch, where a few cushions were artfully arranged. As Rainbow settled in, Fluttershy headed towards the kitchen to prepare some tea, her movements graceful and caring. This intimate setting provided the perfect backdrop for heartfelt conversations. Fluttershy, embracing her role as the older sibling, was ready to offer whatever comfort or counsel Rainbow Dash might need. Their dynamic naturally shifted to one of support and understanding, reinforcing the deep, supportive bond that only siblings share. In this moment, their roles as protector and confidante were more pronounced than ever, showcasing the depth of their connection and mutual reliance. Once the tea was ready, Fluttershy carefully carried the steaming cups back to the living room, placing one in front of Rainbow Dash with a gentle smile. Rainbow, appreciating the thoughtful gesture, thanked Fluttershy with a gentle nod and wrapped her hands around the cup. She took a tentative sip, relieved to find the temperature perfectly soothing. Fluttershy then settled herself on a single couch across from Rainbow Dash, Pooch jumping on her lap as soon as she sat down, laying into a ball. Fluttershy cradled her own cup, which had gone cold from earlier neglect. She didn’t mind, as her focus was fully on her younger sister now. “How are you? Has everything been okay in Cloudsdale?” Fluttershy inquired, initiating a conversation with a tone of genuine concern. Her eyes searched Rainbow Dash’s, looking for signs of the usual vigour or any hints of the issues that might have brought her here unexpectedly. Rainbow Dash's response was subdued, the single word "okay…" trailing off into the air as if carrying more weight than it let on. She took another sip of her tea, using the moment to gather her thoughts, her expression betraying a hint of something more beneath the surface. Fluttershy observed her sister's demeanour, the vague answer and the pause that followed sparking a gentle concern. She knew Rainbow Dash well enough to recognise when something was amiss, even when hidden behind a facade of nonchalance. The room grew quiet for a moment, filled only with the soft clinking of tea cups and the distant hum of the afternoon. Sensing the need for a gentle nudge, Fluttershy leaned forward slightly, her voice soft and encouraging. "Just okay? You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" she offered, giving Rainbow Dash the space and reassurance she might need to open up about whatever was troubling her. Rainbow Dash's demeanour shifted, her smile broadening as she recognised her deviation from her usual upbeat self. Her tone brightened, infused with the familiar blend of pride and enthusiasm that she was known for. "No need to worry about me, sis, I’m living the life up in Cloudsdale and with the Gunner’s Hoofball Club. I’m the top scorer in the league, I have tons of friends and fans, and you and I don’t have to worry about our financial situation anymore. Life is good!" she exclaimed, her spirit lifting visibly with each word. This declaration was pure Rainbow Dash—full of confidence and a touch of bravado, yet sincere and heartfelt. Her success and happiness were evident, and it reassured Fluttershy to hear that her younger sister was thriving in her elements. Fluttershy's response was a soft smile, her eyes momentarily dipping to the cold tea in her hand. She felt a mix of relief and joy for Rainbow Dash’s achievements and well-being. It comforted her to know that despite the concerns and the burdens she carried herself, Rainbow Dash was out there shining brightly, living her dreams. This knowledge brought a gentle peace to Fluttershy's heart, reminding her of the beautiful balance of their sisterly relationship: even when one struggled, the other's successes brought shared joy and pride. Her gaze lifted back to Rainbow Dash, her smile warm and full of affection. "That sounds wonderful, Rainbow. I’m so proud of you." Fluttershy said, her voice soft but filled with immense love and pride. The room fell into a comfortable silence once more, with only the soft sound of Rainbow Dash taking another sip of her tea breaking the quiet. Fluttershy's gaze was thoughtful, filled with admiration for her sister's accomplishments. "You're amazing, Rainbow. Scoring so many goals is so like you. I’m sure you will win the league this season." Fluttershy spoke through the silence, her words laden with genuine pride and encouragement. Rainbow Dash looked up from her tea, a hint of warmth colouring her cheeks at the compliment. It was clear that despite her usual bravado, Rainbow Dash valued her sister's opinion and felt bolstered by her support. Her eyes sparkled with a renewed vigour, a reminder of her passion and dedication to her sport. "Yeah, I hope so too. We've got a great team this year." Rainbow Dash responded, her voice carrying a mix of hope and determination. Her response not only reflected her confidence but also hinted at the importance of teamwork and community in her achievements. Fluttershy nodded, her expression one of reassurance and belief in her sister's capabilities. "With you on the team, I have no doubt you guys have what it takes." she added, further strengthening the bond of mutual respect and support between them. Rainbow Dash's gaze drifted down to Fluttershy's lap, where the small wooden pup was now snoozing comfortably. Despite her familiarity with the wild and often fearsome timberwolves from their adventures in the Everfree Forest, Rainbow was taken aback to see such a creature, albeit a much smaller and seemingly harmless one, being so close to Fluttershy. The contrast between Fluttershy's gentle, timid nature and the known ferocity of timberwolves sparked a mix of curiosity and concern in her. "Hey, Flutters... what you doing with a timberwolf? Aren’t they—y’know, dangerous?" Rainbow asked, her tone a blend of intrigue and worry. She adjusted her position on the couch, tucking her legs to the side as she settled in more comfortably, her eyes fixed on the wooden creature. Fluttershy smiled softly, her eyes lighting up with affection as she looked down at the sleeping wooden pup. "Oh, this isn’t just any timberwolf, Rainbow. This is Pooch." she explained, her voice filled with warmth. "He was left alone and hurt in the woods, and I couldn’t just leave him there. He’s different, not like the others. He’s gentle and hasn’t shown any signs of aggression. It seems he was separated from his pack, or maybe he was cast out. But he’s been nothing but sweet and protective since I found him." She gently stroked the smooth wooden bark of Pooch, demonstrating the bond that had formed between them. "I’ve been taking care of him, and he’s become a part of the family now. He’s really quite special." Rainbow Dash listened, her initial skepticism slowly melting away as she observed the tender interaction between Fluttershy and Pooch. It was clear that Fluttershy saw something in Pooch that perhaps no one else could, a testament to her enduring kindness and her ability to see the good in all creatures, regardless of their nature. "That’s really cool, Flutters. Leave it to you to turn something scary into something so... cute." Rainbow admitted, her tone softening as she smiled at the sight. Her respect for Fluttershy’s compassionate nature grew, reminded again of her sister's unique ability to nurture and heal, even in the most unlikely scenarios. As Fluttershy continued to stroke Pooch, her thoughts drifted to the vivid memories of Amelia’s first days with the wooden pup. She smiled gently, her heart filling with warmth as she replayed those moments in her mind. It was a scene that spoke volumes about the compassionate spirit that thrived within their home, a spirit largely instilled by Amelia's earnest efforts. In her mind's eye, Fluttershy saw Amelia tenderly caring for Pooch, her small hands gently brushing his wooden fur, her voice soft and reassuring as she spoke to him. She remembered how Amelia had made it her mission to look after him in every possible way—from nursing him back to health, feeding him, to giving him all the attention he needed. Fluttershy’s role had been supportive, assisting where needed, but she always felt that the true credit belonged to Amelia. Amelia’s dedication had transformed Pooch from a creature to be wary of into a beloved member of the family. In her thoughts, Fluttershy replayed the scenes of Amelia sitting patiently with Pooch, teaching him to trust again, to feel safe in their presence. These memories were a testament to Amelia’s kindness and the nurturing environment they had cultivated together. Silence once again enveloped the room, a peaceful quietude that seemed to accentuate the bonds between its occupants. Rainbow Dash took another contemplative sip of her tea, the warmth of the cup comforting in her hands. Across from her, Fluttershy continued to stroke Pooch with gentle, rhythmic motions, each brush of her hand over the wooden fur soothing not only the pup but herself as well. The soft sounds of Pooch's mechanical whirring and the occasional clink of a tea cup settling back onto a saucer filled the space with a serene ambiance. It was these moments of stillness that often spoke louder than words between the sisters, each comfortable in the other's presence and united by an unspoken understanding. As Fluttershy stroked Pooch and the silence deepened, her mind wandered back to past moments shared with Rainbow Dash. She reminisced about how, away from the public eye, Rainbow's usual egotistical and flashy demeanour would soften. When it was just the two of them, Rainbow became more deliberate with her words, her tone more humble, revealing a side of her that few others saw. For Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash's presence alone brought a profound sense of safety and comfort. It was a silent, steadfast assurance that she was not alone, that she had someone who truly understood and cared for her. Rainbow’s quieter, more reflective side was a stark contrast to her public persona, and it was this Rainbow that Fluttershy held dear. In these quiet moments, their shared history and the depth of their connection created an environment where words were unnecessary. The mere presence of Rainbow Dash, sitting there with her, sipping tea, was enough to instil a feeling of peace and security in Fluttershy's heart. The unexpected shift in Rainbow's tone pulled Fluttershy from her reverie. Concern was etched across Rainbow's face as she leaned forward, her eyes intently searching Fluttershy's. "Sister... are you okay?" Rainbow's voice carried a note of worry that was rare for her usual bravado. Fluttershy, momentarily confused by her sister's concern, looked up from Pooch, her expression one of puzzled curiosity. "Yes, of course, why do you ask?" she responded, her voice gentle yet clearly perplexed. "You're crying." Rainbow pointed out, her observation straightforward. Fluttershy's frown deepened in surprise as her hand instinctively rose to touch her face. Her fingers came away moist, confirming Rainbow's observation. She hadn't even realised tears had begun to fall, so caught up was she in her thoughts and memories. "Oh..." Fluttershy murmured, her voice soft and slightly shaky as she looked at her damp fingers. Realisation dawned on her that, despite the peaceful setting and the comfort of her sister's company, emotions from her deep reflections had surfaced unbidden. Seeing the confusion and then recognition in Fluttershy's eyes, Rainbow Dash's concern grew. She shifted closer on the couch, her demeanour changing from casual to supportive. Rainbow reached out, her hand offering a comforting touch on Fluttershy's arm, her presence a silent reassurance. Fluttershy attempted a feeble smile, an effort to mask the emotional turmoil bubbling within her. "How silly of me…" she murmured, her voice quivering despite her attempt at levity. But the facade quickly faltered; more tears spilled down her cheeks, each one tracing a path of unchecked sorrow. Her sniffles grew louder, and her breathing became shaky, the physical manifestations of her inner pain all too evident. Rainbow Dash reacted instantly, her instincts as a protective sister kicking in. She rose swiftly from her seat and closed the distance between them, enveloping Fluttershy in a comforting embrace. Rainbow's heart raced, thudding audibly in her chest as she held her sister close, her own emotions surging in response to Fluttershy's distress. To Rainbow, Fluttershy had always been the epitome of strength and support. She was the one who had cheered the loudest at every goal she scored, celebrated each victory with unmatched enthusiasm, and inadvertently nurtured Rainbow’s confidence and ego. Despite others seeing Fluttershy as delicate and fragile, Rainbow knew the truth of her resilience and fortitude. Yet, holding Fluttershy now, feeling her tremble and hearing the heart-wrenching sobs that shook her body, Rainbow felt a pang of fear. It was a rare and unsettling sensation to see the sister she admired so deeply in such a vulnerable state. Rainbow tightened her embrace, her actions both an offer of comfort and a plea for her sister to find solace. "You're not silly, Fluttershy. It's okay... I'm here." Rainbow whispered soothingly, her voice a steady presence in the storm of Fluttershy's emotions. She stroked her sister's back gently, a silent promise that she would stand by her through this moment of weakness and beyond. In that embrace, Rainbow sought to provide the reassurance and strength that Fluttershy had so often given her, hoping to mirror the unwavering support that had always defined their relationship. Rainbow Dash caught her breath as Fluttershy’s anguish spilled out in raw, unfiltered bursts. The room, once filled with a somber stillness, now resonated with the intensity of Fluttershy’s emotional storm. Fluttershy’s grip on Rainbow’s jacket tightened, her fingers clenching the fabric as she buried her face deeper against her sister, her cries deepening into sounds of sheer agony. Rainbow felt a sharp pain in her chest, as if each of Fluttershy’s sobs were physical blows to her heart. It was a sound of pain she had never heard before—not from Fluttershy, not from anyone. The distress was palpable, resonating with a severity that shook her. “I’ve—I’ve tried so hard…” Fluttershy’s voice trembled, muffled against the fabric of Rainbow’s varsity jacket. “But—no matter what I—I do, I feel so, so guilty for what I did.” The words struck Rainbow Dash like lightning. She gently pushed Fluttershy back, just enough to look into her sister’s tear-streaked face, her eyes swollen and red from crying. “Fluttershy, what happened to Otter was not your fault! You went for the tackle, you panicked, it happens in hoofball. Players get hurt, some get lucky and some—” Rainbow’s voice faltered, her ears flattening against her head, the weight of the situation pressing down on her. “And some don’t. Otter was just—unlucky…” Hearing the names of their friends, Fluttershy’s face contorted with sorrow as she frantically tried to wipe her tears away. “Twilight said the same thing, Applejack said the same thing too, same with Pinkie Pie and Rarity… and now you.” Her voice was a sad whisper, a stark contrast to her earlier outburst. Then, suddenly, her sadness morphed into anger. “The newspaper calls it a twisted fate, Equestria doesn’t blame me, the world still sees me as a hoofballing legend! WHY DOES NOPONY BLAME ME!? ME!!!!!” Fluttershy screamed, her face inches from Rainbow’s, her fury tangible. Taken aback, Rainbow Dash stumbled backward in shock, her heart racing as Fluttershy’s outburst filled the room. The sudden noise startled Pooch, who jumped off Fluttershy’s lap and scampered away. In a fit of rage, Fluttershy rose from her seat and hurled her still-filled cup of tea against the wall. The cup shattered upon impact, fragments scattering across the floor, mirroring the shattering tension in the room. Rainbow Dash watched, heartbroken, as Fluttershy's anger dissolved into profound sorrow. Her sister's voice cracked under the weight of her confession, her admission raw and filled with self-blame. "I ENDED MY FRIEND’S CAREER, I’M THE ONE WHO WENT IN FOR THE TACKLE WHEN I SHOULDN’T HAVE, I’M THE one who tore his ACL—me, it was all my fault… so why does no pony hate me?" Fluttershy's words tumbled out between sobs, each one echoing her deep guilt and unbearable pain. As the last of her angry energy spent itself, Fluttershy's legs gave way, and she crumpled to her knees on the soft carpet. She leaned forward, clutching her chest as if trying to hold her breaking heart together, her other hand covering her mouth to stifle the sobs that shook her body. Rainbow Dash felt a surge of protective instinct as she watched her sister collapse under the burden of her guilt. Without hesitation, she moved to Fluttershy’s side, kneeling down beside her. She wrapped her arms around Fluttershy in a firm, comforting embrace, her own eyes brimming with tears at the sight of her sister's pain. As Rainbow Dash held Fluttershy close, the room was steeped in a somber silence punctuated only by the soft, heart-wrenching sobs that escaped Fluttershy's lips. Each sob was a reminder of the deep scars left by the incident, scars that had not healed, festering beneath the surface of her seemingly calm exterior. Rainbow felt her sister's body tremble under her embrace, each shudder passing through Fluttershy like a cold wave, her grief raw and palpable. Fluttershy's tears soaked into Rainbow’s varsity jacket, each drop a testament to the sorrow that had been pent up for too long. "Fluttershy, everyone knows you didn't mean to hurt him. You have to believe that.” Rainbow murmured, her voice choked with emotion. Her words felt hollow in the face of such profound sadness, but she pressed on, desperate to reach her sister. "You’ve dedicated your life to helping others, to healing. You can't let this define you." But Fluttershy seemed barely able to hear her. "How can I not?" she whispered through her tears, her voice barely audible. "Every time I close my eyes, I see that day, I see his pain. I hear the crowd, the gasps, the silence that followed, I heard that pop in his knee... It haunts me, Rainbow. It's like I'm there, over and over again." Her words trailed off into sobs once more, the sound echoing in the small room, filling it with a sorrow so thick it was almost tangible. Rainbow tightened her embrace, her own eyes now streaming with tears as she felt the depth of Fluttershy's despair. Rainbow Dash's plea was laced with desperation and love, her tears mingling with Fluttershy's as they huddled together on the floor. "We love you, Fluttershy. Me, mom and dad, Twilight, Applejack, everypony, we all adore you. We all want you to be happy… So please, don’t let the past bring you down. Please." she sobbed, her voice cracking under the strain of her emotions. But Fluttershy's response was hollow, devoid of hope, a stark contrast to the warmth and care in Rainbow's words. "I can’t… I hate myself too much." she murmured, her voice a chilling whisper that seemed to echo around the room. It was a confession of her deepest fears and darkest feelings, laid bare in the most vulnerable of moments. The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, a suffocating blanket over the siblings. Rainbow felt a pang in her chest, sharper than any she had felt before. It was one thing to fight against tangible problems, to face adversaries that could be seen or challenges that could be overcome through action. But how could she fight the shadows that clung to Fluttershy's spirit? How could she lift the burden of self-loathing that had rooted so deeply in her sister's heart? Rainbow tightened her hold, her embrace a silent vow of support, her presence a steadfast promise that she was there, no matter the depth of the darkness that threatened to swallow Fluttershy whole. "I'm here, Fluttershy. I’m not going anywhere. We’ll get through this together.” she whispered, her voice firm despite the tears that continued to stream down her face. Fluttershy's body was racked with sobs, each one a palpable release of the pain she had carried for so long. Rainbow Dash felt each sob as if it were her own, each tear a shared drop in the ocean of their combined sorrow. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the bond between them, the silent understanding that they would face the darkness together, no matter how daunting the journey might seem. > Chapter 11 - Thats just… football, I guess. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11 The air between Amelia and Discord thickened with tension, their gazes locked—one filled with shock and the other with grave solemnity. Amelia couldn’t refute what he had said; the certainty in Discord’s eyes was unmistakable. How did he come by such knowledge? It was true that her name, Amelia, was indeed human in origin, yet she hadn't considered that humans were recognised in this world. Everyone she had met here initially puzzled over her name but never identified it as distinctly human. If the ponies she had befriended were oblivious to the existence of humans, then how, indeed, did Discord possess such insight? Amelia's thoughts spiralled into a whirlwind of anxiety as she considered the implications of Discord's revelation. Was her future as a student at this magical school now in jeopardy? The possibility loomed large in her mind, casting a shadow over the vibrant experiences she had just enjoyed. What would become of her time in Ponyville? She had started to feel at home there, among friends who had welcomed her without reservation. And then there was the broader question of her place in Equestria. Would she be forced to leave, exiled for something she had no control over—her transformation into a pegasus? The thought of banishment for merely existing in a form she hadn't chosen filled her with dread. Amelia looked to Discord, searching his face for any sign of what might come next. Could he, with his apparent knowledge and authority, decree her fate in this world? She hoped for compassion, for understanding, or perhaps an explanation that could put her fears to rest. The weight of the unknown pressed heavily upon her, each possibility more daunting than the last. Amelia's anxiety deepened as Discord's smile vanished, replaced by a look of solemnity that seemed to forecast the complexity of their conversation. "So... what does this mean for me, Discord?" she asked, her voice quivering slightly with uncertainty. “Well, Amelia, you're not in trouble, I can reassure you of that.” Discord reassured her, his smile fleeting but genuine, offering a brief glimpse of warmth. But just as quickly, his expression shifted back to one of concern. “But you do leave me in a very, very complicated situation.” he added, his voice heavy with the weight of undisclosed challenges. “What do you mean?” Amelia pressed, her brows knitting together in worry. “What's complicated?” Discord sighed deeply, his gaze drifting to his wine glass, where he seemed to seek answers in its crimson depths. After a moment, he looked up, his eyes meeting hers with a mix of resolve and regret. “To answer that, I’d have to give you your first lesson in history.” he said thoughtfully. Then, with a snap of his fingers that echoed slightly in the sudden stillness, the world around Amelia blurred and shifted dramatically. In an instant, she found herself back in the classroom, sitting exactly where she had been earlier. Her normal attire was back on, though the straw hat remained perched on her head—a quirky reminder of the surreal journey she had just experienced. The sudden transition left her slightly disoriented, her mind racing to catch up with the rapid change in setting. Discord’s voice broke through her confusion, steady and clear. “History, Amelia, isn’t just about learning what happened in the past. It’s about understanding the forces that shape our present and future. And your presence here, as unique as it is, ties into a much larger story—one that affects not just you but the fabric of this world.” Amelia took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. She was back in the familiar confines of the classroom, but everything felt different now, charged with the potential to unravel mysteries she hadn’t even known existed. Discord's solemn voice filled the room as he recounted his past with a gravitas that Amelia hadn't seen before. “Let me take you back, to where I, Discord, The God of Chaos, started a war centuries ago.” At his command, two chalks floated up from the teacher's desk and began their dance across the blackboard, sketching a scene from a time shrouded in legend. “I was naïve years ago, my power extraordinary and my thirst for chaos too great.” Discord continued, his tone tinged with a hint of regret. The chalks animatedly drew Discord perched smugly on a throne, looking down at two agitated alicorns, their majestic forms simplified into stick figures with horns and wings. “The ruler of Equestria, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, were not amused by my chaotic antics, finding them outlandish and harmful for their peers.” As he spoke, the chalk-drawn figures of Luna and Celestia expressed their disapproval with comic speech bubbles filled with scribbled curses, eliciting a giggle from Amelia at the playful depiction. “I laughed in their face with amusement, seeing their concerns as nothing more than a ruse to spoil my fun. I had no intention to stop my chaotic spree.” The chalk depiction of Discord laughed evilly, a high-pitched squeaky sound accompanying the animated laughter that seemed absurdly fitting. Meanwhile, the mini versions of Luna and Celestia growled adorably, their faces turning a cartoonish shade of red. “Then, the inevitable happened.” Discord’s voice grew somber. The stick figures of Luna and Celestia summoned six mystical stones with their magic, which began to swirl around them impressively. Mini Discord found this display amusing, his laughter growing as he mocked what he saw as a feeble attempt to stop him. Suddenly, the scene on the blackboard shifted dramatically as a swirling rainbow stream burst from the two alicorns, the magical power crashing into the mini Discord, encasing him in stone with a frozen laugh still etched on his face. “I lost, and was sentenced to eternity in stone.” Discord’s recounting came to a grave conclusion, the finality of his fate echoed in the silence that followed. Amelia's eyes widened, the gravity of such a punishment settling in. “My god… how have you not gone mad!?” she exclaimed, her gaze shifting back to Discord, who now seemed more enigmatic and profound than ever before. Discord met her gaze, a wistful smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “Oh, Amelia, madness and sanity are but threads of the same tapestry when you are a being of chaos.” Discord winked, making Amelia nod some confusingly. As she pondered what he said, Discord brushed the chalkboard clean, starting a new scene. “But yes, to your question, I did go mad—mad with rage.” The blackboard was dominated by the large chalk depiction of Discord, encased in stone, that loomed over the classroom. "My time in stone was anything but fun. I was alone, but conscious. I could still think, see everything around me, and—most importantly—still wield my powers, though confined within the recesses of my own mind." Discord narrated, his voice echoing slightly in the still classroom. As he spoke, the chalk drawing transformed, zooming into the 'mind' of the stone-bound Discord. Inside, a more relaxed version of Discord appeared, lounging on a couch in a decidedly casual pose, complete with a gaming headset and a controller in his hands. Around him, empty bottles of beer, cans, and crisp packets littered the area, giving the impression of a long gaming marathon. The chalk figure was animatedly playing what looked like a chalky version of Fortnite, his eyes half-closed yet fixed on the game. Amelia’s jaw dropped in disbelief. “You played Fortnite while in stone!” she blurted out, her voice a mix of shock and amusement as she rose swiftly from her seat. Discord burst into laughter at her reaction, the sound rich and full of genuine amusement. “No, no, I just added that uncanny bit for your amusement." he clarified with a wink. "The real point of this scene was to show you just how boooooorrrred I was!” His tone stretched the word ‘bored’ dramatically, emphasising his plight. The playful addition to his story highlighted Discord’s knack for injecting humour even into tales of his isolation and boredom. It served not only to lighten the mood but also to offer Amelia a glimpse into his unique perspective on life—even in the direst circumstances, he found a way to view things through a lens of whimsy and mischief. "The entertainment I created was the only thing keeping me together, the only way I could distract myself from the burning rage inside me." As Discord narrated, the chalk version of himself on the blackboard transitioned from a nonchalant gamer to a figure consumed by fury. Initially, a slight frown creased his brow, which quickly morphed into a deep snarl, escalating into a visible, vibrating anger. His chalk face turned a deep red, and the animated Discord erupted into a fit of rage. With a dramatic flourish, chalk Discord ripped off his headset and flung it beyond the frame of the blackboard. He then grabbed the controller, hurling it at the chalk-drawn TV, smashing a hole right through the centre. In a continued frenzy, he snatched up the TV and tossed it as well, sending it sailing out of the chalkboard's bounds. The chair was next, flipped over in a fit of wrath, as cartoonish smoke billowed from his nostrils, a visual echo of his inner turmoil. "How dare they humiliate me, how dare they imprison me in stone, and how dare they favour order over the chaotic aftermath of my brilliance." chalk Discord ranted, his voice projected through the classroom by Discord's narration. "Fuelled by thoughts of revenge and ways to make them pay, one thought continually haunted me: 'How dare they deprive me of my fun!'" This vivid depiction on the chalkboard illustrated not just Discord's inventive coping mechanisms during his confinement but also the deep-seated anger and sense of betrayal that simmered beneath his whimsical facade. His tale was a stark reminder of the complex emotions that even beings of chaos could harbour, blending dark introspection with bursts of explosive, visual storytelling. "As time passed, my rage grew, along with the devious machinations of my wicked mind, plotting its chaotic takeover." Discord narrated, his voice carrying a chilling undertone that mirrored the increasing darkness of his tale. On the blackboard, a chalk-drawn clock began to float ominously around a miniature version of Discord. This tiny chalk figure, clearly agitated, attempted in vain to shoo the clock away. The clock, however, seemed to take perverse pleasure in its torment, circling around the frustrated figure with a mischievous air. Mini Discord's attempts to dismiss the clock grew more frantic, his chalk-drawn limbs flailing comically as his irritation mounted. The clock, drawn with a slight smirk and exaggerated tick-tock hands, continued its relentless orbit, each loop around him tightening like a noose on his patience. Eventually, the pent-up fury reached its boiling point. Mini Discord's chalk features twisted into a grimace of pure fury, and with a dramatic intensity that seemed to transcend the boundaries of the blackboard, he inhaled a deep, seething breath. In a sudden explosion of emotion and power, he exhaled a swirling torrent of green fire. The flames, depicted in vibrant, writhing strokes of chalk, engulfed him, spinning wildly across the blackboard. The green fire spread with wild abandon, consuming every sketch and scribble that had come before. It erased the images of the clock, the miniature Discord, and any other elements previously drawn, leaving behind a stark, clean slate. The fire's cleansing sweep across the blackboard was not just a display of Discord's rage but a symbolic act of rebellion against his constraints. “So when the day finally arrived for my grand rebellion, I wasn’t exactly... prompt." Discord began, his tone dripping with amusement. "Instead, I lurked in the shadows, rather like a mischievous cat plotting against a particularly slow mouse.” As he narrated, the blackboard animated a tiny version of Discord peeking from the edge, looking left and right with exaggerated, suspicious glances. He tiptoed across the blackboard, each step comically synchronized with a 'tip-toe' sound effect that Discord mimicked perfectly. Suddenly, on the other side of the board, the stick figures of Princess Luna and Princess Celestia strolled into the scene, deep in an animated conversation about, perhaps, the latest royal edict on proper tea etiquette. Caught in mid-sneak, mini Discord’s eyes popped out in panic. He scanned desperately for a hiding spot, resembling a cartoon character who just ran off a cliff and hadn’t looked down yet. Spotting a classroom lamp in the corner, Discord reached out, magically transforming it into a chalk drawing before dragging it over his head. There, in the middle of the scene, mini Discord stood stiffly, disguised as a lamp. The lampshade was slightly askew, making him look less like furniture and more like a child caught in a curtain. As Celestia and Luna approached, their drawn figures paused, eyeing the suspicious lamp. They poked and prodded—Luna even lifted herself onto Celestia's back to get a better look, making for a comical display of royal acrobatics. "But, as always, my tricks are as subtle as a sledgehammer at a tea party.” Discord chuckled. “Celestia’s eagle eyes are second to none.” With exaggerated caution, Celestia leaned forward, her stick figure scrutinising the lamp. She lifted the lampshade, only to find mini Discord sweating bullets—a literal chalk bullet of sweat sliding down his drawn face. Caught, Discord acted fast. He shoved the lampshade onto Celestia’s head, where it wobbled comically. With a theatrical flair, he sprinted off the blackboard, leaving a cloud of chalk dust. Luna, ever the warrior, whipped out a bin lid and a wooden spoon—clearly, the armoury was closed today—and charged after him with a cry of "For Equestria!" Celestia, still under the lampshade, spun around in confusion, her muffled voice coming from under the shade, "Where did he go? Luna, wait for me!" Amelia's laughter gradually diminished, silenced as the final chalk figures vanished from the blackboard. Her expression shifted from amusement to contemplation; the lighthearted tableau had dissipated, leaving behind a blank slate that mirrored the unease settling over her. "So... what did you do?" she ventured, her voice low and hesitant, laden with both curiosity and a distinct wariness. A part of her recoiled at the thought of delving into the darker recesses of Discord's past, fearful of what truths might lurk there. Discord exhaled a profound, laborious sigh, his shoulders drooping under the invisible weight of his recollections. He leaned back against the sturdy teacher's desk, using it as a crutch to support his diminished vigour. The usual brilliance that animated his features was now subdued, veiled by the heavy shadows of regret and reluctance that clouded his expression. His head bowed, eyes tightly shut, as if closing them could shield him from the resurgence of painful memories. “I don’t want to tell you.” he confessed in a whisper, his voice barely a breath, resonating with a deep-seated shame. The atmosphere between them grew dense, laden with the weight of Discord's withheld secrets, each unspoken word adding pressure to the already charged silence. Amelia observed him, the playful, chaotic entity she knew now transformed into a figure marred by sorrow and remorse. This stark contrast shed new light on Discord's complexity, revealing the profound burdens he carried beneath his capricious surface. “But, for the sake of understanding where I’m going with this, I’ll tell you the most important parts.” Discord finally spoke up, his voice steadier. He straightened slightly, though the movement lacked his typical theatrical flair. A faint smile touched his lips, a pale imitation of his usual grin, as he prepared to unveil the fragments of his past that haunted him. Amelia returned his smile with a cautious one of her own, a silent encouragement for him to continue. Amelia's eyes widened as Discord's tale took a darker turn, revealing layers of his past actions that she hadn't anticipated. "Like I said before, revenge was very much my goal. To strip away what the two rulers cherished most: Peace and Order... So, that’s what I did, by making the concept of war seem inevitable." Discord said, his tone tinged with a regretful darkness. He paused, his gaze distant as he recounted the events. "I rallied an army, one composed of the most chaotic creatures I had the pleasure of meeting—the creatures being humans." "Humans!" Amelia exclaimed, her reaction so swift and sharp that she stood up from her seat in shock. "You're telling me you had humans fight for you!?" The idea of humans, her kind, entangled in such ancient conflicts within this magical world, was both astounding and unsettling. Discord nodded slowly, his eyes shifting away, unable to meet Amelia's gaze. "I couldn’t be the direct creator of chaos, not while the princesses wielded such a powerful weapon as The Elements of Harmony. I didn’t want to be imprisoned in stone again... not again..." His voice trailed off into a shiver that ran visibly through his form, a shadow of fear from his past confinement evident in his posture and expression. "So I turned to humans to aid me in my plans. I