• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Little Tigress

Pony in new tiger hoodie with little to no idea of what she's doing


Why is art so precious? Because is beautiful, silly!

It makes you want to stare at it whenever you can. It can make you find feelings you didn’t know you could feel. Even if you can’t understand it, it’s comforting to have it close. Maybe that was the reason why Pinkie couldn’t stop painting that same face over and over again, it was the very definition of art!

A spiritual successor to: You Know You Want to
[Based on the Art of Friendship short]

Special thanks to:

Chapters (1)

Politics are awful, especially when you are the newest princess of Equestria.

But you know what? I don't care. Sadly for me, Celestia does care and she will do everything in her power to teach me a lesson. Sadly for her, I tend to ignore boring things, like, a lot.

So what do I do? Escape to Las Pegasus and start gambling of course!

Chapters (1)

[Based on the bloopers of Legend of the Everfree ]

It all started with a touch...

Weeks ago Sunset touched Pinkie's forehead and entered on Pinkie's mind. Now they are in a relationship that Sunset doesn't know how to end.

Despite the suggestive title, is totally safe I assure you :scootangel:

Edited by: NotSoWickedWitch

Spanish translation here

Special thanks to:

Prism Phoenix

Chapters (1)