• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 31st, 2023


Hey there!

Name's PegaSista101. I'm artistic, I love MLP, Applecord is my OTP (please check the box titled 'Why I Support AppleCord And How I View The Ship' for my reasons), my favorite pony is Rarity, fave non-pony character is Spike...hmmm what else what else...oh! Here are my social accounts:

DeviantArt: BejeweledApples

FanFiction: MarcelineFan

(Base for profile pic: Mlp Unicorn Base by expiicit (DeviantArt)


2020 Update · 12:49am Mar 3rd, 2020

Wow. It's 2020. I'm in my second semester of college. And FiM officially ended in 2019. (Of course, I need to catch up because I got a little behind haha. Currently on Season 6!) This is truly bittersweet.

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Why I Support AppleCord And How I View The Ship

At first I was too lazy to explain, but now I'm not! For those who care, here are two simple reasons why I ship AppleCord:

1. I don't want to ship Discord with Fluttershy because I like them better as friends (the same goes for him and Pinkie). I don't want to ship Discord with Rainbow Dash, Twilight, or Rarity because I just don't see it happening with any of them. So I ship him with Applejack because of their dynamic - not only are they opposites, but I think the interaction between them would be interesting.

2. I think they're super cute together.

I usually view AppleCord as one-sided, usually on Discord's side because that would kinda make sense, though I feel like it would be more believable if it was one-sided on Applejack's side.

Comments ( 80 )
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My goodness, I appear to have netted a follower!

Thank you for adding The Joy of Garbage to your favorites! Feedback is always appreciated!

:pinkiehappy:Thx for the fave!

Wowza you guys are really appreciative!

Thanks for adding one of the most deranged things I've ever written to your favorites! :rainbowlaugh:


Just wanted to drop by and thank you for thank you for favoriting Rainbow Trout. Have a nice day!

Thanks for the fave! ^^

Thank you for faving, tea discord and a few drops of alcohol!!

Hiyas! Thanks for reading my story. For some reason out of all my stories That one just doesn't get that much attention. I'm glad to see you liked it

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