convinced—well, tricked them into fighting for me." he murmured, the last words almost lost in a mixture of shame and regret. His admission hung heavily between them, casting a new light on his manipulative capabilities and the lengths he had gone to secure his revenge. Discord's revelations added layers of complexity to Amelia's understanding of her own situation. "Humans that I summoned from Earth didn't keep their forms of a human, instead morphing into a pony of some kind: an earth pony, a unicorn, or a pegasus. Just like you…" he explained, watching Amelia closely to gauge her reaction. The realisation that she might not be unique in her transformation—that others had undergone similar changes—made her reassess her own experiences. "So I took advantage of their confusion and gave them a chaotic religion to believe in, me being their God of Chaos." Discord continued, a trace of remorse flickering across his face as he admitted to manipulating those bewildered souls. "You brought humans from my Earth here… then you must know how I got here!" Amelia exclaimed, her voice tinged with desperation and hope. If Discord had been involved in her arrival, perhaps he could also facilitate her return, or at least explain her presence in Equestria. "Actually, I have no idea why you are here myself." Discord admitted, his tone serious. "Humans that I pulled from your universe were merely souls I gave life here in Equestria, so, it’s rather you, Amelia, had passed, and someone out there is playing with powerful spells to pull your soul over to here, or there is some sort of anomaly out there, rifting souls naturally." His speculation opened a myriad of possibilities, none of which provided the concrete answers Amelia sought. Amelia's mind raced, her thoughts scattering as she tried to piece together her last memories of Earth. It had been a normal day, training in a field with her friend Jason, the sudden appearance of dark clouds and a flash of light—the last thing she remembered before finding herself in Equestria. The notion that she might have died or been summoned through some mystical anomaly was both terrifying and mystifying. Realising that Discord couldn't provide the answers she needed, Amelia's resolve hardened. She needed to find someone who knew the truth, someone who understood the forces that had brought her to this world. With a determined nod, she encouraged Discord to continue, her mind already planning her next steps. "Please, go on." she urged, her determination to uncover the truth about her situation growing. Whatever the cost, she was resolved to understand her presence in Equestria and, if possible, find a way back—or at least discover why she was chosen to traverse such worlds. Discord's recounting took a dramatic turn as he described his miscalculation regarding the human beings he had conscripted into his chaotic schemes. "I underestimated the humans, seeing them only as agents of chaos, not realising the depth of their characters. Some of them saw through my deception and began to revolt, choosing to escape my cult-like army to warn Celestia and Luna of my plans." he explained, his voice tinged with a hint of respect for their resilience and cunning. As he spoke, the blackboard animated these events with surprising vivacity. Drawn in simple lines yet full of expression, a stick figure of Princess Luna, armed with a bin lid and a wooden sword, appeared alongside a comically depicted Princess Celestia, who still wore the lampshade on her head, looking around in confusion. The scene was almost humorous in its depiction, yet the underlying story was one of rebellion and courage. Suddenly, the edges of the blackboard became a flurry of activity as several new figures, labeled 'humans' but depicted as ponies, dashed into the scene. One of them, drawn with a sense of urgency, leaned close to whisper into Luna’s ear, pointing emphatically in the direction they had come from. Luna's figure responded with a drawn battle cry, charging off in the direction indicated, with Celestia clumsily following behind, her lampshade bobbing comically. The figures labeled as humans disappeared momentarily from the blackboard's bounds only to reappear decked out in gleaming golden armour. Each was equipped with dramatically drawn, fantastical weapons not of their world—one with an M1 Garand, another wielding an M249 light machine gun, and the last brandishing a Lancer Assault Rifle from the video game Gears of War, complete with the chainsaw bayonet. The artistic license used in equipping these characters with such anachronistic weaponry added a layer of absurdity to the dire narrative, blending elements of fantasy and reality into a chaotic tapestry of rebellion. With a renewed battle cry, the human figures charged alongside Celestia and Luna, creating a dynamic tableau of defiance against Discord's reign of chaos. Amelia's eyebrows rose sharply as she processed the absurdity of the scene depicted on the blackboard. "Wait... guns?" she asked, her voice a mixture of confusion and disbelief. "Shouldn't they be wielding swords?" It seemed bizarre to imagine such modern, distinctly non-magical weaponry in a realm governed by mystical laws and ancient prophecies. Discord chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. "Not exactly… I-I kinda brought human weapons into this world… hehe, whoops." His nervous giggle did little to reassure Amelia, whose eye twitched in response to the casual admission of such a chaotic integration. "You really went all out, didn't you." Amelia deadpanned, her mind racing with the implications of Discord's actions. She pictured a ludicrous scenario, like a robber attempting to hold up a bank with a plasma cutter, the absurdity of the image highlighting the chaos Discord must have unleashed by introducing such elements into Equestria. Discord's grin faltered under her flat stare, and he shrugged, an attempt to downplay his previous enthusiasm. "Well, I was aiming for maximum impact. Chaos isn’t just about what is expected, after all." he tried to explain, his voice tinged with a hint of defensiveness. Amelia crossed her arms, her gaze fixed on Discord as she pondered the sheer unpredictability of the chaos he cherished. "And how did that work out for you?" she asked, her tone dry, hinting at the historical repercussions she assumed followed such a drastic action. Discord sighed, his expression sobering as he contemplated her question. "Let’s just say past Discord loved the chaos it brought, as for present Discord… it was a learning experience." he admitted reluctantly. The reality of his past actions seemed to weigh heavily on him, a stark contrast to his usual light-hearted demeanour. Amelia's concerns grew as she contemplated the implications of Discord's historical actions on her new environment. "So... can I expect blaster rifles to be in this world? I love Star Wars, but red lasers flying around…" she mused, her tone laced with apprehension. The thought of high-tech, fictional weapons like those from her favourite movies becoming a reality in this already fantastical world was unnerving. Amelia had hoped she'd left the darker, more violent aspects of Earth behind, only to face the possibility of them being replaced by equally formidable threats from fiction. Discord quickly waved off her fears with a dismissive flick of his hand. "No, no, I’m powerful, but I’m not that powerful... creating fictional weapons out of thin air without understanding what makes that weapon is impossible." he clarified. His words aimed to reassure, emphasising the limits even he faced in manipulating reality. "The weapons I brought are not as advanced as the modern-day weaponry on earth as of now, merely weapons from 1914, when the first great war began." His explanation highlighted a historical context that was both fascinating and a slight relief to Amelia. Her eyes widened slightly, processing this information. "At least I don’t have to worry about bombs at least… right?" she asked, seeking further assurance that the extent of militaristic chaos would be contained. While the idea of any weapons from Earth making their way into Equestria was disconcerting, knowing they were not only historical but also limited in scope provided some comfort. The world she had found herself in was strange and unpredictable, but perhaps not as dangerous in the ways she had feared. She could only hope that any remnants of Discord's chaotic interventions would be manageable and that her new life here would be free from the type of strife that weaponry could bring. “Anyways…” Discord began, deftly shifting the conversation away from his earlier bombshell about human weaponry. His voice took on a solemn tone as he delved into the darker aspects of his past. “Once the small contingent of humans allied with the Night Guard and the Royal Guard, the true conflict erupted.” he explained, his expression shadowed by the memories. “I was in a dominant position at the outset of the war, as the ponies of that era were unaccustomed to conflict. They were peaceable, much like the civilians they protected." Discord recounted. His voice dropped to a murmur, heavy with regret. "It didn't help that I was unrestrained by any moral boundaries, driven by uncontrolled rage and a thirst for chaos. I became a mad deity, intoxicated with power and the havoc I could wreak.” As he spoke, the blackboard animated the grim narrative. It depicted ponies in gleaming golden armour, their faces twisted in screams of fear. They flailed desperately, scrambling for cover as bullets whizzed around them. Interestingly, the bullets bounced off harmlessly, more akin to BB pellets, a modification clearly made to make the scene less gruesome. This censorship underscored the brutality of the situation while sparing the onlookers from its full horror. The scene then shifted to include Princess Celestia and Luna. Luna, ever the warrior, used a makeshift shield to deflect the ineffective bullets as she orchestrated a strategic retreat. Celestia, comically yet tragically still sporting the lampshade on her head—now riddled with holes—followed her sister in retreat. The juxtaposition of the humorous elements with the grim reality of war added a surreal quality to the tale. Above the chaos, Discord was shown perched nonchalantly on a small cloud, observing the pandemonium with a disturbing glee. His figure was sketched laughing maniacally, delighting in the disorder below. This depiction of Discord, revealing in the turmoil he had instigated, contrasted starkly with the more reflective and subdued being he presented today. “But, my advantage lasted a few mouths. Ponies started to understand human weaponry thanks to the humans, levelling the playing field.” On the animated blackboard, the scene was both grave and absurd as the figures labeled 'humans'—now magically transformed ponies—equipped their fellow Equestrians in golden armour with rifles. Each character was drawn with a stoically determined expression, ready to face whatever chaos Discord had unleashed upon their land. When it was Princess Luna's turn to be armed, the scene took a humorous twist. The human-turned-pony handing out the weapons paused, a classic cartoon lightbulb flickering to life above her head, signalling a sudden inspiration. With a dramatic flair, she reached beyond the edge of the blackboard and pulled back into view a comically oversized mini-gun. The weapon was so large it nearly dwarfed the figure holding it. Handing it over to Luna, the depiction of the Princess lit up with a mischievous grin that promised trouble for any adversary. Then came Princess Celestia's turn. Despite the chaos and gravity of the situation, Celestia's portrayal added a touch of humour that was impossible to miss. With the lampshade still comically perched on her head—now sporting a few extra holes that hinted at its ineffectiveness as armour—she was presented with an RPG. In the midst of the strategic armament session, Celestia managed to give the human a confident thumbs up, her obscured vision doing nothing to dampen her enthusiasm for the hefty weapon she could barely see. Amelia listened intently as Discord shifted uneasily, his expression darkening with concern. "Discord… where is this going?" she murmured, trying to connect the historical dots to her current predicament. "What does this have to do with me being in a complicated situation for you? Isn't all that in the past? Are you afraid I’d start hating you?" she asked, her eyebrow arching in curiosity and slight apprehension about the depths of Discord's confessions. “That’s partly one of my concerns.” Discord admitted, his hand moving to the back of his head in a gesture of nervousness. "But my main worry is about those who currently run this country." His voice took on a sharper edge, his usual levity draining away as he snarled slightly at the thought. “What do you mean?” Amelia pressed, sensing the gravity of what Discord was alluding to. “This country—it's changed a lot after the end of the war… the structure of royalty has… moulded, and the policies and laws have become… unsanitary.” Discord explained with a heavy sigh, suggesting a deep dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. "But I’ll get to that later. First, I need you to understand what happened during the war, specifically how it ended, in a single decisive battle.” Amelia nodded, her mind racing as she pieced together the implications of Discord's story. It wasn't just about historical events; it seemed these events had shaped the current political landscape in ways that might directly affect her. The idea that the aftermath of this war influenced the present governance and societal norms added layers of complexity to her situation in Equestria. As Discord prepared to delve into the details of that pivotal battle, Amelia braced herself for more revelations, realising that understanding these events was crucial not only to grasp the political tensions of Equestria but also to comprehend how these tensions might impact her directly. The intertwining of Discord's past actions with the current state of the realm suggested that her presence might stir old conflicts or unearth unresolved issues within the magical land. “I remember as if it was yesterday, the day I met something that could disrupt the chaos I created.” Discord began, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and retrospect. As he spoke, the blackboard transformed, offering a bird's-eye view of a desolate no man's land that stretched ominously between two sets of trenches under the cloak of night. The scene zoomed into Discord’s trenches, where the atmosphere was tense and expectant. Snipers nestled in carefully chosen spots, their eyes peering intently through scopes, scanning for movement. Along the trench walls, ponies in muddied, battle-worn uniforms pressed themselves against the earth, their expressions etched with fatigue and despair. Each face reflected the grim reality of war, their eyes hollow, mirroring the pervasive sense of dread. Across the barren expanse, the Equestrian army mirrored this somber tableau. However, amidst this scene of war, an unexpected melody began to weave through the air—a familiar Christmas song from Earth, its notes cutting through the heavy silence of the battlefield. Mini Discord, illustrated on the blackboard overseeing his forces, paused, captivated by the tune. In his surprise, he realized it was Christmas Eve, known to the Equestrians as Hearts Warming Eve, a detail he had overlooked in his calculations. The focus then narrowed further to reveal a green mare amidst the Equestrian forces. She stood slightly apart from her comrades, her voice rising in a clear, strong melody that resonated across the trenches. As she sang, the initial solo swelled as more voices joined hers—first a few humans nearby, then scores from across the battlefield, their disparate voices uniting in a powerful chorus that transcended the divides of war. “That mare—no, that woman changed the entire dynamic of the war with nothing but a Christmas melody and her own voice.” Discord recounted, his tone reverent. “It began with just her solitary voice, which soon inspired those around her. Gradually, her song spread, growing as humans and ponies alike lent their voices to the melody, creating a resounding chorus that filled no man’s land with a harmony that spoke of peace and common humanity.” The blackboard illustrated this transformation vividly: the figures previously braced for battle now stood, listening and gradually joining in the song. Their once grim faces softened, reflecting a momentary reprieve from the harshness of their reality, united by the simple, profound act of singing together. Discord's recounting took on a wistful tone, tinged with the sort of perplexity only a being of his stature could feel when faced with the unpredictably profound nature of humanity. "But then, the humans that fought for me also began to sing, casting a profound disruption across the chaos I had so carefully orchestrated. At that moment, I thought it was merely a human tradition—singing to maintain morale amid the despair of war. How right I was... and yet, how profoundly I had underestimated the depth and resilience of humans." The scene on the blackboard transformed as night abruptly gave way to day, the sudden change from moon to sun casting stark shadows across the muddy, war-torn no man’s land. The camera of the blackboard's narrative zoomed in on the green mare who had sparked this unexpected armistice. She climbed out of her trench cautiously, her helmet gripped in one hand, the other mysteriously tucked behind her back. Below her, Discord’s forces tensed, fingers on triggers, eyes narrowed in suspicion. Mini Discord, depicted perched on a fluffy cloud above, watched with smug anticipation, certain of his impending victory. Yet, the battlefield remained silent; the anticipated gunfire never erupted. Both sides, though armed and ready, were inexplicably transfixed by the mare’s solitary figure advancing across the desolate stretch. The tension was palpable, a thick blanket of uncertainty that covered both armies. Unexpectedly, a Discordian officer, moved by an inexplicable compulsion, mirrored the mare’s actions, climbing out of the trench and slowly, cautiously moving toward her. This act of unprecedented bravery—or perhaps folly—caused Mini Discord’s smug expression to morph into one of utter disbelief. His strategic dominion was unraveling without a single shot fired. Internally, he wrestled with the impulse to intervene, but he was shackled by the knowledge that any overt chaos would summon Celestia and Luna, bringing down the full force of the Elements of Harmony upon him. As if orchestrated by an unseen conductor, soldiers from both sides then rose from their trenches, their arms not brandishing weapons, but raised in a sign of truce, their helmets held aloft like white flags. They converged in the middle of no man’s land, their actions painting a picture of unity as they shook hands, exchanged stories, laughed, and shared tokens of their lives before the war. The culmination of this spontaneous truce was not merely the cessation of hostilities but the organisation of an impromptu game of football. The scene unfolded with a raw, almost surreal quality, as soldiers who minutes before were poised to kill now kicked a makeshift ball around the pockmarked battlefield. “That human woman turned pony and a simple game of football defeated me entirely. I couldn’t understand it at first. What made that human risk her life just to kick a ball across a war zone? Why?” Discord’s voice carried a mix of frustration and introspection. "That morning, faces etched with misery transformed into visages of sheer delight, cries of despair became laughter, the scars of battle temporarily forgotten amid the joy of the game." He continued, his eyes narrowing as he recalled the scene, "Even when tackles grew rough, the expected resurgence of conflict didn’t materialise. Instead, such moments brought the opponents closer, as they helped each other up, their faces split by grins. I have never felt so humiliated, so at a loss, so utterly confounded. But what could I do, when not a trace of chaotic energy remained to be manipulated? It was all nullified, all eclipsed by the simple, pure joy of football." Discord’s tale, rich with the unexpected twists of battlefield camaraderie and the profound impact of human spirit, painted a vivid picture of a moment when peace eclipsed war, and joy overcame chaos. Amelia's eyes widened in astonishment as she absorbed the profound revelations of Equestria's wartime history, her expression reflecting a mix of shock and recognition. The narrative echoed a chapter from her own world's past—the remarkable and unexpected Christmas Truce of 1914 during World War I, when British and German soldiers briefly set aside their hostilities. The poignant story resonated deeply with her, stirring thoughts of how, even amid the bleak trenches and the grim spectre of battle, moments of shared humanity had blossomed between the most unlikely of comrades. Her mind raced, drawing parallels between the magical world of Equestria and the muddy, war-torn fields of Earth, where soldiers had also found a fleeting peace under the cold, starlit skies of a war-weary Christmas. Amelia listened, her eyes wide with a mixture of awe and curiosity as she absorbed the profound transformation of a battlefield into a playing field, a sight so out of place yet deeply stirring. "Amazing..." she breathed out, the word barely more than a whisper, yet heavy with emotion. She leaned forward, her fascination clear as she sought to understand more. "But… what happened after that? What did you do?" Discord, usually so composed and full of mischief, seemed to shrink slightly under the weight of the memory. The shadows in the room seemed to gather around him, reflecting his inner turmoil. "What could I do at that point?" he sighed, his voice a low rumble of defeat and bewilderment. "I just—walked away, and vanished, letting them play their little game of football." His hands gestured helplessly, his usual flamboyance drained by the recollection. "I was too distraught and confused to do anything else. I just—" He paused, his eyes distant, as if searching for answers in the corners of the room. "That day still mocks me." he continued, his voice growing thicker with frustration, the words tumbling out in a cascade of confusion. "Not because I lost, but because I am clueless as to why—why football itself beat me." His hands clenched into fists, and his figure seemed to loom larger as his frustration built. "What makes football so special to make the world stop just to play the game? Why… why… why!" Discord's roar filled the room, his voice echoing off the walls, almost to the point of desperation. Amelia watched, her heart going out to Discord as she witnessed his struggle with the simplicity of human joy that had unraveled his complex plots. The room around them felt charged with his raw energy, a stark contrast to the simple joy that had thwarted him years ago. It was a poignant reminder of the powerful, unifying force of communal happiness and how it could indeed bring even the mightiest to pause. “That’s just… football, I guess.” Amelia responded casually, almost dismissively, as though that simple phrase might unravel the complex tangle of Discord's inquiries. Yet, internally, Amelia didn't truly understand it herself. To her, falling in love with football had been as swift and thoughtless as indulging in a bar of chocolate; once it became a part of her life, she never really questioned its presence again. Discord exhaled a troubled sigh, his voice rising in frustration, reverberating through the cavernous space around them. "Everypony says that, but it doesn't really answer my questions. Why does no pony understand!?" He paced, his every step marked by an increasing sense of desperation. "Football broke my influence on humans—my chaotic influence that not even the strongest magic could shatter!" His hands animatedly gestured, emphasising his perplexity and dismay. "The only force I thought could rival my power was Alicorn magic, or worse, The Elements of Harmony. Is football truly that potent? A mere game that can override the will of any sentient being, even one under another's manipulation?" His voice cracked slightly, a rare show of vulnerability. "I don’t know! I simply don’t know!" He continued, his tone tinged with a hint of fear and awe. "What haunts me the most is that football did what I couldn’t—it took over the world. Everywhere I go, it dominates conversations, worshipped like a deity, cherished as if it were a precious, everlasting treasure." Discord paused, taking a shaky breath as he grappled with the reality of his observations. "Even Celestia and Luna have embraced it, participating with as much enthusiasm as any ordinary pony." His eyes widened, the realisation dawning on him like a slow, creeping dawn. "Did humans always wield such a formidable, chaotic force? Was football already ensnaring minds long before I brought them to this realm?" He looked visibly shaken, the weight of his unintended consequences dawning upon him. "If so, I inadvertently introduced a new type of chaos here, one that I was too blind to recognize—a chaos that quietly infiltrated and conquered from within!" Amelia watched him, her face a mixture of sympathy and contemplation. She had always viewed football as a simple pleasure, a harmless pastime, but through Discord's eyes, she began to perceive the deeper, almost mystical influence it wielded—an influence capable of shaping societies and bending the will of the powerful. Amelia clocked onto something, a detail about Discord she should have seen before through his experiences. As the realization dawned on her, a snicker escaped her lips. Discord looked at her, his expression a blend of confusion and curiosity. “What’s so funny?” Discord murmured, his voice tinged with annoyance at being out of the loop. “Discord… all this time you've been questioning football for what?—years? Decades? Centuries? And yet, you’ve never actually tried playing football yourself, have you?” Amelia pointed out, her grin broadening as she watched Discord recoil at the suggestion. “Of course not, don’t be ridiculous!” Discord exclaimed, his voice rising in a mix of disbelief and disdain. "Football is an addictive, brain-rotting virus! Why on earth would I partake in such madness?" He crossed his arms defiantly, his body language screaming indignation. “And that’s exactly why you have no answers! Because you are oblivious to the sport! Honestly… you are just like an American who calls it ‘soccer!’” Amelia teased, her laughter filling the room as she pointed at him. The comparison seemed to hit a nerve, making Discord’s eyes widen in mock horror. “Me? Like an American calling it soccer? That's preposterous!” Discord retorted, his tone dramatic. He unfolded his arms, gesturing wildly with his hands as if the very idea was an affront to his chaotic nature. “Next thing you know, you'll have me drinking tea with my pinkie out, or worse, enjoying baseball!” Amelia continued to laugh, thoroughly enjoying the rare opportunity to see Discord so flustered over something as mundane as football. Her laughter seemed infectious, and despite his initial resistance, a small chuckle escaped Discord, his usual poise slipping in the face of such absurdity. “Perhaps if you joined a game, you might just find the answers you seek. Or at the very least, have fun trying to bend the rules of football as you do with everything else,” Amelia suggested, winking playfully. Discord's expression flickered with uncertainty, his usual air of confidence giving way to a rare glimpse of vulnerability. "I don’t know, Amelia. After what happened all that time ago, I-I feel overwhelmed by the idea. It broke my chaotic spirit for a time, making me feel… vulnerable for the second time in my life. I don’t think I want to partake in the game.” he confessed, his voice tinged with hesitance. His face contorted with unease, a clear sign of the inner conflict brewing within him. "The thought of it terrifies me…” Amelia watched him, her empathy quickly shifting to a spark of determination. She suddenly stood up on her desk, her posture bold and her expression set with resolve. "That’s it, I’ve had enough of this." she declared, her voice firm and unwavering. Amelia pointed squarely at Discord, who looked up in surprise at her sudden elevation. "Discord! I challenge you to a football match! If you win, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about football! If I win, you’ll let me skip school! How’s that!" she announced, crossing her arms in a defiant stance. The challenge hung in the air between them, a bold proposition that mixed audacity with a touch of playfulness. Discord blinked, taken aback by Amelia's spirited challenge. A mix of amusement and intrigue played across his face as he considered the implications. The corners of his mouth twitched, hinting at a reluctant smile beginning to form. "A football match, you say?" he mused aloud, his voice carrying a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "Against you, Amelia? That’s quite the proposition. You do realise you’re challenging the spirit of chaos himself to a game of mere mortals?" Amelia nodded emphatically, her eyes gleaming with the thrill of the challenge. "Exactly! What better way to conquer your fear and learn about the game? It’s perfect, Discord. You get to understand football by actually playing it, and I get a day off school if I win. It’s a win-win!" Discord paused, the gears of thought visibly turning in his head as he weighed his options. Finally, with a theatrical sigh and a dramatic roll of his eyes, he acquiesced. "Very well, Amelia. You have yourself a deal. Prepare yourself for a game unlike any other. But beware, I might just take to this game more naturally than you expect!" Their laughter echoed through the room, the challenge setting the stage for an unusual but exciting showdown. This was not just a game; it was an opportunity for Discord to face his fears and perhaps rediscover a part of himself lost long ago in the face of an unexpected defeat. “With your chaotic magic and my knowledge of the game throughout history, I’m going to make the single best football match to ever grace the universe! Get excited, Discord!” Amelia's imagination soared as she envisioned the ultimate football match, her thoughts dancing with possibilities now that she had the chance to make them real with Discord's chaotic magic. Each idea sparked another, brighter and more fantastic than the last. In her mind, the perfect stadium was a colossal arena, built at the heart of Equestria. It shimmered with enchantment, its stands rising steeply to accommodate thousands of spectators, each seat offering a perfect view of the lush, green pitch below. This stadium would not be just any venue; it would be a magical place where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blurred, where the grass shimmered under a twilight sky that never darkened completely, lit by stars that twinkled in harmony with the excitement of the crowd. The players who would take the field in Amelia's dream match were a blend of Equestrian magic and human skill—legends of the sport from her world combined with the athleticism of ponies who played with a grace and agility only magic could enhance. These players would be heroes of their respective realms, coming together in a showcase of the best talents across dimensions. The managers directing each team would be figures of legendary prowess, perhaps even heroes and villains from Equestrian lore, each bringing their own unique strategies and magical tactics to the game. They would stand on the sidelines, their commands weaving spells of speed and precision among their players. The fans filling the stands would be a colourful mosaic of creatures from all over Equestria and beyond, each one cheering and roaring with excitement. The atmosphere would be electric, charged with the collective enthusiasm of diverse beings united by their love of the game. And overseeing this spectacle, the referee would be a figure of impartial authority, perhaps a wise and ancient Alicorn or a celebrated hero known for their fairness and insight, capable of seeing through any deceit and ensuring a fair match with a keen eye and a sharp whistle. “Well then, if we are going to do this, let's find enough space to swing a cat—or whatever you swing in your spare time,” Discord quipped, sparking a look of confusion on Amelia's face. “What do you—whoa!” Amelia began to ask, but before she could finish, her surroundings were swallowed by an engulfing white, so intense it could have been a toothpaste commercial. It was as if someone had cranked the brightness dial to 'future blinding'. The flashing light! It’s back! Where on earth—or off it—is it going to take me now? she wondered, half expecting to step into a giant tub of vanilla ice cream. “So… what do you think, Amelia?” Discord’s voice cut through the stark whiteness, calm and a touch mischievous. Amelia squinted towards the sound, trying to spot him in the vast sea of nothingness. “I know, it's pretty basic right now. You might start feeling like you're in a giant snow globe after a while here, but with a sprinkle of chaos, I can whip this into whatever you fancy.” “What is this place? Why is it so… overwhelmingly white?” Amelia asked, spinning around in the brightness that seemed to extend forever. “This, Amelia, is the hyperbolic time chamber!” Discord announced grandly, his arms wide as if presenting a new car on a game show. “Wha—huh?” Amelia's response was a mix of disbelief and a rapidly rising brow. “The hyperbolic time chamber!? From Dragon Ball Z!?” Her voice climbed an octave in confusion. “Haha, I’m just pulling your leg,” Discord chuckled, clearly enjoying his own joke a bit too much. “Manipulating time and space like that is a tad out of my league. I’m chaotic, not omnipotent!” He waved his hand dismissively, as if clearing away the very idea. Amelia’s face settled into a deadpan stare, the absurdity of the situation finally sinking in. “So, you're telling me this is your limitless realm of chaos, basically a giant blank canvas?” She glanced around, still trying to adjust to the overwhelming whiteness. “Exactly!” Discord beamed, proud as if he'd just revealed a masterpiece painting instead of an infinite white room. “A place I created after my defeat to, you know, think and stuff.” Amelia raised an eyebrow. “You created a boundless void to have a think? Most people just use a diary or, I don’t know, a blog.” Discord shrugged, his grin unwavering. “Well, I like to think big. And besides, isn’t it more fun to think in a place where the possibilities are literally endless? Here, we could even play zero-gravity football if we wanted!” Amelia chuckled, her laughter echoing slightly in the vast whiteness. “Zero-gravity football? That sounds like either the best idea ever or an emergency room's nightmare.” She couldn't help but picture herself, suspended mid-air, chasing a floating soccer ball that seemed just as confused about the laws of physics as they were. “Let’s stick to the traditional version for now. I’d like to keep my bones in one piece, and frankly, I’m not equipped to administer space first aid.” “Very well,” Discord replied, his voice dripping with theatrical disappointment. He dramatically crossed his arms and pouted, looking like a child who had just been told his cotton candy was actually made of broccoli. “So… eh—how do you play football?” Amelia paused, her eyes widening slightly as the realisation dawned on her. Oh boy… This was going to be more of a coaching session than a casual game. She suppressed a giggle, imagining the chaos that was about to unfold. > Chapter 12 - HERE WE GO! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12 The roles had reversed in a delightfully chaotic classroom setting where Amelia found herself as the unlikely instructor, armed with a pointing stick and a blackboard, teaching Discord—the personification of chaos—how to play football. Discord, clad in a stereotypically nerdy ensemble complete with tight sweater vest and even tighter glasses, scribbled down notes in a frenzy. The concept of football had been foreign to him, and Amelia had her work cut out explaining that 'offside' wasn't an adventurous leap off a cliff. Once that misunderstanding was cleared up, she thought he might just be ready to try his hand—or foot—at the actual game. With a snap of his fingers, Discord conjured a perfect, lush green pitch. The white lines were crisply drawn, and the goals stood invitingly at either end. It was time to put theory into practice. Amelia then urged Discord to materialise a football, which he did with a dramatic flourish. But when it came to interacting with it, Discord hesitated. He circled the ball like a cat wary of water, bending down to scrutinise it from every conceivable angle. Eventually, he poked it tentatively with his finger before vanishing in a puff of smoke, his tie flung to the ground in his wake. “Nope! Sorry, Amelia! I change my mind!” Discord called out, his voice trailing off into the distance. With a determined huff, Amelia marched over, picked up the discarded tie, and using her best "teacher" voice, summoned Discord back. As he reappeared, she grabbed him firmly by the ear, eliciting a series of theatrical ‘ouchies’ from him as she dragged him back to the ball. Standing him in front of it, she pointed at the spherical object expectantly, tapping her foot impatiently. Discord, with a dramatic sigh, hyped himself up. