• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2023
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Fledgling My Little Pony Fan

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  • 30 weeks
    I’m not dead!

    Sorry y’all, it’s been a while. I don’t know why exactly I stopped writing (probably burnout from focusing on real life activities). However, I do have some good news! I’ll be returning to writing next week! Just after some post-operation surgery, nothing too major, just had to get a bone graph, and then I’ll be back in business!

    I’ll see y’all when I can, otherwise. Apologies for being gone.

    1 comments · 145 views
  • 47 weeks
    Idea for Fanfic.

    I’ve had this idea bubbling around in my head for a little bit.

    It goes as follows:

    A traditional DnD Party (Paladin, Cleric, Wizard, Bard, Thief) end up in Equestria due to mysterious means. However, they are separated and each section goes through each individual character’s journey through Equestria.

    However, they are way in out of their depths with their skill set.

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    1 comments · 104 views
  • 69 weeks
    Editing time!

    I’ve noticed plenty of mistakes in my story. gonna do that.

    So, for the next couple of days. I will be doing editing only, don’t expect a chapter soon. I’m still giant brainstorm on that.

    0 comments · 126 views
  • 72 weeks
    I’ve peaked.

    21 Dislikes! Let’s go! Yeah let’s go!

    21! Woooo!

    2 comments · 132 views

I’m not dead! · 9:49pm Jul 14th, 2024

Sorry y’all, it’s been a while. I don’t know why exactly I stopped writing (probably burnout from focusing on real life activities). However, I do have some good news! I’ll be returning to writing next week! Just after some post-operation surgery, nothing too major, just had to get a bone graph, and then I’ll be back in business!

I’ll see y’all when I can, otherwise. Apologies for being gone.

Report Hidden_Night · 145 views · Story: Reborn, Death, Again ·
Comments ( 10 )
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Magic can be whatever you want it to be because thats what magic is at its core, and a small detail like ‘unicorn magic is cast with thinking incantations really fast’ can be entirely ignored for a story because it doesn’t need to be important or mentioned. It’s not even mentioned in g4 at all other than that one episode when twilight finishes star swirl’s spell.

Celestia and Luna also allegedly arrived when discord arrived (they were sent there to deal with discord not found equestria)

My spouse just explained to me that in g5 its revealed that magic looks to be more about memorizing a chant and thinking it to cast it (though you can still say it aloud to cast it)

Take this idea and apply it to rarity
Rarity is also not a good example for a unicorn

This means the reason sweetie belle is bad at magic is because she’s bad at memorizing the chants

This also means making new spells or adjusting spells is about thinking up new chants


Pony show has some really neat lore if you look into it

And theres also details people kinda miss or misunderstand or wasn’t explored until g5, like how discord showed up after the ponies settled into Equestria, and how Celestia and Luna were from outside Equestria and came in and decided to help the ponies, becoming princesses most likely because the unicorns gave them the title.

Horses in Saddle Arabia would also mean calling a pony a Horse would be like calling them a zebra- it should be met with more confusion then anything else

Twilight and the other unicorns we focus on are also usually uniquely powerful, and shouldn’t be held as the standard of unicorn- that’s like holding Rainbow Dash as the standard for how fast Pegasi are.

But, like, you could ignore all that in favor for cool original lore

One of us one of us one of us

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