• Member Since 14th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


I like long walks on the beach, leaving intentional errors in my writing, and dropping moons on things. What else do you want to know?

Authors I have helped

If you want to ask others about how well I proofread, feel free to ask these fellows about my habits, quirks, or other questions you may have. Please don't spam them, and while you're on their profiles, check out some of their works.


Fire Gazer the Alchemist



7th Outpost

The Psychopath




My image is broken but I still work

Things I've proofed

Because reasons


On things relating to The Proofreader Group (TPG)

If you are submitting a review on a Proofreader, please make sure to include their name with a link to their Fimfiction profile, the story they assisted with, as well as an overall summary of your experience. Said summary should include how they acted, speed of service, as well as the quality of the provided feedback.

If you are submitting input on the external site or anything else, please consider PMing my fellow admin, Kody Wiremane.

I do not accept proofreading requests anymore

Current world events have shattered my schedule in exceptionally unhelpful ways and I simply do not have any personal time available to myself. I will continue proofreading and editing for any who are already in my care.

-Sanity is overrated

That really short Introduction

Lets see, what can I type here? Ohh I know, A list of random facts about myself!

1: Fan of Ponies (duh)
2: Despise trolls (from Skyrim)
3: Twilight Is best pony
4: I have a veritable fleet of ships
5: Luna is best Princess
6: Sad baby seal is sad since it can't go clubbing
7: I will read anything

I do not fear death, I fear being reincarnated. If I came back as a chicken, I don't know what I'd do. -Inigo the Brave

Comments ( 99 )
  • Viewing 95 - 99 of 99

Not sure if you're the same Majora I'm friends with on Discord!

Either way, hello!

Majora, come back!.. >o<

and dropping moons on things.

C'mon, dude! Link's been through enough. Why don't you go terrorize some other timeline? :rainbowwild:

Thank you for faving Of Heaven and Earth.:twilightsmile:

Oh. Sorry to hear that.

  • Viewing 95 - 99 of 99
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