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes as if about to face his doom, he delivered a mighty kick. Amelia watched, her eyes widening in disbelief as the ball took an improbable path, twisting and turning through the air before sailing into the top right corner of the goal—a perfect knuckleball. Amelia’s jaw dropped. Discord, with only his second-ever contact with a football, had scored a goal that professional players might spend years perfecting. The spirit of chaos might not have grasped offside, but he certainly had a knack for dramatic flair in sports. Discord opened one eye, peeking at the trajectory of the ball, then turned to Amelia with a sheepish grin. “Was that right? Did I ‘football’ correctly?” he asked, his voice a mix of pride and genuine surprise at his own athletic display. HHOOOOOOOOOWWW!?!?!?!? DID HE JUST TURN INTO PRIME ROBERTO CARLOS!?!?!?!?!?!? After coaxing Discord into practicing a simple pass, Amelia braced herself for a gentle exchange. Unfortunately, her hopes were dashed spectacularly as Discord, with the enthusiastic zeal of a cannon operator, launched the ball toward her like a missile. The ball, acting more like a high-speed comet than a piece of sports equipment, hurtled through the air with such velocity that Amelia had to execute a hasty and rather ungraceful dive to the side to avoid an impromptu meeting with the turbocharged sphere. Discord, seemingly oblivious to the near miss, beamed with pride at his "pass" which had clearly confused the fundamental difference between passing and power shooting. The grass where Amelia had stood moments earlier was now thoroughly divoted, a testament to the force behind Discord's enthusiastic kick. Amelia picked herself up, dusting off the grass stains, and deadpanned at the cheerful Discord. Amelia made a mental note to dive out of the way of his shots when she was in goal. Next, Amelia decided it was time to introduce Discord to dribbling and a few fancy skill moves that she had learned from watching her brother. She demonstrated each technique with a careful explanation, showing him how to lightly tap the ball with the inside of her foot to keep it close while moving forward. "Alright, Discord, your turn. Just keep it slow and controlled." Amelia instructed, passing him the ball gently. Discord eyed the ball suspiciously as if it might sprout legs and scamper away. He tentatively tapped it, then, gaining a bit of confidence, tried to mimic Amelia’s fluid motions. The results were... unexpectedly artistic. His first attempt at a step-over turned into a sort of pirouette, which was followed by a wildly flamboyant series of flicks and twists that resembled a dance more than a soccer drill. Amelia couldn't contain her laughter as she watched Discord add his own flair to each move, turning basic dribbling into a chaotic ballet. "Maybe stick to the basics for now." she suggested through chuckles, her sides aching from laughter. Discord, undeterred and ever the showman, nodded enthusiastically. "Perhaps I'll invent my own moves, Amelia! How about this one?" He proceeded to spin around, accidentally sending the ball flying off with an impressive kick that would have made a decent field goal in American football. "Maybe we call that one the 'Discord Special'." Amelia replied, retrieving the ball from where it had landed a good distance away. She tossed it back to him. "Let's try just walking with the ball first. We can work up to the 'Discord Special' later." With a nod of determination, Discord focused on the ball, slowly dribbling it back towards her with exaggerated care, clearly trying to avoid any more unintentional acrobatics. It was a sight to behold, and Amelia realised that teaching Discord football was perhaps one of the most entertaining and unpredictable experiences she'd ever had. Amelia was curious to see how Discord would handle being a goalkeeper, so she positioned him between the goalposts and started taking a few practice shots. Every shot seemed like a moral dilemma for Amelia as Discord, rather than blocking the ball, dodged each attempt with dramatic flair, proclaiming that the 'football was launching a personal attack' and lamenting his inevitable defeat by the sport itself. With each missed save, Discord's antics grew, turning goalkeeping into a performance art where the aim was apparently to avoid the ball at all costs. By the time Amelia took her final shot, her patience and aim had peaked—resulting in a powerful kick that sailed directly toward the goal. Discord, true to form, chose that exact moment to leap out of the way, only to misjudge his evasion. The ball struck him squarely in the face, sending him tumbling backward into the net. Amelia sprinted to his side, concerned yet struggling to stifle a laugh, finding Discord dazed on the ground, tiny footballs cartoonishly orbiting his head. He sported a nosebleed and mumbled about his crushing defeat by the ruthless sport. As she helped him to his feet, it was clear that while goalkeeping might not be in his future, his ability to shoot—or at least dramatically interact with the ball—suggested another role. "Maybe goalkeeping isn't your calling.” Amelia suggested with a smirk, "but with that shooting power, you might make a great striker, as long as you aim at the net instead of away from it!" Discord, still nursing his bruised ego (and nose), nodded thoughtfully. "Perhaps you're right, Amelia. Striking fear—or footballs—into opponents might just be my true calling on the field!" Discord said with a grin. After an extensive session coaching Discord on the finer points of football and sharpening his skills with the ball, Amelia decided it was finally time to kick off their much-anticipated match. But before they could start, there were a few final tweaks needed to ensure everything was perfect for the game! Amelia grinned, her excitement palpable as she rubbed her hands together. "Time to set the stage!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation as she turned to Discord. "Discord, could you conjure up the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium for us?" she asked, her voice tinged with eagerness as she clasped her hands together in a pleading gesture. With a mischievous smirk and a flourish of his hands, Discord snapped his fingers. The ground beneath them trembled, and the air shimmered as if reacting to an invisible pulse. Slowly, the iconic structure of the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium began to rise around them. The stadium, a marvel of modern architecture, unfurled like a flower greeting the sun, its vast tiers and sweeping curves materialising from the chaos. "One of the best football stadiums on Earth, home to Real Madrid and their 14 Champions League trophies." Amelia explained, her voice filled with reverence as she guided Discord's gaze around the newly formed arena. The stadium's vastness was breathtaking, with towering stands that seemed to stretch endlessly upwards, each seat meticulously crafted to offer a perfect view of the pitch below. "Wow!" Discord breathed out, his usual facade of nonchalance replaced by genuine awe. He turned in a slow circle, taking in the enormity and the grandeur of the stadium that now enveloped them, his eyes wide with wonder as he absorbed every detail of the architectural masterpiece that had sprung up around them. As they looked around, the interior opened up into a vast amphitheatre of seats, cascading down in a series of white and blue tiers, reflecting the iconic colours of Real Madrid. The seating was designed to offer an unobstructed view from every angle, creating a coliseum-like atmosphere where every shout, cheer, and gasp from the crowd could be felt vibrating through the air. The pitch itself was a masterpiece, a perfectly maintained expanse of grass that seemed to glow with an emerald brilliance. Precision-cut and watered to an optimum level, the grass was a canvas waiting for the players' artistry. Surrounding the pitch, the technical areas were marked out meticulously, with the dugouts modelled in clear, contemporary designs that offered fans a glimpse of the tactical discussions within. Above, the stadium's roof, a marvel of engineering, arched gracefully over the space, equipped with state-of-the-art retractable panels that could open to the heavens or close to create an intimate battleground. This innovative feature ensured that games could be held in any weather, adding a layer of versatility to the iconic venue. Around the upper tiers, luxury boxes peered down like royal galleries, offering plush seating, exclusive amenities, and privacy, catering to VIP guests and offering one of the most prestigious viewing experiences in the world of sports. The entire structure resonated with the echoes of past victories, each corner steeped in the rich history of triumphs that had transpired on its hallowed grounds. It was more than just a stadium; it was a temple of football where legends had been made, and the dreams of millions had soared and sometimes shattered. This was where the heart of football beat the loudest, a place every player and fan revered as sacred. Next on Amelia's list were the fans, those indispensable pillars of football whose passion and loyalty could turn a game into an epic battle. She wanted supporters with fierce devotion, those who lived and breathed for their team, fans who would stand by their players through thick and thin. Amelia considered summoning Borussia Dortmund fans, known for their vibrant Yellow Wall, but opted for a crowd whose language she could more easily navigate—the fiery devotees of a Premier League team. "Now! Could you fill the stands with Newcastle fans, please?" Amelia requested, knowing the Toon Army was renowned for their undying support and thunderous chants. With a flick of his fingers, Discord conjured the fans. Almost immediately, the atmosphere in the stadium transformed as echoed chants and passionate shouts began to resonate from the tunnels, rising in volume like a tidal wave of fervor. One by one, fans clad in black and white streamed into the stands, each taking their seat but never ceasing their anthems of support. Amelia's grin broadened as she absorbed their energy; the collective power of their voices charged the air like electricity. To Discord, the roar of the Newcastle fans was akin to the drums of war, a thunderous army laying siege to his senses. The stadium seemed to shake under the weight of their collective voice, every shout a declaration of loyalty and an assertion of presence. It felt like a declaration of war, the intense atmosphere charged with the spirit of competition and camaraderie. As the stands filled, the Santiago Bernabéu, now echoing with the distinct Geordie accent, took on a life of its own. It was as if the stadium had traveled across continents and transformed into St. James' Park, with the Toon Army ready to defend their turf. Amelia's eyes sparkled with mischief as she took in the overwhelming spectacle of the filled stands. Turning to Discord, she couldn't help but chuckle at his slightly overwhelmed expression. "What do you think, eh? Understand why football is special now?" she asked, her grin spreading as she absorbed the electrifying atmosphere. "Special? It feels like I'm gonna have to fight all these humans." Discord replied, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and a hint of nervous apprehension as he glanced around at the sea of enthusiastic Newcastle fans chanting rhythmically. Amelia laughed heartily, her voice blending with the chants of the crowd. "That's what it always feels like with passionate fans. They make you feel... small." she explained, her gaze sweeping over the stadium that now pulsed with the collective energy of the crowd. "But that's the beauty of it." Amelia continued, her voice raised slightly to be heard over the continuous roar of the fans. "They're not here to fight; they're here because they love the game. Their passion, their loyalty—it's what fuels the players, turns the stadium into a fortress, and makes every match feel like a battle, but in the best way possible." “Still sounds like football has brainwashed them, using them like I once used humans under my control.” Discord murmured, making Amelia roll her eyes. Honestly… Selecting the perfect referee to oversee their unique match proved easier than Amelia initially thought. As her mind sifted through the pantheon of football referees past and present, a playful thought teased her: Antony Taylor? No, that wasn't going to happen. Instead, her choice was clear and incontestable—Pierluigi Collina, universally revered as the greatest football referee of all time. "Anyway, could you bring Pierluigi Collina here? The referee?" Amelia requested, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and respect as she turned to Discord, who was still captivated by the raucous atmosphere of the crowd. With a thoughtful nod, Discord raised his hand and snapped his fingers. In a blink, the legendary Pierluigi Collina materialised from the depths of the tunnel, striding onto the pitch with an imposing aura. Dressed impeccably in his iconic black referee kit, his shorts and shirt impeccably neat, he carried himself with a grave dignity befitting his status. A whistle, essential to his role, hung from a sleek black lanyard around his neck, swaying slightly with each purposeful step he took toward the centre of the field. As Collina approached, Amelia beamed, her excitement palpable. She extended her hand eagerly, which Collina grasped firmly, his grip strong and assured. Beside her, Discord extended his own hand tentatively, his usual confidence slightly dimmed in the face of Collina’s stern, authoritative presence. Collina’s distinctive bald head, his sharp, piercing eyes, and the well-earned lines of experience etched across his face gave him an air of formidable command. "Welcome, Mr. Collina! It’s truly an honour to have you referee our match." Amelia said warmly, her voice echoing slightly across the open field. Collina nodded curtly, a professional smile briefly crossing his features. "Thank you." he replied in his measured tone, "I look forward to ensuring fair play, even under these... unusual circumstances." his gaze flickering briefly to encompass the unique setup before settling back on Amelia with a look of cool assessment. With Collina’s presence, the pitch transformed into a stage set for serious competition, his reputation alone imposing a sense of order and anticipation, reminding all present that this was no ordinary match. The moment had arrived that Amelia had eagerly anticipated—the selection of her dream team. Her mind buzzed with the names of countless legendary footballers she had admired over the years. However, her team could only consist of 11 players, and as she had appointed herself as the goalkeeper, she focused on assembling the most formidable defense imaginable. "For my team." Amelia announced with a confident, almost mischievous grin, "I need 1994 Cafu at right-back, 2019 Virgil Van Dijk and 2016 Sergio Ramos at center-back, and 1994 Paolo Maldini at left-back. That’s my defensive lineup!" Her voice echoed with authority and excitement as she turned to Discord, who was ready to conjure her wishes into reality. With a casual flick of his wrist, Discord snapped his fingers, and the atmosphere around the tunnel entrance shifted. One by one, the chosen legends—Cafu, Van Dijk, Ramos, and Maldini—emerged. They walked with a purposeful stride, their expressions stoic and focused, side by side in perfect sync. Each wore their iconic jerseys, pristine and vibrant, representing the pinnacle of their careers. As they approached Amelia, they exuded an air of legendary prowess, standing tall and formidable at a respectful distance from her. Amelia's heart raced with excitement, and a part of her wanted to pinch herself as she beheld these titans of football, all in their prime. The reality of having these players on her team was both thrilling and almost overwhelming. "Wow! Hi! How ya doin'!" She greeted them enthusiastically as they neared, her voice a mixture of awe and delight. She reached out to shake their hands, each handshake sending a surge of surreal joy through her. Her admiration for them was palpable, and in a spontaneous burst of fandom, she couldn't resist asking each of them for an autograph. The players, perhaps amused and certainly accustomed to such adulation, responded with warm smiles and gracious nods, signing whatever she presented. The moment was electric, blending the awe of meeting one's heroes with the anticipation of leading them onto the pitch. After directing her defensive stalwarts to begin their warm-ups, Amelia faced the daunting task of selecting her midfield—the core of her dream team and perhaps the most crucial decision. The pool of talent was immense, with numerous legendary midfielders shining brightly in their respective eras. Nonetheless, Amelia was determined to choose players renowned for their tireless work ethic and ability to command the midfield tirelessly. "Now, could you please summon 2004 Steven Gerrard, 2010 Sergio Busquets, and 2010 Andrés Iniesta, captain of my team! That’ll be my midfield!" Amelia declared confidently, ready to shape the heart of her lineup. She watched expectantly as Discord, with a flick of his fingers, brought her choices into reality. One by one, the iconic midfielders emerged from the tunnel: Gerrard with his robust dynamism, Busquets with his tactical intelligence, and Iniesta with his unparalleled finesse. They approached Amelia, their presence alone elevating the pitch's atmosphere. Each greeted her warmly, their handshakes firm and respectful, their faces showing a mix of focus and excitement for the game ahead. However, when it came time to shake hands with Gerrard, Amelia couldn't resist indulging in a bit of playful rivalry owing to her Everton allegiance. As Gerrard extended his hand, Amelia swiftly withdrew hers, cheekily thumbing her nose and wiggling her fingers at him in a classic jest. Gerrard's response was a mix of surprise and amusement. He huffed a laugh, his competitive spirit taking the jest in stride, and gently tapped Amelia's cheek with his hand, his gesture light but carrying the playful rebuke of "you cheeky sod." This lighthearted moment broke the ice further, drawing chuckles from the others and creating a spirited camaraderie among the team. With Gerrard, Busquets, and Iniesta ready to dominate the midfield, Amelia felt confident that her team possessed the grit and creativity to steer the game in their favour, mixing tenacity with tactical brilliance. Amelia had already assembled a formidable backline and a dynamic midfield, but the selection of her attacking trio was where her heart truly raced with anticipation. The choice seemed almost straightforward, given the sheer talent of the players she envisioned leading her attack. With a gleam in her eye, she prepared to unveil her frontline to Discord, who appeared both intrigued and slightly wary of what was to come. "Now for my front three." Amelia declared with a competitive edge in her tone, "I'll go with 2010 Lionel Messi at right wing, 2013 Neymar Jr at left wing, and last but not least, 2014 Cristiano Ronaldo as the striker. That will be my team to play against you!" Her challenge hung in the air, echoing with the weight of the names she had chosen. Discord, with a resigned yet amused huff, snapped his fingers in response. Instantaneously, from the shadows of the tunnel, the legendary trio emerged, their presence alone transforming the atmosphere of the pitch. Messi, with his characteristic low-key demeanour but unmistakable aura of greatness; Neymar, exuding flair and a playful confidence; and Ronaldo, his stature and focused expression broadcasting his relentless determination to win. Amelia's excitement bubbled over as she watched these icons of football stride toward her. Their approach was like that of warriors taking to the battlefield, yet they carried the easy confidence of those accustomed to the adulation and pressure of the world stage. As they reached her, standing ready to receive instructions like soldiers awaiting orders, Amelia's professionalism momentarily gave way to fan-like enthusiasm. She eagerly shook their hands, each handshake sending a thrill through her. In a spontaneous burst of excitement, she couldn't resist asking for selfies with each of them. Gathering Messi, Neymar, and Ronaldo together, Amelia snapped what she internally proclaimed the greatest selfie of all time. The trio, perhaps used to such requests, obliged with good-natured smiles, their camaraderie evident even in the simple act of posing for a photo. This photo, capturing the essence of football royalty, would not only serve as a treasured memento for Amelia but also as a symbol of the incredible assembly of talent she had managed to bring together for this once-in-a-lifetime match. As Amelia surveyed her assembled team, she couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and excitement. There they stood, each player a paragon of football excellence, their physiques honed to perfection, radiating the prowess and skill that had made them legends in their own time. The sight of such formidable athletes, each at the peak of their abilities, filled her with a sense of awe and mad determination. The gleaming jerseys, the focused expressions, and the sheer presence of these players on the pitch made the atmosphere electric. Messi, Ronaldo, and Neymar mingled with Gerrard, Maldini, and Iniesta, discussing strategies and warming up with an ease that spoke of their innate mastery of the game. The defensive titans like Ramos and Van Dijk exuded calm assurance, ready to thwart any challenge. Amelia's grin widened as she took it all in, the reality of her dream team playing together igniting a fiery enthusiasm within her. This was not just a collection of great players; it was a finely tuned machine, each part working in harmony with the others, driven by a shared goal of victory and excellence. With a team like this, she felt unstoppable, ready to take on any opponent, real or imagined, on this field of dreams that had been conjured from her deepest football fantasies. “Well, I must admit, I have no idea who any of these players are, but they do look strong and tough.” Discord admitted, crossing his arms and surveying Amelia's lineup with a mix of admiration and bemusement. His gaze lingered on the players, clearly impressed by their athletic prowess even if their reputations were lost on him. “But now, it’s my turn!” Discord announced, his voice tinged with excitement. With a dramatic flourish, he snapped his fingers, casting a mischievous glance towards Amelia. The suddenness of the action caught her off guard, prompting her to whip her head around towards the tunnel, her eyes wide with anticipation and surprise. From the shadows of the tunnel, four figures emerged, their approach marked by an aura of mystery. Amelia squinted, trying to recognise any of them, but none of the faces were familiar. These weren’t the football legends of Earth. One of the figures is an exuberant, bubblegum-pink pony whose radiant, curly mane and tail showcase striking hues ranging from deep magenta to light pastel pink. Her eyes, wide and bright, are a vivid aquamarine, twinkling with mirth and mischief. She beams with a wide, endearing grin, her expressive face reflecting her unstoppable joy and enthusiasm. She's dressed for the occasion in a vibrant yellow goalkeeper jersey that hugs her frame, contrasting sharply with her pink fur. The jersey is sleek, tailored to allow freedom of movement, and features black trim along the edges, giving it a professional edge. Her gloves are heavy-duty, designed for agility, with padded fingers and a grippy texture essential for catching and throwing the soccer ball effectively. Completing her outfit are high-performance football boots, robust and cleated for excellent traction, dyed in a matching sunny yellow that stands out vividly against the grassy pitch. As she skips energetically from the tunnel, each bounce is full of life, her tail bobbing animatedly behind her. Her presence is like a burst of sunlight on the field, easily becoming the centre of attention and drawing smiles from all around with her irrepressible spirit and charming antics. The figure of a bat pony emerges onto the grassy pitch came next, his presence marked by a striking contrast between his appearance and demeanour. His fur is a deep, dark grey, almost blending into the shadows, complemented by a sleek, black mane that falls neatly back, hinting at a certain meticulousness. His eyes, a piercing crimson, are frequently cast downward, avoiding the gazes of those around him, reflecting a distinct discomfort with the crowd. He's clad in a lime green jersey, the vivid hue standing out starkly against his muted tones, suggesting an attempt to blend in or perhaps a mismatch between how he is seen and how he feels. The jersey hangs a bit loosely on him, practical and unrestrictive, necessary for the freedom of movement his winged form requires. As he makes his way onto the pitch, his posture is reserved, his head bowed, embodying an almost palpable sense of unease with the bustling environment. His steps are slow and deliberate, each one measured and cautious, as if he's constantly aware of the space he occupies. Despite the bright jersey, he seems to shrink away from attention, preferring the solitude that his quiet, measured demeanour affords him in a place where every other spirit is high and raucous. The next pony was a towering earth pony striding onto the pitch with a palpable air of confidence, his muscular build and tall stature making him a noticeable presence. His cream-coloured fur contrasts beautifully with his mane and tail, which are a dynamic mix of turquoise and navy blue, lending him a distinctive, striking look. His eyes, a soft shade of pink, gleam with excitement and a readiness to engage in the game ahead. He is dressed in the team's lime green jersey, which fits snugly over his robust frame, emphasising his muscular shoulders and broad chest. As he walks, he puffs out his chest proudly, each step taken with a purposeful, confident gait that suggests not only physical strength but also a mental preparedness and eagerness to take on whatever challenges the game might bring. This pony's demeanour radiates leadership and assurance, as he surveys the field and his teammates, ready to play his heart out. His presence is both inspiring and commanding, suggesting he is a key player who thrives under the competitive pressures of the sport. Lastly, A vibrant earth pony makes her entrance onto the pitch, her presence as fiery as her mane. Her fur is a bright orange, vivid and bold, perfectly complementing her mane that flames in hues of red, orange, and yellow, as if mimicking a blazing fire. Her eyes, a striking yellow, sparkle with mischief and an unspoken challenge. She sports the team's lime green jersey, which adds a sharp contrast to her fiery colour palette, making her stand out even more among her teammates. As she walks, there's a deliberate swagger to her step, exuding confidence and a touch of defiance. Her smile is wide and mischievous, revealing her punk-style attitude and readiness to stir things up. With a casual crack of her knuckles, she signals her readiness not just to play, but to dominate the game. Her posture and expressions all speak of a mare who is always in search of adventure and perhaps a bit of trouble, making her a formidable and spirited competitor on the field. Amelia's gaze followed the eclectic group as they approached, her eyes keenly observing their distinct gaits and the unique aura each one exuded. The group was not just diverse in appearance but also in demeanour, each character vividly embodying their personal traits through their posture and expressions. As they reached Discord, the contrast between his chaotic assembly and Amelia's meticulously chosen football legends was stark. Yet, the sight of these vibrant characters, each so different yet united by the upcoming challenge, added an exhilarating layer of unpredictability to the match. “Meet my backline!" Discord announced with a flourish, "Pinkie Pie, the goalkeeper, and my centre-backs, Nightstalker, Iron Hoof, and Solar Blaze. The finest defenders Equestria has ever seen!” His voice carried a mischievous tone, highlighting his playful ignorance of football, replaced by his confidence in these uniquely skilled players from a different realm. “I may not know much about your football, but I assure you, these players are champions at hoofball.” he added with a cheeky grin. Amelia’s expression transformed into one of wonder and intrigue as she processed the names and faces before her. Pinkie Pie, the goalkeeper, was particularly notable with her vibrant pink mane and bubbly demeanour that seemed at odds with the typical solemnity of a seasoned goalkeeper. Yet, there was something about her that resonated with familiarity. Amelia’s mind raced—Pinkie Pie, of course! She suddenly remembered where she had heard the name. Pinkie Pie was celebrated as one of the top five goalkeepers of all time in Equestria, renowned not just for her skills but for being one of the six hoofball prodigies. Her presence in goal was legendary, her saves almost miraculous, making her a stalwart figure between the posts. Flanking Pinkie Pie were the centre-backs: Nightstalker, Iron Hoof, and Solar Blaze, each emanating an aura of formidable strength and expertise. Nightstalker moved with a silent, almost spectral grace, his dark mane fluttering slightly as he surveyed the pitch with keen, calculating eyes. Iron Hoof was the epitome of strength and stability, his muscular build and steely gaze conveying an unyielding resolve. Solar Blaze, with his fiery mane and intense, focused expression, radiated a fierce competitive spirit and leadership that seemed to ignite the air around him. As Amelia took in the sight of this eclectic defence, a mix of delight and competitive fire lit up her features. The realisation that she was about to compete against some of the best players from another world—players who transformed the concept of football into something magical—was thrilling. "Next up! Is my midfield, arguably the finest midfield in all of Equestrian history." Discord announced, his voice rich with pride and a hint of challenge. He stood confidently, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he prepared for his dramatic reveal. With a sly smile, he snapped his fingers, a sound that echoed across the field, signalling the arrival of his chosen midfielders. "Ha! Whoever they are, I bet they aren't even the best midfielders on this pitch." Amelia countered, her voice brimming with bravado. She glanced toward her own midfield trio—Gerrard, Iniesta, and Busquets—who were deep in discussion, their heads bowed together in a huddle of strategic planning. Each player's gestures were precise, their expressions focused and intense, a testament to their legendary status and tactical acumen. Amelia's gaze then snapped back to the tunnel, her eyes narrowing slightly in anticipation and a playful defiance as she awaited the emergence of Discord's celebrated midfield. The atmosphere around the pitch intensified, a mix of anticipation and competitive spirit filling the air. The crowd, a mixture of intrigued spectators and passionate fans, leaned forward, their attention fixed on the shadowy entrance of the tunnel. The moment stretched, the anticipation building to a crescendo until finally, figures began to emerge from the darkness. Four of them emerged from the darkness of the tunnel, four of them with there own distinct colours. The first one she noticed was a unicorn with a deep, indigo mane styled with a neat, practical bang and streaks of pink and purple emerges from the tunnel onto the pitch. Her coat is a soft, lavender hue, exuding an aura of calm and intelligence. She is adorned in a lime green jersey, which stands out brightly against her darker tones, emphasising her slender yet sturdy build. This pony walks with an air of sophistication and confidence, each step measured and graceful. On her face, she sports a pair of smart, rectangular glasses that enhance her thoughtful, analytical gaze. Her eyes, a rich violet, scan the surroundings with keen interest and a clear focus, reflecting a mind always at work, strategising and calculating. Her overall demeanour is one of poise and assurance, suggesting a leadership quality that is both inspiring and commanding. As she steps onto the grassy pitch, her presence brings a sense of order and readiness, rallying her teammates with her calm yet determined approach. The next was a sturdy, earth pony that strides onto the pitch with a distinctive cowgirl swagger, embodying the essence of a rustic, hardworking spirit. Her coat is a bright, solid orange, accented with a mane and tail of rich golden blonde that falls in loose, practical waves. The striking contrast between her vibrant fur and the lime green jersey she wears highlights her robust, muscular build, fitting snugly and designed to allow easy movement. Her confident gait is punctuated by the subtle tilt of her cowboy hat, adding a touch of rural charm to her athletic attire. Her eyes, a deep and honest green, scan the field with determination and a no-nonsense focus, reflecting a practical and down-to-earth nature. As she walks, there's a certain grounded strength in her steps, each one taken with purpose and an unyielding resolve. Her presence on the field is both reassuring and commanding, suggesting she's a pony who leads by example and isn't afraid to dig in her hooves and get the job done. A pegasus pony bursts onto the pitch next, his energy that is both infectious and exhilarating. His mane is a vivid tapestry of blond, red, and turquoise, flowing wildly as he moves, perfectly matching the vibrancy of his light yellow fur. His eyes, a bright and captivating turquoise, shimmer with excitement and anticipation. He's clad in a striking red and blue striped jersey, the bold colours echoing his dynamic and spirited personality. The jersey fits him comfortably, flapping slightly as he flaps his wings in excitement, adding an extra flair to his animated entrance. His smile is wide and ecstatic, lighting up his face as he strides confidently onto the grassy field. Every step he takes is filled with a palpable eagerness, his posture exuding readiness and an eagerness to engage in the game. This pony’s demeanour is one of pure joy and determination, making it clear he's not just prepared to play but to thoroughly enjoy every moment of the competition. A pegasus pony with a unique and edgy hairstyle enters the pitch, her mane fashionably shaved on the sides and back, with just a short crop on top dyed a soft light pink. Her spring green fur is bright and fresh, providing a striking contrast to her bold mane. Her eyes, a deep teal, scan the surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. She wears a lime green jersey that blends almost seamlessly with her fur, the uniform snug against her slender frame. As she makes her way onto the field, her movements are hesitant; she occasionally strokes her arm, a gesture that underscores her nervousness. Despite her shy demeanour, there’s an underlying strength in her gentle steps. She looks around tentatively, her expression one of cautious anticipation, as if she is both intrigued by the prospect of the game and intimidated by the crowd and the noise. Her presence is soft yet compelling, drawing a subtle attention to her delicate yet determined spirit. Among the players stepping onto the pitch, two figures immediately caught Amelia's attention due to their familiarity. Applejack, known for managing the Toffees, and Twilight Sparkle, at the helm of the Reds, both stood out not only for their roles but for their vibrant youthfulness and matching lime green jerseys. These two ponies weren't just known for their managerial skills; they were celebrated as hoofball prodigies. Amelia's mind drifted to a memory of spotting Applejack and Twilight sharing a warm, friendly exchange before a fiercely contested game, their smiles radiating a long-standing camaraderie that spoke volumes of their deep-rooted friendship. Then, another figure drew Amelia's gaze—a pegasus mare known as Whisper Wings. Although Amelia had never met her, the name resonated with tales of extraordinary talent and a promising career tragically cut short. Whisper Wings was recognised as the fourth prodigy of hoofball, renowned for her almost phantom-like play style on the field and her exceptional skills as a midfielder. Yet, her promising journey had ended abruptly when a severe ACL injury forced her out of the sport, after which she vanished from the public eye, her whereabouts becoming one of Equestria's lingering mysteries. Completing the lineup was a player donning a jersey unfamiliar to Amelia, indicating a background outside the scope of her research, which had so far been limited to the history of the Toffee Hoofball Club and their renowned players. This added an element of intrigue and mystery, piquing Amelia's curiosity about the unknown player's origins and skills. As these figures aligned on the field, each brought a layer of history, talent, and unanswered questions, enriching the tapestry of the upcoming match with their personal stories and legendary statuses. Amelia felt a mix of admiration and a keen desire to learn more about these extraordinary players, especially the enigmatic Whisper Wings, whose brief but brilliant career had left a mark on hoofball history. Discord, standing proudly before his chosen squad, couldn't resist goading Amelia with his lineup's credentials. "So what do you think? Twilight is my Central Attacking Midfielder, Applejack my Central Defensive Midfielder with Whisper Wings and Ottar