• Member Since 13th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 13th, 2018

Imma nom your face

I am a bit....well...kinda like a closet brony but really...its more like I dont like the pony crap but I love depth of character and...well discord. That and this show reminds me of touhou


To all you who thought I was dead · 1:26am May 9th, 2016

.... Im not

Report Imma nom your face · 266 views ·
Comments ( 53 )
  • Viewing 49 - 53 of 53

lol as usual thank you for the favorites

2131742 We shall see about that:derpytongue2:

2131257 lol well Im sure you two will be fast friends ^_^

2131223 I am not that picky! But you can barely get me away from by books too:twilightsheepish:

2130972 he is super picky with his books but he loves to read, when he finds a book you cant pry him away from it.

  • Viewing 49 - 53 of 53
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