It all started with a truck, then a magic blast, then a futuristic space gun, then I’m half sure I was disintegrated in a volcano at some point, and so many swords through my chest.
Point is, I’ve just kept coming back into different worlds. All violent, all with magic power systems that are similar, and with people I’ve met, lost, and abandoned.
Yet, this could be the first time I can die happy. As a unicorn oddly enough.
A more humorous take of Anon in Equestria, and other self insert Isekai Stories.
Featured: 9/10/2023 THANK YOU!
9/15/2023 agian, wow. Thanks!
Note: While I am happy with the attention, I am finding myself unsatisfied with the result of my work. I am still going to write for this story and character. Only this time, a bit better. I want to make a story I can feel proud of making.
A rebirth if you will. Live, Die, Repeat will return as a remake. Just not for a little bit. Thank you for reading! I’ll be back with something I can be proud of!
Interesting new take on arriving in equestria.
Could be interesting keep it up.
Look forward to more!
Interesting so far.
I hate to say it, but so much about this chapter made no sense. First Example; you have sweetie hugging her sister, who is Rarity… but then Rarity is also behind Anon watching it happen in another outfit?
Oh didn't noticed all the updates, it's interesting so far, not quite sure what to say more. It seems that this Annon had a regular modern human life before he got dragged into other magical worlds, and got lucky enough to have magic powers at the time, I wonder if there is more to this about him.
Eat trash i guess
Or become a hobo I guess
Bro became steve
Kinda cringe
I'm really liking this guy.
Yeah, this chapter needs an editor.
I am very stupid. Should probably stop writing at 12 am when I get inspiration.
No, you're not. How about this: Instead of making it sound the way it does, how about having him look at the reunion through a mirror?
this is looking interesting!
there is actualy an isakai with the exact premis of a guy geting summoned over and over
'oversummoned, overpowered, and just plane over it' i think was the name or something very similar to that, just a manga for the moment no anime to it
This is one of the best things I've read on this site.
Gotta read that tbh. Could give me ideas.
¡Increíble! En espera de más.
May I see it?
Ops, wrong thingy
He hasnt found out just how OP dragons are in Equestria yet, and then theres Harmony magic hatched Spike.
As for where stuff somes from? Pinkies comedy hammerspace? She hands them the stuff out of sight.
Spike though ends up with an even better option. In the episode Spike at Your Service, he dragonfires a business card into his claw. Given I highly suspect that wasnt sent at that prcese monet by Celestia, it looks more like he had a target location he could select from, or even dragonfiree access to hammerspace?
Hes Big Mac.
Big, BIG Mac.
Just dont ask about the time he Moved House.
Hmm, no.
He choose the Hobo life pretty fast lmao.
Maybe he lived in the Minecraft dimension for a bit?
Lmao. That's one way to "make your mark".
I would like to see him try to do it, if only to see how far he gets.
Right... yes right
Poor prince
Heh, but srsly, fun story. There are a few typos and grammatical errors, but nothing egregious.
Closes the door on Sweetie Belle
Thanks man, after I’m done with the first 10 chapters I’m planning on going back and editing my stupid stuff. Gotta keep content fresh.
That's not bad. It's nice that Anon is not a weakling for a change, but some kind of magician adventurer. I hope that there will be some adventures after all. There's a lot of potential for adventure. Thanks for the chapters.
I've had something similar in mind for a while now, but unfortunately I'm not a writer. Maybe I'll write it eventually, but who knows if that's ever gonna happen.
Looks like this is a Woona fic. Nice ;3
Relatable. I have so many fiction ideas, but I just can't write well enough and not enough time to improuve.
I can’t hide my biases. I love Luna.
Honestly really like this, I just hope you don't burn yourself out.
I can’t stop. I will keep going until I run out of things to write! Then when I’m burnt out, I’ll just do editing.
I'm kind of surprised he hasn't brought up his chronic isekaitis when people keep asking why he has so many life skills while still being homeless
The talent for it* avoid repeating words
Imagine if Canterlot Castle was on its own isolated Cantileaf, and the origional main entrance was right at the bottom front of that leaf with ALL the drop, and when you actually got there, you had to wait for the drawbridge elevator to move you between the end of the floating roadway and the actual entrance, which then had craploads of ramp and stairs up between oil vents, watre flow, murder holes etc?
Thats a long journey. It mustve taken the scenic route round the other side, stopping at Every station, halt, and tree that just appeared to be flafgging the train down?
That was fast
I don't see how it would take 6 hours lol. Ponyville is the closest city to Canterlot and there is no way the Pegasi pulling the royal chariot Celestia uses could fly all of those 6 hours.
The meeting is close.