as my Central Midfielders. I know you recognise the prodigies, they are famous for their chemistry and link-up play." he explained, his tone slightly boastful as he eyed Amelia, hoping to unnerve her with the caliber of his team. "Your four to my three, ay?" Amelia retorted, analysing his strategy with a tactical eye. "Sounds like you're trying to outnumber me in the midfield." She noted the formation with interest, a strategic mind working behind her calm demeanour. "But you left your backline as a back three, very risky, Discord. Are you sure you want to play in a 3-4-3 formation? Not a clever idea against my 4-3-3." she challenged, her grin widening as she saw Discord's smirk grow in response. "You shall see in due time, little one." Discord replied confidently, his voice carrying a mix of challenge and amusement. With another snap of his fingers, he signalled the next phase of his plan. "Your funeral..." Amelia murmured under her breath, her smirk mirroring Discord's as she turned her attention back to the tunnel. Her eyes narrowed slightly in anticipation, her competitive spirit fuelled by the unfolding challenge. At that moment, two more figures emerged from the tunnel, stepping into the light as the attackers on Discord's team, adding another layer of intrigue and potential threat to the unfolding match. The air buzzed with anticipation, both teams bracing for what was shaping up to be an epic clash on the field. A dynamic pegasus pony bursts through the tunnel onto the pitch, her presence as striking as her appearance. Her mane and tail are a brilliant spectrum of colours—vivid shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet cascade in a flowing, colourful wave, a visual echo of her bold and spirited personality. Her coat is a deep sky blue, providing a stunning backdrop for her rainbow-hued mane. She's clad in a lime green jersey, which contrasts sharply against her colourful mane and tail, drawing even more attention to her. The jersey fits snugly, accentuating her athletic build and the powerful muscles of her wings. As she walks, her smile is cocky, wide, and confident, perfectly capturing her fearless and competitive nature. Her entrance is nothing short of show-stopping, with every step exuding confidence and an eagerness to tackle any challenge on the field. Her grin and the glint in her magenta eyes suggest she’s not just ready to play; she’s ready to dominate, bringing an infectious energy that promises both excitement and high action. Next was a sophisticated pony that gracefully made her entrance onto the pitch, her poise and elegance clear in every step. Her mane, a lustrous purple colour, is styled in voluminous, glamorous waves that cascade beautifully down her neck, catching the light with each majestic flick. Her coat is a pristine, shimmering white, enhancing her natural allure and distinct sense of style. She wears a lime green jersey, tailored to fit her perfectly, complementing her refined aesthetic while highlighting her slim, elegant figure. As she strides confidently through the tunnel and onto the grass, her movements are deliberate and full of grace, turning the simple act of walking into a display of regality. Her eyes, a deep and expressive blue, scan the field with a discerning gaze, reflecting both her competitive spirit and her meticulous attention to detail. Her presence on the pitch is both striking and inspiring, blending the world of high fashion with athletic prowess, and making her a memorable figure whose style is as formidable as her gameplay. These final two ponies completed Discord's formidable lineup: Rainbow Dash and Rarity, an attacking force like no other. Rainbow Dash, known as the top scorer in Toffees' history, held the title of the fastest player in the sport. Her speed and agility on the field were legendary. Rarity, on the other hand, was a master of dribbling, her elegant and precise footwork making her a formidable opponent. Together, they formed a deadly duo that could dismantle any defence. "Meet my wingers: Rainbow Dash, my right winger, and Rarity, my left winger." Discord announced with a flourish, his voice filled with pride. The two ponies stepped forward, Rainbow Dash with her trademark confident smirk and Rarity with a graceful nod, both exuding an aura of undeniable talent and poise. Discord wasn't finished. With a snap of his fingers, his Hawaii attire vanished, replaced by a lime green jersey, white shorts, and black boots, mirroring the uniforms of his team. "Last but not least—me! The striker!" Discord proclaimed, striking a pose with his arms crossed, flanked by Rainbow Dash on his right and Rarity on his left. Amelia couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the sight. "Really, Discord? You're going to lead the attack yourself?" she teased, though she knew better than to underestimate the spirit of chaos. The combination of these renowned players, each with their unique strengths and Discord's unpredictable presence, promised an exhilarating match. The stage was set, with both teams ready to clash in what was shaping up to be a legendary showdown. Amelia's excitement grew as she took in the scene, her team of legendary footballers facing off against Discord's eclectic mix of Equestrian prodigies and himself. It was a match for the ages, a true blend of worlds and talents, and Amelia was more than ready for the challenge. “Well, I guess we’re ready to play, huh?” Discord said, his voice tinged with a nervousness that betrayed his bravado. The reality of playing football, a sport that had once broken his chaotic influence, loomed over him, and he couldn’t shake the fear of being swept away by its mysterious power. “Not quite.” Amelia replied, raising an eyebrow with a playful smirk. “You and I need to give our teams their preferred jerseys.” She paused for effect, enjoying the suspense. “My team will wear Everton’s latest jersey, with me in Everton’s goalie kit.” As Discord snapped his fingers, Amelia watched in delight as her team’s attire transformed. The iconic blue of Everton's kit replaced their original colors. She couldn't help but laugh as she saw the looks of horror on the faces of Virgil van Dijk and Steven Gerrard. They stared at each other, their expressions of sheer disgust unmistakable as they realized they were donning the jerseys of their historic rivals. Virgil van Dijk pulled at the fabric, a grimace spreading across his face. “This... this is sacrilege.” he muttered, looking as though he had been asked to commit an unthinkable act. Gerrard, meanwhile, seemed to be fighting back a gag. “I can’t believe I’m wearing this.” he said, shaking his head in disbelief. His eyes darted to Amelia, who was grinning from ear to ear, clearly reveling in their discomfort. “You’re enjoying this far too much.” he added, trying to muster a smile despite his visible revulsion. “That’s the only reason I picked you two.” Amelia confessed with a mischievous wink. “Seeing you in Everton’s kit is priceless.” Discord, meanwhile, had his own task. “Fine, fine. My team will wear the Toffee’s kit.” he declared, snapping his fingers once more. In an instant, only Ottar’s attire changed to a sleek, lime green jersey with white shorts and black boots, matching his own outfit. With both teams now appropriately dressed, the tension on the field was palpable. The sight of legendary footballers begrudgingly wearing rival colours added a layer of humour to the scene, while the surreal mix of Equestrian and human talent set the stage for an unforgettable match. Amelia looked across the pitch, her team ready and somewhat reluctantly united under the Everton banner. “Alright, Discord. Let’s see what your team’s got.” she called out, her competitive spirit burning brightly. The game was about to begin, and with it, the merging of two worlds in a clash of skill, strategy, and a touch of chaos. Here it is, the match of the ages. Equestria’s finest XI vs Earth’s finest XI. Kick off! - HERE WE GO! > Chapter 13 - Goalkeepers can take free kicks? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Santiago Bernabéu was electric with anticipation as Team Equestria and Team Earth prepared for an epic showdown. The clash between mythical beings and football legends promised a match to remember. The legendary Pierluigi Collina, renowned for his firm yet fair officiating, was set to ensure the game ran smoothly with the aid of MVAR, an enchanted version of VAR tailored for this extraordinary event. As the referee blew the whistle, the ball was set in motion, and the intensity was immediate. Team Earth started with the ball, and the pace was frenetic right from the kick-off. Iniesta and Gerrard, displaying their trademark control and vision, dominated the midfield. Their fluid passing and sharp movements created a dynamic duo, constantly probing for weaknesses in Team Equestria's defense. Amelia, positioned firmly in goal, observed the field with the keen eye of a seasoned goalkeeper. She noted how Discord, in stark contrast to the fervent activity around him, stood relatively motionless at his spot on the pitch. His eyes were wide with fascination, watching as the game unfolded, the energy and rhythm of football seemingly captivating him. He barely moved, almost as if he were a spectator rather than a player, his mind possibly wrestling with the conflicting emotions football stirred within him. Despite Discord's initial hesitance, Team Equestria's players were anything but passive. Pinkie Pie, with her incredible reflexes and agility, guarded the goal with an almost supernatural prowess. Nightstalker, Solar Blaze and Iron Hoof formed an impenetrable wall in defence, their coordination and strength making it difficult for Team Earth to penetrate. Twilight Sparkle and Applejack worked tirelessly in the midfield, their chemistry evident as they intercepted passes and launched counter-attacks. The ball moved swiftly between the players, the game a seamless blend of human skill and Equestrian magic. Iniesta dribbled past Nightstalker with a deft touch, only to be met by Iron Hoof's robust challenge, bouncing to Gerrard. Gerrard's long-range effort was parried spectacularly by Pinkie Pie, her exuberant smile belying the intensity of her concentration. As the game progressed, Amelia's eyes were drawn to Whisper Wings, who lived up to her reputation as a phantom on the field. She moved with a ghostly grace, seemingly appearing out of nowhere to intercept passes and orchestrate attacks. Her presence was ethereal yet impactful, a silent commander guiding her team. On the wings, Rainbow Dash and Rarity displayed their prodigious talents. Rainbow Dash's blistering speed left defenders in her wake, while Rarity's dribbling skills dazzled the crowd, weaving through opponents with elegant precision. Back in goal, Amelia felt the pressure mounting as Team Equestria's attacks became more coordinated. A sudden surge from Whisper Wings saw her thread a perfect through ball to Discord, who, despite his earlier hesitation, found himself with a clear shot at goal. The spirit of chaos, driven by a mix of curiosity and the infectious energy of the game, took a powerful strike. Amelia's reflexes kicked in, and she leapt to her right, just managing to tip the ball around the post. The crowd erupted in cheers, appreciating the save, while Discord stared at his hands, surprised by the rush of excitement that came from simply taking a shot. The match continued, a thrilling blend of human and Equestrian prowess, with each team showcasing their unique strengths. Amelia's mind raced with tactical adjustments, her heart pounding with the adrenaline of the game. She could see the potential for both triumph and chaos on the horizon, each moment bringing a new twist to this unprecedented clash of worlds. 5' CRISTIANO RONALDO!!! 1-0! EARLY GOAL FOR EARTH’S TEAM!!! Team Earth drew first blood early in the match. After a series of slick, seamless passes that dazzled the spectators, the ball found its way to Iniesta. With the elegance and precision that defined his play, he surveyed the field and spotted Messi making a darting run down the right wing. Iniesta's eyes glinted with anticipation as he threaded a perfectly weighted pass into Messi's path. Messi, moving with his signature agility, controlled the ball effortlessly. His rapid footwork and deft touches left the defenders scrambling to keep up. As he neared the edge of the penalty area, Messi glanced up, assessing his options. Spotting Ronaldo charging into the box, he delivered a pinpoint cross with a flick of his left foot. The ball sailed through the air with a perfect arc, destined for greatness. Ronaldo, timing his leap with impeccable precision, rose above the defenders like a predator seizing its prey. His powerful, muscular frame seemed to hang in the air for a moment, defying gravity. With a thunderous header, he directed the ball toward the goal. The sheer force and accuracy of the header sent the ball rocketing toward the top corner. Pinkie Pie, the goalkeeper with lightning-fast reflexes, sprang into action. Her eyes widened as she tracked the ball's flight, her pink mane bouncing with her sudden movement. Despite her valiant effort and full-stretch dive, the ball was just out of reach. It slammed into the back of the net with a satisfying thud, making the net bulge dramatically. The scoreboard flashed: Team Earth 1-0 Team Equestria. The stadium erupted in a cacophony of cheers and applause, the energy of the crowd reaching a fever pitch. Fans leapt to their feet, their roars of approval reverberating through the grandstands. Team Earth's players celebrated their early lead with jubilant fist pumps and high-fives, their coordination and skill having set a high bar for the match. On the sidelines, Discord watched with a mixture of fascination and determination, while Amelia's face lit up with pride and excitement. The early goal was a testament to the incredible talent and teamwork of her chosen legends, setting the stage for what promised to be an unforgettable showdown. 8' Close-call! Twilight Sparkle nearly levelled the score immediately, her response as swift as lightning. Seizing the ball just outside the box, she wound up and unleashed a powerful shot. The ball zipped through the air like a comet, aimed with pinpoint accuracy at the top corner of the net. Amelia, caught off guard by the sudden strike, could only watch as the ball streaked past her outstretched hands. The shot struck the crossbar with a resounding crack, the sound echoing throughout the stadium. The force of the impact sent the ball ricocheting back into play, leaving the goal frame vibrating. Amelia, still rooted to the spot, exhaled a breath she hadn’t realised she was holding. The crowd gasped collectively, the near miss sending waves of excitement and tension through the stands. Twilight Sparkle’s display of skill and power left an indelible mark, a clear warning that Team Equestria was not to be underestimated. Amelia quickly regained her composure, mentally steeling herself for the challenges ahead, knowing that the game was far from over. 10' RAINBOW DASH!!! 1-1! Team Equestria responded swiftly, refusing to be outdone. Applejack, with her sharp instincts and quick reflexes, intercepted a pass in the midfield. Her eyes scanned the field, quickly identifying an opportunity. She found Twilight Sparkle, who took a moment to gauge the positions of her teammates and the opposing defenders. With precise timing, Twilight delivered a through-ball that split Team Earth’s defence. The ball sailed perfectly into Rainbow Dash’s path. Dash, using her incredible speed, burst past Maldini in a blur, leaving the legendary defender behind. She closed in on the goal, her eyes locked on the target. With a swift, composed motion, she slotted the ball into the net, her strike precise and unstoppable. The ball zipped past Amelia, who could only watch as it nestled into the bottom corner of the goal. The scoreboard flashed: Team Equestria 1-1 Team Earth. The crowd erupted into a roar, the sound a mix of astonishment and exhilaration. Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash celebrated their seamless teamwork, their faces alight with triumph. The swiftness and elegance of their play demonstrated the formidable chemistry and skill of Team Equestria, signalling that the match was far from decided. Amelia quickly gathered her team, their determination undiminished by the equaliser. She exchanged glances with her teammates, silently communicating their resolve to reclaim the lead. The game was on, and both teams were ready to give it their all, the field set for an epic battle of talent and strategy. 13' SAVE!! Pinkie Pie denied Neymar with a brilliant save, showcasing her agility and reflexes. Neymar, having dribbled past two defenders with his trademark flair, unleashed a powerful shot aimed at the bottom corner of the net. The ball seemed destined to score, but Pinkie Pie sprang into action. Diving low to her left, Pinkie Pie extended her gloved hand and managed to push the ball around the post with a spectacular save. The crowd gasped in awe at her quick reaction and athletic prowess, their admiration for the goalkeeper growing with each passing second. Neymar, hands on his head in disbelief, could only smile at the remarkable save. The scoreboard remained unchanged, Team Equestria 1-1 Team Earth, as the players reset for the ensuing corner kick. The game’s intensity continued to build, each team demonstrating their skills and determination in this epic clash. 15' DFENSIVE MOMENT!! Van Dijk showed his class by stopping Discord, who had skilfully evaded the likes of Busquets and Ramos. Using his chaotic nature to his advantage, Discord weaved through the midfield and defence, leaving a trail of confusion behind him. Just as he was about to unleash a potentially game-changing shot, Van Dijk stepped in with impeccable timing. With a display of defensive brilliance, Van Dijk executed a perfectly timed tackle. He lunged in just as Discord was about to strike, cleanly taking the ball away without making any contact with Discord himself. Discord, caught off guard by the sudden challenge, stumbled and immediately turned to the referee, protesting vehemently. Collina, ever composed, signalled for an MVAR review. The stadium hushed in anticipation as the replay played out on the big screen. The slow-motion footage clearly showed Van Dijk's flawless tackle, the ball cleanly taken away without any foul play. The decision was clear: no foul. Collina waved away Discord's protests, his authority reinforced by the MVAR confirmation. The crowd erupted in applause, acknowledging Van Dijk's exceptional skill. Discord, slightly flustered but determined, returned to his position, realising that even his chaotic prowess was no match for Van Dijk's defensive mastery. The match continued at a thrilling 1-1, each team displaying their formidable skills and resilience, setting the stage for an unforgettable showdown. 18' BLOCK! Iron Hoof showcased his strength and timing by blocking a powerful shot from Ronaldo, preventing a certain goal with a well-timed slide. Ronaldo, having received a precise pass from Gerrard, manoeuvred expertly into the box. With his eyes locked on the target, he unleashed a powerful shot destined for the bottom corner. But Iron Hoof, reading the play with keen intuition, reacted swiftly. He lunged into a perfectly executed slide tackle, his strong legs and precise timing coming into play. The ball ricocheted off his boot and veered off course, missing the goal by inches. The crowd gasped, then erupted into applause, acknowledging the defender's crucial intervention. Ronaldo, momentarily frustrated, could only nod in respect at Iron Hoof’s impeccable defensive play. The match remained a thrilling contest, with each team pushing their limits to gain the upper hand. 20' WOODWORKS! Messi's curling free-kick beat Pinkie Pie but struck the post, rebounding harmlessly away, much to the relief of the Equestrian defense. The tension was palpable as Messi lined up the shot, his eyes scanning the defensive wall and Pinkie Pie's positioning. He took a deep breath, then ran up to the ball, striking it with his left foot. The ball sailed over the wall with a perfect arc, its trajectory bending impossibly toward the top corner of the net. Pinkie Pie, despite her impressive agility, could only watch as the ball soared past her outstretched hand. The stadium held its breath, eyes glued to the ball's flight. With a resounding clink, the ball struck the post, vibrating the goal frame but bouncing away from the net. The Equestrian defense exhaled collectively, their relief evident as they quickly scrambled to clear the rebound. The crowd let out a collective gasp, followed by a mixture of groans and applause for the near miss. Messi shook his head, a wry smile on his face, acknowledging how close he had come. Pinkie Pie gave a grateful nod to the goalpost, silently thanking it for the assist. The match continued, the score still level, each team pushing the boundaries of their skill and determination in this epic clash. 22' AMELIA!?!?!? 2-1!!! In an unexpected turn of events, Team Earth won a free kick just outside the box. As Messi, Gerrard, and Ronaldo gathered to discuss who would take the shot, Amelia stepped up, surprising everyone. Turning to Discord with a cocky grin, she said, “Watch this!” Discord was bewildered, his eyes widening in disbelief. "Goalkeepers can take free kicks?" he muttered to himself, scratching his head. Amelia exuded confidence as she positioned the ball, her eyes fixed on the top right corner of the goal. She took a few steps back, inhaling deeply to steady her nerves. The stadium fell into an anticipatory hush, every fan on the edge of their seat. With a precise and powerful strike, Amelia sent the ball curling towards the top right corner. The shot was beautiful, a perfect blend of power and finesse. The ball clipped the post with a satisfying clink before nestling into the net. Pinkie Pie, despite her valiant effort, was left helpless as the ball sailed past her outstretched hand. The crowd erupted into wild cheers, the sound echoing throughout the stadium. Amelia, overcome with exhilaration, sprinted towards the stands, her arms raised in triumph. She was soon enveloped by a sea of fans, their cheers and applause celebrating her unexpected and spectacular goal. The scoreboard flashed: Team Earth 2-1 Team Equestria. Her teammates rushed to join the celebration, patting her on the back and ruffling her hair in congratulations. Amelia’s face beamed with joy, her heart racing from the excitement of her extraordinary goal. Discord, still reeling from the shock, could only watch as Amelia basked in the adoration of the crowd. The match resumed with renewed intensity, both teams driven by the electric atmosphere and the desire to come out on top in this epic clash. 25' SAVE!!! Pinkie Pie made a fantastic diving save to deny Messi from close range. The ball had seemed destined for the net, but Pinkie’s athleticism kept her team in the game. Messi had received a brilliant through-ball from Iniesta, and with his characteristic speed and precision, he manoeuvred past the defenders to find himself one-on-one with Pinkie Pie. With a swift flick of his left foot, Messi aimed for the bottom corner. The crowd held their breath, anticipating the inevitable goal. But Pinkie Pie, with incredible reflexes and agility, launched herself into the air. She stretched out her hand, and just as the ball was about to cross the line, she managed to get a solid touch on it, pushing it wide of the post. The stadium erupted into a mix of gasps and cheers, marvelling at the sheer brilliance of the save. Pinkie Pie quickly sprang to her feet, her face lit with determination and focus. Her teammates rushed to congratulate her, grateful for her crucial intervention. Messi, momentarily stunned, could only nod in appreciation of the impressive save. The scoreboard remained at 2-1, with Team Equestria still very much in the game, thanks to Pinkie Pie’s extraordinary goalkeeping prowess. 28' TACKLE!!! Maldini executed a perfect sliding tackle to dispossess Rainbow Dash, who was sprinting towards the goal with blistering speed. The timing was impeccable, preventing a dangerous opportunity. Dash, known for her incredible agility and pace, had broken through the midfield with ease, her eyes locked on the goal. As she closed in, ready to unleash a powerful shot, Maldini read the play with the precision of a seasoned defender. He surged forward, his eyes never leaving the ball. With a perfectly timed slide, he extended his leg, making clean contact with the ball and sending it away from Dash's control. Rainbow Dash stumbled slightly from the unexpected challenge but quickly regained her balance, only to see Maldini already back on his feet, clearing the ball out of danger. The crowd roared with approval, recognising the sheer skill and timing required for such a flawless tackle. Dash, though momentarily frustrated, couldn’t help but acknowledge Maldini’s defensive brilliance. The dangerous opportunity had been nullified, keeping Team Earth’s lead intact. The match continued with both teams displaying exceptional talent and determination, every moment filled with electrifying action. 30' TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!! 2-2!!! Twilight Sparkle showcased her precision and magical prowess. From a central position just outside the box, she unleashed a stunning long-range shot that flew past Amelia, levelling the score. Team Equestria 2-2 Team Earth. Twilight had received the ball from Whisper Wings, who cleverly evaded a challenge from Iniesta before delivering a precise pass. Twilight took a moment to control the ball, her eyes scanning the field before she decided to go for goal. With a swift and powerful strike, she sent the ball soaring through the air. It curved beautifully, eluding the outstretched hands of Amelia, who dived desperately to her left. The ball smashed into the back of the net with a satisfying thud. The crowd erupted in cheers, the atmosphere electrified by the equalising goal. Twilight’s teammates rushed to her, celebrating the spectacular shot that had brought them back into the game. Even Amelia, despite her disappointment, couldn’t help but admire the sheer skill and accuracy of Twilight’s strike. The scoreboard now flashed: Team Equestria 2-2 Team Earth. The match was back on level terms, the intensity on the pitch reaching new heights. Both teams were determined to seize control, their spirits undeterred and their focus unwavering. The epic clash continued, with every player pushing their limits in pursuit of victory. 32' MVAR DRAMA!!! Applejack was fouled by Busquets just outside the penalty area. Collina immediately called for MVAR to confirm the exact location of the foul. The crowd watched the replay intently, the atmosphere thick with anticipation. The decision came back quickly: a free-kick, just outside the box. Twilight Sparkle, confidence radiating from her, stepped up to take the free-kick. She placed the ball carefully, taking a few steps back to prepare. The tension in the stadium was palpable as the players lined up, the wall set, and Amelia positioned herself, eyes locked on Twilight. Twilight struck the ball with precision and power, sending it arcing over the wall and heading towards the top corner of the net. The crowd held its breath as the ball seemed destined to find the back of the net. But Amelia, showcasing her exceptional reflexes and agility, sprang into action. She launched herself through the air, her fingertips just grazing the ball and pushing it wide of the post. It was a brilliant save, the ball diverted from its deadly path by a mere inch. 35' YELLOW CARD!!! Ramos brought down Rainbow Dash with a cynical tackle to prevent a clear breakaway. Dash had used her incredible speed to burst past the midfield, her eyes set on the goal, when Ramos decided to intervene. With a calculated and forceful slide, he took out Dash just before she could enter the penalty area. The crowd gasped as Dash tumbled to the ground, the whistle blowing sharply. Collina immediately approached the scene, his expression stern. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a yellow card, holding it aloft to signal Ramos' caution. The MVAR check quickly confirmed the decision, much to the chagrin of Team Equestria's fans, who voiced their displeasure with a chorus of boos. Rainbow Dash slowly got to her feet, wincing slightly but determined to continue. Ramos, for his part, accepted the card with a stoic nod, knowing he had done what was necessary to prevent a dangerous opportunity but aware of the consequences. The free-kick was awarded just outside the box, and Team Equestria prepared to capitalise on the set-piece. The atmosphere in the stadium was tense, the fans eager to see if their team could turn this opportunity into a decisive moment in the game. 38' BLOCK!!! Nightstalker, with his stealth and speed, made a crucial block on a shot from Gerrard, throwing himself in front of the ball from behind to prevent a goal-scoring opportunity. Gerrard, known for his powerful long-range strikes, had found himself in space just outside the box. He unleashed a fierce shot, the ball rocketing towards the goal. Just as the ball was about to clear the defence, Nightstalker appeared seemingly out of nowhere. With a burst of speed and a calculated leap, he threw himself in the path of the shot. The ball struck him squarely on the side, deflecting away from the goal and out of play. The crowd erupted in a mix of gasps and cheers, amazed by Nightstalker's impeccable timing and bravery. Gerrard, momentarily stunned by the sudden intervention, could only watch as the bat pony quickly regained his footing, ready to continue defending. Nightstalker’s teammates rushed to congratulate him, recognising the importance of his block in keeping the score level. The intensity of the match continued to build, with both teams displaying extraordinary skill and determination in this unforgettable clash. 40' MVAR DRAMA!!! Discord thought he had given Team Equestria the lead with a cheeky finish. He had danced past Sergio Ramos with a mischievous grin, flicking the ball past Amelia into the net. The stadium erupted in mixed reactions of astonishment and cheers, but the celebration was short-lived. Pierluigi Collina, ever vigilant, signalled for a VAR review. The replay on the giant screen showed Discord using a subtle bit of magic to glide past Ramos, his feet not quite touching the ground as he made the decisive move. The crowd buzzed with anticipation as Collina jogged over to the monitor, studying the footage intently. After a tense moment, Collina returned to the pitch, making the disallowing gesture with his arms. He then approached Discord, his expression stern. “No magic, Discord. You know the rules.” Collina issued a stern warning, wagging his finger as he spoke. Discord sulked visibly, his shoulders drooping as he walked away, muttering under his breath. The scoreboard remained unchanged, and the game resumed with Team Earth taking the free kick. The moment of levity highlighted the unique challenges of mixing magical beings with human athletes, adding another layer of excitement to the already thrilling match. 42' DEFENSIVE BLOCK!!! Maldini showcased his legendary defending skills with a masterful display of timing and precision. The build-up play began with Twilight Sparkle orchestrating an intricate passing sequence from midfield. She deftly navigated past Gerrard and Iniesta, threading a perfectly weighted pass to Rarity, who was poised just inside the box. Rarity, with her usual flair, received the ball with a delicate touch, her eyes scanning the goal as she prepared to strike. The crowd watched in breathless anticipation, sensing a pivotal moment. With a flick of her feet, Rarity aimed a powerful shot at the goal, her eyes alight with determination. But Maldini, ever the vigilant defender, was already anticipating her move. As Rarity wound up for her strike, Maldini sprang into action. He launched himself into a perfectly timed sliding challenge, his body cutting through the air with grace and purpose. His extended leg made contact with the ball just as Rarity struck, diverting its trajectory away from the goal. The force of the impact sent Maldini skidding across the turf, his slide seamlessly transitioning into a recovery as he popped back to his feet. The ball ricocheted off to the side, safely out of the danger zone. The fans erupted in applause, their cheers a testament to Maldini's impeccable defensive prowess. Rarity, momentarily stunned by the interception, quickly regained her composure, a nod of respect acknowledging the legendary defender's brilliance. The scoreboard remained level, and the match continued with both teams fighting fiercely for every inch of the pitch. Maldini’s heroic block served as a reminder of his enduring legacy as one of the greatest defenders in the history of the game, his performance inspiring his teammates to push harder in the relentless battle for supremacy. 45' GOAL-LINE CLEARANCE!!! Cafu cleared a goal-bound effort from Whisper Wings off the line with an acrobatic bicycle kick, keeping the scores level as the first half drew to a close. The build-up play began with Whisper Wings, darting into space with her characteristic agility. She collected a precise through ball from Twilight Sparkle, who had deftly navigated past Gerrard and Busquets in midfield. Whisper Wings danced past Ramos with a clever step-over, then slipped between Van Dijk and Maldini with a burst of speed, leaving the defenders in her wake. As she closed in on goal, she unleashed a precise, low shot aimed for the bottom corner, the ball skimming across the grass with lethal intent. Amelia, momentarily out of position, watched in horror as the ball sailed past her outstretched hands. It seemed inevitable that Team Equestria would take the lead. But just as the ball was about to cross the line, Cafu, ever alert and quick on his feet, sprinted back towards the goal. In a split-second decision, he launched himself into the air, his body twisting gracefully as he executed a perfectly timed bicycle kick. The crowd gasped collectively, eyes wide with anticipation. Cafu’s foot met the ball mid-air, sending it arcing away from the goal. The ball soared over the heads of the players, landing safely away from the danger zone, averting the crisis in spectacular fashion. The fans erupted into applause, their cheers a testament to the incredible athleticism and skill on display. Whisper Wings, having skidded to a halt, stared in disbelief at the goal that had been snatched away. Cafu quickly regained his footing, a determined expression on his face as he nodded to his teammates, signalling that the danger was averted. The halftime whistle blew shortly after, marking the end of a thrilling first half. The scoreboard remained level at 2-2, the players heading to their respective sides for a much-needed break. The crowd buzzed with excitement, eagerly anticipating the second half of this unforgettable match, their hearts still pounding from the electrifying moments they had just witnessed. Half-Time! The teams went into the break level at 2-2, with the crowd on the edge of their seats, anticipating more excitement in the second half. The atmosphere in the Santiago Bernabéu was electric, fans buzzing with excitement and discussions about the spectacular first half they had just witnessed. Players from both teams made their way to the sidelines, some exchanging high-fives and nods of respect despite the fierce competition. The cheers from the stands echoed throughout the stadium, a testament to the exhilarating display of skill and determination on the pitch. In the locker rooms, strategies were being revised and spirits were being lifted. Team Earth’s players, drenched in sweat and fuelled by adrenaline, gathered around their coach, discussing adjustments and plans for the next 45 minutes. Amelia, still riding high from her incredible free-kick, felt a renewed sense of determination. Meanwhile, Team Equestria’s players were equally focused, their eyes alight with the desire to clinch victory. Discord, despite his initial nervousness, was now fully immersed in the spirit of the game, his competitive nature driving him to inspire his team. As the halftime break came to an end, both teams emerged from the tunnels, greeted by a roar of applause and chants from the fans. The players took their positions on the pitch, the anticipation palpable. The second half promised to be just as thrilling, if not more so, as the first. The referee, Pierluigi Collina, took his place in the centre of the field, ready to resume the match. With a sharp blast of his whistle, the game was back on, and the battle for supremacy continued under the bright lights of one of football’s most iconic stadiums. 