• Member Since 25th Feb, 2023
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


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  • 6 weeks

    Hey all my readers, hope you’re doing well.

    Sorry for the impromptu hiatus. Work has picked up so it has cut into my writing time and I don’t want to let the quality drop by forcing it.

    4 comments · 103 views
  • 32 weeks

    Just a heads up I may not post much during the holiday season but I’ll still try to put out a chapter for one of my stories.

    2 comments · 113 views
  • 34 weeks
    Dawn’s new day world building-ponies


    Ponies are the most dominant race on Equis thanks mostly to their alicorn princess Celestia who controls the sun and moon. There are rumors she once had a sister who ruled the moon however that information has not to be confirmed.

    Recently a new Alicorn princess of love, Mia Amore Cadenza, was revealed to the world.

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    16 comments · 393 views
  • 34 weeks
    Dawn’s new day world building- changelings


    Changelings are insect pony hybrids that consume love for energy and to keep themselves healthy.

    An adult changeling does not require love to survive as they can sustain themselves on an omnivorous diet alone however without love they will be weak and unable to preform magic or conceive offspring.

    Before maturity, larva changelings will die without enough love.

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    14 comments · 284 views
  • 34 weeks
    Dawn's new day information sheet. Warning may contain spoilers.

    Here is My current Character information for this story outside of the existing ones.

    Dawn as a Pony.

    Dawn’s Coloration; Sky blue with a Teal mane and green eyes, cutiemark is a Ying yang of the day and night but with a Starburst and Gear for the Dots.

    Starting age; 8 during the rainboom.

    Magic color; light blue.


    · Dam: Morning Dew (unicorn, Dark blue coat, Light purple mane and tail, Cutie mark is a Sunrise in the rain)

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    10 comments · 780 views

Delays · 9:27pm June 11th

Hey all my readers, hope you’re doing well.

Sorry for the impromptu hiatus. Work has picked up so it has cut into my writing time and I don’t want to let the quality drop by forcing it.

Report Aiwhisper · 103 views ·
Comments ( 37 )
  • Viewing 33 - 37 of 37

Thank you for following my newest story, I've been greatly enjoying Dawn's new day so I'm happy someone I've been enjoying, enjoys my work in kind.

Dawn’s New Day is one of my favoritests! :pinkiehappy: I’d never give that up. :rainbowdetermined2:

Of course, and hope you keep reading mine.

It’s an honour you’re enjoying my silly story, Aiwhispers! Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding Unchanging Truths to your favorites. I hope you'l enjoy it as it develops.

  • Viewing 33 - 37 of 37
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