• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2023
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Escape from the sinking - Do you see what I mean?

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  • 50 weeks
    Art Adventures and Update

    Drawing Lodestar

    Instead of being a good employee and working today, I decided to draw Lodie. FiMfiction isn’t the best for uploading pictures/gifs (especially on mobile) so I made it a hyperlink.:applejackconfused:

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    5 comments · 317 views
  • 63 weeks
    Story Blog #2

    This will be a quick update for the story. The next chapter will be slightly delayed this week. When I was going back to edit things I decided I needed to take a large part of what was written and move it to a later chapter. So at the moment I’m working on filling that gap. Writing can be messy more times than not so thanks for those of you who stick with me!:twilightblush:

    7 comments · 270 views
  • 65 weeks
    Story Blog #1

    Hello, everyone!:twilightsmile:

    Firstly, let me just say thank you to all of you who’ve taken the time to read the first couple of chapters of “My Next Life as a Pony.”
    I really appreciate all of the favorites and follows, and I love reading through all your comments, reactions and predictions of the story.

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    7 comments · 171 views
  • 70 weeks

    Hello everypony,

    So it has been quite some time since I last wrote any stories for this site, or in general for that matter. I can remember creating an account here way back in 2013 (a whole decade ago!! :twilightoops:) and writing a few trashy stories that never amounted to much.

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    1 comments · 132 views

Art Adventures and Update · 6:44pm Aug 11th, 2023

Drawing Lodestar

Instead of being a good employee and working today, I decided to draw Lodie. FiMfiction isn’t the best for uploading pictures/gifs (especially on mobile) so I made it a hyperlink.:applejackconfused:

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Report Love_Bite · 317 views · Story: My Next Life as a Pony ·
Comments ( 3 )
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Anytime, awesome possum!

Always here if you need a friend. 😇

Thank you for being my first comment! :pinkiehappy:

Here to make your day 'cuz why not :twilightsmile:

Welcome to FiMFiction, friend! 😇

To reply to someone, tap that ">>" icon on the right side of someone's comment before typing. Otherwise, I won't see the reply. 🤓
[Side note: I'm not a bot, just a nerd, lol]
You could look over the FAQ or Writing Guide if you have any questions about the site or writing, as well as the Rules, but all you gotta really do is be a cool bean :3

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