48' CLOSE CALL!!! Iniesta's deft touch and quick shot from the edge of the box forced Pinkie Pie into another top-class save, tipping the ball over the bar. The sequence began with Iniesta weaving through the midfield, his elegant footwork leaving defenders in his wake. As he approached the penalty area, he executed a flawless one-two pass with Busquets, the return ball setting him up perfectly at the edge of the box. Iniesta's movements were fluid and graceful, each step calculated and precise. He danced past Applejack with a clever feint, then deftly sidestepped Ottar, leaving the defenders scrambling to catch up. The crowd’s anticipation grew with each touch, the tension in the stadium palpable. Receiving the return pass from Busquets, Iniesta found himself in a pocket of space just outside the penalty area. He took a quick touch to settle the ball, his eyes scanning the goal. Without hesitation, he unleashed a precise, curling shot aimed for the top corner. The ball soared through the air, its trajectory seemingly unstoppable, cutting through the defence like a hot knife through butter. Pinkie Pie, however, was alert and ready. Her eyes tracked the ball’s flight, and with a swift leap, she extended her hand. The crowd held its breath as she stretched to her full length, her pink mane trailing behind her like a comet. Just managing to get her hand to the ball, she flicked her wrist, tipping it over the bar and sending it into the stands. The spectators erupted in a mix of gasps and applause, marvelling at the incredible save. Pinkie Pie bounced back to her feet, her grin wide and infectious, acknowledging the cheers with a playful wave. Iniesta, hands on his hips, could only smile ruefully, appreciating the brilliance of the goalkeeper’s effort. As the players regrouped for the ensuing corner kick, the intensity of the match showed no signs of waning. The thrilling display of football continued, each moment bringing new excitement to the captivated audience. The atmosphere crackled with energy, both teams driven by a fierce desire to claim victory in this epic encounter. 50' STEVEN GERRARD!!! 3-2!!! Team Earth regained the lead early in the second half. Gerrard, renowned for his powerful shots, unleashed a thunderous strike from outside the box that rocketed into the top corner. The play began with a quick counter-attack initiated by Busquets. He intercepted a pass intended for Whisper Wings with a perfectly timed slide, immediately springing to his feet and feeding the ball to Gerrard. Spotting an opening in Team Equestria’s defence, Gerrard surged forward, his eyes laser-focused on the goal ahead. He sidestepped Applejack's attempt to close him down and evaded a sliding tackle from Ottar, creating a clear path for his signature long-range shot. With a determined expression, Gerrard wound up and struck the ball with all his might. The sound of the impact was like a cannon shot, the ball slicing through the air with blistering speed and precision. The trajectory was perfect, curving gracefully towards the top corner of the net. Pinkie Pie, despite her agility and sharp reflexes, could only watch as the ball soared past her outstretched hand and nestled into the top corner. The stadium erupted in a cacophony of cheers and chants, the Newcastle fans roaring Gerrard's name in admiration of his spectacular goal. Gerrard, his face alight with triumph, sprinted towards the corner flag, sliding on his knees in celebration. His teammates rushed to join him, engulfing him in a jubilant embrace. Messi and Ronaldo patted him on the back, while Neymar lifted his arms in triumph, adding to the jubilant scene. The scoreboard flashed: Team Earth 3-2 Team Equestria. Discord, positioned near the centre of the pitch, frowned deeply, feeling the mounting pressure. He clapped his hands together, rallying his team to stay focused and reminding them that there was still plenty of time to shift the momentum. Twilight Sparkle nodded determinedly, her eyes reflecting her resolve to turn the game around. The match, already an exhilarating spectacle, was far from over. Both teams, driven by determination and the electric atmosphere, prepared to pour their hearts into the remaining minutes. The intensity on the field was palpable, promising even more thrilling moments in this unforgettable clash. With every pass, tackle, and shot, the players knew they were crafting a legendary match that would be remembered for ages. 52' DEFENSIVE BRILLIANCE!!! Van Dijk showcased his aerial dominance, rising above the fray to win a crucial header against Discord in the box, effectively clearing a dangerous cross. The moment began with Team Equestria mounting a swift attack. Twilight Sparkle orchestrated the play from midfield, dribbling past Busquets with a graceful pirouette. She then passed the ball to Applejack, who shrugged off Gerrard's challenge before laying it off to Whisper Wings on the right flank. Whisper Wings, spotting Discord's run into the box, delivered a perfectly arched cross with pinpoint accuracy. The ball sailed into the penalty area, heading straight for Discord, who had positioned himself advantageously near the far post. As Discord prepared to jump, Van Dijk tracked the ball with laser focus, his eyes never leaving its path. Timing his leap to perfection, Van Dijk propelled himself into the air, his powerful frame soaring above Discord. The collision was intense but controlled, Van Dijk’s superior height and strength giving him the edge. With a commanding header, Van Dijk sent the ball rocketing out of the penalty area, nullifying the immediate threat. The force of his clearance was a testament to his physical prowess and impeccable timing. Discord, thwarted in his attempt to capitalise on the cross, landed back on the ground with a look of frustration, glancing up at Van Dijk with a mix of respect and irritation. The crowd erupted in applause, recognising the critical defensive play. Van Dijk’s teammates rushed to congratulate him, patting him on the back for his decisive intervention. Sergio Ramos gave him a nod of approval, while Cafu and Maldini quickly repositioned themselves to fend off any further attacks. The game continued with heightened intensity, each player aware that such moments of brilliance could be the key to victory in this high-stakes match. The atmosphere in the Santiago Bernabéu crackled with anticipation, every fan on the edge of their seat, knowing that the next play could turn the tide in this epic contest. 54' ALMOST!!! Neymar Jr. dribbled past two defenders with his characteristic flair, weaving through the defence with lightning-quick footwork. The build-up began with Busquets intercepting a pass from Whisper Wings and quickly distributing the ball to Iniesta. Iniesta danced around Applejack before threading a precise pass to Neymar on the wing. Neymar controlled the ball with ease, his eyes scanning the field for openings. First, he executed a smooth step-over, leaving Iron Hoof flat-footed and out of position. As Neymar accelerated towards the penalty area, Solar Blaze closed in, her eyes locked on the ball. With a deft feint to the right, Neymar sent her lunging in the wrong direction before darting left, leaving her trailing in his wake. With a clear sight of the goal, Neymar Jr. steadied himself and unleashed a powerful shot. The ball rocketed towards the top corner, its trajectory perfect. The crowd held its breath as the ball curved through the air, a blur of precision and power. At the last moment, the ball grazed the crossbar with a loud, metallic clang, the force of the shot causing it to vibrate. It narrowly missed the top corner, ricocheting out of play. Pinkie Pie, rooted to the spot, could only watch as the ball sailed past her outstretched hand. The collective gasp from the spectators echoed around the stadium, followed by a mix of relieved sighs and disappointed groans. Neymar Jr. ran his hands through his hair, a wry smile on his face, acknowledging how close he had come to scoring a sensational goal. His teammates clapped and encouraged him, recognising the brilliance of his solo effort. Iniesta gave Neymar a thumbs-up, while Gerrard jogged over to pat him on the back. The game pressed on, each side fuelled by the near-miss and eager to seize the next opportunity to tip the balance in their favour. The intensity on the pitch heightened, with every player pushing their limits, knowing that the next decisive moment could come at any time. 55' DEFENSIVE BRILLIANCE!!! Pinkie Pie made an astonishing double save that left the crowd in awe. The sequence began with Ronaldo leaping high to meet a perfectly timed cross from Messi. Team Earth had built up the play meticulously, starting from Busquets winning the ball in midfield and passing it swiftly to Iniesta, who danced past Applejack with a deft turn. Iniesta found Gerrard, who played a one-two with Neymar before feeding the ball out wide to Messi. Messi, with his magical touch, whipped in a cross that curved perfectly into Ronaldo's path. Ronaldo's powerful header was aimed at the bottom corner, the ball traveling with blistering speed. Pinkie Pie, her eyes locked on the ball, sprang into action. She dived low to her right, her hand making a miraculous connection to parry the ball away. The stadium erupted in gasps, amazed by her reflexes. Before anyone could catch their breath, the rebound fell directly to Messi, who had darted into the box. Wasting no time, Messi unleashed a fierce shot from close range. Pinkie Pie, still on the ground from her initial save, performed an acrobatic cartwheel, her body twisting with incredible agility. Her hand reached the ball just in time, deflecting it away from the goal and out of danger. The crowd roared with approval, the noise echoing throughout the stadium. Pinkie Pie, with a wide grin, waved to the fans, basking in the adulation. Her teammates rushed over to pat her on the back, celebrating the crucial saves that had kept them in the game. Twilight Sparkle and Whisper Wings lifted her up, parading her around for a moment in celebration of her heroics. The display of goalkeeping brilliance added to the already electrifying atmosphere, setting the stage for more thrilling moments in this unforgettable match. The energy in the stadium was palpable, each fan on the edge of their seat, eagerly anticipating what would happen next in this epic showdown between Team Earth and Team Equestria. 58' ALMOST!!! Rainbow Dash burst down the right wing with lightning speed, her vibrant mane and tail streaming behind her like streaks of colour. Maldini, renowned for his defensive prowess, was hot on her heels, but Rainbow Dash's sheer velocity was unmatched. She effortlessly outpaced him, her focus intensely locked on the goal ahead. As she neared the penalty area, she deftly cut inside, expertly manoeuvring the ball with quick, precise touches that left the defenders scrambling to keep up. Twilight Sparkle and Ottar had initiated the build-up play from the back, passing swiftly between themselves to evade Busquets and Gerrard. Twilight's vision and passing range were on full display as she switched the play to Whisper Wings, who carried the ball forward before sending it out wide to Rainbow Dash. With Maldini still in pursuit, Rainbow Dash approached the edge of the box. She unleashed a powerful, low shot that skimmed across the turf with incredible velocity, heading straight for the bottom corner. The stadium collectively held its breath, eyes wide with anticipation as the ball zipped past the outstretched legs of the defenders and the diving form of Amelia. At the very last moment, the ball grazed the outside of the post, producing a sharp, metallic ping that echoed through the stadium before continuing harmlessly out of play. The near miss sent a wave of gasps through the crowd, followed by a murmur of relieved sighs from Team Earth's supporters and groans of frustration from Team Equestria's fans. Rainbow Dash, panting from her electrifying sprint, glanced up at the goal with a mix of disappointment and fierce determination. She clenched her teeth, her eyes narrowing with resolve as she vowed to make the next opportunity count. Her teammates shouted words of encouragement, their voices blending into a chorus of support that spurred her on to continue her relentless pursuit of a goal. The match, now more intense and thrilling than ever, promised more heart-stopping moments as both teams fought fiercely for dominance. Each play was a testament to their skill and determination, and the crowd, on the edge of their seats, could sense the epic battle unfolding before them. The air was thick with anticipation and excitement, every moment charged with the potential for greatness. 60' DISCORD!!! 3-3!!! Discord finally got his goal, legally this time. The play began with Twilight Sparkle orchestrating a brilliant build-up from midfield. She deftly navigated through Team Earth’s press, combining quick one-touch passes with Ottar and Whisper Wings, who played in perfect harmony with their captain. Twilight spotted Discord making a run and threaded a perfect pass through the defensive line, splitting Ramos and Van Dijk with pinpoint accuracy. With a mischievous grin, Discord received the ball and used his unpredictable agility to weave past the defenders. His dribbling was erratic and mesmerising, leaving the defenders bewildered and out of position as he danced around them. Busquets lunged for a tackle but missed as Discord sidestepped effortlessly. As he approached the penalty area, Discord found himself one-on-one with Amelia. With a casual, almost nonchalant flick of his feet, he coolly slotted the ball past her, sending it rolling smoothly into the back of the net. Amelia dove valiantly, her fingertips grazing the ball, but it wasn't enough to prevent the goal. The stadium erupted in mixed reactions, a cacophony of cheers, gasps, and groans reverberating through the stands. Team Equestria's fans jumped to their feet, applauding wildly, while Team Earth's supporters held their heads in disbelief. Discord’s teammates rushed to congratulate him, their faces beaming with joy and admiration. Amelia picked herself up from the turf, shaking her head with a smile of resignation. Despite the frustration of conceding a goal, she couldn’t help but appreciate the cleverness of Discord’s play. His goal had levelled the score once again, bringing the tally to Team Equestria 3-3 Team Earth. Discord basked in the moment, his chest puffed out with pride as he shot Amelia a playful wink, his confidence soaring from his well-earned goal. The energy in the stadium was electric, the crowd buzzing with anticipation for what would come next. As the match resumed, the intensity on the pitch only grew. Every pass, tackle, and shot carried the weight of the game, each player driven by the desire to clinch the victory in this unforgettable showdown. The tension was palpable, the air thick with excitement and suspense as both teams battled fiercely for dominance. 62' COLLISION!!! During a corner kick for Team Equestria, the tension was palpable. The ball arced high into the penalty area, where players from both teams battled fiercely for position. Amelia, displaying her usual bravery, made the decision to come off her line and claim the ball. She leapt into the air, her eyes locked on the descending ball amidst the chaotic throng of players. Just as she caught it securely in her gloves, Applejack, in her determined effort to reach the ball, accidentally bumped into her. The collision sent Amelia crashing to the ground, landing roughly on her back and knocking the wind out of her. The stadium fell silent as she lay on the turf, gasping for breath. Pierluigi Collina immediately blew the whistle, signalling a foul on Applejack. Concerned players from both teams gathered around, watching anxiously as Amelia tried to regain her composure. Applejack, looking genuinely apologetic, quickly extended a hand to help her up. "Sorry about that, Sugarcube." Applejack said, her voice filled with regret. Amelia smirked, taking Applejack's hand and getting back on her feet. "No problem, gaffer." she responded with a playful tone. Applejack looked momentarily confused by the term, but Amelia’s mischievous grin quickly cleared it up. Amelia jogged back to her position, a giggle escaping her lips. Her resilience was clear, and the match resumed with a renewed sense of determination. The crowd erupted into applause, admiring her courage and sportsmanship. As she settled back into goal, Amelia felt a surge of confidence, ready to face whatever came next in this thrilling match. 65' MOMENT OF MAGIC!!! Iniesta weaved through Team Equestria’s midfield with a dazzling solo run, his quick feet and sharp turns leaving defenders in his wake. The build-up began deep in Team Earth’s half, with Busquets intercepting a pass and quickly distributing the ball to Gerrard. Gerrard spotted Iniesta and sent a precise pass through the midfield. Iniesta received the ball with a deft touch, his eyes scanning the field. He manoeuvred past Applejack with a quick sidestep, the crowd's murmurs growing louder with each elegant move. Twilight Sparkle tried to intercept, but Iniesta flicked the ball over her outstretched feet with a masterful touch, leaving her scrambling to recover. With the goal in sight, Iniesta unleashed a powerful shot aimed for the bottom corner. The stadium held its breath, the tension palpable. But Pinkie Pie, ever the unpredictable and energetic goalkeeper, was ready. She launched herself to the side with remarkable agility, her pink mane trailing behind like a comet. With an outstretched hand, she made a stunning save, pushing the ball wide of the post. The crowd erupted in cheers and gasps of astonishment, marvelling at Pinkie Pie's seemingly endless reserves of energy and her incredible reflexes. Iniesta could only shake his head in disbelief, a wry smile on his face as he acknowledged the brilliance of the save. Pinkie Pie bounced back to her feet with a grin, ready for the next challenge, as the game continued with undiminished intensity. 67' DEFENSIVE BRILLIANCE!!! Solar Blaze stepped up to stop Messi, her eyes locked onto the nimble forward who was weaving through defenders with his trademark agility. Messi's feet danced over the ball, each touch a masterclass in control and precision as he effortlessly slipped past Ottar and Whisper Wings. The crowd held its breath, fully aware that a one-on-one with Pinkie Pie was imminent. But before this tense confrontation, there was an intense buildup play. It all started when Busquets intercepted a pass intended for Twilight Sparkle, reading the game with his usual brilliance. He quickly passed to Iniesta, who turned smoothly, evading Applejack’s attempt to close him down. Iniesta’s vision was clear as he saw Messi making a run down the right wing. Iniesta threaded a perfectly weighted through-ball to Messi, who took it in stride. With a quick burst of speed, Messi cut inside, dodging a sliding challenge from Nightstalker with a deft touch. The crowd gasped, watching as Messi closed in on the penalty area, weaving past defenders like they were training cones. As Messi approached the box, it seemed certain that he would create a dangerous one-on-one situation with Pinkie Pie. Solar Blaze, however, was ready for this moment. Her muscles tensed, her focus sharpened to a razor's edge, tracking Messi's every move. Just as Messi prepared to make his final approach, Solar Blaze acted. She launched herself into a perfectly timed sliding tackle, her hand making clean contact with the ball. The timing was impeccable, sending the ball skidding away from Messi's control and safely out of the danger zone. The force of the tackle sent Messi stumbling slightly, momentarily breaking his stride. The match continued with the same intensity, each team showcasing remarkable plays and strategies. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, fully engrossed in the thrilling display of football and hoofball talent on the field. 68' DEFENSIVE MASTERCLASS!!! Nightstalker executed a crucial interception to cut out a dangerous through-ball intended for Ronaldo, showcasing his defensive prowess. The play began deep in Team Earth’s half. Maldini, ever the tactician, received the ball from a short pass by Van Dijk. With a quick glance upfield, he spotted Neymar Jr. making a run down the left flank. Maldini sent a precise long ball to Neymar, who controlled it effortlessly with his chest, bringing it down to his feet. Neymar then began his signature dribbling, dancing past Iron Hoof with a series of rapid step-overs. As he neared the penalty area, he faced a double team from Solar Blaze and Ottar, but a slick back-heel pass found Iniesta in space. Iniesta, always calm under pressure, surveyed his options. Seeing Ronaldo making a darting run towards the box, Iniesta threaded a perfectly timed and weighted through-ball between Nightstalker and Iron Hoof. The ball glided past the defenders, heading straight for Ronaldo, who had positioned himself perfectly for a one-on-one opportunity with Pinkie Pie. Just as Ronaldo was about to latch onto the pass, Nightstalker showcased his defensive prowess. Anticipating the danger, he sprinted back with remarkable speed and slid in just as the ball approached Ronaldo’s feet. His timing was impeccable, his boots making clean contact with the ball and deflecting it away from Ronaldo’s path. The interception drew a roar of approval from the Equestrian fans, their cheers echoing through the stadium. Nightstalker's critical intervention had not only thwarted a potentially game-changing moment but also reinforced Team Equestria's resolve to stand firm against the formidable talents of Team Earth. 70' LIONEL MESSI!!! 4-3!!! Messi showed why he's considered one of the best. After a slick interplay with Iniesta and Gerrard, he dribbled past three defenders and slotted the ball into the net with his signature left-footed finish. Team Earth 4-3 Team Equestria. The play began with Busquets, who intercepted a pass from Whisper Wings near the halfway line. He quickly passed the ball to Gerrard, who controlled it with a deft touch and looked up, scanning the field for options. Gerrard noticed Iniesta moving into space and sent a precise pass his way. Iniesta received the ball and, with his usual finesse, evaded a challenge from Applejack with a swift turn. He then played a quick one-two with Gerrard, the ball zipping between them as they advanced up the field. The interplay was seamless, each pass perfectly weighted and timed, pulling Team Equestria’s defenders out of position. As Iniesta approached the edge of the penalty area, he spotted Messi making a run through the middle. With a perfectly timed pass, Iniesta found Messi in stride. Messi's first touch was sublime, setting him up to take on the defenders. The first to challenge Messi was Ottar, who lunged in with a tackle. Messi, with a quick flick of his left foot, sidestepped Ottar effortlessly. Next, he faced Iron Hoof, who attempted to use his strength to muscle Messi off the ball. Messi, however, deftly shifted his balance, slipping past Iron Hoof with a sharp change of direction. Finally, Nightstalker stood between Messi and the goal. With a dazzling display of close control, Messi dribbled around Nightstalker, leaving the defender flat-footed. Now clear on goal, Messi approached Pinkie Pie, who was positioned perfectly to narrow the angle. Messi, as cool as ever, unleashed his signature left-footed shot. The ball curled elegantly around Pinkie Pie, who dived desperately but could only watch as the shot found the bottom corner of the net. The stadium erupted in cheers, the crowd recognising the brilliance of Messi's play. Team Earth celebrated as the scoreboard flashed: Team Earth 4-3 Team Equestria. Messi, surrounded by his jubilant teammates, raised his arms in triumph. His goal had showcased not only his individual brilliance but also the seamless teamwork that had built up to this moment. The match continued with an air of intensity, each team driven by the desire to come out on top in this epic clash. 72' SAVE!!! Pinkie Pie made another spectacular save, this time diving to her right to deny Neymar's curling effort from just outside the box. The build-up began with Sergio Ramos intercepting a pass intended for Rainbow Dash near the halfway line. With a quick glance upfield, he spotted Cafu making an overlapping run down the right flank. Ramos delivered a perfectly weighted pass to Cafu, who controlled the ball with ease and sprinted forward, leaving Ottar trailing behind. Cafu drove towards the edge of Team Equestria’s penalty area before cutting inside, evading a sliding challenge from Nightstalker. As the defenders closed in, Cafu cleverly laid the ball off to Gerrard, who was positioned just outside the box. Gerrard, with his trademark vision, saw Neymar making a move into space on the left side of the penalty area. With a precise pass, Gerrard found Neymar. The Brazilian forward, known for his flair and creativity, took a quick touch to set himself up. As Iron Hoof closed in, Neymar performed a deft step-over, shifting the ball onto his right foot and then back to his left, creating just enough space to shoot. Neymar unleashed a curling effort, aiming for the top right corner of the goal. The ball arced beautifully through the air, its trajectory seemingly destined for the back of the net. Pinkie Pie, however, was alert and ready. The Equestrian goalkeeper reacted instantly, pushing off her left foot and diving spectacularly to her right. Her eyes remained locked on the ball as she stretched out, her pink mane flowing behind her like a comet's tail. Just as the ball appeared poised to nestle into the top corner, Pinkie Pie's outstretched hand made contact, tipping the ball away with a firm and decisive touch. The crowd erupted in astonishment and admiration, their cheers echoing through the stadium. The ball ricocheted off Pinkie Pie's hand and out for a corner, safely away from the goal. Neymar looked on in disbelief, hands on his head, unable to comprehend how his perfectly executed shot had been denied. Pinkie Pie quickly got back on her feet, her face beaming with confidence and determination. Her teammates rushed to her side, patting her back and expressing their gratitude for yet another crucial save. The scoreboard remained unchanged, but Pinkie Pie’s heroics had ensured that Team Equestria stayed level with Team Earth, keeping the tension high as the match continued. 73' DEFENSIVE BLOCK!!! From a goal kick, Amelia launched the ball deep into Team Equestria’s half, setting up the play that led to a heart-stopping moment. Ronaldo leapt high, winning the aerial duel against Iron Hoof and directing the ball to Busquets in the midfield. Busquets, with his exceptional vision, quickly controlled the ball and passed it to Iniesta, who was positioned near the centre circle. Iniesta, always aware of his surroundings, flicked the ball to Gerrard, who took off towards Team Equestria’s goal. Gerrard advanced with purpose, evading a challenge from Whisper Wings before threading a through-ball to Messi on the right wing. Messi, with his usual magic, danced past Solar Blaze and cut inside, looking for an opportunity to shoot. But Applejack, reading the play, stepped in with a perfectly timed interception, poking the ball away from Messi’s feet. Applejack then launched a counter-attack for Team Equestria. She quickly found Twilight Sparkle in space, and the midfielder surged forward, leaving Cafu and Busquets in her wake. With her exceptional dribbling skills, Twilight approached the edge of Team Earth’s box, scanning for options. Seeing no clear path to pass, Twilight decided to go for goal. She lined up her shot, her eyes focused on the bottom corner of the net. With a powerful swing of her boot, she sent the ball hurtling towards the goal. But Sergio Ramos, ever the defensive stalwart, was ready. As Twilight’s shot rocketed towards the bottom corner, Ramos lunged forward with impeccable timing. He extended his leg, the studs of his boot connecting with the ball and deflecting it wide of the post. The crowd held its breath for a moment before erupting in applause for Ramos’ heroic block. Twilight Sparkle could only shake her head, knowing how close she had come to equalising. Ramos quickly got to his feet, giving a nod of acknowledgment to Amelia, who had already positioned herself for the ensuing corner kick. Team Equestria’s players regrouped, preparing for the set piece, while Team Earth’s defence organised themselves, with Ramos directing his teammates to cover potential threats. The score remained in Team Earth’s favour, but the match was far from over. The intensity of the game continued to escalate, with each team battling for every inch of the pitch, making it a spectacle of skill, determination, and heart. 75' CLOSE CALL!!! Team Earth earned a corner after a relentless attack saw Neymar's shot deflected wide by Nightstalker. Messi trotted over to the corner flag, his eyes scanning the crowded penalty area as he prepared to deliver the ball into the box. The Santiago Bernabéu buzzed with anticipation, the fans on the edge of their seats. Messi struck the ball with precision, sending it curling towards the near post. Virgil Van Dijk, towering over the defenders, met the cross with a powerful header. The ball, however, ricocheted off Iron Hoof's back and landed at Busquets' feet just outside the box. Busquets quickly controlled the ball and passed it to Iniesta, who danced around Applejack with a deft touch before flicking it to Gerrard. Gerrard, in turn, spotted Messi making a run towards the edge of the box and delivered a perfect pass to the Argentine maestro. Messi, with a swift movement, nutmegged Solar Blaze and found Ronaldo in the middle of the box. But just as Ronaldo wound up to shoot, Nightstalker slid in with a last-ditch tackle, sending the ball out to the right wing. Twilight Sparkle seized the opportunity to counter-attack. She intercepted the ball and sprinted up the field, her eyes darting around for teammates in space. With a burst of speed, she evaded Busquets and sent a long, curling pass towards Rarity, who was lurking near the edge of Team Earth's penalty area. Rarity, with her trademark elegance, controlled the ball beautifully. She took a quick glance up and saw a gap in the defence. Twisting her body, she unleashed a curling effort that seemed destined for the top corner of the net. Amelia, however, was ready. She tracked the ball's flight, her eyes never leaving it as she leapt into the air. With the tips of her fingers, she managed to deflect the ball just enough to send it over the bar. The crowd erupted in applause, recognising the extraordinary save. Rarity placed her hands on her hips, a small smile on her face as she nodded in acknowledgment of Amelia's goalkeeping prowess. Amelia, catching her breath, gave a nod back, her heart racing from the adrenaline of the moment. As Pierluigi Collina signalled for the corner, Team Equestria quickly organised themselves, eager to capitalise on their attacking momentum. The players jostled for position in the box, while Amelia barked instructions to her defenders, ensuring everyone was marked tightly. 77' DEFENSIVE CLEARANCE!!! The game had reached a fever pitch as Team Earth pressed forward, seeking to extend their lead. Messi, always a threat, danced around defenders with the ball seemingly glued to his feet. He found an opening on the right flank and sent a dangerous cross curling into the box, aimed perfectly at Ronaldo, who was lurking near the penalty spot, ready to pounce. But before the ball could reach its target, Solar Blaze surged forward. The defender read the play impeccably, timing her leap to perfection. She soared above the crowd of players, her fiery mane trailing like a comet, and connected with the ball. With a powerful header, she sent it flying out of the penalty area, neutralising the immediate threat. The ball landed near the halfway line, where a wild scramble ensued. Players from both teams converged, jostling and battling for possession. Applejack, using her sturdy build, managed to muscle her way through the chaos, but Busquets was right there, nipping at her feet. Applejack shielded the ball expertly, using her strength to fend off Busquets. With a swift turn, she spotted Twilight Sparkle making a run down the left flank and sent a precise, low pass her way. Twilight controlled the ball with a delicate touch, and in a flash, she was off, galloping down the wing. Twilight's speed and agility were on full display as she cut inside, dodging a sliding tackle from Cafu. She lifted her head, scanning the field, and saw Rainbow Dash streaking towards the box. With a perfectly timed through-ball, she released Rainbow Dash, who used her incredible speed to beat Maldini. As Rainbow Dash neared the edge of the penalty area, she unleashed a powerful shot aimed at the far corner of the net. Amelia, ever alert, sprang into action. She stretched out fully, her fingertips grazing the ball just enough to deflect it off course. The ball clipped the outside of the post and went out for a goal kick, much to the relief of Team Earth. 78' DEFENSIVE MASTERCLASS!!! The game was in full swing, and the tension on the field was palpable. A throw-in for Team Earth deep in Equestria's half brought a new wave of excitement. Cafu, always reliable, stood ready with the ball in his hands. He scanned the field, looking for the best option. Spotting Neymar making a darting run, Cafu launched the ball down the line. Neymar controlled it with his chest, deftly sidestepping Nightstalker who had closed in quickly. He dribbled forward, his eyes locked on the goal. The crowd held their breath as Neymar cut inside, weaving through defenders with his trademark agility. He approached the penalty area, a look of fierce determination on his face. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, Iron Hoof came charging in from his blind side. With perfect timing, Iron Hoof executed a sliding tackle, his feet connecting cleanly with the ball. The force of the tackle sent Neymar tumbling, but the ball was sent safely out of the box, rolling towards the sideline. The stadium erupted in a mix of cheers and gasps, and for a moment, all eyes were on Pierluigi Collina. The legendary referee paused, consulting with MVAR. The tension was thick, players from both teams watching anxiously. After a few seconds, the decision came through: the tackle was clean. Collina nodded in approval, and a ripple of applause spread through the crowd. Iron Hoof's teammates rushed over to congratulate her, their relief palpable. The defender got back to her feet, dusting herself off with a satisfied grin. Neymar, ever the sportsman, offered a hand and a nod of respect. The game resumed with a throw-in for Team Equestria. Applejack took it, quickly finding Twilight Sparkle in space. Twilight controlled the ball and looked up, orchestrating the next move. She played a quick one-two with Whisper Wings, who had drifted into the midfield to support. Twilight then sent a long, arching pass to Rainbow Dash, who had found a pocket of space on the right wing. Rainbow Dash accelerated, her speed unmatched as she left Cafu trailing behind. She cut inside, aiming for a gap between Van Dijk and Ramos. Just as she was about to shoot, Ramos closed in, but Rainbow Dash, with a deft flick, sent the ball to Rarity, who had joined the attack. Rarity took a touch and lined up her shot, but Van Dijk was there, blocking her path. She pivoted and tried to curl the ball towards the far post, but Amelia was ready, diving to her left and palming the ball away to safety. The crowd roared in appreciation of the high-quality play from both teams. The throw-in had sparked a series of fast-paced, skilful exchanges, showcasing the talent and determination on display. The match continued, the excitement building with every minute as both sides pushed for the winning goal. 80' RAINBOW DASH!!! 4-4!!! The Santiago Bernabéu was electric with anticipation as the game continued, each team pushing the limits of their abilities. The ball was with Team Earth, deep in their own half. Messi received a quick pass from Cafu and danced around Applejack's challenge with his trademark agility. As Messi surged forward, Neymar made a run down the left wing, calling for the ball. Messi’s pinpoint pass found Neymar, who effortlessly skipped past Nightstalker. Neymar glanced up, seeing Ronaldo making a run into the box, and aimed for a cross. Iron Hoof anticipated the move and executed a perfect sliding tackle, clearing the ball upfield. The ball found its way to Ottar, who controlled it with ease. He quickly looked up and saw Rainbow Dash sprinting into space on the right wing. Ottar’s long pass was perfectly weighted, landing right at Rainbow Dash’s feet. Rainbow Dash used her incredible speed to breeze past Maldini, racing down the wing. As she approached the edge of the box, she cut inside, drawing Busquets and Ramos towards her. Spotting Twilight Sparkle unmarked in the centre, she delivered a sharp pass. Twilight Sparkle received the ball with a deft touch, her eyes scanning the field. Seeing the opportunity, she flicked the ball forward to Whisper Wings, who had positioned herself just outside the penalty area. Whisper Wings took a quick touch, but Cafu and Van Dijk closed in rapidly. With defenders closing in, Whisper Wings back-heeled the ball to Applejack, who had sprinted forward to join the attack. Applejack, now just outside the box, drew Gerrard and Iniesta towards her before chipping the ball over the defenders towards Rainbow Dash, who had darted towards the goal. Rainbow Dash, with her unparalleled speed, latched onto the ball, leaving Maldini and Ramos trailing. She found herself one-on-one with Amelia. Without hesitation, Rainbow Dash fired a low shot towards the far post. Amelia, diving with all her might, managed to get her fingertips to the ball, but the shot had too much power and precision. The ball clipped the inside of the post and nestled into the net. The crowd erupted as the scoreboard flashed: Team Equestria 4-4 Team Earth. Rainbow Dash celebrated with a joyous flip, her teammates rushing to congratulate her. Discord, standing in the midfield, allowed himself a small, proud smile. The match was back on level terms, and the tension was palpable. Both teams were giving their all, and the fans were treated to a masterclass in football from both the mythical beings of Equestria and the legendary players from Earth. The fans sang loudly and were proud of the spectacular goal, singing her name. “If she's good enough for you, she's good enough for me, if she scores another few and I’ll go rainbow too! If she's good enough for you, she's good enough for me, sitting in the clouds, that's where I wanna be! Rainbow, Rainbow Dash, oh Rainbow, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow, Rainbow Dash, oh Rainbow, Rainbow Dash!” The game resumed with renewed intensity, the players pushing themselves to the limit in this epic clash of worlds. 82' SAVE!!! The Santiago Bernabéu buzzed with excitement as Team Earth pressed forward, eager to regain the lead. Messi, ever the magician, picked up the ball near the halfway line. With a burst of speed, he dribbled past Applejack, weaving through midfield with his signature agility. Seeing an opportunity, Messi passed the ball to Neymar, who was charging down the left wing. Neymar took a touch and looked up, intending to send a cross into the box. But just as he was about to deliver, Nightstalker appeared almost out of nowhere with his stealth-like movement, intercepting the pass cleanly. Nightstalker quickly transitioned the play, passing the ball to Applejack, who turned and advanced up the field. Applejack evaded Iniesta’s challenge and passed the ball to Ottar in midfield. Ottar controlled it smoothly and immediately spotted Rainbow Dash making a run down the right wing. Ottar’s long, arcing pass found Rainbow Dash in stride. She took off, using her incredible speed to outrun Maldini. Rainbow Dash reached the edge of the box and cut inside, drawing the attention of Van Dijk and Ramos. With a swift move, she sent a precise cross towards the far post where Iron Hoof was charging in. Iron Hoof, towering above the defenders, met the cross with a powerful header aimed directly at the top corner. Amelia, alert and ready, tracked the ball's trajectory. As Iron Hoof’s header rocketed towards the goal, Amelia leapt to her left, extending fully. The crowd held its breath as Amelia's fingertips brushed the ball. With an extraordinary display of reflexes and strength, she managed to deflect the ball just enough to send it over the bar, preventing a sure goal. The fans erupted in applause, amazed by Amelia's crucial save. The scoreboard remained level at 4-4, and the tension in the stadium was palpable. Both teams were pushing their limits, showcasing their skills in this thrilling encounter. Amelia's teammates rushed to congratulate her, patting her on the back and giving her nods of approval for her incredible effort. Discord, still processing the rapid sequence of events, could only shake his head in astonishment. This match was far from over, and both teams were determined to emerge victorious in this epic clash of mythical beings and football legends. 83' MVAR DRAMA!!! As Gerrard placed the ball and prepared to deliver the corner, players from both teams jostled for position in the crowded penalty area. Gerrard’s corner was whipped in with precision, curling towards the near post. Busquets, positioned strategically, timed his run perfectly. He leapt high, outmuscling Applejack in the process, and powered a header towards the goal. The ball flew past Pinkie Pie, who could only watch as it hit the back of the net. The stadium erupted in cheers, but the jubilation was short-lived. Pierluigi Collina, ever vigilant, raised his whistle to his lips and blew, signalling a foul. The cheers turned to murmurs of confusion as the referee signalled for a MVAR review. The giant screen showed the replay: in his attempt to gain an advantage, Busquets had clearly fouled Applejack, using his arms to push her down as he rose for the header. Collina pointed to the spot where the foul occurred and disallowed the goal. The scoreboard remained unchanged at 4-4. Frustrated, Busquets protested vehemently, his face contorted with anger as he gesticulated towards Collina. The referee, unfazed, reached into his pocket and brandished a yellow card for dissent, adding insult to injury for Busquets. As the game resumed, the tension in the stadium was palpable. Both teams knew that a single moment could determine the outcome of this epic match. Team Equestria took a free-kick, with Applejack quickly passing the ball to Twilight Sparkle. She advanced through the midfield, linking up with Whisper Wings, who skilfully manoeuvred past Iniesta. She found Ottar, who played a quick one-two with Rainbow Dash, creating a dangerous attack. Van Dijk and Ramos, however, were prepared. Van Dijk stepped up to intercept Ottar’s return pass, clearing it to Cafu on the right wing. Cafu controlled the ball with ease, looking for Messi. Messi, marked tightly by Nightstalker, managed to break free and received the ball. He began his mesmerising dribble, weaving past defenders with grace. As Messi approached the penalty area, he passed to Ronaldo, who was lurking just outside the box. Ronaldo, with his back to the goal, skilfully held off Iron Hoof and laid the ball off to Neymar, who was arriving at pace from the left. Neymar unleashed a powerful shot aimed at the top corner, but Pinkie Pie, with her cat-like reflexes, dived spectacularly and tipped the ball over the bar, denying Team Earth the lead. The crowd roared with excitement, appreciating the high level of skill and determination from both sides. The match continued with intensity, each team seeking that elusive winning goal. The disallowed goal and subsequent yellow card for Busquets were a stark reminder of the fine margins that could decide the outcome of this unforgettable clash. 85' ALMOST!!! As Twilight Sparkle jogged over to take the corner, the players in the box jostled and shoved, each vying for the perfect position. Twilight whipped in a high, curling ball that soared into the crowded penalty area. Applejack, using her strength and determination, outmanoeuvred Busquets and Ramos to get into position. With a powerful leap, she connected with the ball, sending a thunderous header rocketing towards the top corner of the goal. The ball flew through the air with incredible speed, seemingly destined for the back of the net. But Amelia, showing the reflexes of a seasoned goalkeeper, sprang into action. Her eyes locked onto the ball as she pushed off her left foot, launching herself across the goal. With an outstretched arm, she managed to get the slightest of touches on the ball, diverting its trajectory just enough to send it crashing into the crossbar before bouncing away. The ball ricocheted out into the box, and pandemonium ensued. Van Dijk and Ramos scrambled to clear the danger, while Discord and Nightstalker pounced on the loose ball, trying to capitalise on the rebound. Van Dijk got a crucial touch, sending the ball out towards Cafu on the right flank. Cafu quickly controlled the ball and looked up to see Messi making a run down the wing. With pinpoint accuracy, Cafu delivered a long, diagonal pass to Messi, who brought it down effortlessly. The Argentine maestro immediately found himself shadowed by Solar Blaze, who was determined to halt his progress. Messi, using his trademark dribbling skills, danced around Solar Blaze, cutting inside and heading towards the center of the pitch. Whisper Wings, seeing the danger, moved to intercept Messi, but he deftly flicked the ball to Neymar on the left. Neymar, with a burst of pace, sprinted past Nightstalker and advanced towards the box. As Neymar closed in on the goal, he squared the ball to Ronaldo, who was lurking just inside the penalty area. Iron Hoof, recognising the threat, lunged forward with a perfectly timed sliding tackle, dislodging the ball from Ronaldo's feet and sending it rolling out for a corner. 88' LAST-MINUTE SAVE!!! Team Earth employed a high press, aiming to disrupt Team Equestria's build-up play from the back. Pinkie Pie, the Equestrian goalkeeper, calmly rolled the ball out to Iron Hoof, who found herself immediately pressured by Neymar and Ronaldo. Keeping her composure, Iron Hoof made a quick pass to Nightstalker, who had dropped deep to offer support. Nightstalker, with his stealth-like movement, cleverly evaded the pressing Messi with a quick turn, opening up space to advance the play. Nightstalker spotted Ottar making himself available in midfield and threaded a precise pass through the pressing line. Ottar, under pressure from Busquets and Iniesta, skilfully shielded the ball and played it back to Applejack, who was orchestrating the play from her central defensive midfield position. Applejack, recognising the need to bypass the relentless pressure, launched a long, accurate diagonal ball towards the right wing, where Rainbow Dash was poised to exploit any space. Cafu and Maldini quickly moved to intercept, but Rainbow Dash’s lightning pace saw her latch onto the pass, her eyes scanning for options. Rainbow Dash advanced rapidly, forcing Van Dijk and Ramos to retreat. She drew both defenders towards her before delivering a low cross into the box. Discord, lurking with intent, anticipated the delivery and timed his run perfectly. He managed to get a touch, but his close-range shot was brilliantly blocked by Van Dijk, who threw himself in the way to deny the goal. The ball ricocheted out to the edge of the box, where Twilight Sparkle was waiting. She controlled it deftly and unleashed a powerful shot. The ball rocketed through the crowded area, but Amelia, showcasing her incredible reflexes, reacted with a stunning save, diving to her right to tip the ball away with her fingertips. The ball wasn’t cleared completely, however, and it fell to Rarity just outside the penalty area. Rarity, demonstrating her dribbling prowess, weaved past Busquets and Gerrard, creating enough space to take a shot. Her curling effort seemed destined for the top corner, but once again, Amelia was equal to the task. She stretched out an arm to parry the ball away, her outstretched fingertips diverting the ball out of danger. The clearance fell to Iniesta, who quickly initiated a counter-attack. He found Messi in space, and Messi’s quick feet saw him dribble past Whisper Wings before laying off the ball to Ronaldo. Ronaldo, seeing Pinkie Pie slightly off her line, attempted a chip, but Pinkie Pie, showcasing her own agility, backpedaled swiftly and tipped the ball over the bar with a spectacular save. The game was a showcase of relentless action, with both teams pushing to break the deadlock. Amelia's crucial saves kept Team Earth in contention as the clock ticked down, her performance between the posts a testament to her skill and determination. 89' CHANCE!!! Team Earth was mounting a relentless attack, pressing forward with the determination to find a winning goal, while Team Equestria dug deep to defend with all their might. The build-up began with Busquets intercepting a loose pass from Twilight Sparkle in midfield. He quickly offloaded the ball to Gerrard, who orchestrated the attack with a precise pass out to Neymar on the left wing. Neymar, dancing along the touchline, used his quick feet to evade Nightstalker before cutting inside. Spotting Messi in space, Neymar delivered a perfectly weighted pass. Messi received the ball just outside the box, and the crowd's anticipation grew. He deftly sidestepped Ottar with a flick and surged forward, dribbling past Iron Hoof with a drop of his shoulder. With the goal in his sights, Messi unleashed a powerful shot aimed at the top corner. Pinkie Pie, alert and agile, read the play beautifully. As Messi's shot curved towards the top corner, she leapt into the air, her pink mane trailing behind her like a comet. With an extraordinary stretch, she managed to tip the ball over the bar with the very tips of her fingers, preventing a certain goal and maintaining the deadlock. The crowd erupted in applause for the brilliant save, their cheers echoing through the stadium. Messi, hands on his hips, could only shake his head in admiration of Pinkie Pie's athleticism. The resulting corner was taken by Iniesta, who floated a dangerous ball into the box. Van Dijk, rising highest, met the cross with a powerful header, but Applejack was there to clear it off the line with a brave header of her own. The ball fell to Gerrard outside the box, and he didn't hesitate to unleash one of his trademark thunderbolts. The shot, powerful and precise, seemed destined for the bottom corner, but Solar Blaze was perfectly positioned. She threw herself in front of the ball, her block sending it back into the midfield scrum. As the match wore on, both teams fought valiantly, every player contributing to the ebb and flow of the game. The intensity of the contest was matched only by the skill and determination on display, each side seeking to tip the balance in their favor. The fans, on the edge of their seats, witnessed a masterclass in football and hoofball, each moment building towards what promised to be a thrilling conclusion. 90+1' COUNTERATTACK!!! Both teams were pushing for the decisive goal, and the energy on the pitch was electric. The play began with Team Earth on the attack. Messi, showing his usual brilliance, weaved through the midfield, evading Applejack's tenacious challenge. He passed to Iniesta, who skilfully manoeuvred around Whisper Wings, creating space to advance. Iniesta found Neymar with a precise pass on the left wing, setting the Brazilian star up to take on Nightstalker. Neymar executed a dazzling display of footwork, dribbling past Nightstalker and cutting inside. As Neymar lined up his shot, Iron Hoof charged in with a perfectly timed sliding tackle, dispossessing him and sending the ball skidding towards Applejack. Seizing the opportunity, Applejack quickly launched a long pass to Twilight Sparkle, who had positioned herself centrally. Twilight, with a quick glance upfield, spotted Rainbow Dash beginning her trademark sprint down the right wing. With a pinpoint through-ball, she released Rainbow Dash into open space. Rainbow Dash's speed was breathtaking as she surged past Cafu and Maldini, leaving them in her wake. The crowd held its breath as she approached the penalty area, defenders scrambling to catch up. With a swift and accurate cross, she delivered the ball into the box, aiming for Discord. Discord, timing his run perfectly, met the cross with a powerful shot, aiming low and hard towards the corner of the net. But just as the ball seemed destined to score, Van Dijk, showcasing his defensive prowess, launched himself in front of the shot. His block was heroic, the ball ricocheting off his shin and flying out of the penalty area. The crowd erupted in applause, the breathtaking sequence of play leaving everyone on the edge of their seats. Both teams reset, the intensity only increasing as the match progressed, each side determined to find the breakthrough and secure victory. 90+2' FINAL CHANCE!!! The Santiago Bernabéu was a cauldron of anticipation as the clock ticked towards full time. The score was level at 4-4, and every pass, every touch, every moment was laden with tension. Both teams were giving their all, the drama of the match reaching its peak. Team Earth pushed forward with renewed vigour, determined to seize the decisive moment. Gerrard, ever the midfield general, picked up the ball and surged ahead, evading Ottar's challenge with a deft touch. He found Iniesta, who, with a quick turn, eluded Whisper Wings. Iniesta then threaded a perfect pass to Neymar on the left wing. Neymar, his eyes scanning the field, danced past Nightstalker with a series of dazzling step-overs, cutting inside towards the penalty area. As defenders converged, he flicked the ball to Messi, who was ghosting into space on the edge of the box. Messi, with his characteristic finesse, took one touch to control and another to evade Solar Blaze's sliding tackle. Seeing an opportunity, Messi lofted a precise cross towards the far post where Ronaldo was waiting. Ronaldo, leaping into the air with the grace of an athlete in his prime, seemed to hang in the air for a moment as the ball arced towards him. The stadium held its breath as Ronaldo powered a header towards the top corner of the net. But Pinkie Pie, displaying incredible reflexes and agility, launched herself across the goalmouth. Her timing was perfect, and with a spectacular dive, she managed to get her hand to the ball, deflecting it just enough to send it over the crossbar. The crowd erupted in a mixture of gasps and applause, the sheer brilliance of the save leaving everyone in awe. As the ball sailed out of play, the final whistle blew, signalling the end of a thrilling, hard-fought contest. The players from both teams stood frozen for a moment, the adrenaline still coursing through their veins. Then, as the reality of the draw settled in, they exchanged handshakes and pats on the back, acknowledging the immense effort and skill displayed on the pitch. Amelia, standing at her goal, watched as the fans cheered and applauded, their appreciation for the incredible spectacle evident. She glanced over at Pinkie Pie, who was grinning widely despite the exhaustion evident on her face. Amelia couldn't help but smile back, recognising a kindred spirit in the pony goalkeeper. The match might have ended in a draw, but the unforgettable moments, the dramatic build-up, and the breathtaking saves ensured it would be remembered as one of the most epic showdowns in the history of both worlds. Full-Time: The match ended in a thrilling 4-4 draw, with both teams showcasing their unique talents and providing a spectacle for the ages. The Santiago Bernabéu stadium buzzed with excitement, the stands filled with the passionate cheers of Newcastle fans who had been transported into this magical showdown. Each moment of the game was intense and unpredictable, with both sides displaying their prowess in football and hoofball. Pierluigi Collina's authoritative officiating, supported by the meticulous checks of VAR, ensured a fair and memorable contest. Every decision was scrutinised, every goal celebrated or groaned over with equal intensity, and the integrity of the game was maintained throughout. Man of the Match: Rainbow Dash (Team Equestria) for her two crucial goals and relentless pace. Her speed and determination were unmatched, making her a standout performer in a match filled with legends. She darted across the pitch with the grace and swiftness of a true champion, her every move a testament to her dedication and athleticism. “So… what do you think, Discord? Finally understand?” Amelia panted, wiping sweat from her brow as she stood in the middle of the pitch. The iconic Santiago Bernabéu stadium, now emptying of its roaring fans, seemed to shimmer in the twilight. Discord, visibly exhausted, leaned forward with his hands on his knees, catching his breath. “I—I’m starting to understand why you humans are so fond of this game.” Discord admitted between heavy breaths. “That match… was more intense than any battle. Hoofball—or football, rather—is way more chaotic than I ever imagined. It’s exhilarating.” Amelia grinned, giving Discord a hearty pat on the back. “Finally, you get it. Football isn’t just a game; it’s a whole experience. Now you should have the answers to your questions from long ago.” Discord chuckled, straightening up. “Not all the answers yet, but if I keep playing, I’m sure I’ll find them eventually.” “Yeah, I’m sure you will.” Amelia replied, her gaze drifting to the stands where the last of the fans were leaving, their cheers and chants fading into the night. The air was thick with the remnants of excitement and camaraderie that had filled the stadium moments before. The two stood in silence for a moment, soaking in the atmosphere of a match that had bridged worlds and brought new understanding. > Chapter 14 - The Rainbow, The Drunk and the Half-Human. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14 As the afternoon waned, Amelia found herself lost in contemplation under an amber-tinted sky that painted the world in shades of autumn. Clouds, tinged with the glow of a setting sun, dappled the light, casting soft shadows that danced quietly around her. The final bell of the school day had barely finished its reverberation when the corridors erupted into a bustling stream of students, each one eager to escape the confines of their classrooms. The scene was a perfect mirror of the chaos that seemed to define the school—a place of vibrant energy and relentless motion. Thankfully, Amelia was spared from the chaos by Applebloom, who appeared just in time to steer her away from the frenzied flood of students. With a gentle tug on her sleeve, Applebloom guided Amelia to a quieter side corridor, their steps syncing as they navigated the less traveled path. Amelia was silently grateful for her friend's intervention. She thought back to the many times her small wings had helped her maneuver through tight spots, but today, it was Applebloom who was her lifesaver. Once outside, the pair found themselves walking along a secluded trail that bordered the school, where the sounds of nature replaced the cacophony of the hallways. They walked in silence, a comfortable hush that allowed Amelia’s thoughts to drift toward recent events and challenges. Beside her, Applebloom seemed equally pensive, her brow occasionally furrowing, likely mulling over the complexities of the day’s math lesson—a subject that had left her mind swirling. Amelia, on the other hand, had a different experience during math class. She had managed to escape the mental strain by drifting off to sleep shortly after the lesson began, a habit born not only from her disinterest but also as a necessary recovery from the intense and exhausting football match she had played with Discord. This brief respite had saved her from the headache that now seemed to plague Applebloom. Amidst their silent companionship, Amelia mused on the absurdities of the day’s curriculum. She found herself scoffing internally at the rigidity of mathematical concepts, her mind teasing apart the standard procedures that never seemed to resonate with her. Why must we always complicate things by adding one and one to make two? she thought with a hint of amusement. Wouldn't it be simpler to appreciate each number on its own, to let one simply be one, and two be two without forcing them together? This internal monologue not only reflected Amelia's playful rebellion against conventional academic norms but also underscored her desire for simplicity and clarity—traits that served her well both in the classroom and on the magical football field. As they continued their walk, the fading light casting long shadows ahead of them, Amelia cherished the quiet moment of reflection and the presence of a friend who understood the value of silent solidarity. Amelia and Applebloom's walk began to slow as they approached the edge of the wooded trail, the school and its noise now a distant memory behind them. The sky had deepened into a richer tapestry of dusk, painting their surroundings in shades of twilight. Amelia’s thoughts swirled, circling back to her conversation with Discord that now lay behind them—an exchange that had left her with more questions than answers, her heart heavy with uncertainty. As they reached the clearing that marked the end of the trail, Amelia paused, taking a deep breath of the crisp autumn air. She glanced at Applebloom, managing a small, grateful smile for her friend's silent support throughout their quiet journey. "Thanks for walking with me, Applebloom.” Amelia said, her voice tinged with the weariness of a mind burdened by impending decisions. "Anytime, Amelia.” Applebloom replied, her voice warm and reassuring. "Also, whatever's bothering you, you don't have to face it alone." Amelia watched Applebloom disappear into the gathering dusk, her steps brisk and sure. It was just like Applebloom to notice that something was off without Amelia saying a word. They had walked in companionable silence, a comfort in itself, but Amelia couldn’t help feeling a twinge of loneliness at the secrets she had to keep. She couldn’t share the weight of the conversation she'd had with Discord, not yet, and perhaps not ever. It wasn’t something she could disclose to Applebloom, nor to Applejack or even Fluttershy, despite the deep bonds she shared with them. Amelia sighed, a soft, almost inaudible sound that blended with the whispers of the evening breeze. It was typical for Applebloom to sense that something was troubling her. Their friendship was marked by an unspoken understanding, a gentle awareness of each other's struggles. Yet, even with this intuitive connection, Amelia found herself bound by necessity to withhold the truth. As she continued her walk alone, the path under her feet felt more pronounced, each step echoing the gravity of her situation. She was a stranger here, not by choice but by chance, and now she carried knowledge that could alter her precarious standing if it ever came to light. The secret of her true origin—her transformation from human to pegasus—was a heavy cloak she had to wear alone. The realisation deepened the solitude of her journey, the landscape around her a mere blur as she navigated her tangled thoughts. How can I protect myself if the truth ever comes out? she pondered, her gaze lifting to the first stars appearing in the twilight sky. The question hung in the air, unanswered, as she made her way slowly back home. For now, she would guard this secret with all the strength she had, hoping the trust and affection she'd found in Equestria would withstand the storms that might come if her true nature was ever revealed. After an intensely exhilarating football match that concluded with a dramatic draw, the stadium was alive with an electric atmosphere. Exhausted yet elated, players from both teams intermingled across the verdant pitch, sharing breathless conversations punctuated by enthusiastic high-fives and robust fist-bumps. In the midst of these vibrant celebrations, Discord made his entrance to the center circle, his eyes twinkling with characteristic mischief. "Let's immortalize this unforgettable scene!" he proclaimed with a flourish. With a casual flick of his wrist, he conjured a swirl of smoke. When it cleared, it revealed a figure remarkably similar to the legendary photographer Ansel Adams, complete with a vintage large-format camera and a dramatically over-the-top photographer's attire, harking back to the early 20th century. The assembled players gazed in a mixture of amusement and awe as this cloned photographer meticulously adjusted his tripod and camera, infusing the action with an air of theatricality. "Come together, everyone!" Discord directed with the energy of a whimsical yet determined ringmaster. He expertly corralled the players into position. Amelia, somewhat amused, found herself in a prominent spot at the front, with Discord nonchalantly reclining beside her, sporting an irrepressible grin reminiscent of the infamous Cheshire Cat. As the teams lined up, an eclectic tableau unfolded; players from Earth mingled seamlessly with those from Equestria, crafting a vibrant collage of varying hues, statures, and expressions. Pinkie Pie, ever the enthusiast, hopped excitedly before securing the prime spot right at the forefront, her smile so wide it seemed to defy the limits of her face. The towering figures of Nightstalker, Iron Hoof, and Solar Blaze positioned themselves at the back, their expressions a mix of pride and slight confusion. Applejack, ever the charismatic showman, tipped her hat with a confident thumbs-up, while Twilight Sparkle meticulously adjusted her wings, striving for a pose of dignified regality. Adjacent to each other, Cafu and Rainbow Dash engaged in a lively discussion about their athletic feats. Nearby, Virgil Van Dijk and Iron Hoof shared knowing glances, each recognizing the formidable capabilities of the other. Sergio Ramos and Rarity found themselves side by side, with Rarity ensuring that every player's appearance was picture-perfect. The seasoned leaders, Maldini and Applejack, stood shoulder to shoulder, their smiles a reflection of deep mutual respect. In a slightly forward position, Sergio Busquets, Iniesta, and Gerrard exchanged light-hearted nudges and winks with Equestrian newcomers Ottar and Whisper Wings, who joined in the fun with shy smiles. Front and center, Neymar, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Messi competed subtly with their smiles—Neymar's impish, Ronaldo's brimming with confidence, and Messi's modest yet inviting. Twilight Sparkle, positioned close by, spread her wings a bit more, embodying the essence of a team captain. Pierluigi Collina, the revered referee, claimed his spot in the middle of the group, his normally stern features softening into a warm smile as he joined this exuberant gathering. "On three, everyone say 'cheese'!" bellowed Discord, lifting his talon as if directing an orchestra. The response was a joyous cacophony of "Cheese!" accompanied by giggles, neighs, and the occasional quirky hoot from Pinkie Pie. With a flourish worthy of a seasoned performer, the Ansel Adams look-alike snapped the photo. Just as the flash fired, Discord couldn't resist pulling a face—sticking out his tongue and crossing his eyes, sparking a burst of laughter from the crowd just as the camera captured the moment. When the photo was developed, it emerged as a brilliant tapestry of joy and spontaneity. Pinkie Pie's grin stretched almost beyond the bounds of the frame. Nightstalker, Iron Hoof, and Solar Blaze were caught in mid-laughter, their ethereal auras adding a halo-like effect around them. Applejack's enthusiastic thumbs-up dominated the foreground, while Twilight Sparkle’s attempt at regality was comically juxtaposed with Discord’s playful antics. Cafu and Rainbow Dash were captured in dynamic poses, while the stalwart presence of Van Dijk and Iron Hoof anchored the image’s backdrop. Ramos and Rarity’s blend of intense focus and elegant poise added a distinctive flair. The seasoned calm of Maldini and Applejack’s smiles conveyed their leadership, while the light-hearted exchanges between Busquets, Iniesta, Gerrard, Ottar, and Whisper Wings highlighted emerging friendships. Neymar, Ronaldo, and Messi’s competitive smiles were a showcase of their playful rivalry, beautifully complemented by Twilight Sparkassured demeanor. At the photo’s heart, Pierluigi Collina, his iconic bald head shining, smiled broadly, a rare sight that lent a touch of revered authority to the image. As the teams crowded around to view the developed photograph, their reactions were a mix of laughter and cheers, celebrating a perfect fusion of warmth and whimsy from two very different worlds. As the laughter from the impromptu photo session began to settle, the energy on the field gradually shifted from vibrant chaos to a more subdued, contented calm. The players, still chuckling and exchanging playful jabs about their antics, started to make their way towards the stadium tunnel. Pierluigi Collina, the legendary referee, gave a nod of approval and led the procession, his rare smile still evident as he chatted with the players. Cafu and Maldini walked alongside Nightstalker and Iron Hoof, continuing their discussion about defensive strategies, while Neymar and Solar Blaze exchanged tips on agility and speed. Pinkie Pie bounced alongside them, her energy undiminished, while Gerrard and Van Dijk gave final words of encouragement to Ottar and Whisper Wings, who now appeared more relaxed and confident. Rainbow Dash hovered above Messi and Ronaldo, the trio still engaged in friendly banter about who would outdo whom in the next match. Iniesta, Ramos and Busquets, flanked by Rarity, Twilight, and Applejack, reflected on the game, their conversation a mix of tactical insights and lighthearted comments about Rarity's impromptu fashion advice. As the group disappeared into the shadows of the tunnel, their laughter and voices fading into an echo, the stadium settled into a peaceful silence. The floodlights cast a soft glow over the now-empty pitch, highlighting the pristine grass that had been the stage for an unforgettable match. In the middle of the pitch, Amelia stood with Discord. The contrast between the serene field and the earlier chaos was stark, but it brought a sense of closure to the day's events. Amelia took a deep breath, her thoughts briefly drifting back to the conversation with Discord that still weighed heavily on her mind. Discord, sensing her pensive mood, floated closer, his usual mischievous grin replaced by a softer, more thoughtful expression. "Quite the day, wasn’t it?" he remarked, his tone gentle. Amelia nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "It was amazing. More than I could have ever imagined." They stood in comfortable silence for a moment, both reflecting on the day’s events. The pitch, which had been a battlefield of skill and strategy, now felt like a sanctuary of peace and possibility. As they finally turned to walk back to the tunnel, side by side, the bond between them felt stronger, forged not just through shared adventures but through mutual respect and understanding. The stadium, now quiet and empty, seemed to hold its breath, preserving the memories of the day—a day when two worlds came together, not just in competition but in unity and joy. As Amelia looked over to Discord, his usual mischievous grin slowly morphed into a frown. His eyes seemed distant, lost in his own thoughts. The playful spirit that defined him appeared to be momentarily subdued, replaced by an uncharacteristic seriousness. Amelia, caught by the sudden change in his demeanor, found herself wondering what could be troubling him. The day had been a whirlwind of emotions and experiences, but seeing Discord, the embodiment of chaos and levity, deep in contemplation was unsettling. Without asking, Amelia respected his silence, choosing instead to simply be present. She walked beside him, the soft glow of the stadium lights casting long shadows across the empty pitch. The silence between them was comfortable yet filled with unspoken questions and a shared understanding that not all moments needed to be filled with words. As they continued their walk towards the tunnel, Amelia's mind raced with possibilities. What could be on Discord’s mind? Was it something about their earlier conversation? Or perhaps it was something else entirely, something he had not yet shared. The weight of his thoughts seemed to add a gravity to the air around them. With each step, Amelia decided she would be there for Discord. Sometimes, the best support was simply walking beside someone in silence, offering a quiet companionship in moments of reflection. The tunnel loomed ahead, its shadowy entrance a stark contrast to the illuminated pitch. As they approached, the sounds of their footsteps echoed softly, a rhythmic reminder of their shared journey. Amelia glanced at Discord one last time, hoping that whatever burden he carried, he would find a way to share it when he was ready. Together, they were about to step into the tunnel, leaving behind the empty stadium that had witnessed an extraordinary day—a day of magic, camaraderie, and the beginning of deeper, more complex understandings. Discord suddenly stepped in front of her, blocking her path. His expression was grave, a stark contrast to the mischievous demeanour she was accustomed to. The air around him felt heavier, charged with an urgency that immediately set Amelia on edge. "What’s wrong, Discord?" Amelia asked, her voice tinged with concern as she observed the unusual seriousness etched across his features. Discord scanned the empty stadium with wary eyes, his voice barely above a whisper when he finally spoke. "Amelia, do you remember our discussions about the complexities of your existence here in Equestria?" His words were deliberate, each one laden with a gravity that pulled at the pit of her stomach. Where did this come from suddenly? Amelia nodded, a sense of foreboding tightening around her. "Yes, I remember.” she replied, her mind flashing back to the cryptic warnings that had seemed less ominous at the time. Discord took a deep breath, his gaze locking with hers, intense and unyielding. "It's far more dangerous than I let on. Your presence here, as a human transformed into a pegasus, places you in grave peril." Amelia’s breath caught in her throat, her confusion giving way to a growing sense of dread. "Dangerous? But why?" Her voice cracked slightly under the strain of her burgeoning fear. Discord’s eyes darkened as he recounted the hidden, darker chapters of Equestria's history. "After the war between myself, Celestia, and Luna, certain factions within Equestria—nobles, military leaders, even some in the Ministry of Defense—sought to harness human technology. They tried to replicate the firearms and ammunition from the war, believing it would cement their dominance." He paused, the weight of his next words seeming to physically burden him. "This led to profound opposition from humans-turned-ponies, who foresaw the devastating consequences of such power. Their resistance sparked a brutal civil war." Amelia felt a chill run through her as Discord continued, his voice lowering further. "The aftermath was catastrophic. Within a year, every known human-turned-pony was either executed, imprisoned, or vanished without a trace. History was rewritten by those in power, portraying themselves as heroes and demonising the transformed humans." "Why would they see transformed humans as such a threat?" Amelia managed to ask, her voice a whisper of fear and confusion. "They feared the potential for upheaval that humans brought with them—knowledge of technologies and strategies that could undermine their control.” Discord explained, his tone grave. "Your existence, if discovered, could reignite old fears, provoke hostilities." Amelia’s mind reeled with the implications. "So, if they find out about me…" She didn’t finish her sentence, the reality too terrifying to articulate. "Exactly.” Discord confirmed grimly. "That’s why you must be exceedingly careful. Your true origins could trigger a resurgence of conflicts long thought settled." As the weight of his words settled in, Amelia realized the full extent of her predicament. Her dream of playing hoofball, her very life in Equestria, now hung precariously in the balance. "What can I do?" Amelia asked, desperation seeping into her tone. "You need to assimilate completely.” Discord advised urgently. "Change your name, adopt Equestrian mannerisms. Most importantly, modify your speech—use 'everypony' instead of 'everyone,' 'somepony' instead of 'someone,' and importantly, ‘hoofball’ instead of ‘football.’ These changes, while small, are crucial for your safety." Amelia took a deep, steadying breath, a mix of resolve and fear solidifying within her. “What if I get caught… what will happen?” Discord nodded, his expression softening slightly. "Don’t worry, I’ll help you through this. You’re not alone." Thanking him, Amelia turned towards the changing room, her steps heavy with the newfound weight of her secret. Each movement felt like a step in a dance of danger and deception. As she changed out of her kit, her mind wasn't just on the game she'd played, but on the much larger game she was now forced to play—a game of survival within the hidden depths of Equestria. The flashback faded, leaving Amelia back on the woodland path, the dappled sunlight casting long shadows as she walked toward Fluttershy’s cottage. Her steps were slow, measured, each one echoing the heaviness of the conversation she'd just recalled. The rustling leaves and chirping birds seemed distant, muted by the turmoil swirling in her mind. As she walked, Amelia's thoughts churned with the necessity of choosing a new name, a new identity that could conceal her true origins. Each name she considered felt alien, not quite fitting the identity she had grown into since arriving in Equestria. She needed a name that would blend seamlessly into her new life, something distinctly Equestrian but still a reflection of her essence. Her mind cycled through various combinations, each one echoing softly in the quiet of the forest. Starshine, Celestia Dawn, Skydancer—names that evoked the beauty and magic of her adopted world but none that felt right. She paused by a babbling brook, the sound of the water providing a soothing backdrop to her fraught thoughts. "Maybe something with 'sky' or 'flight' in it, to symbolize my new life as a pegasus.” Amelia mused aloud, watching the water ripple over smooth stones. Skylark, Bluewing, Aerovane—the names floated through her mind like the leaves fluttering down from the treetops. She sighed, feeling the weight of the decision. It wasn't just a name; it was a shield, a cloak that would protect her from potential discovery and persecution. The reality of her situation was daunting; her name needed to be perfect, a seamless integration into Equestrian society that would arouse no suspicions. As she continued her walk, the path winding beneath ancient trees, a flash of inspiration struck her. "Aurora Breeze.” she whispered to herself, tasting the name. It had a poetic ring, evoking images of the colourful auroras she had admired in the Equestrian night sky, combined with the gentle breezes that swept across the meadows she now called home. "Aurora Breeze.” she repeated, a smile beginning to form as the name settled around her like a comfortable cloak. It felt right—elegant, relevant to her new form, and sufficiently distanced from her human past. Feeling slightly more hopeful, Amelia quickened her pace, the name giving her a renewed sense of purpose. As she neared Fluttershy’s cottage, the familiar sight of the quaint home nestled among the flowers and trees brought a sense of comfort. Here, she would begin anew as Aurora Breeze, embracing fully the life of a pegasus in Equestria, armed with a name that was her own, crafted to protect and define her in this magical world. The path ahead would be fraught with challenges, but with her new identity, Amelia—now Aurora—felt ready to face whatever came her way with a resilience born of necessity and a determination to thrive in her chosen home. Ameliaapproached the bridge leading to Fluttershy's cottage, her new name settling into her thoughts like a comforting embrace. The quaint structure, with its charming thatched roof and flower-covered walls, stood invitingly ahead, a beacon of safety and home. Her heart, still heavy with the weight of her recent revelations and decisions, lifted slightly at the sight. She stepped lightly over the bridge, her shoes clacking softly against the worn wood, the gentle sound of the stream below blending with the rustle of the leaves. As she reached the front door, her sense of relief was palpable. Here, in this simple, serene place, she could start anew, embrace her new identity, and maybe find some peace. Amelia raised her fist to knock, eager to see Fluttershy's welcoming smile and feel the warmth of the cottage envelop her. But just as her fist was about to tap against the door, a sharp crash from inside made her freeze mid-motion. The sound of breaking glass was followed by angry, heated voices—one unmistakably Fluttershy's, but it bore a tone Amelia had never heard before. Fluttershy's usually gentle, melodious voice was sharp and tinged with an uncharacteristic fury. Aurora's brow furrowed in confusion and concern. Why would Fluttershy be so upset? What could have provoked such a response from the usually calm and kind pegasus? Then came the second voice—scratchy, unfamiliar, and laced with fear. It quivered, the sound of someone clearly scared, perhaps even desperate. The stark contrast between the two tones heightened Aurora's alarm. She hadn't expected to return to such turmoil, not here, not in the safe haven of Fluttershy's home. Her fist hovered in the air, uncertainty rooting her to the spot. What the hell is going on in there? Aurora's mind raced with possibilities, each more worrying than the last. Her initial impulse to knock wavered as she considered the potential danger inside. Should she intervene, or would her presence complicate matters further? For a moment, she stood there, torn, the sounds of the argument inside echoing in her ears, mingling with her own rapid heartbeat. The peaceful exterior of the cottage belied the chaos within, leaving Amelia on the threshold, unsure and unprepared for what lay beyond the door. Amelia cautiously opened the door, half-expecting to encounter a dangerous confrontation. Instead, she was met with a scene straight out of a slapstick comedy. The cottage, typically a serene sanctuary overseen by the gentle Fluttershy, had been transformed into a chaotic animal discotheque. In the eye of this storm was Fluttershy, her cheeks an alarming shade of rosy pink, not from blush but from the effects of a rather bold red wine. She held the bottle with a sailor’s grip, waving it around as if it were a conductor's baton. Her normally sweet voice was thick with slurs as she declared a one-pony prohibition, "Stay away from my wine!" Each word was punctuated by the launch of a couch pillow, a stuffed toy, or on one memorable occasion, a bewildered-looking rubber duckie. Rainbow Dash, the real, legendary Gunner’s Striker, darted around the room with the agility of a seasoned outfield player, ducking and weaving as various objects flew through the air. "Fluttershy, c'mon! You gotta pace yourself!" she pleaded, narrowly dodging a particularly fast-moving sofa cushion that whizzed past her head like a misguided missile. Although Amelia knew Rainbow was not a Toffee player anymore, she knew her ongoing legendary career. Rainbow Dash, a pivotal striker for the Gunners, has emerged as the league's most formidable scorer this season. Previously, she dazzled fans as a player for the Toffees, where she set a record as the fastest player in the history of Equestria. During the peak of the Toffees' success, she scored more goals than any other player in the club's history. Her outstanding performances helped the club secure every possible trophy, and she swept all the individual awards, culminating in her being honoured as the best player of the year at just 18 years old. Recognised as one of the six prodigies of hoofball, Rainbow Dash continues to leave an indelible mark on the sport with her exceptional skill and athleticism. You know, one of the best players of all time… yeah, that same player Amelia played against is getting attacked by the supposedly innocent Fluttershy. Amelia stood frozen at the threshold, her initial alarm now replaced by bewildered amusement. Here was Fluttershy, Equestria’s emblem of kindness and tranquility, inebriated and launching a full-scale pillow assault. Beside her, Rainbow Dash, sporting a bemused grin, acted less like the star athlete she was and more like a nimble goalie at the wrong end of a very soft barrage. "Why is Rainbow Dash here? And why is Fluttershy… drunk?" Amelia muttered to herself, the absurdity of the situation unfolding before her turning the concern into a barely stifled chuckle. The chaotic ballet continued, with Fluttershy now occasionally stopping to hiccup adorably before resuming her spirited defense of her beloved wine bottle. Rainbow Dash, ever the competitor, had turned the evasion into a game, her laughter mingling with Fluttershy's indignant declarations. Amelia's entrance into the cottage was immediately met with a whirlwind of chaos. Just as she stepped over the threshold, her reflexes kicked in, allowing her to duck just in time as a disoriented hamster, looking as confused as she felt, flew overhead. It was a clear indication that she had entered a zone of unbridled pandemonium, and like Rainbow Dash, she was not exempt from becoming a target in Fluttershy's spirited defense of her wine. With quick thinking, Amelia darted behind the plush safety of the couch, barely a moment before a heavy book titled "Herbs and Spices of Equestria" zoomed past where her head had just been. The situation had escalated to the point of feeling like a playful but intense battlefield, with household items becoming airborne projectiles in a display of Fluttershy's surprising arm strength. Peeking cautiously over the top of the couch, Amelia tried to gauge the right moment to make her next move. However, her survey was abruptly cut short as Pooch, Fluttershy's beloved wooden wolf pup, was unexpectedly launched into the air, his trajectory aimed towards the bookshelf. There was a loud crash as Pooch collided with the shelves, sending books tumbling down around him and breaking through the wooden slats with a splintering noise. Despite the dramatic entrance, Pooch seemed remarkably unfazed by the ordeal. The wooden puppet shook off the debris, his carved features showing no signs of damage from the impact. Spotting Amelia hiding behind the couch, Pooch’s wooden tail began to wag enthusiastically. He scampered over to her, his movements awkward but eager, and he began to "greet" her with his wooden tongue, leaving behind a slightly sticky trail of sappy residue. Amelia couldn't help but laugh, even as she tried to push the enthusiastic pup away gently. "Okay, Pooch, okay! That's enough.” she chuckled, managing to dodge most of the slobbery affection with a playful shove. The wooden pup’s tail continued to wag happily, oblivious to the chaos he had just caused. Suddenly, amid the chaos, Rainbow Dash yelped dramatically and tumbled over the couch, landing awkwardly in front of Amelia. She clutched her shoulder, where a splotch of tomato sauce vividly marked her as a "casualty" of the culinary kind. In an overly theatrical tone, she groaned, "I've been hit! Pony down!" mimicking a soldier's last stand. Amelia stared at Rainbow Dash, her expression blank with disbelief. The sight of the usually cocky and confident athlete reduced to such comedic theatrics over a tomato splatter was disconcerting, yet amusing. Even Pooch paused in his enthusiastic licking, tilting his wooden head in confusion at the melodramatic display. For a moment, Rainbow Dash and Amelia locked eyes, sharing an awkward silence. Neither knew quite what to say, their expressions blank as the absurdity of the situation hung heavily in the air. Despite the ongoing barrage from Fluttershy—who was still furiously lobbing cushions, books, and the occasional piece of fruit in their general direction—this brief pause felt almost surreal. Amelia's attempt to suppress a laugh failed spectacularly as she watched Rainbow Dash's theatrical display of agony. The corners of her mouth twitched upwards uncontrollably, and a snigger escaped her before she could clamp it down. Seeing an opportunity to tease Rainbow Dash just a bit, Amelia mimicked her in an exaggerated, mocking tone, clutching her shoulder and groaning, "I've been hit. Pony down." She even managed a dramatic stagger to complete the performance. Rainbow Dash's response was instant; her eyes narrowed, and her lips pursed into a thin line. The amusement faded from her face, replaced by a flash of annoyance. She straightened up, wiping the tomato sauce from her shoulder, and fixed Amelia with a stern look. "Who the hell are you, and what are you doing here?" Her voice was sharp, the irritation evident in her tone as she took in this stranger who dared mock her in such a familiar setting. Taken aback by the sudden coldness, Amelia’s playful smile faltered. She straightened, meeting Rainbow Dash’s glare with a defensive edge to her own voice. "And what are you doing in Fluttershy’s cottage? Why is Fluttershy hammered and what the hell is going on?" she retorted, her words echoing Rainbow Dash’s with a challenging tilt of her head. Rainbow Dash, momentarily caught off guard by Amelia’s pointed question, hesitated. Her expression shifted as she seemed to grapple with how much to disclose. For a brief moment, it looked like she was about to reveal a more personal connection, her mouth opening as if to declare her familial ties to Fluttershy. However, at the last second, she altered her course. "We're friends.” she stated somewhat abruptly, her tone softening slightly. "I came over to check up on her. You know, just making sure she's okay." The explanation came out more defensive than intended, as if she were trying to justify her presence in what had turned into a rather unflattering scene. Amelia blinked, taken aback not just by the intensity of Rainbow Dash’s initial reaction but also by the casual revelation. Her eyes widened as she processed the information. Rainbow Dash—a name synonymous with athletic prowess and competitive fire in the hoofball world—was just casually describing a friendship with Fluttershy. Amelia's mind reeled. Fluttershy, with her gentle demeanor and affinity for animals, seemed an unlikely companion for one of the sport's most celebrated figures. "Wow.” Amelia muttered under her breath, a mix of admiration and surprise coloring her tone. She glanced around the chaotic room, reassessing the situation with new eyes. Fluttershy had cool friends indeed, famous ones at that. First, there was Applejack, another known name in the hoofball community, and now Rainbow Dash. It painted Fluttershy’s social circle in an entirely different light, adding an unexpected layer of intrigue and celebrity to what Amelia had assumed was a quiet, uneventful life. The realization made Amelia feel a twinge of awe, and even a hint of envy. Here she was, standing amidst characters who belonged to storybooks and sports legends, all convened in the most bizarre of circumstances. She couldn't help but feel a little starstruck, even as the absurdity of the situation—the flying cushions, the scattered books, the tipsy pegasus—kept it all grounded in a strange reality. Caught up in the surreal realization of Fluttershy's impressive circle of friends, Amelia nearly stumbled over her own introduction. "I'm Am—Amelia.” she corrected herself swiftly, a blush creeping up her cheeks as she narrowly avoided revealing her former human name. Her heart skipped a beat, realizing how close she had come to slipping up at such a critical moment. "I'm also a friend of Fluttershy’s.” she added quickly, trying to regain her composure. Her voice carried a slight tremor, betraying her nervousness as she adjusted to her new alias in real-time. Amelia extended a tentative hand towards Rainbow Dash, hoping to smooth over any remaining tension with a friendly gesture. Rainbow Dash eyed her curiously, her earlier annoyance seeming to fade as she took in Amelia's sincere, albeit slightly flustered demeanor. "Nice to meet you, Amelia.” she responded, her tone warming up a bit as she accepted the offered hand. The moment marked a tentative truce, their earlier standoff giving way to the beginnings of what could potentially be a new friendship. As Amelia and Rainbow Dash were tentatively forging a new understanding, Fluttershy suddenly loomed over the back of the couch, disrupting the moment with comic abruptness. Clutching a large pillow in one hand and still gripping her bottle of wine in the other, her cheeks flushed with a mix of anger and alcohol-induced warmth, Fluttershy glared down at them. Her eyes were narrowed, and her speech was thick with slurs as she accused them in a wobbly voice, "You two think you're being sneaky, huh?" Before either Amelia or Rainbow Dash could react to her sudden appearance or decipher her drunken babble, Fluttershy flung the pillow down at them with surprising force. Her aim was off, but the intent was clear, and the gesture sent both Amelia and Rainbow Dash springing into action. With a quick leap, they simultaneously dodged to either side, narrowly escaping the flying cushion. The pillow landed with a soft thud where they had just been sitting, sending up a small puff of dust from the well-worn upholstery. Breathing heavily from the sudden exertion, Amelia and Rainbow Dash exchanged a look of disbelief mixed with amusement. Fluttershy, meanwhile, seemed mildly perplexed by their swift evasion, her eyes trying to focus as she processed the miss. A slow, hiccuped giggle escaped her as she teetered slightly, still clutching the wine bottle as if it were a cherished companion. As Fluttershy stood shakily on the couch, her buzz clearly waning yet her spirit undiminished, Rainbow Dash gestured to Amelia from a fair distance away. "Try to grab the bottle before she takes another sip.” she whispered, her eyes flicking towards Fluttershy, calculating if she could flank the intoxicated pegasus without her noticing. The scene had all the markings of a bizarre Mexican standoff—Fluttershy, the inebriated and unpredictable pegasus; Rainbow Dash, the agile and strategic rainbow-maned athlete; and Amelia, the half-human caught in the middle of this unexpected escapade. While Rainbow and Amelia were focused intently on Fluttershy, the latter’s gaze was less reliable, darting erratically as her drunkenness skewed her perceptions. Suddenly, with the speed of a gunslinger in an old western, Fluttershy snatched up a small couch pillow and hurled it towards Rainbow Dash. At the same moment, she tilted the wine bottle towards her lips, intent on taking another victorious sip. However, Amelia, seizing the opportunity, dashed forward to intercept the bottle. In a move as dramatic as it was unexpected, Fluttershy ingeniously flipped the couch by pressing down on its backrest with her foot, using her entire weight to send it crashing backward. She rode the couch down with a gleeful "Weeeee.” tumbling off onto the floor amidst a fit of giggles. "Oh, I'm so clumsy and silly.” she laughed, clearly amused by her own antics. Amelia and Rainbow Dash, recognizing their chance, moved quickly to pin her down while she was still disoriented and giggling on the floor. However, Fluttershy had one more trick up her sleeve—or rather, attached to her back. Her wings, seemingly with minds of their own, began to flap vigorously, not so much lifting her into the air as dragging her across the floor. She slid haphazardly, bumping into furniture and scattered items, giggling all the while with occasional yelps of "Ouch!" whenever she collided with something a bit too solid. The chaos was complete, with Fluttershy's wings causing her to careen around the room in a spectacle of feathers, giggles, and accidental furniture rearranging. Amelia and Rainbow Dash could only watch, momentarily helpless, as their attempts to contain the situation turned into a slapstick chase scene, underscored by the sounds of Fluttershy’s laughter and the whimsical chaos she left in her wake. As the chaos of the room finally started to show signs of subsiding, Fluttershy's erratic wing movements suddenly propelled her upwards, creating a new flurry of action. With a surprised squeal that quickly morphed into a cocky smirk, Fluttershy found herself hovering in the air, clutching a pillow she had managed to snag during her impromptious escapade across the floor. Disoriented yet visibly enjoying her aerial advantage, Fluttershy looked down at Amelia and Rainbow Dash, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Ha! Look at you two down there!" she taunted gleefully, swaying a bit as she tried to stabilize her flight. "How are you going to get me now?" she challenged, waving the pillow with a playful flourish. Amelia and Rainbow Dash exchanged a look of bemusement before simultaneously deadpanning back at Fluttershy. Each unfurled their wings with a synchronized flourish, the sound of rustling feathers filling the room. Fluttershy’s confident grin wavered as she remembered she wasn't the only pegasus present. Rainbow Dash, the experienced flyer, stretched her wings with the ease of a seasoned athlete warming up for a routine practice. She seemed ready to leap into the air without a second thought, her body language exuding confidence and readiness. Amelia, on the other hand, felt a surge of anxiety at the prospect of taking flight. Despite possessing the wings and form of a pegasus, her experience in the air was minimal at best. Football had always been her focus, leaving little time for flight training. More daunting yet was her fear of heights—a phobia that seemed cruelly ironic given her new form. Her wings, underused and undertrained, fluttered nervously by her sides. Great, just great, Amelia thought, her inner rant tinged with panic. Here I am, supposedly a pegasus, and I might as well be a turkey for all the good these wings are doing me. The room seemed to stretch upwards, the distance between her and Fluttershy growing in her mind’s eye. Taking a deep breath, Amelia tried to steady her nerves. She watched Rainbow Dash, hoping to mimic some of her effortless confidence. Just flap and lift, right? How hard can it be? she coached herself silently, flexing her wings tentatively. With a determined nod to Rainbow Dash, Amelia prepared to confront her fear. Even if her flight skills were lacking, she couldn't just let Fluttershy think she had the upper wing in this situation. Gritting her teeth, Amelia gave her wings a tentative flap, feeling the air shift slightly beneath them. It wasn't much, but it was a start, and with Rainbow Dash by her side, she felt a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, she could pull this off. As soon as Rainbow Dash launched herself toward Fluttershy, the scene quickly descended into comical chaos reminiscent of a classic Scooby-Doo chase. Fluttershy's wings, still energized and somewhat unruly from her inebriated state, flapped wildly, propelling her in a haphazard flurry around the cottage. She darted into the kitchen, her laughter pealing like bells as she narrowly escaped Rainbow Dash’s outstretched hands, only to reappear seconds later shooting out of the bedroom, a trail of giggles marking her path. Rainbow Dash, growing increasingly exasperated with each failed attempt to catch the unpredictable Fluttershy, followed in hot pursuit. Her agile movements were precise and calculated, but Fluttershy's erratic flight pattern kept her just out of reach. The two pegasi dashed in and out of rooms, around corners, up the stairway, and then back down, creating a whirlwind of activity that blurred past paintings and rattled the china in the cupboard. Meanwhile, in the midst of this merry chaos, Amelia was left in the spacious living room, struggling with the fundamentals of flight. She watched momentarily as her friends zoomed past doorways and around corners, then turned her attention back to her own flapping wings. Focused and determined, she practiced lifting off the ground, her wings beating awkwardly as she tried to find the right rhythm and strength. Each flutter was stronger and more confident than the last, her feet occasionally skimming off the ground, only to thump back down after a few suspenseful seconds. Her concentration was deep; the sounds of the ongoing chase faded into the background as Amelia committed herself to mastering the art of flying. She didn’t notice the shadows flickering rapidly across the walls or the bursts of laughter and frustrated shouts from Rainbow Dash as she chased the gleefully elusive Fluttershy. Instead, Amelia’s world narrowed to the sensation of wind against her feathers, the muscle memory she was beginning to develop, and the thrilling, albeit brief, moments of weightlessness that promised she was close to achieving true flight. In the background, the chase continued unabated, a lively spectacle of near-misses and comedic near-catches, perfectly underscoring the lighter, playful side of life in Equestria—even if it was a bit more chaotic at the moment. Exhausted from her attempts at flight and recognising the need for a more grounded strategy, Amelia decided to give her wings a rest. She made a mental note to seek Fluttershy’s advice on flying later, but for the moment, her attention shifted back to the immediate challenge at hand—the bottle of wine that seemed to fuel the evening's antics. Settling herself behind the couch for cover, Amelia crouched and watched the ongoing chase with the keen focus of a seasoned goalkeeper. Her eyes were not just on Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, but specifically on the precarious bottle that Fluttershy occasionally swigged from between giggles and dashes. As Rainbow Dash started to close the distance to Fluttershy without going full speed—to avoid a potential crash—Amelia spotted her chance. Fluttershy, perhaps sensing her imminent capture, turned sharply with a triumphant grin and hurled the pillow she’d been clutching directly at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow's eyes widened in surprise, but Amelia was already in motion. Channeling her inner goalkeeper, she leaped from behind the couch with agility honed on the soccer field. Time seemed to slow as she flew through the air, her arms outstretched. With a determined grunt, she intercepted the pillow mid-flight, catching it just inches before it could collide with Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy's grin faltered, morphing into an expression of shock as she witnessed her projectile being expertly caught. Rainbow Dash, meanwhile, flashed a victorious 'gotcha' grin at Fluttershy, her earlier frustrations now replaced by amusement at the unexpected save. With the precision of an athlete accustomed to quick manoeuvres, Rainbow Dash leapt towards Fluttershy, grasping her just as she tried to flap away. The momentum of Rainbow's dive combined with Fluttershy’s unsteady flight caused them both to crash to the ground in a flurry of feathers and limbs. The collision resulted in a comedic tangle of wings and hands, with Rainbow Dash managing to pin Fluttershy beneath her, effectively halting any further attempts at escape. The impact jostled the wine bottle from Fluttershy's grip, sending it spinning wildly across the wooden floor. It skidded to a halt, and the remaining wine gurgled out, spreading in a dark crimson pool. Fluttershy, momentarily stunned by the sudden end to her airborne escapade, turned her head to watch the wine spill out. Her eyes widened dramatically, and a tragic expression crossed her face. “Oh, my beautiful, beloved wine!” Fluttershy wailed, her voice laden with theatrical sorrow, as if she were lamenting the loss of a dear friend rather than a beverage. “Why must the good drinks spill young?” Nearby, Pooch, intrigued by the new scent and the puddle forming on the floor, trotted over with an innocent curiosity. He sniffed at the wine, then began to lap it up with his wooden tongue, apparently finding the taste to his liking, his tail wagging in contentment at the unexpected treat. On the sidelines, Amelia clutched the intercepted pillow, her eyes shifting between the pinned Fluttershy and the happily drinking Pooch. She let out a deep sigh and exchanged a look of weary resignation with Rainbow Dash. Both of them raised their hands to their faces in a synchronised facepalm, their frustration mingled with a reluctant amusement at the absurdity of the situation. "Really, Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash groaned, maintaining her grip on the squirming pegasus beneath her. "Was all this really necessary over a bottle of wine?" Amelia, lowering her hand, managed a wry smile despite the exasperation. “No more drinking for you, Flutters!” she quipped, trying to lighten the mood as she stepped forward to help Rainbow Dash secure Fluttershy more comfortably. Fluttershy, still in her role of the tragic heroine, sniffled. "It was very good wine." she protested weakly, earning a soft chuckle from both of her friends. As the evening continued to transition into night, the once bright orange sky deepened into a rich, velvety indigo. The stars began to twinkle faintly outside the windows of the cottage, casting a serene backdrop to the now much calmer interior. Inside, the remnants of the day's chaotic events lingered, but a sense of quiet and peace had finally settled over the household. Fluttershy, her energy significantly depleted and her antics mostly subdued by the lingering effects of the wine, leaned heavily against Rainbow Dash on the couch. The couch itself bore evidence of its earlier adventure, slightly askew from its normal position. Rainbow Dash sat with an arm draped protectively around Fluttershy's shoulders, her fingers gently rubbing small circles to keep her friend calm and grounded. Fluttershy's eyes were half-closed, her head resting against Rainbow’s shoulder, occasionally mumbling incoherent snippets of conversation or giggling softly at her own thoughts. Across the room, Amelia had claimed the armchair, her body slouched in a mixture of exhaustion and relaxation. The day's events had taken their toll, and she was content to simply sit and breathe for a moment. Pooch lay sprawled at her lap, his wooden body rising and falling with each breath, a snot bubble inflating and deflating comically with every exhale. The scent of wine still clung faintly to his wooden snout, a testament to his earlier curious tasting. Amelia’s hand moved gently over Pooch’s head, her fingers tracing the contours of his wooden features in a soothing rhythm. The gentle rise and fall of his snot bubble was strangely hypnotic, adding a touch of whimsy to the serene scene. The room was bathed in the soft, flickering light of the TV, the only illumination in the now dim cottage. The glow from the screen cast long, dancing shadows that moved across the walls and the scattered debris from the earlier commotion. The TV played a film at a low volume, the dialogue and background music merging into a comforting hum. It was an older film, one of those classic feel-good movies that seemed to fit the mood perfectly, offering a nostalgic comfort to the weary occupants of the room. Amelia's eyes occasionally flicked to the screen, more out of habit than actual interest, her mind still processing the day’s events. The cottage bore the scars of the earlier chaos—a couple of broken wine glasses, squished fruit oozing onto the floor, and a variety of cushions and throws that had been flung about during Fluttershy's tipsy rampage. Despite the mess, there was an undeniable warmth in the air, a sense of camaraderie that transcended the physical disorder. Fluttershy, still nestled against Rainbow Dash, let out a soft, almost childlike giggle as she shifted slightly, her wings fluttering in a contented motion. "I’m so silly.” she mumbled, her voice barely audible but filled with a drunken kind of happiness. Rainbow Dash chuckled softly in response, her voice a gentle whisper. "Yeah, you are. But that's why we love you, Flutters. Just try to get some rest now, okay?" Her tone was a mix of affection and gentle authority, ensuring Fluttershy remained calm and relaxed. As the serene atmosphere enveloped the room, Amelia found her curiosity piqued by the deep bond between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Despite the chaos of the day, their connection seemed unshakeable, and Amelia couldn't help but wonder about their history. She decided to ask, hoping to learn more about the friendship that clearly ran deep. "How did you two meet?" Amelia asked softly, her eyes moving from Rainbow Dash to Fluttershy. "You seem to have a really strong connection." Fluttershy opened her mouth to respond, but Rainbow Dash quickly placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, stopping her mid-sentence. Leaning in close, Rainbow whispered something in Fluttershy's ear, her voice too low for Amelia to catch the words. Fluttershy’s eyes widened momentarily before she nodded in understanding, her previous eagerness replaced with a calm acceptance. Amelia tilted her head slightly, puzzled by the exchange. "Is there something you're not telling me?" she asked, her curiosity now mixed with a hint of concern. Rainbow Dash offered a reassuring smile. "Nah, nothing like that.” she said, her tone light but sincere. "We met when we were just fillies back in Cloudsdale, at a school for pegasi. We were inseparable from day one." Rainbow Dash’s eyes lit up with nostalgia. “It was wild. Fluttershy was always the gentle one, and I was the one dragging her into all sorts of trouble. But she always had my back, even when I did the dumbest things.” She laughed softly, shaking her head at the memories. “I remember this one time, we tried to help a bunch of baby birds back to their nest, and I ended up stuck in a tree for hours. Fluttershy stayed with me the whole time, making sure I was okay.” Amelia nodded, absorbing the information. In that moment, she saw a reflection of her own life in their story. She saw herself in Fluttershy and her own older brother, Jason, in Rainbow Dash. The memories of her family surged to the forefront of her mind, making her chest tighten with longing. She wondered how Jason was doing and if he was as confused as she was about her sudden disappearance. Was he training hard, missing their sibling rivalry on the pitch? Were her parents worried sick, frantically searching for any sign of her? It had been a few weeks since she had last seen them, and the ache of their absence was a constant undercurrent to her new life. Amelia missed them deeply. As much as Fluttershy had been a guardian and friend to her, it wasn't the same as the comfort of her mother's hug, the reassuring presence of her father, or the camaraderie she shared with Jason on the football field. The realization of how much she longed to be with her family hit her hard, and her eyes grew misty with unshed tears. She drew a shaky breath, trying to steady herself. The warmth of the room, the soft murmur of the TV, and the gentle companionship of her friends provided some solace, but it didn't completely fill the void left by her family’s absence. Amelia knew that while she had found new friends here, the bonds of her old life still pulled at her heart. It hurt that she couldn't see them, and the uncertainty of when—or if—she would ever be reunited with them was a heavy weight on her soul. Rainbow Dash’s phone vibrated abruptly, slicing through the stillness of the evening with its insistent buzz. It lay on the coffee table, casting a small glow that briefly illuminated the room’s lingering disarray. Amelia watched with a mix of curiosity and concern as Rainbow Dash picked up the phone, her expression transitioning from relaxed to visibly annoyed as she swiped to answer the call. "Hello?" Rainbow Dash’s tone was tinged with irritation, clearly not expecting—or wanting—this interruption. Almost immediately, Rainbow's face contorted with frustration as she pulled the phone away from her ear, the voice on the other end loud enough for Amelia to catch every word. "Rainbow Dash! Where the hell are you? You're half an hour late for training! Get your ass over here, now!" The voice was sharp and commanding, with a thick Baltimore accent that filled the room with a sense of urgency and authority. "I had an emergency, okay?" Rainbow Dash shot back, her voice strained as she tried to convey the seriousness of her situation to her not-so-understanding captain. "You should’ve called in! You know the rules, Dash. You can’t just miss training without letting anyone know. You’re not the only one on this team!" The captain’s voice crackled through the speaker, her tone a mix of frustration and disappointment, clearly not buying Rainbow's excuse as sufficient. Before the captain could continue her lecture, Rainbow Dash, with a roll of her eyes and a deep sigh, ended the call abruptly. "Yeah, yeah.” she muttered under her breath as she hung up and placed the phone back down, shaking her head in annoyance. "Now I’m definitely getting fined.” she grumbled, more to herself than to Amelia. Amelia leaned forward, her eyes filled with sympathy and a bit of amusement at the domestic drama unfolding before her. "Who was that?" she asked, her voice low and gentle, trying not to disturb Fluttershy, who had started to drift off next to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash rubbed her temples before answering, her frustration easing into a wry smile. "That was my captain from the hoofball team. She's not too happy about my tardiness. Can’t blame her, really, but she doesn’t handle unexpected changes well. She’s got this fiery temper, especially when it comes to discipline and training." Rainbow chuckled softly, the sound tinged with both affection and resignation. "She's a great leader, don't get me wrong. Just... intense. I guess that's why she's the captain. Keeps us all in line, for better or worse." Amelia nodded, understanding more about the dynamics of Rainbow Dash's sporting life. "Sounds like a tough situation. Do you need to head out then, handle things with your team?" she asked, genuinely concerned but also aware of the commitments that came with being part of a competitive sport. Rainbow Dash shook her head, her gaze drifting back to the still-slumbering Fluttershy. "No, I’ll deal with it tomorrow. Right now, I’ve got more important things to handle here.” she said, gesturing slightly towards Fluttershy. "Besides, she’d kill me if I left her like this.” she added with a soft laugh, the warmth in her eyes reflecting her deep affection for her friend. Amelia smiled, reassured by Rainbow Dash’s decision. "Well, if you’re sure. Just don’t get in too much trouble on my account.” she joked lightly, trying to keep the mood light. Rainbow Dash’s response was a mix of gratitude and mischief. "Don’t worry about me. I've handled worse. Right now, let's just enjoy the peace while it lasts. Who knows when the next hurricane Fluttershy will hit?" They both laughed softly, the tension fully dissipated, as they settled back into the comfort of the evening, the flickering light from the TV casting a soothing glow over the scene. The night deepened around them, the room filled with the soft sounds of breathing, the occasional murmur from Fluttershy, and the low hum of the TV. Outside, the wind rustled through the trees, adding a soothing backdrop to the peaceful scene inside. Amelia, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy—each in their own way—found comfort in the quiet moments. > Chapter 15 - Damn that Pony Pecan Fiesta Taco! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Just another day in Ponyville!'—that's what Amelia thinks they should put on the welcome sign. There's never really a dull moment here; the village is always buzzing with something. Just the other day, Amelia, Vinyl, Lyra, and Bon Bon were chilling in a café, laughing and catching up—as friends do. But what caught Amelia off guard was Lyra suddenly going off about humans. You should've seen Amelia: she was super nervous, tapping her foot and playing dumb with Lyra about the difference between pony hands and human hands—hint: one's furry and the other's not. After that, Vinyl took Amelia, Lyra, and Bon Bon to her place where they met up with Octavia, who was quietly writing in her book of what looked to be musical notes, an instrumental masterpiece being what Vinyl likes to call "Her love song to yours truly." You can imagine how quickly Octavia shut down that claim. It didn't help that Amelia egged Vinyl on, asking her to play her love song, which she did. Let's just say it was like listening to "This Could Be Us" by Rae Sremmurd, but with a lot more dubstep. Shock horror, it didn’t tug at Octavia’s heartstrings. The tune wasn’t even about love; it was more about what could be, almost as if Vinyl was trying to convince rather than confess. 'A' for effort, but an 'F' for execution and another ‘F’ for making everypony’s ears bleed. After Vinyl was finished simping over Octavia, Octavia tagged along to our next location, saying she needed an excuse to get out of the house. Next, the group of ponies ended up at Sugarcube Corner, a bakery and confectionery in Ponyville operated by Mr. and Mrs. Cake. It turns out Bon Bon and Lyra work there too, part-time because they don’t make as much on the pitch. So, Bon Bon thought it was a good idea to help the Cake family out, especially with Mrs Cake's rumoured pregnancy. When they ‘tried’ to help, let’s just say it looked like they were baking on the floor rather than on the baking tables, and the walls—my god, the walls didn’t know what hit them. So yeah, ‘tried’ isn’t quite the word Amelia, Vinyl, or Lyra would use; it was more like ‘I’m gonna sabotage everypony’s work because I can’t bake to save my life.’ Saying Mrs Cake wasn’t happy was an understatement; she pulled out the fly swatter, and Amelia could swear she heard something as she ran for her life—a melody that sang in the background: She’s a runner, she’s a track star~ Next and last on the agenda to finish off the day: The Movies! Now let's circle back to the idea of 'Just another day in Ponyville'—there's never a bad day, it's never boring, and you never quite know what's about to happen. This movie theatre, on that very night, was a perfect example of what that means, and it all started with a few snacks. The cinema wasn’t as crowded as Amelia had thought, although she couldn’t be too surprised as it was Super Sunday!—Mare City were playing The Mare United at home and was winning 1-0 the last time Amelia checked, looked like a good match to watch but, they were The Toffee’s rivals so Amelia just hoped that they both lose somehow. Amelia had a big smile on her face as she stuffed her face full of popcorn, her arm entire arm almost going missing in the salty goodness, Bon Bon, Vinyl and Octavia by her side. They had their tickets, their snacks and Vinyl’s secret stash of drinks she snuck in from under their jackets, walking down the long, dim hallway of theatres. “Who’s ready to finally see Fallout Equestria 2, eh? Apparently, it's gonna be a lot more gruesome and action-packed!” Vinyl muttered while flinging popcorn in the air, catching it with her mouth. “I can’t wait to see it! The first movie was awesome but, I’ve heard that the second movie is even better.” Bon Bon squirmed in a fan-girl kinda way, wearing a black and red striped wig with a white horn protruding. Who did that wig belong to again? Poker? Go Fish? Blackjack? Blackjack! That’s the name! “Question!” Amelia suddenly sprung up, her hand raised. “Ask away!” Vinyl said, flicking the popcorn in the air once again but this time, the popcorn bounced off her forehead, landing on the carpet floor. “Do I need to see the first Fallout Equestria to understand the second one?” Amelia asked, making the group stop and stare. “Yes.” Bon Bon said, taking a swig out of her straw. “No.” Vinyl shrugged, doing some kickie ups with the popcorn she dropped. “I don’t know.” Octavia said with disinterest, more focused on her phone. Thank you, girls. That answers my question… “Wait, wait, wait… what do you mean by no? Fallout Equestria is so detailed with the plot, of course, Amelia would have to see the first movie.” Bon Bon Pressed, narrowing her eyes. “Nuh-uh!” Vinyl responded, making Bon Bon raise a brow. “What do you mean Nuh-uh? The first movie tells you how the great war started, who the ministry mares are, the history of stable tech, and the factions all around the wasteland. She’s gonna be oblivious of what's going on.” Bon Bon scrutinised, making Vinyl roll her eyes behind her shades. “Alright, alright, I’ll explain it to Amelia real quick then.” Vinyl huffed, looking down at Amelia. “So firstly, long-ass movie and confusing lore. Secondly, the protagonist has unbelievable plot armour. Thirdly, a pony’s head will get their heads blown off one way or another. Fourthly, Zombies and laser guns. Fifthly, and most importantly… sex scenes, lesbian sex scenes.” Oh, so it's basically Planet Terror but on even more steroids or Discord has had a second Great War that I’m not aware of… “No, Vinyl—*sigh* it's not that simple! It's more complex than that, the development of the characters shows the effects of the wasteland, the environment on the map is breathtakingly detailed, and even some of the antagonists are so well-written that you can’t help but like them somewhat. Fallout Equestria is so well-written that—are you two even listening?” “—and when Little Pip used all her magical power to pick up the train cart, she dropped it on the alicorn and before the alicorn knew it—SPLAT! She is crushed! It was freakin’ awesome!” Vinyl said with childlike enthusiasm, making Amelia listen in awe. Bon Bon just huffed, muttering to herself with a sulky face. “Hold on… Where is Lyra?” Octavia finally said, looking around to see her missing. Lyra was just with them a moment ago but in this empty hallway of theatres and postures, it was just the for of them. “Your guess is as good as mine, Octy. Lyra’s attention span is that of a foal, it wouldn’t surprise me if she was in the arcades for another round.” Vinyl responded with a shrug. “Meh, don’t worry, she has a knack for disappearing and showing up randomly. Come on, let's just get inside before we miss the previews, I wanna see what new movies are coming soon.” Bon Bon waved off, continuing her walk. Amelia followed, eager to enter the theatre room. Amelia and her friends walked into the cinema, greeted by the sight of a vast black screen and rows of red, plush chairs. The room was mostly empty except for a few scattered movie-goers. As usual, it wouldn’t be a cinema without a teen couple in the back, wait… is that Royal Rune? He must have given up on Scootaloo. He had his arm around a filly’s shoulder, his face close to hers with that charming expression—well, as charming as you can get with earring on one of his ears. Midway in the row of seats was undeniably a die-hard Fallout Equestria fan, decked out in a cool, handmade suit of plastic power armour, curved and fit to perfection, almost as if it was the real thing. Amelia couldn’t see who it was as the pony was wearing the helmet, popcorn on his or hers lap. Now that’s a pony Amelia would love to hand around with. And near the front was the typical chatty, chatty, chat chat chat pony, hood up, phone to the pony’s ear, oblivious to everyone around him. Hmm, a good karate chop will sort him out, Amelia thought, hardening her flap hand. “Yo! Thunderlane! What up?” Vinyl said, making the hooded pony stop talking, peak up and turn towards Vinyl. Sure enough, Thunderlane was under that hood as he pulled it down to reveal his dark fur. “HA! I’ll call you back, babe. Love you. *smooch, smooch, smooch sound*” Thunderlane said, making kissy sounds before hanging up. “Guys! Didn’t expect to see any of you here, what’s going on? Here for the movie?” Thunder asked, giving everyone a fist bump. “Hell yeah! “You know it!” “Yep!” “Sure…” Replied the group, each having a different level of enthusiasm, Amelia having the highest and Octavia the lowest. “Well, I’m not, I’m hiding away from the misses.” Thunder replied, rubbing the back of his neck. “Is she being bossy again?” Vinyl grinned, giving a knowing look. The huff said it all. “She wants foals…” The whole theatre seem to go quiet by the breaking news, all eyes on Thunderlane as he awaited a response. However, his response was an outburst from Amelia who tried and failed to hold her laugh, pointing at the misery that was Thunderlane. Octavia however was delighted by the news, showing her approval with a congratulatory hug. Bon Bon was also supportive, telling him how amazing of an opportunity it was to start a family. However, Vinyl, surprisingly enough had a neutral expression which Amelia spotted. She pulled Thunderlane to one side, a arm around his shoulder as she whispered something in his ear, but because Amelia was a pegasus, she heard what was said. 2-0 to the pegasus. “Look, Thunder. By the look on your face, you’d rather jump in a pool of sharks than knock up your marefriend.” Vinyl said in an understanding tone. “Actually, I think I’d rather—” “Nevertheless, if your not ready for such responsibility, just let her know how you feel. Worst thing you can do is keep your feelings hidden and do something you don’t wanna do. You get me?” Vinyl said, making Thunderlane nod silently. “Good, lad. Now come on, let’s have some fun for the night, eh?” Vinyl patted his back, her smile making him smile. Amelia's lips curved into a smile. Despite Vinyl's often immature antics and her laid-back demeanour, it was heartening for Amelia to witness that she also possessed a mature and nurturing side when it came to her friends. That’s probably why she has so many friends, which is why everyone naturally gravitates towards her. She's like the big sister of ponyville. The group took their seats near the middle of the rows of seats, Amelia settling down next to Bon Bon, who was indulging herself with popcorn. Vinyl however seemed to turn back to her original self as with a mischievous spark in her eyes, thumbed to the back seats behind her, attempting to coax Octavia to join her — and I quote — in the cinema and chill seats… wiggling her eyebrows playfully. However, Octavia merely huffed at her invitation and chose to sit next to Bon Bon instead, making Vinyl sulk and sit next to Thunderlane, mumbling to herself. A laugh escaped lips as she watched Vinyl try and woo Octavia, which ended with Vinyl pouting. Despite the setback, Amelia couldn’t help but admire Vinyl’s resilient spirit; she never seemed to let rejection dampen her mood for long. Just then, Lyra burst into the theatre, arms laden with two buckets of popcorn and an oversized soda, her face lit up with a broad grin. "Sorry I'm late!" she exclaimed, setting down the snacks with a flourish. Amelia raised an eyebrow in amusement. "And where were you?" she asked, curious about Lyra's delay. Lyra's smile widened. "Look who I found!" she announced, gesturing towards the entrance of the theatre. Following her gesture, Amelia was pleasantly surprised to see Apple Bloom and the dreading sight of Scootaloo making their way down the aisle. What were they doing to get here!? Apple Bloom was dressed in a blue Stable Tech jumpsuit, her face beaming with excitement at seeing Amelia. Scootaloo, on the other hand, wore her usual casual outfit and headphones, her expression indifferent to the surroundings as she looked down on her phone.. "Hey, Amelia!" Apple Bloom called out cheerfully as she approached. She seemed thrilled to join the group, her enthusiasm evident. Amelia waved back, her own smile brightening. “Hey, Apple Bloom! Come and sit next to me!” Amelia beamed, patting the seat next to her. Apple Bloom nodded vigorously, making her way over to Amelia by shuffling through, dragging Scootaloo by her arm who seemed to subconsciously follow, not looking up from her phone. Did she even know she was in the cinema? That was confirmed when Scootaloo quickly glanced up for a second before looking back down at her phone, only for her to double-take at her surroundings, her eyes locking with Amelia, the familiar tension resuming as Scootaloo. "Well, well, look what the cat dragged in.” Scootaloo declared, her voice resonant enough to ensure Amelia heard every word, prompting Amelia to raise an eyebrow in amused curiosity. "Dragged in? Bitch, I am the cat, and you're just the rat.” Amelia retorted sharply, her quick comeback causing Scootaloo to scoff dismissively at the biting remark. "Oh yeah? Sounds like you're itching for a fight, birdbrain.” Scootaloo shot back, stopping mid-sentence to clench her fists, her stance bristling with confrontation. "I hope you like hospital food.” Amelia responded darkly, slowly rising from her seat. Her fists clenched tightly, mirroring Scootaloo's aggressive posture as she took a deliberate step forward, both teenagers mentally gearing up to let their fists fly. The air thickened with tension, but the imminent brawl was abruptly halted. Just as punches were about to be thrown, Bon Bon seized Amelia's collar, her grip unyielding, while Apple Bloom firmly grasped Scootaloo, their earth pony strength unshakeable, keeping the two hotheads well out of striking distance. "Good grief, y’all. Give it a break.” Apple Bloom sighed, exuding a calm authority as she effortlessly pulled Scootaloo back, lifting and seating her with a stern glare that silently scolded her like a misbehaving child. Scootaloo blinked, momentarily stunned by being handled as effortlessly as a rag doll. In contrast, Amelia received a sharp karate chop to the back of her head from Bon Bon, which made her yelp in sudden pain. "Ooowweeee!" Amelia wailed, her hands quickly cradling the throbbing spot on her head. "Then sit down, both of you. I’m not letting you ruin the movie.” Bon Bon declared sternly, her voice firm and resolute, making it clear that further disruptions would not be tolerated. All Scootaloo and Amelia could do now was glare at each other, promising that this wasn’t over. Suddenly, the lights dimmed further, and the screen flared to life with the bright, enticing visuals of upcoming movie trailers. Each preview rolled one after the other, offering glimpses into a variety of fictional worlds that captivated the audience's attention. The first trailer was for "Galactic Guardians: Nebula's Rise." a thrilling space opera that promised intense battles and a deep dive into the origins of the fan-favourite character, Nebula Starfighter. Dramatic music and stunning visuals of space combat filled the screen, drawing excited murmurs from the audience. Following that was "Circuit Runners: Full Throttle." an action-packed cyberpunk adventure. It featured high-speed chases through a neon-lit cityscape, where hackers and corporate spies battle for control over the digital frontier. The intense electronic soundtrack and slick visual effects promised a high-octane cinematic experience. Another preview rolled, this time for "Ghostly Echoes: Haunt of the Past." a spine-chilling horror film that explored a haunted mansion with a twisted history. The trailer was filled with suspenseful pauses and sudden, eerie happenings that made even the bravest in the audience shift uncomfortably in their seats. As the screen flickered with the imminent arrival of the next trailer, Amelia reached eagerly into her popcorn bucket, her eyes fixed on the large, inviting screen above. Her anticipation was palpable, but as her fingers danced around the container in search of more kernels, they met with an unexpected emptiness. Peering into the bucket, her suspicion was confirmed—no popcorn remained. She had polished off the salty treat before the film had even begun, a frequent occurrence at the movies for Amelia. Suddenly, her stomach protested loudly against the binge, rumbling audibly in the dark, crowded theater. "Oh, bloody hell…" she muttered to herself, the discomfort from her overindulgence mounting. Wriggling past Bon Bon, Octavia, Thunderlane, and Vinyl with an embarrassed haste, she made a swift exit from the theater room, not daring a backward glance. Her stride was awkward as she approached the restroom, each step filled with regret over her popcorn gluttony. Upon pushing open the door, she was greeted by the sight of two figures at the sinks, clearly not expecting company. One was a striking white-furred pegasus, her presence bold and defiant as she had a phone to her ear, waiting for someone to pick up on the other end. Her mane boasted an eclectic mix of black, thick neon green, and thin white streaks, styled in a punk flair that screamed rebellion. Her neon green eyes pierced the mundane surroundings with an intense glare, complemented by the leather biker’s jacket she wore, which screamed edge and defiance. Beside her, a zebra mare exuded a contrasting aura of quiet dignity. Her coat, a soft tan peppered with dark blonde stripes, radiated elegance. Her mane was a free-flowing cascade of curls, and her light, wise blue eyes seemed to observe the world with a tranquil acceptance. Her attire—a pair of ripped blue jeans and a chic designer shirt—married casual with trendy, making her as captivating, though in a distinctly different manner. Amelia's entrance into the restroom coincided with the end of an intense phone call. The punk pegasus, apparently named Jet, exhaled her frustration into the echoey space. "Tsk, Rainbow isn’t picking up again. I swear, all that pegasus is good for is scoring goals.” she grumbled in a distinct Baltimore accent, her irritation palpable as she stuffed her phone back into her pocket and crossed her arms defiantly. The zebra, Zen, responded with a light, teasing tone, her slight—korean accent?… smoothing over the tension. "Hey! What have I told you, Jet? Relax and let's enjoy our date. You don’t need to be a captain off the pitch, y’know." Her words prompted an eye roll and a resigned sigh from Jet, who, after a moment's resistance, nodded in agreement and absentmindedly scratched the back of her head while looking in the mirror. "Yeah, I guess you're right as always, Zen… But Celestia damn it, she is so frustrating to deal with. As soon as she’s back in training, I’m gonna make sure she can’t feel her feet with that amount of running I’m gonna get her to do.” Jet declared, her fist clenched as she envisioned the gruelling training she planned for Rainbow Dash. Amelia's ears perked up at the mention. Was Jet actually Rainbow Dash’s captain for the Gunners Hoofball Club? Their conversation was cut short as Zen noticed Amelia, her voice warming as she greeted her. "Enough Hoofball talk and let's go before we miss—oh, hello there." "Oh, hi.” Amelia responded awkwardly, stepping aside to clear the way for them. Zen offered a sweet smile and moved towards the exit, while Amelia's gaze lingered on Jet, captivated by her fierce neon eyes. Noticing Amelia's stare, Jet looked her way, her gaze sharp but not unkind, the look of someone accustomed to leadership. "Hey, I know you.” Amelia blurted out, recognising the pegasus from somewhere. "Yeah, figures.” Jet responded with a roll of her eyes, already pulling out a pen from her jacket. "Where do you want me to sign my autograph?" Her tone was a mix of weariness and routine, the voice of someone frequently recognised but rarely known. “Oh no, nothing like that.” Amelia said quickly, shaking her head. “It’s just—I over heard your conversation with Rainbow Dash the other day about missing training is all.” Amelia mentioned, raising her brow in intrigue, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Hmmm, what’s your name kid?” Jet said with curiosity, placing her pen back in her pocket with a swirl. Amelia’s eyes went wide by the bold question. Guess she is one to get straight to the point. “A-Aurora Breeze.” Amelia said, the answer practiced. She almost given Jet her real name. Jet hummed again, now looking disinterested. “Oh, sorry, I thought you was that young, pegasus goalkeeper called Amelia. My bad…” Jet mumbled, looking away and continuing out the door. “No, no, I—” suddenly, a thunderbolt struck Amelia mid sentence, her bowel movements not agreeing with her. “Oh, sod it.” Amelia decided to not dilly dally much longer, and went to relieve herself of the growing pressure. Once she did her business, she sighed with satisfaction, her hand instinctively reaching for the roll of toilet paper on the side of the stall. However, that’s where her fortune ended. When she could feel the toilet paper anyway, her heart skipped a beat and felt a cold sweat on her brow. Oh boy… Amelia felt her neck creak towards the side where the toilet paper was meant to be, her face a look of absolute dread at the sight of no toilet paper on the holder. “Oh no… Oh no, no, no, no, no. This can’t be happening right now.” For what felt like an eternity—half an hour to be exact—Amelia sat stranded, her predicament as awkward as it was frustrating. Her legs were cramped, and her spirits dampened as she realised that no cinematic superhero was going to rescue her with a spare roll of toilet paper. The theatre, filled with the engrossed audience of the latest blockbuster, seemed to have forgotten her entirely. "How could they not notice I was missing?" she lamented silently, feeling utterly forsaken. In desperation, Amelia reached for her phone to call Vinyl, praying that at least technology wouldn't fail her. But alas, the signal bars refused to appear, leaving her stranded without an escape. She even clasped her hands together, half-jokingly summoning Discord for aid—though she half-expected he'd just revel in her misery. If so, Amelia would make sure to put him in goal where he would have to save a full powered penalty from the Brazilian Hulk, but not to score. That’ll teach him. What now? Amelia pondered her next steps. Leaving without taking care of personal hygiene was out of the question—that would be downright barbaric. But missing more of the movie, especially a film as thrilling as "Fallout.” was equally unbearable. "Awwwww, this sucks!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing slightly against the tile, her arms crossing in a pout. Just as she was about to surrender to her fate, the restroom door creaked open. Frantic footsteps hurried in, accompanied by a string of curses. "Damn it, damn it, damn it! Damn that Pony Pecan Fiesta Taco!" The newcomer’s accent was thick, her frustration palpable as she slammed into the stall next to Amelia's. Once the sounds of hurried relief subsided, Amelia seized her chance. "H-hey, do you have toilet paper over there?" she asked, her voice tinged with embarrassment. The brief silence that followed seemed to stretch into infinity, heightening the absurdity of the situation. “The God of toilet paper has abandoned this place…” God damn it… Amelia's voice quivered with disbelief, her frustration palpable in the cramped confines of the restroom stall. "You can NOT be serious right now! Why didn’t you check before you went to the toilet!?" she demanded, her hand pressed against her forehead as if to physically restrain her mounting irritation. "I was desperate, okay? There wasn't any time to check!" came the defensive retort from the stall next door, the voice tinged with a mix of regret and urgency. Amelia exhaled a weary sigh, her frustration softening into resignation. "Alright, alright, let's just calm down. We need to think together here. Do you see anything at all we could use? Anything to wipe with?" Amelia asked, her voice now laced with a thread of hope as she scanned her own stark surroundings once again. "Nothing at all, it’s bare as bones in here. Looks like it's just you and me until our hero shows up or we get a new stall buddy.” replied the mare nonchalantly from the adjacent stall, her casual tone at odds with the gravity of their predicament, prompting Amelia to bite her lip in contemplation. "I'm not staying in this stall for another minute! I want out!" Amelia declared, her voice a cocktail of anger and apprehension echoing off the tile walls. "Wait! Maybe there’s toilet paper in the stall next to you! Go and check it out!" suggested the mare, her voice cutting through Amelia's spiralling thoughts. "Don’t be ridiculous! I’m completely naked here!" Amelia shot back, incredulity colouring her tone. "How about you check the stall on your side, eh?" "I’m not joking, love. But I’m in no condition to walk out like this.” the mare replied, her voice heavy with annoyance. "Well, do you have any other bright ideas? Time's running out here!" Amelia pressed, her anxiety mounting. "Relax, our best option is to wait for someone to come in, so you might as well get comfortable.” the mare concluded, her voice resigned to their fate. “No! I refuse to wait another sec—” Amelia’s protest was cut short as the restroom door swung open, interrupting her with a clatter of footsteps. Seizing the moment, Amelia didn't wait for the newcomer to settle in; her voice was desperate, loud, and urgent. “Hey!—HEY! WAIT! WE NEED TOILET PAPER!” she bellowed, her voice echoing off the sterile tiles, her previous embarrassment now a distant concern. “OI! STOP! WE’VE GOT A SITUATION HERE!” the mare in the next stall joined in, pounding on the thin partition with a thud that resonated through the cramped space. Despite their clamour, there was no acknowledgement; the sound of a stall door clicking shut next to them signalled the newcomer’s ignorance of their plight. “I SWEAR TO GOD! IF YOU SIT DOWN WITHOUT CHECKING…” “PLEASE! I BEG! DON’T DO SOMETHING YOU’LL REGRET!” Amelia continued, her voice a mix of pleading and warning. “WHY ARE YOU IGNORING US, BITCH! THIS ISN’T GOING TO END WELL FOR THE THREE OF US IF YOU DON’T HAVE—” “Shit…” Silence fell for a moment, a pregnant pause in the drama unfolding within the confines of the restroom. Amelia, exasperated, flailed her arms in disbelief, feeling the irony of the situation deep in her bones. How could the newcomer not hear their desperate cries? Then, a timid voice cut through the tension, “Hey? Is anypony there?” Amelia rubbed her temples, frustration mounting. “YES!” “YES!” echoed the mare next to her. “Oh… Can I get some toilet paper?” “NO!” “NO!” they shouted in unison. “Oh… okay.” “What in Celestia’s name were you thinking!? We were shouting for you and everything!” The first mare’s voice rose in visible frustration, her disbelief clear. “I’m sorry! I had my earphones in! I mustn’t have heard you!” came the apologetic, muffled reply from the third stall. “WHO LISTENS TO MUSIC WHILE TAKING A DUMP!?” Amelia’s voice peaked, a mix of incredulity and irritation surging through her. “ME APPARENTLY!!!” the newcomer defended, her voice equally raised, echoing Amelia’s own exasperation. Silence enveloped the restroom once more, the awkward tension palpable as the mares contemplated their dire situation. The air was thick with the mingled scents of frustration and desperation, only broken by the second mare's attempt to shift the mood. “So… what were you listening to?” she asked, her voice casual yet oddly timed, prompting Amelia to raise an eyebrow in disbelief. *Really? Right now?* “Uh, I was listening to Coloratura’s latest song: Beyond Me. It’s a big hit.” the third mare replied, her tone light, sparking a small hum of approval from her neighbour. “Nice… a bit of Rara, ay? I prefer listening to Sweetie Belle, a brilliant vocalist she is.” the second mare responded softly, eliciting an exasperated eye roll from Amelia. “Meh, Coloratura is better than Sweetie Belle by a mile.” the third mare stated nonchalantly, her dismissive tone causing a brief, tense silence to fall over the restroom. Amelia sensed the conversation was about to take a turn. Oh, this could get good… “Okay, I tried to be nice, but it's obvious you want to start a war. Sweetie Belle is a better singer by far.” the second mare retorted, her irritation evident. “Please, everypony loves her because she’s young. If it wasn’t for her cute looks and voice cracks, she wouldn’t be half as popular as she is now.” the third mare countered dismissively. The heat between them was palpable, and Amelia found herself unexpectedly invested in the debate. Where is my popcorn for this? Despite her discomfort, Amelia was amused by the escalating argument, reminiscent of fans passionately disputing whether Taylor Swift or Katy Perry was the superior artist. Initially entertaining, the dispute soon grew tedious as it dragged on. “You're so lucky I can’t leave this stall; otherwise, I’d kick your ass!” the second mare threatened, her voice laden with aggression. “Oooo, I’m sooooo scared.” mocked the third mare, clearly unphased by the threat. “Alright, that’s enough!” Amelia interjected, cutting through the bickering. She needed to steer the conversation back to practical matters. “Hey—uh, what's your name?” she asked the third mare. “Me? I’m Mudd Bludd.” the mare replied. The name Mudd Bludd rang a bell in Amelia’s mind. “Wait a minute… you're that bat pony that plays for The Hammers, the midfielder, right?” the still unknown mare realized suddenly. *Really? Why are there so many hoofball players here today?* “Anyway, Mudd Bludd, is there anything at all in your stall we can wipe with? Anything?” Amelia inquired urgently. “Nada, nothing—unless…” “Unless what!” Amelia pressed, desperate for a solution. “Unless we use our bit bills…” Mudd suggested, causing Amelia's eyes to widen in shock. “But… but… I have no money!” Amelia lamented, frantically searching her pockets in vain. “Damn, I knew I should have pulled out some cash from the bank earlier. Could have saved me a lot of time…” the other mare muttered regretfully. “Problem though!” Mudd interjected, adding another layer to their predicament. “What now!” Amelia exclaimed, her patience wearing thin. “They are 100-bit bills.” Mudd disclosed, her tone indicating the gravity of considering such valuable currency as an emergency resource. “Meh, you’re a hoofball player, you’ll make up for it in the The relief was palpable as the tension inside the restroom eased at the prospect of an actual solution, albeit a costly one. "Meh, you're a hoofball player, you'll make up for it in the next few days.” the still unknown mare dismissed with a casual wave of her hand. "Just pass one over, please! It's getting dry." "Ew!" Amelia couldn't help but cringe at the all-too-graphic comment. "I didn’t need to know that." "Uhhh… I don’t know, I don’t want to waste 300 bits!" Mudd expressed her reluctance, her anxiety evident in the tone of her voice. "Come on! I’ll pay you back eventually, you'll be doing me a solid here." "Yeah! Me too!" Amelia chimed in, though she was unsure how exactly she would manage the repayment. *Oh well, that’s a problem for future Amelia to worry about.* "Hmmm… alright.” Mudd finally conceded with a resigned huff. Amelia and the other mare exhaled in unison, a sigh of shared relief filling the cramped space. A moment later, a light mud-brown hand slipped under the side of the stall, holding two crisp green bills. Amelia’s eyes widened as she took them, her expression morphing from distress to a sort of reverent gratitude. For a fleeting second, the thought of keeping the extra hundred crossed her mind, a mischievous glint in her eye. However, she quickly dismissed the idea, extending her hand to pass the bill under to the waiting mare. With the exchange made, the sound of rustling bills filled the air as they all began to address their immediate needs. "Ahhhhh, that might have been the most expensive wipe I’ve ever had!" The second mare couldn't help but laugh as she flushed the toilet, the sound echoing slightly in the tiled room. "Laugh it up, but you better pay what you owe.” Mudd retorted, her tone half-joking, half-serious, as she too flushed the toilet. "Thanks, Mudd Bludd! I owe you big time.” Amelia added sincerely, feeling a weight lift as she flushed her own toilet. The ordeal was over, and it was time to face what came next. That’s when Amelia got a good look at the two. The bat pony, known as Mudd Bludd, possesses a striking and somewhat intimidating appearance. Her fur is a deep, cerakote mud brown, providing a rich, earthy base that contrasts sharply with the vivid blood red of her curly bangs, which tumble forward in a playful yet wild cascade over her forehead. Her eyes, sharp and arresting, glow with an intense orange gold hue, piercing through any dimness with their bat-like luminescence. Mudd Bludd’s attire adds to her enigmatic presence. She wears a sleek, grey trench coat that falls gracefully to her knees, the fabric catching light with every movement, hinting at a life of stealth and agility. Underneath, she sports black pants that complement her slim, athletic build, tailored to allow freedom for her powerful leg muscles and hooves. On her feet are high heels, black and polished, which click authoritatively against the floor, announcing her presence before she even speaks. Her wings, an impressive span of webbed skin stretched between long, slender finger bones, are partially visible, protruding from slits in her coat. The wings carry the same deep mud brown as her fur, with veins subtly darker, almost shadow-like. Her fangs, small but sharply pointed, peek out just over her lower lip, adding a hint of danger to her otherwise composed and mysterious demeanour. As Amelia turned, she immediately locked eyes with the figure in front of her. The earth pony had a commanding presence, cloaked in a maroon-red fur that varied in shades and tones, giving her an almost luminous quality under the restroom's fluorescent lights. Her mane, a mix of deep reds with bold white stripes, was styled into a long, flowing ponytail that moved with a life of its own. Her eyes, darker maroon than her fur, held an intensity that was both striking and unsettling. There was something eerily familiar about her that made Amelia pause. If it weren't for Amelia’s vibrant blue fur, her pegasus heritage, and smaller stature, this mare could have passed as an older version of herself. She was dressed in an expensive black tracksuit and trackie pants, branded with Spike, Equestria's equivalent of Nike. The outfit was rounded out with black Spike AirForces trainers, adding a sleek, athletic touch to her look. Amelia's heart raced as she absorbed the details, realisation slowly dawning on her. This wasn't just any mare; she was clad in the garb of an athlete, her demeanour one of quiet confidence that spoke of a seasoned competitor. The mare was a known figure in the hoofball world, a prodigious talent whose right foot was feared by goalkeepers across the leagues. She had recently made the jump from academy play to starring in the first team, where she was quickly making a name for herself. The Red’s number 67, an up-and-coming shooter whose prowess on the field was as remarkable as her sudden appearance here. The mare was none other than Redsica Mile. A player that Amelia watched helplessly as she scored against the Toffees that very night. “Redsica!?” “Amelia!?